Re: Personnel attacks, etc.

2018-01-09 Thread jamesd

If you did not get your fair share, likely it was
stolen before it reached you, which tended to happen a lot with the
Occupy protests, which in turn resulted in occupiers murdering each
other over the loot.

On 1/10/2018 10:00 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:

So James, how long have you been experiencing these bizarre delusions?

About the same time that Republican congressional inquiries following 
the mysterious evaporation of government funds started having them.
"Elizabeth Warren's secret slush fund funnels billions to left wing causes"
"House passes bill stopping Justice Department's settlement slush fund 

Fwd: [tor-talk] Block Global Active Adversary Cloudflare

2018-01-09 Thread grarpamp
-- Forwarded message --
From: goody2shoes 
Date: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-talk] Block Global Active Adversary Cloudflare

On 01/09/2018 03:19 PM, debug wrote:
> Is there any specific reason why there is no comment from Tor-team for this 
> issue?

Cloudflare colludes with the U.S. government. Congressional hearing Dox.


“CloudFlare’s CEO Matthew Prince made a weird, glib admission that he
decided to start the company only after the Department of Homeland
Security gave him a call in 2007 and suggested he take the technology
behind Project Honey Pot one step further… ”

Stalking the Tor network is one of those steps further. For instance
If one attempts to access hushmail using tor you WILL get a
'verification' panel hosted by cloudflare... Normally, to the best of
my knowledge cloudflare has no other association with hush...

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Atomic Gamma Gardens

2018-01-09 Thread grarpamp

What The F - Tor Browser/FF: not your privacy browser, Non-goal: PRIVACY eg: Clownflare

2018-01-09 Thread cypherpunks
>grarpamp grarpamp at
>Tue Jan 9 15:48:05 PST 2018

>Issues with jḗws
>Tor developers didn't care about user's privacy

I left a comment.

[pic very related]

Vovan and Lexus strike again - warn US Ambassador in Guam of "dangerous Admiral Lukashenko"

2018-01-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Oh no, the poor USA - who didn't hear of (or do) phone pranks when
they were a wee teen? But USA ambassadors? So sad!
Prankers warn US Ambassador in Guam of "dangerous Admiral Lukashenko"
January 9, 2018 - FRN

  Russian prankers Vovan and Lexus played a phone trick on the
  ambassador of the island of Guam (USA) Eddie Calvo.

  The prankers (P) officially called on behalf of the Prime Minister
  of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman, and discussed the situation with the
  supply of Ukrainian missiles to North Korea. The ambassador was at
  first shocked by the news of the Ukraine missile deliveries to the
  DPRK, and then was glad that the  parts for them were stolen in
  Ukraine, and promised to send all the information to President

  Also, the prankers warned the ambassador of the "dangerous Admiral
  Lukashenko", who is leading the Belarussian fleet to the shores of
  Guam. The humour in this is that Belarus is landlocked - and
  follows on from Jen Psaki's rhetoric that the US would would send
  its fleet "to the shores of Belarus" in case of invasion of

forfeiting your right to complain

2018-01-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The TLDR quote:
“Why does liberalism implicitly teach people that they have a social
 duty to suffer fools?

 Well, any society which suffers fools on the ordinary interpersonal
 level will eventually become governed by fools, and societies like
 that are much easier to economically colonize.
 I'll be perfectly honest with you - you have no idea just how much
 vindictive satisfaction it gives me to sit back and watch the show.
 Wannabe-cunning peasant-nations are the same everywhere.

A significant error in this piece is the misspelling of Liberal and
Liberalism, as liberal and liberalism respectively.  That aside ...

Irish Crimean: Liberalism, Economic Imperialism and why we suffer
fools in the pub
January 9, 2018 - FRN - 
The Irish Crimean - Padraig Joseph McGrath

Most Crimeans are oddly relaxed and reticent when they encounter a
pseudo-educated liberal idiot or a semi-literate NGO-provocateur. In
that situation, most Crimeans don't bother to answer - they just
privately think to themselves "Well, that person is just an idiot,
so there's no point in arguing."

People often say that you shouldn't argue with idiots. On one level,
that's true, and on another level, it's extremely short-sighted.

