switching.social - "Ethical and privacy-conscious alternatives to websites and apps"

2018-06-14 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
- "Ethical and privacy-conscious alternatives to websites and apps"


Hmm...  Nom nom nom...  It's cute and interesting...  but I still think we
can do it better together, yay!  ;D

Kisses, kisses, and more kisses!!!  <3

Ceci, the "Supreme Crosspost Queen"...  Sorry!  :P
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Fwd: New Book: The Open Revolution - rewriting the rules of the information age

2018-06-14 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Hi, lovely people!  Hope you all are having a great time and feeling
gorgeous, yay!  :D

Really respect Rufus and his work a lot.  I swear you will probably love
his book and references!  :D

And, well, if you eventually hate all of them, it's pretty OK, no
problem...  The best thing about him is knowing he is completely open to
_constructive_ feedbacks and _productive_ discussions about the Open
Culture!  :D

He is cute and patient, millions of times more polite than me, and zillions
of times more intelligent too.  One of the good guys, trust me!  :)

Wish you all kisses, hugs, books, smiles, music, and love!  <3

Ceci, still alive and kicking...  and being kicked, ouch!  :P
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

-- Forwarded message -
From: Rufus Pollock 
Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2018, 14:10

*The Open Revolution: rewriting the rules of the information age*

Hi thackday,

*This is one-off email to share with you the release of my book, The Open
Revolution: rewriting the rules of the information age.*

Get the book on OpenRevolution.net »

This book is about something bigger than tech itself. It’s about
information, ownership and control in a digital age. It talks directly to a
number of lives issues, ranging from access to medicines, to the future of
work and privacy, digital monopolies and power in a connected world.

Will the digital revolution give us digital dictatorships or digital
democracies? Forget everything you think you know about the digital age.
It’s not about privacy, surveillance, AI or blockchain—it’s about
*ownership*. Because in a digital age, who owns information controls the

Today’s “Closed” digital economy is the source of problems ranging from the
power of a handful of tech monopolies to control how we think and vote, to
unaffordable medicines, to growing inequality. The solution is not
technological but political: a choice between making information Open,
shared by all, or making it Closed, exclusively owned and controlled.

By choosing Open we can make a more equitable, innovative and profitable
future for all.

Find out more on OpenRevolution.net »

Order directly on Amazon UK

- Amazon US

I also warmly invite you to share this book and its ideas. We will only
realize an Open world when more people are present to its potential. The
book is itself openly licensed so you are free to share and reuse it
however you wish!

Post for sharing on Facebook

- Twitter

Thank you,


Rufus Pollock
Building wise societies and an information age that works for everyone -
Founder and President of Open Knowledge - https://okfn.org/
Co-Founder, Art / Earth / Tech - https://artearthtech.com/manifesto
Shuttleworth and Ashoka Fellow
Previously Mead Fellow in Economics at the University of Cambridge

Re: American Culture

2018-06-14 Thread juan
On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 14:58:41 +
"\\0xDynamite"  wrote:

> > oh sorry, my bad,  I got him mixed up with washington, another
> > slave owner. And granted, frankling only owned 2 slaves
> > apparently, so he really was an American Humanist, but a poor
> > one, who couldn't afford many slaves.
> Turns out slave ownership was a red herring for activism -- the
> Africans ended up liking the advanment of culture over their tribal
> ways.  Most so called "slaves" were treated more respectfully and had
> better lives than they could get at home.  But that's just
> apologetics.  

Wow. An americunt being an apologist of slavery is like...you can find 
a dozen slavery apologist for a dime, in every corner, in every american town 
and city. That's just how free you are mr. dynamite.

> The real test is if they'd choose Africa if given a free
> ticket homeward.
> In other words, I'd suggest staying neutral with early presidents
> owning slaves, 

i suggest you go fuck yourself. 

> it's a very complicated issue.  If you haven't talked
> to them yourselves, you don't know Jack.


> \x

Re: Real Estate Beginner: Sell Like a Wizkid

2018-06-14 Thread juan
On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 02:43:00 +
"A.I. Tools"  wrote:

> The jew System:
> All jews are "chosen" by "god" and everyone else (non-jews and lesser
> jews) are cattle to be used as a resource for generating wealth for jews
> (Capitalism).

that's the judeo-christian, white-anglo fascist system.

