What forbids us to massacre millions of anti-vaxxers, laughingly?

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
I assume I'll be out-voted on concentration-camps, so here's the fallback.

Most of these morons probably won't want to ever upload and travel to the stars.

So we leave them behind - totally sterilized - as the last serious-morons-tribe 
on earth.

Give Mother Nature a chance to recover.  Boost our chances of getting on with 
intelligent alien species.

Strong AI will also help us weed out any moron stowaways or backsliders.

These are amusing pastimes to consider in the next 10 or 20 years. 

On to CYPHERPUNK 2027!

profile for agent 'professor rat'

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
"...refers to assange as a 'rapist' and wants to murder him..."

No jury should convict!

 "...   2) has repeatedly advocated for the kidnapping/house arrest of 1000s of 
millions of people as propaganda agent for the flu farce :

"Without a vaccine you need quarantine." 
"You don't have a vaccine then you gotta quarantine"
"I vote to include all global  warming deniers in the camps with the 

calls for the murder of 'antivaxxers'
"the only really good anti-vaxxer is a dead one" 

Guilty, M'lud.

  "...  To state the obvious, his insane support for vaccination is nothing but 
support for pfizer, merck and the rest of his capitalist employers, apart for 
support for a global police state of course. .."

Not guilty by reason of insanity. Statements were a ' cry-for-help'. Free the 

    "...3) is a crass technofascist like jim bell, constantly lying about the 
obvious fact that 'technology' is the most formidable tool of oppresion that 
'capitalism' has created. .."

Here's one really easy way to fight technofascism - GET OFF the INTERNET!

    "... 4) is a crass supporter of judeo-fascism including the state of 
is-real ..."

Reposts not endorsements - recognition not approval.

"You think Jews should be allowed to colonize Palestine without peaceful 

ok so the agent is here calling for 'peaceful' sanction of the crimes 
against humanity that his joos commit in palestine. In other words, he wants 
the jew nazis to be able to do whatever they want without anybody using their 
right to self-defense - the victims have to be 'peaceful' while the jews 
massacre them. .."

No. I was talking about James A. Dumbfucks position on BDS.  That's all. 

"I have proposed in the past that we abolish the nation-state of Israel 

he wants to allgedly 'abolish' ALL STATES except the joo state. Funnily 
enough the joo state is a chemically pure example of the criminal nature of the 
state, is the newest, most illegitimate state on the planet, and yet the 
offensive-to-rats asshole puts it last on the kill list.

You seem to have some reading comprehension issues. I want anarchism to take 
power with the least amount of effort and that includes not triggering any ' 
Samson Option'. 
Once Israel see's all threats gone it can dissolve its nuclear-armed, religious 
apartheid state.
Or else.

5) other stuff I'm forgetting now, will add later.

Don't forget I'm trying to get Zenaan deported by ratting him out to ASIO and 
I'm proffering rewards for your doxxing. 

Eyes on the ball, dumbass.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
There's an old joke gos something like: 3 Nigerian women describe their men, 
one says "I call muh man Ox, he so strong, can lift anything", the next is 
similar, the third says "I call muh man Drammm-buie!", when the second says 
"ain't that some fancy kind o liquor/licka?", then the third replies "that's 
muh man!"


On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 01:01:57AM +, professor rat wrote:
> I suggested c-punks might tactically ally with Soros...

Oh yeah!  Thaat's muh anarchist!

> Finally a reward of 100$ USD is offered for the correct dox of Batshit crazy. 
>  We can make a horrible example of him.

Once again bruh - "thaat's muh anarchist!!"  Ooh yeah :D

TFW someone really peeves you off and since you cain't argue the argument, you 
take stephs to -really- add him to you $10 kill list :D

Finally we know Mat "Da Rat" Cousco's sovereign song (Juan, take VERY careful 
note, THIS is what happens when you throw off The Rat's groove!):

   The\ Emperor's\ New\ Groove\ Opening\ Song\ (Perfect\ World)-uT4ySwoh27Q

"Winner, not loser"  ;)

arpanet anarchy!

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
I'll defer to your superior knowledge about being a psycho nutcase, BS.

Our fellow list members may judge us both on what evidence we have to back-up 
our bullshit.

That is if they're not all out to get you!  

A fool and their reputation-capital are soon parted. Happy chemtrails.

