Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-16 Thread jamesd

On 2018-09-17 12:24, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
In time this might have tipped the top ten floors sideways - IIRC the 
top floors did tip a bit on one tower, but I haven't seen the film 
recently - but there wasn't enough time for that to develop, the 
uncollapsed part of the floor also collapsed, and the top ten floors 
fell as a lump.

On the two towers, it did not develop much, but on WT7, developed quite 
a bit.

Re: Largest indicator of an invalid investigation

2018-09-16 Thread Ryan Carboni
The single advantage of this is that I have discovered a bug: for some
reason a double mouse click in an impossibly short period of time while in
a twitter thread would call window.history.back() twice. Possible race
condition vulnerability.

Valid for chrome for many versions.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 11:04 AM Ryan Carboni  wrote:

> Manipulating function calls so that once per eight mouseclicks, the mouse
> clicks twice.
> What investigative purpose does this serve? What knowledge has this
> revealed? Or are they just petty bullies who hide behind their laws?

Liberland Update

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Blockchain: Swytch - Incentivizing Green Energy, Proof of Production

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Re: Juice Media: Honest Governments, Access to Your Ass

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp
> Bill of Rights

What State giveth, State taketh away.
Taketh away State, haveth all.

Re: root "login" xterm to increase security?

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Any search will bring basic stuff like

Whether xorg, wayland, xenocara, drivers, ttys, init, login, getty,
etc are receiving any level of scrutiny, audits, fuzzing, code
scans, etc. The ancient and obscure it is, the less people look,
and all the above are exactly that.
Even mashing kbd on a FreeBSD can throw console into
unrecoverable must kill state.
And people talk how trust X?

Re: Juice Media: Honest Governments, Access to Your Ass

2018-09-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 10:12:38PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:

Juice Media does their brand of comedy well indeed.

One nitpick on this one - the assertion that we have no Federal Bill
of Rights is not only false, but problematic:

 - It's false because, pursuant to the High Court's Mabo (no. 2), the
   Imperial Acts continue to apply in all states of Australia -
   federation created the states, but/and there was a continuance of
   laws and jurisdiction, in particular the ("old") English Imperial
   acts - see for example the post-Mabo "Imperial Acts Application
   Act"s respectively in the various states.

   The Imperial Acts includes
   Bill of Rights 1688 1 Will and Mary sess 2 c 2

   or "The Bill of Rights Act" 1688/ 1689.

   So, we in Australia do have a Bill of Rights, just that not many
   yet know about this.

 - It's a problematic assertion, because it implies that we -should-
   have a federal Bill of Rights - and the problem with a
   parliamentary Bill of Rights is that the parliament controls that
   which it creates.

   The parliament creates statutes ("Acts"), and controls every
   statute that it creates.

   With the "anti terror" legislation already on our books, our
   federal parliament has shown its street cred in the fascist halls
   of shame, like few others in this world (arbitrary indefinite
   detention, etc etc).

Caveat voter.

Re: Cryptocurrency: Music

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp

British data collection regime violates human rights

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp
-- Forwarded message --
From: "ECOTERRA Intl." 
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 16:13:48 +0300
Subject: [NATURAL_DEFENCE] British data collection regime violates human rights

- and like always: Africa, Asia and South-America are the guinea-pig turfs.
*The Anglo-American, Russian and Chinese strife for global dominance is
obvious also in cyberspace*

ACCESS NOW  commented: We told you how the *"Five Eyes"
nations* plan to compel access to our encrypted communications

and *undermine our security globally*, despite the fact that the
surveillance arsenal for these countries is already vast and — as Edward
Snowden revealed — largely unchecked. Now, thanks to a coalition of 14
human rights groups, privacy organizations, and journalists, we have
much better news: the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that
parts of the U.K.'s surveillance regime violate the fundamental rights
to privacy and free expression.

*GCHQ data collection regime violated human rights, court rules*

*Surveillance system revealed by Snowden breached right to privacy,
Strasbourg judges say

*By Owen Bowcott  -
Legal affairs correspondent - @owenbowcott
 -13 Sep 2018

*PICTURE: **The GCHQ building in Cheltenham.*

Photograph: GCHQ/PA

GCHQ’s methods for bulk interception of online communications violated
privacy and failed to provide sufficient surveillance safeguards, the
European court of human rights
 has ruled.

But the ECHR found that GCHQ’s regime for sharing sensitive digital
intelligence with foreign governments was not illegal, and it explicitly
confirmed that bulk interception with tighter safeguards was permissible.