> The Nationalist System:
> All nations are "chosen" by "themselves" and everyone else (Africans,
> Asians, Europeans, and mixed races alike) is equal but different and use
> each other as a resource for maintaining community wealth (Socialism).

lawl - so that's your definition of national socialism? 

of course, in the real world all nationalist systems work like your 
"Jew System" (which you mislabel)

> In both systems, those who work more get more.

it's the same system and yes, those who 'work' more at exploiting their 
fellows get more. 

> However, only one system rewards those who do so by lying, cheating,
> stealing, and killing.

all socialism/nationalism/statism is based on lying cheating stealing 
and killing.

> >anglo
> >white
> >supremacists
> >all europeans
> >same as jews
> Pic related.

you took the trouble to draw that one? I'm flattered =P

Re: Stanford Liberationtech Needs Your Help

2018-06-14 Thread rooty
Hi Yosem - #MAGA #drainswamp

 Original Message 
On Jun 14, 2018, 12:13 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:

> Hi All,
> The [Program on Liberation Technologies at Stanford University 
> (LT)](http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/libtech) has been going strong since 
> circa 2006. Since then, LT has helped thousands design, use, and research 
> technologies that foster the public good.
> Recently, the decision was made to spin off LT as an independent entity. I'm 
> one of the people tasked with doing so. Here are LT's major needs:
> - Recruit people to develop a new website, logo, and graphics.
> - Identify a legal jurisdiction with strong security and privacy laws and 
> regulations and a server provider with a stellar reputation at protecting 
> user security and privacy to host the site.
> - Determine whether to maintain LT's mailing lists on 
> [Mailman](https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech) or to 
> transition them to a content management system (e.g., Discourse.org).
> - Assess the best legal structure for LT (e.g., digital cooperative).
> Any ideas? Thanks for your help and advice.
> Best,
> Yosem
> P.S. I'm sending this email on behalf LT's co-founders and not Stanford 
> University.

Re: Speaking of Ashkenazis...

2018-06-14 Thread John Newman
On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 07:49:23PM -0700, Steven Schear wrote:
> Can't wait for the emergence of effective A.I. based list moderation
> without any opportunity for ad hominem rebuttals.

Sounds fucking horrible :)  Well, actually, it could be cool if you got
to train your own neural network to do your own "moderation" that only
applied to you. A plugin for your MUA or something I could slot into
spamassassin / amavisd. 

Description: PGP signature

Fwd: Stanford Liberationtech Needs Your Help

2018-06-14 Thread Steve Kinney

from Yosem Companys  :

Hi All,

The Program on Liberation Technologies at Stanford University (LT) has
been going strong since circa 2006. Since then, LT has helped thousands
design, use, and research technologies that foster the public good.

Recently, the decision was made to spin off LT as an independent entity.
I'm one of the people tasked with doing so. Here are LT's major needs:

Recruit people to develop a new website, logo, and graphics.
Identify a legal jurisdiction with strong security and privacy laws
and regulations and a server provider with a stellar reputation at
protecting user security and privacy to host the site.
Determine whether to maintain LT's mailing lists on Mailman or to
transition them to a content management system (e.g., Discourse.org).
Assess the best legal structure for LT (e.g., digital cooperative).

Any ideas? Thanks for your help and advice.


P.S. I'm sending this email on behalf LT's co-founders and not Stanford


Stanford Liberationtech Needs Your Help

2018-06-14 Thread Yosem Companys
Hi All,

The Program on Liberation Technologies at Stanford University (LT)
 has been going strong since circa
2006. Since then, LT has helped thousands design, use, and research
technologies that foster the public good.

Recently, the decision was made to spin off LT as an independent entity.
I'm one of the people tasked with doing so. Here are LT's major needs:

   - Recruit people to develop a new website, logo, and graphics.
   - Identify a legal jurisdiction with strong security and privacy laws
   and regulations and a server provider with a stellar reputation at
   protecting user security and privacy to host the site.
   - Determine whether to maintain LT's mailing lists on Mailman
    or to
   transition them to a content management system (e.g., Discourse.org).
   - Assess the best legal structure for LT (e.g., digital cooperative).

