
2000-12-06 Thread carlstephen33

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Re: 2:15 am, Eastern Time--The Election Train Wreck

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Stewart

At 02:29 AM 11/12/00 -0800, petro wrote:
>   Bush winning is bad, AlGore winning is worse. This insane 
>infighting over the spoils is too much to stomach.

I disagree.  The House and the Senate will be Republican,
or at least nearly so.  
Al Gore with a 100-vote Florida plurality would have an extremely 
difficult time getting things accomplished in that environment.
(Considering what Al wants to accomplish, that's probably good,
especially since first priority is It's Still The Economy, Stupid.)
George W. with a 100-vote Florida plurality and a minority
popular vote position (with Gore and also Nader to the left of him)
would get no respect at all, but would have a Republican Congress
to make it much easier to accomplish things.  I don't *want*
the military-industrial complex rebuilt (though Nader says that
AlGore likes them as much as Bush does.)  Other than small tax cuts,
nothing I've heard Bush suggest doing sounds worthwhile,
and he does plan to spend more of your money even though he 
acknowledges that it's yours.  Also, Bush would be under immense
pressure to prove he's not a wimp, so he'd go do something
decisive and Presidential as soon as possible, which is not a good
thing to have lightweights doing.
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: 2:15 am, Eastern Time--The Election Train Wreck

2000-11-12 Thread petro

>On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, Tim May wrote:
>>  What a cluster fuck. Punch drunk, dazed burrowcrats triggering this
>>  train wreck.
>>  I will not forget this week, and not forget watching this latest
>>  event live, as it happened. Kind of the the "moon landing" of
>>  political train wrecks.
>What I don't understand is why you are not laughing your ass off!

Bush winning is bad, AlGore winning is worse. This insane 
infighting over the spoils is too much to stomach.

It really doesn't matter which one wins, the damage is done. 
There is significantly less faith in the *voting* system this week 
than there was 7 days ago. This will mean even more trouble--more 
shitbags calling for "direct democracy" (hint folks, the problem 
isn't the electoral college it's a broken fucked up corrupt 
*balloting* system) more scum trying to fuck with the constitution or 
insisting that it be ignored.

I'm not laughing because I really don't *want* to die in a fire-fight.
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"Despite almost every experience I've ever had with federal 
authority, I keep imagining its competence."
John Perry Barlow

Re: 2:15 am, Eastern Time--The Election Train Wreck

2000-11-12 Thread Alan Olsen

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, Tim May wrote:

> What a cluster fuck. Punch drunk, dazed burrowcrats triggering this 
> train wreck.
> I will not forget this week, and not forget watching this latest 
> event live, as it happened. Kind of the the "moon landing" of 
> political train wrecks.

What I don't understand is why you are not laughing your ass off!

This is karma coming back to bite both parties in the ass.  To favor one
over the other in this mess is like supporting Tweedledum in his effort to
overthrow Tweedledee. BOTH sides are wrong. Neither deserve our support
and if our luck holds, they will rip each other apart like crazed weasels
on crack.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen| to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.
"In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

2:15 am, Eastern Time--The Election Train Wreck

2000-11-11 Thread Tim May

I just watched a group of punch drunk commission members debate 
whether to order a _manual recount_ of all ballots in Palm Beach 
County. They voted 2-1, and unless this is overturned (?), they will 
begin planning the recount effort on Monday.

The count of a sample of 1% of the votes took all of today, so the 
count of 100 times as many total ballots will presumably take on the 
order of 100 days. Perhaps they can farm it out to temps and 
secretaries and get it done in just several weeks.

They analyzed the "chads" and counted 33 additional votes for Gore, 
14 for Bush. So this would imply about 19 additional votes for Gore 
over Bush. Then, extrapolating to the full population, 1900 
additional votes for Gore over Bush (modulo statistical fluctuations).

Of course, the Republicans will have to call for a manual recount of 
Duval County and all of the other counties where the same statistical 
examination should turn up votes for THEM.

What a cluster fuck. Punch drunk, dazed burrowcrats triggering this 
train wreck.

