Re: That 70's Crypto Show (Remailers, science and engineering)

2000-12-30 Thread dmolnar

On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Greg Broiles wrote:

 But - several, if not many times - the security we've achieved has been
 broken, because of implementation errors on the part of creators, 
 installers, or users. 

That's right - that's part of the fact that cryptographic engineering (as
opposed to "cryptographic science") is still in its infancy. This is the
downside of the current approach, which focuses on getting the protocol
right first, and only later considers the "real world." 

Bruce Schneier had another way of putting it - something along the lines
of "The math is perfect, the hardware is so-so, the software is a mess,
and the people are awful!" (not an exact quote, but I remember it from one
of his DEF CON speeches). 

That being said, there is some benefit to considering the protocols in an
ideal, polite model - because in the past we haven't even been able to get
security in *that* model. So in some sense this is a case of "publishing
what we can prove." 

It's only comparatively recently that we've had protocols which we can
prove secure, even in weak models -- the first real
definitions of security from Yao, Goldwasser and Micali, and probably
others weren't until the early to mid 1980s. Truly practical cryptosystems
which meet these definitions of security didn't arrive until the 1990s.
(Some would argue that they still aren't here - Bellare and Rogaway's
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) satisfies a strong definition
of security, but only if you buy the "random oracle assumption.")

Now on the "science" side we can and should extend the model to deal with
more of the real world. You might find the recent paper I posted a link to
by Canetti interesting - he sets out to deal with an asynchronous network
with active adversaries. I didn't see torture included yet, but maybe next
version. Birgit Pfitzmann and Michael Waidner are considering something
called "reactive systems" which may also yield results.

On the engineering side -- well, there's a long way to go. Ross Anderson
has a new book coming out which may help a little bit.

The fact remains that I don't think we have enough experience implementing
protocols beyond encryption and signatures. At least not on a wide scale.

Take digital cash and voting protocols as an example. Digital cash has
been implemented and re-implemented several times. It's even had a "live"
test or two. But how many people have managed to buy something tangible
with it? and how does that compare to the amount cleared by credit cards?

Electronic voting seems to be on the upswing - at least with
and the recent election debacle hanging over our heads. Still, who has
implemented, tested, and deployed a truly large-scale voting system
based on cryptographic protocols? The one which comes to mind is the MIT
system built on the FOO protocol - and while that *works* (modulo operator
error), that's only a few thousand undergrads. 

It's at times like this that I wish I knew more about formal verification
of protocols...

 Consider the computing power assembled for the DES or RC5 cracks,
 instead applied to dictionary attacks versus a PGP keyring, or SSH
 keyfile. How long until the average user's passphrase is recovered? 

If the passphrase is in the dictionary, nearly no time at all. Some take
this to mean that now we should write passphrases down, and use the
opportunity to pick long random ones unlikely to be in any dictionary...


Re: That 70's Crypto Show (Remailers, science and engineering)

2000-12-28 Thread dmolnar

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Bill Stewart wrote:

 fewer talks on new stuff people are doing and more on
 some commercial business (maybe or maybe not run by cypherpunks)
 doing their product or non-technical talks by EFF lawyer types.

I'm in the midddle of composing a reply to Tim's message (which is getting
bigger every time I sit down to finish it, ominously enough). One of the
points that has popped into my mind so far is that while we've had
academic crypto research since the 80s, thanks to Rivest, Shamir, Aldeman,
Diffie, Hellman, and others willing to defy the NSA, we have _not_ had a
similar tradition of commercial cryptography - or at least, not a
tradition of companies obtaining money for cryptographic *protocols* as
opposed to ciphers.

It seems to me that it took a long while for people to even recognize that
there was more to cryptography than secrecy. Maybe it happened quickly in
academia, but it doesn't seem to have filtered out quickly (and then
there's still the chilling effect from export controls). This is one of
the reasons why the early Cypherpunk work is so damn important -- it
showed the amazing, powerful things you can do given cryptography and a
little cleverness, and it did so to a (comparatively) wide audience!

Even after "everyone" knows that you can do, say, cryptographic voting,
there's still the question of "who's going to pay for it?"

