Re: how to best organise a large community "important" books library?

2017-05-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 01:23:41PM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 2017-05-17 17:08, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> >Has anyone done anything like this, and if so, how did you solve it?
> >
> >(Medium term, the problem begs for a git-like addressed, git-like P2P
> >addressable/verifiable "content management" solution; e.g. if I have
> >a random collection of say 10K books, it would be nice to be able to
> >say something like:
> >   git library init
> >
> >   # add my books:
> >   git add .
> >   git commit
> >
> >   git library sort categories
> >   git library add index1 # create an "indexing" branch
> >   git commit
> >
> >   # add some upstream/p2p libraries for indexing/search/federation:
> >   git library index add upstream:uni.berkely
> >   git library p2p   add i2p.tunnel:myfriend.SHA
> >   git library full-index pull myfriend.SHA
> >   git library math-index pull myfriend.SHA
> >   git library book:SHA   pull myfriend.SHA
> This is the problem of clustering in groups of enormously high dimension, 
> which is a well studied problem in AI.
> Take each substring of six words or less, that does not contain a full stop 
> internally.  The substring may contain a
> start of sentence marker at the beginning, and or an end of sentence marker 
> at the end.
> Each substring constitutes a vector in a space of enormously high dimension, 
> the space of all possible strings of
> moderate length.
> Each such vector is randomly but deterministically mapped to a mere hundred 
> or so dimensions, to a space of moderately
> high dimension, by randomly giving each coordinate the value of plus one, 
> minus one, or zero.
> Two identical substrings in two separate documents will be mapped to the same 
> vector in the space of moderate
> dimension.
> Each document is then given a position in the space of moderately high 
> dimension by summing all the vectors, and then
> normalizing the resulting vector to length one.
> Thus each document is assigned a position on the hypersphere in the space of 
> moderately high dimension.
> If two different documents contain some identical substrings, will tend to be 
> closer together.
> We then assign a document to its closest group of documents, and the closest 
> subgroup within that group, and the
> closest sub sub group.

Interesting. Algorithmic auto-categorizing. Sounds like it has
potential to create at least one useful index.

The main bit I don't like about Library of Congress, Dewey and other
"physical library" categorization schemes is that they are evidently
"optimized" for physical storage, and so they arbitrarily group
categories which are not directly related.

But even related categories might as well be "different categories"
in the digital world - an extra folder/dir is relatively inexpensive
compared with "another physical [sub-]shelf and labelling which we
want to be relatively stable --in physical space-- over time, in
order to minimize shuffling/ reorganizing of the physical storage of
books (/maps /etc)".

Categories (and sub-, sub-sub- etc) are definitely useful to folks,
and ACM, some maths journals group etc, have typically created
4-levels of categories + sub categories --just for their field--.

Again, we have no physical limits in virtual categorization space,
and to top it off, with something git-like we can have as many
categorizations (directory hierarchies) as people find useful - so
some auto-algo thing as you suggest, LOC, Dewey, and "no useful
sub-category excluded" might all be wanted by different people - so
a content item exists, and is GUID addressed, and then one or more
indexes/ folder hierarchies overlay on top of this. And indeed one
content item such as a book may well be appropriately included in
more than one category/ s-category/ ss-category/ sss-category, --in
a single chosen hiearchy--, in any particular library.

NSA's illegal surveillance of Americans

2017-05-26 Thread jim bell

[partial quote follows]
The NSA intentionally and routinely intercepted communications of American 
citizens in violation of the Constitution. During the Obama years, the National 
Security Agency intentionally and routinely intercepted and reviewed 
communications of American citizens in violation of the Constitution and of 
court-ordered guidelines implemented pursuant to federal law. The unlawful 
surveillance appears to have been a massive abuse of the government’s 
foreign-intelligence-collection authority, carried out for the purpose of 
monitoring the communications of Americans in the United States. While aware 
that it was going on for an extensive period of time, the administration failed 
to disclose its unlawful surveillance of Americans until late October 2016, 
when the administration was winding down and the NSA needed to meet a court 
deadline in order to renew various surveillance authorities under the Foreign 
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The administration’s stonewalling about 
the scope of the violation induced an exasperated Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Court to accuse the NSA of “an institutional lack of candor” in 
connection with what the court described as “a very serious Fourth Amendment 
issue.” (The court is the federal tribunal created in 1978 by FISA; it is often 
referred to as a “secret court” because proceedings before it are classified 
and ex parte — meaning only the Justice Department appears before the court.) 
The FISA-court opinion is now public, available here. The unlawful surveillance 
was first exposed in a report at Circa by John Solomon and Sara Carter, who 
have also gotten access to internal, classified reports. The story was also 
covered extensively Wednesday evening by James Rosen and Bret Baier on Fox 
News’s Special Report. According to the internal reports reviewed by Solomon 
and Carter, the illegal surveillance may involve more than 5 percent of NSA 
searches of databases derived from what is called “upstream” collection of 
Internet communications. As the FISA court explains, upstream collection refers 
to the interception of communications “as they transit the facilities of an 
Internet backbone carrier.” These are the data routes between computer 
networks. The routes are hosted by government, academic, commercial, and 
similar high-capacity network centers, and they facilitate the global, 
international exchange of Internet traffic. Upstream collection from the 
Internet’s “backbone,” which accounts for about 9 percent of the NSA’s 
collection haul (a massive amount of communications), is distinguished from 
interception of communications from more familiar Internet service providers. 
Upstream collection is a vital tool for gathering intelligence against foreign 
threats to the United States. It is, of course, on foreign intelligence targets 
— non-U.S. persons situated outside the U.S. — that the NSA and CIA are 
supposed to focus. Foreign agents operating inside the U.S. are mainly the 
purview of the FBI, which conducts surveillance of their communications through 
warrants from the FISA court — individualized warrants based on probable cause 
that a specific person is acting as an agent of a foreign power. The NSA 
conducts vacuum intelligence-collection under a different section of FISA — 
section 702. It is inevitable that these section 702 surveillance authorities 
will incidentally intercept the communications of Americans inside the United 
States if those Americans are communicating with the foreign target. This does 
not raise serious Fourth Amendment concerns; after all, non-targeted Americans 
are intercepted all the time in traditional criminal wiretaps because they 
call, or are called by, the target. But FISA surveillance is more controversial 
than criminal surveillance because the government does not have to show 
probable cause of a crime — and when the targets are foreigners outside the 
U.S., the government does not have to make any showing; it may target if it has 
a legitimate foreign-intelligence purpose, which is really not much of a hurdle 
at all. So, as noted in coverage of the Obama administration’s monitoring of 
Trump-campaign officials, FISA section 702 provides some privacy protection for 
Americans: The FISA court orders “minimization” procedures, which require any 
incidentally intercepted American’s identity to be “masked.” That is, the NSA 
must sanitize the raw data by concealing the identity of the American. Only the 
“masked” version of the communication is provided to other U.S. intelligence 
agencies for purposes of generating reports and analyses. As I have previously 
explained, however, this system relies on the good faith of government 
officials in respecting privacy: There are gaping loopholes that permit 
American identities to be unmasked if, for example, th