I will not forget this week, and not forget watching this latest 
event live, as it happened. Kind of the the "moon landing" of 
political train wrecks.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

While we're talking about income mobility... (was Re: ip: NCPAPolicy Digest 11-2-00)

2000-11-03 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 10:52 AM -0600 on 11/2/00, National Center for Policy Analysis wrote:

> Politicians addicted to class warfare rhetoric use the term "the
> rich" as though it were some permanent economic class. But more
> moderate analysts point out that individuals move up and down
> the income ladder with startling frequency.
> Are those individuals with higher incomes right after graduation
> from high school or college still on the top rung 10 or 20 years
> later? Anyone who has attended a school reunion knows that the
> end results are often surprising.
>o   A Social Security-based study has documented that more
>than 70 percent of male workers move significant
>distances up or down the income ladder in a span of only
>15 years.
>o   Earnings histories tracked by Social Security show that
>less than 50 percent of the people on the top or bottom
>rung in any year are still on the same rung 10 to 15
>years later.
>o   On the bottom rung, the "stagnation rate" is only 35
>o   Another study, using the National Longitudinal Survey of
>Youth, has revealed that 60 percent of the young people
>who start out working for minimum wages no longer work
>for such low wages two years later -- and only 15 percent
>have minimum-wage jobs three years later.
> Some observers point out that many academics fail to appreciate
> the dynamics of economic mobility because they work in rigidly
> hierarchical university systems where promotion must be granted
> by one's seniors.
> The evidence is overwhelming, however, that such immobility is
> the exception, not the rule.
> Source: Bradley Schiller (American University School of Public
> Affairs), "Who Are the Rich?" Washington Times, November 2,
> 2000.
> For text
> http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/ed-column-2000112193044.htm
> For more on Income Mobility
> http://www.ncpa.org/pd/economy/econ7.html

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

5 Books for $2 from The Literary Guild.

2000-08-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Read Only If Serious About Retiring in 2-4 years.

2000-08-06 Thread startnow

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Read Only If Serious About Retiring in 2-4 years.

2000-08-05 Thread startnow

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Read Only If Serious About Retiring In 2-4 Years

2000-08-04 Thread worldone

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Read Only If Serious About Retiring In 2-4 Years

2000-07-18 Thread worldone

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Read Only If Serious About Retiring In 2-4 Years

2000-07-17 Thread worldone

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"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would
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SD Online Update - Volume 2; Issue 7

2000-06-21 Thread Software Development

SD Online Update
Volume 2; Issue 7

Welcome to Software Development magazine's SD ONLINE UPDATE!
This monthly e-mail newsletter is a free service for subscribers to
Software Development magazine and SD Online. If you do not wish
to get this monthly update, please follow the unsubscribe directions
at the bottom of this message.


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If you weren't able to attend CMP Media's UML World conference
in New York City last week, you can still impress your colleagues
with your Unified Modeling Language savvy. Read short articles on
the OMG's plans for version 2.0, on "UML Distilled" author Martin
Fowler's scintillating talk on what does and doesn't work in the
standard, even on how Extreme Programming works within--or without--
the confines of the UML. Get your quick review at

THIS MONTH ON SD ONLINE (www.sdmagazine.com):

Will your in-house systems be abducted by the mothership?

When most developers write code, that's all they do--the original
specifications are lost. An innovative approach requires the person who
pounds the code to document the assumed contracts and ensure they're

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Part 1 in a series of articles on Security nuts and bolts. Learn
computer security concepts and terms. Gain a general
understanding of network security and unique aspects of the Java
programming language essential for developers.


--> 2,000 Ways to Shine: The Software Engineering Institute's process
improvement meeting is a must-see.

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Contracts for Components

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XML programming environment. This comprehensive training
regiment will take you into the trenches of developing real-world
enterprise applications. Split equally between lecture-style
instruction and guided hands-on exercises that build upon each
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designed to generate a solid foundation and advanced 
understanding of XML.