The ruling, which follows Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing revelations
, is a comprehensive
assessment by the ECHR of interception operations carried out until
recently by UK intelligence agencies.

The legal claims, which had already been heard by the UK’s investigatory
powers tribunal, were brought by a coalition of 14 human rights groups
and privacy organisations including Amnesty International, Liberty,
Privacy  International and
Big Brother Watch, as well as journalists.
The case concerned the interception regime previously operated by GCHQ
. Updated regulations are coming
into force under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016. The ECHR did not
examine this legislation, which already faces fresh legal challenges.

The judges considered three aspects of digital surveillance: bulk
interception of communications, intelligence sharing, and obtaining
communications data from service providers.

By a majority of five to two votes, the Strasbourg judges found that
GCHQ’s bulk interception regime violated article 8 of the European
convention on human rights, which guarantees privacy, because there were
said to be insufficient safeguards, and rules governing the selection of
“related communications data” were deemed to be inadequate.

The regime used by the UK government for sharing intelligence with
foreign governments did not violate either article 8 or article 10,
which guarantees freedom of speech. Not was there any evidence, the
judges said, to suggest that the intelligence services were abusing
their powers.

The legal challenge was triggered by revelations made by Snowden in
2013, which showed GCHQ was secretly intercepting, processing and
storing data about millions of people’s private communications, even
when those people were of no intelligence interest. In one of the
operations, called Tempora, the eavesdropping agency tapped into cables
and communication networks to obtain huge volumes of internet data.

Snowden praised the judgment, saying governments had been pursued
through the courts for five years. “Today, we won,” he tweeted.

*The ECHR judgment notes: “The United Kingdom authorities have neither
confirmed nor denied the existence of … Tempora.” *

In accompanying notes to the main judgment, which runs to more than 500
paragraphs, the court said it recognised the severity of the threats of
terrorism, online sexual abuse and other crimes faced by European
states. Advancements in technology had made it easier for terrorists and
criminals to evade detection on the internet, the judges acknowledged.

Bulk interception regimes can be legal if countries deem them to be
necessary in the interests of national security but certain minimum
safeguards are required.

Those safeguards include that the law must indicate “the nature of
offences which 

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-16 Thread Peter Fairbrother

On 16/09/18 22:45, juan wrote:

On Mon, 17 Sep 2018 06:30:09 +1000 vomited:

What was actually shown was the controlled demoltion of the twin towers.

Controlled by OBL perhaps.

But it didn't need any explosives, hand-positioned thermate, or the like 
- the burning jet fuel would do that to a building like WTC.

I am a Brit and I don't know crap about WTC7, or the Pentagon, except to 
suggest that if I were the terrorist in charge I'd have attacked the 
White House, Congress, Senate, suchlike instead - but OBL was well-known 
for antipathy to the New York financial world and the US military.

But I do know a lot about metal (and more than enough about explosives, 
and demolitions), and let me tell you, the jet fuel fire woulda done it. 
No need for any explosives.

If a lot of men in black suits or keffiyas did somehow carefully plant 
explosives and/or thermate in WTC (without anyone noticing), their 
effort was wasted.

it  was surprising to me as I watched the second plane hit the second tower
that it did no fall immediately.

Actually that would have astonished me - the building weighs maybe 5000 
times more than the plane, and is built to take huge wind side loads. 
Getting knocked over by the plane crashing into it would be like you 
getting knocked over by a pingpong ball.

But after the crash, the thermal protection on the interior steelwork 
had been shattered, and the fuel started burning.

The steel never melted, nor did it come close to melting - but there was 
a lot of fuel, and the whole of two or so floors was on fire. That's a 
lot of heat in one place. The word "inferno" comes to mind.

The temperature in the center of the floor would have been at least 
650C, and more likely somewhere around 700-800C. Even at 650C A36 
structural steel has only 38% of its room-temperature yield strength. At 
800C it would be less than 17%.

How much steel do you think they put into something like WTC? - the 
answer is, a little more than three times what's needed to stop it 

Ever seen a blacksmith work? He takes the steel out of the furnace and 
squashes it with a hammer. It starts off at about 900C, when it's 
glowing yellow and the steel is quite soft, but he will still hammer the 
steel until it is dull red at about 550C, when it becomes too hard to 
squash with a hammer blow.

Hey, would you even think about the possibility of squashing that lump 
of steel at room temperature with a hammer? Yet a smith can do it with 
ease when the metal is at the same temperature as the steel in WTC got to.

