re: Imagine

2000-11-30 Thread Anonymous

Bill Stewart wrote:

 The "bunch of elementary school kids had no trouble" press release
 is fun, but bogus.  If the teacher had told the kids
 "Vote for Gore and Lieberman" instead of "Vote for Gore",
 they'd have been much more likely to make a mistake.

More likely, maybe, but not "much more likely."  Now if the kids had been
told "Vote for the Miscreant," or "Vote for the Statist," that's a
different matter.

Too bad they weren't told to "Vote for Who Needs Killing."

Re: Imagine

2000-11-29 Thread Ken Brown

Anonymous wrote:
 Ken Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And what's more some of these non-existent female professors even have
  web pages.  Sorry.
 Care to name one?
  prominent non-teaching posts. Uppsala has large numbers of female
  "Doktorand", who I presume are what here in England we'd call
  "lecturer." For most of the readers of this list, they would be
 Doctoral student.

On the web pages I quoted in the posting you are replying to: (Economic History) (History)

we have references to  Prof Ragnhild Lundstrvm, who I assume from the
name is a woman. But, as I said, their are dozens of references to
other  female academics there who, to the Americans on the list) would
count as "professors". Heck, in France, schoolteachers can be called

Not that it matters because I doubt if anyone seriously thinks that that
spoof has been anywhere near either Uppsala or Zimbabwe. It is still
funny though.


re: Imagine

2000-11-29 Thread Steve Schear
Title: FW: A view from the developing world

  1. Imagine that we read of an election occurring 
  anywhere in the third world in which the self-declared winner was the son of 
  the former prime minister and that former prime minister was himself the 
  former head of that nation's secret police (CIA). Correction. He was 
  declared the winner by the fact that he hasreceived 271 of the needed 
  270 electoral votes. Let's 
  beaccuratePlease!2. Imagine that the 
  self-declared winner lost the popular vote but won based on some old colonial 
  holdover (Electoral College) from the nation's pre-democracy past. 1. This country is a 
  republic, not a democracy. 2.The electoral college was designed to 
  protect states rights, it is not a colonial holdover. It is interesting that 
  leading up to the election, democrats were afraid thatPrince Al (as the 
  democrats would like to viewhim) was going to win on the electoral vote 
  but lose the popular vote. At that time the republicans were silent but the 
  dem's were spinning and spinning that the electoral college is the"law 
  of the land" and we must abide by the law. Funny when things do go as expected 
  for the dem's how they canreverse their spin so quickly. Bottom line. IT 
  3. Imagine that the self-declared winner's 'victory' 
  turned on disputed votes cast in a province governed by his brother! Again, let's work with 
  facts - About 1% of the ballots that the machines registered as "no president 
  vote" in Dade county.Prince Al claims that these have never been 
  counter. Realitycheck: In the past elections in 92 and 96, Dade county 
  showed about 1% of the ballots registered as "no vote for president". In the 
  exit polls for Dade county there were an estimated count of 1% that claimed to 
  not have voted for president. Prince Al would have us believe that if the 
  ballot is punched for democrats but only a scratch on the card (note a scratch 
  that only a democrat canvassing board member can see) means a vote for Prince 
  Al. However, the truth is the only ballots that have not been counted in 
  Florida, are the thousands of Military absentee ballots that the democrat 
  "mob" has managed to get rejected PRIOR to any count. 
  4. Imagine 
  that the poorly drafted ballots of one district, a district heavily favoring 
  the self-declared winner's opponent, led thousands of voters to vote for the 
  wrong candidate. A Ballot designed by the losing candidates party members, approved by 
  the losing candidates party and campaign staff, andis the same ballot 
  layout used in that county in 1996 without complaint, and is the same 
  ballotthat when given to 4 grade children 98% were able to figure it 
  out.Finally, if a ballot is a secret vote, and that once cast 
  cannot be traced back to the individual voter, how the ^#$% can the 
  dem's claim that these people knew they voted for the wrong person? If they 
  knew they made a mistake, the "CONFUSING BALLOT" had these strange words on it 
  along with signs in the polling place, that the voter could request a new 
  ballot. 5. Imagine that members of that nation's most 
  despised caste, fearing for their lives/livelihoods, turned out in record 
  numbers to vote in near-universal opposition to the self-declared winner's 
  candidacy. This 
  item makes no sense at all except it doesecho the words of who has to be 
  the writers greatest heroVladimir Iljitsh Uljanov 
  6. Imagine that state police operating under 
  the authority of the self-declared winner's brother intercepted hundreds of 
  members of that most-despised caste on their way to the polls.see answer to item 5 
  above.i.e. BULL@@$#$7. Imagine that six million 
  people voted in the disputed province and that the self-declared winner's 
  'lead' was only 327 votes. Fewer, certainly, than the vote counting machines' 
  margin of error.and even after a recount, and hand recount with democrat 
  operatives managing the hand recount still had thelegally declared 
  winner as the winner.
  Imagine that the self-declared winner and his political party opposed a more 
  careful by-hand inspection and re-counting of the ballots in the disputed 
  province or in its most hotly disputed district. You know it is interesting 
  that people who claim some level of intelligencecan not see 
  thevote engineering that was attempted by democrat operatives in some 
  counties in an attempt to STEAL the election from the rightful winner. We have 
  had a count,a recount, a rerecount, and the same guy won each 
  time. Al lost. GET OVER IT!
  Imagine that the self-declared winner, himself a governor of a major province, 
  had the worst human rights record of any province in his nation and actually 
  led the nation in executions. This statement is beneath contempt. 
  10. Imagine 
  that a major campaign promise of the self-declared winner was to appoint 
  like-minded human rights 

