Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-26 Thread grarpamp
>> If Trump is assassinated or removed via a coupe (by political means via an
>> impeachment with no foundation), there would be civil war in the US.
> Very likely. And that would be the point of doing it :)

Sure, lols.

But civil war isn't too fun or productive, lots of your friends and
fam die, basically fighting each other on an even field, all
your shit gets ganked, etc. All while government sits back
with the remote control eating popcorn and wins in the end,
no change.

Revolution is more interesting... all of you vs govt...
and if you win, you stand a slim but possible chance
of learning and not setting up another one.

Re: After Mysterious Closure, Solar Observatory In New Mexico Reopens

2018-09-26 Thread Steve Kinney

On 09/18/2018 03:52 PM, Razer wrote:
> After Mysterious Closure, Solar Observatory In New Mexico Reopens : NPR
> Laurel Wamsley
> A solar observatory in New Mexico reopened Monday after being closed by
> authorities for 10 days — which spawned national interest and
> speculation into the cause of its evacuation.

[ schnipp ]

> "We cannot wait to get back to work to show everyone the world class
> research we do every day at the telescope," McAteer said.
> NPR's Emily Sullivan contributed to this report.

My venture into Conspiracy Theory re this event, from another forum:

NSO has a couple of unique instruments:

"The NSO Integrated Synoptic Program (NISP) provides long-term synoptic
observations of the Sun’s photosphere, chromosphere, and magnetic field.
NISP operates a suite of instruments from the Global Oscillation Network
Group (GONG) which is located at six sites around the world, resulting
in 24/7 observations of the Sun. NISP also operates the Synoptic Optical
Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) program, which is located at
Big Bear Observatory in California.

"The National Science Foundation‘s Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
(DKIST) which is being built and operated by NSO, will be a 4-m off-axis
solar telescope with a suite of cutting-edge first light instruments.
Focused on better understanding the behaviors of the solar magnetic
field, from the photosphere to the corona, DKIST will revolutionize our
understanding of the Sun and it’s dynamic behavior. Using a technique
called spectropolarimetery, pioneered by the NSO and the world’s leading
solar scientists, we will indirectly measure magnetic fields in the
corona for the first time.

Some of these instruments may have been "of interest" to the military
reconnaissance and/or signals intelligence community.

Also note the closure of the nearest Post Office. Was a package sent by
or received at NSO that could cause this much ruckus? Depends what it
might have been: A chemical or biological weapon could produce the
response seen, but why mail it to or from NSO?  I rule out chemical or
biological payload for two reasons: First, why target the Observatory?
Second, early press reports did not describe use of protective clothing
by the Feds seen on site, or the presence of any medical or Public
Health teams.

What else could someone have mailed out that would bring a Federal
Shroud of Secrecy and Cone of Silence down on NRO?

My guess: A "spectropolarimetery" or other unique sensor and/or its
complete engineering docs might have gone missing. If the Feds asked the
Geeks what it does, then relayed their answer to NRO for an opinion, the
sensor might have got retroactively classified Top Secret due to its
potential ability to unmask some U.S. stealth technology, or other
wierdshit liek that.

I think that accounts for all observations to date, better than anything
I have seen so far. If the above scenario did happen, it's a
clusterfuck: Any such sensor would leave a massive paper trail through
the Solar Astronomy and Astronomical Metrics worlds, no hope in hell of
scooping up enough of that data to prevent "hostiles" from
reconstructing the sensor from open source clues.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-26 Thread grarpamp
> 9/11 was caused by Islam.

Yes... you may add the Fuckery of Religions around the world, as
an ultimate cause, along with the formerly noted one of the Fuckery
of Governments around the world.

As you can see in the quote below... both worldly fakes, Government
and Religion, discovered a way to partner up their respective scams
for more profit, control, slavery, warfare, torture, murder, theft...

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the
things that are God's"

For even more ridiculous hilarity, realize the quote was in answer
to a Jew asking if he had to pay his shekels as taxes, and to who.

Ignoring fact of questioners following Religion / Rulers themselves...
they would all have been better off to kill both Caesar and Jesus thus
never again having to pay any tax or to follow anyone elses arbitrary
law of force over them.

"In summary, Caesar, God and Allah all are contenders for your life,
wealth, and happiness. Men who value their lives, however, should
ask the question: By whose leave?"

Re: busted memes - Jews NOT expelled 109 times [PEACE]

2018-09-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Or, you know, "Muh Holohoax" just keeps repeating because it's
ordained by God HIMself?

