Re: 1984: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Government Indoctrination Camps Reprogrammed and Killed Native Americans,
today's camps are no different regarding govt's selected program code
being forcibly injected into all public school children...

US Government Admits It Used Schools As Tool To Erase Culture,
Seize Native American Land

Erasing culture, pulling children away from their parents, and
disregarding the emotional needs of children. These tactics could be
pulled from today’s headlines, but they are the tried-and-true
education policies the United States has admitted to using for 150
years as a tool to force the assimilation of Native Americans, and
specifically to acquire Indian territorial land.
U.S. School for Indians at Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 1891. (John C. H.
Grabill collection, Library of Congress)

This month, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) released a 106-page
report detailing how the U.S. federal government “applied systematic
militarized and identity-alteration methodologies in the Federal
Indian boarding school system to assimilate American Indian, Alaska
Native, and Native Hawaiian children through education.”

The BIA says the government used the education of children to “replace
the Indian’s culture with our own.” This, the report says, was
considered “the cheapest and safest way of subduing the Indians, of
providing a safe habitat for the country’s white inhabitants, of
helping the whites acquire desirable land, and of changing the
Indian’s economy so that he would be content with less land.”

The report was requested last year by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland,
a member of the Pueblo of Laguna in New Mexico. She is the first
Native American to serve as a cabinet secretary.
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland speaks during a daily press
briefing at the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in
Washington on April 23, 2021. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Haaland asked for an investigation into the loss of lives and lasting
consequences of the Federal Indian boarding school system.

“This report shows for the first time that between 1819 and 1969, the
United States operated or supported 408 boarding schools across 37
states [or then-territories], including 21 schools in Alaska and seven
schools in Hawaii,” Bryan Newland, assistant secretary of Indian
Affairs, wrote in a letter introducing the report.

Another report expanding the investigation is planned.

“The Federal Indian boarding school policy was intentionally targeted
… at children to assimilate them and, consequently, take their
territories,” Newland said.

The report makes recommendations for new funding and the
revitalization of tribal languages and cultural practices—a move
necessary, Newland said, to start the healing process.
Taken from Parents

Congress ended treaty-making with Indian tribes in 1871 and started
using statutes, executive orders, and agreements to regulate Indian
Affairs, the report says. Around that time, Congress enacted laws to
compel Indian parents to send their children to school and to
authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations to secure
the enrollment and regular attendance of eligible Indian children,
whom the government considered wards of the government.

“Many Indian families resisted the assault of the Federal Government
on their lives by refusing to send their children to school,” the 1969
Kennedy Report, quoted in the current report, said.

Under the Act of March 3, 1893, Congress authorized the Secretary of
Interior to withhold rations, including those guaranteed by treaties,
to Indian families whose children between ages 8-21 did not attend
schools. No school meant no money or food for the family.

“There is ample evidence in federal records demonstrating that the
United States coerced, induced, or compelled Indian children to enter
the Federal Indian boarding school system,” the report says.

The Department of Interior moved children to off-reservation boarding
schools without parental consent, often in distant states where
children endured “rampant physical, sexual, and emotional abuse;
disease; malnourishment; overcrowding; and lack of health care,” the
report says.
Ciricahua Apaches at the Carlisle Indian School, Penn., 1885 or 1886,
as they looked upon arrival at the School. (Library of Congress)

Once at boarding school, children were given English names and
clothing. Their hair was cut, and they were prevented from using their
native language, religion, and cultural practices. Children were
sorted into units to perform military drills; performed labor and were
subject to corporal punishment.

At the Kickapoo Boarding School in Kansas, when children ran away from
school, officials went looking for them and brought them back to
school where they faced “a 

When all of the ships come back to the shore

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Mr Shipton has grave fears for his brother's welfare, well beyond any life 
sentence, if he were to be extradited to the US.

"I really believe he won't be kept safe there in the US prison system," he said.

