and Hong Kong ,, Re: China goes "Mr. Hyde" against India - Re: 100 years of shame/ a new Century of Shame for China - [PEACE]

2020-05-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 01:01:10PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 03:50:29PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 11:44:05AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > China ought be held to return Tibet to the Tibetans, under the authority 
> > > of the Dalai Llama, as part of the reparations for the China virus/ Wuhan 
> > > flu.
> > > 
> > >   Coronavirus response in Tibet: arrests, crackdown, religious repression
> > >   
> > >
> > >   
> > >
> > > ..
> > > - China has responded to the spread of coronavirus to Tibet by 
> > > cracking down on people who post information online about the deadly 
> > > illness, including one man who was detained by police simply for 
> > > encouraging his contacts to recite prayers to ward off infection.
> > > - Chinese authorities also announced the cancellation of public 
> > > religious festivals and prayer ceremonies for “Losar,” the Tibetan New 
> > > Year, which begins Feb. 24.
> > > - In the wake of the outbreak, the Chinese government has activated 
> > > its network of military and Chinese Community Party cadres to spread 
> > > propaganda about protecting “stability”—a euphemism for the suppression 
> > > of free speech and the enforcement of compliance with CCP policies.
> > > - Despite the spread of the virus, China’s leadership has chosen to 
> > > move ahead with a new campaign in Tibet described as sending a “million 
> > > police to 10 million homes.” The intention is to ensure “grassroots” 
> > > integration of security forces in local communities. The campaign began 
> > > in January and will continue throughout the year.
> > > - In contrast to the Chinese government’s heavy-handed response, the 
> > > Tibetan people have reacted to the outbreak of coronavirus with 
> > > compassion. Monasteries have donated funds for the purchase of facemasks 
> > > and goggles, and Tibetans lit butter lamps in honour of the Chinese 
> > > whistleblower who warned about the virus and subsequently died from it.
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > So China's behaviour through all this Chinese Wuhan coronavirus COVID-19 
> > brouhaha, from any view of "human lives matter", has been utterly atrocious.
> > 
> > But what does one expect from the CCP/ Chinese communist regime?
> > 
> > This awareness now rising in the West, leads to a looming "100 Years of 
> > Shame" for the Chinese.
> > 
> > Little things such as setting right the Chinese wrongs in Tibet and giving 
> > Tibetans back their country, may go part of the way to a future where China 
> > is able to build a moral standing in the world.  Until then, it is a 
> > certainty we shall, sadly, see the coming Century Of Shame for the Chinese 
> > people.
> > 
> > This will not be "humiliation" since it is not caused by other nations, but 
> > by the behaviour of the Chinese Communist Party members themselves, and the 
> > consequences therefrom.
> China feels the burn, chooses to get uppity and aggressive against India:
>Satellite Images Confirm Rapid Chinese Military Expansion On Disputed 
> Indian Border
>   A new report in the Asia-based online tech journal Insider Paper cites 
> open source satellite images to confirm the latest widespread reporting on 
> the major Chinese PLA troop build-up underway along disputed Sino-Indian 
> border regions.
>   The report cites the following via a reputable open-source satellite 
> imagery analyst:
>   According to a few satellite images published by a local Indian 
> news publication, the Chinese troops have commenced the expansion of its 
> airbase, 200 km from Pangong Lake, in Ladakh. The images, also showing Ngari 
> Gunsa airport in Tibet, originated from open-source intelligence expert 
> @detresfa_, an analyst with ShadowBreak Intl.
>   "The first image shows how the territory originally looked. However, 
> the second image clearly shows massive construction activity going on in the 
> territory."
>   According to the report, this suggests a significant and rapid Chinese 
> military build-up in the past months along the contested border region amid 
> what Indian media has widely reported since this weekend to be PLA forces 
> digging into fortified positions.  

Re: Kellyanne Conway: "Twitter cannot suppress voices" -- Re: Censorship: France Says Goodbye to Free Speech

2020-05-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Be cautious folks, since the tech giants have been craving the fig leaves of 
govt. regulation to whitewash their nefarious censorship and abuse of civil 
rights to free speech inherent in their dominant platforms, and:

   .. And as Mui pointed out, companies face newfound political uncertainty as 
regulating speech on these platforms becomes a "political football".