Bust a move. Bust a meme.
HH the facts or die the dream.
Muh 6 million souls, 1913,
Muh 6 holo hoaxes, give in to Hebe's!
Grab a fact by the pussy, trigger a newb,
Bust a meme!

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 12:14:54PM -0700, Razer wrote:
>  Original message From: Steven Schear 
>  Date: 9/25/18  11:06 AM  (GMT-08:00) To: Zenaan 
> Harkness  Cc: CypherPunks  
> Subject: Re: busted memes - Jews NOT expelled 109 times [PEACE] 
> Or the expulsions could often mean, that unlike other groups, they kept their 
> identities and refused to assimilate. Where are those that kicked them out? 
> How many other groups have even existed for more than 2500 years?
> Maybe being kicked out so often has resulted in their group survival.
> ...
> Dimitry Orlov, expat Russian blogger pointed out a few years ago that people 
> who are outcasts from the dominant community or society tend to build 
> stronger more resilient ones.
> See 
> directly ontopic 
> Rr
> On Sep 25, 2018 5:46 AM, "Zenaan Harkness"  wrote:
> Dang donchahateit when a meme gets busted - in this case the ole hope
> for "one-ten and never again" (as in 109 countries to date), is
> factually bloody false M8, as we'd say 'ere in Oz - the truth is that
> we know of 359 expulsions since at least 733 B.C.
> Oh well, meme easy come, meme easy go I guess. So sad.
> Quite a stunning fact, really - you have to wonder that if u bin
> kicked outta 359 countries, ain't that like "doing the same thing
> over and over, and expecting a different outcome?"
> P'rhaps, I dunno, may be a mirror could be in order?
> Who knows…
> I'd attach the pic but the full chart is ~1.8MiB:

[ [Announce] The Launch of the Librem Key]

2018-09-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Hopefully FTW.

- Forwarded message from Purism Announcements  -

From: Purism Announcements 
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:58:18 -0400
Subject: [Announce] The Launch of the Librem Key

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Dear supporters, we interrupt our regular news broadcast with a special short
edition about a very focused topic: the launch of the Librem Key

Librem Key photo

It is the first product of its kind, and it introduces a whole new dimension to
laptop security. The Librem Key is not some ordinary token security key, but a
complete re-imagining of how we secure and verify the data on our laptops with a
simple user experience. Combined with a secure BIOS replacement, you can
instantly know if your laptop has been compromised, with a glance. Our
technology is unique, auditable and powerful, and we hope that you'll be
interested in utilizing the Librem Keys's benefits.

Our Chief Security Officer, Kyle Rankin, wrote an introductory blog post about
the Librem Key 

and an additional blog post to detail how it interacts with "Heads" to provide
tampering detection 
We hope you'll find this as exciting as we do!

Look forward to our progress updates on seamless integration between the Librem
Key and our various hardware and software products to provide easy-to-use
security within your reach...

Thanking you for your continued support,
— the Purism team (feedback at

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Unz spends weeks perusing the literature, Holocaust apparently not founded in fact - [PEACE]

2018-09-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The truth will out yet, and DAMN it's been a long 70 years!

This is one to forward far and wide, this meme is about to be busted,
and the front runners are in for some seriously positive social

** Mainstream Holocaust Narrative 'Substantially, if not Entirely,
False' - Editor of Top US Conservative Site (Ron Unz)

by Ron Unz The Unz Review (3,091 views) on Tue, Sep 25, 2018

The author spends a few weeks perusing the literature, which he
summarizes in this 18,000 word article, and concludes that the
Holocaust story relentlessly hammered into the public consciousness
by Jewish-owned Hollywood and media is a load of baloney. He suspects
that when the lie comes crashing down, a political earthquake will

"I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative
eventually suffers that same fate (total collapse), perhaps with
unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having
maintained it."

"Once I realized to my dismay that I couldn’t believe a word of what
our media and political leaders said about major events in the here
and now, their credibility on controversial happenings so long ago
and far away entirely disappeared."


So who else is a Poliana fan?

2018-09-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Poliana is truly awesome - elegant and powerful, almost mezmerizing.
And she will bloody well keep the home front protected, unlike the
Western crazies‼

IDF bitch has had her day in Syria, put in her place by Russian

** Russia Will Establish an Unofficial No-Fly Zone Over Syria

by The Saker The Unz Review (2,411 views) on Tue, Sep 25, 2018
Today Defense Minster Shoigu announced measures which went far beyond
what I had hoped for. Specifically, Shoigu has announced that Russia
 1  Supply S-300 air defense systems (with a 250km range) to the
 Syrians in the next two weeks.