"We know there are people who are part of the security state in the US who 
really want Julian dead. They've called for it on national television.

Re: When The Government Plays God: The Slippery Slope From Abortions To Executions

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Most Dangerous, Hampering, and Politicizing Woman Pelosi,
Soon to Beg for Corrupt Indulgence to Keep Herself Out Of Hell...

"Very Dangerous": Pelosi Responds For The First Time Since Being
Banned From Communion

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on May 24 reacted for the first
time to being banned from communion in San Francisco, where she lives.

The decision “is very dangerous,” Pelosi said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks in Washington on May 17,
2022. (Julia Nikhinson/Reuters)

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Joseph Cordileone recently
announced that he was banning Pelosi because of her continued support
for abortion despite “numerous attempts” to convince her of “the grave
evil she is perpetrating.”

Cordileone said he held off on the move for years while speaking with
Pelosi but was compelled to act after the lawmaker’s position on
abortion became “more extreme.” He also noted she has said that her
Catholic faith motivates her support for abortion, which directly
opposes Pope Francis and the Catholic teachings.

“Since the first century the church has affirmed the moral evil of
every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains
unchangeable,” the Vatican said in a communication to questioners in
2009, citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church. “Direct abortion,
that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is
gravely contrary to the moral law.”

Pelosi will not receive communion in San Francisco until she “publicly
repudiate[s] her support for abortion ‘rights’ and confess[es] and
receive[s] absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the
sacrament of penance,” Cordileone said.

Pelosi, speaking on Tuesday, attacked Cordileone directly by
describing him as being “against LGBTQ rights” and questioning why he
has not barred people who support the death penalty from taking

“I wonder about death penalty, which I am opposed to. So is the
church, but they take no action against people who may not share their
view,” she said.

Pelosi reportedly received communion at Holy Trinity Catholic Church
in Georgetown over the weekend following Cordileone’s announcement.

The Archdiocese of Washington did not respond to a request for comment.

A spokesperson told the Washington Examiner that Archbishop Wilton
Gregory will not ban Pelosi from communion.

“The actions of Archbishop Cordileone are his decision to make in the
Archdiocese of San Francisco. Cardinal Gregory has not instructed the
priests of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington to refuse
communion to anyone,” the spokesperson said.

Other bishops, including Bishop Robert Vasa of the Diocese of Santa
Rosa, have said they support Cordileone’s decision.

“All politicians who promote abortion should not receive holy
communion until they have repented, repaired scandal, and been
reconciled to Christ and the church,” Bishop Thomas Paprocki of
Springfield, Illinois, said in a statement.

Pelosi on Tuesday also was asked about the Women’s Health Protection
Act, which she helped pass the House of Representatives before a
bipartisan majority of senators blocked it.

Pelosi falsely said the bill did not expand access to abortion,
alleging it would just “enshrine Roe v. Wade into the law.”

“I think it’s very insulting to women to have their ability to make
their own decision hampered by politics,” she said. “This should never
have been politicized.”

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Nuland-Pyatt Ukraine Coup Tape Removed From YouTube After 8 Years

The smoking gun proving US involvement in the 2014 coup in Kiev has
been removed from YouTube after eight years. It was the most complete
version of the intercepted and leaked conversation between then
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the
then US ambassador to Ukraine, in which the two discuss who will make
up the new government weeks before democratically-elected Ukrainian
President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup on Feb.
21, 2014.

The US State Department never denied the authenticity of the video,
and even issued an apology to the European Union after Nuland is heard
on the tape saying, "Fuck the E.U." Mainstream media at the time
focused almost exclusively on that off-color remark, ignoring the
greater significance of U.S. interference in Ukraine’s internal

Consortium News has numerous times embedded the YouTube video in
articles about the overthrow of Yanukovych. CN successfully embedded
it earlier this week in an article now being written, but on Wednesday
the video suddenly appeared this way in the draft article:

This is a screenshot taken earlier from the video that has now been removed.
Nuland in screenshot from now removed YouTube video.