   Trump Signs Executive Order Stripping Social Media Companies Of "Liability 

  .. For what it's worth, a report published last night claimed that the 
White House didn't consult the FCC on these new guidelines.

  .. Though we doubt Commissioner Ajit Pai will have any serious objections 
to the plan.

  .. Finally, it appears the Executive order does not quite go as far as to 
call for direct reversals of Section 230 protections... though handing it over 
to the FCC may well be the warning shot across the social media giants' bows 
that they need. As Jonathan Turley noted:

 The expectation is that the Trump executive order on social media will 
include a review of Section 230 of the Federal Communications Act for the 
possible elimination of protections for Twitter and other social media 
companies. The effort would be hard to succeed without congressional action. As 
a private actor, Twitter is not the subject of the First Amendment but the 
President and his administration are.  There are also separation of powers 
concerns with any unilateral or constructive amendment of Section 230.

 Trump in my view is right in condemning the action of Twitter. The 
focus should be on the company's assault on free speech principles. Anyone who 
values free speech on the Internet and social media should be appalled by this 
action regardless of their feelings about Pres. Trump.

  .. Update (1300ET): In a hilariously sly move, Trump just sent a tweet 
that will leave Twitter with an interesting dilemma: Slap another 
"misinformation" label on a presidential tweet that also includes criticism of 
the company itself (making it essentially censorship bait), or ignore it and 
face calls of being labeled "inconsistent" while everybody praises Mark 
Zuckerberg's more measured approach.

 So ridiculous to see Twitter trying to make the case that Mail-In 
Ballots are not subject to FRAUD. How stupid, there are examples, & cases, all 
over the place. Our election process will become badly tainted & a 
laughingstock all over the World. Tell that to your hater @yoyoel
 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 28, 2020

  .. Update (1550ET):  During a press conference where President Trump 
signed an executive order pressuring social media companies like Facebook, 
Google and Twitter to stop showing political bias. The order is meant to chip 
away at the "liability shield" these platforms enjoy thanks to Section 230 of 
the Communications Decency Act of 1996.

  [Trump signing this order and press conf one assumes]

  The EO also requires the DoJ to work with state AGs to make sure they 
enforce laws on "deceptive" business practices. He added that social media 
companies are "tantamount to a monopoly" and have had unlimited power to shape 
and alter the national conversation.

  When Twitter tags tweets as "misinformation", they cease being a platform 
and effectively become "an editor with a viewpoint". "What they chose to 
promote or ignore is nothing short of political activism," Trump said. "This 
censorship is a threat to freedom itself - imagine if your phone company edited 
your text messages or blocked your phone calls."

  AG Barr, who was also in attendance, said Section 230 "was stretched way 
beyond its original intention...its purpose was to allow websites that were 
acting virtually as bulletin boards were not responsible for third-party 
information...". When they "curate" their collection and start "censoring" 
particular content, they become publishers, and they shouldn't be entitled to 
the same kind of shield that was set up earlier. He also explained how the 
executive order sets up a "rule making procedure for the FCC" to try and "get 
back to the original interpretation" of Section 230.

  It also encourages state attorneys general to come up with "model" 
legislation addressing this at the state level.

  "Currently social media platforms like twitter enjoy a liability shield 
because they are a 'neutral platform' - which they are media 
companies who engage in editing or censorship will be stripped of this shield, 
while companies will be punished should they engage in any "deceptive" acts. 
Federal agencies will also be barred from buying advertising on these platforms 

Re: Basic arithmetic vs military govcorp Propagada

2020-05-28 Thread Zig the N.g
On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 07:04:38PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>   Artithmetic and the Fascist Flu Farce using the US as example (the US 
> beign the 'leader' of every totalitarian evil)
>   alleged 'life expectancy' in the US : 79 years
> age %
> 15-24   0.10
> 25-34   0.69
> 35-44   1.72
> 45-54   4.94
> 55-64   12.17
> 65-74   21.05
> 75-84   27.12
> 85 and over 32.15
>   S, roughly HALF of the 'victims' of the current flu season are 
> older than 79, which means that 'on average' they should be already dead, flu 
> or no flu.
>   A fucking 32% is composed of people who 'on average' should have been 
> already dead for 6 years and more. 

