Global Censorship: Putin's RU Just Fucked Your Free Speech, ht NZ

2019-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Under one bill, individuals can face fines and jail time if they
publish material online that shows a "clear disrespect for society,
the state, the official state symbols of the Russian Federation, the
Constitution of the Russian Federation, and bodies exercising state
power." Insults against Putin himself can be punished under the law,
The Moscow Times reports. Punishments can be as high as 300,000 rubles
($4,700) and 15 days in jail.

A second bill subjects sites publishing "unreliable socially
significant information" to fines as high as 1.5 million rubles
($23,000). [T]he Russian government has "essentially unconstrained
authority to determine that any speech is unacceptable. One
consequence may be to make it nearly impossible for individuals or
groups to call for public protest activity against any action taken by
the state,"

"Hey Putin... FUCK your elite oligarch circle jerk society,
your pathetic little State, its fake Constitution, dumb ass Duma,
and sissy boy Law Enforcement and Military with their silly hats.
And fuck you too you thieving filthy sheepfucker."

Re: Intel and the Department of Energy are building America's first exascale supercomputer, a computer capable of a quintillion calculations per second

2019-03-19 Thread grarpamp
On 3/19/19, Punk  wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 18:58:51 + (UTC)
> jim bell  wrote:
>> Intel and the Department of Energy are building America's first exascale
>> supercomputer, a computer capable of a quintillion calculations per
>> second.
>   In case it's not clear enough how corrupt intel is, that's another 
> example.
> Then again, the USA is the land of unfettered crony capitalism...
>   It should also be underscored that the reason for American govcorp to
> 'build' that sort of thing is to serve the Global American Surveillance
> Police State.
>   Last but not least, that's yet another example of how The System is 
> biased
> against individual freedom, and towards centralization and totalitarianism,
> aided by mindless worship of 'science' and 'technology'.


Argonne is somewhat different compared to Oak Ridge, LLNL,
and others that are more directly focused on military warfare,
nuking, and murdering people.

Crowdfund your own supercomputer AI that publishes shiny
whitepapers mathematically proofing goverment is a waste.

Or submit your own backdoored cryptocurrency miner
in response to the RFP.

Don't post Shortlinks

2019-03-19 Thread grarpamp
- No one can read the URL text to see
what they say and where they go.
- Today's shortlink services will all die tomorrow.
- Archive sites generally archive only the canonical URL,
not hundred different shortlink references.

Do not post shortlinks.

Re: UBI begins 2020 - brutal end Trump - “It's $1K to be Huwaite” - spicy YangGang 2020 election - [PEACE]

2019-03-19 Thread Zenaan Harkness
UBI - $1,000 a month - an unstoppable, non-partisan message:

 Andrew Yang Draws Crowd of 3,000 Supporters in San Francisco

   … Yang is successfully uniting the political left and political
   right with a very simple message. He understands that all people
   regardless of their political beliefs would like $1,000 a month in
   free money. That’s because there’s lots of things a person can do
   with $1,000 a month in free money. It’s a winning message and
   there are no flaws with it.

   And what are his political opponents going to do during the
   debates? All he has to say is that he’s the only candidate in the
   field who wants to give everybody $1,000 a month in free money.
   This marks instant defeat for his opposition because they do not
   want to give everybody $1,000 a month in free money.

   The money system is all fake anyway. They are just digits punched
   into computers run by Jewish bankers. So who cares if $1,000 of
   this fake Jewish money is deposited into everybody’s bank accounts
   on a monthly basis?

   If Yang’s plan of giving $1,000 a month to everybody results in an
   economic collapse as some doomsday theorists are predicting, then
   that’s an even better result than we could hope for. It’d be like
   the end of Fight Club when everybody’s bank accounts were reset to
   zero. There are literally no flaws with this plan.

Huwaites are firetrucked gen-X shirt-libbers these days, so messages
of self responsibility breeze right in one ear and right out the
other - so if you want "muh spiritual lessons", bring on UBI and a
sooner than expected systemic ponzi collapse FTW muffuluggerah!