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Software Development's Devtalk: Issue 2

2000-06-08 Thread Software Developement
Title: Welcome to Software Development Magazine's DevTalk









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SD 2000 


  UML World Grabs Center Stage June 12 
  Patch For Microsoft Outlook Under Fire 
  The Promise of Visual Studio 7 
  Left at the Altar 
  Flip Takes 


UML World grabs center stage June
12 NASA's Tropospheric
Emission Spectrometer, scheduled to launch in 2003, has been under development for nearly
a decade. Initially, the software was modeled in OMT and Booch notation, but after the
Unified Modeling Language was standardized in 1997, the group switched to the new
approach--and learned first-hand the limitations of UML for large-scale systems. Akbar
Thobhani, a software engineer for the spectrometer project at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. will present his findings in case-study form at CMP Media's
second annual UML World conference in New York on June 13. 
  "One of the things that doesn't work in the Unified
Modeling Language is presenting good conceptual-level design to people with different
skills," said Thobhani. "We've had to go to data flow diagrams for our
scientists who have a hard time with the UML." 


  The second annual UML World conference, expected to
attract a small but lively crowd of 450 design enthusiasts, will be held at the Crowne
Plaza Hotel in New York, N.Y. from June 12 through June 15. Among the featured speakers
are Martin Fowler, author of UML Distilled (Addison Wesley, 1999), Steve Larson,
software project manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Jim Rumbaugh, one of the
fathers of the Unified Modeling Language. 
  "I'll give an off-the-cuff talk based on my view of
how the UML should fit into a world of lighter-weight processes, of which Extreme
Programming is the most famous example," Fowler said. "The UML often gets in the
way of development. People put more time and effort into feeding complicated CASE tools
than into running software and seeing what it does." 
  Larson, a rocket scientist, will discuss "It Ain't
(Just) Rocket Science." Rumbaugh will take a more down-to-earth approach with
"UML Today and Into the Future." And in a forum moderated by Roger Smith,
Technical Editor of Software Development magazine, a select group of industry-respected
methodologists will discuss the UML change mechanism in depth--with such provocative
questions as whether the UML should be in the hands of a "benevolent vendor" and
how effective the Object Management Group's process for UML evolution is. The panel, held
on Thursday, June 15th from noon to 1:00 p.m., will include Fowler, Scott Ambler (Software
Development columnist), Cris Kobryn (co-chair of the OMG UML Revision Task Force) and
Peter Coad (author and methodologist). 
  The editors of Software Development will be publishing
daily updates of the conference proceedings at www.sdmagazine.com
from June 12 to 15. 
Patch for Microsoft
Outlook under fire A
soon-to-be released security update for Outlook 98 and Outlook 2000 limits what Microsoft
calls legitimate Outlook functionality that enables document sharing and integration of
hand-held devices with PCs. The company stresses that, while the update provides
unprecedented security protection for Outlook, its release does not imply that "I
LOVE YOU," Melissa and other worms that replicate through the ubiquitous e-mail
address software are capitalizing on a particular flaw in the program. Rather, they are
abusing its strengths--and developers whose products piggyback on Outlook may find
themselves back at the whiteboard, trying to work around the new security limitations. 
  Some are calling the solution drastic and overly complex.
It requests manual authorization if any external application attempts to use the address

CTIA Daily News from WOW-COM - June 2, 2000

2000-06-02 Thread CTIA Daily News
Title: CTIA Daily News


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   FCC Proposes 
Allowing Large Telecom Firms to Bid on Wireless Licenses 
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission recommended allowing 
large wireless companies to bid for many PCS spectrum licenses 
that were previously reserved for new and small carriers. (The 
Industry Standard) (Wall 
Street Journal) (Bloomberg) 
(Upside Today) 

  Iridium Seeks 
to Sell Assets to Investment Firm Castle Harlan 
Iridium is seeking bankruptcy court approval to sell most of its 
assets to New York buyout firm Castle Harlan Inc. (Dow 
Jones Business News) (AP) 
  IBM Plans to 
Form Wireless E-Commerce Partnerships with Web-Services Companies 

