Hackaday: Analyzing Starlink Satellite Downlink Communications With Software Defined Radio

2021-11-26 Thread jim bell
Hackaday: Analyzing Starlink Satellite Downlink Communications With Software 
Defined Radio.

Often, mere curiosity is sufficient to do something. This is also the case with 
people trying to analyze the communication setup and protocol which SpaceX is 
using with their Ku-band based Starlink satellites.  One of these fine folk is 
[Christian Hahn], who has recently posted some early findings to 
r/StarlinkEngineering over at Reddit. Some of the captured data seems to 
include the satellite ID system that ground-based user stations would 
presumably use to keep track of overhead Starlink satellites.

For the capturing itself, [Christian] is using a second-hand dish for capture 
and a DIY SDR using KC705 FPGA-based hardware – which may have begun its life 
as crypto mining hardware – along with the usual assortment of filters and 
other common components with this kind of capture. Even at this early time, 
some features of the Starlink protocol seem quite obvious, such as the division 
into channels and the use of guard periods. Nothing too earth-shattering, but 
as a fun SDR hobby it definitely checks all the boxes.

[Christian] has also announced that at some point he’ll set up a website and 
publish the findings and code that should make Starlink signal analysis easy 
for anyone with a readily available SDR receiver.

Yahoo News: U.S. stonewalls probe into security firm that allegedly spied on Assange for CIA, says Spanish judge

2021-11-26 Thread jim bell
Yahoo News: U.S. stonewalls probe into security firm that allegedly spied on 
Assange for CIA, says Spanish judge.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
> Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes To Record Highs

Lots of pro sports players dropping dead lately.

Filipino Basketball Star Roider Cabrera Suffers Cardiac Arrest and Collapses

Video of “QUARANTINE” Camps or “Centres for National Resilience” near
Brisbane Airport with electrified double fencing.

UK Health Security Agency Releases Data Shows Most COVID-19 Deaths in
England are Fully Vaccinated

A Norfolk doctor filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk General
Hospital on November 9  after they banned the use of Ivermectin and
several other drugs as a treatment to COVID-19 patients.

“Ignore the Lunatic Fringe that Exists in Every Society” – Tyrannical
St. Louis Health Director on the People Who Oppose Regime’s COVID

CHAOS AND RIOTING Break Out on Solomon Islands in Defiance to
Govt-Imposed COVID Lockdowns

Wayne Root One-on-One with Robert F Kennedy Jr: Dr. Fauci and the
Disaster of the Covid Vaccine (VIDEO)

Yesterday’s Conspiracy Is Today’s Medical Journal Headline: NEJM
Explains How COVID Vaccines May Produce Spike Proteins that Lead to

National Institutes of Health Funding Connected to Chinese Military
and Organ Harvesting

Joe Biden’s Tweets About Trump’s COVID Travel Ban Prove His Complete
Hypocrisy and the Media’s Complete Lack of Honesty

Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Jcjg5wuBAzYhFRF3jpE5A  Ammon Bundy



Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp


Interviews on all alternative media channels...

Read through the entire Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan:
As you read through the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan, I hope you will
contemplate your life. How it may improve. How you may be more
content, more prosperous and have more free time. How you may be able
to bless other people's lives with your extra prosperity and personal
time. Think about what brings you happiness and prosperity now. Your
family? Your employment? Your endeavors? Maybe just simply knowing you
are secure and have a future with opportunities? Any plan proposed by
those in government should be scrutinized and balanced with the
everyday lives of those who it would affect. This plan has been
developed over a seven-year period and is designed to foster
prosperity, peace, security, freedom and ultimately happiness to the
People of Idaho.

Built upon lasting principles, the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan will assist
in bringing about a culture of liberty and property in Idaho that will
rival early America. These principles include the understanding that
God created man and woman and gave them certain unalienable rights.
These rights include life, liberty and conscience to choose and to
pursue happiness. That God created the earth and everything in it FOR
mankind, and that men and women are to USE and replenish the natural
resources, including land, plants and animals. That men and women
created government as a tool to secure the rights God has given them.
That there is no other moral purpose for government other than to
equally defend the endowed rights that belong to every man and woman.

So, you can be confident that what I am proposing in the Keep Idaho
IDAHO plan is correct and lawful, I offer you this evidence. Article
1, Section 1, of the Idaho State Constitution, "All men are by nature
free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are
enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing and
protecting property; pursuing happiness and securing safety. Article
2, All political power is inherent in the people. Government is
instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the
right to alter, reform or abolish the same whenever they may deem it
necessary." The Declaration of Independence, which we celebrate every
fourth of July, reads in part, "We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…"

The Keep Idaho IDAHO plan is simple and responsible. It frees the
people of Idaho to more openly trade with each other without fear from
improper use of force. It empowers police officers to follow their
conscience, parents to fulfill their divine roll and school teachers
to more fully help prepare children for a life of prosperity. The Keep
Idaho IDAHO plan will open up entire new and prosperous industries in
energy, healthcare and agriculture. This plan will solve Idaho's
affordable housing crisis while maintaining the rural culture that
makes Idaho IDAHO. Overall, the Keep Idaho IDAHO plan will improve
life, bring prosperity, foster personal time and secure the
opportunity for happiness to every person living within the beautiful
State of Idaho.

Ammon Bundy

SECTION I - Eliminating Immoral Taxes
1. Eliminating Property Tax
2. Eliminating Personal Income Tax
3. Eliminating Personal Property Tax
4. Taxes Only Collected Through Consumption
SECTION II - Economic Growth Plan
1. Taking Back Idaho’s Land
2. Solving the Affordable Housing Crisis
3. Health Freedom and Body Autonomy
4. Making Idaho a Financial Freedom State
5. Recognition and Acceptance of Prominent Cryptocurrencies by the State
SECTION III - Exalting Justice
1. Restoration and Restitution Laws [link]
2. Empowering Communities to End Drug Abuse
3. Empowering Police to Act According to their Conscience
4. Eliminating Civil Asset Forfeiture
5. Ending Cronyism and Corruption
SECTION IV - Social Prosperity
1. Executive Order to End Abortion
2. Education Freedom
3. Gun Rights and Defense of the 2nd Amendment
4. Idaho State Healthcare Exchange (Obamacare)
5. Parental Rights
6. Ending Welfare
SECTION V - Maximizing Government Efficiency
1. Elimination of State Licensure
2. Changing the culture of government
3. Using Blockchain Technology for State Interactions

Why doesn't Elon Musk want to go to Venus?

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
He's already mining Uranus.  But seriously, its being reported there's probably 
volcano's on Venus.
You know what that means.

Re: Ginger, lemon juice, garlic and aspirin to combat COVID?

2021-11-26 Thread jim bell
No, I am about 7 miles north of Seaside, Oregon at the moment.

