The Legacy of Math Luminary John Conway, Lost to Covid-19

2020-04-26 Thread jim bell
Jim Bell's comment:Apparently he wasn't surrounded by a sufficient number of 
occupied squares.

​​Aircraft Carrier Captain Brett "pouty little bitch" Crazier, to be reinstated - [PEACE]

2020-04-26 Thread Zigger the N . gger
Awww, mamma's come to complain to da principal and US Navy Aircraft Supercarrier Captain Brett "poudy lil bitch" Crazier, may well be reinstated.But he gud poudy lil bitch 'cause he only think of dey crew and "dey gonna die from dey sniffles" see?So momma want put he back on dey ship yo?Sheeeit!   Holy Heck: Navy Wants Whining Faggot Who Went Hysterical Reinstated as Ship Captain   http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/holy-heck-navy-wants-whining-faggot-who-went-hysterical-reinstated-as-ship-captain/       ..       Top Pentagon officials have reached an impasse about whether or not to reinstate Capt. Brett Crozier, the former commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, after the nation’s top military officer called for a deeper probe into the events leading up to his removal, according to Politico.       ..He probe will fix dis, say mamma.In other news, Anglin finally figured out dey coronahoaxus be big bad opportunity :DHe slow on dey uptake, see?   The Coronavirus Hoax Gives Us an Opportunity to Rally the People Around Nationalism   http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/the-coronavirus-hoax-may-give-us-the-ability-to-rally-the-people-around-nationalism/       .. The coronavirus hoax is the biggest crime that has ever been committed. It is going to completely destroy the lives of hundreds of millions of people.       However, we need to look at every crisis as an opportunity.       ..Might be 6 weeks late on this one, "but better late than never" (TM)(C)(MUFFAS), to coin a totally new phrase that's totally never been used before. Like.Create yo world,On Sun, Apr 05, 2020 at 01:46:48PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:> Navy Captains shall not be pouty little bitches.>> That sentence should not need to be written.>> A captain who fails to take every opportunity in peace time, to train for actual war time, is negligent in his duty to his men.>> And one who sqwarks to the world, sqeaking for "rescue evac to save us from this annual Coronavirus flu and the sniffles we face", hiding behind "jus tryin ta save muh men," is, without doubt,  a  pouty  little  bitch.>> Who could have predicted Trump supporting the sacking of such a "captain"?>>   Trump Says He Agrees With Decision to Remove Captain of Theodore Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier>>>       WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Donald Trump says he supports the decision to remove US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt Captain Brett Crozier over the captain’s inappropriate email regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.>>           "Here we have one of the greatest ships in the world … with thousands and thousands of people and you had about 120 that were infected and I guess the captain stopped in Vietnam and people got off in Vietnam, perhaps you don’t do that in the middle of the pandemic", Trump said at the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Saturday.>>       According to the president, the captain wrote a "5-page letter" that was "all over the place".>>           "They made their decision, I didn’t make the decision, the Secretary of Defence was involved and a lot of people were involved. I thought it was terrible what he did, to write a letter? This isn’t a class of literature", Trump told reporters.>>       .. In more serious news:>>   Everyone Jumps Off Bridge After New Government Order Telling Everyone To Jump Off Bridge>>>   Chick-Fil-A Temporarily Changes Slogan To 'Eat Fewer Bats'>>>   Teachers Urge Government To Reopen Schools Before Students Learn To Think For Themselves>>>   CNN Publishes Real News Story For April Fools' Day>>>   Man Brilliantly Defuses Argument By Telling Wife To Calm Down> > JLP - "Rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man."> > --> > 7 day challenge muffas :)> > Do not wake the snake for 7 days. 