IBM said that it would form partnerships with eight Internet 
professional services firms in an effort to establish its software 
as a standard platform for mobile e-commerce. (CBS 
MarketWatch) (Wall 
Street Journal) (Reuters)
  inSilicon Offers 
Faster Wireless Web Technology 
The company is offering a new semiconductor with software 
that increases the speed of Java-based systems on wireless Internet 
devices. (Reuters) 

  Amazon to Sell 
Handspring Visors Online 
Amazon will sell the Handspring Visor and Visor Deluxe, as 
well as the complementary Springboard add-on cartridges, making 
it the first online retailer to sell the company's devices. (CNET 
  AvantGo to 
Deliver Yahoo Content to Mobile Devices 
AvantGo users will be able to access Yahoo news, weather, 
sports, stock quotes and movie listings on data phones, personal 
digital assistants, pagers and other wireless devices. (Mobile 
  Compaq Drives 
WAP Deals with Hand-Held Device Subsidies 
Compaq has made reduced-price hardware deals with mobile operators 
in Germany, and may be preparing to introduce subsidized WAP/Compaq 
hardware bundles with operators in other Euro

CTIA Daily News from WOW-COM - June 2, 2000

2000-06-02 Thread CTIA Daily News
ompanies and equal tax terms between 
fixed-line and wireless services.



WAP Faces Threat in Europe from NTT DoCoMo's i-mode

NTT DoCoMo is about to bring i-mode service to Europe, posing a serious threat 
to the struggling WAP standard.

Wall Street Journal


China Mobile is extending a free trial of WAP-enabled web surfing until  
September 21 because of slow demand.



China Daily


Analysts differ on what’s really in store for the WAP market.



Iowa’s Wireless Companies Draw Complaints

About 470 wireless phone-related complaints have been filed with the Iowa 
attorney general’s office since 1996.

The Des Moines Register



Mesa Communications Group Acquires Spectrum Resources Towers

According to tower market analyst Jim Fryer, president of TowerSource.net, the 
purchase puts Mesa on the map as a new presence in the industry.



Chicago Lawmakers Hear Testimony against Car Phone Restrictions

The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, the Fraternal Order of Police and a 
couple of average Chicagoans who rely heavily on their cell phones joined the 
cell phone industry in opposing the ban introduced by Ald. Burton F. Natarus 

Chicago Sun-Times


Chicago Tribune


Wearable Computing Heads for the Mainstream

Wearable computing, once considered the realm of geeks and vertical markets, 
is gaining more acceptance in corporate America as demand rises for 
increasingly portable, wireless solutions.




News Publishers Urged to Gear Up for the Wireless Web

The big questions many content publishers are asking is -- What’s the revenue 
model for wireless content?

Editor & Publisher Online


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SD Online Update - Volume 2; Issue 6

2000-05-19 Thread SD Online

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SD Online Update
Volume 2; Issue 6

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acquisitions, product releases, and conferences.

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Full, unedited text of "The Ethics of Free Software" by Bertrand Meyer,
plus a special forum for readers to discuss the open source movement and
its leaders. Please note that the opinions expressed do not necessarily
reflect those of Software Development magazine's editors or sponsors.

Software Development honors the best and brightest products of 1999 and
looks back on a decade of accomplishment.

Ten Years and Counting: Highlights through the years.

Object-oriented design is supposed to make our software more robust and
resilient, yet we still see systems that are as fragile as their procedural
ancestors. Are developers adopting aggressive practices because they think
the technology will protect them?

If you eschew use cases because they are too onerous or boring to prepare,
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June 12-15, Crowne Plaza Manhattan Hotel, New York City
Special $200 discount off VIP and 3-Day conference packages for Software
Development subscribers!  Over 50 courses and tutorials in Architecture,
Patterns, Project Management, Software Process and UML & Beyond.  Keynotes
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http://www.umlworld.com/register/homepage.htm by
May 26 to receive your $200 discount (use code USDEM81).


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Re: News from Anguilla. 2 April 2000. Issue #12

2000-04-03 Thread Bill Stewart

At 09:24 PM 04/02/2000 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> The original May 1998 report which 
>> started the process defines a tax haven that conducts harmful tax 
>> competition as one which: (1) Imposes nominal or no tax income
>Only a fucking moron bureaucrat would call low taxes harmful and 
>high taxes beneficial.