Any ideas? Thanks for your help and advice.


P.S. I'm sending this email on behalf LT's co-founders and not Stanford

Re: Are the interwebz rather big for google to index?

2018-06-14 Thread Razer

 Original message From: Georgi Guninski  
Date: 6/14/18  7:03 AM  (GMT-08:00) To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org Subject: 
Re: Are the interwebz rather big for google to index? 
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:45:39PM -1100, Mirimir wrote:
> I hadn't noticed, but "site:lists.cpunks.org" doesn't return any results
> after November 2017. There are 9670 results in total. And even that is
> not much more than the total for 2016 alone (8123 messages). However,
> "grarpamp" does return results from this list through at least May 2018.

Hm, my mistake I didn't notice this.
Searching for "grarpamp site:lists.cpunks.org" and then from left
selecting "since last year" doesn't return any results for me.
> About blogs, I don't know generally. But searching "mirimir vpn"
> shows

>> google definitely indexes some blogs @Razer, probably only the elite

If its really popular or you do a direct search for a unique post.
 turned up the post and a link to the blog. Admittedly a blogger blog, google.

Re: Are the interwebz rather big for google to index?

2018-06-14 Thread Steve Kinney

On 06/13/2018 11:08 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> I strongly suspect at least one of the following holds:
> 1. The interwebz are rather big for google to index
> 2. google doesn't return in searches all indexed content on purpose
> Partial evidence: this list and my blog don't appear in searches.

Back around 2000 or so, when Google was under initial development, I
read about other search providers complaining because the NSA loaned
engineers to Google to help them develop their server farm architecture.
Since then I have often wished I had access to the Google search
utilities NSA analysts have.

Other search providers' complaints had nothing to do with the NSA being
"evil" but rather, with Uncle Sam interfering in commerce by playing
favorites:  'Why don't we get this kind of free handout?'  I don't
recall Google disputing the NSA's role in building the foundation of
their physical plant and/or algorithms.

In light of this paper from brookings.edu, not only do I suspect that
Google can index the whole of the publicly accessible Internet, but
cache all of the Internet's content as well:


Professor Villasenor indicated that the storage density now exists to
record and retain /all/ surveillance data.  The redundancy of network
traffic (same web page to 10,000 users) cuts the size of the archive
down to a tiny fraction of the network's gross traffic volume.

The NSA's Bluffdale facility may greatly reduce Google's role in
indexing and content storage for Uncle Sam, but once established,
relationships like that only expire as/when the organizations themselves
and their relevant staff members expire.

Google strongly biases search results to reinforce individual "user
preferences" and consumer profiles, both to provide a more addictive
"user experience" and to herd users toward Google's real customers,
their advertising clients.  Seek and ye shall find plenty of information
on that subject; a whole industry (SEO) struggles to sell services based
on their analysis of Google bias, not to mention in-house efforts by
other "public relations" providers to crack Google's algorithms.  Search
is a battlefield.

The best example I remember of Google censorship involved a YouTube
video based on an article about The Facebook's funding sources -
describing how the said company was capitalized to go national by DARPA
financiers, and The Facebook's shocking abusive TOS.  After about 15
minutes of digging I gave up and concluded that the video had been taken
down and Google's memory of it expunged.

Later I did find a saved copy of the video in an old archive of mine.
Searching at Google using the video's exact title and file name did turn
it up on the first try.  Previously, the same words in a different order
and numerous very similar strings returned nothing related to the video
in question.  Searches for "approximate" versions of the title still
returned nothing useful.

I consider that a fine example of how Google itself engages in "negative
SEO" to suppress distribution of selected content while avoiding charges
of "censorship" - in a very narrow technical sense, the suppressed
content does remain available to the public.

"Don't Be Evil - That's OUR Job"

BTW, here's the thing:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIGdWsxHJlM

A "loose search" now turns up a different copy someone else uploaded,
probably after failing to find the original...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: American Culture

2018-06-14 Thread \0xDynamite
> oh sorry, my bad,  I got him mixed up with washington, another
> slave owner. And granted, frankling only owned 2 slaves
> apparently, so he really was an American Humanist, but a poor
> one, who couldn't afford many slaves.