It's true insofar as idiots are impervious to counter-argument. You
already know that, no matter how strong your arguments are, you
won't persuade them of anything. But the point of answering an idiot
is not only to win an argument. Actually, winning the argument is
not the point at all - there's a far more important point at stake.

The point of answering an idiot is to try to ensure that idiocy does
not become culturally normalized - that's a far larger and more
important point than whatever subject-matter you happen to be
arguing about in any given instance.

The purpose of answering an idiot is not to persuade them of
anything - you already know that's impossible. The purpose is not
even to defend "the truth."

The purpose of answering an idiot is to defend basic standards of
argumentation. We need those standards to productively talk about
anything. Once standards of argumentation disappear, very quickly,
all other standards in the society disappear - ethical standards,
standards of professional competence, standards of social
competence, standards of legality, etc...

All other standards for their application, are practically dependent
on standards of argumentation. For example, in a legal system where
lawyers are allowed to obfuscate and bullshit non-stop, it means in
practice that "the law" becomes irrelevant.

Analogously, when non-lawyers are allowed to obfuscate non-stop, it
means in practice that basic ethical standards become meaningless.
All standards, for their application, depend on standards of

I grew up in a country where nobody ever bothered to argue with
idiots. Whenever people heard an idiot talking, they thought
"there's no point."

But this reticence was also partially a product of smugness - they
sat there silently thinking to themselves "I'm so above it all
I'm so clever"

But pretty soon, because everybody suffered fools, because fools
made more noise than anyone else, it became regarded as normal to
talk like a fool - it became a communicative norm. 

Gradually, everybody started talking like an idiot, because
everybody regarded it as diplomatic and cunning.

In fact, eventually, anybody who didn't talk like an idiot was
collectively, insidiously retaliated against. Not long after that,
the society's entire managerial class had started talking and
behaving like idiots, because anybody who refused to do so was
passed over for promotion.

Eventually, the society's political and financial elites talk and
behave like idiots too.

And once that happens, the entire society goes into social and
economic meltdown, and everybody conveniently blames "the political
and financial elites."

But it didn't start with "the elites."
It started on the street.
It started on the factory-floor.
It started in the ordinary workplace.
It started in the pub.
It started within families.
"The elites" didn't glean their sloppy values from a cultural
vacuum. Suffering fools on the ordinary, interpersonal level is not
just a personal decision - it's socially corrosive. 

Let's imagine that your mother starts behaving like an impervious,
childish, pointlessly bitchy, unreformably menopausal, toxic idiot.
Or let's imagine that you encounter a drunken, deliberately annoying
idiot in a bar. He overhears your conversation, and he immediately
walks over to your table and starts trying to shut your conversation
down, making a deliberate nuisance of himself.

Or let's imagine that one of your work-colleagues or
trading-partners is always fucking around or playing
bait-and-switch, always trying to shave the edge

In each of these cases, you think to yourself - "There's no point in
arguing. They're just an idio

Re: Personnel attacks, etc.

2018-01-09 Thread Steve Kinney

On 01/09/2018 03:35 AM, wrote:
> On 1/9/2018 5:08 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
>> I keep on hearing about these Soros checks for left wing activists.
>> If you hear how to cash in, i want to know !! I figure i am owed
>> thousands !
> Millions more likely.  If you did not get your fair share, likely it was
> stolen before it reached you, which tended to happen a lot with the
> Occupy protests, which in turn resulted in occupiers murdering each
> other over the loot.

So James, how long have you been experiencing these bizarre delusions?
Have you have any visual or auditory hallucinations?  Have you reported
them to your psychologist or psychiatrist?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

What The F - Tor Browser/FF: not your privacy browser, Non-goal: PRIVACY eg: Cloudflare

2018-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Issues with corporate censorship and mass surveillance

-- Forwarded message --
From: debug 
Date: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:18 PM
Subject: [tor-talk] What The F - Tor Browser is not your privacy
browser, Non-goal: PRIVACY

These 3-4 anonymouses are attacking each other.
Can't you close this ticket and lock already? This help nothing.

I'm started to thinking Tor developers didn't care user's privacy at all.

