The Washington Post: Swiss report reveals new details on CIA spying operation

2020-11-11 Thread jim bell
The Washington Post: Swiss report reveals new details on CIA spying operation.

Tech Xplore: Alphabet harnesses light beams to bring Internet to Africa

2020-11-11 Thread jim bell
Tech Xplore: Alphabet harnesses light beams to bring Internet to Africa.

James A. donald is a cryptoanarchist-hating, Marxist-at-heart.

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat
Why does Jamesd hate our cryptoanarchist freedoms so much he won't APster any 
known commies?
Xi Jinping needs killing ( My 200 yuen )
Jamesd's circle-of-eunuch seniority must be up in the stratosphere by now. I 
wouldn't want to perturb its flotation. 
But we're about to come under a spotlight and I can't work with Marxist ( or 
inverse-Marxist libertarian ) morons.
For Jim Bell, the more exciting question was: “How can we translate the freedom 
afforded by the Internet to ordinary life?”
I think that blockchains will replace armies for national defense, because a 
blockchain-based assassination market will be created…" Zach. CryptoGo    
To launch attacks under favorable circumstances is not only every anarchist 
revolutionary’s right, but their plain duty. The killing of spies, policemen, 
commissars, the blowing up of police stations, the liberation of prisoners, the 
seizure of government funds for the needs of the uprising—such operations are 
already being carried out wherever anarchist insurrection is rife.

Journalist not a c-punks arsehole

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat

JULIAN Assange supports suspected war-criminals and Five-Eyes military secrecy.

Assange: I can rule from abroad

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Assange: I can rule from abroad

The WikiLeaks party officially launched its senate bid in Melbourne yesterday. 
Its leader, Julian Assange, says ...



Re: James A. donald is a Lying Apologist for Mass Murder.

2020-11-11 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-12 10:11, professor rat wrote:
> Dan Clore: Contortions at First Hand -- James Donald vs Noam Chomsky | 
> Anarchist Writers

Dan Clore simply repeated the lies of Noam Chomsky in defense of mass
murder in Spain, the vastly greater mass murders in Vietnam and the even
vastly greater mass murders in Cambodia without acknowledging that these
lies had been exposed.

For an exposure of the lies in defense of mass murder in Vietnam and
Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

For an exposure of the lies in defense of somewhat less indiscriminate
mass murder in Spain

commies calling themselves anarchists want to murder everyone and steal
everything.  Commies call themselves all sorts of things other than commies.

And today, America is rapidly approaching another bloodbath that will be
perpetrated by the same people who defended and continue to defend the
others to this day.

Biden and Kamala are puppets with rather too many puppet masters.  One
puppet master is the Deep State, and another is the people who supported
and continue to support mass murder in Spain, Vietnam, and Cambodia, and
who intend to do it all over again in America.

James A. donald is a Lying Apologist for Mass Murder.

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat
Dan Clore: Contortions at First Hand -- James Donald vs Noam Chomsky | 
Anarchist Writers

|  |  |


|  | 
Dan Clore: Contortions at First Hand -- James Donald vs Noam Chomsky | A...




alex jones

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat
Who needs alex jones when we have this Batshit  ' govt agent truther ' right 
He even has " Stasi ' in his nym.  Jesus Fucking Christ. 
I have USG agents for breakfast - ask Het.
Online threats target Denver investigators

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Online threats target Denver investigators




I will plead guilty to inventing the assassinphone though ( 2002 archives early 

Rat Scientists look to unify quantum-gravity, cosmology and cryptography

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat
Direct Cryptographic Computation of the Cosmological Constant $Ω_Λ$

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Direct Cryptographic Computation of the Cosmological Constant $Ω_Λ$

A direct cryptographic computation of the Cosmological Constant ΩΛ based solely 
on a physically anchored prime m...



Computer Scientists Achieve ‘Crown Jewel’ of Cryptography - indistinguishability obfuscation

2020-11-11 Thread coderman

In 2018, [Aayush Jain](, a 
graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles, traveled to 
Japan to give a talk about a powerful cryptographic tool he and his colleagues 
were developing. As he detailed the team’s approach to indistinguishability 
obfuscation (iO for short), one audience member raised his hand in bewilderment.

“But I thought iO doesn’t exist?” he said.

