Why was the State of California vs.Mr.O.J.
Simpson"allege" Trial of the Century such a mockery of justice ?
The contents thats associated with Docket No.99-80106 of the,U.S.Court
Of"Appeals"For The "Ninth Circuit" provides the answer !!!
Not only do you have proof of statutory crimes that undermines the
goverment,by california legislation.but there is proof as to how,federal
judges "still obstruct justice" to cover up for the legislation that is
in Sacremento,Ca.  Which former governor,P.Wilson,former state attorney
general,D.Lungren,(Ca.state dept.of justice),the state's"corrupt"supreme
court justices,former speaker of the state legislator,now Da Mayor of
San Francisco,Ca. the Hon.Judge Ito, Mr.J.
Cochron,(Amend.VI),all conspired to obstruct justice to cover up for the
state legislation,(thats still in Sacremento,Ca. 
Smile !!!),that abrogates the Bill of Rights.
The documentation that is associated with Docket No.99-80106 gets better
and,or the facts,"evidence" and law proves the roles of non other than
the,U.S.Dept.of Justice,(Frist Lady,H.R.Clinton"Esquire" her
B.Boxer and spouse,(Boxer,Elkind,& Gerson),
Madam Atty.Gen.,Reno,U.S.Atty.,M.Yamaguchi or several
Assist.U.S.Attorneys,the F.B.I.),U.S.  Senator, D.
Feinstein,U.S.Congressmen,B.Lee,the Sec.of H U D.Mr.A.Cuomo,(state dept
of justice,state superior court judges,of Case No.763049-9 of the
Alameda County Superior Court !),in "illegal' conspiracies to obstruct
justice,to hinder the prosecution of,
U.S.Senator,B.Boxer,(the inlaws of the Frist lady), for her roles in
"multiple violations" of "federal" and state laws,by statutory
crimes,the aborgations of the Bill of Rights,where federal and state
judges conspire to protect those that betray the U.S.Constitution. Where
law enforcement obstuct justice to cover up,"illegal' conspiracies to
"Legal Malice",by law,by legislation !!!  No wonder the allege Trial of
the Century was a lark,as the public cannot be made aware of the
betrayals of the U.S.Constitution by laws,which the Justices of the
U.S.Court of"Appeals' For The "Ninth Circuit",subverts their sworn oaths
and the U.S.Constitution to cover up !!!
Yet the facts associated with Docket No.99-80106 of the,U.S.Court of
"Appeals" For The "Ninth Circuit" and the legislation,(Smile !),that is
still available in Sacremento,Ca. proves ! Mrs
Congresswomen,the inlaw of the Frist Family of the United States !),is a
very Evil and Corrupt     person. Not everyone can get a Frist Lady of
the U.S.,& the U.S.Dept.of Justice,& Federal Judges, to assist in
obstucting justice !!! Smile, which again abrogates the Bill of Rights
Amendment 14 sec.1 "?"
Ronald K.Booker

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