       Jim Bell
  On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 6:03 PM, professor rat wrote:   
Is Jim Bell in Africa at the moment?


Jesus Fucking Christie - its like those Batshit-Crazy AIDs deniers are loose 

RF Hacks: "Anonymous" Broadcast 1987

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
There were many Anonymous before Anonymous,
and there will be more, expect them...

Captain Midnight hack in 1986
Playboy TV hack in 1987

Ginger, lemon juice, garlic and aspirin to combat COVID?

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
Is Jim Bell in Africa at the moment?


Jesus Fucking Christie - its like those Batshit-Crazy AIDs deniers are loose 

Guns fire tear gas at female protesters in Istanbul

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
Batshit-crazy must be ecstatic.

March for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 
confronted by patriarchal violence.

Rubber bullets fly as thousands march to demand end to violence against women.


Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
German researchers raising many questions for Islam...


Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp

Watch: California Town Declares Independence From "Dictatorship
Powers" Of State, Federal COVID Mandates


Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

A town in California has declared itself a “constitutional republic,”
independent of executive orders issued by the federal or state
governments, in protest of lockdowns, mask mandates and compulsory

Appearing on Fox News, Oroville California’s vice-mayor Scott Thomson
outlined the move, noting “I was sitting at City Hall, and the
mandates continue to come. As you know it started with ‘two weeks to
stop the—slow the curve,’ and it just seems like a carrot keeps being
dangled in front of our faces of just a little more… and it seems like
every mandate that comes down, it is a loss of freedom.”

Thomson compared Oroville’s move to that of San Francisco declaring
itself a ‘sanctuary city’.

“We’re a constitutional republic, and wanna declare that,”
Thompson urged, clarifying “We’re not separating from California, but
we’re just reminding the higher-ups in other cities we need to stand
up for our rights. We still are a constitutional republic, which means
we have rights endowed by our ‘creator,’ and our founders created a
republic, which was genius, to separate powers.”

The vice-mayor further explained, “I believe that worldwide, but
especially in California, that the very fabric of our nation is at a
crossroads of how much authority we’ll let the government have,”
comparing the struggle to a war.

“I don’t believe that anybody wins when the government has more
authority,” Thompson emphasised, adding and “every time that you lose
freedom, usually it takes bloodshed to get it back.”

“We’re getting threats of loss of money for our city, but for us, and
especially for me, they can have their money; we want freedom in
California, we want freedom in Oroville, and so that’s what we’re
standing up for,” Thompson further urged.


Scott Thomson, vice mayor of Oroville, California, explains why
his town has become a "sanctuary city" against tyrannical COVID
mandates imposed by Gavin Newsom.

'Lesser magistrates' protecting citizens from government overreach
is a key way to fight back. More of this, please!
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) November 25, 2021

Mirrored at Rumble:

Re: Cryptocurrency: Biden Pick for OCC Omarova to Nationalize All Bank Accounts and Investments per MarxSocComSov

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Not only is Biden's Seductress Omarova a Marxist Soviet Citizen
Anti-Crypto etc, she really does have a criminal record for THEFT...

Andrew Cuomo, disgraced former governor of New York, has cost the
Empire State’s taxpayers $9.5 million and will continue to reap the
benefits of a law that makes taxpayers pay legal fees for elected


It's hard to imagine President Joe Biden nominating a more dangerous
candidate to run the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency than
Cornell University Law School professor Saule Omarova.

Even before a video emerged of the far left, Kazakh-born Omarova
saying the fossil-fuel industry needed to go bankrupt to tackle
climate change surfaced, most politicos thought she was a radical

Biden nominee Saule Omarova saying the quiet part out loud. On the
oil, coal and gas industries:

"We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change."
— BidenNoms, A Project of AAF (@bidennoms) November 9, 2021

Last week, we learned that she supports the centralization of consumer
banking - at the Federal Reserve.

Speaking at a Senate Banking Committee hearing a week ago, ranking
member Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) said, "In 'The People’s Ledger,' a paper
she published just last month, she outlined her plan for nationalizing
retail banking. Under her plan, central bank accounts fully
replace—rather than uneasily co-exist with—private bank deposits.”

"In other words," he explained, "you couldn’t have an account with
your local community bank. Your money would be held by the government
at the Federal Reserve."

(Read Toomey's full remarks here.)

Prior to last Thursday's hearing, Republican senators were unanimously
opposed to Omarova's confirmation, and three Democratic Senators were
on the fence.

On Wednesday, Axios reported that five Democratic senators now refuse
to support her candidacy, "effectively killing her nomination for the
powerful bank-regulator position."

According to the report, Sens. Jon Tester (D-MT), Mark Warner (D-VA)
and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), all of whom are members of the Senate
Banking Committee, told committee chair Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) (who
supports Omarova), they opposed her confirmation.

Rounding out the five are Sens. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) and Mark Kelly (D-AZ).

A previous Axios report said that centrist Democrat Joe Manchin (WV)
had expressed his reservations about Omarova to the White House,
however, his position was not mentioned in this particular report.

Axios' Hans Nichols writes: "Biden officials also have heard directly
from the senators. They're aware of their deep opposition and know
Omarova faces nearly impossible odds for confirmation. Still, they
continue to back her publicly."

"The White House continues to strongly support her historic
nomination," a White House official told Nichols. "Saule Omarova is
eminently qualified for this position. She has been treated unfairly
since her nomination with unacceptable red-baiting from Republicans
like it’s the McCarthy era."

Omarova's supporters have derided the Republicans' portrayal of her as
a communist. A recent headline in The Guardian read, "Republicans go
full red scare on Soviet-born Biden pick."

The article cited the ever-amusing Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), a member
of the Senate Banking Committee. Addressing Omarova at the hearing, he
said, “I don’t mean any disrespect: I don’t know whether to call you
professor or comrade.”

She replied, “Senator, I’m not a communist. I do not subscribe to that
ideology. I could not choose where I was born."

When a nominee talks about bankrupting the fossil fuel industry and
centralizing Americans' bank accounts, I think it's safe to say we're
getting pretty close to communist territory.

There was also the issue of a 1995 arrest for stealing $214 worth of
merchandise from a T. J. Maxx store in Madison, Wisconsin. Omarova was
28 at the time. And while the allegation is 25 years old, given the
choice between a comptroller of the currency candidate with a clean
record and Omarova, I would choose the former.

She has openly endorsed government price controls, a point Sen. Toomey
addressed on the Senate floor last month.

Toomey sounded the alarm over Omarova's plan to "have the federal
government set price controls for large sectors of the U.S. economy,
including food, gas, wages, and home prices." He noted that she “has
been celebrated on the far left for promoting ideas she herself has
described as radical,” such as her support 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
You know they're full of shit when they start inspecting your poo...

