Re: Florida Supreme Court freezes certification

2000-11-18 Thread George

#Except that the legal motion was filed by the Reps, not the Dems,
#originally. They brought it on them-damn-selves. Idiots.

No one asked the Florida Supreme Court to freeze the certification.

My current opinion is that they should take the .2% error rate
optical machines from the other counties and do another vote
in the chad counties.

The will of the people deserves a lower error rate,
when the presidency hangs in the balance.

I'd say that even if the politics were reversed.

Re: Aces high (long reply)

2000-11-18 Thread petro

Mr. May:
At 5:31 PM -0500 11/17/00, David Honig wrote:
At 03:05 PM 11/17/00 -0500, Tim May wrote:
years, many decades, to publish learned articles on chads, pregnant

And despite all the talk, chad pregnancy is still a problem in America
today.  You know all those chads are just going to end up on welfare.

They burn real well. Just feed them into the incinerators.

A quote from Petro's Archives:
"Despite almost every experience I've ever had with federal 
authority, I keep imagining its competence."
John Perry Barlow

RE: Schneier: Why Digital Signatures are not Signatures (was Re:CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2000)

2000-11-18 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

there are issues about authentication ... like conceptual frame-works of
something you have, something you know, and something you are. it is possible to
put together digital signature authentication technology/frame-works involving
digital signature that are dependent on one or more pieces of 3-factor

legal "signatures" as indication of intent have involved issues like counterfeit
and understanding (and various regulations about font-sizes, wording, different
expectations about prudent person, etc).

a digital signature, once executed is a lot harder to counterfeit (compared to
various written signatures) ... however there is much less direct correlation
between intention and the act of executing a digital signature. digital
signature in conjunction with various process that can proove that every digital
signature executed was directly dependant on various combinations of 3-factor
authentication (for each and every digital signature executed) attempts for a
tighter correlation and demonstrate some degree of actual binding (between
intention and signature execution).

however, they also introduce new technology challenges ... there is now a
significantly wider gap between the presentation of the information that a
person may be agreeing to ... and the actual representation that is involved in
executing digital signatures.

paper documents also have had the advantage that the presentation of the
information and the signature application is nearly identical technology 
much closer binding between the representation of what is being agreed to and
the method of indicating that agreement.

There are not a whole lot of cases where as the person is using a pen to sign a
specific piece of paper ... that the pen can wonder off and sign a totally
different piece of paper (like radar getting week-end passes signed in the MASH

So the understanding issue pretty much stays the same in both environments
(digital signature and paper signature) ...  digital signatures (in conjunction
with the appropriate authentication framework) can reduce the instances of
counterfeit signatures being applied to documents ... but also opens up the
instances where what a person is presented isn't necessarily what the person is

So one issue might be ... all other factors being equal ... is the magnitude of
any counterfeit reduction significantly greater than the increase in the "what
you see is what you sign" problem and the "did the person actually
intend/confirm that particular signature" problem.

"Paul Kierstead" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/17/2000 06:09:02 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   "'Digital Bearer Settlement List'" [EMAIL PROTECTED],
cc:(bcc: Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC)
Subject:  RE: Schneier: Why Digital Signatures are not Signatures (was
  Re:CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2000)

The Word example actually has other worrying problems not mentioned. A Word
document contains a lot of hidden information, including other versions. It
would be quite easy to sign a Word document that, when you viewed it, looks
significantly different then it could be displayed without violating the
signature. This is due to numerous problems, the most basic of which is that
we often don't sign what we view but instead some binary that we _believe_
represents what we viewed but often does not. This is not just theoretical
nor esoteric, but quite easy as the Word example shows.

In effect we have absolutely no idea what we are signing most of the time
even without comprimise of keys, programs and all that good stuff.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of R. A. Hettinga
 Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:51 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Digital Bearer Settlement List;
 Subject: Schneier: Why Digital Signatures are not Signatures (was
 Re:CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2000)

 At 5:58 PM -0600 on 11/15/00, Bruce Schneier wrote:

  Why Digital Signatures Are Not Signatures

Re: Bob's Bank. Hi, I'm Bob. Just slip it in this pocket here.

2000-11-18 Thread James A. Donald

At 9:07 AM -0800 11/17/00, Marshall Clow wrote:
   900 people -- $186M. That's $206K each. That's a lot of money to
   put into a 'bank'.

Tim May:
  And a lot of money for "Christian Patriots."
  Not to belittle either Christians or Patriots, but folks like this
  typically have problems making the monthly payments on their

You have been reading too many commie/liberal/anti-gun rants.  You are 
pretty similar in income and intellectual attainment to a great many people 
in the patriot movement.