Here's a ticket. DO something.


Own on install. How grave it is?

2018-01-09 Thread Georgi Guninski
This is well known, haven't seen it discussed.

In short doing clean install (factory defaults) has a window of
opportunity when the device is vulnerable to a known network attack.

It used to be common sense to reinstall after compromise (probably
doesn't apply to the windows world where the antivirus takes care).

All versions of windoze are affected by the SMB bug to my knowledge.
Debian jessie (old stable) is vulnerable to malicious mirror attack.

More of interest to me are devices where the installation media is
fixed and can't be changed.

This includes smartphones and wireless routers.

Some smartphones might be vulnerable to wifi RCE (found by google?).
Some wireless routers might be vulnerable to wifi RCE or
default admin password attack over wifi.

Internet of Things will make things worse (some NAS devices are

Shielding the device might not be solution since updates must be

Are the above concerns real?

Have this been studied systematically?

Re: Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

2018-01-09 Thread jamesd

Judaism is a religion of

On 1/9/2018 10:27 AM, \0xDynamite wrote:
Not at all. 

No temple, don't actually want the temple back, because of the 
disturbing theological implications of actually having the temple, 
because actually having the temple immediately re-activates a pile of 
ancient Jewish law that today's pharisees do not want to touch with a 
ten foot pole.

If you don't genuinely want the temple back, then modern Judaism is a 
religion of exile and not a religion of Israel.  The Maccabees wanted 
the temple back.  Do you think Jonathan Maccabee would be wailing at the 
western wall?

Israel was founded by secular socialist Jews, because religious Jews 
were frightened of getting the temple back, and still are frightened of 
getting the temple back.

If you get the temple back, sixteen hundred years of excuses and 
rationalizations for phariseeism vanish, and the pharisees are back to 
being the guys who lost the war and caused the exile, while the Kohens 
are the guys who won the war with the Greeks.  The Kohens defeated a 
mighty formidable enemy, which victory looked astonishingly like a 
divine miracle, so the Pharisees thought that they would Jew God by 
provoking an even bigger war with an even more formidable enemy. And 
then destroying their own food supplies while under siege to force a 

Did not work out as well for them as it worked out for the Kohens.

Judaism needs to give a lot
more attention to the final commandment,

Orthodox Jews do not really covet

Yet they devote a thousand times as much energy, effort, and thought to 
that line about the boiling a kid in its mother's milk, than they devote 
to the final commandment.

When Jews try to wreck Christmas, is that not coveting?

When Jews demanded that they be allowed to join the golf club, was that 
not coveting?

The [Jewish] religion has a permanent chip on its shoulder.

They were the only ones who remained loyal, Christians erected an
alternative God.

If you had remained loyal, you would have taken the temple mount back, 
rebuilt the temple, staffed it with Kohens, and put a Kohen in the line 
of Jonathan Maccabee in charge of it.

If you had remained loyal, you would have given effect to the law of 
Deuteronomy and Proverbs, the law of Moses and Solomon, on marriage and 
the family.

If you had remained loyal, you would be entirely untroubled by other 
people celebrating Christmas.

Re: Personnel attacks, etc.

2018-01-09 Thread jamesd

On 1/9/2018 5:08 PM, Marina Brown wrote:

I keep on hearing about these Soros checks for left wing activists.
If you hear how to cash in, i want to know !! I figure i am owed
thousands !

Millions more likely.  If you did not get your fair share, likely it was 
stolen before it reached you, which tended to happen a lot with the 
Occupy protests, which in turn resulted in occupiers murdering each 
other over the loot.  Similarly, the death rate among friends of the 

Back in the day, when the Soviet Union was still a going operation, the 
left had a similar problem with Moscow Gold.  Horowitz, then a radical 
leftist, became alarmed at the propensity of his radical leftist friends 
to vanish, and become instantly forgotten and unmentionable.
"Elizabeth Warren's secret slush fund funnels billions to left wing causes"
"House passes bill stopping Justice Department's settlement slush fund 
"Look Who’s Getting That Bank Settlement Cash
Tens of millions of dollars disguised as ‘consumer relief’ are going to 
liberal political groups"