Flawless plan... no downsides.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 09:39:47PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> UBI? You bet it!
> Trump has lost his base.
> Trump is a MIGA shill (Make Israel Great Again).  About that - almost
> the entire USA BigGov is MIGA.
> "Oh no! AIPAC does not exist, and even if it does it serves the
>  American people because Israel is our greatest ally! MAGA!"
>   MIGA Shills Fail to Deliver the May-Mays
> The manufacturing, transport  and much of the commercial world shall
> largely/ continue to, automate, with jobs disappearing as a result.
> With trade and commerce, comes a money pyramid.
> Setting aside for another conversation the fiat ponzi that is the
> non-constitutional Federal Reserve banking system (which is neither
> federal, nor reserve), whoever prints the money (Rothschilds or your
> Gov.) does not change the wealth percolating to the top of the
> pyramid hierarchy. Removing the Federal Reserve from the mix simply
> means a potentially much longer time frame before bubbles burst, and
> possibly greater stability.
> So, at the moment, most of the money printed each year goes to
> service debt (i.e. goes to the Rothschilds) and most of the rest goes
> to Lockheed Martin and Co.
> In the USA, assume ~300 million people, getting $1K per month, this
> = ~ $300 billion per month into citizens hands.
> The majority of that goes to rent, food, transport, electricity and
> communications. I.e., straight into the economy with its consequent
> multi level taxation and money velocity - i.e., a fair whack goes
> back to Gov. and the rest goes to those at the top of the commerce
> pyramid.
> That's better than the majority of each month's Gov "money" print
> going to the Rothschilds and Lockheed Martin Death Complex.
> So, +1 for UBI in the neo world novo economy ...

1/2020th pure White Elizabeth Warran pledges ‘Tarrant plan’ action - TDS soon to go dark - [PEACE]

2019-03-19 Thread Zenaan Harkness
NPCs such as USA presidential hopeful "pure White", 1/2020th margin
of error Elizabeth Warran, are so predictable it's funny - catalyzed
by the Tarrant plan, lead by the Tarrant plan, promising the Tarrant
[shakes head]

Telstra (our largest ISP) is completely censoring TheDailyStormer,
4Chan, 8Chan and others ... this speech thang is a war zone folks.

So the Onions are a current option, and EepSites may soon be required
installing for those who wonder at the implied-monitoring and
subsequent shaping (down, but most honorously, up) of Tor entry nodes
not under yer own control.

What a world we live in...

 Daily Stormer's Tor URL:

 The Tor Project - even this is censored in Australia atm,
 so grab a Tor browser somehow eh?

 Brave Browser perhaps:
 See here:
 or here:
 Note: Brave Browser's "new private tab with Tor" option is not in
 the Android version, must be a desktop browser feature for the

 Pure Aryan Master Race Liz Warren Endorses the “Tarrant Plan,”
 Pledges to Arrest White Nationalists for Their Beliefs

  … He wrote in his manifesto,
  under the heading of “Why did you carry out the attack?”:

 To agitate the political enemies of my people into action,
 to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience
 the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result.

  Further in, he writes:
 The United States is in turmoil, more so that at any other time
 in history. States hate other states, the electoral college is
 under attack at every turn and the races are at each others
 throats. On top of this is a two party political system, split
 by racial, social, cultural, linguistic and class divides.

 The end result is a nation in gridlock, unable to respond to any
 great change, unable to commit to any great projects. A
 political and social stalemate that makes any advancement

 Meanwhile the 1 ton boulder of demographic change rolls ever
 forward, gaining momentum and possibly destroying all in its
 path. Eventually, when the white population of the USA realizes
 the truth of the situation, war will erupt. Soon the replacement
 of the whites within Texas will hit its apogee and with the
 non-white political and social control of Texas; and with this
 control, the electoral college will be heavily stacked in favor
 of a democratic victory so that every electoral cycle will be a

 After an election cycle or two with certain Democratic victory,
 those remaining, non democratic voting, non brainwashed whites
 will see the future clear before them, and with this knowledge
 realize the impossibility of a diplomatic or political victory.

 Within a short time regular and widespread political, social and
 racial violence will commence. In this tempest of conflict is
 where will be strike, a strong, unified, ethnically and
 culturally focused pro-white, pro-european group will be
 everything the average white family need and long for. With
 these boosted numbers, and with our unified forces, complete
 control of the United states will be possible. Above all be
 ready for violence, and when the times comes, strike hard and

  There is no way that Elizabeth Warren would come out and announce
  that she is going to do exactly what Tarrant wants American
  politicians to do, which he planned in order to start a race war,
  unless she is an Aryan accelerationist shill and a pied piper for
  the Democrats, purposefully inciting a race war in order to create
  an America that is as racially pure as her own blood.