Re: Nationalizing, and some reasons we must

2020-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness

A few quotes from le articlé below:

.. Today, we see a similar pattern in the spread of the coronavirus: While 
half the counties in the United States remain so far virtually free of the 
virus, infections have soared in most major metropolitan areas, especially in 
so-called Sanctuary cities. Invariably these centers are ruled by liberal 
Democrats where illegal immigrants congregate. They are the places where the 
values and consequences of Free Trade and Open Borders most clearly flourish. 
And they ar ealso the places where the terrifying costs of those policies are 
most evident as well. The chickens have come home to roost.

.. for more than 225 years, the ruling elites of the West have mindlessly 
embraced Open Borders and Free Trade. Yet these have always been mere 
assertions of prejudice and mindless faith: They have never been proven to be 
true in any scientific manner.

.. In contrast, free market societies too powerless, or just too plain dumb 
to protect their economic borders get swamped by cheap manufactures and their 
domestic industries get decimated. This was the case with liberal free market 
Britain caught between the rising Protectionist powers of the United States, 
Japan and Germany for the next century.

It has been true for the decline of American industry since the 1950s, the 
more the United States embraced global free trade, the more its own domestic 
manufactures and their dependent populations suffered. This never bothered the 
liberal intellectual elites of the East and West Coast at all. It still 
doesn’t. Having inflicted lasting ruin and despair on hundreds of millions of 
people for generations, they despise their victims as “deplorables”  for crying 
out in pain and seeking to end the disastrous policies.

Russia suffered the full horrors of the merciless laissez-faire, 
unregulated Free Market policies of the liberal West in the 1990s. Boris 
Yeltsin never woke up to the catastrophe that Bill Clinton and Larry Summers 
were inflicting on his country. Over the past two decades, Russia’s recovery 
from that Abyss under President Vladimir Putin has been miraculous. National 
social responsibility has succeeded where the crazed, simplistic theories of 
Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Ayn Rand all palpably failed.

.. The ravages of Liberalism – its Open Borders and Free Markets – have 
already stripped the West of all its defenses, social, demographic, industrial 
and economic.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 01:34:14PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>   Pandemic Exposes Liberalism's Free Trade, Open Borders Road To National 
> Suicide
>   Authored by Martin Sieff via The Strategic Culture Foundation,


2020-04-26 Thread \0xDynamite
Does anyone else feel like America has become the weakest society in
history?  How does anyone know that the virus isn't giving a chance to
evolve?  That it's lethality comes from having some bit of wisdom from
the biosphere that humans either need to learn or die from?


Re: Twitter executive responsible for the Middle East is UK Army soldier from the Information Warfare unit

2020-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 09:00:03PM -0700, Razer wrote:
> A Twitter executive, responsible for the Middle East, has been exposed as a 
> British Army soldier active in the ‘information warfare’ unit, dedicated to 
> propaganda, known as the 77th Brigade, an exclusive report by the U.K.-based 
> Middle East Eye outlet has revealed. 
> There are fresh questions over the relationship between social media 
> companies and western security states after details emerged about Twitter’s 
> high-level staff. Middle East Eye revealed that Twitter executive Gordon 
> MacMillan is a member of the 77th Brigade of the U.K. military, which claims 
> to have “the capability to compete in the war of narratives at the tactical 
> level”. 
> The revelations come amid recent controversies around Twitter banning 
> accounts critical of U.S. foreign policy. In August almost 1,000 accounts 
> that criticized ongoing protests in Hong Kong were banned from the platform.
> The 77th Brigade is an amalgamation of two existing British military units, 
> the Media Operations Group and the 15 Psychological Operations Group.
> “In our 77 Brigade … we have got some remarkable talent when it comes to 
> social media, production design," Army General Nick Carter said speaking of 
> the mission of the brigade at a London think tank.
> "We also, though, need to continue to improve our ability to fight on this 
> new battlefield, and I think it’s important that we build on the excellent 
> foundation we’ve created for Information Warfare through our 77 Brigade which 
> is now giving us the capability to compete in the war of narratives at the 
> tactical level.”
> There are also concerns about the role Macmillan is playing in U.K. politics. 
> Investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg found tweets that showed hostility 
> towards Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has been critical of U.K. 
> interventions in the Middle East, 
> “Maybe I'm just being cynical/paranoid/worse. But @GordonMacMillan's tweets 
> about Corbyn and Labour are universally negative and almost universally 
> negative respectively,” Klarenberg commented in a tweet.  
> Former soldier Joe Glenton, who was imprisoned following his refusal to 
> return to another tour of duty in Afghanistan, and hit the headlines after 
> attending an anti-war rally, also commented on the revelations saying “This 
> is vital journalism. It adds to concerns I have had about the placement and 
> role of 77 Brigade people in public life more generally."  
> Both Twitter and the 77th Brigade claim that they do not have a formal link. 
> Rr
> Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

