SOL pleads Grow-the-Pie, Win-Win and Kumbaya pussy collaboration

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
Shall we gather at this foamy river?

Pie in the sky when you DeFi bye and by

Funny Non-Fungible-Token thread

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
There’s a kind of libertarian utopianism at work in the whole digital currency 
market. It’s sort of like everyone preparing for a post-apocalyptic world where 
banks and governments no-longer exist, but the internet does, only there’s no 
longer any central servers, just a bunch of wi-fi hot-spots, so you have to pay 
for things by transferring a cryptographic “object” from your phone to someone 
else’s phone without having that transaction go through a bank. It will be sort 
of like technological “mad max”.


NFT's for Dummies

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
NFTs don’t just provide a kind of digital “deed.” Because blockchains are 
programmable, it’s possible to endow NFTs with features that enable them to 
expand their purpose over time, or even to provide direct utility to their 
holders. In other words, NFTs can do things — or let their owners do things — 
in both digital spaces and the physical world.

Avax programs in Solidity - Sol in Rust - Btc in Cobol, etc

Re: Defragging Crypto

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
> While too much is being asked of the term " Crypto ", its politics are
> becoming more of an issue since its economic reach and power keeps
> rapidly increasing.

Which reach or power, precisely? I don't think it has much, even now.
Sampo Syreeni, . . "

How sweet - to be an idiot. 

Re: cyber-libertarians or crypto-anarchists

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
Any second-generation cypherpunk eunuch we may tersely define as a no-coiner

An "  Uncle Sampo "?

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
Where extremely dumb fuck Sampo Syreeni submits to the malevolent Cointelpro 
gossip of wannabe FBI informant, Batshit Crazy

>     Zuck: People just submitted it.

>     Zuck: I don't know why.

>     Zuck: They "trust me"

>     Zuck: Dumb fucks

Isn't that the very definition of people communicating with each other?

I mean, that's how we tend to do it. Malevolent gossip, and whatnot.


Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -,

+358-40-3751464, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

APster Vs Zuckerberg

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
If list Dumbells ever decide to get off their fat eunuch arse and do something 
about Fedbook, the means to do so now exist.

This works in practice - even if it will never work in Jim Dumbells moronic " 
AP system "

BTW we may all be grateful celebrity journalists no longer scribble ' the first 
draft of history ' since none of them have ever read up on soft-drill APster.

Re: Defragging Crypto

2021-11-11 Thread Sampo Syreeni

7On 2021-11-11, professor rat wrote:

While too much is being asked of the term " Crypto ", its politics are 
becoming more of an issue since its economic reach and power keeps 
rapidly increasing.

Which reach or power, precisely? I don't think it has much, even now.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -,
+358-40-3751464, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

Re: cyber-libertarians or crypto-anarchists

2021-11-11 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On 2021-11-11, professor rat wrote:

Choose one

I never invest in a bubble. No matter how rational it might be.

...till it becomes a stable currency, whereupon it's not an investment, 
but a more or less stable means of preserving value.

Them Coins aren't there yet.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -,
+358-40-3751464, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

Defragging Crypto

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
While too much is being asked of the term " Crypto ", its politics are becoming 
more of an issue since its economic reach and power keeps rapidly increasing. 
By drilling down a little on the politics we might then identify some 
crypto-anarchy crypto that's good and some ' cyber-liberty ' crypto that's bad.
I say we rope Btc off into a ' bad cluster ' since its attracted so many bad 
actors - Gold-buggers, Anti-vaxxers, pro-nuke, Mars invading MAGA-type morons, 
etc.  Bad ideas cling together and they'll cling to us if we let them. 
But phasing Btc out doesn't mean losing crypto-anarchist momentum now there are 
alt-coins ready to take up any slack. It does, however mean losing a lot of 
greenwashing garbage hopelessly trying to cover up Btc's unconscionable C02 
So may I count on your support?
Its a reciprocal arrangement.