 2  Russia will deliver advanced automated air defense management
 systemswhich will *dramatically* increase the Syrian air defense
 capabilities and prevent future “friendly fire” incidents.

 3  Russia will use her electronic warfare capabilities to suppress
 satellite navigation, onboard radar systems and communications of
 warplanes attacking targets on Syrian territory in the regions
 over the waters of the Mediterranean Sea bordering with Syria.

** And Here Come the Consequences for Israel for Il-20 Shootdown!

by The Twisted Genius Sic Semper Tyrannis (3,224 views) on Tue, Sep 25, 2018
VV Putin and S Shoigu have quickly and calmly moved to insure that
another incident like the IL-20 shoot down does not occur again.
After laying the blame for the incident squarely on Israel, both men
announced Syria will receive a major upgrade to their air defense
system. Russian will deliver S-300 systems to the Syrians within the
next two weeks.

Assad: “Maybe Jews Should Chill, What with These New Cannons
I be Packing”

This of course all happened after Israel jumped the shark using a
big, slow Russian turboprop as radar cover and 15 Russian servicemen
got blown out of the sky by Syria's very old S200.

Russia weren't happy:

Russia Shows Israel Who is in Charge, Sending a Bunch of Weapons to
Assad Following Downed Russian Plane

(Note absolutely PRICELESS photo of Netanyahu and Putin in the above
 link - "really really I didn't shoot your dog pappa? You believe me
 And that look on pappa's face!)

Dear Poliana,

Your existence conclusively demonstrates there is at least some
sanity and a little light in this world - your pappa makes things
right for a lot of existentially grateful folks, and truth be known
for many cucked over Western folk - as they say “when a thief sees a
saint, all he sees are his pockets.”

So you be proud you hear!
You make Russia proud, you make the world proud.

Evil uncle Israel's blackmail, war and banking "games" (and endless
hypocrisy, abuse of conscience ("what is truth anyway?") and the
rest) has driven the average man to rack and ruin and strives to take
the world to the brink, for the pittance of a few silver shekels‼

This is wrong of course, and we don't seem to have any easy solution
in the face of thoughtless (but significantly reducing, snigger
snigger) multitudes baying at CNN every night.

“When an Israelie sees a Nationalist, all he sees are his memes!”

Enough said. We are grateful for your very existence.

Simply put - you rock, we love you!

May God bless Polina, her nation and the people who gave birth to her,
Signed, The world

PS: The truth out yet (and DAMN it's been a long 70 years! - folks
this is one to forward far and wide, this meme is about to be busted,
and the front runners are in for some seriously positive social karma

** Mainstream Holocaust Narrative 'Substantially, if not Entirely,
False' - Editor of Top US Conservative Site (Ron Unz)

by Ron Unz The Unz Review (3,091 views) on Tue, Sep 25, 2018

The author spends a few weeks perusing the literature, which he
summarizes in this 18,000 word article, and concludes that the
Holocaust story relentlessly hammered into the public consciousness
by Jewish-owned Hollywood and media is a load of baloney. He suspects
that when the lie comes crashing down, a political earthquake will

"I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative
eventually suffers that same fate (total collapse), perhaps with
unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having
maintained it."

"Once I realized 

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-26 Thread juan
On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 08:53:56 +0100
Peter Fairbrother  wrote:

> > Now this does look like a fucking "major conflagration"
> >
> No. It certainly doesn't look structurally significant.

OK - The building is engulfed in flames but you don't call that a 
'major conflagration'.

> It looks spectacular, but if that was the worst of it I'd take it off my 
> list of structurally significant fires.

Yeah it just 'looks' spectacular. But it is just 'looks'. Illusion. 

> By far the most spectacular part was the when the bamboo scaffolding 

Where's your source for that?
No mention of any bamboo there...Is wikimierda also censored by the 
chinese commies? 

You can look at different videos and see the flames coming out of the 
windows. Where's the scaffolding? 

> BTW the explosions are bamboo scaffolding - 

It was new year and there was a lot of fireworks, including the 
fireworks that started the fire. 

> the air in the closed bamboo 
> segments gets hot and expands, then the bamboo gives way explosively.

Eagerly waiting for the evidence that there was a bamboo scaffolding. 
Funnily enough I harvested a bunch of bamboo last week. I might try to cause 
some sections of it to 'explode'...

> I wasn't sure that the Beijing TV fire counts

Of course it doesn't count for your propaganda =)
Massive fire - no structural damage. Exactly the kind of thing you want 
to ignore. 

> The nearby Mandarin Oriental hotel which was set on fire by the Beijing 
> TV station may have been worthy of inclusion too, or perhaps instead of 
> - some of the "Beijing TV fire" videos are actually of the nearby hotel, 
> not Beijing TV - but I couldn't be bothered sorting it out.