  James A. Donald

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Ben Laurie

Bram Cohen wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:
   In any case, the domain name infrastructure has been looking at ways to beef up
   the integrity of its operation ... like having public keys registered as part of
   domain name registration.
  How on Earth does that help? The key is already strongly linked to the
  domain name - registering it with NetSol (for example) does nothing
  interesting except to create another spurious revenue stream for NetSol.
 As opposed to the spurious revenue stream for Verisign?

Like I said: how does that help? Moving spurious revenue streams around
gets us nowhere.




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Jim Bell Arrested

2000-11-18 Thread John Young

A family member says Jim Bell was arrested last night
when he went out to the store.

The person also said the feds were searching for e-mail Jim 
sent around August 18.

I can't prove the family member is that and not a fisher.

Re: network trouble

2000-11-18 Thread Bill Stewart

I did a traceroute (well, mswindoze tracert, anyway), and got a 
"destination unreachable" from a machine at in Austin.
SSZ has often been unreliable; I think it's connected by ISDN,
and it's raining down in Texas.

At 06:30 PM 11/18/00 -0600, Neil Johnson wrote:
Is there something wrong with I haven't gotten any list mail and I
can get to the site.


Neil M. Johnson
PGP Key Finger Print: 93C0 793F B66E A0C7  CEEA 3E92 6B99 2DCC

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread obfuscation

Bram Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
 difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
 the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
 goes to redirect them to, and then
 proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.

Are you sure that works?  I would think the SSL client would do a
connection to the URL the user typed,, and check the
name in the cert to see if it (approximately) matches.  If some DNS
redirection is done in the background so that gets mapped
to, the client will not be aware of this (will
it?) and so it will still throw up a warning when it sees a cert for on a connection to


Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread obfuscation

Bram Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
 difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
 the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
 goes to redirect them to, and then
 proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.

Are you sure that works?  I would think the SSL client would do a
connection to the URL the user typed,, and check the
name in the cert to see if it (approximately) matches.  If some DNS
redirection is done in the background so that gets mapped
to, the client will not be aware of this (will
it?) and so it will still throw up a warning when it sees a cert for on a connection to


Re: network trouble

2000-11-18 Thread Neil Johnson

I subscribed to and am still not getting any messages. Is this
related to ssz ?


Neil M. Johnson
PGP Key Finger Print: 93C0 793F B66E A0C7  CEEA 3E92 6B99 2DCC

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: network trouble

 I did a traceroute (well, mswindoze tracert, anyway), and got a
 "destination unreachable" from a machine at in Austin.
 SSZ has often been unreliable; I think it's connected by ISDN,
 and it's raining down in Texas.

 At 06:30 PM 11/18/00 -0600, Neil Johnson wrote:
 Is there something wrong with I haven't gotten any list mail and
 can get to the site.
 Neil M. Johnson
 PGP Key Finger Print: 93C0 793F B66E A0C7  CEEA 3E92 6B99 2DCC

 Bill Stewart, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Initiative - key to Become Successful Home Worker! -AYXK

2000-11-18 Thread gar1ry

Don't delay, don't lose Your Chance!
Use Your FREEDOM of Choice!
Get Clear Home Work!
Start Perfect Own Internet Home Business!
Make FREE money as partner!
Boost your Internet Connection Speed! 
Speed up your computer! 

Go to:
Further transmissions to you by the sender of this email 
may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply 
with the word REMOVE in the subject line.

Drop the recounts

2000-11-18 Thread George

The recounts will take weeks? Fugeddaboutit.

Go for a revote request using the 0.2% error rate machines.

Get the revote: Gore wins by thousands.
Don't get it:   Gore viable next election cycle, Bush out.

It took 36 re-votes to elect Thomas Jefferson.
[Democratic spin]

Re: Schneier: Why Digital Signatures are not Signatures (was Re:CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2000)

2000-11-18 Thread Ben Laurie

 there are issues about authentication ... like conceptual frame-works of
 something you have, something you know, and something you are.

No, no! Don't go there! I am fond of the things that I am and do not
want to encourage people to steal bits of me.

Two ways is enough for me, unless you can think of a third way that
means I get to keep my fingers and eyes.




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:

 Bram Cohen wrote:
  And if you build a protocol which is a pain to use, noone will use it.
 What, like SSL, for example?

SSL is not a pain to use, and it isn't effective against man in the middle
attacks, since an attacker could simply make the end user connection be
done via unencrypted http and most end users wouldn't notice.

