Re: America, the Once and Future Police State

2000-04-17 Thread Tim May

At 10:35 AM -0700 4/17/00, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 12:33 PM 04/15/2000 -0700, Tim May, who in the past has complained about
>people posting Mimeified articles and other hard-to-read stuff, wrote
>something containing the following, though there was too much Rich Text
>in it for my Eudora to quote successfully, :
>>  So now we have pre-emptive raids on buildings and warehouses where people
>>gather. None of us are safe from this kind of police state nonsense.
>>  (No doubt some pliable judge signed some blanket warrant for this raid to
>>happen. Corruption on earth.)
>>"Police said on Saturday
>>that they had completed a raid on a building in Cupertino where

Yes, I apologize profusely.

I recently upgraded to Eudora Pro 4.3, and it now is causing all 
sorts of such troubles. It no longer is WYSIWYG, for example, as the 
fonts in an article as I am editing the article may differ wildly 
from the selected fonts and sizes when the articles is mailed off.

The problem is with text pasted in, not stuff I write originally.

I will gladly set the defaults back to "No MIME," as soon as I can 
find out how. Anyone know? (I see nothing in Settings to set.)

I may have to go back to Eudora Pro 3.1, which I used for several 
years with no problems. Only thing is, the 4.3 has some nice 
features. It's just too clever by half, though.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: America, the Once and Future Police State

2000-04-17 Thread Bill Stewart

At 12:33 PM 04/15/2000 -0700, Tim May, who in the past has complained about
people posting Mimeified articles and other hard-to-read stuff, wrote
something containing the following, though there was too much Rich Text
in it for my Eudora to quote successfully, :

> So now we have pre-emptive raids on buildings and warehouses where people
>gather. None of us are safe from this kind of police state nonsense. 
> (No doubt some pliable judge signed some blanket warrant for this raid to
>happen. Corruption on earth.) 
>"Police said on Saturday
>that they had completed a raid on a building in Cupertino where
>cyber-terrorists known as "cyberpunks" had planned to hold
>a meeting later in the day. They detained four persons they claimed
>were preparing to discuss methods for disrupting the Net and they
>seized books and pamphlets describing illegal methods for illegally
>hiding thoughts from the Thought Police."

Fortunately, the Cypherpunks, who were actually meeting at the
San Francisco Police Training Academy, were not bothered,
though the four employees of MyStartUp.Com, which shares the building
with FortNOCS, were not released from custody due to possession of the
GDB Copyright Evasion Tool, banned under the DMCA as Copyleftist Propaganda.

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: America, the Once and Future Police State

2000-04-15 Thread Tim May

At 3:11 PM -0500 4/15/00, Jim Choate wrote:
>On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Tim May wrote:
>>  All pretenses that the United States is a constitutional republic
>>  seem to be gone these days.
>Old News.
>>  So now we have pre-emptive raids on buildings and warehouses where
>>  people gather. None of us are safe from this kind of police state
>>  nonsense.
>Now have? You've been asleep the last few decades apparently.

You've become even more tiresome than usual in the last few weeks. 
Besides bizarre and wholly incorrect interpretations of physics, 
mathematics, history, and law, we have your puerile political 
thinking cluttering the list. And your threats to use your "CDR" 
crapola to further spam the list. And general insults such as this 
one above. You're a waste of skin.

Time to say farewell to you for good. " * P L O N K * "

That's how relief is spelled.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.