[MINISTRY] TEDxBrussels organizer drags presenter off stage during anti-censorship talk

2018-03-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
And POW! We have a yuge hit straight back from the Marxist left:

Animal farm's "more equal than others" TEDx Brussels' organiser walks
onstage and literally drags female artist Deborah De Robertis, the
presenter of this talk, offstage, tearing her shirt and exposing her
in the process as she attempted to speak to censorship "focussing on
girl power."

 May be TEDx should present a talk addressing the issue of
   censorship, perhaps with a focus on women? 

This talk, on censorship, was literally titled "Brave New World"!

Ms De Robertis apparently included at least one nude photo in her
presentation, triggering the trigger happy triggered snowflake TEDx
organiser into a frenzy of triggered shirt-tearing, in his successful
attempt to drag her offstage to avoid further triggering.

The audience (accordingly loudly clapping) presumed this was all a
wonderfully elaborate and apropos piece of performance art conducted
in pursuit of promptu ex-temporo demonstratio, ultimately were left
with a rather sour milk taste in their mouths once the truth of the
censorship, mid talk on this censorship talk, became abhorrent, I
mean apparent.

Wow, the right has taken a serious hit here folks!

The Irony: TEDx Presenter Censored During TEDx Censorship Conference

This 'tube is just a slideshow with a bit of text stating the above:
TEDxBrussels\ organizer\ drags\ presenter\ off\ stage\ during\ anti-censorship\ 

So waiting for a leak or the original of this dastardly attack on
free speech about the issue of censorship.

Re: HOAX WARNING (Was Re: Swedish "police no-go zones" are a literal lawless free for all!)

2018-03-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Sweden aint the only one with no go zones of course - right across
Europe with Italy a particularly "good" example, Britain's Tommy
Robinson the latest media personality to be red pilled, in personal
fist fight after investigating shocking anti-white crimes:

 Tommy Robinson Commits Hate Crime and Declares RACE WAR NOW After
 Knocking Out Child Refugee

 (Direct trigger loaded 'tube for the maso's:

JEUrope, abso-___-lutely wrecked. Seriously, don't watch that vid
if you're quick to anger and don't have a local no-go zone to avoid -
leave this to the professionals, including your local upstanding
constabulary who shall protect the peace for both you AND the ladies.


Oh, and by the way, SNOPES' cred is well and truly demonstrated with
their fake "Swedish No Go Zones Are So Fake" fake news - even
Sweden's prime minister admits he's on the job doing all he can to
handle their immigrant violence problems:

  Trump defends his criticism of Sweden's immigration policies

  Five takeaways from President Trump's news conference with Sweden's
  prime minister

  Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Löfven of Sweden

… another sock puppet bites the dust of Razer-thin ad-hominems
(although admittedly "police won't go there" was apparently an

With Putin naming the (JUkrainian) Jew, those in the city might
double check their privileged rice and beans stash, cycle their
slanderous water store, and weigh their grains of importance whilst
muzzling their puns.

Good luck all, time is speeding up, your chance to make a true stand
from your heart and for your people and your Soul, is fast
approaching and may well be nearly run out of your own town,

On Sun, Jul 09, 2017 at 04:28:38PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 09, 2017 at 12:58:25AM -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> > On 07/09/2017 12:26 AM, 

I don't find this amusing

2018-03-10 Thread Ryan Carboni
While I was reading alexstamos twitter feed, he retweeted this:

I think calling cryptocurrencies "crypto" is a poor choice, with bad
consequences for both cryptography and cryptocurrencies. That doesn't mean
I'm some kind of language prescriptivist, and your saying that "language
evolves" or other such prattle doesn't invalidate my concerns.

I don't know what I'm accused of, but I am smart enough to notice patterns
in how people insinuate things that I allegedly am supposed to know. Partly
it involves some bizarre strawman in a place that I'd notice.

Here's this to try on for size:
I was called yesterday by a fake telemarketer, and I just stood silent. I
overheard him tell someone else that "He didn't say anything." before
hanging up.

Yes, it requires a team of experts to even crank call me. I'm just that
incomparable to these people. How is this in any sense of the term, just?

This is a secret investigation where virtually everyone knows that it
exists. It is only allowed to continue by the weakest of figleaves.

I should have took down the twin towers, I'd have all sorts of civil rights

I demand to be charged with a crime.

Re: Happy 8 March to the women

2018-03-10 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 04:49:47PM -0500, rooty wrote:
> Ge0rgiE - thank you for the beautiful macro rose - I am forever 0wned
lol. some other file (image, video, text, etc) will likely own you for
doubly forever. and this scales.