Re: Maker: Build your own UPS with UPSide

2018-03-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
OpenHW UPS - great way to further build the makerspace and openhw
communities - since relatively simple circuits, great flow-on into
larger UPSs and open source electric cars and off-grid power setups.


Thanks for the links...

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:53:50PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> upside: Design and implementation of an open-hardware,
> open-software Uninterruptible Power Supply unit.
> On 2018-02-08 I published a blog rant titled UPSes suck and need to be
> disrupted complaining about the deficiencies of crappy Uninterruptible
> Power Supply designs that perform poorly and pile hidden costs on
> their users in order to minimize vendors' NRE and BOM costs. I
> suggested that this whole product category needs to be disrupted by an
> open-hardware design that addresses the many deficiencies of existing
> hardware. UPSes are not complicated devices; there is no good excuse
> for the state of the commmercial art to be as inadequate as it is.
> The response on my blog and G+ was intense, almost overwhelming. It
> seems many UPS users are unhappy with what the vendors are pushing.
> This project is an attempt to do something about that. Our goal is to
> define a set of requirements and develop a specification for a
> high-quality UPS that can be built from off-the-shelf parts in any
> reasonably well-equipped makerspace or home electronics shop. Our
> final deliverable should be PCB designs, a full parts list, assembly
> instructions, and full manuals for the hardware and software.
> We welcome contributors: people with interest in UPSes who have
> expertise in battery technology, power-switching electronics, writing
> device-control firmware, relevant standards such as USB and the DMTF
> battery-management profile.
> We also welcome participation from established UPS and electronics
> vendors. We know that consumer electronics is a cutthroat low-margin
> business in which it's tough to support a real R&D team or make
> possibly-risky product bets. Help us, and then let us help you!
> To get a handle on the state of the project it is probably best to
> begin by browsing the wiki that hosts our design documents.
> You should also read the process document to learn how to contribute
> effectively.

Intel SGX Spectre and Pectre Exploits

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

Maker: Build your own UPS with UPSide

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

upside: Design and implementation of an open-hardware,
open-software Uninterruptible Power Supply unit.

On 2018-02-08 I published a blog rant titled UPSes suck and need to be
disrupted complaining about the deficiencies of crappy Uninterruptible
Power Supply designs that perform poorly and pile hidden costs on
their users in order to minimize vendors' NRE and BOM costs. I
suggested that this whole product category needs to be disrupted by an
open-hardware design that addresses the many deficiencies of existing
hardware. UPSes are not complicated devices; there is no good excuse
for the state of the commmercial art to be as inadequate as it is.

The response on my blog and G+ was intense, almost overwhelming. It
seems many UPS users are unhappy with what the vendors are pushing.

This project is an attempt to do something about that. Our goal is to
define a set of requirements and develop a specification for a
high-quality UPS that can be built from off-the-shelf parts in any
reasonably well-equipped makerspace or home electronics shop. Our
final deliverable should be PCB designs, a full parts list, assembly
instructions, and full manuals for the hardware and software.

We welcome contributors: people with interest in UPSes who have
expertise in battery technology, power-switching electronics, writing
device-control firmware, relevant standards such as USB and the DMTF
battery-management profile.

We also welcome participation from established UPS and electronics
vendors. We know that consumer electronics is a cutthroat low-margin
business in which it's tough to support a real R&D team or make
possibly-risky product bets. Help us, and then let us help you!

To get a handle on the state of the project it is probably best to
begin by browsing the wiki that hosts our design documents.

You should also read the process document to learn how to contribute


2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

Accidental Warrior: The Life and Time of Barrett Brown

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp


Pursuance Project

UFOs: US Defense Dept Videos and Black Money, Alien Tech, To The Stars

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

Third video posted, same even though.

Govt News

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp
Torture Gets A Promotion and Pay Raise

France 6VEY

Warrantless Searches


Chipping People


Nuclear EPA

Crypto Illegal

Facials Now Come With Glasses

Re: Flaws in AMD CPUs.