Then consider that the inside of the outer steel shell would have been a 
lot hotter than the outside - which would cause the box columns of the 
shell to bend and buckle.

Both the above phenomena, the loss of strength and the bending and 
buckling are well-known to metallurgists, and are easy to demonstrate.

So, no wonder it collapsed.

The straight-down nature of the collapse might seem surprising, but it 
isn't really - take a rod as long as the WTC was high, and tip it over 
slightly. It takes a long time to get moving - but it only took ten 
seconds for the WTC to collapse. There wasn't enough time for it to go 
any way except straight down.

The reason it collapsed so fast is interesting though - one or two 
floors collapsed, then the the top ten floors fell down on the 
next-highest intact floor - which had no chance of withstanding the 
impact. That floor failed immediately, and so the cascade continued.

If I have given the impression that the first floor to collapse 
collapsed all at once, it probably didn't - most likely part of it, 
perhaps a part which had been damaged by the impact as well as weakened 
by the fire, collapsed first; then the uncollapsed part of the floor had 
a whole lot of extra weight on it.

In time this might have tipped the top ten floors sideways - IIRC the 
top floors did tip a bit on one tower, but I haven't seen the film 
recently - but there wasn't enough time for that to develop, the 
uncollapsed part of the floor also collapsed, and the top ten floors 
fell as a lump.

After that, once the top ten floors get some momentum, they go straight 
down; and there ain't nothing underneath strong enough to stop that 

So, that's how it would have happened if the fire caused the collapse. 
Seems to me to be pretty much what actually happened.

If it was spies, or terrorists, or demolition contractors, I'd expect 
something different.

Peter Fairbrother

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-16 Thread jamesd

The video evidence shows a commercial airliner sized plane [crashing into the 

On 2018-09-17 07:45, juan wrote:

no it does not - it show a small blured smudge. At best the blured 
smudge is 20x10 pixels in size.

A roughly plane shaped smudge, and, assuming it is roughly the same 
distance as the ensuing explosion, roughly commercial airliner size and 
moving at roughly plane speeds.

Because, if a real plane had hit the pentagon, then the real 
surveillance cameras installed in the pentagon would have recorded full speed, 
high definition images. But since no plane hit the pentagon, they don't have 
any video of it, and so all they offer is that  fake bullshit done in mspaint.

Humans on the road saw the plane fly overhead, and it clipped light 
poles on the road, consistent with what is shown on the video, a plane 
flying almost horizontally at almost ground level.

Juice Media: Honest Governments, Access to Your Ass

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp

Cryptocurrency: Music

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp rap kidz cribbz EUR binance steemje battle bitboy ledger gang zombie halloween madness freestyle freestyle steemit rambo dimon dr jackson bienvenidos freestyle insane for the chain

Takin out fiat, we are not playin...

Documentary: It Can't Happen Here, and Four Horsemen

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp
Documentary: It Can't Happen Here! via Larken Rose

Documentary: Four Horsemen via Renegade brings you FOUR HORSEMEN - an award winning independent
feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really

As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international
thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their
silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.

FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film
doesn't bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in
conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new
economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve
the quality of life for billions.

Subtitles available in English, French, Greek, Spanish and Portuguese.

"It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis
thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists,
whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and
clarity." - Total Film

"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the
folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to
all we should hold dear." - Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director)
Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)

Documentary: Surveillance State / Future of Freedom w Bill Binney

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp

A 36-year veteran of America's Intelligence Community, William
Binney resigned from his position as Director for Global Communications
Intelligence (COMINT) at the National Security Agency (NSA) and
blew the whistle, after discovering that his efforts to protect the
privacy and security of Americans were being undermined by those
above him in the chain of command.

The NSA data-monitoring program which Binney and his team had
developed -- codenamed ThinThread -- was being aimed not at foreign
targets as intended, but at Americans (codenamed as Stellar Wind);
destroying privacy here and around the world. Binney voices his
call to action for the billions of individuals whose rights are
currently being violated.

William Binney speaks out in this feature-length interview with
Tragedy and Hope's Richard Grove, focused on the topic of the
ever-growing Surveillance State in America.

On January 22, 2015: (Berlin, Germany) - The Government Accountability
Project (GAP) is proud to announce that retired NSA Technical
Director and GAP client, William "Bill" Binney, will accept the Sam
Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award today in Berlin,
Germany. The award is presented annually by the Sam Adams Associates
for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) to a professional who has
taken a strong stand for ethics and integrity.