On it goes:

Twitter Suspends Account Of Biotech Company Testing UV Light To Treat 

Google +1s "#DeleteAllWomen" -- Re: Neo-Nazi White Knights Go All in on Defending the Honor of Women Who had Sex with Harvey Weinstein - Re: TDS: World's #1 Weinstein Supporter - #FreeHarvey

2020-04-26 Thread Zig the N.g
Oh yeah, it might have been a sad world, but now Google is back literally 
defending misogyny and literal digital (as in the finger, not the numbers) rape!

  Google deletes Biden accuser's mother's phone interview on CNN's Larry King 
Live from their Google Play catalog,
  to literally "make digital rape great again".

  Google - the best friend of digital rapists.

Because believe all women ... um, #DeleteAllWomen - YEAH :D

  Archive Of Biden Accuser's Mother Calling CNN Scrubbed From Google Play 

  An archived episode of CNN's "Larry King Live" featuring a call from an 
anonymous caller later identified as the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reid 
appears to have been scrubbed from the Google Play catalog.

  The August 11, 1993 broadcast is conspicuously missing from the catalog 
in between the August 10 and August 12 episodes, according to a screenshot 
taken by Twitter user @absinthol, who writes "CNN removed the August 11th, 1993 
Larry King Episode from Google Play, the episode featuring a call from Tara 
Reade's mother."

  .. Zero Hedge confirmed the observation:

  .. The Intercept broke the news that a transcript existed of the Aug. 11, 
1993 broadcast, while Reade confirmed with Fox News that the woman on the call 
was in fact her mother, Jeanette Altimus.

  .. "San Luis Obispo, California, hello," King begins.

  "Yes, hello. I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the 
press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a 
prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the 
only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it 
out of respect for him," the caller says.

  "In other words, she had a story to tell but, out of respect for the 
person she worked for, she didn’t tell it?" King inquires - to which the woman 
says "That's true."

  And now, it appears we have yet another example of Silicon Valley and CNN 
bending over backwards to help a Democratic presidential candidate - even if it 
means tossing a woman's credible allegation of sexual assault in the dumpster.

[  That would actually be "bending over backwards to the Biden campaign's
  digital rape.  As in the numbers, not the finger.  ]

Evidently Google's new Censor Doctor WHO program:

  Jewess Who Runs JewTube Vows to Censor Anything That Contradicts Doctor WHO

is also a #CensorAllWomen program.

For the lulz...