2018-03-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 05:38:54PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> As with Intel's decades of fail, this is yet another salvo exposing
> the proven laughable security, bullshit, and FUD of closed source
> products.
> Recent CPU issues were presumably found by independent researchers.
> Wait till Snowden style mass corporate leakage begins to hit.
> Solution, replace such legacy closed source models with...
> #OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenDev


There are many solvable issues with openfabs such as:

 - trustability
- people (Juan for openfab accountability executive FTW :)
- jurisdictions (e.g. USA vs RUS fabs)

 - purchase/ pre-order scale/ cost of fab chip production runs

Some thoughts on some approaches:

 - trustable processes to minimize requirement to trust individuals,
   e.g. auditability, and actual random audits (at each level of the
   manufacturing pipeline - design/ schematics, fab process, chips
   fabbed, boards shipped, end products received by human citizens)

 - build networks of people you trust/ those who will support with
   pre-buys/ promise to buy etc, IRL

 - sugar-daddy investors who have a spare $ billion here or there to
   guarantee/ bankroll, regardless of purchase commitments - but do
   NOT rush on this (Jordan Peterson gets this well), since such
   steps are doomed to failure if done before most or all of the key
   issues above (and others yet to be thunked), are actually solved,
   in place, ready to go - some dickwad will come in, proclaiming to
   be the messiah, and blow that $ billion before you can finish
   saying "ponzi scheme"

 - slow and steady, "grass roots" openhw tech stack presumably far
   better than flash in the pan of anything

 - consciousness of end users, therefore education ever important

> Create more.
> Internet analysis growing, including...
> Interesting that CTS currently states having no plans
> to ever release full details publicly itself... a throwback to
> Snowden's third party release model... or just more closed
> bullshit games by player profiteurs and control agents...
> were there any difference.

Jim Bell's thought that it's a "revenge from Intel" might be
"relevant (including military) contracts were shifting to AMD, at
least temporarily whilst Intel fixed their FUBARs, and this was put
in motion to release now that Intel's latest chips have been updated
and they wants more precious claw backs contracts my precious...
perfect timing (for Intel) on a few fronts.

Attn: Image Posting Retards

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

Image size reduce... use it.

Fwd: [tor-talk] Google's Captchas - Not just annoying but deadly

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

-- Forwarded message --
From: procmem 
Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 6:32 PM
Subject: [tor-talk] Google's Captchas - Not just annoying but deadly

Every Google reCaptcha feeds their neural network used by the DoD to
enhance drone strikes. Switching your code to the AGPL makes it
radioactive to Google.

Re: [Cryptography] You guys do realize the first crypto war was lost, right?

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:09 PM, Ryan Carboni  wrote:
> There is evidence that since 1997, we have been buying chips with secret
> features that would make our computers more secure, but have been denied to
> us as a de facto backdoor right?
> There is the reverse of the clipper chip. Except the silicon and the API to
> access it is secret, as opposed to only the API.

Here's the latest expose of secret features...

> It is hard to come to any other conclusion that pro-cryptography civil
> libertarians are anything other than clowns when Zerodium pays up to $10,000
> for router exploits. You know. Routers, the ones with 128-bit WPA encryption
> with shared secrets for multiple devices? I suppose people won't "wittingly"
> buy backdoored products.

Many people, even here, seem to "wantonly" deny the solutions described
within, even as one of many solutions. So instead of starting up those entirely
new open models, they continue game supporting / buying closed with Zerodium
like startup... aka: govts / etc. No reduction of root problem there.

> The good news is that bruteforcing 128-bit encryption with a classical
> computer is that it would cost 2^56 times as much as gross bitcoin mining
> expenditures. Somehow estimated bitcoin mining expenditures don't seem to
> add up though, shouldn't intelligence agencies be able to crack 2^80
> encryption with ASICs? Currently costs several billion to preimage at 2^73
> complexity.

research: govt electricity bills

Stephen Hawking

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp
Dead at 76...

Re: Flaws in AMD CPUs.

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp

As with Intel's decades of fail, this is yet another salvo exposing
the proven laughable security, bullshit, and FUD of closed source

Recent CPU issues were presumably found by independent researchers.
Wait till Snowden style mass corporate leakage begins to hit.

Solution, replace such legacy closed source models with...

#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenDev

Create more.

Internet analysis growing, including...

Interesting that CTS currently states having no plans
to ever release full details publicly itself... a throwback to
Snowden's third party release model... or just more closed
bullshit games by player profiteurs and control agents...
were there any difference.

Re: Flaws in AMD CPUs.

2018-03-14 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 03:40:26PM +, jim bell wrote:
> Security researchers find flaws in AMD chips but raise eyebrows with rushed 
> disclosure

What is the problem with "rushed disclosure"?