Re: how to best organise a large community "important" books library?

2017-05-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-05-17 17:08, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Has anyone done anything like this, and if so, how did you solve it?

(Medium term, the problem begs for a git-like addressed, git-like P2P
addressable/verifiable "content management" solution; e.g. if I have
a random collection of say 10K books, it would be nice to be able to
say something like:
   git library init

   # add my books:
   git add .
   git commit

   git library sort categories
   git library add index1 # create an "indexing" branch
   git commit

   # add some upstream/p2p libraries for indexing/search/federation:
   git library index add upstream:uni.berkely
   git library p2p   add i2p.tunnel:myfriend.SHA
   git library full-index pull myfriend.SHA
   git library math-index pull myfriend.SHA
   git library book:SHA   pull myfriend.SHA

This is the problem of clustering in groups of enormously high 
dimension, which is a well studied problem in AI.

Take each substring of six words or less, that does not contain a full 
stop internally.  The substring may contain a start of sentence marker 
at the beginning, and or an end of sentence marker at the end.

Each substring constitutes a vector in a space of enormously high 
dimension, the space of all possible strings of moderate length.

Each such vector is randomly but deterministically mapped to a mere 
hundred or so dimensions, to a space of moderately high dimension, by 
randomly giving each coordinate the value of plus one, minus one, or zero.

Two identical substrings in two separate documents will be mapped to the 
same vector in the space of moderate dimension.

Each document is then given a position in the space of moderately high 
dimension by summing all the vectors, and then normalizing the resulting 
vector to length one.

Thus each document is assigned a position on the hypersphere in the 
space of moderately high dimension.

If two different documents contain some identical substrings, will tend 
to be closer together.

We then assign a document to its closest group of documents, and the 
closest subgroup within that group, and the closest sub sub group.

Re: PQ Crypto - 50 cracked up Qbits online within 1 year, NIST PQC Competition, etc

2017-05-26 Thread juan
On Fri, 26 May 2017 00:12:49 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> IBM Fronts at least 17 Q-bits to the World's Private Buyers,
> 50 rough Q-Bits by Many Entities within 1 Year

so it's time to start using one time pads 

Re: For Your Eyes Only...

2017-05-26 Thread Razer

On 05/26/2017 08:04 AM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 05/26/2017 03:30 AM, Razer wrote:
> I wonder why they didn't use instead.
> Maybe because it's been squatted:
> Only $2,295 :)

DomainTools want $ to see the domain history... Nah!
But it has some history. SO I suspect it's not a moneymaker.

Btw, that site is pwned by @datacoup who WOULD like people to volunteer
their metadataz

After all, why bother with BTC when you can gamble ur metadataz away:
> Unlock the Value of Your Personal Data
> Introducing the world's first personal data marketplace


Re: For Your Eyes Only...

2017-05-26 Thread Mirimir
On 05/26/2017 03:30 AM, Razer wrote:


I wonder why they didn't use instead.

Maybe because it's been squatted:

Only $2,295 :)

Re: For Your Eyes Only...

2017-05-26 Thread Razer

On 05/25/2017 05:29 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> Razer, did you notice the fact that I read the books when I had less
> than half of the age of your youngest son?

Son? You [selector]-ed the wrong person.

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Re: For Your Eyes Only...

2017-05-26 Thread John Newman

> On May 25, 2017, at 2:28 AM, Steve Kinney  wrote:
>> On 05/24/2017 08:44 PM, Razer wrote:
>> Ps. I wouldn't suppose a single one of you has ever actually read one of
>> Fleming's books.
> Only just all of them, even Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  :D
> "Once is misfortune, twice is happenstance, three times is enemy action."
> The first Bond flick was OK, but alas... Eon went the way of maximum
> marketing and before it was over with, selling the Playboy Lifestyle was
> the whole purpose of making Bond movies.  If anyone here digs spy
> fiction at all, The Night Manager is well worth seeing:  It takes a
> miniseries to tell a LeCarre story.
> But none of the above is a patch on L. Fletcher Prouty's magnum opiate,
> The Secret Team.
> :o)

I've actually never read Fleming, just sort of assumed it was way cheesy based 
on the movies?

I have read most of LeCarre's stuff and a few other spy genre guys like Len 
Deighton and Frederick Forsyth...

The Karla trilogy is the best, for my money.