  If she was not an Aryan shill, then coming out after a mass
  casualty shooting and announcing that as president she will do
  exactly what Brenton Tarrant wants her to do would be completely

  No one is that stupid.


  “When the going gets 

Intel and the Department of Energy are building America's first exascale supercomputer, a computer capable of a quintillion calculations per second

2019-03-19 Thread jim bell
Intel and the Department of Energy are building America's first exascale 
supercomputer, a computer capable of a quintillion calculations per second.

Senator Fraser Anning - his actual words - [PEACE]

2019-03-19 Thread Zenaan Harkness
In an image:

Lots of piccy pics of the egg smash, and his full statement:


 New Zealand Mosque Shooting

 Speaking following reports of multiple shootings at two Mosques in
 New Zealand earlier today, Senator Fraser Anning has responded with
 strong condemnation.

 ‘I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community,
 and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman,’ he said.

 ‘However, whilst this kind of violent vigilantism can never be
 justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our
 community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing
 Muslim presence.

 ‘As always, left-wing politicians and the media will rush to claim
 that the causes of today’s shootings lie with gun laws or those who
 hold nationalist views but this is all cliched nonsense.

 ‘The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the
 immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New
 Zealand in the first place.

 ‘Let us be clear, while Muslims may have been the victims today,
 usually they are the perpetrators. World-wide, Muslims are killing
 people in the name of their faith on an industrial scale.

 ‘The entire religion of Islam is simply the violent ideology of a
 sixth century despot masquerading as a religious leader, which
 justifies endless war against anyone who opposes it and calls for
 the murder of unbelievers and apostates.

 ‘The truth is that Islam is not like any other faith. It is the
 religious equivalent of fascism. And just because the followers of
 this savage belief were not the killers in this instance, does not
 make them blameless.

 ‘As we read in Matthew 26:52, ‘all they that take the sword, shall
 perish by the sword’ and those who follow a violent religion that
 calls on them to murder us, cannot be too surprised when someone
 takes them at their word and responds in kind,’ Senator Anning

youtube-dl don't yet work on this:
"A fresh analysis and insight on the New Zealand Mosque attack"

Apparently the Christchurch shooter was at one point Serbian...

The other side:

Dozens of Christians Slaughtered By Muslim Militants - Media Blackout
Islamic massacre of over 100 Christians ignored by the MSM

 … A massacre of a Christian minority is rarely covered by the
 mainstream media …

Chinese polls - Chinese view:

Chinese Poll: 76% Sympathize with Brenton Tarrant After
Reading [Christchurch shooter] Manifesto

  Do you have sympathy after reading the gunman’s essay? 

  Very much sympathy – 56%

  A little sympathy – 25%

  No strong feelings – 13%

  I hate him – 4%

  How would you characterize the attack on the mosque? 

  Vengeance – 61%

  Terrorist attack – 10%

  Self-defense behavior – 14%

  Violent crime – 3%

  Political intrigue – 10%

Aussie shitlord literally banned from "using the internet or social media" - [MINISTRY]

2019-03-19 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Literally named "Chad", Chad Vinzelberg now literally shaking as he
learns to program whilst being literally banned by a court from
"using the internet or social media" - just as well the judge
literally added "or social media" to the ban, or this shitlord might
have literally used his phone, rather than the internet, eh m8?!

Dang boomers gonna straighten out dis world by shuttin in all down -
the conversation that is, since there ain't no freeze peach in the
lan down unda!

Of course, they not charge 'im for 'is freeze speach, but raided his
"man cave" and found an ornamental mace on the wall - so his home was
raided for speech and he's banned from using the internet for a mace
(and a replica pistol with a bullet in it... silly muffaluggerah).

I wish I knew how to "use the innernet for a mace" but hay, 'at's how
it goes m8!"


Did I mention "muffaluggerah"? 'Cause dang, dude, 'ats one serious
carnel toe‼

You know, cause shutting down tha memes is gonna straighten these
bastards out, of course - why didn't I think of that?

Muffaluggerah!!  Cheerio m8, jus takin the piss yo :D

 Aussie Chad First Ever Person Officially Banned
 From the Internet by ZOG

  … An Adelaide man has been banned from using the internet after
allegedly making comments on social media in support of the
Christchurch terrorist attack.

Chad Vinzelberg’s alleged online comments prompted police to raid
the 37-year-old man’s northern suburbs property on Friday.