Nah - you're just forgetting to ask "beneficial to whom".
Even if the Laffer Curve folks say that Burons can collect
more money by lowering taxes, the higher taxes give them more control.

And lower taxes somewhere else mean that potential tax-victims
avoid being controlled by fleeing, and we just can't have that...

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: News from Anguilla. 2 April 2000. Issue #12

2000-04-02 Thread gonadius

> The original May 1998 report which 
> started the process defines a tax haven that conducts harmful tax 
> competition as one which: (1) Imposes nominal or no tax income

Only a fucking moron bureaucrat would call low taxes harmful and high taxes 


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VMware for Linux with Exp. OS/2 Guest License Key

2000-03-26 Thread WebForm

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SD Online Update - Volume 2; Issue 4

2000-03-24 Thread Software Development

Welcome to Software Development magazine's SD ONLINE UPDATE!

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SD Online Update
Volume 2; Issue 4

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Check the biweekly News Page for information on important mergers and
acquisitions, product releases, and conferences.

Before you port to the next level of computing power, take a moment to
review the industry-wide effects of widening processor word size. Graphics,
database and scientific applications will be the first to fully exploit the
change as the 64-bit chip inexorably moves toward commoditization.

Together, these two solutions provide a universal integration and enabling
technology for web-based applications ‹ JavaBeans for client-side components
and Enterprise JavaBeans for server-side components.

The appropriate design of entity beans ‹ especially when they are backed by
a relational database ‹ is the subject of ongoing debate. So how do you
provide a performance-enhancing remote interface to a set of dependent,
persistent objects within an EJB system?

--> Intrusion Detection
--> Security Toolbox


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effort by using IBM Host Integration Solutions. Learn more  on March 22.

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--> ON THE JOB: From Engineer to Technical Lead

--> Rose 2000 Enterprise

--> The Palm VII: Taking the Web Along with You

--> Industrial Strength Application Servers

Optimize ‹ or Adapt
Few achieve CMM level five, not only because they lack the resources for
continuous process improvement, but because they have a false impression of
what a software process is.

Crossing the Object-Data Divide, Part 2

Components, States and Interfaces, Oh My!


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Re: URGENT!!! Need a list operator to serve my s_u_b_s_criers for 2 wks

2000-03-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:

> I am going to a vacation and I would like to have my s_u_b_s_cribers
> TEMPORARILY s_u_b_s_cribed by another node. Please drop me a note and I
> will send you a list of my s_u_b_s_cribers so that you would s_u_b_s_cribe them
> at your place until I give you notice to u_n_s_ub them.
> I need this done ASAP. Your help will be much appreciated.
> I am talking about around 200 s_u_b_s_cribers.

I can handle it if somebody hasn't already taken it off your hands...

Just send me a private email with their addresses and I'll append to my

The future is downloading. Can you hear the impact?

O[rphan] D[rift>]
Cyber Positive

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Japanese Playstation 2 Exports Curtailed (was Re: [ILN] INTERNETLAW NEWS - MARCH 3, 2000)

2000-03-03 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 8:05 AM -0500 on 3/3/00, Michael Geist wrote:

> Japanese export rules will curtail the export of the Sony Playstation 2
> outside the country by forcing would-be exporters to obtain a license from
> the Japenese Department of Trade and Commerce.  The reason for license --
> crypto in the playstation.
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/000302-26.html

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

RE: Brands on privacy - 2-Way-Ness

2000-02-29 Thread Bill Stewart

At 10:32 PM 02/28/2000 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>People like Brands and Chaum are blinded (no pun intended) to the very real
>needs for _both_ sides of the anonymity equation.
>I was surprised at one of the CFPs (probably '97) to have Chaum explaining
>to me why payer anonymity (a customer in a store) was "good" but payee
>anonymity (the store owner) was "bad."