Web 3, a generic term for a blockchain-based alternative where users can own their data

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
Outside of legal challenges to monopolistic internet giants, crypto presents 
the best way to counteract “surveillance capitalism.”

cyber-libertarians or crypto-anarchists

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
Choose one


Helium aims to build a decentralized, global wireless net using open-source tech

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
Help others - help yourself

Hope for the helpless - everythings going up!

SOL stepping up?

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
SOL appears to be moving away from peaceful-coexistence towards global 
anarchist revolution.

THIS COULD CHANGE - remember that cypherpunk-revolutionary that turned into a 
pussy journalist overnite, whassisname.

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-11-11 Thread zeynepaydogan

>> As I understood it, Facebook was initiated to help people to “magonise”, 
>> mafia traffickingçık 
Per, Kas 11, 2021 23:22, jim bell  yazdı:

>> On Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 10:36 AM, grarpamp
>>  wrote:
>>> Plans Of A Technocratic Elite: 'The Great Reset' Is Not A Conspiracy Theory
>> YouTube Hides "Dislikes" Following Mass Downvoting Of Biden
>> Administration Videos
>> “YouTube has announced that it’ll be hiding public dislike counts on
>> videos across its site, starting today,” reports The Verge.
>> “The company says the change is to keep smaller creators from being
>> targeted by dislike attacks or harassment, and to promote “respectful
>> interactions between viewers and creators.” The dislike button will
>> still be there, but it’ll be for private feedback, rather than public
>> shaming.”
>> --
>> Jim Bell's Comment:
>> Clearly an example of hopeless bias on the part of Facebook's management
>> As I understood it, Facebook was initiated to help people to communicate 
>> with each other. But clearly the people running Facebook want to be able to 
>> suppress the 'wrong' communication, even if it is as simple and basic as 
>> counted downvoted.
>> If my AP idea was functioning, those people running Facebook would not dare 
>> do anything of this sort.

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-11-11 Thread jim bell

  On Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 10:36 AM, grarpamp wrote:   > 
Plans Of A Technocratic Elite: 'The Great Reset' Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

YouTube Hides "Dislikes" Following Mass Downvoting Of Biden
Administration Videos

“YouTube has announced that it’ll be hiding public dislike counts on
videos across its site, starting today,” reports The Verge.

“The company says the change is to keep smaller creators from being
targeted by dislike attacks or harassment, and to promote “respectful
interactions between viewers and creators.” The dislike button will
still be there, but it’ll be for private feedback, rather than public
--Jim Bell's Comment:Clearly an example of hopeless bias on 
the part of Facebook's managementAs I understood it, Facebook was initiated to 
help people to communicate with each other.  But clearly the people running 
Facebook want to be able to suppress the 'wrong' communication, even if it is 
as simple and basic as counted downvoted.If my AP idea was functioning, those 
people  running Facebook would not dare do anything of this sort.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2021-11-11 Thread grarpamp
> Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden

Without Rule of Law you’re just a banana republic

In the year 552 BC in the province of Persis in modern day Iran, a
local sheepherder started a revolt against his ruler, King Astyages of
the Median Empire.

The sheepherder’s name was Cyrus, though he would become known to
history as Cyrus the Great.

Cyrus led the rebellion against Astyages for three years, winning the
decisive battle in 549 BC; and with Astyages defeated, Cyrus went on
to found his own kingdom that would quickly become one of the largest
empires in the history of the world.

Cyrus’s new Persian Empire became vast and powerful. And Cyrus himself
was revered by his subjects who believed he had been ordained by the
god Ahura Mazda to rule over them.

But despite Cyrus’s autocratic power, the Persian Empire still had a
very strong ‘rule of law’.

Whatever Cyrus decreed became supreme law of the land. Yet his rules
were straightforward, fair, and stable.

He was not whimsical or petty. He did not change the rules at a
moment’s notice, and he was very respectful of people’s individual

Corruption was a capital offense. Any of Cyrus’s government officials
who were found accepting bribes were put to death.

Lying also became a capital offense, which compelled politicians and
bureaucrats to always tell the truth.

The court system was also highly revered; the king established the
law, but judges settled disputes to ensure fairness across the board.

Anyone who refused to accept the decision of a judge was put to death.