I'm not completely sure but it seems to be the same building. The hotel 
in the "CCTV".

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-26 Thread Peter Fairbrother

On 25/09/18 22:50, juan wrote:

On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 07:16:59 +0100
Peter Fairbrother  wrote:

On 23/09/18 04:01, juan wrote:

[...] Here's what your pal agent fairbigbrother

Eric Blair sometimes called my Dad Fairbigbrother or Bigfairbrother
(they were close friends). :)

Really?? I thought my pun was rather lame, but if Mr. Orwell himself 
used it...

Only when he was annoyed at Dad for not bringing him cigarettes when he 
visited - Eric had TB. A bit after the war, Eric was writing nineteen 
eighty-four, living on Jura, an island off the West coast of Scotland, 
with no shops.

I guess they had a different attitude to cigarettes and death in those 
days,'cos Dad always gave in and gave him the cigarettes he had hidden 
in the boot of his car.

By then Dad had had 10 siblings, 9 of whom had died. He had seen all the 
rest of his RAF graduating class, and half his squadron mates [1], get 
killed. And now Eric, his best friend, was dying too.

He ended up marrying Eric's sister's husband's cousin (my Mum).

[1] he flew joint missions with Joseph Heller, though I don't think they 
knew each other. But, Catch-22 ...

I don't think Big Brother was named after him though.

Another thing you will find there is that the rating is for the
resistance of the column and the fire protective material taken
together, rather than for the fire protective material alone.

OK - where's the source for that.

-- Peter Fairbrother

Re: latest false flag attack?

2018-09-26 Thread Peter Fairbrother

On 25/09/18 23:27, juan wrote:

On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 08:19:15 +0100
Peter Fairbrother  wrote:

especially from Russia and China, were excluded because data was lacking
or censored.

China's Netizens Ridicule CCTV Fire - so much for censorship.

I guess the Chinese authorities found it hard to deny that the fire 
existed. They did try to censor it. But reticence and censorship may 
well play a part in the lack of easily-available data about the fire.

What I couldn't find is details like the result of the fire, time 
uncontrolled inside the building, and the extent of the fire.

But I didn't look very hard, or for very long. I looked at about 110 
fires, picked out those I thought were structurally significant, then 
looked for data on materials of construction.

In about 8 cases where I couldn't find any data on the extent of the 
fire I excluded it. In about 10 cases where data was scant I either 
excluded or included the fire based on partial data and guesswork.

Some of the materials listed, especially for the smaller buildings, are 
the result of a quick look at a photo and "that's obviously rc", rather 
than written sources. And many of the sources were second or third or 
fifth hand, but I just used the first one I came on which had the data I 
was looking for in it.

And all in about 4 hours. So don't expect too much.

Now this does look like a fucking "major conflagration"

No. It certainly doesn't look structurally significant.

"By structurally significant I mean where by my estimation there was 
significant insult to the structural parts of the building from fire - 
roughly, a large fire over much of the area of several floors, which 
lasted uncontrolled for an hour or more, and eg where the fire wasn't 
mostly on the outside of the building."

It looks spectacular, but if that was the worst of it I'd take it off my 
list of structurally significant fires.

What is shown there is a fire in outer parts of one or two lower floors 
on one side, fire in parts of one corner of the building - not large 
parts, the building is huuuge - and a whole lot of fire on the outside 
of the building, in the bamboo scaffolding.

By far the most spectacular part was the when the bamboo scaffolding 
caught fire, not the building itself. Engulfed in flames, yes. 
Structurally significant, no.

BTW the explosions are bamboo scaffolding - the air in the closed bamboo 
segments gets hot and expands, then the bamboo gives way explosively.

I wasn't sure that the Beijing TV fire counts - afaict most of the fire 
is outside where it doesn't insult the structure. But I included it 
anyway, on my best guess.

As I said, the list wasn't meant to be authoritative, inclusive or 
exclusive: merely indicative.

The nearby Mandarin Oriental hotel which was set on fire by the Beijing 
TV station may have been worthy of inclusion too, or perhaps instead of 
- some of the "Beijing TV fire" videos are actually of the nearby hotel, 
not Beijing TV - but I couldn't be bothered sorting it out.

ps the Beijing TV building was under construction, so there wouldn't 
have been carpets, furnishings, office equipment, standby generator fuel 
etc to feed the fire. That would have helped it survive. I was going to 
exclude fires were the building was under construction - they are 
surprisingly common -but decided not to.

-- Peter Fairbrother