On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 10:57:29AM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
> It's a sad world:
>   Neo-Nazi White Knights Go All in on Defending the Honor of Women Who had 
> Sex with Harvey Weinstein
> http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/neo-nazi-white-knights-go-all-in-on-defending-the-honor-of-women-who-had-sex-with-harvey-weinstein/
> [you just KNOW you don't want to see that alabaster thigh with the rose 
> tattoo]
> Fortunately, TDS is here to set the teenyboppers straight!
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 06:01:35PM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > The Daily Stormer is now the world's #1 Harvey Weinstein supporter, calling 
> > for the ex Hollywood mogul to be freed.
> > 
> >   “A New Day” – Following Weinstein Lynching, Jew Lawyers Hail Coming Mass 
> > Rape Hoax Movement
> >   
> > http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/a-new-day-following-weinstein-lynching-jew-lawyers-hail-coming-mass-rape-hoax-movement/
> >   Andrew Anglin
> >   Daily Stormer
> >   February 26, 2020
> > 
> >   #HarveyWeinsteinDidNothingWrong #FreeHarvey
> > 
> > As I said on Tuesday, following the conviction of Harvey Weinstein for 
> > various rape hoaxes, heterosexual sex is now effectively illegal in America 
> > (if you’re a man). The message that has been sent to women is that they can 
> > now have any man they’ve ever had sex with in prison on a whim.
> > 
> > Jew lawyers are celebrating the fact that the Weinstein conviction has 
> > redefined rape, redefined consent, redefined evidence and opens up an 
> > entire new world of rape hoaxing, as they prepare to bring the hammer down 
> > on the goyim.
> > 
> > 
> >
> >  :
> > 
> >   New York prosecutors are hailing Harvey Weinstein’s conviction as a 
> > pivotal moment that could change the way the legal system views a type of 
> > sexual assault case historically considered difficult to prove.
> > 
> >   Most of the women who testified against Weinstein stayed in contact 
> > with him — and 

Re: flu hysteria - Re: US: 35K dead

2020-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 05:26:17PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 15:36:35 +1000
> Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 02:10:14AM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:50:22 +1000
> > > Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > This Wuhan flu is not quite just the flu, and could see upwards of a 
> > > > million Americans dead by the time its done the rounds of the USA 
> > > > population.
> > >   
> > >   more idiotic propaganda coming from you. How...unsurprising.
> > 
> > 
> > Perhaps it is idiotic.
> > 
>   not only it is idiotic - your anti-china 'news' give your game away. 
> You're saying exactly what any pentagon agent would say to catter to 
> jew-kristian, racist, white-trash. Wow chinese commies are attacking the Free 
> Democratic West with 'bioweapons'!!! General Baxter approves this message. 
>   Your pattern of voicing some sensible stuff mixed with the worst kind 
> of propaganda is also typical of govcorp agents. Whether paid or just 
> 'amateurs'.

I should have said "It might look idiotic", but many agree that China ought be 
brought to heel.  It appears they have been reckless, and now it's abundantly 
clear they're trying to hide - you could say they're "in lock down" :)

Hopefully this will mostly be over in a few short months.  In any case, it's 
much better than another world military war (thank you Putin).

FWD: [Better than Zoom: Try these free software tools for staying in touch]

2020-04-26 Thread Se7en
Zoom is a proprietary Teleconfrencing Software package that has grown
in popularity over the past month. I had not heard of it until
recently. Many schools that are still open have made it a
requirement, from High School to College Level. It is a proprietary
piece of technology that need not be used, especially when
alternatives exist.

Previously, I shared a video from Luke Smith, an internet personality,
on Zoom. Now, the FSF has made a statement, as seen below. 

- Forwarded message from "Greg Farough, FSF"  -

Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 18:05:32 -0400
From: "Greg Farough, FSF" 
Subject: Better than Zoom: Try these free software tools for staying in touch
Reply-To: "Greg Farough, FSF" 

Free Software Foundation
Please consider adding to your address book, which will ensure
that our messages reach you and not your spam box.

Read and share online:

Dear Free Software Supporter,

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an enormous amount of changes in how people
work, play, and communicate. By now, many of us have settled into the routine
of using remote communication or videoconferencing tools to keep in touch with
our friends and family. In the last few weeks we've also seen a number of lists
and guides aiming to get people set up with the "right" tools for communicating
in hard times, but in almost every case, these articles recommend that people
make a difficult compromise: trading their freedom in order to communicate with
the people they care about and work with.