Naughty naughty , you're exposing empire propaganda now 
... very naughty!

[fwiw, the % in Sweden from memory was even higher..]

Re: Cryptocurrency: -- The New Social Contract

2020-05-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 06:32:17PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>   so, I was wrong and now stand corrected. Apparently a system based on 
> accounts works fine. A counterargument of sorts is that keeping the whole 
> history makes the system more robust, but it doesn't seem like the increased 
> amount of 'security' can be clearly gauged. The costs imposed by a bloated 
> chain on the other hand are easier to see. Something that always bothered me 
> with chain verification is that it only makes sense if you have the 
> 'authentic' client. So in the end the security of the whole system depends on 
> getting the right binary, or the right sources, etc, off the arpanet...

Yes the following is most likely stating the obvious - just making sure we're 
all on the same page here:

The present status quo for the current dominant player (BTCes, muffas) may have 
devolved to "the right binary" (I'm not personally familiar though sorry), but 
at least in principle it's the protocol that is 'canonical'.

And so, logically, if the protocol is 'secure' then conformant implementations 
must also have the same (in respect of that protocol) security characteristics.

Lack of competing implementations and lack of protocol improvements thereafter 
disclose other issues or problems, such as lack of development community, 
dysfunctional community due to greed (e.g. many irrelevant competing 
alternatives/variations), failure of anyone to either identify and/or improve 
upon protocol deficiencies, etc.

Fwd: HOPE 2020 *Revised* Call for Speakers

2020-05-28 Thread Greg Newby
Perhaps of interest to some cypherpunks. The whole event will be streamed live 
online. Info at

- Forwarded message from Hackers On Planet Earth  -


HOPE 2020 will take place online from July 25 through August 2, 2020. 

Hackers from all corners of the world will convene virtually for 
nine days of online presentations from a wide variety of sources. 
You can be one of them!

We want as many elements of the hacker community as possible to be a part 
of this historic event. You too can give a talk or be part of a panel. 
While we all would prefer to be there in person, this provides an 
opportunity for anyone to share their ideas from wherever they happen 
to be. Simply email your talk proposal to

You should include a proposed title, an abstract, and a short bio for each 
speaker. Provide enough information so it is clear why HOPE attendees would 
find your topic interesting, new, and relevant. Make it clear why YOU are 
the right person or people to give this presentation. Most speaker/panel 
sessions will be allotted 40 minutes for the session, and then 10 minutes 
for live Q If your talk is accepted, we will provide full assistance in 
getting it ready for your timeslot, whether you choose to pre-record or 
present your talk live.

All types of presentations are encouraged, from solo talks to panels, 
debates, demonstrations, and interactive discussions. Presenters must 
consider the viability of their session for an entirely online presentation 

Your presentation can be made in ANY language or dialect. Please submit 
the abstract and biography in English, though, since that is the language 
that HOPE uses to communicate with presenters and attendees. If you intend 
to give your presentation in a language other than English, please mention 
this in your talk proposal.

Submissions should highlight their relevance to hacking. They should be 
original, and not previously presented. We encourage presenters from all 
age groups and backgrounds.

HOPE is an inclusive event, seeking civil discourse and education on all 
topics related to the hacker world. HOPE encourages all approaches and 
interpretations to hacking, presented by hackers, makers, developers, 
teachers, learners, and experimenters. If you have a passion for discovering
how things work and sharing that knowledge, you have the hacker spirit.

