Re: Tim May's anti-semitic rants

2000-11-03 Thread madmullah

While I'm not going to go out on a limb to defend any of Tim's
statements, I will say that calling him an anti semite is bullshit. 
There is a mentality that equates any criticism of Israel or the
Israelis with anti semiticism.  This is an ugly vile and manipulative
way of dealing with one's political enemies.  If I criticize Britain or
the British government have I criticized its people ? OF course not.

Fucking A, what the hell is running loose in people's minds.  Israel is
no more immune from criticism than Iraq, India, or any of the other tin
pot nations in the Third World, or in the First world for that matter. 
There is nothing sacred about Israel to a goy so we goys reserve the
right to criticize it.  If I criticize the Saudis am I anti Islamic ? 
Or anti Semitic, for that matter, considering that Arabs are at least
just as much Semitic as Polish immigrants...

Tim has a right to say whatsofucking ever he wishes to sya, and he
exercises this right frequently.  In doing so he alienates Blacks, Jews,
Arabs, and little (or big for that matter) Chinese.  Such is Tim's
*right*. if a particular statement of his stings then its probably
because it has some freeeking truth behind it...

>"Remember, children of Israel, "Eretz Israel" is not the same thing 
>as "lebensraum," and the suppression of the ragheads in Eretz Israel 
>is merely pest eradication, not the "Final Solution." War is peace, 
>freedom is slavery, and Zionists are libertarians."

To repeat again, there is nothing fucking anti Semitic about this
statement, Eretz Israel is the same thing as lebensraum, and if you are
incapable of seeing this then feel free to shove the previous statement
up your ass.

 "I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice
 violence, I would advise violence" - Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Religious and Psychological Warfare Tactics in Phoenix, AZ

2000-09-06 Thread madmullah

American Patriot Friends Network wrote:
> I found this anonymously posted article at the following URL:
> This information is well worth reading, IMHO.
Yes, as far as poorly argued disinfo goes.
Ever notice how the scientific explanations in articles like these are
*so* vague that it is really impossible to verify anything ?

Nanotechnology supercomputers ?  Can I parse this ? What is a
nanotechnology supercomputer ?
If conspiracy theorists had a background in the physical sciences it
would make their writings easier to understand...

> links. In other words, along with supercomputers directly filling your brain
> with images and thoughts, there is the capability to create the illusion of
> mind reading abilities with the brain to brain links.
How ?  Any description of the technologies involved or are we supposed
to just take the author's words for it ?
When the trivial write on matters of import the results tend to be ugly.
If there is any truth in mind control speculations then these guys are
doing a double disservice ! Telling the truth in a form that is
completely unacceptable to anyone with a background in the sciences.

> technology. People are being connected to these electromagnetic frequencies,
How ? How is a person "connected to electromagnetic frequencies" ?
Which frequencies ?  The article just mentions: "Cellular phone
microwave radar and radio frequencies"  dear God, what a huge chunck of
the spectrum, no ?  A few Billion Hertz...

> their thoughts are being monitored and recorded 
How ?  

> Religious Organizations can easily abuse this procedure, 

> In addition, a device called the Bio-Pacer has also been developed that will
> inflict a "goose-bumps" effect on individual subjects likely via satellite.
"Likely" via satellite... In other words he has no clue but believes
that satellite will be a likely medium ?

> Some notable anti-gay members of the Arizona Legislature are Karen Johnson
> and Barbara Blewster. Barbara has stated that "Homosexuality leads to
> beastiality, human sacrifice and cannibalism.". 
*snicker* can I quote this ?

> Other technology includes microchips which are designed to be injected into
> the blood stream of unaware citizens that are 200 times smaller than a human
> hair (nanotechnology) 
Are these microchips developed ?  If so how do you know ?  A well
placed source, a trusted informant ?
Can anyone brief us on the current state of nanotechnology research ?

> Awareness to what is actually taking place allows you to become stronger and
> better able to withstand this repulsive game until it is fully exposed 

Only if one is actually, in fact, aware and only if one is actually, in
fact, informed and properly informed.

My concern is with backing up of wild claims, if someone gives me
evidence for a claim then I will seriously consider it, no matter how
wild it appears on the surface, but without even this where does one
start ?

THIS is what concerns me, people are making serious claims and not
giving jack to back it up with.  If their purpose is disinfo then they
are working, if their purpose is to actually help in a real situation
then they are shooting THEMSELVES in the foot.

