Re: Unsubscribe broken while you spam this address

2001-01-23 Thread Ray Dillinger

Someone is using your mailing lists to direct unwanted 
"noise" email at another mailing list.  They think it's 
fun to subscribe a discussion mailing list address for 
one of your no-posting-allowed mailing lists and annoy 
a few hundred people a day.  The guy who wrote you is 
probably not the same person who subscribed the cypherpunks 
list to whichever of your lists attracted his attention.  
Furthermore, he may have used the unsubscribe link correctly, 
but the attacker, whomever he is, probably just resubscribed 
the cypherpunks list the same day.  

You need to provide a PERMANENT unsubscribe option, so 
that the cypherpunks addresses can be unsubscribed in a 
way that won't allow this bozo to resubscribe them.

At various times, I think I've seen at least six different 
gagler lists, and I was just hitting 'delete' the instant I 
saw the word 'Gagler' in them (eventually, I made the reflex 
automatic via a procmail script). So probably all eight have 
been used at one time or another, as often as this bozo 
gets around to resubscribing cypherpunks to them all. 

Since cypherpunks has ten different "to" addresses, and 
you have eight different mailing lists, that's eighty 
different combinations that this bozo can play with.  
I don't know how many he's used, but somebody (probably
your annoyed correspondent below) has started taking it 
really personally and is apparently actually trying to 
unsub all eighty combinations daily.  Judging from the 
messages in my spam folder, (whatever-of-the-day, every 
*other* day, to different cypherpunks addresses)  I'd say 
this subscribe/unsubscribe fight has probably been going 
on for at least a few weeks, maybe a couple of months.

Can you blame the guy for being frustrated?!

I don't think it's probably wise to just blow it off.
Allowing your system to be used as a weapon is almost 
as bad as directly *using* it as a weapon, and your 
upstreams are not likely to be too happy if they start 
popping up on black-hole lists and their subscribers 
can't get mail through to anybody at an ISP that filters.
Personally, I don't give a crap, because I long since 
just put 'gagler' in my killfile and there's nobody at your 
upstreams I'd be upset by losing contact with.  But I was 
going through my spam folder and saw how clueless you were 
about what's been going on.  So I took pity and I thought I'd 
send you some explanation of what the hell is up, just so 
you can do something to avoid getting reamed as bad as it 
looks like you're about to.  

The wise thing to do would be to make unsubscribe for a 
particular address permanent (ie, don't allow resubscription).  
Seriously.  This isn't a threat, this is just advice.  It is 
what you can do to make the problem go away. 

I'm sure your postmaster at will agree.


On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Gagler wrote:

Which one of our 8 lists could you not followthe instructions?



- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:00 AM
Subject: Unsubscribe broken while you spam this address

 Your unsubscribe process, both the web page and the email
process are



 The next complaint goes to Paul Vixie at the MAPS Realtime
Blackhole List
 (RBL) and your upstream ISP's.

Re: CDR: Some other math/crypto sci-fi

2001-01-23 Thread Bill Stewart

At 09:53 PM 1/22/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
And probably the best crypto/code/conspiricy fiction ever written,

Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco.

It's worth reading the Illuminatus! trilogy first.
I tried finding that in used book stores a decade or so ago,
and for a while there was a Conspiracy to prevent me from
collecting the whole set

But yes, Foucault's Pendulum was a howler as well as
having some deep material in it.

PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: CDR: Re: Recommendations for Cypherpunks Books

2001-01-23 Thread Bill Stewart

At 01:27 AM 1/23/01 -0500, dmolnar wrote:
This suggests a tangent - If we look at works of fiction which were
politically or socially influential in their day, how many were
entertaining? how many were "good stories"? A lot of polemics end up
seeming transparent and thin today (I'm thinking in particular of
Bellamy's _Looking Backward_, but there are probably other examples). 
They had to capture their audience somehow, which seems to say something
about the audience of the time (or maybe just about the tendency people
have to overlook faults in a book which agrees with them). 

There's always Ayn Rand - "The Fountainhead" has at least some
depth of characters, as opposed to her later and more polemic
fnord"Telemachus Sneezed", with the 600-page speech
by John Guilt/fnord
"Atlas Shrugged", with its much thinner characters and
increased preachiness.

