Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread Kurt Buff
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Kevin Gallagher
> Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding, anarchy is the
> rejection of heirarchies. Isn't anarcho-capitalism therefore an oxymoron?

No, anarcho-capitalism is grounded in the understanding that free
trade among free people is a the only road to peace and prosperity.
People arrange themselves in hierarchies all the time, and it's no
crime if they do so freely. It's often a benefit. This is as opposed
to anarcho-syndicalism or various other flavors of anarchism, which
are grounded in the belief that money and trade are evil and that love
and unicorn farts are sufficient to sustain life.

> The existence of currency inherently creates a heirarchy based on the amount
> of currency one owns, does it not?

No, it does not. There are lots of things to unpack in that
statemen/questiont, but I'll just mention two:
 - Currency isn't money, as such
 - Fiat currency creation is used by anti-capitalist forces to
enrich the few at the expense of the rest of us, destroying capital in
the process.

Reading some Murray Rothbard or Ludwig von Mises for starters, would
be an eye opener for you.


Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread juan

for completness' sake I suggest people search for 

"jeff berwick chile scam"

"jeff berwick chile scam mcelroy"

Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread juan
On Tue, 11 Jul 2017 04:22:59 -0400
Kevin Gallagher  wrote:

> Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding, anarchy
> is the rejection of heirarchies. Isn't anarcho-capitalism therefore an
> oxymoron? The existence of currency inherently creates a heirarchy
> based on the amount of currency one owns, does it not?

currency? You actually mean property? 

But since you mentioned currency, what sort of economic system
with no 'currency' are you proposing? One with no economic
exchanges, I should guess? 

Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread juan
On Tue, 11 Jul 2017 11:31:23 -0400
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> On 07/11/2017 10:59 AM, Razer wrote:
> > CrimetInc Ex-Worker Podcast #18: "What Anarchism Isn’t, Pt 1:
> > Libertarianism and Anarcho-Capitalism"
> > 
> > With transcript:
> No time to play the podcast right now (though I will later) - but
> here's my "elevator speech" on the AnCap Bullshit:
> "Capitalism can not exist without armed State authorities to define
> and enforce the so-called rights of absentee landlords.
> Anarcho-capitalism is a contradiction in terms, just a super
> fashionable name for direct rule by gangs of billionaires who get to
> do literally anything they want."
> The only reason to add the prefix an- or anarcho- to the name of a
> 19th century political theory or ideology is to make it sound hip and
> fashionable.

modern 'anarcho capitalists' are fucking idiots, fake
libertarians, corporate apologists and the like. 

However, the liberal tradition based on common sense morality,
rights to life, liberty and property, and its obvious anarchist
(no state) conclusion isn't just a '19th' century political
theory'. Not sure what you want to accomplish with that label...

"A great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not
the effect of government. It had its origin in the principles
of society, and the natural constitution of man. It existed
prior to government, and would exist if the formality of
government was abolished. " 

See? That's liberal anarchism. And that's not from the 19th
century. That's paine's "Rights of Man" - 1791 - so it's 18th

And here's some more 18th century stuff 

"... to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the

So, now, get this : no fucking CONSENT, no government. And of
course the government created by the supreme scumabag(s)
who wrote that was and is one the most corrupt and hypocritical
tyrannys in history. 

But regardless of the frauds involved with it,
liberal/libertarian anarchism is a pretty solid 'theory'.

Re: Russia's "eye-watering" military toys

2017-07-11 Thread juan
On Sat, 8 Jul 2017 00:13:07 -0700
Steven Schear  wrote:

> With advancing commercial tech, open hardware and software, the
> practicality of effective, open, smart weapon and dual-use becomes
> eminently more likely.

To some degree maybe. However, with advancing manufacturing
techniques and complete state control over supply chains, the
ability of individuals to play with hardware will probably
become non-existent - unless of course they work for the state
or its private accomplices.