In times like these it becomes all the more important to remember that tools
like Zoom, Slack, and Facebook Messenger are not benign public services, and
while the sentiment they've expressed to the global community in responding to
the crisis may be sincere, it hasn't addressed the fundamental ethical issues
with any piece of proprietary software.

After taking the LibrePlanet 2020 conference online, we received a number of
requests asking us to document our streaming setup. As the pandemic grew worse,
this gave way to more curiosity about how the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
uses free tools and free communication platforms to conduct our everyday
business. And while the stereotype of hackers hunched over a white on black
terminal session applies to us in some ways, many of the tools we use are
available in any environment, even for people who do not have a lot of
technical experience. We've started documenting ethical solutions on the
LibrePlanet wiki, in addition to starting a remote communication mailing list
to help each other advocate for their use.

In the suggestions that follow, a few of the tools we will recommend depend
upon some "self-reliance," that is, steering clear of proprietary network
services by hosting free software solutions yourself, or asking a technical
friend to do it for you. It's a difficult step, and the benefits may not be
immediately obvious, but it's a key part of preserving your autonomy in an age
of ubiquitous digital control.

To those who have the technical expertise and available infrastructure, we urge
you to consider hosting instances of free communication platforms for your
friends, family, and your community at large. For example, with a modest server
and some GNU/Linux knowledge, you could help local students learn in freedom by
volunteering to administer an instance of one of the programs we'll be
recommending below.

The need to self-host can be an uncomfortable reminder of our dependence on the
"cloud" -- the network of someone else's computers -- but acknowledging our
current reliance on these providers is the first step in making new, dependable
systems for ourselves. During dangerous and stressful times, it's tempting to
sideline our ethical commitments for easier or more convenient ways to get
things done, and software freedom is no exception. We hope these suggestions
will inspire you to inform others about the importance of their freedom,
privacy, and security.


When we can no longer communicate face-to-face, tools for voice and video
calling often come to mind as the next best thing. But as evidenced by the size
and success of the proprietary software companies that sponsor these tools,
their development isn't easy. Promoting real-time voice and video chat clients
remains a High Priority Project of ours. Though we may still be waiting for a
truly perfect solution, there are some projects that are far enough along in
their development that we can recommend them to others.

Audio calls

  • Mumble: Mumble is a real-time, low latency program for hosting and joining
audio conversations. Clients are available for every major operating
system, and even large rooms tend not to put too much stress on the
network. When it was time for us to go fully remote, the FSF staff turned
to Mumble as a way to have that "in-office" feel, staying in 

Re: Coronavirus Tech Handbook

2020-04-26 Thread Se7en
On 20-04-02 21:46:47, Hannah O'Rourke wrote:
> Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and isolated - I found this, seems to
> be the best resource for organising efforts around Coronavirus:
> [snip]

This looks like a document being shared from a collaborative editing
forum. Do you have a static version, or perferably a premade PDF?

|-/   | Se7en
 /  The One and Only! |
/ | 0x0F83F93882CF6116
   /  |

Re: 283,549 Road Users Deaths for 2020, Compared to 6,685 Coronoavirus Deaths

2020-04-26 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 06:13:29PM +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 09:41:55AM -0400, John Young wrote:
> > 283,549 Road Users Deaths for 2020, Compared to 6,685 Coronoavirus Deaths
> > 
> > 1,354,840 Road Users Deaths in 2019
> > 
> >
> Currently 100,000+ corona victims.

Doubled to 200,000+ victims.
If it keeps doubling, the humans will disappear.

Aus: Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly's position regarding human tracking app -- Re: Australia will launch tracing app as voluntary 'and see how it goes', deputy medical officer says

2020-04-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 16 April 2020, Australia's Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul 
Kelly, during one of his addresses to Australia regarding COVID-19, answered a 
few questions, including:

  Australian Government Department of Health was live.
  16 April at 22:08
  #LIVE: Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, with an update on 

  ... [initial discussion re the app, and how it is intended to initially 
operate, beginning at 04:15, not transcribed]

  Question [08:49]: Would you consider using the capability of the telcos, um, 
to further contact tracing if, if it gets to a point that that's the best way 
to boost the, boost the contact tracing system?