Interview, Debate, Documentary Series

London Real: Radack and Drake

Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin 2012 London, More...

2018-09-16 Thread grarpamp mike hearn richard stallman max keiser juri mattila james mcarthy birgitta jonsdottir stacy herbert Documentary glbse butterfly 1 butterfly 2 bloomberg rick falkvinge max kaiser old gold max keiser 2011 max keiser paper billionaires

Dark Wallet Interview

Free Talk Live


London 2013 Panel

John Oliver

McAfee: Currencies of the People, Candidate Stage

Bitcoin Gangstas

World Blockchain Forum Brock Pierce... Believe The Future

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain... Here To Stay.

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-16 Thread juan
On Mon, 17 Sep 2018 06:30:09 +1000 vomited:

> The video evidence shows a commercial airliner sized plane

no it does not - it show a small blured smudge. At best the blured 
smudge is 20x10 pixels in size. 

And of course, as I already mentioned, only a complete retard or a 
propaganda bot like you would claim that all the video 'evidence' you have is 
that one video. 

Because, if a real plane had hit the pentagon, then the real 
surveillance cameras installed in the pentagon would have recorded full speed, 
high definition images. But since no plane hit the pentagon, they don't have 
any video of it, and so all they offer is that  fake bullshit done in mspaint. 

> Bits of the plane and the victims showed up in the ruins at the Pentagon.'

yet another lie. Indeed there are no pictures showing any bits of 

> > 2) WTC7 is an example of controlled demolition that gets a score of 
> > 9/10, it is so good.
> The video of WTC7 shows that it begins its fall by toppling like a tree, 

no it does not - your trolling is pretty retarded. 

> > 3) of course the twin towers were blown up using the same technique, 
> > apart from the damage from 'planes' that alone could not have brought them 
> > down in the way that was seen on tee vee.
> We all saw on television damage amply sufficient to bring down a 
> building. 

no you did not. What was actually shown was the controlled demoltion of 
the twin towers. 

> it  was surprising to me as I watched the second plane hit the second tower 
> that it did no fall immediately.

and thank you for providing evidence of your complete ignorance of the 
most basic laws of physics.

 Hell yeah, as soon as the plane(?) hit it, it shoud have gone directly 
to heaven in a pink mushroom cloud. 

Hey james, did you see all the pictures of jesus in the clouds caused 
by the boms? That was a real joo-kkkristian miracle, I have to admit.

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-16 Thread jamesd

On 2018-09-14 04:22, juan wrote:

I originally was wondering about the NEXT false flag attack or inside 
job that tazer's employers, that is the US military, will do. Somehow we ended 
up talking about a previous inside job. So, to recap some facts about 9/11 :

1) there was no 'hijacked' commercial plane at the pentagon (thanks 
James for linking evidence)

The video evidence shows a commercial airliner sized plane flying near 
horizontal at near ground level, consistent with eyewitness reports from 
the road that a plane flew over their heads so low it clipped the light 

Bits of the plane and the victims showed up in the ruins at the Pentagon.'

2) WTC7 is an example of controlled demolition that gets a score of 
9/10, it is so good.

The video of WTC7 shows that it begins its fall by toppling like a tree, 
not like a demolition, that its fall starts by tilting sideways towards 
the holes smashed by the plane, like a tree tilting towards the the 
notch cut by the axe.

3) of course the twin towers were blown up using the same technique, 
apart from the damage from 'planes' that alone could not have brought them down 
in the way that was seen on tee vee.

We all saw on television damage amply sufficient to bring down a 
building.  What was odd was not them falling, but them continuing to 
stand for as long as they did.   One might have expected WT7 to survive 
but one would have thought the two towers to fall immediately, and it 
was surprising to me as I watched the second plane hit the second tower 
that it did no fall immediately.

“Prejudice” is a powerful force of nature - robot proofs [PEACE]

2018-09-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Science is in folks:

So prejudice is pretty much a certainty, a powerful force of nature,
takes little intelligence, benefits the individuals in a group as
well as the group, non-prejudiced individuals must become prejudiced
in order to compete (think and learn, goy!), which automatically
leads to the formation of competing groups, even in a population of
nearly identical robots.

But apparently this powerful force of nature is somehow "bad".

Read it and rejoice for your culturally superior Huwaite group
dynamic epitomes of competitive progressive group power, success and
happiness :)

Study: Robots Independently Adopt Neon-Nazism Through Experience