And dishonest judges were flayed alive, with their skin used to
upholster courtroom furniture as a warning to the next judge who
filled the bench.

His punishments may have been harsh. But Cyrus’s goal was to establish
a strong rule of law where everyone could have trust and confidence in
the system, and everyone had to follow the rules.

Rule of Law is incredible important; throughout history, societies
with a strong rule of law flourished.

When laws are fair, predictable, and evenly applied, businesses can
plan and prosper. People can confidently invest in the future.
Economies grow and everyone wins.

Where the Rule of Law is weak and corrupt, the opposite happens.
Businesses can’t plan anything because the rules are constantly
changing. No one wants to invest because they feel like everything is
going to be taken from them.

This is the sort of thing we’re seeing now in the Land of the Free.

Several weeks ago when Hunter Biden’s dad issued his royal OSHA
decree, it was almost immediately met with a number of lawsuits.

Now, even beyond the obvious Constitutional and human rights issues,
the nationwide mandate is extremely anti-democratic.

In a well-functioning representative democracy, there should have been
a national conversation about a mandate. It should have been an
election issue and essentially appear on the ballot. Voters should
have had their say.

Yet that never happened. There was no national conversation. And any
hint of discussion was shut down by the media and big tech companies.
Any opposition was censored.

This is seriously supposed to be the world’s most advanced democracy?

Well it certainly took a while. But a US federal appeals court finally
ruled a few days ago to temporarily block this nationwide mandate.

In a society where the Rule of Law is strong, the court order would be
respected by all, including the federal government.

But that’s no longer the world we live in.

In fact, despite the clear and obvious judicial ruling which cites
“grave statutory and constitutional issues”, the administration is
still telling business to proceed with the mandate.

They’re flat out ignoring the court ruling. It’s extraordinary.

Sadly this is not an isolated event.

Recently a number of federal authorities raided the homes of
journalists for supposedly being implicated in the ‘theft’ of the
Ashley Biden’s diary.

If someone wants to report the theft of their personal property, this
would ordinarily be a matter handled by the local police.

Only in a country without any rule of law would something so trivial
involve federal authorities and the Justice Department.

This is political persecution, plain and simple.

The list goes on and on. Several weeks ago, for example, the head of
the CDC simply invented special authority for herself to take control
of the entire $10+ trillion US national housing market.

This is all the stuff of banana republics. And it’s amazing how the
people in charge cannot understand why no one trusts the system.

The bottom line here is that a weak rule of law is just another
indicator of serious rot. History is very clear on this point. And
when you see that even the government refuses to respect its own
system, it’s really time to get your Plan B in order.

Cryptocurrency: When Free Markets? 4k Years to DeFi...

2021-11-11 Thread grarpamp
Crypto DeFi... the last remaining peaceful path to Free Markets.

4,000+ years later and they still haven’t figured it out

More than four thousand years ago around 2112 BC, King Ur-Nammu of
ancient Sumeria gathered his scribes together to dictate a series of
royal decrees, all of which were chiseled onto cuneiform tablets.

A handful of these tablets were discovered and translated in the 20th
century, making the Code of Ur-Nammu the oldest known set of laws in
the world.

While most of the King’s laws dealt with criminal matters (i.e.
requiring the death penalty for both murder and robbery), some of the
rules were actually a very early form of price controls.

Hundreds of years later, King Hammurabi of Babylon created his own set
of laws, known to history as the Code of Hammurabi.

And while his code is famously known for its principle of ‘an eye for
an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, much of Hammurabi’s code also fixed
wages, prices, finance, and commerce.

For example, the King decreed that any man who defaults on his debts
could pay off his creditors by subjecting his wife, son, or daughter
to forced labor for three years… regardless of the size of the loan.

Hammurabi also fixed the price of wholesale grain storage, shipping,
divorce, livestock, and even drinks at the local tavern.

There are also several sections devoted to wage controls; Hammurabi
saw fit, for example, that a home builder be paid a certain fee that
depended only on the size of the house.

Similarly, occupations ranging from farm laborers, ox drivers,
shipbuilders, herdsmen, skilled artisans, etc. all had their wages
fixed by the Code.