At the time, such skepticism was widespread. Indistinguishability obfuscation, 
if it could be built, would be able to hide not just collections of data but 
the inner workings of a computer program itself, creating a sort of 
cryptographic master tool from which nearly every other cryptographic protocol 
could be built. It is “one cryptographic primitive to rule them all,” said 
[Boaz Barak]( of Harvard University. But to many 
computer scientists, this very power made iO seem too good to be true.

Computer scientists set forth candidate versions of iO starting in 2013. But 
the intense excitement these constructions generated gradually fizzled out, as 
other researchers figured out how to break their security. As the attacks piled 
up, “you could see a lot of negative vibes,” said [Yuval 
Ishai]( of the Technion in Haifa, Israel. 
Researchers wondered, he said, “Who will win: the makers or the breakers?”

“There were the people who were the zealots, and they believed in [iO] and kept 
working on it,” said Shafi Goldwasser, director of the Simons Institute for the 
Theory of Computing at the University of California, Berkeley. But as the years 
went by, she said, “there was less and less of those people.”

Now, Jain — together with [Huijia 
Lin]( of the University of Washington 
and [Amit Sahai](, Jain’s adviser at UCLA — has 
planted a flag for the makers. In a [paper]( 
posted online on August 18, the three researchers show for the first time how 
to build indistinguishability obfuscation using only “standard” security 

Aayush Jain, a graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles, 
in Oakland this month.

Eleena Mohanty

All cryptographic protocols rest on assumptions — some, such as the famous RSA 
algorithm, depend on the widely held belief that standard computers will never 
be able to quickly factor the product of two large prime numbers. A 
cryptographic protocol is only as secure as its assumptions, and previous 
attempts at iO were built on untested and ultimately shaky foundations. The new 
protocol, by contrast, depends on security assumptions that have been widely 
used and studied in the past.

“Barring a really surprising development, these assumptions will stand,” Ishai 

While the protocol is far from ready to be deployed in real-world applications, 
from a theoretical standpoint it provides an instant way to build an array of 
cryptographic tools that were previously out of reach. For instance, it enables 
the creation of “deniable” encryption, in which you can plausibly convince an 
attacker that you sent an entirely different message from the one you really 
sent, and “functional” encryption, in which you can give chosen users different 
levels of access to perform computations using your data.

The new result should definitively silence the iO skeptics, Ishai said. “Now 
there will no longer be any doubts about the existence of indistinguishability 
obfuscation,” he said. “It seems like a happy end.”

The Crown Jewel

For decades, computer scientists wondered if there is any secure, 
all-encompassing way to obfuscate computer programs, allowing people to use 
them without figuring out their internal secrets. Program obfuscation would 
enable a host of useful applications: For instance, you could use an obfuscated 
program to delegate particular tasks within your bank or email accounts to 
other individuals, without worrying that someone could use the program in a way 
it wasn’t intended for or read off your account passwords (unless the program 
was designed to output them).

But so far, all attempts to build practical obfuscators have failed. “The ones 
that have come out in real life are ludicrously broken, … typically within 
hours of release into the wild,” Sahai said. At best, they offer attackers a 
speed bump, he said.

In 2001, bad news came on the theoretical front too: The strongest form of 
obfuscation is impossible. Called black box obfuscation, it demands that 
attackers should be able to learn absolutely nothing about the program except 
what they can observe by using the program and seeing what it outputs. Some 
programs, Barak, Sahai and five other researchers 
[showed](, reveal 

alex jones

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat
Seeing OG c-punk John " Cryptome ' Young has appeared with Alex Jones more than 
once and previously published a 
racist hate-post from Tim " Mongo " May about the 'welcome deaths of 20 million 
mud-people ', I suggest he be 
drummed out of cypherpunks with his ears ,nose and fingers cut off.  All those 
in favor?

Then as for those - like ' Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 ' that oppose technology.  
Here's one real easy way for them to 
directly oppose technology.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-11 Thread grarpamp
> Deep State in full effect...
> "Former CIA Director John Brennan said Monday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime
> Time” that Vice President Mike Pence and Cabinet members should invoke
> the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump before January 20,
> 2021."

More on the Dems scam attack regarding Puerto Rico, District of
Columbia plan, Guam... you were warned well before October how Dems
were scheming to permafuck and install themselves over you...

> “I will lie, I will cheat, I will steal, because that’s what’s morally
> acceptable in this political environment -- Kris Jacks, Colorado
> Democratic Party Executive Committee Member"

Libertarians Voluntaryists Anarchists need to learn some new tricks,
like actually making and executing on an actual joint plan, because
the world, and the US Democrats especially, is rapidly censoring and
pushing them out, just like China does...