That question seems to have found a partial answer with the
Internet/Web/"e-commerce" frenzy. The thing is, that is *new*, only 4 or 5
years old. Before, you could go out and say "I want to go commercialize
neat protocol X," and good luck to, you might get funding.
Until you get that funding, you can't start the engineering work that's
required to take a protocol from the "cool CRYPTO paper" stage to the
"real world product." 

Before Tim jumps on me, yes, I know there were early electronic markets,
and yes, electronic trading was around before the Web. Yes, these could
have been viable markets for digital cash, fair exchange protocols,
whatever. Even electronic voting could and did get started earlier
(though not using cryptographic techniques AFAIK) I do not dispute
this! It simply seems to me that the climate today has the possibility of
demand for such protocols (and more) on a wider scale than previously.

 of crypto out of math and CS areas and into engineering.
 Mojo Nation, for example, is partly interesting because it's not just 
 Yet Another Encrypted Music Sharing Product - it's mixing the
 crypto with economic models in ways that are intellectually complex,
 even if they're somewhat at the hand-waving level
 rather than highly precise.

Maybe it will force smart people to move the mix from the hand-waving
level to something highly precise. Insh'allah. 

 Cool.  Are the proceedings on line anywhere?  (Or is it only
 for people who know the secret keys...)

The 2nd and 3rd are, via Springer-Verlag LINK service. Tables of contents
are free; you should be able to recover the papers from their authors'
home pages (use Google!). If you can't find something, e-mail me. 

Page for past proceedings:

Page for IHW 2001:

Unfortunately, the TOC for the first IHW is not online, nor do the papers
seem to be available. You can extract the papers from Petitcolas'
bibliography at

and may be able to get some of the papers that way. I note a previous
message from Hal Finney which has some links as well
(I haven't tried them)

I should state up front that the workshops are a little heavy on
watermarking papers, which may not be of too much interest to cypherpunks.
The papers on breaking watermarks, on the other hand, may be of more
interest. :-)

 On the other hand, we can oppose this to the fact that we 
 have a bunch of remailers, and they seem to work. 
 They may be unreliable, but no one seems
 to have used padding flaws to break a remailer, as far as we know. 
 Arrgh!  Dave, just because nobody's known to have broken them
 doesn't mean that nobody's succeeded in breaking them
 (without us knowing they've succeeded), 

[snip a well-deserved beating]

Well, this is what I get for trying to moderate myself. Everything you say
is correct - of course. I actually agree with you! I mentioned this
because I wanted to avoid playing the part of a "theoretical Cassandra," 
which is something I do too often. (In fact, if I'm not mistaken, that's
part of what Tim's response about different adversary models attempts to
speak to - the fact that traditional cryptographic models assume a
maximally powerful adversary, while we might want a finer grained
hierarchy of adversaries and their effects...)


Re: That 70's Crypto Show (Remailers, science and engineering)

2000-12-28 Thread dmolnar

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Bill Stewart wrote:

 There's some hope. There was a workshop on "Design Issues in Anonymity and
 Unobservability" this past summer which brought people together to talk
 about these issues. The Info Hiding Workshops are still going strong.
 With luck, this year's IHW may have a paper on reputations in it...
 Cool.  Are the proceedings on line anywhere?  (Or is it only
 for people who know the secret keys...)

Uh, it just occurs to me that I may have misread you. 
The Design Issues in Anonymity and Unobservability is currently being
turned into Springer-Verlag LNCS 2009. So the proceedings aren't online as
a whole yet (indeed, we just submitted our final final draft two weeks
ago). You can find a list of papers at

our paper is at

and searching for authors' home pages or e-mail may reveal other papers.


Re: That 70's Crypto Show (Remailers, science and engineering)

2000-12-28 Thread Ray Dillinger

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Tim May wrote:

At 3:56 AM -0500 12/28/00, dmolnar wrote:

I'm in the midddle of composing a reply to Tim's message (which is getting
bigger every time I sit down to finish it, ominously enough).

Sounds good to me!

