Re: [hackerspaces] Google to release your location data to help fight coronavirus pandemic

2020-04-10 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Hellooo!  Hope everybody is feeling amazingly happy!  I do!  :D

Sorry for being late, but it was a religious holiday in Brazil and I took
the whole day for family, friends, and woke almost now, in the couch of a
couple of friends, with  one little dog, two fat cats, and an unknown baby
over me.  I would really appreciate some pics, hihi...  <3

Sorry, I am still very sleepy.  Being sincere, I only woke up because the
baby pooped a lot and my dreams are becoming nightmares about having
diarrhea when talking in public.  :((

Still talking about nightmares, in the last years, I collected a lot of
creepy stories about ""anonymized data""  (lots of air quotes here!),  so I
think I am becoming a bit neurotic, paranoid,  ,  about the real honesty of some sites and companies.

But I am just a stupid sleepy lawyer, not an InfoSec SuperMaster, so I will
go home to take a warm shower and sleep again, zzz...  <3

Much love and warm snugglehugs, my dear friends...  Good night and sweet
dreams!  <3

Ceci  (-_-)*zzzleepy
Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our
Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

HDDs: PMR and TGMR - single manufacturer, economies of scale, centralised knowledge

2020-04-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
> those of capacity ("any relevant level of
> capacity" perhaps?) cannot be duplicated in general.

> come civil war, very few will have the ability and capacity
> to create anything particularly useful, in a relevant time frame, to
> the defence of their family.

(Javascript site):
[I cannot get this website to load the email archive at all, even with JS 
enabled - go figure; apologies for the lack of a functional link...]

Re: [zfs-discuss] OFFICIAL WDC POSITION (Seagate too!): Re: Beware of SMR 
drives in PMR clothing:
Stoat  Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 5:11 AM
Reply-To: Discuss 
To: Discuss , Durval Menezes 



-  LMR - Longitudinal magnetic recording (magnetic domain grains laying along 
the disk)
-  PMR - Perpendicular magnetic recording (magnetic domains stood up vertically 
- this was the last great density increase before SMR)
-  TGMR - Tunnelling giant magnetorestricive - this is a head technology needed 
to achieve PMR

  NB: ALL drives on the market at the moment are PMR with TGMR heads.  They all 
use the same platters and the same heads - there is only one manufacturer for 
each of those parts, despite there being three HDD makers

 -  SMR - Shingled magnetic recording. (More formally Shingled Perpendicular 
Magnetic recording)
 -  TDMR - "two dimensional magnetic recording" - this is a marketing term to 
say "zoned media" without coming out and saying it. You need zoning otherwise 
there aren't gaps between blocks of shingled tracks and you'd have to write a 
disk from one end to the other.

Coming soon (maybe)

-  patterned media (platters) - this will start separating the magnetic grains 
from each other to reduce crosstalk and improve density a little
-  HAMR/MAMR: heat assisted recording - needed because smaller grains need 
higher coercivity and the heads can't put out a magnetic field necessary to 
flip the field in the grains without heating them up to nearly their curie 
point in order to reduce that coercivity

The reason I say "maybe" is this: SSDs just killed HDD economics at all sizes

Micron have just dropped the price of their 5210 ION 8TB SATA archival SSDs to 
$700 apiece - and their 5200 Nearline/5300 daily SSDs aren't much more 
expensive. Then there's the NVME ranges...

They all have 5 year warranty, power loss protection and even the IONs are 
warrantied for _at least 0.2DWPD (4kB random writes) up to 0.9DWPD (large 
sequential fills) which fall nicely into 90% of both my home and enterprise 

This is an interesting bit:

> NB: ALL drives on the market at the moment are PMR with TGMR heads.  They all
> use the same platters and the same heads - there is only one manufacturer for
> each of those parts, despite there being three HDD makers

It appears that PMR and TGMR are sufficiently complex manufacturing, and the 
competition (and in this case, reducing economies of scale) becoming so low, 
that HDD manufacturers no longer have much competition between them.

Re: [Privacy] Snowden Warns Governments Are Using Coronavirus to Build 'the Architecture of Oppression'

2020-04-10 Thread John Young

At 09:04 PM 4/9/2020, you wrote:
Snowden Warns Governments Are Using Coronavirus to Build 'the 
Architecture of Oppression'


Bear in mind that leaker's information ages into less significance, 
other than historical, as sources respond to the leaks with 
replacements and innovations.

Leaks are left unchallenged, even promoted and initiated, by sources 
to serve as alluring camouflage for current operations.

Some wizards claim leaks and leakers were invented and sustained for 
this purpose. Prosecutons and demonization and publicity and 
legislation are tools of the deceptive ops.

FOIA a particularly manipulative technique, redactions and 
classification markings applied for verisimilitude. So too the tiny 
yellow dots and other traces.

Others: Encryption and anonymizers, drop boxes, whispers to journos, 
aggrieved insiders and loose-lipped contractors, inspector generals, 
congressional briefings, sex entrapments, privacy protection NGOs, 
hired and coerced bots, trolls and hackers, iimplants in hardware and 
software, compromised communcations and internet workers and admins, 
lawyers, priests, psychiatrists and other supposedly confidential advisers.

Roll your own narcotic of outsmarting the mofos, peddle the product 
of secrecy and oppression.