Turns out slave ownership was a red herring for activism -- the
Africans ended up liking the advanment of culture over their tribal
ways.  Most so called "slaves" were treated more respectfully and had
better lives than they could get at home.  But that's just
apologetics.  The real test is if they'd choose Africa if given a free
ticket homeward.

In other words, I'd suggest staying neutral with early presidents
owning slaves, it's a very complicated issue.  If you haven't talked
to them yourselves, you don't know Jack.


Re: Are the interwebz rather big for google to index?

2018-06-14 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:45:39PM -1100, Mirimir wrote:
> I hadn't noticed, but "site:lists.cpunks.org" doesn't return any results
> after November 2017. There are 9670 results in total. And even that is
> not much more than the total for 2016 alone (8123 messages). However,
> "grarpamp" does return results from this list through at least May 2018.

Hm, my mistake I didn't notice this.
Searching for "grarpamp site:lists.cpunks.org" and then from left
selecting "since last year" doesn't return any results for me.
> About blogs, I don't know generally. But searching "mirimir vpn"
> shows

google definitely indexes some blogs @Razer, probably only the elite

Re: Jordan "Don't Make Me Tell You Twice" Peterson to Men: Hit Women Until They Listen

2018-06-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 02:55:00AM +, A.I. Tools wrote:
> >juan juan.g71 at spookmail.com
> >Mon Jun 11 19:18:00 PDT 2018
> >
> >peterson is a right-wing, christian fascist
> No, he is a marxist zionist.

I don't see how "marxist" fits Peterson (he seems to be severely
opposed to Marxism, but he has put up many 100s of hours of lectures
- too many to watch in any short time) - can you link anything he
has said or written which might hint at his Marxism?

(Besides Peterson evicting Faith Goldy from his post-Charlestown
"freeze peach" discussion panel, which was a disgraceful and cowardly
act by Peterson.)

> Though I don't blame you for not knowing about him, as I'm sure you
> aren't a 14yr old neet who needs to clean his room.
> **I am.**
> >an enemy of free speech
> That's called a Canadian.

[MINISTRY] word of the day⦂ “pettifoggery” - Muller scrambles to limit evidence as indicted Russians actually appear in "electshun interference" case

2018-06-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Ministry - pettifoggery - USA government's bullshit being called ...


by Mueller-charged actual Russian company "Concord".  (I was just
-so- sure that was meant to be Concordski, but hey, what do I know?)

Ironic winning has never seen such levels — seriously off the

 Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians
 Actually Show Up In Court

So at least some of these wicked nasty interfering Russians decided
to have a little fun with Mueller, Russkie style.

‼ dang ‼ yeah baby, bring it on :D

They wants their evidence of course (this -is- an axshual case in an
actual court with a looming actual trial after all) and Mueller is
now scrambling to hide his sorry arse from an embarrassing "in Soviet
Russia, evidence charge you, Mr Mueller" :)

Read it but do NOT chuckle, for in Russia, joke laugh you, da¿

  The indictment accuses the firm of producing propaganda, pretending
  to be U.S. activists online and posting political content on social
  media in order to sow discord among American voters.
  Mueller also accused Concord of "knowingly and intentionally"
  conspiring to interfere with the election by using social media to
  disparage Hillary Clinton and support Donald Trump.

  And Concord Management decided to fight it... Mueller probably
  didn't see that coming [no shirt, Shirlock]

And the judge:

  In a mad scramble to [now] put the brakes on the case, Mueller's
  team tried to delay the trial - saying that Concord never formally
  accepted the court summons related to the case…

  The Judge, Dabney Friedrich - a Trump appointee, didn't buy it -
  denying Mueller a delay in the high-profile trial.

So sad... so many salty, salty red tears for Mueller.

Re: How to make rowhammer less likely

2018-06-14 Thread grarpamp
Both AMD and Intel currently sell CPU's that do
hardware memory encryption. Typically more in
relation to VM's, with AMD likely being ahead overall,
and both having various forms exploits published.