>It took me all of 5 seconds to think of a bunch of examples where payee
>anonymity is JUST AS IMPORTANT as payer anonymity:
>-- a seller of birth control information or products in a Muslim or
>Catholic regime
>-- a seller of any controversial information--and the list of controversial
>information is very long indeed

Many of these problems can be handled by jurisdiction-shopping by the payee -
sell the information from places it's not legally controversial,
such as selling birth-control information from the US,
or credit reporting services from Anguilla, 
or pharmaceutical CAD/CAM recipes from Netherlands.
Selling controversial non-informational goods is tougher - you may need to
use a Vanuatu corporation to accept payments from your US dope dealing
or otherwise find a jurisdiction that won't chop your head off
for activities outside their space (or that's at least reliably bribeable.)

The classic Bad Payee example I've seen Chaum using is kidnap ransom -
while US kidnappers generally didn't kill their victims before the
Lindbergh case led to the FBI aggressively hunting them down,
kidnapping is still a Bad Thing, and the usual way to catch kidnappers
is by staking out the ransom pickup or marking the ransom money.

>From a government perpective, the more serious Bad Payees are
Tax Evaders (people who do work for money, and become hard to extort)
and Drug Dealers (who provide employment for law makers and enforcers)
and Bribeable Politicians (who are embarassed by how stupid they look
accepting suitcases of money on video.)  Funny they never mention
Bribeable Cops...

>Fuck his patents. They NEED to be stolen. It's the right thing to do.

Chaum's methods can be turned around to provide 2-way anonymity,
if I remember Ian's "add another layer of indirection" money-lender talk
correctly (it was long enough ago that I may not.)
Because Chaum's methods were the first ones out there, they could use
the most straightforward approaches, so they're easiest to work around.

Brand's methods are newer, and they're more complex,
partly because they needed to work around Chaum's patent-claim space,
and partly because he was trying to do off-line things, which are harder
than Chaum's on-line methods.  
Has anybody looked into ways to transform Brand's stuff into 2-way?

To some extent, the recreational pharmaceutical transaction community
could achieve two-way-ness by buying anonymous physical tokens
and trading them for products.  After all, the price of good dope
in much of the US has approximated the price of gold for a while,
so you could run it as even exchange :-)

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

2/23 Denial of Service Talk at Stanford - Seiden et al on Attacks - EE380 W 4:15 Gates B03 (fwd)

2000-02-18 Thread Bill Stewart

-- Forwarded message --

ee380 is a great Wednesday afternoon seminar
(Gates B03 downstairs on the Stanford campus) 
and is OK for the public, although they are often SRO.

Subject: Seiden et al on Denial of Service Attacks - EE380 W 4:15 Gates B03


  4:15PM, Wednesday, February 23, 2000
   Gates Computer Science Building, Room B03 (NEC Auditorium)

Topic:Perspectives on Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

Speakers: David Brumley, Stanford University 
  Joel de la Garza, Securify Labs
  Mark Seiden, Securify Labs

About the talk:

"...still no news on who is behind the concerted 
 DoS attacks that so crippled America's ability to 
 buy Pokemon trading cards earlier this week." 
--"Need to Know", www.ntk.net

"In a case like this, there is no Interpol, no 
 Pinkerton's, that you can turn to for help." 
--Wall Street Journal

"Who're you gonna call?" 

Recent attacks on e-commerce sites have demonstrated the trust 
misplaced in today's Internet Protocols, and the codependence 
between the vast shopping mall that the Internet has become and 
government, law enforcement, and journalism.

We'll go in some detail into denial of service attacks: how they 
work, what happened in these cases, and how they can be prevented, 
detected and responded to.

Maybe we'll even show you some juicy chat sessions which took place 
among possible perpetrators of some of the attacks.

About the speakers:

David Brumley is the Assistant Computer Security Officer for Stanford
University. He has responded to over 1000 incidents, authored such
programs as the remote intrusion detector (RID) and SULinux (Stanford
University Linux).  David received his bachelor's degree in
Mathematics from the University of Northern Colorado.

