Re: After Action Report of the First Crypto War

2017-03-02 Thread jim bell

 From: Ryan Carboni 

"The ISDN standard was first defined in 1988. "
Frequently, I see Statists assert that the Internet was built by the United 
States Federal Government.  I shut them down with this argument:
Set the "wayback machine" to 1980 or so.  Typically, modems available to 
consumers were 300 bps acoustic models.  Could you build "The Internet" as we 
know it today with that?  Absolutely not.  Nor with 1200 bps modems, nor 2400 
bps.  9600 bps, which I recall were available in the very late 1980's, would 
start, although full-motion video would require far more than this.  14,400 and 
28,800 bps modems were an improvement.  
So, "The Internet" as we know it could not possibly have come into existence 
without the bandwidth provided by then-new high-speed modems.  ISDN would have 
been very good (initially, it was claimed to be 64,000 bps in early discussion; 
more later) but by the time it was rolled out in some locations, it was not 
sufficiently better than then-available modems.  Further, the phone companies 
expected to be paid relatively large fees for ISDN circuits, as opposed to 
regular voice channels which were "free" beyond the regular monthly cost.  
Thus, the vast majority of the credit for developing the Internet as we know 
it, as least before the high-speed dedicated detworks, was to the various 
companies that figured out how to shove 28,000 bps down a 3,000 Hz voice 
channel, digitized and companded with mu-law (or a-law) codecs at 8,000 samples 
per second.
           Jim Bell

Re: A new meaning to "Intertubz" (sub [snigger] head, The Internet of [ahem] 'Thangs')

2017-03-02 Thread Mirimir
On 03/02/2017 09:41 PM, jim bell wrote:
>  From: Razer 
>> A "smart condom" that "tracks thrust speed and velocity and lets you
> share the data." 
>> "It's basically a Fitbit for your man bits..."

Sexism! It's typically a two (or more) body problem :)

> Come again?
> (Sorry about that...)
>Jim Bell

A new meaning to "Intertubz" (sub [snigger] head, The Internet of [ahem] 'Thangs')

2017-03-02 Thread Razer
A "smart condom" that "tracks thrust speed and velocity and lets you
share the data." 

"It's basically a Fitbit for your man bits..."

 The i.Con Smart Condom, which markets itself as the "world's first
smart condom," is actually a ring that fits over a boring, dumb condom
and claims to track the exercise of your man bits, as well as detect
chlamydia and syphilis.

The ring, first announced last July, is currently available for preorder
on British Condoms for £59.99 (about $74, AU$97) with an unknown release
date. But you can't actually put a ring on it yet -- the company says it
won't take your money until the product has a firm release.

In short, the i.Con ring promises to answer every burning question
you've ever had about your sex session. Don't worry, it will pair with
an app for all your data visualization needs.

According to the preorder page, the ring will answer questions such as:

What's my thrust velocity?
How fast are my thrusts?
How many calories did that sesh just burn?
How many times did I just have sex?
What's the average skin temperature of my... eggplant?
What's my girth?
How many different positions did I just conquer?

Plus, it aims to answer that age-old question: How do I stack up at sex
to everyone else around the world? Because sure, let's gamify sex. What
could go wrong?

The ring, which will come with a one-year warranty, will have a
Micro-USB charging port to provide six to eight hours of "live" usage
(not clear if this means thrust usage or something else). It will work
with a combination of "nano-chip and sensors," and pair with your device
via Bluetooth. (I thought it would charge kinetically, but maybe that's
just a pipe dream.)

With zero pictures of the self-styled "future of wearable technology in
the bedroom" on the site, it's hard to say just how all this technology
will fit into a tiny ring. The company did not immediately respond to a
request for comment. British Condoms does say the i.Con will be
available in one size with a "band adjustment feature."

Worried about privacy, the data kind? British Condoms says "all data
will be kept anonymous, but users will have the option to share their
recent data with friends, or, indeed the world."

Forget dick pics. Now we have to worry about dick status updates.

Orwell coined the phrase 'cold war'

2017-03-02 Thread John Newman
Interesting short piece written by Orwell just after the US nuked Japan (but 
prior to writing 1984).

"Nevertheless, looking at the world as a whole, the drift for many decades has 
been not towards anarchy but towards the reimposition of slavery. We may be 
heading not for general breakdown but for an epoch as horribly stable as the 
slave empires of antiquity."

Re: Relatively Free: A twenty minute documentary about Barrett Brown.