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-11 Thread grarpamp

The Trump campaign has requested an emergency injunction in a federal
lawsuit aimed at preventing the State of Michigan from certifying the
results of last week's election until election officials can certify
that only legally cast, on time, and legally observed ballots are
included in the count. The campaign is alleging several types of
fraud, misconduct, and invalidated ballots based on a number of
reasons - including 'malfunctioning' vote counting machines made by
Dominion Voting Systems.

The Tuesday night filing in the US District Court for the Western
District of Michigan alleges, among other things, that officials
prevented GOP challengers from observing the count, scanned "batches
of the same ballots multiple times," illegally accepted and pre-dated
late ballots, including from unmonitored drop boxes, and that election
workers illegally duplicated ballots," according to a statement from
the campaign. The lawsuit requeusts that the court toss all ballots
not observed by a GOP election challenger who has been "allowed to
meaningfully observe the process and the handling and counting of the
Absentee ballot removed for counting at TCF Center in Detroit, Nov. 4
2020 (photo: Kimberly P. Mitchell, Detroit Free Press)

The complaint includes "more than one hundred credentialed election
challengers" who have provided "sworn affidavits" that they were
prevented from reviewing the ballot count, or validate the legitimacy
of absentee ballots. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is
accused in the suit of failing to follow state election code, which
allowed "fraud and incompetence to corrupt the conduct of the 2020
general election."

GOP challengers allegedly blocked and intimidated:

Many challengers testified that their ability to view the
handling, processing, and  counting of ballots was physically and
intentionally blocked by election officials.

At least three challengers said they were physically pushed away
from counting tables by election officials to a distance that was too
far to observe the counting.

Republican challengers who left the TCF Center were not allowed to
return, while Democrats were, resulting in "many more Democratic
challengers allowed to observe the processing and counting of absent
voter ballots."

Many challengers testified that they were intimidated, threatened,
and harassed by election officials during the ballot processing and
counting process.

GOP election challengers demand to be let into the TCF Center in
Detroit on Wednesday, Nov 4 2020

For reference, here's a video of people cheering as GOP poll watchers
were thrown out of the TCF Center in Detroit as absentee ballots were

Videos are leaking from inside TCF Center in Detroit showing them
cheer as GOP poll watchers are being thrown out as absentee ballot
counting is happening, the person filming this was made to delete it,
democrat watcher outnumber republican by 3/1, corruption at the
highest level
— Don’t stop fighting  ✊✌️ (@crystal78243104) November 4, 2020

Batches of ballots run through multiple times:

Multiple GOP challengers attested that "batches of ballots were
repeatedly run through the vote tabulation machines," with one
challenger saying she observed "a stack of about fifty ballots being
fed multiple times into a ballot scanner counting machine." Another
challenger claims they "observed a station where election workers were
working on scanned ballots that had issues that needed to be manually
corrected," adding "I believe some of these workers were changing
votes that had been cast for Donald Trump and other Republican

When challengers did bring up issues with ballots, they were "ignored
and disregarded," according to the complaint, with one claiming that
"ballots with votes for Trump were separated from other ballots," and
that when they raised challenges over ballot numbers which didn't
match their envelopes, they were "disregarded and ignored by election
officials," and the "ballots were processed and counted."

The filing also claims that ballots which could not be read by a
machine were unlawfully duplicated out of the view of challengers, and
weren't conducted by a bipartisan pair of election inspectors.

Faulty tabulation software:

The suit notes that in Antrim County, Michigan, voting machines
manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems "were at fault" when they
erroneously gave over 6,000 Trump votes to former Vice President Joe
Biden. The 'error' - potentially affecting the same machines used in
Wayne County - was blamed by Secretary of State Benson on a county
clerk who failed to update certain "media drives."

Also noted were Dominion machine errors in Oakland County Michigan,
which resulted in a Democrat being wrongly declared the winner of a
commissioner's race by 104 votes - only to 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-11 Thread grarpamp

Dems defunding their own Dem run cities into being murderous shitholes, LOL...
Minneapolis officials are considering bringing in officers from
other jurisdictions to help the city’s Police Department as they face
a wave of violent crime and an officer shortage.
The proposal comes about five months after a majority of council
members promised to work toward “ending” the Police Department
following George Floyd’s death.
The city has struggled to combat a wave of violent crime,
recording 74 homicides so far this year.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-11 Thread grarpamp
Censorship and isolation/arrest is what leftists do.

