Congratulations on your $25 USD win!

2000-10-27 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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Good luck!



Congratulations , on your $25.00 USD win!

2000-09-13 Thread owner-cypherpunks

 you are a winner !!!

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Good luck!



Congratulations, on your $25.00 USD win!

2000-09-09 Thread owner-cypherpunks

You are a winner !!!

Your email was randomly selected from our opt-in lists and you won $25.00 USD
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Delivered by Segasolution to referrals and opt-ins only. All remove requests
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available to credit card depositors. Click100 Casino guarantees minimum wins. 
Good luck!



Re: FBI gets new hacking tools - any ideas?

2000-08-12 Thread cypherpunks

I can see it now.
Everyone hears a cartoon-ish "ZZzzzooo" sound as child pornographers
the world over to go modify each and every image in their collection.

On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Thorsten Fenk wrote:

 In ripley.lists.cypherpunk, you wrote:
 Any of these could raise some obvious concerns.  I'm curious if anyone
 might have a clear idea what "image matching software" is, and
 There is a program called "PERKEO" in use by the german police. It was
 designed to find kid porn on computers.
 As most of these images are several years old and already known by the
 police, it is possible to take a hash (e.g. MD5) of a known image and
 compare it to an image found on a website/seized computer/etc.
 The program fails if the image was altered.

ZDNet UK News: Echelon: Surveillance techniques

2000-07-16 Thread cypherpunks

This ZDNET UK News story has been forwarded to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
who has added these comments:

Echelon: Surveillance techniques

Fri, 30 Jun 2000 10:30:00 GMT  Susanne Rieger, ZDNet Germany

Telecommunications security expert in Germany, Manfred Fink, tells
ZDNet exactly what individuals and companies have to fear from covert

ZDNet:How long have you known about Echelon?

Fink: Experts have known for years that we are systematically being
monitored. It's the first time, however, that the problem is being
perceived as a reality, now that the European Parliament and Deutscher
Bundestag -- German Parliament -- are getting involved.

What reasons lie behind the secrecy surrounding Echelon?

Fink: There are two reasons: on the one side, prosecutors have no
interest in having their entire operation laid out in the open. There
is no disclaimer. One simply doesn't say anything.

On the other side, any... German officials with the power to say
something has until now remained quiet in order to prevent putting any
inter-governmental projects at risk. The government didn't want to
jeopardise the NATO alliance. But both France and England have their
own spy satellites, as does China. This... weighs greatly upon EU

What kind of costs are associated with Echelon's activities?

Fink: The budget granted for these kinds of operations amount to
billions of dollars a year. Estimates as to how many people work for
the National Security Agency (NSA) vary between 140,000 and 170,000.
They of course employ only top people, the best mathematicians, used in
unimaginable hacking/calculus centres.

Hardware isn't an issue there either. Though secret services of this
sort have their own chip factories, it is only with "normal hardware"
and parallel switching from one to another that they obtain their
efficiency.  The real problem lies in the software. The text
recognition programmes used on office computers are simple waste
products of military programming. Imagine your phone socket has been
tapped with a control device. This means that each time you use that
line your call is monitored. But the real spying only comes into play
once a particular "hit-word" has been pronounced. The quantity of data
would simply be too large to cope with otherwise. As long as the system
is used in the fight against terrorism and frail regimes no one has a
problem with it. It is only criticised when it is used for industrial

What makes a person a target? Who is likely to be spied on?

Fink: There is a lot of abuse in the relationships between European
allies. Ordinary individuals are unlikely to be a target, but companies
will be. The size of the firm being targeted is relatively unimportant,
but international companies will be monitored no matter what.

Whether you own a small company of just 20 employees, have a specific
product that only you offer worldwide or have only one competitor who
sits in the US, you are bound to be of interest.

Is there anyway of knowing you are being monitored?

Fink: No.

To whom do you recommend the installation of high-tech security?

I recommend that all companies set up solid security. One must ask the
question: "Would it be serious if they got hold of a third of the
information in this communication?" Whoever replies "Yes" should make a
security decision.

If the secret services have such efficient hacking machines, does it
make any sense at all to use cryptography?

Fink: Information is perishable. If it takes months or years to obtain
it, it often loses its value. This is the absolute starting point for
defence: setting the threshold so high that the circumstances no longer
require the information to be obtained.

Is it true that the radiation generated by monitors can be picked up
and reproduced from as far as a hundred metres away?