2017-03-02 Thread Razer

On 03/02/2017 06:51 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 03/02/2017 06:43 PM, Razer wrote:
>> Player at top of main page autostarts. Totally free.
>>> Recently released from prison after a four year sentence, journalist 
>>> Barrett 
>>> Brown reflects on his incarceration and future prospects as his parents 
>>> drive 
>>> him to the halfway house.
>> Ps. "When the prison gates open the dragon flies out." ~Ho Chi Minh.
> Yes, this is great news :)

He should really quit smoking. Considering he hasn't had one for a while.
It WAS fun watching him puke though.


Re: Relatively Free: A twenty minute documentary about Barrett Brown.

2017-03-02 Thread Mirimir
On 03/02/2017 06:43 PM, Razer wrote:
> Player at top of main page autostarts. Totally free.
>> Recently released from prison after a four year sentence, journalist Barrett 
>> Brown reflects on his incarceration and future prospects as his parents 
>> drive 
>> him to the halfway house.
> Ps. "When the prison gates open the dragon flies out." ~Ho Chi Minh.

Yes, this is great news :)

Relatively Free: A twenty minute documentary about Barrett Brown.

2017-03-02 Thread Razer

Player at top of main page autostarts. Totally free.

> Recently released from prison after a four year sentence, journalist
> Barrett Brown reflects on his incarceration and future prospects as
> his parents drive him to the halfway house.

Ps. "When the prison gates open the dragon flies out." ~Ho Chi Minh.

CNN ratings skyrocket

2017-03-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
No really, they don't.

Poll: CNN Brand Continues to Plummet

Russia's Zakharova gets in on the Fake News action :)

‘Stop spreading lies & fake news,’ Russian FM spokeswoman tells CNN

And, CNN continues to remind us why, of course...

CNNLeaks: CNN Editors Claim 'No Debate' On Climate Change ...

CNN Ratings Drop Like A Rock, Even HGTV Beat CNN in 2016

Re: Ann Coulter - libertarian? - "There shall be a free market in health insurance."

2017-03-02 Thread juan
On Thu, 2 Mar 2017 00:43:48 -0600
"Shawn K. Quinn"  wrote:

> The "free market" is what is wrong with "health care" in the US.
> For-profit hospitals have to make money, so they charge outrageous
> prices. 

The guy selling hotdogs in the street has to make money too. He
doesn't charge outrageous prices*. OOPS - quinn doesn't have a
fucking clue. Who would have thought it? 

So called 'health care' is expensive because of the
corporatist 'private' mafia that the government created. In
other words, there's no 'free market' in health care. 

*Of course, everything is more expesive than it should be thanks
to nazis (national socialists) like quinn and his beloved
government, including food. But not even the so called MSM is
calling for food socialism...yet.

I Was A Professional Anarchist Paid By Super-Rich Liberal George Soros To Bring Trump Down

2017-03-02 Thread Razer
> Weeks into the presidency of a buffoonish but vicious tyrant, I feel
> compelled to take off my black bandana, hooded sweatshirt, and kick
> off my steel-toed boots to reveal myself to the people. This is
> especially for those who believe the United States is faced with an
> uprising led by professional anarchists and paid protesters.
> They are right.
> In this communique, I will unmask myself, and thus, in doing so, there
> will be truth.
> I can say they are correct because I was hired by New York Hedge Fund
> manager and elite liberal sugar daddy George Soros to personally chair
> an anarcho-commission of agitators. We were asked to treat our work
> like that of a corporation. The more franchises we could start in
> cities across America, the more likely we would be able to tear down
> Donald Trump.
> But the only problem is Soros is a bitch-ass dickstain.
> That motherfucker promised to pay me $2,000/week and give me health
> insurance. He promised to set up a retirement account. He even
> promised to give me a sizable bonus at the end of the year. But after
> the inauguration, when it was time to be paid, no check came in the mail.
> It is almost the end of February, and still, no check has come. I have
> receipts from traveling to Washington, D.C. that I need reimbursed! I
> have student loans from my Left-Wing Revolutionary Studies Major to
> pay off, asshole!
> So, I am violating the non-disclosure agreement I signed to expose
> Soros’ professional anarchist dealings, which are aimed at undermining
> the most vicious and most brutal capitalist empire in the world.

Confession follows >

Re: Our experiments taught us why people troll + ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted relationships to truth

2017-03-02 Thread Steve Kinney
Hash: SHA1

On 03/02/2017 08:01 AM, Marina Brown wrote:

> Question - why are today's trolls always nazis or various forms of 
> fascist ? It would be nice to have left wing trolls. ...not the
> garden variety liberal troll but some real leftie trolls.
> THAT would be fun ;-)

Ideologically pure followers of the Right and Left both troll
non-stop; first themselves, then others.  The differences between
political leaders on the Right and Left are matters of style, not