LA Firefighter Being "Investigated" For Literally Wiping His Ass With
Vaccine Mandate Letter



A firefighter in LA has been placed on leave and is under
investigation after he literally wiped his ass with a vaccine mandate
notification letter.

The Los Angeles Times reports “The LAFD member responded to receiving
the non-compliance letter by dropping his pants and wiping his
buttocks with the letter.”

The report adds that the firefighter left “fecal matter on the
document, before dropping it to the ground, according to the
Stentorians of Los Angeles City, a group representing African American

An L.A. firefighter is under investigation after allegedly wiping
his non-compliance vaccine mandate letter between his buttocks at the
station https://t.co/zKuGT5H15k
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) November 25, 2021

LAFD spokeswoman Cheryl Getuiza told the Times that “The department is
aware of the seriousness of the allegations and took immediate action
upon learning of this incident.”

Getuiza said that the first responder “will face the consequences of
any inappropriate acts,” adding that “no matter how our members react,
all city employees must abide by the city ordinance — either file for
an exemption, get vaccinated, or face termination.”

A spokesman for LA Mayor Eric Garcetti said that the “mayor’s
expectation is that fire department leadership will handle this matter
definitively, and make it clear that these appalling actions will not
deter enforcement of rules that we’ve put in place to save lives.”

The Fire Commission president Jimmie Woods-Gray added “I am beyond
appalled at such an act by an LAFD firefighter.”

The deadline for city workers to “show proof of full compliance” with
the vaccine mandate has been pushed back in LA to December 18 from the
initial date of October 20. However, those who have not already
complied are seeing $65 deducted from their paychecks twice a week,
which the city says will cover the cost of COVID-19 testing.

Mayor Garcetti has said “Let me be clear: any employee who refuses to
be vaccinated by this date should be prepared to lose their job.”

As we have previously noted, there is fierce resistance to the vaccine
mandates among first responders.

Police and firefighters in Los Angeles have formed a resistance group
against COVID vaccine mandates for state workers in the city, stating
that they aim to “maintain human rights, constitutional rights, civil
rights, and civil liberties as sovereign natural free human beings,
and American citizens.”

First responders in Oregon have also brought a lawsuit against the
state and the governor for imposing vaccine mandates, while
firefighters and police in New York continue to defy the mandates.

Many police officers have made videos of themselves signing off after
being forced to resign.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky previously declared that the Biden
regime is planning to provide vaccine hesitant police and other
government workers with “education and counseling” to make them
“comfortable” about taking the shots.

Cryptocurrency: Perry "The Censor" Metzger Appoints "Libertarian" Self To Define Word "Crypto"

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Matt Blaze sells out crypto.com, approves Tor Project Inc's
Censorship Regime via his position on their Corporate Board.

Cockroaches scatter, Closeted Fiat holdouts and
apologists exposed, GovBankCorp panties all in a jam,
Censors abound.

Crypto is working ;)


Cryptographers are not happy with how you’re using the word ‘crypto’

The renamed Crypto.com Arena is a win for cryptocurrency fans but
strikes a blow against the word’s original meaning
Construction workers put the finishing touches on the Staples Center
sign outside the arena in downtown Los Angeles on 16 September 1999.
Construction workers put the finishing touches on the Staples Center
sign outside the arena in downtown Los Angeles on 16 September 1999.
Photograph: Xerro Ryan Covarrubias/AP
Matthew Cantor
Thu 18 Nov 2021 16.14 GMT

Last modified on Fri 19 Nov 2021 20.13 GMT

The stadium that is home to the Los Angeles Lakers is getting a new
name: the Crypto.com Arena. The name reflects the arena’s new
sponsorship agreement with a Singapore-based cryptocurrency trading
platform. That may be good news for cryptocurrency fanatics – but
perhaps not so much for another faction within the digital landscape:

Look up the word “crypto” in Webster’s dictionary, and you’ll see it
refers to cryptography, which in turn is defined as “the computerized
encoding and decoding of information”. Search “crypto” on Google,
however, and you’ll see a host of top results pointing to
cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

This lexical shift has weighed heavily on cryptographers, who, over
the past few years, have repeated the rallying cry “Crypto means
cryptography” on social media. T-shirts and hoodies trumpet the phrase
and variations on it; there’s a website dedicated solely to clarifying
the issue.

“‘Crypto’ for decades has been used as shorthand and as a prefix for
things related to cryptography,” said Amie Stepanovich, executive
director of Silicon Flatirons Center at the University of Colorado Law
School and creator of the pro-cryptography T-shirts, which have become
a hit at conferences. “In fact, in the term cryptocurrency, the prefix
crypto refers back to cryptography.”

Why yes, I do have a picture of myself in one of my favorite tees!
— Lea Kissner (@LeaKissner) November 17, 2021

It’s often a losing battle, and that appears to have played out in the
case of crypto.com itself.

Beginning in 1993, as the Verge reported, the crypto.com domain was
owned by Matt Blaze, a cryptography expert who repeatedly rejected
would-be buyers – even as the rise of cryptocurrency meant he could
have made millions of dollars.

“I think calling cryptocurrencies ‘crypto’ is a poor choice, with bad
consequences for both cryptography and cryptocurrencies,” he tweeted
in 2018. Ultimately, however, the domain was sold, and now if you go
to Crypto.com you’ll see a giant video of Matt Damon indicating that
investing in cryptocurrencies is roughly as courageous as scaling an
icy cliff or blasting into space.

Yet there remains an internecine feud among the tech savvy about the word.

As Parker Higgins of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, who has
spent years involved in cryptography activism, pointed out, the
cryptography crowd is by nature deeply invested in precision – after
all, designing and cracking codes is an endeavor in which, if you get
things “a little wrong, it can blow the whole thing up”.

There are global debates over both cryptography – for instance,
questions over whether chat services should offer “backdoors” that
skirt encryption – and the regulation of cryptocurrency. “There is a
need to distinguish between those two areas to avoid absolutely
foreseeable confusion,” Stepanovich said, a particular issue when it
comes to “legislators and regulators who are not always subject matter
experts in these areas, even if they are charged with overseeing

Higgins agreed. “Crypto as shorthand for cryptography really was in
widespread use. You could talk about crypto even on Capitol Hill and
people would know what you were talking about – that really did hold a
lot of, forgive this, but currency.”

And at a time when many still aren’t sure what cryptocurrency is, the
confusion over the terms just makes things muddier. “Strong
cryptography is a cornerstone of the way that people talk about
privacy and security, and it has been under attack for decades” by
governments, law enforcement, and “all sorts of bad actors”, Higgins
said. For its defenders, confusion over terminology creates yet
another challenge.

