Waters RT interview - was Re: Roger Waters shut down

2020-02-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Roger Waters, RT interview on the shut it down:

  "The reason [the anti-Semitism accusations are] brought up so often is so 
that we will not address the fundamental issue of whether what I say is true or 

  Israel-Palestine issue is glaring example of how some people have rights and 
some don’t – Roger Waters to RT

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters, facing a campaign to deplatform him 
from SXSW after B’nai B’rith got his ads pulled from Major League Baseball, 
told RT the accusations of anti-Semitism are a distraction from human rights.

The musician and activist slammed the campaign by the pro-Israel activist 
group B’nai B’rith to smear him as an anti-Semite and have him removed from the 
South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival in Austin, Texas, where he is 
scheduled to give the keynote speech to an audience of hundreds of thousands of 

In an interview with RT, Waters explained that the spurious anti-Semitism 
accusations are part of a deliberate and massive campaign to distract from 
Israeli human rights abuses.

“It muddies the waters over one very specific issue, which is the issue of 
the settler-colonial occupation of the land of Palestine by Israeli armed 
forces… human rights should be something that is fundamental, that applies to 
all people equally,” Waters said. “Clearly the Israel-Palestine issue is a 
glaring example of somewhere where some people have rights and some people 

  "The reason [the anti-Semitism accusations are] brought up so often is so 
that we will not address the fundamental issue of whether what I say is true or 

Waters also referred to the sinister effort by “nebulous NGO” the 
International Holocaust Remembrance Association to actually redefine the word 
“anti-Semitism,” expanding the meaning of the word to include “any criticism of 
the policies both domestic and foreign of the state of Israel as being 
inherently anti-Semitic.”

While the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement Waters supports 
has falsely been equated with anti-Semitism by the deep-pocketed Israeli 
Ministry of Strategic Affairs, a government agency devoted specifically to 
neutralizing the movement, he explained that BDS has “consistently, constantly 
and unequivocally stated that it is against all forms of ‘isms’” – including, 
but not limited to, anti-Semitism.

Speaking to his critics in the Israel lobby, Waters admonished them for 
hiding behind the Jewish people, not all of whom support the policies of Tel 

“You need to come up with a defense for your side of the argument – for 
whether it is correct or not for the Israeli government to be operating a 
system of apartheid in the country that used to be called Palestine.”

  "We need to be able to look at these things without slinging mud and 
calling people names that don’t fit."


On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 10:37:41AM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
> In a bit of "who could have predicted this" true news, Roger Waters
> gets shut down:
>   Roger Waters Gets Shut Down by the Jews! Baseball Ads Canceled!
> http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/roger-waters-gets-shut-down-by-the-jews-baseball-ads-canceled/
> This boomer hippie is pure evil.
> Telling the most powerful group of people on earth to stop
> slaughtering primitive brown villagers is pure hatred for the
> color of the – er, pure hatred for the length of the nose!
> How dare this boomer rock n’ roller advocate for human rights in
> Palestine!
> https://www.rt.com/news/480384-roger-waters-mlb-bds-israel/
>   Major League Baseball (MLB) has stopped running promotions of
>   Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters on its platforms, after
>   caving in to pressure from a Jewish group that accused him of
>   anti-Semitism.
>   In January, Jewish advocacy organization B’nai B’rith
>   International began a campaign to protest ads for Waters’ new
>   tour, ‘This is Not a Drill’, which appeared on MLB platforms.
>   The group claimed that the musician is an “avowed anti-Semite”
>   whose views on Israel “far exceed the boundaries of civil
>   discourse.”
>   ...
>   Concerning his own support for BDS, Waters has previously
>   stated that the boycott movement “exists at the request of
>   Palestine civil society as a whole” and is among the “most
>   admirable” displays of resistance in the world.
> I don’t even very much like Palestinians, but he may be correct
> that this is the most admirable display of resistance in the
> world.
> Who else is resisting the Jews?
> ... we can all sleep better knowing that the former frontman of
> Pink Floyd can no longer show advertisements at baseball games.
> This is the struggle for a world free of hatred, where no one is
> ever allowed to 

Re: Poll [was Re: The Z.g ...]