In Identity Politics game, the Left's victory condition is to prove
oneself morally superior, while the Right's victory condition is to
stomp someone else down.  This seems to fit with the observed behavior
of inmates of the Left and Right ideologies, consistent with the
personality types targeted by political indoctrination campaigns:  The
Left package is marketed to people with a strong predisposition to
confidence and cooperation in social contexts, the Right package is
marketed to those with a predisposition for fear and the use of force
in social contexts.  About ten years ago there were some press notices
of psychological studies confirming a model where Liberal and
Conservative "political preferences" are strongly consistent with
baseline preconscious emotional and cognitive predispositions as per

This evaluation of Left and Right Identity Politics may not make sense
to some people, especially those who have been sold the Left/Right
conflict as some kind of "ideological battle" based on the validity or
utility of political and economic theories, and believe the outcomes
of such debates in the public sphere affect State political and
economic policy.  But in a context where acquiring and preserving
power for its own sake by any means necessary is the only "ideology"
of an economic ruling class, the Left/Right divide is more a matter of
style than substance:  A basis for popularity contests among political
representatives of ruling class factions whose action agendas overlap
by 90% or more, in a context where public policy always serves the
entire ruling class at everyone else's expense.  I call Left/Right
Identity Politics a "divide the conquered" strategy.


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Re: Ann Coulter - libertarian? - "There shall be a free market in health insurance."

2017-03-02 Thread Razer

On 03/01/2017 10:43 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 03/02/2017 12:17 AM, 

Re: CONFESS! Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins!

2017-03-02 Thread Razer

On 03/01/2017 11:11 PM, oshwm wrote:

> I'd take someone with good imagination who has to look up fine details over 
> someone who has a photographic memory and no imagination any day.

The money men opted for lack of imagination and ability to smile at your
co-worker even as you plan their assassination. Because it alway worked


> On 2 March 2017 04:22:34 GMT+00:00, "James A. Donald"  
> wrote:
>> On 3/2/2017 1:00 PM, Razer wrote:
 A number of programmers have taken it Twitter to bring it to
 everyone's, but particularly recruiter's, attention about the
>> grueling
 interview process in their field that relies heavily on technical

 David Heinemeier Hansson, a well-known programmer and the creator of
 the popular Ruby on Rails coding framework, started it when he
 tweeted, "Hello, my name is David. I would fail to write bubble sort
 on a whiteboard. I look code up on the internet all the time. I
>> don't
 do riddles." Another coder added, "Hello, my name is Tim. I'm a lead
 at Google with over 30 years coding experience and I need to look up
 how to get length of a python string." Another coder chimed in,
>> "Hello
 my name is Mike, I'm a GDE and lead at NY Times, I don't know what
>> np
 complete means. Should I?"

 A feature story on The Outline adds:

> This interview style, widely used by major tech companies including
> Google and Amazon, typically pits candidates against a whiteboard
> without access to reference material -- a scenario working
> programmers say is demoralizing and an unrealistic test of actual
> ability. People spend weeks preparing for this process, afraid that
> the interviewer will quiz them on the one obscure algorithm they
> haven't studied. "
 A cottage industry has emerged that reminds us uncomfortably of SAT
 prep," Karla Monterroso, VP of programs for Code2040, an
>> organization
 for black and Latino techies, wrote in a critique of the whiteboard
 interview. [...] This means companies tend to favor recent computer
 science grads from top-tier schools who have had time to cram; in
 other words, it doesn't help diversify the field with women, older
 people, and people of color.

>>> With links:
>> I have not studied any of these things since forever and a day, but I 
>> can still pass all of them, and anyone who cannot, should not be hired.
>> I think the last time I read what a bubble sort was, or had to think 
>> about a bubble sort, was when I read Knuth, more decades ago than I
>> care 
>> to admit, and yet I can do a bubble sort off the top of my head on a 
>> whiteboard.
>> If companies have a lot of people who could not pass these tests, or 
>> could not pass them without cramming, they should fire a lot of people.
> I'd take someone with good imagination who has to look up fine details over 
> someone who has a photographic memory and no imagination any day.

Re: Our experiments taught us why people troll + ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted relationships to truth

2017-03-02 Thread Marina Brown
On 03/02/2017 06:40 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> #  Our experiments taught us why people troll.
> #  ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted
> relationships to truth.
> ==
> Troll bonus du jour, woohoo!!!  ;D
> #  Trump isn’t lying, he’s bullshitting – and it’s far more dangerous.

Question - why are today's trolls always nazis or various forms of
fascist ? It would be nice to have left wing trolls. ...not the garden
variety liberal troll but some real leftie trolls.

THAT would be fun ;-)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> John Young jya at
> Wed Mar 1 16:25:26 PST 2017
> steal

You know all about that. 


2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> John Newman jnn at
> Tue Feb 28 04:16:30 PST 2017
> the need for diversity

Eat a dick, faggots !