ERIC Hughes is a craven coward that needs honor killing

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
The crypto-krugerrand crowd continue to exhibit their appalling ignorance of 
all things punk anarchist. By continually quoting this cowardly cretin, Eric 
Hughes, they insult all things good about the cypherpunk revolution. 
Typical of the average Mongoloid, Hughes fell at the first hurdle and shat 
himself at the sound of the first odd angry shot.  So Lets not mince a lot of 
words here if the corpse-media can elevate zombie moron cowards like this as 
core punk devs than they could buy a little more time for their garbage-scows 
to try and make it to the singularity. 
We can't let shit-eating, fascist scum journalists write our anarchist history. 
Can't have it. 
So next alt-journo you see?
Live and let die.

Biden "sprains ankle" - cue Guantanamo rendition ankle monitor "conspiracy" -- "Greatest show on Earth": US skies, Guantanamo, heating up - keep the faith - USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
So a -yuge- story broke 18 days ago: Biden walked his dogs Major and Champ:

   Biden's secret weapon against Trump: two very good boys
   By Sophie Aubrey
   November 12, 2020 — 3.07pm

Although cynics abounded with exasperated cries of "wth, this MSM shirt is just 
rubbish, this is just continuing to bury the Biden laptop from hell", some 
wondered what were CNN playing at?

Then on Nov 18 some hints at the real reason for this inane Biden story broke - 
the OSINT mil birds story, see below.

And today news "broke" that Biden, whilst "playing with his dog" (with suitable 
memes of "one sniff too far"), "suffered a hairline fracture" on his ankle and 
"will wear walking boot":

   Joe Biden suffers ‘hairline fractures & will wear walking boot’ after he 
slipped and twisted ankle while playing with his dog
   30 Nov, 2020 00:43 

Sure.  We all believe that one and it's got absolutely -nothing- to do with an 
ankle monitor or Guantanamo rendition flight...

"Just as well capital punishment's off the table..." ... oh, wait:

   US Justice Department amends federal execution rules to allow death by 
hanging, electric chair, gas chamber & FIRING SQUAD
   28 Nov, 2020 03:52

  … The amended rule was entered into the Federal Register on Friday, 
permitting the government “greater flexibility” to carry out capital punishment 
using any method “prescribed by the law of the state in which [a] sentence was 
imposed.” While lethal injection remains the most common means of execution — 
and previously the only one permitted under federal regulations — the new rule 
will accommodate states that allow for alternative methods, including death by 
electrocution, nitrogen gas, hanging or firing squad.

Remember, everyone is entitled to dignity, which includes our right to the 
truth and transparency when it comes to "our" elected officials.

There's dignity in justice, let's put it that way.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 07:47:26PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Mil birds (planes, helos) going nuts across US skys, Guantanamo and other 
> black sites heating up:
>Monkey Werx Overwatch GTMO SITREP 11.16.20-llWUA86a0jI
> Lin Wood (Sandman/Covington and now Rittenhouse/Kenosha lawyer) speaks/ 
> interview:
> Wood-ab1d5e47-4a69-463b-998b-aa13203f0a18
> Found below.
> Keep the faith, and pray for the safety of those on the front lines of the 
> swamp draining.
> Peace all,
> - Forwarded message from Gil May  -
> From: Gil May 
> To: rea...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 12:36:46 +1000
> Subject: The Trump Trap has caught the Demon-Rats
> https://www.distributednews.com/475151.html
> Trump attorney Sidney Powell declares the Kraken was already RELEASED… and
> the results are just beginning to emerge
> - End forwarded message -

James A. Donalds cowardly and stupid lies exposed

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Batshit sounds like he's disappearing up his own jew-fascist-capitalist 
obsessed arsehole. 

Bit like Karl Marx did in 1883.

The countries that trusted bugged Swiss encryption devices

2020-11-29 Thread jim bell

CHICKENSHIT Coindesk avoid mentioning the cryptowar

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Their bs cypherpunk anarchist narrative keeps flailing and failing - maybe 
better try what the USG has been trying for over a decade...



Canada-Listed Investment Firm Sells All Its Ether, Monero to Buy More Bitcoin 
Omkar GodboleNov 28, 2020



arpanet anarchy!

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
I said back in 2010 that we could take on all the nation-states, all the 
monarchies, all the Theocracies and all the large corporations COMBINED and 
beat them.

Since then - with every passing year - we have gotten stronger and they have 
all gotten weaker. That trendline promises to shortly become exponential with 
the exciting advent of ubiquitous cryptoanarchy via quantum computer networking 

Of course if you want to be like Julian Assange and ' The Ghost and Mr Chicken 
" ( do I repeat myself? ) feel free. Information longs to run wild, naked and 
free over the sun dappled uplands of direct democracy. 

Now who want to have the honor of wacking out Wild Bill Gates?