Oh no Joe, more vote swapping attacks...

"Vote Swapping Attack"... 2020 made this subject of many security
researcher whitepapers :(

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-11 Thread grarpamp

After four years of constant censor and bias bit tech and media
trial run fraudulently stole 10% from Trump-Reps, US Democrats
publicly double down on their true censorship faces, call
for MASSIVE censorship regime.

“Shredding The Fabric Of Our Democracy”: Biden Aide Signals Push For
Greater Censorship On The Internet

We have been discussing the calls for top Democrats for increased
private censorship on social media and the Internet.  President-elect
Joe Biden has himself called for such censorship, including blocking
President Donald Trump’s criticism of mail-in voting. Now, shortly
after the election, one of Biden’s top aides is ramping up calls for a
crackdown on Facebook for allowing Facebook users to read views that
he considers misleading — users who signed up to hear from these
individuals.  Bill Russo, a deputy communications director on Biden’s
campaign press team, tweeted late Monday that Facebook “is shredding
the fabric of our democracy” by allowing such views to be shared

Russo tweeted that “If you thought disinformation on Facebook was a
problem during our election, just wait until you see how it is
shredding the fabric of our democracy in the days after.” Russo
objected to the fact that, unlike Twitter, Facebook did not move
against statements that he and the campaign viewed as “misleading.” He
concluded. “We pleaded with Facebook for over a year to be serious
about these problems. They have not. Our democracy is on the line. We
need answers.”

For those of us in the free speech community, these threats are
chilling. We saw incredible abuses before the election in Twitter
barring access to a true story in the New York Post about Hunter Biden
and his alleged global influence peddling scheme. Notably, no one in
the Biden camp (including Biden himself) thought that it was a threat
to our democracy to have Twitter block the story (while later
admitting that it was a mistake).

I have previously objected to such regulation of speech. What is most
disturbing is how liberals have embraced censorship and even declared
that “China was right” on Internet controls. Many Democrats have
fallen back on the false narrative that the First Amendment does not
regulate private companies so this is not an attack on free speech.
Free speech is a human right that is not solely based or exclusively
defined by the First Amendment.  Censorship by Internet companies is a
“Little Brother” threat long discussed by free speech advocates.  Some
may willingly embrace corporate speech controls but it is still a
denial of free speech.

This is why I recently described myself as an Internet Originalist:

The alternative is “internet originalism” — no censorship. If
social media companies returned to their original roles, there would
be no slippery slope of political bias or opportunism; they would
assume the same status as telephone companies. We do not need
companies to protect us from harmful or “misleading” thoughts. The
solution to bad speech is more speech, not approved speech.

If Pelosi demanded that Verizon or Sprint interrupt calls to stop
people saying false or misleading things, the public would be
outraged. Twitter serves the same communicative function between
consenting parties; it simply allows thousands of people to
participate in such digital exchanges. Those people do not sign up to
exchange thoughts only to have Dorsey or some other internet overlord
monitor their conversations and “protect” them from errant or harmful

Russo’s comments mirror the comments of other Democrats who are
seeking greater censorship. Indeed, in the recent Senate hearing on
Twitter’s suppression of the Biden story, Democratic senators ignored
the admissions of Big Tech CEOs that they were wrong to bar the story
and, instead, insisted that the CEOs pledge to substantially increase
such censorship. Senator Jacky Rosen warned the CEOS that “you are not
doing enough” to prevent “disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate
speech on your platforms.”

Again, as someone raised in a deeply liberal and Democratic family in
Chicago, I do not know when the Democratic party became the party for
censorship. However, limiting free speech is now a rallying cry for
Democratic members and activists alike. At risk is the single greatest
invention for free speech since the printing press.  Russo’s comments
reaffirms that the Biden Administration will continue this assault
against Internet free speech.  What is most unnerving is that Russo is
denouncing such free speech as “shredding the fabric of our
democracy.” There was a time when free speech was the very right that
we fought to protect in our democratic 

Re: GnuPG 'Lottery' - 'fun' with 256 bit keys

2020-11-11 Thread Stefan Claas
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 12:23 AM Karl  wrote:
> (honestly i am very confused by an assumption of discerning a private
> key by hope for collision, as a normal thing without explanation or
> reminder of some new change in technology or research making this
> reasonable.  i can't tell what is real here.)