2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> John Newman jnn at
> Tue Feb 28 04:16:30 PST 2017
> the need for diversity

Eat a dick, faggots !

Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> John Young jya at
> Wed Mar 1 16:25:26 PST 2017
> steal

You know all about that. 

Our experiments taught us why people troll + ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted relationships to truth

2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at
> Thu Mar 2 03:40:54 PST 2017
> Alternative facts

Like when you think saturated fat is unhealthy and deny the world is
headed into ice age ?

Or like when you demonize the man that said fuck the TPP ?

Ann Coulter - libertarian? - "There shall be a free market in health insurance."

2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> juan juan.g71 at
> Wed Mar 1 23:08:35 PST 2017
> why would your stupid socialist vomits be 'on topic'
> in this list by-the-way? 

For the same reasons your stupid communist vomits be.


Anarchapulco Presentation

2017-03-02 Thread Nathan Sochu
> Razer g2s at
> Wed Mar 1 09:28:43 PST 2017
> Muslim society is rape culture

Good, you agree.

Our experiments taught us why people troll + ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted relationships to truth

2017-03-02 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
#  Our experiments taught us why people troll.

#  ‘Alternative facts’: A psychiatrist’s guide to twisted
relationships to truth.


Troll bonus du jour, woohoo!!!  ;D

#  Trump isn’t lying, he’s bullshitting – and it’s far more dangerous.

Re: CONFESS! Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins!

2017-03-02 Thread James A. Donald

"James A. Donald"  wrote:

These are not tests of rote memorization.  Someone who passes them by
rote memorization is cheating.  These are tests of ability to write a
simple program.

You ask someone to write a bubble sort, not because anyone ever needs a
bubble sort, but because the program you actually need someone to write
cannot be looked up on the internet.

On 3/2/2017 6:52 PM, oshwm wrote:

Then what is the use of asking someone to write a bubble sort (which has been 
written a million times) - surely you should pick something that hasn't been 
written before?

It is convenient to ask someone to write a bubble sort because one can 
compactly express the problem.

Another popular test is fizz buzz: Print out the integers 1 to 100, 
except that for each integer divisible by three print "fizz", for each 
integer divisible by five print "buzz" and for each integer divisible by 
both three and five, print "fizz buzz"

There are a huge number of little tests like this, and because people 
are cramming on common ones like bubble sort and fizz buzz, you need to 
invent ever more obscure ones so that the cheaters will be unprepared.

And, by and large, that is in fact what we are doing: Inventing ever 
more obscure tests to beat the cheaters.  If your interviewees can guess 
the program they will be asked to write, you need to fire your interviewers.

Re: Ann Coulter - libertarian? - "There shall be a free market in health insurance."

2017-03-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 4:43 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

The "free market" is what is wrong with "health care" in the US.
For-profit hospitals have to make money, so they charge outrageous

Singapore has socialist health care and genuine free market health care. 
 Most people use the free market healthcare, and pay for it out of 
their own pockets (not quite their own pockets - out of mandatory 
savings accounts)

It is best healthcare system in the world.  The prices are fairly 
similar to the free market health care sectors in India and Thailand.

When government guarantees free healthcare for everyone, the hospitals 
get overrun by bums seeking a free bed and free meals, and by drug 
addicts seeking free drugs, as for example in Canada.  And then the 
government starts bumping off old people to make room.

The problem in America today is that lots of people get free healthcare, 
and these people go in by the same door, and see the same triage nurse 
as you do, so there is always a long queue of bums and drug addicts in 
front of you running up the cost of healthcare.

If you are not prepared to let bums and drug addicts drop dead, you wind 
up bumping off retirees.  Which is the Obamacare crisis. Ann Coulter 
cannot buy health insurance at any price, because bums and drug addicts 
are in front of her.

She can buy what Obama calls health insurance, but it does not cover 
cancer, broken legs, etc, and has extremely high deductibles, so is 
effectively not health insurance.  And that is the collapse of Obamacare.

Re: CONFESS! Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins!

2017-03-02 Thread oshwm
On 2 March 2017 07:22:48 GMT+00:00, "James A. Donald"  
>On 3/2/2017 5:11 PM, oshwm wrote:
>> I'd take someone with good imagination who has to look up fine
> > details over someone who has a photographic memory and no
> > imagination any day.
>These are not tests of rote memorization.  Someone who passes them by 
>rote memorization is cheating.  These are tests of ability to write a 
>simple program.
>You ask someone to write a bubble sort, not because anyone ever needs a
>bubble sort, but because the program you actually need someone to write
>cannot be looked up on the internet.

Then what is the use of asking someone to write a bubble sort (which has been 
written a million times) - surely you should pick something that hasn't been 
written before?