Cypherpunks Holdings tithed 4 million USD$

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Taking our good name to market and raising millions means paying cypherpunks 

Compensation for c-punks that suffered severe repression is a priority so this 
first tax on these Leeches all goes to Jim Bell. 

Cypherpunk Holdings Increases BTC Investment Through Ether and Monero

Read more at 

This ratshit company is also ordered to cease and desist using our good name 
within one Friedman Unit from today.

Re: Zenaan Darkness and the "final solution"

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
"... The capitalist hierarchy is voluntary and spontaneous"

As the Belgians said to the Congolese...

"... Abolishing it always involves replacing it with a hierarchy of terror
and slavery,  not only Trotsky's war communism, but equally in
"anarchist" Catalonia. .."

State-terror is more your cup of polonium, Jim. YOU were a Trot once and you 
admire state-terrorist China today.
Spare us the sanctimonious lectures laced with bullshit and bad faith. 

"... And the replacement is always an economic disaster, less of a disaster
in Nazi Germany, but still disastrous..."

The truth about Spain is great news for anarchism. All cryptoanarchists will 
take note...


Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
James Dumbfick Don

"... Trump's solution, let Jews be Jews and Muslims be Muslims, has been
impressively successful in establishing peace in the middle east, or at
least peace by middle eastern standards, which is a lot more peaceful
than it has been since 1963"

Yeah right - they created a desert and called it peace.  NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!

"... Comparing the Obama troubles, with the Trump relative peace, it becomes
apparent that the problem has always been that America has been
attempting to converge everyone to Harvard progressivism, and they did
not like it. .."

So that's what they were doing in Vietnam and Iraq...you should run for POTUS, 


Re: Zenaan Darkness and the "final solution"

2020-11-29 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-29 22:32, professor rat wrote:
> Now this friend of the Daily Stormer is hopping into bed with the beast of 
> Beijing - jimmy D.
> Quelle surprise.
> Hierarchies are forever according the learned Nazbol toad.

The capitalist hierarchy is voluntary and spontaneous.

Abolishing it always involves replacing it with a hierarchy of terror
and slavery,  not only Trotsky's war communism, but equally in
"anarchist" Catalonia.

And the replacement is always an economic disaster, less of a disaster
in Nazi Germany, but still disastrous.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread jamesd
> James Dumbfuck sez...
> > "...That is a Jew on Jew quarrel, more than it is a Jew on Muslim quarrel.
> > Cosmopolitan Jews, the infamous international Jew, don't think Jews
> > should have a nation.  Muslims don't think anyone except Muslims should
> > have a nation.
> >
> > Why should anyone else care? ..."

On 2020-11-29 22:18, professor rat wrote:
> Antiwar types should care

Trump's solution, let Jews be Jews and Muslims be Muslims, has been
impressively successful in establishing peace in the middle east, or at
least peace by middle eastern standards, which is a lot more peaceful
than it has been since 1963.

Comparing the Obama troubles, with the Trump relative peace, it becomes
apparent that the problem has always been that America has been
attempting to converge everyone to Harvard progressivism, and they did
not like it.

The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
James Isa Dumbfuck Donald wrote...

This "joo joo joo Roshchilds Rothschilds" crap is part of an internal
> fight between internationalist Jews (Karl Marx, Soros, the trots, and
> the neocons), nationalist Jews (now mostly located in Israel and led
> from Jerusalem), and Orthodox Jews with a religion of exile (persecuted
> by Cuomo, among others.
> Non Jews should ignore it. ..."

Do as I say, not as I do...very Donald of you.

I suggested c-punks might tactically ally with Soros internationalism in order 
to isolate both red and brown fascism and hew to a policy of destroying the 
state of Israel last ( collapse of govts being up to us when and where )
Both Marxist-Communists and Nazi-types love hatefilled antisemitic bigotry -so 
we can kill every last one of them without blinking.  No jury will convict. 
Finally a reward of 100$ USD is offered for the correct dox of Batshit crazy.  
We can make a horrible example of him. 

The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
James Dumbfuck Donald

"... The constitution proscribes a federal state Church, but allows the
several states to have their several state Churches, an unstable
arrangement which predictably failed to survive.

State and Church always wind up in each other's arms.

If you officially do not have a state religion, you have an unofficial
state religion, which is considerably worse..."

If you live in Amerikkka, its not good enough for you, Dumbfick.

Low flat hierarchies

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Yasha Levine, BS?

The Nazbol Turd that alleged a key fascist plot centered in Silicon Valley then 
went on to blow the lid off...the pistachio industry?