  Kelly[09:00]: Well we're, we're considering this app for now and we'll, 
we'll see how that goes.
  Question [09:04]: Professor the prime minister [Scott Morrison] didn't [?] 
rule out making the app compulsory if less than 40% of the country signed up, 
today; is the health advice to make the tracing app compulsory in some way if 
not [enough] Australians sign up, are you considering that at all?

  Kelly[09:15]: I'd .. I've always been a believer in .. in the Australian, 
people making the right decision, and so I think a voluntary approach at first 
is definitely the way to go.
  Ah, and as I said, this is an add-on to what we already have in terms of 
contact tracing and, and case finding, and so, ah, I think we, we, we need to 
make the case for, for the app, we need to .. we've got work to do in the, in 
the coming week to, make sure that it is .. as good and as safe and, covers off 
privacy concerns and so forth these are very important issues to consider. Ah, 
and then we'll, the app will, will be released, and ah, and then we'll see how 
it goes, in terms of take up.

  Question [09:50]: So a voluntary, a voluntary um thing at first, you said, 
does that mean you are considering to make it compulsory if, that doesn't work?

  Kelly[09:57]: Well I think we'd, we'd start with voluntary, and then we 
see how it goes.

  Question [10:00]: But that said professor, you are saying aren't you that the 
take up rate of the app, is going to be tied to the timeline when we can safely 
come out of our lockdown?

  Kelly[10:12]: I think we've .. we're .. that was the Prime Minister who 
said that yesterday and so, um, what we, what we need to consider is, there is 
a range of things that have got us to this flattened curve.
  I think the first thing was the closure of the borders, um
  the second thing, ah, was, was, really, ramping up our case finding and con.. 
contact tracing, which has happened already .. ah, not with the app but with 
the normal way that we do these things, ah and
  the third measure, ah was, all of the social distancing things which have, 
you know, shut down many of our, our beloved components of our way of life in 
Australia here,
  and so, when we've looked at the modelling of all of those things, each of 
them have their contribution, ah, so, if we can strengthen one, or two of 
those, ah, then that will obviously give the .. give us an opportunity, to 
consider um, pulling back on some of the others and so that's the relationship 
between, the contact tracing, including the app, ah and the social distancing 

On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 06:38:29PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> >From the "oh, so the government tells us it won't abuse the geolocation and 
> >app surveillance data, so it just MUST be ok then, right? Right?"
> Ahh .. no.  Nope.  Definitely, that's actually a "no, there can be no such 
> guarantee in the modern age", except of course, that the data were not 
> collected in the first place, and that, of course, would defeat the purpose 
> of this app.
> So folks, do not believe a well meaning politician who is fundamentally 
> ignorant, or misinformed, or malignant, or some combination of all three.
> Witness the double speak of "there's no tracking involved with the app" and 
> yet at the same time "the app would use data from people's phones to allow 
> health authorities to trace people who had been in close contact with 
> confirmed COVID-19 cases".
> Some of The Ministry's finest work, that right there :)
>   Coronavirus app will not be forced upon Australians, Scott Morrison says
> Video: Stuart Robert says there's no tracking involved with the app (ABC 
> News)
> Prime Minister Scott Morrison has ruled out forcing Australians to 
> download a coronavirus tracing app, one day after the Deputy Chief Medical 
> Officer left the door open to making it mandatory.
> The Government is developing an app to bolster its ability to trace the 
> contacts 

Interesting Engineering: Scientists Discover New Way to Get Quantum Computing to Work at Room Temperature

2020-04-26 Thread jim bell
Interesting Engineering: Scientists Discover New Way to Get Quantum Computing 
to Work at Room Temperature.