re: Imagine

2000-11-29 Thread auto105391

I guess you realize this is satire, but lets be accurate!

1. W won't actually be declared the winner until January 6th.  Until then,
 he is therefore self-declared.

2. That's democracy as in "the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class 
distinctions or privilege," and having some say in how the republic is governed. 
  The Electoral College was in part created to safeguard the powers of the 
smaller colonies.  If America hadn't already been parceled up into colonies,
 it is doubtful that they would have come up with the Electoral College.

3. The "fact" that votes were not counted previously (when there was a clear 
winner)  is not germain (what do the damn Germans have to do with this?) 
to the question of who in this case received the most votes.  The number 
of ballots needed to say this is disputed is a small fraction of those 1% 
of ballots that a machine could not read.  These are ballots that a republican 
"mob"  are attempting to reject from the count.  So basically, you're saying 
that people who most likely vote republican but can't follow instructions 
should be counted, but people who most likely vote democrat but can't follow 
instructions should not?

4. One would think that the appropriate credentials for designing a ballot 
would be human factors training, not party affiliation.  It was probably 
crystal clear to them what the ballot said.  I'm sure math teachers can 
read each others tests, but that doesn't really address whether the test 
is fair for the students.  Again, past results which were not scrutinized 
hardly constitute a valid argument as to the effectiveness of the ballot. 
 Remembering which hole you punched is not related to how you decided which 
hole to punch.  

5. Is it not true that minorities turned out in record numbers and most 
of them voted democrat?  If all else fails, call them a commie!  Do the 
words "ad hominem" come to mind?

6. Are you saying the state police are commies?

7. Again the original statement is true.  The margin of victory was less 
than the margin of error.  And yet someone declared themself the winner. 
 Any hand recounts performed (and some were not performed, others stopped) 
were in full view of republican operatives.

8. Again the original statement is true.  Of course the result of two machine 
counts jibe, it would be really scary if it didn't.  If you're going declare 
a winner based on the machine count, and the machine count has an error 
rate greater than the difference, it is a tie.  A more accurate count requires 
a more accurate machine (i.e. a human).  If you can document a case of tampering,
 I suggest you take it to the appropriate authorities.

9. Which part is false?

10. Again which part is false?  You simply changed the subject.  I'm sure 
Newt or Delay are very interested in bridging the gulf with Clinton!

This Nixon thing amuses me.  Nixon arguably lost the popular vote, was behind 
in electoral votes, and disputing Illinois would have brought him that much 
closer to winning.  In this case, Bush lost the popular (not as arguably) 
vote, and without Florida is losing in electoral votes.  Who should have 
conceded?  Ashcroft conceded for political reasons, not for the country. 
 While it is probably important to some people in Missouri, most of the 
country  doesn't know who Missouri's senators are.  He would have been contesting 
a grieving widow and the memory of a the Govenor.

From one misguided minion to another

Re: Imagine

2000-11-28 Thread Bill Stewart

At 11:45 AM 11/28/00 +, Ken Brown wrote:

Which is exactly what the current US situation looks like to most people
outside the US. It presumably seems different to the Americans
themselves (or at least the Republican voters amongst them), but to the
rest of us the whole thing cuts heavily at Bush's credibility

Oh, my - you're saying that Bush has *credibility* in the rest of the
world?  :-)

This reminds me more of the tail-wagging-the-dog situations that
parliamentary systems get into when some minor religious party
or right-wing-wackos or the Monster Raving Loonie party gets to
tell the bigger party what to do because they need three more seats
for their coalition. 

Too bad Florida has a winner-takes-all system - under proportional
representation they'd have been done weeks ago, with 
one electoral vote for Nader, 12 for Gore, and 12 for Bush, 
and that would fairly accurately reflect the opinions of Florida's voters,
unlike the current situation where the margin of error in the counts
is much wider than the difference between the totals.
And it's not even available as a compromise, because Gore's in the lead
without the Florida votes, so that would give him the election.
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: Imagine

2000-11-27 Thread Anonymous

No User [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A history professor from Uppsala Universitet in Sweden, called to
 tell me about this article she had read

Uppsala Universitet has no female history professors. Sorry.