That degenerate National-Bolshevik moron?

Let me save folks the bother with a couple of KGB quotes.

JULIAN " the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. 
The internet is a threat to human civilization " ASSANGE 2012

"The Internet first appeared as a special CIA project, and this is how it's 
developing," -  Russian KGB agent. Vladimir Putin

JOIN not DISMISS! - race on to hide treason -- USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The race is now on to hide events which could result in treason charges:

   Judge Blocks, Then Unblocks Georgia From Wiping Or Resetting Election 
  Ivan Pentchoukov and Petr Svab via The Epoch Times

Given that the judge first granted the order, the correct next step was NOT to 
undo the order, but to JOIN any additional defendants/parties required to give 
effect to that order.

This is an example of FIRST CLASS corruption/ compromise/ conflict of interest/ 
assinine behaviour, by a "judge"!


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 09:47:36PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> https://www.oann.com/pa-state-senate-holds-hearing-on-election-fraud/
> While the Democrat Fake News Media manufactures lies
> Social Media Censors you from seeing, and Democrat run
> voting Counties destroy audit evidence, about what's really
> going on... here's the actual public hearing with witnesses
> video that's driving the Democrats crazy...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfBD0JpeKEw Full PA Meeting
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NqLfQaG4cg Full PA Meeting
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mmck7RL48A Full PA Meeting
> https://mobile.twitter.com/RSBNetwork
> https://mobile.twitter.com/OANN
> https://mobile.twitter.com/RudyGiuliani
> https://mobile.twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq
> https://mobile.twitter.com/RichardGrenell
> https://mobile.twitter.com/KirkWiebe
> https://mobile.twitter.com/PatrickByrne
> https://mobile.twitter.com/SidneyPowell1
> https://mobile.twitter.com/JasonMillerinDC
> https://mobile.twitter.com/BorisEP
> ...
> If you can't find 100 holes and unusual data in even the
> few processes outlined in the video and links, you're not
> using your brain.
> Any analytical forensic process systems and machine oriented
> cpunks in any of these US states could reach out to them
> and volunteer to help out for something different to do.
> Convert them to libertarians in the process.
> Those not in the US can do the same with their critters.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread jamesd
> On 11/28/20 20:25, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
>> Jews should rule Israel, Christians should rule America, and Hindus
>> should rule India, but if Jews don't, that is their problem, not ours.

On 2020-11-29 18:47, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> I disagree with all three of these. Religion and government should be
> separate, especially in the US where the Constitution specifically says
> so.

The constitution is not being observed.  The Holy Faith of Harvard
rules, is converging the Christian Churches, and attempts to converge
Muslims in Muslim lands, causing wars.

Harvard was founded as the headquarters of the state Church of New England.

In the war between the states, it became the state Church of America.

The constitution proscribes a federal state Church, but allows the
several states to have their several state Churches, an unstable
arrangement which predictably failed to survive.

State and Church always wind up in each other's arms.

If you officially do not have a state religion, you have an unofficial
state religion, which is considerably worse.

Low flat hierarchies

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
"... technology escapes the intentions of its makers. The precursor and 
backbone of today’s Internet, ARPANet, was created in the late 1960s with the 
immediate objective of enabling communication between academics but more 
broadly as part of a strategy to enable U.S. military communications to survive 
in the event of nuclear war. 
Decentralization was introduced to prevent decapitation. However, the enduring 
result of ARPANet was the decentralized peer-to-peer network it created. It was 
TCP/ IP’s reliability, easy adaptability to a wide range of systems, and lack 
of hierarchy that made it appealing for civilian use. 
The hard-wiring of decentralization into the Internet’s technological platform 
created unintended consequences for the U.S. government — as far as enabling 
groups that threaten it also to enjoy communication networks that cannot be 
The Internet is also attractive to anarchists because its architecture enables 
a communistic informational economy. 

JULIAN " Capitalism+atheism+feminism = sterility " ASSANGE. 2017

Tell us more about your opposition to capital, BS.  Por Favor.

Zenaan Harkness deported from Australia

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
RELIGIOUS, fascist arsehole deported from Austria
professor rat pro2rat at yahoo.com.au
Wed Nov 25 09:26:58 PST 2020

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ZENEEN Harkness, sorry,  Abdul Nacer Benbrika will be held in custody till his 
expulsion like the TURD he is.


Good riddance arsehole, and may your God go with you.

Zenaan Darkness and the "final solution"

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
If the Daily Stormer is Xtian that is disgusting, not amazing...but also not at 
all surprising.