It is, however, quite effective against passive attacks, which is all
that's really important.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

note also that current SSL infrastructure is vulnerable to things like domain
name hijacking; aka, at least part of SSL protocol is to make sure that you
really are talking to the host that you think you are talking to ... i.e. the
SSL certificate contains host/domain name (all this, in theory because of
weaknesses in the domain name infrastructure) ... and when SSL goes to check
something in the certificate ... it is checking the hostname/domainname against
the hostname/domain name that the browser is using.

However, SSL-certificate issuing CAs have to rely on the domain name
authoritative infrastructure with regard to issuing SSL-certificates  domain
name ownership issues ... this is the same authoratative infrastructure that
supposedly can't be relied on and justifies having a the whole SSL-certificate
infrastructure to begin with.

In any case, the domain name infrastructure has been looking at ways to beef up
the integrity of its operation ... like having public keys registered as part of
domain name registration. Now, if domain name infrastructure is going to use
public key registration as part of beefing up its integrity ... that would
medicate  much of the justification for the SSL-certicate infrastructure.

Furthermore, if a higher integrity domain name infrastructure included public
keys in the domain name record ... clients could request a real-time, trusted
copy of the public key as a adjunct to host-name lookup.  This would further
eliminate the requirement for any certificate involvement in the majority of the
existing SSL transaction operation (i.e. client gets the public key at the same
time hostname resolution is done ... the client can trust a real-time
host/domain name because of the improvement in the domain name infrastructure
integrity ... and at the same time it can trust a real-time publickey for the
same host/domain).

Bram Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/18/2000 11:15:38 AM

To:   Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:

 Bram Cohen wrote:
  And if you build a protocol which is a pain to use, noone will use it.

 What, like SSL, for example?

SSL is not a pain to use, and it isn't effective against man in the middle
attacks, since an attacker could simply make the end user connection be
done via unencrypted http and most end users wouldn't notice.

It is, however, quite effective against passive attacks, which is all
that's really important.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 note also that current SSL infrastructure is vulnerable to things like domain
 name hijacking; aka, at least part of SSL protocol is to make sure that you
 really are talking to the host that you think you are talking to ... i.e. the
 SSL certificate contains host/domain name (all this, in theory because of
 weaknesses in the domain name infrastructure) ... and when SSL goes to check
 something in the certificate ... it is checking the hostname/domainname against
 the hostname/domain name that the browser is using.

 However, SSL-certificate issuing CAs have to rely on the domain name
 authoritative infrastructure with regard to issuing SSL-certificates  domain
 name ownership issues ... this is the same authoratative infrastructure that
 supposedly can't be relied on and justifies having a the whole SSL-certificate
 infrastructure to begin with.

To be fair, this sort of attack is much more involved and must be planned
much farther in advance.

 In any case, the domain name infrastructure has been looking at ways to beef up
 the integrity of its operation ... like having public keys registered as part of
 domain name registration. Now, if domain name infrastructure is going to use
 public key registration as part of beefing up its integrity ... that would
 medicate  much of the justification for the SSL-certicate infrastructure.

This would remove one of the more serious barriers to running an SSL 
site - the Verisign protection money.

The problem with all of these things is that they are still based on
creating an association between a domain name and a key, when in fact what
you want is an association between some abstract concept of a counterparty
which exists in an end user's mind (like, say, amazon) and the ownership
of a machine that user's browser is talking to.

Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
goes to redirect them to, and then
proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Ben Laurie

 note also that current SSL infrastructure is vulnerable to things like domain
 name hijacking; aka, at least part of SSL protocol is to make sure that you
 really are talking to the host that you think you are talking to ... i.e. the
 SSL certificate contains host/domain name (all this, in theory because of
 weaknesses in the domain name infrastructure) ... and when SSL goes to check
 something in the certificate ... it is checking the hostname/domainname against
 the hostname/domain name that the browser is using.
 However, SSL-certificate issuing CAs have to rely on the domain name
 authoritative infrastructure with regard to issuing SSL-certificates  domain
 name ownership issues ... this is the same authoratative infrastructure that
 supposedly can't be relied on and justifies having a the whole SSL-certificate
 infrastructure to begin with.
 In any case, the domain name infrastructure has been looking at ways to beef up
 the integrity of its operation ... like having public keys registered as part of
 domain name registration.

How on Earth does that help? The key is already strongly linked to the
domain name - registering it with NetSol (for example) does nothing
interesting except to create another spurious revenue stream for NetSol.

 Now, if domain name infrastructure is going to use
 public key registration as part of beefing up its integrity ... that would
 medicate  much of the justification for the SSL-certicate infrastructure.

Medicate? What?