Fink: Yes, whether it is a Word document with twelve point text font,
an Excel spreadsheet or a CAD-image, you can pick it up via the
monitor's radiation. Equipment to do this is available for DM250,000

To prevent this you can either shield your monitor and hard drive or
isolate entire rooms. This is how it is done in large calculus
centres.  Another method is to overwrite the emissions with a jamming
signal so that the receiver will see nothing but a snow flurry on the

Mobile phones must be easy to monitor. Is this true?

Fink: Mobile phones are actually better than we think. The air
interface to base station is quite safe unless you happen to be
standing opposite a news station. The rest runs on directional radio
and public networks.  These are indeed relatively easy to pick up.

Rumours from the US secret services claim there is a transantlantic
fibreglass cable that picks up and retrieves data. Is this a modern
fairy-tale or is it true?

Fink: No. In fact it's an entire underwater station held by cables made
of copper. Other than that, it's correct. I have seen photos of it and
these were no fakes.

When am I 

Re: jolly roger

2000-07-01 Thread cypherpunks

Cypherpunks is already aiding the stupid.. I mean look at the amount of
spam that comes into this list.  It's mind boggling!!  I've actually
downloaded and installed Outlook Express for the sole purpose of using a
filtering agent that interfaces with it.


 I wonder how they are getting pointers to the list.  In my more paranoid
 moments I imagine certain Agents of the TLA (Hi Jeff!) pointing them here
 hoping to get Cypherpunks shut down due to an "Aiding the Stupid" charge
 or drive out the regulars due to all the clueless twits showing up. Either
 way it seems more and more like a form of denial of service attack.

Bravo on your $325 US win!

2000-06-20 Thread Cypherpunks Maintenance Account
Title: $$$

Segasolutions and are the proud sponsors of the first ever "Web Casino Giveaway"
Congratulations, your latest visit to one of our sites entered your chance to win.and you have won !

Web Casino Giveaway
--the ultimate collection of interactive casino games on CD ($99.00) 
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Your complete Web Casino Package is absolutely free and yours to keep and will be delivered express mail along with your chance to win millions of additional Bonus Dollars and Instant prizes. 
To claim your prize please fax this sheet with your mailing address and email within the next 7 days to 1-514-285-9288 
Please complete with block letters.



Delivered by Segasolutions to opt-ins and referrals only. All winners must be 21 years old and over and a credit card holder and depositor. This message is in full compliance with Federal requirements for commercial email and cannot be considered SPAM since it includes a remove mechanism.  remove
If the remove link is not active please contact your ISP webmaster, network administrator and their backbone provider to demand why they disrupted the remove link and made it impossible for you to have your email removed from our lists. Please understand that there is a conspiracy strictly economically driven that would like to charge marketing companies like ours for delivering messages. All companies must be given a fair opportunity to market on the internet regardless of their size contrary to the vision held by a few control-seeking major providers. These companies are presently funding anti-spam groups and refuse to recognize the difference between legitimate bulk email marketers and spammers. If permitted their action will be the beginning of restricting and controlling access to the internet.

spam?! Whats with it

2000-05-28 Thread cypherpunks

Whats with all the spam on the list? I must have deleted God knows how

Oh, I suppose I should mention that I'm new to the list.. and the reaosn
my email is stated as [EMAIL PROTECTED] I create a username for each
mailing list I'm on.. makes it easier to manage for me.



2000-05-28 Thread cypherpunks


On Sat, 27 May 2000, dennis habious wrote:

 Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

Employee Jim Choate

2000-05-08 Thread cypherpunks


Dear Tivoli,

One of your employees, Jim Choate, has been posting like a nutjob
to an email list called 'cypherpunks'.

By nutjob, I mean posting HTML to this non-html list, and posting
emails hundreds of lines long containing only a sentence of his
own, followed by complete reprints of previous emails to the list.

The list has a no-censorship policy, but his ongoing violations
of the list standards is destructive to the ability to discuss
matters relevant to the list.

As it turns out, Choate reads and posts to the high-volume list
at any and all hours during the work day.

On that basis, could you notify his manager?

Mr. Choate is definitely not "being all he could be" at Tivoli.

Enclosed is the latest example. For a full range of examples,
contact me, and I will extract his messages for the last month
from my mailbox.