Some topics from past HOPE events, and new topics of interest, include:

- Hacker approaches to fighting 2020's massive health and social challenges
- Information, disinformation, and information literacy
- Technologies, along with their benefits and risks
- Social engineering
- Education
- Hacker culture and lifestyles
- Effecting social change
- Industry, government, commerce, and multinationals
- Science, engineering, and math
- Body modification, hacking, and enhancement
- Phones, networks, and telecommunication
- Hardware and software
- Secrets and disclosures
- Data, privacy, encryption, and policy
- Outer space and beyond
- How-to's / DIY (for beginners or any level)
...and much, much more

All submissions will receive an automated response. (You won't get multiple 
responses if you email us more than once in a short period of time, but we 
will still get your email.) Notices of acceptance will be mailed out in the 
weeks ahead. Send all submissions to

All speakers will be given full access to the conference, which includes 
Q sessions with each presenter, a commemorative conference t-shirt that 
will only be given to conference attendees, and a special HOPE 2020 badge.
If you want to help with coordinating this historic event, send an email 

*** HOPE 2020 - July 25 to August 2, 2020 - Everywhere ***

- End forwarded message -

Re: Suggest large non-US tech/news outlets in English?

2020-05-28 Thread Zig the N.g
On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 07:13:02PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Thu, 28 May 2020 19:12:31 +
> Douglas Lucas  wrote:
> > Open science helps Seattle activists overcome pandemic, 
> > public data systems  would help with coronavirus, 
>   exactly the mosad-gchq-nsa-pentagon's line. 
>   please do not spread fascist propaganda.
> > P.S. Yes, I know corporate media is bad, good job Chomsky, tell me
> > something I don't know.
>   LMAO at chosky
>   "It's true that MIT is a major institution of war-research. 
>   But it's also true that it embodies very important libertarian values, 
> which are,
>   I think, quite deeply embedded in American society, fortunately for the 
> world." 
>   source


Nothing quite says 'freedom' like "give more to psychopaths", and besides, if 
we don't open everything to those without a conscience and without any self 
restraint, we would not be living in a free world.

Suggest large non-US tech/news outlets in English?

2020-05-28 Thread Douglas Lucas
Hi cypherpunks,

I sent out a bunch of queries today to news outlets, namely Slate,
Salon, Vice, The Atlantic, Gizmodo, Ars Technica, Wired US, Wired UK,
and Al Jazeera. To give you the general idea of the article I aim to
publish, the subject line is "Freelance pitch: Open science helps
Seattle activists overcome pandemic, Twitter exec order" and the open
science systems are Sci-Hub and GetGee, and the Seattle activists are
rentstrike, anarchist soup kitchen, etc.

Can the list please recommend for pitching any non-United States
tech/news outlets publishing in English that have medium to large
audiences? I will check and other Germany in a few.

The goal is to lodge an article into one of these venues to promote
Sci-Hub and GetGee by explaining to the public how public data systems
would help with coronavirus, with practical relatable examples like
rentstrike, Food Not Bombs, etc.



P.S. Yes, I know corporate media is bad, good job Chomsky, tell me
something I don't know.

P.P.S. Yes, I know you think I should use more encryption, good job
incel boomer, have you considered the downsides of broadcasting for wide
dissemination nothing but pure ciphertext? Last I checked, number
stations have yet to convince members of the public of much of anything.

Re: [Cryptography] Zoom publishes draft cryptographic design for end-to-end encryption

2020-05-28 Thread other.arkitech

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, May 28, 2020 1:18 PM, Salz, Rich  wrote:

> > There is a good bounty if you can break it. That should be enough to think 
> > the suite is being challenged all the time, without success so far.
> That's naïve.
> If you can break P256 there are better targets than bitcon.

Well, it is money, the number 1 motivator.
Please, can you mention some of these other targets?

US Libertarian Party Presidential Debates 2020

2020-05-28 Thread grarpamp Democrat -> LP Republican -> LP  2020 LP Presidential Debate  2020 LP Vice Presidential Debate
US Libertarian Party Website...

Liberation is hardly composed of tech, but liberation of mind.
Today's political parties in office around the globe are not that.

In many places around the globe, beginning options toward
liberation exist for those not yet ready to free themselves
from their self imposed chains of governments and parties...