2020-02-16 Thread Mirimir
On 02/16/2020 09:14 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 20:38:29 -0700
> Mirimir  wrote:
>> On 02/15/2020 06:14 PM, Z.g the N.g wrote:
>> [more of the same, albeit moderately funny]
>> So hey, let's have a pol about Z.g's mindset.
>   his spam makes little sense unless one assumes he gets paid for linking 
> zerohedge, dailystormer and a couple of russian sites. 

I guess that'd be another answer. So be it.

But he's not the only one who posts lots of links.

It's just that his links are rarely topical for the list.

Re: Coronavirus Patients in China to beTreated with High-Dose Vitamin C in New Clinical Trial

2020-02-16 Thread Razer

On 2/16/20 4:36 PM, jim bell wrote:
> It appears that testing of chloroquine is already occurring in China. 

Which US disinformation agency do you work for?

You're talking about the FLU. The number of cases is already on the
decline, rapidly. Even the US MSM news has given up on it as a Economic
War tool.] and reported the rapid decline.

Some Economic and Political Factors of Coronavirus Outbreak

It is also worth noting that the global threat, posed by 2019-nCOV,
appeared around the same time when it became apparent that there was a
solid chance the trade conflict between two of the largest economies in
the world (with the potential to turn into a full-scale war with
world-wide repercussions) could be resolved.

It is important, however, to point out that we are referring here to the
prospect (not certainty). After all, the agreement between the United
States and China, signed on January 15, 2020 offers an opportunity to
gradually work out issues but does not guarantee that this process will
be successful. And yet, this document has already made a substantial
contribution to stabilizing the global economy.

However, this positive outlook may now be overshadowed by the latest
threat stemming from the panic caused by the news of the “2019-nCOV”

And its effect on the political situation in the world does not appear
to be too far-reaching for now. If we choose not to concern ourselves
with relatively “insignificant” matters, such as propaganda attacks
against China in light of the “new” threat emanating from it (whose
assessment, from Beijing’s perspective, is very biased, and does not
correspond to that of WHO ), and embarrassing comments fueled by racism
published by Western media outlets, we will realize that the main effect
of the start and spread of the epidemic has been the exacerbation of the
Taiwan Issue yet again.

With links:

Also see: February 13, 2020
Coronavirus - Statistical Change Causes Confusion - New Case Count
Continues To Decline

The Chinese government has added a new category of infections to the
total number of COVID-19 cases. So far there were two published
categories. 'Suspected cases', which were people who may have come in
contact with the virus and showed flu symptoms, and 'confirmed cases' of
patients who fell ill and where the virus was found during tests.

Now people who show signs of pneumonia will be added to the confirmed
COVID-19 cases even when the tests do not find the nCov19 virus in their
body. The same criteria will retroactively apply to the number of dead.
People who died while showing signs of pneumonia are now counted as
COVID-19 casualties even when their virus tests were negative.

The new method only applies to Hubei Province which has by far the most
of all global cases. The move added the 13,332 cases to the total number
of cases. (To keep the trend numbers comparable the new addition is not
incorporated in the above graphic.)

The change was not well communicated and has caused some serious
confusion. Some sources seem to believe that this increases the number
of total cases while other sources say that it simply moves people from
the 'suspected cases' category into a new sub category that runs under
'confirmed cases'.

The motive for doing this is not clear. The case numbers will now
include everyone who show signs of pneumonia but does not test positive
for the nCoV19 virus. The new count will thereby include a lot of people
who simply have a common flu.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Poll [was Re: The Z.g ...]

2020-02-16 Thread Mirimir
On 02/15/2020 06:14 PM, Z.g the N.g wrote:

[more of the same, albeit moderately funny]

So hey, let's have a pol about Z.g's mindset.

Please choose one of four answers:

0) He's a sincerely racist, sexist Nazi.
1) He's an outrage troll posing as that.
2) Being "1" is impossible without being "0".
3) He's just edgy and occasionally funny.

Thanks for playing :)

Extra credit: Answer the same about me, or whomever.