There is also strong historical evidence of price controls in ancient
Egypt. The ancient Indian philosopher Vishnugupta’s advised kings to
not only fix prices, but fix the maximum profit for traders and

And the Roman Emperor Diocletian’s infamous Edict on Wages and Prices
in the early 300s AD was a complete disaster.

Wage controls, price controls, financial controls, and commercial
controls have been vainly imposed by governments for thousands of
years. We’ve learned from history that they simply do not work.

And yet, rather insanely, politicians keep trying these same tactics
over and over again, expecting a different result.

Recently I was visited by a close friend of mine from Argentina who
often tells me the grim economic tales of his home country.

Argentina is in a perennial state of economic chaos; like Venezuela,
it went from being one of the most prosperous countries in the world
in the 20th century, to one of the most chaotic.

They’ve confiscated assets, imposed wealth taxes, defaulted on their
debt, banned exports, and utterly destroyed their currency.

In local currency terms, inflation in Argentina is 50%… though no one
in their right minds actually holds their savings in Argentine pesos.

Inflation is now so bad in Argentina that the government recently
imposed a set of price controls.

And my friend informed me that a number of producers, especially in
the agricultural sector, have stopped delivering because the
government’s price mandate is below their cost of production.

Last but not least, my friend told me that Argentina’s government is
also planning to forbid businesses from laying off workers.

Even when a company cannot afford to keep employees because the
economic situation is so pitiful, they somehow have to keep paying
workers with money they don’t have.

It’s like that old Soviet adage– “we pretend to work, they pretend to pay us.”

These types of measures would almost be comical if they didn’t cause
such widespread suffering.

And yet even rich, advanced nations are susceptible to this way of
thinking. In fact we’ve seen so much of it over the past 18 months,
disguised as public health protocols.

They spent hundreds of billions of dollars to give businesses free
“PPP” loans so that workers could continue to be paid to NOT work.

Then the government simply took on that responsibility themselves,
paying people directly to stay home and NOT work.

Now they’re trying to force businesses to fire tens of millions of
people, even in critical sectors like healthcare and transportation,
because of their vaccine status.

Each of these measures is a way for the government to direct the
supply and free flow of labor. In other words, they’re essentially
wage controls.

We’ve also seen endless examples of other controls.

They forced certain places to close (churches, bars) but allowed
others to operate (liquor stores, marijuana dispensaries, social
justice riots).

They unilaterally suspended evictions and foreclosures, creating
incentives for people to stop paying rent/interest.

And through the central bank, they’ve pumped hundreds of billions of
dollars into financial markets, inflating stocks, bonds, housing, etc.
to essentially create asset price controls.

The specific 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2021-11-11 Thread grarpamp
Facebook Users Unable To Find Results When Searching For "Kyle
Rittenhouse" Amid Teen's Homicide Trial

Facebook users are unable to find anything when searching for the name
“Kyle Rittenhouse” in the social media platform’s search bar as the
18-year-old appears in court at his homicide trial in Kenosha,

But while his trial takes place, a Facebook search for Rittenhouse
turns up no results, even when using both the mobile and desktop
version of the platform.

A screenshot posted by Daily Caller shows no results when “Kyle
Rittenhouse” is typed into the Facebook search bar and Fox News found
the same result. The Epoch Times also found the same result.

Facebook search for Kyle Rittenhouse on Nov. 11, 2021. (The Epoch Times)

It is unclear why search results are not appearing. The Epoch Times
has contacted Facebook for comment.

Bizarrely, searches with the misspelled name “Kyle Rittenhouses”
showed results as did “Rittenhouse Kyle” and just the last name

Last year, Facebook admitted to blocking search results for “Kyle
Rittenhouse” immediately following the Kenosha shooting.

“It’s not actually new,” a Facebook representative told The Verge
at the time.

“We block searches for a ton of stuff..."

The social media giant also said it was taking proactive measures to
limit information in the wake of the incident, and a spokesperson told
The Verge Facebook had, “designated this shooting as a mass murder and
[had] removed the shooter’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram.”