Why confused? What I described in my OP on the GnuPG ML should
be possible today or in the future, even if chances are super minimal. I
mean what does Bitcoin Collider Software, like LBC, Brainflayer etc.
does? The 256bit HEX values people are looking for, as understood,
need also be in a valid range, according to Bitcoin specs.

An example collision could look like this if you examine this GnuPG
signature (which has a secret Bitcoin key with a positive balance:
(seen in a Usenet posting)

Regarding research (and GnuPG) people could write for example
a program which checks a complete publicity available key server
dump for signature packets #2 i.e the once that are only 256bit long
and then convert them, keep them in a text file and use a balance checker
program ...


Re: I have one thing to say about Jamesd

2020-11-11 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Do NOT offend Tim May.  Jim is a disgrace to the world.

Re: JACK Dorsey needs killing

2020-11-11 Thread Karl

If I see you post a death threat or request to this list again I will
publicly label you a community disruptor.

It sounds like you need somebody to hack your camera and monitor and record
you, so you can be kept safe from others.  I am not aware of anybody who
can do this, myself.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 2:36 AM professor rat  wrote:

> JACKASS Jack played Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw too long and his death can't
> come soon
> enough. I will pay 200 USD$ towards this or equivalent in Btc.
> You know I'm good for it.

Re: My apologies Tanaka

2020-11-11 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
Oooh...  Afraid to menace me publicly, Matt?  It's sooo sweet...  :)

I do _not_ respect cowards.  Aff...  Go you also to the SPAM filter, noisy

Wait for my death, please.  Probably, it will be sooner and more
interesting than expected.  My way, not yours.  <3

Bye baby bye...  :)

On Wed, Nov 11, 2020, 13:37 professor rat  wrote:

> Read archives.  Does the expression " Lie down with dogs - get up with
> fleas " mean anything to you?
> No justice - no peace. I disagree with what you say and will defend that
> to your death.
> Please don't write to me ever again. Tia.

I have one thing to say about Jamesd

2020-11-11 Thread professor rat
Jamesd may really be ... Timothy C. May!

The Blockchain Code: Decrypt the Jungle of Complexity to Win the Crypto-Anarchy 
by Dave Kinsey  

|  |  |


|  | 
Dave Kinsey

Visit's Dave Kinsey Page and shop for all Dave Kinsey books. Check 
out pictures, bibliography, and bio...



Morning Spam

2020-11-11 Thread Karl
I haven't read the replies I haven't acknowledged, because I'm trying to
slow down entering the dissociative state where I post obsessively to the
list and do nothing else, and accessing the same threads could trigger it

Here is a webcomic outline.  To help with the major motion picture being
slowly grown from horrifically enslaved countries to bring their dead
beloved dictators back to life as respected community members with badly
needed medical care:

Mind Control Boss, the Webcomic, draft 1


panel 1:
Setting: Boss's office

Boss: "Somebody mentioned mind control on that mailing list.  Let me know
when it's cleaned up."

Cleanup Worker (previously Secretary of State, talking honestly, has bloody
wires leaving scalp, wears weapons dealer logo on smart looking political
outfit): "Of course, Boss!  We love you so much for enslaving us to your
every whim!"

panel 2:
Setting: local coffee shop named "Underground Spy and Rebel Network, Come
One Come All"

Specialist (now a cleanup worker for Boss): "The Boss told me to clean this
mailing list up.  I told him to fuck off, that it's out of his control."

Excited Supporter (at a nearby table of torture victims, rescue workers,
and diplomats): "What list now?"

State Worker (wears same weapons dealer logo as Secretary of State,
watching, is at table of rebels with Specialist, in role of "way to control
and spy on Boss", texting privately on Mobile Phone): [Excited Supporter
will b worker who rebels.  Can u make sure 2 erase what they look up

panel 3:
Setting: same coffee shop

Rebel Worker (sitting next to State Worker, wears same shirt, phone dings
and looks suddenly at State Worker):  "The fuck???" 

Dead State Worker's Mobile Phone: "Contacting Cleanup.  Thank you for using

Specialist (same one, at table): ,


panel 1: (torture victim, excited supporter, and/or rebel worker visit
mailing list, assume it is super cool, archive it and spread it everywhere)

panel 2:
Scene: Former Secretary of State's office

Cleanup Worker (formerly secretary of state, bloody wires leaving neatly
combed hair, gesturing at corpse of State Worker, talking to Machine
Learning Marketer): "Boss can't see well and needs to hear it from the
horse's mouth, and the horse is dead.  Could you fix up a video chat for us
where the horse is alive?"