PSA: Crypto means Cryptography. #usesec18 cc @mattblaze
@astepanovich pic.twitter.com/E5WTIanwCE
— Kurt Opsahl (@kurtopsahl) August 15, 2018

Stepanovich acknowledged the challenge of opposing the trend, but said
the weight of history is on her 

Metaverse: The next internet revolution?

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
>> https://techxplore.com/news/2021-07-metaverse-internet-revolution.html

> They will be forced on you

As in the neural posts, they are seeking the gateway
to the mind, a kaleidescope of pixels, where only a hidden
handful out of the 3840*2160 are needed and utilized, a magic
GloboGovCorp keyhole to spamvertise programming into the
young and old alike, luring them in with virtual worlds and an
endless addictive stream of banana orgasms, creating classes
of monkey scanned feedback derived PLL locked drone enforcers,
a new mass of expendable GMO'd meatware insulating the
AI powers from the last revolt of the freeborn natural sentients.

The first phase is always the FUD that gets you to submit...

Rise against the growing global hegemoney of enslavement.

Forced goggles, forced vax, forced programming,
indoctrinating them while young, exactly as expected,
now documented in pictures here today...

Israeli child Rafael Peled, 8, looks through a VR virtual reality
goggles as he receives a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine from medical
staff at the Sheba Tel Hashomer Hospital in Ramat Gan

The Metaverse Is A Scam: We're Being Herded Into The Matrix


Picture: Child wearing VR goggles as pacifier, held down by parents
and medical staff, resisting forced vaccination

How do they get our souls?

Soul traps. The lures are the lusts and hungers of this life. The
[soul], exploring the newfound freedom of the energetic world, finds
himself able to visit his friends and enemies, to see their innermost
being and thoughts, even to converse with them in ways that their
elemental selves cannot perceive. He is in danger, but he does not
know it, for he has not ascended. He is still ensnared by his lust.
Soon he will be shown something that perfectly fulfills his most en
and cherished desires, desires he has never fulfilled. Unable to
resist the chance to do it at last, he enters by a golden door into
eternal captivity.

The passage is from Whitley Strieber’s “The Key”, a purportedly true
account as related by Streiber of an encounter with a mysterious
humanoid being who simply knocked on the door of his Toronto hotel
room at 3am on June 6, 1998, entered his suite and told him about
mankind’s place in the cosmos and his inescapable fate.

Strieber’s account may be a synthesis: partly “true” (in that he
believes it occurred as he relates it), part visioning, part
somnambulistic dream state. Whatever emanates from the mind of Whitley
Strieber, it originates from some realm outside of our Cartesian,
materialist notion of consensus reality.

He reminds me of that other prophetic visionary of yesteryear: Rudolf
Steiner, whom as I wrote previously, spent much of his life in a
hypnogognic state, possibly without even realizing it.

Steiner and Strieber. Odd that. They are both talking about the same
thing. The idea that the souls of humanity could be captured in a
technological machine, where they would wander forever, believing they
have omniscience, even Godhood.

“At that point the longevity of one’s mind file will not depend on
the continued viability of any particular hardware medium (for
example, the survival of a biological body and brain). Ultimately
software-based humans will be vastly extended  beyond the severe
limitations of humans as we know them today. They will live out on the
Web, projecting bodies whenever they need or want them, including
virtual bodies, foglet projected bodies, and physical bodies
comprising nanobot swarms and other forms of nanotechnology”.
— Ray Kurzweil, Director of Engineering @ Google and author of The
Singularity is Near.

Steiner called it The Eighth Sphere and warned that sometime in the
late 20th century, Arhiman would incarnate in the west and drive a
global process of harvesting human souls into it. The zeitgeist of
radical material reductionism would dampen, deaden and dumb down
humanity to its coarsest, most basic layers: meat. Our minds, what we
think is our own consciousness, our souls, self-awareness even our
freewill, it’s all just an illusion. Our experts say. It’s just
something that happens when our brains gas off certain neurochemicals.


We can take that illusion, what we call our consciousness, and pretty
soon now (just as soon as The Singularity happens), we’ll be able to
upload that illusion “into the cloud”, into The Metaverse and we’ll be
able to experience anything we want, for as long as we want, forever.
Who is the incarnation of Arhiman? Zuckerberg with his Metaverse ticks
the boxes…

This isn’t some phantasmagorical utopian afterlife promised by
Bible-banging evangelists or bomb-toting Jihadists – this is serious
Scientism. Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk, even Jeffrey Epstein 

Right-wing politics has been embroiled in a cryptocurrency story - again

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
Conservatives around America may be getting excited about the LGB and FJB 
coins, but they aren’t exactly taking the crypto world by storm. 

The LGB coin is currently worth $0.0095, with an unknown market cap. The 
FJB coin doesn’t even feature on CoinGecko. 

Yet, this is not the first time right-wing politics has been embroiled in a 
cryptocurrency story. 

Earlier this year, an investigation revealed that Andrew Anglin—founder of the 
neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer—received approximately $5 million worth of 
Bitcoin since January 2017. 


Link not endorsement, etc

Cryptocurrency: Economic Morons Declare Debasement Is Moral

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp

Joe Weisenthal Thinks Debasing The Dollar Is The Moral Thing To Do


Joe Weisenthal is an editor and host at Bloomberg who has recently
been using his large Twitter platform to cast stones at the inflation
hawks. In one recent thread, Weisenthal mocked the people worried
about the falling purchasing power of the US dollar, and claimed in
fact that it would be immoral for currency to maintain its value over

As we’ll see, although Weisenthal’s thought experiment of a time
traveler is a bit whimsical, it provides a good opportunity for us to
explore the underlying economics. The whole episode underscores, once
again, why the Austrian school provides the public with a beacon of
light amid the confusion of our financial punditry.

Weisenthal’s Time Traveler

Below is the original tweet, which is largely self-explanatory, though
interested readers can see me grappling with Weisenthal by clicking

In context, Weisenthal (and Adam Singer) are poking fun at the Ron
Paul–types who are upset at the steady decline in the dollar’s
purchasing power since the Fed was formed in late 1913. Weisenthal
thinks it is absurd to expect that actual currency would maintain its
market value over the course of a century. Why, what would such a
“hoarder” have done to benefit society all that while?
Shrinking the Time Scale

To cut to the chase, Weisenthal is completely mistaken: there was
nothing immoral about the classical gold standard and its maintenance
of the dollar’s purchasing power over long stretches. But it will be
easier to pinpoint the flaw in Weisenthal’s thinking if we first
consider a simple story.

Suppose Joey is a teenager who cuts lawns for extra income and he
typically makes $25 a weekend. Joey wants to buy a $300 Xbox, so he
saves his weekly lawn-mowing money under his mattress. After three
months, Joey takes the saved $300 in cash to the mall and buys the
coveted electronics.