Joel de la Garza is a security consultant for Securify.  He attended
Stanford University where he began working for SUNsET, Stanford
University's Network Security Team.  He was a founding member of the
Meeker Group, which worked to develop web applications for the medical
device industry.

Mark Seiden is Director of Securify Labs and Practice Area Head for
Physical Security (see www.securify.com).  Programming since the '60s,
consulting for 17 years in diverse areas of network engineering and
security, clients have included major computer companies, investment
banks and law firms, UN agencies, online content providers, ISPs,
research projects and non-profits. A minor-league writer, he's been
published in the New York Times, Wired, Sun Expert, Unix Review and
(after being involved in a number of high profile activities, such as
the pursuit and capture of Kevin Mitnick) was featured as one of the
50 CyberElite by Time Digital.

Contact information:



Mar 1   David Mosberger, Walt Drummond.  IA-64 Linux Kernel Internals.
Mar 8   Gary Hudson.  Commercial Rockets: Optimal Blending of Hardware,
Software, and Meatware.

* EE380 is the Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium.  The Colloquium *
* meets most Wednesdays throughout the normal academic year. The class *
* is broadcast over SITN and taped for late viewing in the Engineering *
* Library.  EE380 is now available live on the Internet!   *
*  *
* For additional information please consult the class web page *
*http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380   *

Test - Expect 2 copies - Adding ds.pro-ns.net - possible mail loop

2000-02-10 Thread Jim Choate


The future is downloading. Can you hear the impact?

O[rphan] D[rift>]
Cyber Positive

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: DCSB 2/15/00 EFF fundraiser makes slashdot, Hacker News Network

2000-02-05 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 2:09 PM -0800 on 2/4/00, John Doe Number Two wrote:

> You forgot to spam this to the requisite twenty mailing lists.

I did?

But Oh. Rght... rony. *I* get it!



"...*and* the horse you rode in on..."
R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: DCSB 2/15/00 EFF fundraiser makes slashdot, Hacker NewsNetwork

2000-02-04 Thread John Doe Number Two

Hey Bobby,

You forgot to spam this to the requisite twenty mailing lists.

Have a nice weekend,


in article v04220807b4c0f57784ec@[], R. A. Hettinga at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 4/2/00 1:30 pm:

"Insert the usual disclaimer here."

Key ID:  0x8EF048F5
4093 Bit DH/DSS
Fingerprint: CC8F 8D2C E1A3 6555 7438  B456 D00E A83C 8EF0 48F5

DCSB 2/15/00 EFF fundraiser makes slashdot, Hacker News Network

2000-02-04 Thread R. A. Hettinga


While, given the included comments for and against the Harvard Club, the
EFF, jackets and ties, just sending your money to EFF anyway, and being
the first person to reply to a new slashdot thread :-), and, while I do
know I'm being just a bit irony-impaired when I say it, it *is* rather
nice that the event, or at least the cause, is getting the attention it
deserves, viz.,

- --- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 15:15:27 -0500
To: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Somebody
Subject: you have been /.ed


Well done.

- --- end forwarded text

Thanks also to HNN, as well, for making my rather sparse ASCII-gram look
so nice:


The response to the event so far is very good. Keep thes RSVPs coming,

Hope to see lots of you on the 15th.

Bring your checkbooks.

Robert Hettinga,
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston

Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.1

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Pardon 2

2000-02-02 Thread amp

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, John Young wrote:


I'm apparently one of them.

Something ha been going on the past couple of
days. I don't know what is going on. 
Mail volume has dropped in a massive way.

Personally, I was enjoying the respite.

Guess I need to sub to one of the other nodes.

Who (allegedly) runs cyberpass?


>Just learned that I was axed by Cyberpass in the last few days
>and have re-subbed. So:
>Anybody attending Linux World Expo in New York this week?
>BTW, there are only 12 subscribers on Cyberpass. Who snatched
>the bodies?


print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

Pardon 2

2000-02-01 Thread John Young

Just learned that I was axed by Cyberpass in the last few days
and have re-subbed. So:

Anybody attending Linux World Expo in New York this week?

BTW, there are only 12 subscribers on Cyberpass. Who snatched
the bodies?