This example of crap from Choate to our email list concludes this email:

# Received: from ( [])
#   by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id NAA06862
#   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 8 May 2000 13:29:37 -0500
# Received: from ( [])
#   by (8.9.1/8.8.8) with ESMTP id MAA11658
#   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 8 May 2000 12:51:31 -0500 (CDT)
# Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 12:53:47 -0500
# From: Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Organization: Tivoli - PVG
# X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (WinNT; U)
# X-Accept-Language: en
# MIME-Version: 1.0
# Old-Subject: CDR: The University of Saarland, Germany
# Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
#  boundary="EC6D22BE717A6867D21728FF"
# X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# X-Loop:
# X-Language: English, Russian, German
# Subject: The University of Saarland, Germany
# Precedence: first-class
# Reply-To: Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Status: RO
# This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
# --EC6D22BE717A6867D21728FF
# Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
# Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
# -- 
#For a successful technology, reality must take precedence
#over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.
#  Richard P. Feynman
#Tivoli Certification Group, OSCT
#James Choate   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#Senior Engineer  512-436-1062
# --EC6D22BE717A6867D21728FF
# Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;
#  name="glsindex.html"
# Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
# Content-Disposition: inline;
#  filename="glsindex.html"
[snip of HUNDREDS of lines]

No Subject

2000-05-03 Thread owner-cypherpunks
Title: $$$

Segasolutions and are the proud sponsors of the first ever
"Web Casino Giveaway"
Congratulations, your latest visit to one of our sites entered your chance to win.and you have won !

Web Casino Giveaway
--the ultimate collection of interactive casino games on CD ($99.00) 
(3D imaging and 3D sound with unlimited free updates)
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(2 year unlimited no-fee transactions services)
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(instructions to gamble to win and 30 day free membership)
--lucky start $25.00 bonus dollars of casino chips   ($25.00)
(comps for you to play and win on us)
--instant cash bonus on your 1st casino chips purchase(up to $125.00)

Your complete Web Casino Package is absolutely free and yours to keep and will be delivered express mail along with your chance to win millions of additional Bonus Dollars and Instant prizes. 
To claim your prize please fax your mailing address and email within the next 7 days to 1-514-285-9288 

Delivered by Segasolutions to opt-ins and referrals only. All winners must be 21 years old and over and a credit card holder and depositor. This message is in full compliance with Federal requirements for commercial email and cannot be considered SPAM since it includes a remove mechanism.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If the remove link is not active please contact your ISP webmaster, network administrator and their backbone provider to demand why they disrupted the remove link and made it impossible for you to have your email removed from our lists. Please understand that there is a conspiracy strictly economically driven that would like to charge marketing companies like ours for delivering messages. All companies must be given a fair opportunity to market on the internet regardless of their size contrary to the vision held by a few control-seeking major providers. These companies are presently funding anti-spam groups and refuse to recognize the difference between legitimate bulk email marketers and spammers. If permitted their action will be the beginning of restricting and controlling access to the internet.

Re: Agent Delusional Paranoid

2000-05-02 Thread cypherpunks

Tim May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
#People like you are killing the mailing list as a means of communicating.


Retire from the list for a year, Tim.

You no longer have anything to contribute.

Moo, Tim, moo

2000-05-02 Thread cypherpunks

It's now obvious that Tim May is suffering from Mad Cow disease,
or some other degenerative brain disorder.

First, there was his paranoid delusional take on Y2K.

Then, needless racist talk.

Now, his inability to filter his own email:

"Fuck them all. Then burn the corpses."

Here is Tim's state-of-the-art software solution:

"Enough. If they persist, Technical Means should be used to shut their
e-mail addresses down. A gigabyte a day might do it. If not, up it."

If only Tim would retire from the list instead of repeatedly
threatening to do so. The rich weirdo should try working for
a living to keep grounded. Go do some volunteer work for Gilmore.

Or at least put your money where your mouth is,
and post only crypto-relevant comments. All your
fucking posts about how you fucking don't like
other people's posts, or how you fucking hate
"niggers", or how you'll have to decide quickly
whether or not to use your gun or surrender if
they come a knocking...who fucking cares about you?

You're not crypto-relevant anymore.

WSJ: Backdoor in MS WWW software

2000-04-14 Thread cypherpunks

(Subscription required)

April 14, 2000

Microsoft Acknowledges Its Engineers
Placed Security Flaw in Some Software


Microsoft Corp. acknowledged Thursday that its engineers
included in some of its Internet software a secret
password -- a phrase deriding their rivals at Netscape
as "weenies" -- that could be used to gain illicit
access to hundreds of thousands of Internet sites

The manager of Microsoft's security-response center,
Steve Lipner, acknowledged the online-security risk in
an interview Thursday and described such a backdoor
password as "absolutely against our policy" and a firing
offense for the as yet unidentified employees.
The company planned to warn customers as soon as
possible with an e-mail bulletin and an advisory
published on its corporate Web site. Microsoft urged
customers to delete the computer file-called
"dvwssr.dll"-containing the offending code. The file is
installed on the company's Internet-server software with
Frontpage 98 extensions.