Cryptocurrency: War On Cash - China Twists CoVirus to Deplatform Cash

2020-02-16 Thread grarpamp

Today China announced it was taking unusual new steps to help stop the
spread of the coronavirus. It's blocking the transfer of old bank
notes between provinces and cities affected by the outbreak, according
to the deputy governor of the People's Bank of China — and that's just
the beginning.
Bloomberg reports: The central bank also ramped up measures to
sanitize old money to reduce contagion risks and added 600 billion
yuan ($85.9 billion) of new cash for Hubei, the epicenter of the
coronavirus, he said.
"Money from key virus-hit areas will be sanitized with ultraviolet
rays or heated and locked up for at least 14 days, before it is
distributed again," Fan said at a press conference on Saturday. Money
circulated in less riskier areas is subject to a week of quarantine
and commercial lenders have been asked to separate cash from hospitals
and food markets, he said.
The share of cash in broad money supply has dropped steadily in recent
years in China, with the rise of mobile payments largely replacing
bank notes in daily life.
"It's an extreme move that makes sense," argues Quartz: Whether it's
dollars, pounds, euros, shekels, or in this case yuan, currency is
notoriously dirty. A 2017 study [PDF] of $1 bills in New York found
some 397 bacterial species living on the surface. And when someone
with the flu handles it, that virus has been shown to survive for up
to 12 days.
The World Health Organization has said that it is still not known how
long the the coronavirus can survive on surfaces and objects,
including money. Preliminary information has shown it can survive a
few hours or more, but can be killed with basic disinfectants.

Cryptocurrency: Centralized Shitcoin IOTA Shutdown

2020-02-16 Thread grarpamp

Centralized protocols, proof of "stake", "governance", "voting",
baked in dev funding, partnerships, etc... are all scams just like Fiat.

The nonprofit organization behind the IOTA cryptocurrency shut down
its entire network this week after someone exploited a vulnerability
their wallet app to steal funds.
ZDNet reports: The attack happened this week, Wednesday, on February
12, 2020, according to a message the foundation posted on its official
Twitter account. According to a status page detailing the incident,
within 25 minutes of receiving reports that hackers were stealing
funds from user wallets, the IOTA Foundation shut down "Coordinator,"
a node in the IOTA network that puts the final seal of approval on any
IOTA currency transactions.
The never-before-seen move was meant to prevent hackers from executing
new thefts, but also had the side-effect of effectively shut down the
entire IOTA cryptocurrency...
IOTA members said hackers used an exploit in "a third-party
integration" of Trinity, a mobile and desktop wallet app developed by
the IOTA Foundation. Based on current evidence, confirmed by the IOTA
team, it is believed that hackers targeted at least 10 high-value IOTA
accounts and used the Trinity exploit to steal funds.
Sunday the team released "a safe version" of their Trinity Desktop "to
allow users to check their balance and transactions. This version
(1.4.0) removes the vulnerability announced on 12th February 2020..."
Their status page advised users to contact a member of the IOTA
Foundation if their balance looks incorrect. "Please be aware that
there are unfortunately active imposters posing as IOTA Foundation
personnel on our Discord. Therefore it is important that you directly
initiate contact with the IF or mod team yourself..."
"The Coordinator remains down for now as we finalise our remediation
plan. You will not be able to send value transactions."

Re: Coronavirus Patients in China to beTreated with High-Dose Vitamin C in New Clinical Trial

2020-02-16 Thread jim bell
As a person with a degree in chemistry, I doubt that 24 grams of vitamin C 
("ascorbic acid") is "too much acidity".    And even if it were, they could 
neutralize that acidity by reacting it with a base, like sodium, potassium, 
calcium, or  magnesium, and take it in pill form.  Much simpler than an IV drip.
Over the last week or so, I have looked into a report from early February 2020 
that pointed to an old anti-malarial drug chloroquine as impeding the 
reproduction of this COVID-19 virus "in vitro", meaning in the laboratory.   
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-020-0282-0     (As opposed to "in vivo", 
in a human body.).   A similar report of this nature appeared in 2004.    
It appears that testing of chloroquine is already occurring in China.   I have 
read that chloroquine is an over-the-counter (non-prescription) drug in China.  

Chloroquine has a 45-55 day 'half-life' in the human body.  It does have some 
significant toxicity issues.   I expect that dosage will be something like, 
'take 2-4 250mg pills, then after 30 days take another pill, then after 30 days 
take another pill, etc.'
                  Jim Bell

 On Saturday, February 15, 2020, 01:35:53 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness 

24gm may well be too much acidity for the human body.

Eckhard Rohric in Sydney Australia, was giving 2gm (2000mg) per day intravenous 
to cancer patients, and having significant success.

Hopefully Wuhan U. will discover if 24gm/day over a week, is too much.