The Christianity of Hitler revealed in his speeches and proclamations


Now since you know from being here for years this list may be frequented by ' 
Spooks " then you won't mind me 

specifically informing ASIO of your presence in Australia promoting Nazism, 
will you?

Also a Nazi sniffing friend of mine called Andy ' Slackbastard " might like to 
make your acquaintance, bitte.

Danke shern.

Re: Zenaan Darkness and the "final solution"

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:32:01PM +, professor rat wrote:
> Now this friend of the Daily Stormer is hopping into bed with the beast of 
> Beijing - jimmy D.

Hey, you da final solution man :D

I take it you ain't on TDS in the last few years - it's gone from 
holo-mega-hoax memeing to Trump shilling (no doubt right up your alley), and 
this year the Amblin Memer and America First rallys are literally breaking out 
in chants of

   Christ is King ... Christ is King


What else can you say .. transformations all "dat's amazin'!"

Ain't that amazin?

> Quelle surprise.
> Hierarchies are forever according the learned Nazbol toad.
> How did these morons find an anarchist list to spread their fascist lies on?
> I blame Mongo and Rothbard - those two dead corpses.

Hey hey, the grant's on you with hierarchies .. we are like  -all- ears on you  

Sound like you be needin some praise in yo life ... yep, fer sure:

   Hezekiah Walker New Video 'Every Praise'

Low flat hierarchies

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
19 years ago I wrote at Indymedia

" Did Bin Ladin go to Harvard Business school?  All that stuff about Global 
Branding, Just-in-time production and the importance of a low, flat 
organizational hierarchy? "

Now here we are on an anarchic medium - and a crypto-anarchist list - talking 
about...how its impossible to ever get rid of all hierarchies?
Funny how stupid reactionaries think even the most milquetoast reform is " 
The serious point here is we have to radically minimize all hierarchies if we 
are ever to stand a chance moving out into the galaxy. 
Centralized trusted bodies are serious points of weakness these days, and the 
first thing any hostile xenomorph will be looking for. 
Anarchist don't have to eliminate hierarchies any more than they have to 
eliminate violence. 
All we have to do is minimize them.
Its political-economy not quantum-fuckin'-gravity.

A reminder to the Deadender Ancaps clinging on here.

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Poorly recovering Marxist, james Dumbfick...

"...As Deng Xiaoping said: Learn truth from facts"

So learn to read post headings?  You're not an Ancaps arsehole.

"...The fact is socialism has been tried over and over for thousands of
years, and always produces famine and ruin.

The reason you hate the Chinese regime is that it brought prosperity to

No, the reason I hate the Marxist-Communist regime is they produced famine, 
ruin, genocide and fascist aggression including biowar.

"... If the Chinese got to vote, would probably vote in socialism. ..."

I support the peoples will in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Hopefully that will spread 
to the mainland. 

 "... When
Muslims got to vote as a result of the Arab Spring, promptly voted for war..."

I support the cedar revolution and the Tahir 'votes' and similar since they 
avoided war. 

You're not wired up right, are you.

Zenaan Darkness and the "final solution"

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Now this friend of the Daily Stormer is hopping into bed with the beast of 
Beijing - jimmy D.

Quelle surprise.

Hierarchies are forever according the learned Nazbol toad.

How did these morons find an anarchist list to spread their fascist lies on?

I blame Mongo and Rothbard - those two dead corpses. 

The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
The Darkness scribbles

"... And I'm takind a pragmatic approach in the interests of my own people..."

Your " our" and ' my own people " - you mean...?

"... We know your final solution... it's been tried .. allegedly"

Hey fucknuts, I'm not the one linking to the DAILY STORMER here!

"...If you say there ought be no consequences for selfish divided houses .. 
complain to the Arabs (of all stripes) who utterly failed the prisoner's 
dilemma, that is to unify, even with Gaddhafi imploring them to.

Actions have consequences. Israeli's have made their own collective bed. Now 
they're possibly successfully tidying their own sheets getting business deals 
happening with their neighbours..."

You're not wired up right, are you. 

Re: A reminder to the Deadender Ancaps clinging on here.

2020-11-29 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-29 18:56, professor rat wrote:
> Don't tell me that - tell your BFF's in Beijing!

As Deng Xiaoping said: Learn truth from facts.

The fact is socialism has been tried over and over for thousands of
years, and always produces famine and ruin.

The reason you hate the Chinese regime is that it brought prosperity to

If the Chinese got to vote, would probably vote in socialism.  When
Muslims got to vote as a result of the Arab Spring, promptly voted for war.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
James Dumbfuck sez...