A vulnerability is like an asset and the owner can do whatever he wants
with it. Why care about the vendor or its lusers at all? The vendor
should invest more in quality instead of selling complete shit.

Like the game of life, bugs games are non-cooperative games, don't know
if equilibrium always exists.

Fucked up vendors must find excuse for the shit they sell and jurnos are
soldouts. Did waiting help for the Intel shit?

Flaws in AMD CPUs.

2018-03-14 Thread jim bell
Security researchers find flaws in AMD chips but raise eyebrows with rushed 

Security researchers find flaws in AMD chips but raise eyebrows with rushed 
 Devin Coldewey,TechCrunch 19 hours ago 
A newly discovered set of vulnerabilities in AMD chips is making waves not 
because of the scale of the flaws, but rather the rushed, market-ready way in 
which they were disclosed by the researchers. When was the last time a bug had 
its own professionally shot video and PR rep, yet the company affected was only 
alerted 24 hours ahead of time? The flaws may be real, but the precedent set 
here is an unsavory one.
The flaws in question were discovered by CTS Labs, a cybersecurity research 
outfit in Israel, and given a set of catchy names: Ryzenfall, Masterkey, 
Fallout, and Chimera, with associated logos, a dedicated website, and a 
whitepaper describing them.
So far, so normal: major bugs like Heartbleed and of course Meltdown and 
Spectre got names and logos too.
The difference is that in those cases the affected parties, such as Intel, the 
OpenSSL team, and AMD were quietly alerted well ahead of time. This is the 
concept of "responsible disclosure," and gives developers first crack at fixing 
an issue before it becomes public.
There's legitimate debate over just how much control big companies should exert 
over the publicity of their own shortcomings, but generally speaking in the 
interest of protecting users the convention tends to be adhered to. In this 
case, however, the CTS Labs team sprang their flaws on AMD fully formed and 
with little warning.
The flaws discovered by the team are real, though they require administrative 
privileges to execute a cascade of actions, meaning taking advantage of them 
requires considerable access to the target system. The research describes some 
as backdoors deliberately included in the chips by Taiwanese company ASmedia, 
which partners with many manufacturers to produce components.
The access requirement makes these much more limited than the likes of Meltdown 
and Spectre, which exploited problems at the memory handling and architecture 
level. They're certainly serious, but the manner in which they have been 
publicized has aroused suspicion around the web.
Why the extremely non-technical video shot on green screen with stock 
backgrounds composited in? Why the scare tactics of calling out AMD's use in 
the military? Why don't the bugs have CVE numbers, the standard tracking method 
for nearly all serious issues? Why was AMD given so little time to respond? Why 
not, if as the FAQ suggests, some fixes could be created in a matter of months, 
at least delay the publication until they were available? And what's with the 
disclosure that CTS "may have, either directly or indirectly, an economic 
interest in the performance" of AMD? That's not a common disclosure in 
situations like this.
(I've contacted the PR representative listed for the flaws (!) for answers to 
some of these questions.)
It's hard to shake the idea that there's some kind of grudge against AMD at 
play. That doesn't make the flaws any less serious, but it does leave a bad 
taste in the mouth.
AMD issued a statement saying that "We are investigating this report, which we 
just received, to understand the methodology and merit of the findings." Hard 
to do much else in a day.
As always with these big bugs, the true extent of their reach, how serious they 
really are, whether users or businesses will be affected, and what they can do 
to prevent it are all information yet to come as experts pore over and verify 
the data.
* This article originally appeared on TechCrunch.


Dying from alcohol or car accident, probabilities

2018-03-14 Thread Georgi Guninski
Some non-drinking crowd was rather critical about using alcohol.
I am not sure alcohol is more dangerous than car accident.

What are the (local) probabilities of dying from:
1. alcohol
2. car accident

Since the intersection is not empty, possibly add

0. car accident caused by drunk driver

According the interwebs the probability for 2 in california in 2013 is
about 1/13K.

Cryptocurrency Dump

2018-03-14 Thread grarpamp
Early Years

Key Control


Decentralized Deception

End Murder

Everything A Rich Man's Trick


Airdrop / Privacy Next

Ownership Criminal S.1241

DEX / Counterparty

Regulation / Bank Boycott

Weaponizing Social Media

War Profit

How Does It Work


Political Power

Gov Shutdown

Molyneux on Attacks

Crypto is Best