One of the
points that has popped into my mind so far is that while we've had
academic crypto research since the 80s, thanks to Rivest, Shamir, Aldeman,
Diffie, Hellman, and others willing to defy the NSA, we have _not_ had a
similar tradition of commercial cryptography - or at least, not a
tradition of companies obtaining money for cryptographic *protocols* as
opposed to ciphers.

Not enough energy by half has been focused on protocols. 
I think there's probably a good set of programs to be 
written here.  

Basically, I'm thinking in terms of the old unix philosophy -- 
"A good program does exactly one thing, and does it well.". 
If somebody designs a good set of command-line programs, which 
produce output usable by each other so that they can be piped 
together in useful ways on a unix command line, then protocols 
should be easy to implement as shell scripts.  But a proper 
building block would have to be scriptable from the word "go." 
You'd have to fix it so that anything it could do, at all, it 
could do "in a straight run".  A command line, a command file, 

And you'd have to do it so your keys didn't wind up in 
unencrypted batch files.  Maybe a reference to keys' locations 
in an encrypted file system would be what went on the command 

Such energy as has been focused on protocols has been at the 
level of applications -- basically fixing them in source code 
so the users can't as easily pick them apart and stick them 
back together again different.  

Hmmm.  More later.  Some ideas are percolating through my 
head but they're not very well developed. 


Re: That 70's Crypto Show (Remailers, science and engineering)

2000-12-27 Thread Bill Stewart

Tim May wrote:
 In other words, it's time to get crypto out of the math and computer 
 science departments and put it in the engineering departments where 
 it belongs.

Tim's complained for a while that the cypherpunks meetings and
discussions have declined in quality, partly because we've
tended to rehash old material rather than doing new and 
interesting work, and partly because we've tended to have
fewer talks on new stuff people are doing and more on
some commercial business (maybe or maybe not run by cypherpunks)
doing their product or non-technical talks by EFF lawyer types.
While I'm not disagreeing with him here,
I think a lot of this is _precisely_ related to the movement
of crypto out of math and CS areas and into engineering.
Mojo Nation, for example, is partly interesting because it's not just 
Yet Another Encrypted Music Sharing Product - it's mixing the
crypto with economic models in ways that are intellectually complex,
even if they're somewhat at the hand-waving level
rather than highly precise.

At 02:42 AM 12/26/00 -0500, dmolnar wrote:
There's some hope. There was a workshop on "Design Issues in Anonymity and
Unobservability" this past summer which brought people together to talk
about these issues. The Info Hiding Workshops are still going strong.
With luck, this year's IHW may have a paper on reputations in it...

Cool.  Are the proceedings on line anywhere?  (Or is it only
for people who know the secret keys...)

On the other hand, we can oppose this to the fact that we 
have a bunch of remailers, and they seem to work. 
They may be unreliable, but no one seems
to have used padding flaws to break a remailer, as far as we know. 

Arrgh!  Dave, just because nobody's known to have broken them
doesn't mean that nobody's succeeded in breaking them
(without us knowing they've succeeded), 
or that anybody's put serious effort into an attack.
The basic remailer network is known to be breakable by
anybody doing a thorough eavesdropping attack,
because you can learn a lot from message sizes.
Mixmasters are much safer, because message sizes are
constant (though message counts aren't), but it's not clear
whether they're good enough, given a good attack.
Pipenets are probably secure enough against most attacks,
but they're annoying economically - not surprising that
Zero Knowledge's initial service didn't fully implement them.

The reason remailers have been Good Enough so far
is that as far as we know, nobody's had the motivation
to do a proactive eavesdropping attack on them,
or a proactive deployment of untrustworthy remailers
the attacks have either been after-the-fact attempts to
get information that wasn't logged (they're strong enough
for that, if run by trustable people on uncracked machines), 
or proactive attempts to close the remailers
(many of those attacks have been successful.)

Small numbers of remailers (there are typically about 20)
aren't good enough to resist shutdown-forcing attacks.
The cool thing about Zero Knowledge was that they had a 
business model they thought could get large numbers of
service providers to support, which increases the security
against loss of individual remailers as well as reducing 
the likelihood of an individual remailer shutting down.

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