"...That is a Jew on Jew quarrel, more than it is a Jew on Muslim quarrel.
Cosmopolitan Jews, the infamous international Jew, don't think Jews
should have a nation.  Muslims don't think anyone except Muslims should
have a nation.

Why should anyone else care? ..."

Antiwar types should care - even your bum-buddies in Beijing should care if 
they don't want their belt and road mussed.
But none of your Nazbol bum-buddies need care since no one cares about them.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-29 19:17, professor rat wrote:
> You think Jews should be allowed to colonize Palestine without peaceful 
> sanction.

That is a Jew on Jew quarrel, more than it is a Jew on Muslim quarrel.
Cosmopolitan Jews, the infamous international Jew, don't think Jews
should have a nation.  Muslims don't think anyone except Muslims should
have a nation.

Why should anyone else care?

Cryptoanarchist planet by 2027

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
My 20th anniversary!

First surf lasted 8 or 9 hours and nearly gave me DVT.

Only offline for a month in 2009 - needed surgery for enlarged testicles.

Going by these demographics we'll have a global majority vote before 2030.

Cryptoanarchy will precede the singularity. Machines follow us in - we don't 
follow them.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 09:17:48AM +, professor rat wrote:
> Thanks for responding Z. 
> "... This is the pragmatic approach which I prefer - and why I oppose BDS, 
> since the remaining option is ongoing deep entanglement, which appears 
> counter to our interests.
> There is some wisdom in "light" entanglement ..'
> I see BDS as light entanglement seeking to avoid heavy, but I'm glad you 
> clarified things there.
> You think Jews should be allowed to colonize Palestine without peaceful 
> sanction. Good to know.

They're a fact on the ground at this point in history .. after 70 years of 

It's a done deal.

And I'm takind a pragmatic approach in the interests of my own people.

We know your final solution... it's been tried .. allegedly.

If you say there ought be no consequences for selfish divided houses .. 
complain to the Arabs (of all stripes) who utterly failed the prisoner's 
dilemma, that is to unify, even with Gaddhafi imploring them to.

Actions have consequences. Israeli's have made their own collective bed. Now 
they're possibly successfully tidying their own sheets getting business deals 
happening with their neighbours.

> Shawn responds...
> Jews should rule Israel, Christians should rule America, and Hindus
> > should rule India, but if Jews don't, that is their problem, not ours.
> I disagree with all three of these. Religion and government should be
> separate, especially in the US where the Constitution specifically says
> so. In general theocracies are problematic for world peace (which I'd
> like to see happen in my lifetime). Of course, some corporations
> (military contractors) profit more off of war than peace...
> -- 
> Shawn K. Quinn  
> Hear hear. Secularism today, secularism tomorrow, secularism forever. If 
> there was a God it would be necessary to destroy it.  A big part of GARP ( 
> Global Anarchist Revolution for world Peace ) is establishing " God and the 
> State ' ( Religion and Nations ) as the revolutionary subject. Later for 
> capitalism.  Corporations can't do much when their Theocratic and/or 
> nation-state shields are down.  Also their corporate billionaire heads will 
> all be lopped.
> ( Sear Bill Henry Gates at Stiffs dotcom ) 
> Thanks for your small contribution to CYPHERPUNK 2027!

Re: James A. Donald's EPIC TREATISE on human hierarchies defeats all comers agin

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 09:00:05AM +, professor rat wrote:
> James, who never has to, sees nothing demeaning in taking orders from bosses

Ahh, the rat abolishes hierarchies once and for all, utopia ushering in soon 
and peace shall reign for all ... all survivors that is :)

As I granted (how generous am I?) to Jim of the Bell variety, if you solve the 
'problem' of human hierarchies, you may as well be deemed to have solved all 
human problems.

It's a mighty bold claim, but more power to ya to for tryin .. got a feeling 
we'll be waitin' a while…

In the mean time, we know you've a more Marxist/expedient "final solution" to 
such challenges - thow us in the gulag ... yee haw, look out re-education 
camps, APsters are sendin me in  :D

Did I mention subtle?

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 03:04:36PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 07:20:10AM +1000, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> > >> On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
> > >>> I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
> > 
> > > On 11/16/20, jam...@echeque.com  wrote:
> > >> Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
> > 
> > On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
> > > Those aren't good people!  They're randomly blaming these other people
> > > for things that happened near them.
> > 
> > Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code
> > of conduct.
> > 
> > Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down
> > around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
> > 
> > If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we
> > can see them driving out the good people.  Peoples homes in Detroit did
> > not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the
> > Debian drama.  Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good
> > people.  Bad people did bad things to good people.
> This.
> Thank you James.
> Evil exists within humans, the only question is what we do prior to, during 
> and after, both in the face of our own evil, and in the face of the evil of 
> others.
> Those with low IQ too often reduce themselves to ever greater attempts to 
> cause others to reduce themselves to the same low IQ and sociopathic 
> positions they hold, in the face of their own failures and their own failure 
> to do the work required to raise their own standard.  Quite pathetic really.

To be sure, high-IQ sociopaths can be far more destructive... as Juan correctly 
noted, IQ is not correlated with morals.

> Some such as "professor rat" (with apologies to rats) would gladly see the 
> Linuses, RMSes and Debian developers "offed" rather than merely "shunned" 
> (literally from "their own" communities which they literally built) as, 
> according to these APsters, that's merely 'collateral damage' and as he 
> stated a day or three ago, "well worth that price".
> Not everyone agrees with this communist/ leftist "not my culture"al cleansing 
> (genocide machine) Marxist manifesto of course, but that never stopped the 
> massacres - he's right about that part at least: once the rubicon is crossed, 
> war literally finds you, personally.
> Also note that the "pro rat" high priest of Assassination Politics demands we 
> take his creed as the "truth", and his "guaranteed 'good' outcome 
> eventually", and he completely ignores the few simple concerns and qustions 
> raised, and instead attempted a character assassination on the questioner.
> Rather than handle the ball, he attacked the man.
> How weak is that...
> He failed to even -attempt- to respond meaningfully to any of the 6+1+1=8 
> fundamental named fail points/ questions/ concerns, re his "glorified and 
> hailed AP" blood revolution "guaranteed to work this time".  Really.
> That is, he utterly failed to handle the ball ... of his own conversation!, 
> and instead attacked the man who asked a few questions as I did.
> In other words instead of even a hint of ANY meaningful response to the 
> questions, "professor rat" promptly attacked my character, and soon after 
> "apparently" added me, publicly, personally to his "assassinations for which 
> I have paid some money towards" list (how true his loud barking is, is 
> anybody's guess).
> This is a classic tactic of sociopaths - attack the man, do not handle the 
> ball (even when it's your own) - nothing but pure power and murder as and 
> when needed, "the means justifies the ends, please trust me religiously that 
> the ends will be good".
> Quite pathetic really - demonstrating that he is a bully, a coward, AND an 
> intellectual fraud.
> ... Now queue an even bigger bark about even moar money added to my hitlist 
> ledger, from professor rat, now that he is again being called out on his 
> "trust me, THIS time the blood letting will FINALLY work, I promise you, 
> really truly the revolution has not been properly tried before" bullshit:  
> please forget Pol Pot, ignore the rivers of Bolshevik blood, and don't even 
> -think- about Idi Amin - no THIS time the Marxist revolution is going to 
> work, saith Professor Rat the High Priest of assassination politics.
> Good luck fellow Souls, keep your eyes open, listen carefully, and stay ahead 
> of the curve,

Zennaan Darkness is a fucking moron

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Denver Riggleman admitted that there were "true believers" of Trump's claims of 
widespread voter fraud, but he went on to suggest that they were not smart 
people. "[It] really speaks to where your intelligence level is... to believe 
in that type of operation," he said.

The lawmaker also criticized Trump for embracing "anti-Semitic" and 
"anti-American" supporters and added that it was "irresponsible" for the 
president to retweet QAnon conspiracies.


The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Thanks for responding Z. 

"... This is the pragmatic approach which I prefer - and why I oppose BDS, 
since the remaining option is ongoing deep entanglement, which appears counter 
to our interests.

There is some wisdom in "light" entanglement ..'

I see BDS as light entanglement seeking to avoid heavy, but I'm glad you 
clarified things there.

You think Jews should be allowed to colonize Palestine without peaceful 
sanction. Good to know.

Shawn responds...
Jews should rule Israel, Christians should rule America, and Hindus
> should rule India, but if Jews don't, that is their problem, not ours.

I disagree with all three of these. Religion and government should be
separate, especially in the US where the Constitution specifically says
so. In general theocracies are problematic for world peace (which I'd
like to see happen in my lifetime). Of course, some corporations
(military contractors) profit more off of war than peace...

Shawn K. Quinn 

James A. Donalds cowardly and stupid lies exposed

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
Jamesd thought he could justify wage-labor, factory discipline and hierarchic 
management by noting that they’re imposed in Leninist regimes as well as under 
capitalism. Would he accept the same argument for the necessity of repressive 
sex and drug laws? Like other libertarians, he's is uneasy — hence his 
gratuitous red-baiting — because libertarianism and Leninism are as different 
as Coke and Pepsi when it comes to consecrating class society and the source of 
its power, work. Only upon the firm foundation of factory fascism and office 
oligarchy do libertarians and Leninists dare to debate the trivial issues 
dividing them. Toss in the mainstream conservatives who feel just the same and 
we end up with a veritable trilateralism of pro-work ideology seasoned to taste.

James, who never has to, sees nothing demeaning in taking orders from bosses, 
for “how else could a large scale factory be organized?” In other words, 
“wanting to abolish authority in large-scale industry is tantamount to wanting 
to abolish industry itself.” Jimmy Dumbass again? No, Frederick Engels! Marx 
agreed: “Go and run one of the Barcelona factories without direction, that is 
to say, without authority!” (Which is just what the Catalan workers did in 1936 

A reminder to the Deadender Ancaps clinging on here.

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
"... If anarchy, and self defense, people get to own stuff and freely 


"... You cannot make so much as a pencil, except a boss gives you directions,
equipment, and materials..."

Bourgeois, capitalist, Fred Engels, couldn't have put that brainfart much 

"... So, you contract with people who know how to create value in order to
create value.  Then you trade value for value in order to get what you want..."

Don't tell me that - tell your BFF's in Beijing!


2020-11-29 Thread professor rat

Is there a point, moron?

Or are you just brushing up on your link-reposting skills?

51% attack implies support for democracy

2020-11-29 Thread professor rat
While I'm very happy to disappoint any Nazbol, Necon Nutcase, its especially 
rewarding in your case, Jim.

You low on long spittle-flecked, Stalinist-style rants this year, MORON?

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 11/28/20 20:25, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> On 2020-11-28 19:41, professor rat wrote:
>> ZENDY seems remarkably well informed ( probably lives in the smartest place 
>> on whatever continent he's domiciled in ) 
>> But I'm curious what his friends at the Daily Stormer think. Do they all 
>> agree with you Zenaan?
>> I've seen some oppose Israel and some support it, for example. 
>> Which camp are you in on that?
> Zeenan should not care.
> Jews should rule Israel, Christians should rule America, and Hindus
> should rule India, but if Jews don't, that is their problem, not ours.

I disagree with all three of these. Religion and government should be
separate, especially in the US where the Constitution specifically says
so. In general theocracies are problematic for world peace (which I'd
like to see happen in my lifetime). Of course, some corporations
(military contractors) profit more off of war than peace...

Shawn K. Quinn 

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:25:59PM +1000, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> On 2020-11-28 19:41, professor rat wrote:
> > ZENDY seems remarkably well informed ( probably lives in the smartest place 
> > on whatever continent he's domiciled in ) 
> > But I'm curious what his friends at the Daily Stormer think. Do they all 
> > agree with you Zenaan?
> > 
> > I've seen some oppose Israel and some support it, for example. 
> > 
> > Which camp are you in on that?
> Zeenan should not care.
> Jews should rule Israel, Christians should rule America, and Hindus
> should rule India, but if Jews don't, that is their problem, not ours.

This is the pragmatic approach which I prefer - and why I oppose BDS, since the 
remaining option is ongoing deep entanglement, which appears counter to our 

There is some wisdom in "light" entanglement - but deep entanglement 
compromises both sides interests.

Re: The friends of jamesd

2020-11-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:07:54PM +1000, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 03:52:40AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> >>hmm - it seems trotsky was a murderous jew! just like marx! and lenin! 
> >> and all the rest of murderous jew scum you admire so much =) 
> On 2020-11-28 18:34, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Oh come on.. surely that would be 'revolutionary Jew'...
> This "joo joo joo Roshchilds Rothschilds" crap is part of an internal
> fight between internationalist Jews (Karl Marx, Soros, the trots, and
> the neocons), nationalist Jews (now mostly located in Israel and led
> from Jerusalem), and Orthodox Jews with a religion of exile (persecuted
> by Cuomo, among others.
> Non Jews should ignore it.

That's a great sentiment and I wish it were "our" optimal approach, and 
sometimes perhaps it is optimal, bou -some-times the factional wars spill over 
into a Bolchevik revolution, which can be life ending for many.

Perhaps it might behoove us to use smaller words than "behoove" and whilst 
doing so, attempt to determine whether we might need to pay close attention to 
that factional war.

In any case, siding with justice seems worthy...

> The idea that we are helpless puppets of evil Jewish mindrays comes from
> those that flatter themselves that they are emitting those mind rays.