> Warrant Canary creator
> On Jul 7, 2017 7:40 PM, "Steve Kinney"  wrote:
> On 07/07/2017 09:52 PM, juan wrote:
> >>> On a related note, I see that the japanese are 'partners' or
> >>> forcibibly buy that kind of stuff. I assume that any weapon
> >>> that americunts sell is fully backdoored so I kinda wonder
> >>> what kind of retard can buy stuff from them...Well, the japanese
> >>> and many other seem to be just that kind of retard.
> >> 
> >   Are you? One obvious thing here is that what the russians
> >   produce is also backdoored. Another obvious thing is that you
> >   can trust the russians as much as you can trust americunts.
> I would not be so sure.  In the case of weapons earmarked for U.S.
> use, I would bet heavily that there are no (deliberately installed)
> back doors in their C systems:Our military leaders may be
> passionately ignorant and profoundly neurotic, that they are not
> actually stupid. Lockout functions that take significant time and
> effort to defeat (when enabled) I take for granted, even though for
> decades the unlock code for all U.S. nuclear warhead firing circuits
> was a string of zeros.
> In the case of weapons eligible for export, I would only be a /little/
> less confident that back doors are not included:  One wants one's
> allies' weapons to work as advertised, and the blowback from
> discovered back doors would be very costly.
> As is done with proprietary trade secret operating systems etc., these
> back doors would be called "bugs" or "design flaws" when discovered,
> and this hard to disprove canard would be widely accepted as fact.
> But when (not if) back doors weapons systems are discovered, that
> would be Bad For Business:  Quality really counts when defending the
> interests of one's own billionaires from the servants of hostile
> overseas billionaires.  The consequences of back doors
> discovered /and/ exploited could include personal reprisals against
> parties considered responsible and major realignments of global power
> dynamics.

Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread jim bell

 From: Razer 
 On 07/11/2017 10:12 AM, jim bell wrote:
  From: Razer 
  Anarchast is the world's largest anarchist/anarcho-capitalist video
 podcast in the world with 3 million views on Youtube and millions of
 audio downloads as well as being broadcast on satellite radio across
 the world and on more than 40 terrestrial radio stations in the US.

  >Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding, anarchy is the 
rejection of heirarchies. Isn't anarcho-capitalism therefore an >oxymoron?  
  >No.  Anarchy is the rejection of non-voluntary heirarchies.    Nothing 
against having heirarchies which are voluntarily accepted by all >participants. 
         Jim Bell
>Hierarchy implies coercion.
I would say, instead, that heirarchy includes the possibility of coercion, but 
does not require it.           Jim Bell


Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread Razer

On 07/11/2017 10:12 AM, jim bell wrote:
> *From:* Razer 
> Anarchast is the world's largest anarchist/anarcho-capitalist video
>> podcast in the world with 3 million views on Youtube and millions of
>> audio downloads as well as being broadcast on satellite radio across
>> the world and on more than 40 terrestrial radio stations in the US.
>> >Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding,
>> anarchy is the rejection of heirarchies. Isn't anarcho-capitalism
>> therefore an >oxymoron?
>> No.  Anarchy is the rejection of non-voluntary heirarchies.  
>>  Nothing against having heirarchies which are voluntarily accepted by
>> all participants.  
>>Jim Bell

Hierarchy implies coercion.


Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread Razer

On 07/11/2017 01:22 AM, Kevin Gallagher wrote:
> On Jul 10, 2017 6:40 PM, "grarpamp"  > wrote:
> Intereating! I will have to check these links out.
> Anarchast is your home for Anarchy on the internet.
> To us, Anarchy means freedom.  The desire to live without a violent,
> coercive State.  Anarchy is peace, love and prosperity.
> Sounds lovely. I could get on board.
>   Free markets.
> And, power to the people.
> Power to the people. I'm all for that.
> Anarchast is the world's largest anarchist/anarcho-capitalist video
> podcast in the world with 3 million views on Youtube and millions of
> audio downloads as well as being broadcast on satellite radio across
> the world and on more than 40 terrestrial radio stations in the US.
> Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding, anarchy
> is the rejection of heirarchies. Isn't anarcho-capitalism therefore an
> oxymoron?

CrimetInc Ex-Worker Podcast #18: "What Anarchism Isn’t, Pt 1:
Libertarianism and Anarcho-Capitalism"

With transcript:

> The existence of currency inherently creates a heirarchy based on the
> amount of currency one owns, does it not?
> Anarchast founded Anarchapulco, the world's first and largest
> anarcho-capitalist conference held yearly in Acapulco, Mexico.
> Related...