While there are no reports that the alleged security
flaw has been exploited, the affected software is
believed to be used by many Web sites. By using the
so-called back door, a hacker may be able to gain access
to key Web-site management files, which could in turn
provide a road map to such things as customer
credit-card numbers, said security experts who
discovered the password.

Two security experts discovered the rogue computer code
-- part of which was the denigrating comment "Netscape
engineers are weenies!" -- buried within the
three-year-old piece of software. It was apparently
written by a Microsoft employee near the peak of the
hard-fought wars between Netscape Communications Corp.
and Microsoft over their versions of Internet-browser
software. Netscape later was acquired by America Online

One of the experts who helped identify the file is a
professional security consultant known widely among the
Internet underground as "Rain Forest Puppy." Despite his
unusual moniker, he is highly regarded by experts and
helped publicize a serious flaw in Microsoft's
Internet-server software last summer that put hundreds
of high-profile Web sites at risk of intrusion.

Russ Cooper, who runs the popular NT Bugtraq discussion
forum on the Internet, estimated that the problem
threatened "almost every Web-hosting provider."
Starting a Business

"It's a serious flaw," Mr. Cooper said. "Chances are,
you're going to find some major sites that still have it
enabled." Mr. Lipner of Microsoft said the company will
warn the nation's largest Web-site providers directly.
In an e-mail to Microsoft earlier Thursday, Rain Forest
Puppy complained that the affected code threatened to
"improve a hacker's experience." Experts said the risk
was greatest at commercial Internet-hosting providers,
which maintain hundreds or thousands of separate Web
sites for different organizations.

Mr. Lipner said the problem doesn't affect Internet
servers running Windows 2000, or the latest version of
its server extensions included in Frontpage 2000.
The digital gaffe initially was discovered by a
Europe-based employee of ClientLogic Corp.

( of Nashville, Tenn., which sells
e-commerce technology. The company declined to comment
because of its coming stock sale. The other expert, Rain
Forest Puppy, said he was tipped off to the code by a
ClientLogic employee.

When asked about the hidden insult Thursday, Jon
Mittelhauser, one of Netscape's original engineers,
called it "classic engineer rivalry."

Write to Ted Bridis at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Copyright © 2000 Dow Jones  Company, Inc. All Rights
   Copyright and reprint information.

WSJ: Who will issue digital IDs...

2000-04-12 Thread cypherpunks

(Subscription required)

April 3, 2000 

E-Commerce Growth Pushes
The Adoption of Digital IDs

CAN YOU PROVE you are who you say you are? In the real world,
you might flash a driver's license, or a passport, or even offer up your
fingerprints. The Internet is a different story. It's relatively easy to pass
yourself off as someone else online. That problem is holding back all
sorts of transactions from moving onto the Web, from big-ticket
purchases like houses to online trade with faraway exporters.

The solution, according to a growing
consensus, is something called a digital
certificate, a tiny computer file that can serve
as both ID card and signature. Based on
complex mathematical codes, these
certificates are essentially forge-proof. The
technology has been around for a while but,
outside of computer-security circles, hasn't
attracted many users.

Now, fueled by the e-commerce explosion, momentum is building. Last
month, VeriSign, the most prominent company in the field, turned up
the heat with its mammoth purchase of Network Solutions, the
company that oversees corporate dot-com identities. Congress is
considering legislation that would make digital signatures as legally
binding as their old-fashioned pen-and-paper counterparts.

ADVOCATES SAY widespread acceptance of this
technology would be a boon for e-commerce. But in
the rush to embrace digital IDs, there are some big
unanswered questions. Are these certificates
foolproof? Who should issue them? Will they drive
a bigger wedge into the digital divide, marginalizing
those without easy access to the Net?

VeriSign is more concerned about IDs for
companies than for consumers. With electronic
marketplaces popping up everywhere, businesses
will be keen to make sure the customer that just
ordered 10,000 widgets really exists.