On the other hand, a lot of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings haven't
passed the physical tests of time, and I gather geodesic domes
tend to leak even if they're not built as badly as 
those that Some Local Cypherpunks are living in - we'll see how
geodesic economies do...
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: oppose nomination of John Ashcroft

2001-01-23 Thread petro

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 04:13:32PM -1000, Reese wrote:
   Then why were the troops laying siege to the compound, instead of
   snatching koresh when he made one of his frequent trips into town?

At 11:54 PM 1/19/2001 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
  Because sometimes a show of force is perceved as necessary.

  Heck, employers do it to employees all the time.

I cannot recall any employer ever calling security to stick guns in my face.

We did the reverse to the CEO today.

He joking claimed he was going to fire the Ops and IT departments.

The four of us, comprising about 1/2 the Ops/IT staff, 
including one of the directors cheered.

The look on his face couldn't be purchased with MasterCard.
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"As someone who has worked both in private industry and in academia,
whenever I hear about academics wanting to teach ethics to people in
business, I want to puke."--Thomas Sowell.

Invitation to International Nursing Midwifery Conference, Adelaide, November 2001

2001-01-23 Thread ccerp

4th Biennial International Nursing and Midwifery Conference:
Contesting Conversations in Practice, Education, Research and Policy

  Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
Sunday 4th - Wednesday 7th November 2001

   Keynote Presenters:

 Patricia Benner (USA)
 Philip Darbyshire (Australia)
 Cindy Shannon (Australia)
 Paul Lewis (UK)
 Gary Rolfe (UK)

Dear Colleague,

Since its inception in 1995, the International Connecting Conversations Conference 
series has become one of the most stimulating, interactive, enjoyable and valuable 
events in the nursing and midwifery calendar.

This year's conference in Adelaide, Australia will be no exception.  We once again 
bring together internationally renowned keynote presenters, and recognised expert pre 
and post conference workshop presenters, with nurses, midwives and other health care 
professionals to debate and discuss vital issues, to share new initiatives and 
exciting innovations in research, education and practice and to network with leading 
national and international colleagues.

On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee, I invite you to join us for this 
important event.  This is the ideal forum to present and discuss your research, 
showcase your practice initiative or clinical advance, highlight your educational 
innovation, or add your critique of a current health or professional issue.  

 The deadline for submission of abstracts is 5.00 pm, March 30th, 2001.

All of the contact details and information regarding abstract submission, travel and 
tourism are available on the conference web page at: 

Visit this page to register your interest or to request any information about the 
conference or about making that trip to Australia that you've been promising yourself.
We look forward very much to welcoming you to Adelaide in November.

Very best wishes

Professor Philip Darbyshire
CCERP Conference Organising Committee

NB:   I do apologise if this information has reached you in error.  This is a 'once 
 message which will not be sent again.


2001-01-23 Thread Sport
 Dear Brad PittWe have recently launched, our new sports channel dedicated to providing the best online sports coverage from our team of award-winning journalists.The new channel will cover more than 50 sports, and has many new features to provide even better coverage of sporting events from the UK and around the world.To celebrate our launch we are giving away four Sony PlayStation 2 consoles.To win, simply follow this link to and register by selecting the 'Personalise' options in the red banner at the top of any page. Anyone who registers before February 12th 2001* will be entered in the draw. (*Terms and conditions apply)Registering with will also give you access to:Email bulletinsPersonalised headlines and contentInteractive statisticsClipboard to save articlesBookmarks for your favourite websitesOnline BettingForthcoming attractions will include video and audio streaming of live sporting events and celebrity interviews.I hope you enjoy the many new features we have introduced and I look forward to your comments.Yours faithfullyTom GaddChannel Head for**We apologise if you have received this email by mistake. To stop receiving future emails from, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe in the subject line.Alternatively click here to unsubscribe online**

Re: Fw: Excuse me, Mr. Blank Frank

2001-01-23 Thread petro

nks list: "Blank Frank" is anonymous.  S/he
could be anybody, or several different anybodies at the same time.
You happened to catch it/him/her/them in a nasty mood, and at
least one of it/him/her/them flamed you pretty hard.  Perhaps that
particular persona of "Blank Frank" is all out of patience.  But
try to understand why your intent would make someone angry; there
are lots of people out here who are very bitter about being "protected"
as children by authoritarian adults who refused us basic human trust -
which seems to be your intent.  We find that intent repulsive.

Alternatively that particular instance of "Blank Frank" is her kid.

Isn't the internet wonderful.
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"As someone who has worked both in private industry and in academia,
whenever I hear about academics wanting to teach ethics to people in
business, I want to puke."--Thomas Sowell.