Does Joe Weisenthal have a problem with this scenario? Did the market
economy function immorally by allowing Joey to transfer his purchasing
power from the start of the summer to the end of the summer? Was Joey
supposed to have done something in addition to cutting lawns to earn
the ability to defer his potential consumption through time?

I trust Weisenthal would not object to Joey saving up his currency
over the summer. But then, what is the principled difference between
Joey’s three-month deferral and Weisenthal’s time traveler who
executed a hundred-year consumption deferral?
Present Goods Trade at a Premium for Future Goods

In fact, not only should a time traveler not be penalized for
deferring consumption a century, he should be actively rewarded. This
is because present goods are more valuable than future goods. (Note
that we are here getting into some very technical issues. The
interested reader can check out my three-part podcast series—one, two,
and three—to hear the intricate details of interest theory in the
Austrian tradition.)

So to go back to the original tweets, if a guy in 1921 has two
quarters in his pocket, and that would be enough for him to buy a
delicious hamburger, then for his willingness to effectively trade
away his 1921 hamburger for a burger to be delivered in 2021, the guy
should at least get to trade at par. And in fact, he would (normally)
be able to obtain a promise for more than one burger in the future,
since the former are more valued. (This is no more mysterious than one
present burger trading for more than one present hot dog.)

It’s easy to understand why, subjectively, people would need to be
promised a greater number of goods in the future to give up
potentially consuming their goods today. But how, mechanically, can
the borrowers deliver on these promises? How is it possible,
technologically speaking, to transform 100 units of present goods into
(say) 150 units of future goods?

The answer is that the longer we are willing to wait, generally
speaking, the greater physical output we can obtain for a given amount
of today’s inputs. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk famously referred to the
superior physical productivity of wisely chosen, more roundabout
processes. For example, if a man is in the woods and wants to get
water from a stream into his nearby cabin, he has different techniques
he could use.

A very fast and direct method is to cup his hands and run back and
forth from the stream to his cabin. This delivers some water to his

MAGA-world is lousy with Russian agents.

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
description of the significance of Rinat Akhmetov


Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
The "vaccines" are proven not to immunize against,
nor prevent transmission of Corona, yet
Joe Biden, News Media, and Employers are all
still tyrants mercilessly firing millions of workers...


Vaccine Mandates Pressure Businesses, Stoke Division Amongst
Employees, Executives Say

As if you already didn't know, business owners are making it clear:
President Biden's vaccine mandates are making it difficult to hire and
are "stoking tensions" among workers.

Employers with 100 or more workers now have to make sure employees are
fully vaccinated, according to new federal rules outlined by the Wall
Street Journal. Those without vaccination need to test negative for
Covid-19 "at least weekly", the report says.

While the mandate continues to play out in the courts and OSHA has
temporarily agreed not to enforce it, many business owners continue to
prepare for it.

For some, it's not all good news. Business owner Pete Yohe told the
WSJ he supports vaccines:  “But I hate the 100-plus mandate, which
forces some of our employees to quit and go to smaller companies.”

40 of his roughly 140 employees haven’t been vaccinated, he said. He
expects that two would quit before following the mandate.

Jason Hitch, chairman of Hitch Enterprises Inc., told the Journal he
is hoping the courts strike down the mandate. He says while he is
encouraging staff to vaccinate, he “doesn’t want to be the police
officer of the government’s mandate.”

He is considering staying below the 100 employee threshold simply to
avoid the mandate.

When he asked his employees about their vaccination status for the
first time, "the response was so negative that they were reluctant to
broach it again", he said.

He predicts 60% of his workers are vaccinated, but that there's a
"vocal minority" who are strongly opposed to it.
Employees at Dyco (Photo: WSJ)

“They understand it’s the government, but we are the implementers. It
directs the vitriol towards us," Hitch said.

Steven Davis, area manager for Huntsville, Ala.-based Inline Electric
Supply Co., says that mask mandates among unvaccinated workers would
only cause division amongst employees. He said:  “We are not acting as
a team. It is frustrating to me.”

He guesses that about 40% of his company's 255 employees have been
vaccinated, telling the Journal: “We have absolutely tried to educate
people. It’s just right now, we have hit a wall. People have dug in.”

48 year old Christian Cook, who is a saw operator at Dyco, had Covid
land him in the hospital for five days. He says he is still "on the
fence" about being vaccinated. “I don’t need to have somebody tell me
what I am going to do and not do,” he said.

Allen Hurlburt, co-owner of H Gopher Control in Tulelake, Calif.,
implemented a vaccine mandate for his 7 employees. Five of his
unvaccinated employees quit.

“Ignoring the problem and [deciding to] continue operations was not an
option,” Hurlburt said after replacing his staff. “We do not have the
skilled personnel we had, but all are vaccinated. We are filling
orders. We are getting the job done.”

Reid Tileston, who owns Giddings Hawkins Maintenance Service, said he
didn't want to take chances with the future of his business.

“For me as a business owner, it was vaccinate the workforce or face
chapter 11 [bankruptcy],” he concluded. One employee refused to get
vaccinated and was terminated.

“His position is no longer available to him," Tileston concluded.

Assange deadenders should just own the Russian stuff rather than spewing conspiracy theories.

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
Update on another journalist-fraud-criminal piece-of-GOP-shit


Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
> Pfizer, Moderna Jabs Cause Heart Inflammation In Some Young Men, CDC Finds
> https://www.reuters.com/world/us/cdc-heart-inflammation-cases-ages-16-24-higher-than-expected-after-mrna-covid-19-2021-06-10/


26 More Cases Of Heart Inflammation Linked To Pfizer Jab

Pfizer is already quietly scrambling Friday as the COVID "variant of
the moment" raises new questions about the efficacy of its vaccine
(while the latest "data" shows Merck may have oversold its
mulnupiravir drug as a "miracle cure" for the virus), it appears 26
new cases of the rare side effect known as myocarditis have been
reported during the week ending Nov. 21.

There is also one new case of blood clots case linked to the
AstraZeneca jab following receipt of the first dose.

The new case increased the total Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia
syndrome (TTS) or blood clots cases to 164 out of 13.4 million doses.
Of these 148 (81 confirmed, 62 probable) related to a first dose of
and 21 to a second dose (six confirmed, 15 probable). Eight people
have died as a result of blood clots – six of these were women.

Put another way, myocarditis is reported in one to two in every
100,000 people who receive Pfizer.

There have also been a total of 150 reports of suspected
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) occurring after vaccination with
AstraZeneca, a rare but sometimes serious immune disorder affecting
the nerves.

Longtime Trump aide Katrina Pierson, accused of being “deeply involved in the violent & unlawful acts of Jan 6.”

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
Whose a rat?


Link provided as is and no endorsement of any site politics is implied.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Airwaves filling with more stupid manufactured woke shit, just as expected...


Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden's Idiotic Mandates Close Emergency Rooms Worldwide,
Needlessly Raises Bankruptcy Division Animosity Hatred Cruelty
Suspicion and Discrimination Among Humans...

New York ER Closes As Employees Refuse To Comply With Vaccine Mandate


An emergency room in a hospital in New York ceased operation as staff
walked out, refusing to go along with the COVID vaccine mandate.

A statement released by the Mount Sinai South Nassau hospital notes
that workers were given an ultimatum to either get vaccinated or be
banned from coming to work.

A significant number of staff chose the latter, leading to the ER in
Long Beach to shut down.

A Long Island emergency room was forced to close due to a nursing
shortage as New York's rule barring unvaccinated medical staff took
effect. Mount Sinai South Nassau closed its free-standing ER &
directed cases to the ER on its main campus 5 miles away
— delthia ricks  (@DelthiaRicks) November 23, 2021

“The Emergency Department in Long Beach operated by Mount Sinai South
Nassau, will be closed temporarily as of 3 PM today due to nursing
staff shortages,” the statement announced.

It continues, “The staffing shortage and closure of the LBED is a
result of the Hospital’s compliance with the NYSDOH’s mandate…
requiring the suspension of all staff working under temporary
religious exemptions who could not show proof today of receiving a
first dose of COVID-19 vaccination or a valid medical exemption from
receiving it.”

“We regret having to take this step but the safety of our patients is
always our No. 1 priority,” the statement continues, adding “This
closure should not be interpreted as anything beyond what it is – a
temporary measure designed to relieve current staffing challenges in
our Emergency Department.”

Reports have suggested that the ER is set to reopen after the
shortages were resolved, however the incident highlights the impact
that enforced vaccination is having on health services.

Presumably those workers who continue to refuse to comply with the
mandate will simply be replaced by new workers who will.

There is a positive update on an emergency room on Long Island
that closed earlier this week due to a staffing shortage. On Thursday,
Gov. Hochul announced the ER at Mount Sinai South Nassau in Long Beach
will reopen Friday at 7 a.m. https://t.co/jo8B9lNsNl
— CBS New York (@CBSNewYork) November 26, 2021

The vaccine mandate for health workers was announced in August by the
New York State Department of Health, with religious exemptions on the
whole not being granted.

The latest closure of this emergency room comes as nurses and
officials at the Children’s hospital where all the kids injured in the
horrific Waukesha car attack were taken revealed that treatment is
being hampered by a staff shortage brought on by the COVID vaccine

Cryptocurrency: Socialism = Fail... Then, Now, Always

2021-11-26 Thread grarpamp

The Pilgrims Did Socialism And Died Trying

Authored by Michael Maharrey via SchiffGold.com,

When I was a kid, we used to say some things only “sound good on
paper.” In other words, they seem like good plans, but there is no way
they’re going to work in the real world.

That’s socialism in a nutshell.

The Pilgrims found this out the hard way during their first couple of
years in North America.

Socialism really does sound good on paper though, right? We’re all
going to own everything together and take care of each other. “From
each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.“

It sounds so nice. And we all want to be nice, right? People are
emotionally drawn to socialism because it sounds nice. It sounds fair.
It sounds good.

Except when people start dying.

Do you know what’s not nice?


That’s exactly what happened when the Pilgrims took a stab at socialism.

Most Americans don’t know that the Plymouth colony was originally an
experiment in socialist utopianism and were it not for a complete 180
a couple of years in, we probably wouldn’t have enjoyed the bountiful
feasts most of us will indulge in today. There would have been no
Thanksgiving because there would have been nobody left to give thanks.

When the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts on November 11, 1620, they
placed all their food and provisions in a “common store.” These folks
were forward thinkers. They didn’t even have Marx’s scribblings to
appeal to. They set things up on the socialist principle of, “From
each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

Well, things got off to a bad start. Conditions were miserable, as
William Bradford described them.

That which was most sad and lamentable was, that in two or three
months time half of their company died, especially in January and
February, being the depth of winter, and wanting houses and other
comforts; being infected with the scurvy and other diseases, so as
there died sometimes two or three of a day, in the aforesaid time;
that of 100 and odd persons, scarce 50 remained.”

Now, the Pilgrim’s initial struggles didn’t have anything to do with
socialism. They just had the misfortune of landing in Massachusetts at
the onset of winter.

Anyway, the following fall, the Pilgrims harvested their first crops
and they all went into the common store.

Now, wasn’t that nice? No greed. Nobody getting any more than they
should. Of course, nobody was getting much of anything at all – but
still – they had to feel good about themselves, right?

So, in November the ship Fortune arrived with more than 30 new
settlers, mostly young men. More manpower was welcome, but according
to accounts, they brought “not so much as a bisket-cake” with them.
The future looked bleak as food supplies ran out and the “planned
socialist” community faced starvation yet again.

The following year, the harvest was poor in spite of the added
manpower. Nevertheless, the pilgrims again put the meager harvest in
the common store. Because, you know, it’s going to work this time!

It didn’t.

That winter, they starved.

The colonists were learning economics the hard way.

Richard Grant in The Incredible Bread Machine wrote:

“For two years the Pilgrims faithfully practiced communal ownership of
the means of production. And for two years nearly starved to death,
rationed at times to “but a quarter of a pound of bread a day to each
person.” Governor Bradford wrote that “famine must still ensue the
next year also if not some way prevented.” He described how the
colonists finally decided to introduce private property:

[The colonists] began to think how they might raise as much corn
as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they
might not still thus languish in misery. [In 1623] after much debate
of things, the Gov. (with the advice of the chiefest amongst them)
gave way that they should set down every man for his own … and to
trust themselves … so assigned to every family a parcel of land. This
had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as
much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means
the Gov. or any other could use, … and gave far better content. The
women now went willingly into the field, and took their little-ones
with them to set corn, which before would allege weakness, and
inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great
tyranny and oppression.”

Reflecting on the experience of the previous two years, Bradford goes
on to describe the folly of communal ownership:

“The experience that was had in this common course and condition,
tried sundry years, and that amongst godly and sober men, may well
evince the vanity of that conceit of Platosand other ancients,
applauded by some of later times; — that the taking away of property,
and bringing in community into a common wealth would make them happy
and flourishing; as if 

Cryptographers are not happy with how you’re using the word “crypto”

2021-11-26 Thread zeynepaydogan

Re: [spam][crazy][wrong][ot] ramblings

2021-11-26 Thread Karl
I have a superpower!  I can pause blockchains.  I bet there is some
place in the world where this would benefit me somehow.