Re: 128-bit netscaoe v4 for

2000-09-06 Thread madmullah

Sonny wrote:
> hello I would like to know if Netscape communictor version 4.* is
> available for with 128-bit encryption. Pleas Email me

Yep son, download from

 "It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to 
 expose lies."  -Noam Chomsky

Re: FBI listening in on Emails

2000-07-21 Thread madmullah

> On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 04:36:22PM -0700, spot wrote:
> It seems to be chic to attack American society these days, when
> in reality, if a society has to be on the top of the pile, I would far
> prefer it to be American over Chinese/Russian Communism. That's not
> Ameri-centricism, thats just me enjoying my human rights and personal
> freedoms.

What an idiotic thing to say, considering that your oh so precious
freedoms and liberties are; a) rather contingent; b) being striped away
piece by piece anyway.
It is not a matter of picking on American society, rather the
government, and why so many Americans take criticism of our political
system or government personally is fucking beyond me, silly group think

My country right or wrong is brainwashed unpatriotic bullshit, the fact
is that if you truly love a country then you have an interest in
preventing its injustices and righting its wrongs, if you do not have
this desire then you are no patriot.  America is at the top of the heap,
and at that position it can do a whole lot of good, or a whole lot of
evil.  If america FUCKS UP its privilege and its position it will
generate enmity in the hearts of those who would be its friends.  
No empire can stand surrounded by foes, eventually something will give. 
Every empire falls, every civilization winds down, the problem is when,
and how fast, and who the hell it takes with it.  America's supremacy
will be increasingly tested in the next decade, who would have thought
in 1910 that the sun would set on Britannia ?  But it did.  In 1710 who
would have thought that the great Mughals, or the Ottoman Sultans, would
see the end of their empires in 2 centuries ?  But they did.  

America can lead with honor (which it is not doing, and has not done,
except on a very superficial level, for a couple of decades now) or it
can lead by covert manipulation and coercion.  

The latter path will not lead to the establishment and maintenance of
your "human rights and personal freedoms" which you claim to enjoy so
much, because the latter path will inexorably lead to increasingly
coercive wielding of power by our elites (corporate and governmental).  

Reign in the abuse and potential of power then your statement has
grounds upon which to stand, ignore this and your "human rights and
personal freedoms" will devolve to nothing more than the freedom to
choose what channel you want to watch, what porn you want to read while
jerking off, what new bourgeois kitchen toy you want to buy on the
shopping channel.  The freedom to choose modalities of banality.  Fuck

As it is today when most people talk about their "human rights and
personal freedoms" this is what they refer to anyway, the freedom to
advocate a small number, in a small set, of predefined official
political views, the consensus of whom have been manufactured in the
minds of the dull sheep that pose for citizens in this country, and to
express these views while growing increasingly fatter and cancer ridden
off from cheap McDonalds Cheeseburgers while frantically whacking off to
Pamela Anderson Lee pictures.  The freedom to be a banal and brainwashed
sheep.  Granted I'd take this system ANY DAY to, say, the Chinese or the
Iraqi systems.  I am not a total ingrate.  it is just that I want more,
I think that my country should deserve more, and even if it does not,
and its people do not, then by God I at least do.

A patriot would fucking say what he dislikes about his country and what
needs improvement because a patriot would care for the long term best
interest of his country, no ?

Am I making sense ?

As for other countries I could come up with at least 3 that would would
be as comfortable to live in with equal standards of "human rights" and
"personal freedoms".  America is a nice place to live in but it is by no
means the only nice place in which to live, it has advantages,
considerable ones, as do many other countries, in the west and in the

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-25 Thread madmullah

Anonymous Sender wrote:
> >You're a commie, that's enough of a threat to everyone's property.
> It's amusing how the brainwashing shows its ugly face when the appropriate
> stimulus is applied. For most US subjects it is the "communism" thingie.

Speak for yourself, Brainwashing my left arse cheek, you commie pinko. 
I hate communist political systems with almost the same passion that I
hate Western neo-libral "democracies".  And I hate socialism with the
same passion that I hate neo-libral "capitalism".

"He who acts without knowledge causes more corruption than good"
 -Umar ibn Abdul Aziz
 "It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to 
 expose lies."  -Noam Chomsky

Re: DreamWeaver Crack 3.0

2000-02-09 Thread madmullah


> Hey I know its not a cracking mailing list but does anybody have
> the Crack for Dreamweaver 3.0

A rather r0dentish thing to ask for, no ?

The answer is no, it was a stupid thing to ask for, grow up, and good

Re: What is the LAW? Computer Privacy

2000-02-09 Thread madmullah

Bill Stewart wrote:
> I was once at a PC Expo in New York City where a guy had a truck
> parked outside with big signs about "VENDOR X RIPPED ME OFF"

Now *this* is a cool solution =)

"It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to 
expose lies."  Noam Chomsky