On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 04:44:19PM +1000, Gil May wrote:
> *Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C in
> New Clinical Trial*
> by Andrew W. Saul, Editor
> Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
> (OMNS February 13, 2020) Breaking news: China is conducting a clinical
> trial of 24,000 mg/day of intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with
> coronavirus and severe respiratory complications. Participants will receive
> IV vitamin C for 7 days straight at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University.
> Honor and thanks are due to Zhiyong Peng, MD, for making this happen. He is
> chief physician and professor at the hospital, which is close to ground
> zero for coronavirus. This important study was filed and announced
> yesterday and details may be confirmed at
> https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04264533
> *At Zhongnan Hospital in Wuhan, China, 24,000 mg of vitamin C will be
> administered to coronavirus patients, intravenously, each day for 7 days.*
> To fight a dangerous virus for which there is no existing medical
> treatment, you must rely on your own immune system. It is well established,
> in every nutrition textbook ever written, that you need vitamin C to make
> your immune system work well, or to even work at all. Inadequate vitamin C
> intake is a worldwide problem that can be immediately and economically
> fixed. With even modest amounts of supplemental vitamin C, deaths will
> decrease. In one study, a mere 200 mg of vitamin C/day resulted in an *80%
> decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease
> patients.* [Hunt C et al. *Int J Vitam Nutr Res* 1994;64:212-19.]
> http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n09.shtml
> Another recent study used this same low 200 mg dose for infants and
> children under five years of age, with severe pneumonia. The authors
> concluded that
> *“Vitamin C is effective in reducing duration of severe pneumonia in
> children less than five years of age. Oxygen saturation was improved in
> less than one day.”** [Khan IM et al. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC);
> 2014;18(1):55-57 http://www.journalrmc.com/volumes/1405749894.pdf
> ]*
> A lack of vitamin C has been long known, literally for decades, to increase
> susceptibility to viruses.
> http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n06.shtml
> It is one thing to be sick from a virus and another thing entirely to die
> from a viral-instigated disease. The greatest danger with coronavirus is
> escalation to pneumonia. For this, much higher doses of vitamin C are
> indicated, preferably by IV.
> How to administer high-dose intravenous vitamin C in hospital, Chinese
> language edition, is now posted for free acc

Decrypt: How a genius hacker made $350,000 exploiting DeFi

2020-02-16 Thread jim bell
Decrypt: How a genius hacker made $350,000 exploiting DeFi.

Re: Tor Stinks re Traffic Analysis and Sybil (as do other networks)

2020-02-16 Thread grarpamp
> How about https://nymtech.net/ ?

Who knows whatabout such things.
Post such random links to the list instead,
and maybe people will evaluate about it there.

> On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 8:22 AM wrote:
>> > low-latency
>> This phrase is misused by many as if it were some kind
>> of litmus test for determining TA resistance... it is not.

Re: The Z.g disavows TheDailyStormer - Anglin proposes child with Sultana Ilhan Omar

2020-02-16 Thread grarpamp
> Ilhan Omar

Who gives a shit about such politic. Those who claim to give
a shit should probably actually research, study, and debate
in depth, what they claim to give a shit about, as what
shit they may be foolishly investing themselves in, as in all
politic, may turn out to be false. As always, you decide...


There are many sides to every story.
Rather than some random posters...
you investigate, you research, you decide... the truth,
for yourself, not upon others. Any such truths, indeed if any
prevail, are greater than could ever be hoped to be imagined.
But such truths are not as easily validated as such shills
may assert. That is the truth.

Peace out, rationally, indeed, to your studies.

Re: Abolish CIA & FISA

2020-02-16 Thread grarpamp
On 2/15/20, Robert Hettinga  wrote:
> The President of the United States should control Intelligence by the very
> means by which he controls all other parts of the National Security
> establishment: The National Security Council. That is, assuming that he
> controls it, and not the other way around.

The US President does control many such things, including the entire
DOJ, military, CIA, NSA, FBI, perhaps most other departments
and Executive functions not otherwise stipulated in faux Legislative
law actually usurped by untested Constitutional Law... Treasury, IRS, etc...
you decide the undecided. Whether they wisely assume all such designed
authority, with cojones, is another issue entirely. Most do not posess
such a bag.
Trump is an interesting recent foray, yet not yet particularly definitive.
A more independant and libertarian candidate may test demonstrative,
and be greatly needed. Or simply route around the FUD, to rightful anarchia.

(Censored, thus undeserving, Perry Metzger Dowdeswell LLC list... deleted.)