Re: HOAX WARNING (Was Re: Swedish "police no-go zones" are a literal lawless free for all!)

2017-07-11 Thread John Newman
On Sun, Jul 09, 2017 at 12:58:25AM -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 07/09/2017 12:26 AM, 

Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 04:22:59AM -0400, Kevin Gallagher wrote:
> Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding,
> anarchy is the rejection of heirarchies.

Assertions (such as this e.g.) are easy to throw out.

The trick is to catch yourself using, speaking, or projecting any
assertion, and so "to my understanding" was a -great- prefix which
we don't often see used.

On "the food chain" there is a natural hierarchy, e.g.:

 - water, air and soil
 -> microbiome
 -> plants
 -> animals/fish
 -> humans

(Yes some humans stop lower on the food chain hierarchy than others -
doesn't change the existence of the hierarchy.)

Anarchists are typically fond of affirming self evident facts,
at least where there might be any doubt :)

Software hiearchies are abundant - the hiearchy of addressing page
tables and a zillion (precise number) more such hierarchies.

Every second level contract implies a hierarchy:

E.g. you and I make a contract - you pay me in food, I create a
website for you, then I go and sub-contract the website development
out to a graphic artist, JS coder and DB admin.

Here's probably what we could all agree on:
Hierarchy's by fiat are almost always worthy of rejection.

Even a so-called "benevolent dictatorship", if it is at all imposed,
rather than entirely "by the free will of all involved" therefore has
some element of coercion (since it's not entirely "by free will") and
therefore such a hierarchy, --by definition-- can never be truly

(At least, some would say.)

> Isn't anarcho-capitalism therefore an oxymoron?

If everything is entirely voluntary, everyone is well educated and
therefore no one enters into fundamentally unfair/enslaving "free
will contracts", then no, there is no oxymoron - but that's a lot of
pre-conditions required to establish such an utopia :D

> The existence of currency inherently creates a heirarchy
> based on the amount of currency one owns, does it not?


But only if the "right" to print/mint/coin/issue currency is a
by-fiat right (e.g. punishable by statutory crime for "violation"
of the rule).

It might seem a sort of awkward conversation, but that's because it
is, and it is because we are essentially uneducated in what anachism
even means, and so we use old-world concepts, and easily get
misunderstood (even IF we are "clear in our own mind") :)

HTH and good luck,

Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread Kevin Gallagher
On Jul 10, 2017 6:40 PM, "grarpamp"  wrote:

Intereating! I will have to check these links out.

Anarchast is your home for Anarchy on the internet.
To us, Anarchy means freedom.  The desire to live without a violent,
coercive State.  Anarchy is peace, love and prosperity.

Sounds lovely. I could get on board.

  Free markets.

And, power to the people.

Power to the people. I'm all for that.

Anarchast is the world's largest anarchist/anarcho-capitalist video
podcast in the world with 3 million views on Youtube and millions of
audio downloads as well as being broadcast on satellite radio across
the world and on more than 40 terrestrial radio stations in the US.

Here is where I start to have questions. To my understanding, anarchy is
the rejection of heirarchies. Isn't anarcho-capitalism therefore an
oxymoron? The existence of currency inherently creates a heirarchy based on
the amount of currency one owns, does it not?

Anarchast founded Anarchapulco, the world's first and largest
anarcho-capitalist conference held yearly in Acapulco, Mexico.


Re: Welcome To Anarchast!

2017-07-11 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 2:05 PM, Razer  wrote:
> oooh they haz FACEBOOK page!
> (I'll stick with Deek Jackson)

A failure of many youtube anarchists is that they're too
busy (and to credit, ok at) talking state facts, bashing,
and smashing... and not enough talking anarchism... ie: what
it means, how people can live it, how to get things done.
People know getting done from school in other systems,
capitalism, communism, etc... but not anarchism.
So won't jump onboard without seeing how it can work
in practice. Youtubers take note.

> Ps. I wonder if I can 'expense' that junket to Anarchapulco?

Depends if it's in your business or employment plan.
Playing the blockchain or any other sub-angle might
get easier traction.