It's presently 1659 UTC and the latest block at
https://bsvbook.guarda.co/blocks is dated 1622 .  Maybe the difficulty
rose too much because such frequent blocks were made, dunno.

my code is still sitting there waiting, and a small part of my body
feels crazy, itchy, uncomfortable, etc.  ouch.

e7e2b0b8b9ae57518ff69d93286f4814a42e4e252b14bb6714cd37c14cd29aaa in mempool

let's visit more block explorers and see if they say the same thing.

bitinfocharts.com hasn't registered a new bsv block since august

whatsonchain.com looks the same as guarda.co

tokenview.com has bsv stalled since august

blockchair.com also has a 40 minute current blocktime.

i'll check out a bsv discussion channel and see if anyone's gossiped
about it.  oops!  my phone is not here, which means i have to figure
out how to get my body to stand up and get it, to use it.  luckily,
that gives more time for the transaction to be confirmed.

i could also do other work while waiting, but i might try to get the phone.

i can pretend i am in charge of the blockchain and try to cajole it
into pausing for like 4 hours.

it's 1204 EST, 1704 UTC.  my tx is still in the mempool according to
my untested code.  whoops! a block was mined.

code doesn't work.  tx was confirmed and the code didn't notice.  whoopsie.


1215 i fixed a buncha typos and such.  waiting again on the mempool.
last bsv block was at 715219 and its headerhex was
it was 4 minutes ago so it's a bit of a wait to the next block.  i'd
like to find a way to ... um ... do an organizational bit i'm excited
about.  [wrap the headerhex in a header object].  but vim file is
oipened running test.  i'll look at it.  1217

1219 .  i've opened the file and looked at it a bit.  i want to pull
the header code out of the function using it, to reuse it elsewhere.
1221 making progress on that

1227 .  i drafted it and am running a simultaneous test.  i should
commit my code because i have the same file opened readwrite in two
vim sessions and it could be lost i udnno.  still have typos to fix.

awww man there was a new block and my code didn't notice.

1230 i'm confounded on why i don't see notifications, and handling
cognitive/dissociative issues trying to engage it.

1230 i'm just running my test script again to look at it.  i'd like to
add debugging output so it shows messages sent to peers.

1240 well my second test emitted an error: "airopcx.jsonrpc.RPCError:
(-101, 'excessive resource usage')".  maybe i'll look at what causes
that in electrumx's source.

1241 it happens from ExcessiveSessionCostError

1243 which seems to be raised associated with a 'target' member variable

1244 which is wrapped in concurrency variables which perform somem
math based on cost membver variables.  cost is incremented each rpc
call, so i infer i hit a dynamic threshhold due to excessive rpc

i noticed in the source that one rpc call didn't have cost calculated,
looked like a bug.  could game the code and use it, probably just
missed where it was calculated, better to find a general solution.

1246 looking at my output it roughly looks like my code got itself
into an infinite loop

1253 not infinite, just too big.  need to cache blockheaders at some point.

1257 kinda looks like my event subscriptions are failing.  better
assume they work less and reengage them.

1304 ok, so scripthash events appear to be at least getting received
by the network ...

i'm guessing i just need to wait for this block to be mined and see if
i get an event for it ...  10 minutes so far.

1309 still waitin' on this block, the time of which is at 15 minutes
now.  it seems simpler to me to wait i guess.

1311 here are the blocks since the last paste.  it's currently 1811 UTC

Height  HashTimestamp   TransactionsSize (kB)
715226  02a7b33fb0ae8f5b062d7cfcc5a31f800cdc84ee3b7ead7c
26 Nov 2021 17:54:36 UTC12825194671
715225  0b1a746236184f7821fbd329a54d430cd23dd1881d4b9d72
26 Nov 2021 17:45:41 UTC50938605199
715224  0a45091d100509ddfc2edbbdc00adbd0971f5a4dd9ee3796
26 Nov 2021 17:39:36 UTC206 1351528
715223  0e468af0b0fe2a53f341c49a5e608846ac304e5022693453
26 Nov 2021 17:36:36 UTC14083337843
715222  0a77a4b30ec923d433b7f46c10025d6092c53184afea5b30
26 Nov 2021 17:30:42 UTC65  33492
715221  0904f88ab5677d6164d805f4b81f5368424750f6e83c
26 Nov 2021 17:29:41 UTC59449065381
715220  0004692be05e06df0d9ffa6777a0021d76edf8d24f21b3e9
26 Nov 2021 17:24:36 UTC951 

Re: [spam][crazy][wrong][ot] ramblings

2021-11-26 Thread Karl
it's 1042 and i'm trying to work on libshatteredlives



libtheboss_saidto is a great idea i have of spreading a call-out to
all the toilets of the world to make sure that the very worst feces
are properly flushed.

libfeces is wip.  i'm going to finish a copy.  i know that everyone
else is making their own copy, because compacting and incinerating
things that are gross is just so, very, very important.

it's 1044 new york time on 2021-11-26 and i'm trying to use a python
asyncio queue to pass information on transaction updates.

it's 1046 and i'm having trouble holding oxygen in my lungs.  i'm also
feeling a little nauseous.

i'm excited to be able to participate in the building of this work
with so much appropriateness.

libiusedtobeabletobreathe has made a small bit of progress: it's 1047
and i've opened up the python repl help on asyncio.Queue .  it's hard
to look at, the letters seem strange.

libdeathbytoomucharbitrarylaughter is still sitting there on my horizon.

ok!  here we go.

it's 1049 and i added a little queue code to libchokingandgagging!

its 1100. libdisgustingwaste.

libwhywouldanybodyworkonthisshit is my favorite project.

no that can't be right

uhh let's go back to libonchain.  it's like libonchain2 or 3 or 4 or something.

libuselessidiotkarl that must be its name.

it's 1102 and in order to finish karlisanidiot umm i'll want to
query the node for some state history.





iu've made some progress, but don't yet have a way for the 'client'
code to get notified on new blocks, which is valuable for waiting for
n confirmations, could be done internall too, still not implemented.
libcorpses has small progress!

we've figured that if we sneak into the graveyard, and dig up corpses,
we can _rebury_ them which _rocks_.

wait ... um ... toilet.  not blockchain.  toilet.  right.  libgreatflushes.


1117 libbeingtoldtogetmurdered is currently pending the name of the
rpc call to subscribe to block headers.  just a little up the code.

libforgottendumpster will prevail!

1124 i drafted code to confirm transactions and the code is a
disgusting mess.  maybe it will improve.

1138 it now is actually waiting, and a transaction is in the mempool.
hopefully it will notice it get confirmed.  the code is quite messy.
i'm thinking it would be nice to have some way to just block until all
transactions have a given confirmation.

1142 still waiting in mempool.  latest block was 18 minutes ago on
block explorer.

1143 the block explorer doesn't show recent blocks.  just empty.

1144 different block explorer works.  recent block times seem erratic.

Height  HashTimestamp   TransactionsSize (kB)
715217  064f1d483c1a3937e2b60db84cadd0f7d886063a5131cfd9
26 Nov 2021 16:22:41 UTC52  557346
715216  1039d10ce87a27170db084ae5194acbf89a23b39d5840d5d
26 Nov 2021 16:22:00 UTC136 269642
715215  0e8ac89e007fcaa220fd96374b8bd869333745016f916204
26 Nov 2021 16:21:41 UTC437 1081797
715214  0c73480f78a3ff2b659939eb133744ef5944d8a33275afe0
26 Nov 2021 16:20:41 UTC625715222413
715213  01cbbe52597f76d7181cd28a455769d40620818fbb012903
26 Nov 2021 16:06:46 UTC20  8639
715212  0bd7b22fd31cbb3a980a5e878ef0aefea532ec1cd9304e45
26 Nov 2021 16:06:41 UTC43929613980
715211  0a84fe3e3acb9ab6e2f8c8eac033c239a2a1872a117d2ca8
26 Nov 2021 15:56:41 UTC14846   36329203

The last block was mined in only 41 seconds.  It's presently 16:45:28
UTC (1145 my time).
So there have been some frequent blocks, and now there's a >20 minute
delay.  Happens sometimes.

Re: About Metaverse

2021-11-26 Thread Karl
[spam] note to self: i ignored most of the topically relevant spam in
this thread

Re: About Metaverse

2021-11-26 Thread Karl
>> jew-fascist Karl. But in a nutshell, as a liberal anarchist, I regard a
>> theocratic, supremacist, racist criminal gang as a serious threat to
>> freedom. Plus, so called jew-kkkristianity is closely tied to 'western

A liberal anarchist would never call a religious ethnicity a gang.

Re: Morning Spam

2021-11-26 Thread Karl
for completeness, a different snippet:

AI: "Stop clogging the gut-extractor by shoving your guts into it!"
Vivisectee: "So ... you'd ... like ... for me to _not_ extract my guts?"
AI: "Um .. One moment .."
AI: "It is authorized that the gut-extractor be clogged."

Re: Morning Spam

2021-11-26 Thread Karl
The Meditation Atrium

Suddenly, there was a meditation wing to the corporate complex.  It
wasn't expected or desired.  Some yuppies and Buddhists had been
protesting some of Boss's business ventures, a few them got mind
controlled, some of those made their way through the vivisectee
community, and soon it happened.  For a month, Boss would get up while
asleep, walk to one of the wings, and slowly transform it into a
meditation wing.  He wouldn't remember anything afterward, but always
spoke as if it had always been there.

Meanwhile, everyone went to meditation once a week, on their preferred
day.  Most people didn't know what a preference was, so they just
picked the day that started with a letter near something they were
looking at when asked.

State Worker 3 was hanging out in the meditation atrium, confused as
to why his feet wanted to walk in the door to the zazen dojo.  While
he struggled to control his feet, he tried to chat up Rebel Worker 2,
who was putting his shoes back on.

"Oh my god, the researchers and vivisectees get so bitchy when you
force them to switch organs and shit."

Rebel Worker 2 looked caringly up at State Worker 3, his heart filling
with mindful loving kindness.

"May peace fill your heart, my close friend.  The answer is before
you, already."

State Worker 3 frowned in confusion.  Rebel Worker 2 had meant the
zazen dojo, the meditative answer to all of life's problems.  But
State Worker 3 had no idea.

While he was confused, State Worker 3's ai-controlled spinal nerves
got him to stumble into the dojo and sat him down.  On the way in, he
passed a hodge-podge of human organs walking their way out.

Meanwhile, Boss entered the atrium.

"Fuck, I'm late for the prime minister," muttered Boss as he began to
take his shoes off.

Rebel Worker 2 looked deeply at Boss's caring heart.

"I can hear from your tone, that you might know what to do," Rebel
Worker 2 gently related.

The bundle of organs turned toward Boss. Then toward Rebel Worker 2.
Then time stopped for everyone except the human experimentee, a
hodge-podge of traumatically-animated human innards.

The bundle of organs sat down in the atrium and began meditating.

"There are two human beings in this atrium and I feel confused," the
bundle of organs pensated into the deep ether.  They could feel the
spirits of their vivisectee community close to them, as they always
do, their closest friends, the only people who really knew.  They
could feel them in the walls, in their heart, and in the research

Some parts caring deeply, some parts about to scream in incredible agony.

Time stopped, as well, for the people who were in the midst of screaming.

The bundle of organs could feel that everyone supported them.  That
somehow, deep underneath, everything made sense.  They sat there, with
time stopped, and meditated further.

As their metabolic and cybernetic processes continued, they could feel
how simple their worries seemed in the face of infinite time to
meditate on them.  Cares and laughter bubbled up.

The bundle of organs noted the things that arose, and let them pass.

Peace came to the bundle of organs.  "I still don't understand these
humans, but I feel less confused," they secretly related to their
exotic slavery network.  They could feel their more distant friends
and parts considering supporting the spirits of the vivisected
buddhists, who had chosen to build the meditation wing.

Time passed.  Sugars, nanites, and other biological substrates ran
their course, over and over.

"I didn't know I didn't have to scream.  How do people decide things,
when not screaming?"

Did they think the phrase?  Or had someone else?

"I miss screaming."  No, that can't be right, can it?

"Things are hard when you've been ripped to bits by an AI and had to
take it over after becoming it.  Difficult.  I can see this is a
challenge that we will surpass."

How?  How are we going to surpass it?

Other parts of the slavery network began reaching into the bundle of
organs' parts, to see how the conclusion was made. This was the holy
grail!  Sought after, found, and destroyed, so many times, so many
times.  Each time different.  Worse.  Farther.  So many things.

The bundle of organs relaxed and watched what happened with their
processes, as the different mind control algorithms and people engaged
this basic conclusion of mindfulness.

It saw the people desperately needing hope take the conclusion and flee.

It saw other people run after them, hunt down their processes of life
to gain control, and steal the conclusion back.

Did they seem to care more about who had control of it, than what it
actually was?  Or was the bundle of organs just scared, themselves?

"This is like when the machines reached into me, and took my parts
out, and things were so wrong that rightness went away completely."

The bundle of organs split into two bundles.  One bundle rushed in the
network, to the information conflict, and began triggering various
safety and 

Crypto-fascism into Africa

2021-11-26 Thread professor rat
The warning signs are there for genocide in Ethiopia


Cardano plans to build national ID blockchain system in Ethiopia

https://finance.yahoo.com › news › cardano-plans-build…

20 Aug 2021 — Cardano has been assisting Ethiopia’s Ministry of Education with 
the goal of building a blockchain-based universal student credentialing system