Credit cards have become the Net's
stand-in for an ID card. But credit cards can't fill in for a legally binding
signature. You can file your taxes online with the IRS, but with the
exception of a pilot program, you'll still need to mail in a piece of paper
with your signature. Opening an online brokerage account, for
example, still requires sending in a hard-copy signature. Not
surprisingly, the online-brokerage industry has been a big proponent
of making electronic signatures legally binding.

U.S. legislators are ironing out differences in a bill called the
Millennium Digital Commerce Act. Among other things, the bill would
grant electronic signatures and contracts the same status as their
paper counterparts.


Who should pass out these digital ID cards? Right now they are being
issued by third parties such as VeriSign and other companies. But Bill
Jones, California's secretary of state, thinks he has a better idea: the
Department of Motor Vehicles. A committee of the California State
Assembly is slated to examine that idea this week.

Did you hear the news?

2000-03-31 Thread cypherpunks

Did you hear the news? Someone I really trust sent this to me. I've confirmed it's 
true. And boy, is this going to shock the world!

Last week, Walt Disney Jr. and America Online hooked up in secret and masterminded an 
evil plot to form the largest computer company in the world. 

This is serious! Soon, this will be more profitable than the war in Chechnya!!! And 
they've decided to share this with everybody with an email address!

Here's what you have to do if you want to stop them from taking over the world. DON'T 
SEND ANY MONEY!! Just forward this email to a close friend, and include your Social 
Security number and phone number.

This information will be logged, along with your computer's IP address, using an 
amazing email tracking program developed by AOL, Microsoft, Disney, and the 
Freemasons. Forward the email, and by the end of next week, you will have ONE THOUSAND 
FORWARDED EMAIL MESSAGES to enjoy. It's that simple!!

And remember!! Ignore anyone who thinks the Grammy Awards are rigged. I swear this is 
all true! 
Here's a list of people who have already become millionaires as a result of this 
scheme. If you want to be added to the list, forward this email NOW!!

Bill Gates
Steve Jobs 
Steve Case
Slobodan Milosevich
John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt
Britney Spears 
John Tesh
Prince Albert of Monaco

Note: This hoax is for entertainment purposes only. Any attempt to use it for world 
domination will result in ridicule by your peers.

Tim May as Louis Farakkan

2000-03-15 Thread cypherpunks

Orwellian.Org wrote:
#Tim May wrote:
##If one is more than 1/128th negro, one is "African-American." Though
##I've never understood why this is not just marked "niggah," as niggah
##is what the niggaz almost always refer to each other as.
#No, they don't.
#What an asshole.

#Yes, they do. And Fuck Off.

It's unfortunate that Tim May's social interactions (read: working
in an office) were terminated by too much money, because he sorely
needs some real world experience to avoid going wacky.

I've worked with plenty of blacks, and I've never heard them call
each other "nigger", which Mr. May is apparently unable to spell.

Given May's aversion to minorities ("When I saw a sign in Spanish
I knew it was time to move"), it's unlikely he heard such himself
on the street. Occasionally it is heard during comedy shows (Richard
Pryor, Whoopi Goldberg).

Other than that, how does he come up with such a statement?

Answer: his use of language is similar to Louis Farakkan, who
said "Hitler was a great man". Bucannan sympathizes: after all,
they are "technically accurate" because they _meant to say_ that
the German people thought Hitler was a great man.

So, without actually stepping up to the plate and saying he
thinks blacks are disgusting creatures, one gets statements
like: ~"I've never understood why they're not called niggers".

Not only is there no crypto-relevance to this hateful crap,
it's hateful crap. The cypherpunks are saddled with this asshole.

This is the same rich weirdo (RHPS ;-) who thought civilization
might collapse at Y2K, and started burying gold in the ground.

What May is doing here with this crap is a puzzle.

Perhaps he just can't shut up about his hate for minorities.


"Hitler was a great man" ---Charles Lindbergh

Re: U.S. Census question

2000-03-14 Thread cypherpunks

Tim May wrote:
#If one is more than 1/128th negro, one is "African-American." Though
#I've never understood why this is not just marked "niggah," as niggah
#is what the niggaz almost always refer to each other as.

No, they don't.

What an asshole.

Go ahead, Tim, burst into tears for us over your minority status.

New government-approved ID: your fingerprint

2000-02-07 Thread cypherpunks

Mon Feb  7 13:32:25 EST 2000

2/7/2000: CNN reports Minnesota (or was it Minneapolis?) police
are test-piloting instant fingerprinting scanners (on the scene).