 Furthermore, if a higher integrity domain name infrastructure included public
 keys in the domain name record ... clients could request a real-time, trusted
 copy of the public key as a adjunct to host-name lookup.  This would further
 eliminate the requirement for any certificate involvement in the majority of the
 existing SSL transaction operation (i.e. client gets the public key at the same
 time hostname resolution is done ... the client can trust a real-time
 host/domain name because of the improvement in the domain name infrastructure
 integrity ... and at the same time it can trust a real-time publickey for the
 same host/domain).

And the benefit of that (apart from lock-in) would be what?




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Ben Laurie

Bram Cohen wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  note also that current SSL infrastructure is vulnerable to things like domain
  name hijacking; aka, at least part of SSL protocol is to make sure that you
  really are talking to the host that you think you are talking to ... i.e. the
  SSL certificate contains host/domain name (all this, in theory because of
  weaknesses in the domain name infrastructure) ... and when SSL goes to check
  something in the certificate ... it is checking the hostname/domainname against
  the hostname/domain name that the browser is using.
  However, SSL-certificate issuing CAs have to rely on the domain name
  authoritative infrastructure with regard to issuing SSL-certificates  domain
  name ownership issues ... this is the same authoratative infrastructure that
  supposedly can't be relied on and justifies having a the whole SSL-certificate
  infrastructure to begin with.
 To be fair, this sort of attack is much more involved and must be planned
 much farther in advance.
  In any case, the domain name infrastructure has been looking at ways to beef up
  the integrity of its operation ... like having public keys registered as part of
  domain name registration. Now, if domain name infrastructure is going to use
  public key registration as part of beefing up its integrity ... that would
  medicate  much of the justification for the SSL-certicate infrastructure.
 This would remove one of the more serious barriers to running an SSL
 site - the Verisign protection money.
 The problem with all of these things is that they are still based on
 creating an association between a domain name and a key, when in fact what
 you want is an association between some abstract concept of a counterparty
 which exists in an end user's mind (like, say, amazon) and the ownership
 of a machine that user's browser is talking to.
 Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
 difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
 the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
 goes to redirect them to, and then
 proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.

Yes, and Mallory can't read the data - so what was the point?




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Bram Cohen

On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:

 Bram Cohen wrote:
  Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
  difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
  the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
  goes to redirect them to, and then
  proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.
 Yes, and Mallory can't read the data - so what was the point?

Yes he can - he's presenting the key for, which he stole,
so he's quite capable of reading requests sent for it.

-Bram Cohen

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Ben Laurie

Bram Cohen wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:
  Bram Cohen wrote:
   Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
   difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
   the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
   goes to redirect them to, and then
   proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.
  Yes, and Mallory can't read the data - so what was the point?
 Yes he can - he's presenting the key for, which he stole,
 so he's quite capable of reading requests sent for it.

Apologies, yes, you are correct, I misunderstood. But isn't this what
Lynn was suggesting in the first place?




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Jeffrey Altman

 The problem with all of these things is that they are still based on
 creating an association between a domain name and a key, when in fact what
 you want is an association between some abstract concept of a counterparty
 which exists in an end user's mind (like, say, amazon) and the ownership
 of a machine that user's browser is talking to.
 Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
 difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
 the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
 goes to redirect them to, and then
 proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.
 -Bram Cohen

I don't understand this last paragraph at all.  If you put a proxy on and I connect through the proxy to the real, where is the threat?  If the SSL connection is established
with the proxy, then the X.509 certificate on that host does not match and the connection would not verify.  If the connection
is proxied to the real the SSL connection will verify,
and because it is protected end to end the proxy will not be able to
do anything other than disconnect the connection at an arbitrary
time.  There is no man in the middle attack here.

  Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer
 The Kermit Project * Columbia University
   612 West 115th St * New York, NY * 10025 * USA * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Public Key Infrastructure: An Artifact...

2000-11-18 Thread Jeffrey Altman

 On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Ben Laurie wrote:
  Bram Cohen wrote:
   Unless that problem is fixed, man in the middle is hardly made more
   difficult - for example, Mallory could break into some random machine on
   the net and steal it's public key, then hijack local DNS and when someone
   goes to redirect them to, and then
   proxy to - now even SSL says the connection is safe.
  Yes, and Mallory can't read the data - so what was the point?
 Yes he can - he's presenting the key for, which he stole,
 so he's quite capable of reading requests sent for it.

No he can't.  What is sending is the certificate for which does not contain the host name
Therefore, it won't be accepted by the client.

If acts as a proxy, then the certificate that is
received by the client is the real one from and so the
session is protected.  You can't have it both ways.

  Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer
 The Kermit Project * Columbia University
   612 West 115th St * New York, NY * 10025 * USA * [EMAIL PROTECTED]