Machine Learning Marketer (knows nothing about machine learning, is new to
corporation): "Certainly.  We do that all the time."

panel 3:
Scene: Boss's office, with corpse of State Worker present, propped up as if
still alive.  Boss is in a hospital bed.

Corpse of State Worker (blurry due to severe issues Boss is having): "Boss,
I am your loyal servant.  The mailing list has been cleaned up."

Scene: Former Secretary of State's Office

Standing Corpse of State Worker: "I have bad news.  The rebel mailing list
posts we've been using to share propaganda are predicted to make more
rebels than propaganda."

State Worker 2 (hired to replace State Worker after their death, bloody
wires leaving scalp): "Don't say that!  I might tell the boss!"

Corpse of State Worker: "Very sorry."

Scene: Former Secretary of State's Office

Standing Corpse of State Worker 2 (microelectronics and brains hanging out
of scalp, eyes moving wildly and independently of each other): "After being
brought back from the dead so many times by Machine Learning Marketer, Boss
can no longer learn new information without being killed out of fear of
subversion by propaganda.  This doesn't seem much like leadership to the
workers, so we've kind of reinterpreted who the boss really is, and listen
instead to their "spirit" rather than letting them say anything.  Machine
Learning Marketer has a computer that can report spirit."

Machine Learning Marketer has bloody wires leaving their scalp.

Standing Corpse of State Worker 3 (also has obviously poorly-done bci
surgery):  "You said you replaced the Boss with a computer simulation?"

State Worker 2: "Yeah, can you kill me until I do it well enough to say
straight, for the coffee shop?"

Machine Learning Marketer: . "I think the
simulation just mind controlled me not to."


Re: How Do We Escape Computer Controlled Propaganda Flow

2020-11-11 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-10 08:58, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Cryptography unfortunately can't stop the dead from voting.

Another problem is that cryptographic votes can easily be sold or stolen
- we already have massive ballot harvesting, for example everyone in
every old person's home in a county, by amazing coincidence, applying
for an absentee ballot at the exact same time, different people in
different nursing homes all happen to take action simultaneously.

How is someone in an old person's home going to secure their
cryptographic keys?

Of course this would not be a problem with sovereign corporations,
because a share is a vote controlling assets, and you are supposed to be
able to buy and sell your vote.

I like Moldbug's idea of sovereign corporation whose product is the
protection of people and assets.

Democracies have a long and disastrous history.  They work for a little
while, work great, unlike socialism where people usually start going
hungry the second harvest after socialism was instituted.

But they end horribly, with a mob of degenerates on welfare being
manipulated by the shapers of public opinion, and eventually who is in
charge is actually settled by frequent violence, rather than by voting.

Re: I have one thing to say about...

2020-11-11 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-09 22:09, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> On 09/11/2020 09:51, wrote:
>> On 2020-11-09 01:46, Robert Hettinga wrote:
>>> ...the President.
>>> He’s gotten outta weirder shit than this.
> Well he did have a good start - his dad Fred effectively gave him about
> 3 billion when he was alive through low interest loans, and left him
> another billion.
> 4 billion in Manhattan property at 1990 prices = about 20 billion today;
> yet he's either broke or nearly broke now..

Trump has six hundred millon in debt, and, according to you twenty
billion in assets.

Hence nineteen billion, and I think you are wildly under estimating his
assets.  Most of his assets are far beyond Manhattan.  I can visit Trump
facilities all over the world.

Re: My apologies Tanaka

2020-11-11 Thread Cecilia Tanaka

Read 2016 archives.  I know exactly who I am and what I did before.

I am not being a coward, or a lazy, I am just giving priority to my
physical and psychological health in this moment.

A dead person can _not_ research, so I need to keep myself alive and, if
possible, comfortable.  So I gave up of two personal projects tonight
because they were hurting me.

Respect my pain, please.  I've spent more than an year in an inutile,
unuseful way.  Now I need to fix everything, uff...  :-/

Sorry, I don't understand part of your references and I am not trying to
play the "good cop".  I am completely free for choosing what I want to read
or not, what I want to do or not.  Anarchism and Freedom, correct?  :)

Peace, please.  <3

Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our
Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison