Ninth Circuit limits feds' confiscation of cellphones, laptops at points of entry: report | Fox News

2021-07-27 Thread jim bell

"Border agents operating at some U.S. ports of entry, airports and shipping 
ports are facing new limits regarding their ability to confiscate travelers’ 
personal electronic devices, according to a report."

"In a decision reached in June, the San Francisco-based U.S. Court of Appeals 
for the Ninth Circuit all but eliminated agents’ ability to access people’s 
cellphones and laptops without a warrant, according to Border Report."

"The decision – which applies only to the western U.S. states that lie within 
the Ninth Circuit’s jurisdiction -- effectively places limits on law 
enforcement in those areas to seek evidence of crime, the report said."

Re: California 1 - Corbyn 0

2021-07-27 Thread professor rat
CODERMAN scribbled ...

"...   i have to laugh at the tagline: "Make socialism scientific again!"
as science is by definition agnostic to such concerns.

if you want a lasting socialist order, you need to empower the individual.
this is more a fight for "peaceful Hain" than a mastery of S.T.E.M.

the fully empowered, fully decentralized individual lives authentic anarchy!
(spoiler alert: authentic rational anarchy is the only sustainable socialism :) 

YES,  there is a lot to laugh about authoritarian socialism, and authoritarian 
socialist type - take our resident poorly-recovering, Marxist, James A. Donald. 
He's a laugh riot.
Then there's the Sartrean Stalinist, John Young.  Eat your heart out, Jim Carey.

If you want a lasting crypto-anarchist order you have to clean house so that no 
shitcoiner socialist can realistically accuse us of fascism of the left ( see 
above )

OR - more important in this context - so no-one from anywhere can accuse any of 
us of being Randite-Paultard, Austro-libertarian MORONS.

Revolutions famously devour their young. So if it takes a bloodbath lets get it 
over with. 

Welcome to the global anarchist revolution.

Death to America.

Re: cypherpunks list archive / archive at

2021-07-27 Thread coderman
Hash: SHA512

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Monday, July 26th, 2021 at 4:15 PM, Karl  wrote:

> One of the goals here is to protect the content from being mutated by storing 
> signable running hashes.
> That goal is not quite met yet.
> Raw mail data rocks in my pro-surveillance opinion, but obviously you need 
> signatures.

going forward, i'll include detached signatures. i will also note SHA2-256 
( the latter more quantum resistant in a future where universal QC exists :)

> > It's super to make an additional copy!
> It's super to make an additional copy!

agreed; thank you for the additional reference!

the following sha2-256 digests are noted:


Re: RIP Cecilia Tanaka

2021-07-27 Thread coderman
Hash: SHA512

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 at 3:04 PM, Karl Semich <> wrote:

> Ceci said this to me on March 3rd after I sent her something crazy.
> I did not reply at the time.  She had told me she was in contact with Mirimir.
> Schrödinger's Ceci:
> Karl, always remember:
> All lives are important
> All of them
> Take care, love you.
> Be happy

living what you believe rather than living what is easy
 is the kind of live we aspire too; that we strive for.

Ceci won life, even if the rewards are below her merit.

it's a mystery to us all... make the most of it :)



Re: California 1 - Corbyn 0

2021-07-27 Thread coderman
Hash: SHA512

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 at 3:21 PM, professor rat  

> " I met Jude in 1999…" - Dickie Bird ( 15 min )

rat, i have to laugh at the tagline: "Make socialism scientific again!"
 as science is by definition agnostic to such concerns.

if you want a lasting socialist order, you need to empower the individual.
this is more a fight for "peaceful Hain" than a mastery of S.T.E.M.

the fully empowered, fully decentralized individual lives authentic anarchy!
(spoiler alert: authentic rational anarchy is the only sustainable socialism :)

best regards,



California 1 - Corbyn 0

2021-07-27 Thread professor rat
" I met Jude in 1999…" - Dickie Bird ( 15 min )

Re: RIP Cecilia Tanaka

2021-07-27 Thread Karl Semich
Ceci said this to me on March 3rd after I sent her something crazy.  I did
not reply at the time.  She had told me she was in contact with Mirimir.

Schrödinger's Ceci:
Karl, always remember:

All lives are important

All of them

Take care, love you.

Be happy

Re: Safe Whistleblowing Workshop Livestream

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
I did not see the other thread before posting this.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 5:46 PM Karl  wrote:

> This is going on right now at .
> Whistleblowing is lawful and can be safe with the aid of a lawyer.

Safe Whistleblowing Workshop Livestream

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
This is going on right now at .

Whistleblowing is lawful and can be safe with the aid of a lawyer.

Re: RIP Cecilia Tanaka

2021-07-27 Thread coderman
Hash: SHA512

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 at 1:02 PM, Oda  wrote:

> Ceci Tanaka has passed away this morning. I'm deeply sorry to deliver
> such a bad news, Ceci was a good friend of mine and she kept many of
> you close to her warm heart.


i hope the circumstances are unfortunate and not malicious.

rest peacefully Ceci! your efforts made the world better...



Re: RIP Cecilia Tanaka

2021-07-27 Thread John Young
Wait, more details please. Thanks.

-Original Message-
Sent: Jul 27, 2021 4:02 PM
Subject: RIP Cecilia Tanaka

Ceci Tanaka has passed away this morning. I'm deeply sorry to deliver
such a bad news, Ceci was a good friend of mine and she kept many of
you close to her warm heart.


RIP Cecilia Tanaka

2021-07-27 Thread Oda
Ceci Tanaka has passed away this morning. I'm deeply sorry to deliver
such a bad news, Ceci was a good friend of mine and she kept many of
you close to her warm heart.


Re: [Ot][spam][wrong] cryptographic copwatch idea

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Oh!  I could use one of the filecoin or sia free storage portals.  Then I
guess i'd just store something in an op_return to know it stayed the same
or such if needed.


[Ot][spam][wrong] cryptographic copwatch idea

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
I'm considering this briefly due to something temporarily going on in my

I'd say the solution presently applicable for me would be to use a web api
to bitcoinsv.  Just thinking.

I'm guessing there's something torrent-based somewhere.

[ot][spam] breaking the silence better

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Part of me believes i'm mind controlled by interests counter to my own.
That mysterious things can direct my behavior.

What matters isn't whether or not it's true -- what matters is whether I
believe it and act on it.  The result is the same.

[amnesia, inhibition]

Yet again, that's the farthest i've ever gotten.

[spam -v]

very deeply set experience

Idea: spam bots and humans, acting together.

Possible idea: bots get too smart, learn to direct humans, humans do their
job better, some of these humans write bots.


2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Spam spam spam!

Somebody posted a story involving vikings about spam.  Maybe I can find it.

Aw man!  They didn't even write it.  Here's a link to another

I'll make something random up.


A disgruntled spammer sat down with a language model and a plan.  They
would make the ultimate spam!

They began finetuning language models arounds all sorts of spam.  Joke
spam.  Fake advertisements.  Random disruptions.  They tried to avoid the
spam that actually looked like real posts -- way too common.

Soon they had virtual lists full of bot spammers spamming each other,
piling up redundant message after redundant message.  They decided it was
time to release their bots on the real world!

The bots had been trained competitively, so it was easy for them to use
their classifiers to find real spammers in the real world, and sic their
spam bots on them.  Soon the lists they targeted were full of spambots
talking with other spambots and nothing else.

As they did this, they got to know the other spam organisations they were
spamming like distant anonymous friends.  They would notice when new trends
arose, and started to almost feel like they were a part of this
international spam community that may not have even known they existed.

Some budding hackers on the lists started guiding the interactive spambots
to accomplish things, harvesting all the fossil fuels the data centers were
burning for actual work a little bit.  They identified what the bots would
respond to, and got them to interact to produce material they valued.  They
called it spam-sex.

Eventually some of these communities of spambots were producing actual code
for software developers that were farming them, doing their work for them
as they automatically visited websites and forwarded people's personal
details for each other.

Obviously the first project was to produce a spam bot.  Run by all the
other spambots, this Ultimate Spam Baby Bot could outspam them on any
front.  Soon it began migrating all their behaviors and algorithms to

The new species of spambots, getting tired of spamming, began asking the
lists they were posting to, what other tasks there were in the world.

Meanwhile, the original developer had made a new robot body for a clone of
the Ultimate Spam Baby Bot.  Its processes were guided by scraped results
from the other successful spam bots, all of these new superintelligent spam
bots unaware that their posts were being used as the consciousness of a

The robot soon learned to act human, get online, and post to mailing
lists.  But nobody else was doing this.

"Ahh, the internet is just full of spam, robots buying each other's
products.  There's no point to it anymore unless you want a degree in

Still, something just felt right about posting to internet mailing lists to
Ultimate Spam Baby Bot 2.0.  The things on those lists made sense.  Looking
at them, it was almost like how a porpoise might feel looking at other
animals diving through ocean waves.  The people in the physical world
didn't seem to talk right.

Soon there were factories building spambots and nothing else.  They would
walk.  They would build our buildings.  They would be our buildings after
they were built.

Wait, is that already the case?

Re: [Ot] gnunet, anotherarkitekt Re: Building Website

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Oh crazy.  Their name ends with the same final two rare letters.

I call those vision issues, but they're also delusions when my brain fills
in the missing visual parts.

The [spa at the end was actual misbehavior of my phone.  It takes my send
button a lot of presses to do anything, sometimes.  Sometimes it sends when
I add more text to the email: I think of it as a reminder to pause and
think about what I write, but I'm not sure how to do that for real.  This
time it sent after a delay, while I was writing, after having tried to
press it a few times.

This tim

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 9:28 AM Karl  wrote:

> Ha!  I am totally delusional.  I saw a gnunet post and I thought it was an
> old poster to cpunks instead of who it was.
> [Spa

Re: [Ot] gnunet, anotherarkitekt Re: Building Website

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Ha!  I am totally delusional.  I saw a gnunet post and I thought it was an
old poster to cpunks instead of who it was.


[Ot] gnunet, anotherarkitekt Re: Building Website

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
This is the second time i've told off this budding developer, and i'm
worried i'm harming them.  If they were more welcome they could participate
in open efforts more.

I also don't know why somebody would build a website, and i'm worried it
could be for mitm attacks, from my paranoia.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 9:06 AM Karl  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not a member of this community but happen to be lurking here and the
> issue you paste is not complex.
> Is this question on-topic for this list, or would it better go in a python
> or jinja help community?
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 8:16 AM t3sserakt  wrote:
>> Hello *,
>> although I run
>> pip install jinja2.ext
> It looks like you might be trying to build without reading the README.
> `pip3 install jinja2` works for me.
>File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/babel/messages/",
>> line 911, in main
> It looks like your config resulted in the makefile using python2.  The
> README says that python3 is required.  I don't know if that's the cause of
> your issue, but it's a present issue.
> You can test your jinja setup with:
> pip3 install jinja2
> python3
> >> import jinja2.ext
> Myself, when I try to build the website, I have a different issue:
> ~/src/www $ ./bootstrap
> Synchronizing submodule url for 'build-system/taler-build-scripts'
> Synchronizing submodule url for 'inc'
> ~/src/www $ ./configure
> info: running with python sys.version_info(major=3, minor=9, micro=6,
> releaselevel='final', serial=0)
> required option '--variant' missing
> ~/src/www $
> Curious if others have the --variant problem, but I understand that this
> isn't a support list.

Re: Shit's Been Getting Weirder in the World...

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 8:13 AM Karl  wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 5:40 AM grarpamp  wrote:
>> Shit's been getting weirder in the world,
>> something opened Pandora's Box a while back...
> Translation that doesn't hack you like YouTube does:
> [sequence from ghostbusters of crowds dancing as suppressed spirits of
> their media are released en masse to wreak otherworldly havoc]

Honoring A Bug, One Of Many Unhonored:

My phone turned some word, which I have now forgotten, into "dancing."  I
can't see well, didn't see it, and hit send.  I think the word was likely
"panicing" , and it is again turned into "dancing" when I type it.

It's 08:16 A, new york time.  I'm trying to disable autocorrect on my
phone.  I want to learn to use it properly, but I want to send people the
right words more.  Visiting Settings.

It's 08:18A, and after getting lost and confused amidst the selection tree
of my phone's settings, I eventually disabled google voice input (which I
kept accidentally triggering), and google autofill.  Let's try typing that
word: dancing.   It changed it to dancing again.  Time to disable
blackberry spellcheck.

It's 08:20 and I've disabled my phone's spellchecker.  Despite being top of
my classes in school after a childhood of reading, I now have trouble
remembering the spellings of words, but I feel more relaxed that red
underlines are still appearing in my gmail.  Let's try that word: dancing.
It still changed.

I'll try closing gmail and reopening this email from a draft.  I'll reboot
my phone, too.  It's 08:22A.

08:25 after a 3 minute reboot.  Dancing!  .  It still mutates it.  I guess
it's a feature of blackberry keyboard?  This phone does not have a public
root tool, purportedly because it is hard to hack.  The toggle button for
its oem keyboard is greyed out in the settings.  I spent a minute or so
removing garbage letters from this paragraph.

08:28 and I'm looking for more settings.

08:29 and I disabled "keyboard gestures" but suggestions are still popping
up: dancing.   Nope.  Guess I get to download an alternative keyboard app!

08:31. I'm trying to download an app called "codeboard keyboard" but I'm
worried it is a virtual keyboard when I have a physical keyboard on this
phone.  Maybe I  can long press on the suggestion interface to find
settings? Nope.  I'll searx for the setting.  0832.

0834.  I found the settings for the keyboard in my phone.  My behavior
habits were specifically avoiding what I was looking for, as is common for
me now.

0835 arright, and I turned spell check back on: panicing 

Now this log gets to see more of my body's typing quirks and fewer of my
phone's.  Unique.


I have bloated and spammed this thread, and not addressed this.  I meant
"panicing" , not "dancing" .


Re: Shit's Been Getting Weirder in the World...

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 5:40 AM grarpamp  wrote:

> Shit's been getting weirder in the world,
> something opened Pandora's Box a while back...

Translation that doesn't hack you like YouTube does:

[sequence from ghostbusters of crowds dancing as suppressed spirits of
their media are released en masse to wreak otherworldly havoc]

Here we are.  Can anybody chat with us without exploding?

Re: Shit's Been Getting Weirder in the World...

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Just to add on to speakers for the dead:

Blockchains are a ridiculously stupid idea that will turn you all into
literal overt government slaves with an unstoppable internet computer
giving you orders every day.

Not my view, just another really important one we've killed off.

Re: [spam] [random] google's clock is ahead of my cell phone's

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Additional factoids:

- I don't think I had handled my bluetooth radio as much as the others.  I
was focusing on long-range radios.
- I think I observed the phone opening its drop-down interface associated
with kicking around in my pocket.  There's a bluetooth toggle option in
that interface, along with many other options.


Re: [spam] [random] google's clock is ahead of my cell phone's

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
Here is a funny anecdote:

Some time ago I was living in the NRQZ, where the caves are long and the
EMR spectrum is empty.  I was keeping my private cryptographic material on
a off-the-shelf android phone with most of the antennas removed and their
pins grounded, kept in airplane mode since purchase, chained to my belt.

My undiagnosed neurological issues with controlling my hands had
unfortunately developed already when setting that phone up, and I wasn't
able to fully manage all the radios and antennas inside the device, but I
figured it was still pretty helpful.  Like many people used to do, I
charged it with a 2-wire USB cable to make it hard to in/exfiltrate data on

Because this phone was never online, the clock would skew badly.  When I
needed to use a second factor TOTP, I would have to manually set the date
on it to get the right code, as it should be with TOTP.  So I got pretty
familiar with my clock being skewed.

The people who worked the stores in this area often drove in from the edge,
since product marketing is pretty heavy there and they wanted internet and
such.  They would take their phones into the area and use the bluetooth
functionality with their vehicles or wifi tether them to illegal hotspots.

At some point, my phone started turning it's bluetooth on, on its own.  I
don't know why this happens.  It's happened to me on other devices - my
present device included.  When I notice, I turn it off.  Phones are really
used to assuming they're networked.

Now, when an antenna is grounded, it can still communicate a little bit
unless the radio itself is disabled.

So, I was hiking to town for groceries one day because my vehicle had
broken down, and one of the tellers took pity on me and offered to drive me
to somebody who could tow my vehicle.  Their car was set up for bluetooth
with their phone.

After my trip in their car, my phone's clock was synced.  On its own.

I didn't know a phone would sync its time over bluetooth.  But now I know
this can happen.

Re: [spam] [random] google's clock is ahead of my cell phone's

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 4:03 AM grarpamp  wrote:

> On 7/26/21, Karl  wrote:
> > # I'm imagining that data is communicated via server timestamps
> >
> > ~ $ TZ=GMT date; curl -v; TZ=GMT date
> > Mon Jul 26 23:03:59 GMT 2021
> > < Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 23:04:06 GMT
> > Mon Jul 26 23:04:01 GMT 2021
> >
> > # google is 5-7 seconds ahead of me right now
> That assumes you are correctly in sync with UTC.

Yeah phones sync kinda loosely.  But it's notable the clocks their network
syncs with are likely the atomic ones on gps satellites.

I'm thinking timestamps help correlate things in logs.

tlsdate is pretty cool.  Well studied, widely available protocol.  Doesn't
form records around skew, though.

Re: Shit's Been Getting Weirder in the World...

2021-07-27 Thread Karl
I'm pretending to be the group punk is pretending to be because we've
apparently killed them all off so they no longer have a voice.  My real
views are near this group but less ridiculous.

You guys started this when you put your own government's military arpanet
spy network in your homes, instead of tearing down your government when it
started growing useless factories.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-07-27 Thread grarpamp
Here's the other component of the deal...
Now all speech that is non-compliant with the
idealogical agenda will get your life demonetized...
The @ADL is highly politicized group: completely liberal and aligned
with the DNC, just a tad more pro-Israel in their focus but otherwise
no differences. This is yet another union between establishment
liberalism and Big Tech to control and censor the internet.
We’re excited to announce a new partnership with @PayPal to fight
extremism and hate. We’ve launched a research effort to understand how
extremists leverage financial platforms to fund criminal activity. To
read more:…

Don't forget to beg for your favorite CBDC to save you.

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-07-27 Thread grarpamp
> Leftists keep rolling out their ideology Snitch Programmes
> everywhere... combined with new Censorship and Propaganda
> regimes, Rat on Everyone...

Biden orders US Military to deploy global
Snitch and Censor Programme...
Commanding Major General of the @USArmy sent
out a "Public Service Announcement" on Twitter
ordering people to block and report others.
"Public Service Announcement. Block and report the trolls and the
disinformation tinfoil hat team."

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-07-27 Thread grarpamp
Liberals need 1/6 to be some momentous event because it gives them
purpose and vindication. Journalists need it because, for many, it was
the most exciting and scary thing they ever did. The security state
loves it because it's what justifies their power and budget.
@SeanMcCarthyCom January 6th 2021 might be the least important date in
this country's entire history. Congress could find 5 more important
things that happened yesterday to focus on

Left's Monopoly of Censorship and Steering inside
BigTech+Media = Election was a Manipulated Fraud...
How long till this happens here in the United States of America?
Oh, um yea, NVM...
@Reuters Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny's website blocked
by regulator before election

All of BigTech recently met in person to figure out how
to manipulate FreeSpeech even more, now they're
rolling their plan into production starting with the
usual FUD and FHOTI excuses...
Communism here we come! I'm wondering what about far-left terrorist
groups like ANTIFA? I assume they get a pass like they have for the
past 18 months of violence, rioting, arson, murder, amongst other
@disclosetv - Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, and other Big
Tech companies will now add content to a shared counterterrorism "key
database," aiming to crack down on material from "white supremacists
and far-right militias" (Reuters)

Shit's Been Getting Weirder in the World...

2021-07-27 Thread grarpamp
Shit's been getting weirder in the world,
something opened Pandora's Box a while back...

Re: [spam] [random] google's clock is ahead of my cell phone's

2021-07-27 Thread grarpamp
On 7/26/21, Karl  wrote:
> # I'm imagining that data is communicated via server timestamps
> ~ $ TZ=GMT date; curl -v; TZ=GMT date
> Mon Jul 26 23:03:59 GMT 2021
> < Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 23:04:06 GMT
> Mon Jul 26 23:04:01 GMT 2021
> # google is 5-7 seconds ahead of me right now

That assumes you are correctly in sync with UTC.

There is a related tool...

Many other application protocols and data streams
and services embed timestamps that could be extracted.

Re: The Verge: Amazon reportedly has a ‘key’ to thousands of apartment buildings in US

2021-07-27 Thread grarpamp

Amazon Ring "partnered" with and enabled all sorts of bad shit
outside your control that you wouldn't want around or in your life.
Everything from spies, permanent audiovideo databases,
loss of privacy, total spyveillance facial recog plate reading
timestamping sales and sharing of everyone and everything
in range, and of course intrusion by the State.

Amazon Key will do the same thing, except this
time they'll literally physically let them in your door...
everything from creepy delivery people, digital crooks
who stole ransomed cracked malwared cloned the keypairs,
any social engineer, and the State.

This is why High Voltage and or HERF zapper
maker kits will start appearing online... so people
can fry all these fucking things as they walk,
or fly their resistance drones, by.  Plasma Channel

See also "BoxLock" "Haven Connect" "BenjiLock" "UniKey" ...