Facebook confirmed to the Daily Caller in September that it had banned
all content in praise of Rittenhouse, including posts from users who
argue he acted in self-defense, and had placed him on a list of
“dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Vice President of Counterterrorism and Dangerous Organizations Brian
Fishman also told the outlet it had removed Rittenhouse’s Facebook and
Instagram accounts.

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-11-11 Thread grarpamp
> Plans Of A Technocratic Elite: 'The Great Reset' Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

YouTube Hides "Dislikes" Following Mass Downvoting Of Biden
Administration Videos

YouTube has announced it will hide ‘dislikes’ from videos to curb
“creator harassment,” with critics pointing out that this is merely a
way of removing the huge amount of downvotes on videos posted by the
Biden administration.

“YouTube has announced that it’ll be hiding public dislike counts on
videos across its site, starting today,” reports The Verge.

“The company says the change is to keep smaller creators from being
targeted by dislike attacks or harassment, and to promote “respectful
interactions between viewers and creators.” The dislike button will
still be there, but it’ll be for private feedback, rather than public

Quite how viewer feedback in the form of a thumbs down icon represents
“harassment” is anyone’s guess, but the immediate response to the
announcement from many was that the Google-owned company was merely
moving to protect the Biden White House from ridicule.

“Is this the reason?” asked one respondent, highlighting how Biden
speeches and White House press briefings receive massive dislike
ratios, sometimes at a rate of ten to one.

Is this the reason?
— FRANK SINATRA (@FRANK_SINATRA7) November 10, 2021

Gee, I wonder why they're about to hide dislikes.

It's a total mystery.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 10, 2021

“This is for the White House account you KNOW that right?” commented another.

This is for the White House account you KNOW that right?
— Ryan Ashe (@RealRyanAshe) November 10, 2021

“The video department of the Ministry of Truth doing its part for the
greater good,” added another.

The video department of the Ministry of Truth doing its part for
the greater good.
— Ian (@ianpiepenbrock) November 10, 2021

Another respondent pointed out the massive dislike ratio received by
the Fauci propaganda movie.

Wonder why 樂樂樂
— ₿hargav (@ThatIndianGuy) November 10, 2021

With the recent popularity of the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ meme, this seems
like another transparent attempt to protect the plunging popularity of
Biden, whose approval rating just fell to a record low.

As we previously highlighted, despite being “the most popular
president in U.S. history” after his *totally not unusual* vote
record, Joe Biden didn’t fare too well on YouTube in the days after
his inauguration, where every single video posted to the official
White House channel received massive downvote ratios.

Thanks to YouTube, those ratios will never be a problem again.

Re: FDA lied about Ivermectin

2021-11-11 Thread grarpamp
On 11/11/21, David Barrett  wrote:
> Can you help me understand what motivation a conspiracy of all the world's
> health agencies would have to intentionally suppress lvermectin?

Which among the following do you believe have suppressed,
censored, banned, deleted, cancelled, biased against, voted
lawed regulated policied mandated ordered or enforced against,
lied about, blackballed, deranked, demonetized... among
other suppressive influences... regarding Ivermectin, HCQ, etc...

- World's health agencies
- Governments
- Corporations
- News Media
- Social Media
- Big Tech
- Democrats, Socialists, Leftists

Re: FDA lied about Ivermectin

2021-11-11 Thread grarpamp
> Can you help me understand what motivation a conspiracy of all the world's
> health agencies would have to intentionally suppress lvermectin?

Which among the following do you believe have suppressed,
censored, banned, deleted, cancelled, biased against,
lawed regulated policied mandated or ordered against,
lied about, and blackballed regarding Ivermectin, HCQ, etc...

- World's health agencies
- Governments
- Corporations
- News Media
- Social Media
- Big Tech

Gramps banned from Twitter

2021-11-11 Thread professor rat
ddale8 - 18h
Twitter has permanently banned Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald 
Robinson, whose 400K-plus-follower feed was a constant promoter of lies about 
the pandemic and the 2020 election.

She got suspended last week over vaccine nonsense, then came back and did more 
of the same.