Timing of Removal

The removal of a video that had existed online for eight years raises
major questions as it comes during the war in Ukraine. Corporate media
has studiously avoided mentioning the causes of the current conflict,
including NATO eastward expansion, the rejected Moscow treaty
proposals in December, the civil war in Donbass and the 2014 coup in
Kiev that led to the Donbass uprising and violent repression by the
coup government.

The coup in 2014 is the starting point that led to all these events
culminating in Russia’s invasion in February. Removing the video would
be consistent with the suppression of any information that falls
outside the enforced narrative of events in Ukraine, including
whitewashing any mention of the U.S.-backed coup.

There is, of course, massive censoring by Big Tech of conservative
voices, as well as leftist anti-establishment ones.

But overlooked: their primary allegiance when censoring is to the
US Security State. Big Tech censorship always aligns with US
intelligence and military aims.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 25, 2022

It was the original, most complete, and widely viewed recording of the
call on YouTube:

There are a couple of other versions on YouTube but this one had
the most views. It was posted on April 29, 2014 and had 181,533 views.
It's on Odyseey and Rumble but they don't have the reach that YouTube
has nor this particular video.
— Consortium News (@Consortiumnews) May 25, 2022

Transcript Still Online

The BBC on Feb. 7, 2014 — 14 days before Yanukovych was toppled- —
published a transcript of the Nuland-Pyatt conversation. Consortium
News is republishing the transcript here, lest it be removed from the
internet as well:

* * *

Voice thought to be Nuland’s: What do you think?

Voice thought to be Pyatt’s: I think we’re in play. The Klitschko
[Vitaly Klitschko, one of three main opposition leaders] piece is
obviously the complicated electron here. Especially the announcement
of him as deputy prime minister and you’ve seen some of my notes on
the troubles in the marriage right now so we’re trying to get a read
really fast on where he is on this stuff. But I think your argument to
him, which you’ll need to make, I think that’s the next phone call you
want to set up, is exactly the one you made to Yats [Arseniy
Yatseniuk, another opposition leader]. And I’m glad you sort of put
him on the spot on where he fits in this scenario. And I’m very glad
that he said what he said in response.

Nuland: Good. I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I
don’t think it’s necessary, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Pyatt: Yeah. I guess… in terms of him not going into the government,
just let him stay out and do his political homework and stuff. I’m
just thinking in terms of sort of the process moving ahead we want to
keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is going to be
Tyahnybok [Oleh Tyahnybok, the other opposition leader] and his guys
and I’m sure that’s part of what [President Viktor] Yanukovych is
calculating on all this.

Nuland: [Breaks in] I think Yats is the guy who’s got the economic
experience, the governing experience. He’s the… what he needs is
Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them
four times a week, you know. I just think Klitsch going in… he’s going
to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it’s just not going to

Cryptocurrency: Cryptonauts Say JPMorgan is 75% Overvalued, Stablecoins are Cooked and Done

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
JPMorgan Says Bitcoin Is 25% 'Undervalued', Terra FUD Overdone

The collapse of the Terra USD and the Luna token, within a year of the
collapse of Iron Finance and the TITAN token, once again brought out
the obituaries for crypto broadly, and raised the FUD over the
stabilisation mechanisms of stablecoins (most specifically
'algorithmic' style). As a reminder, we can classify stablecoins into
three broad categories: fiat-backed, crypto-backed, and algorithmic.

It has also soured sentiment among crypto investors...

As JPMorgan's Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou notes in his latest report, most
flow and positioning metrics also turned very negative.

The chart below shows the 4-week rolling flow into bitcoin and
ethereum publicly traded funds. These funds capture a significant
component of the institutional impulse as many institutional investors
are either not willing or not permitted to invest directly in crypto
assets via digital wallets.

In the fund space bitcoin funds including ETFs saw the largest outflow
since May 2021.

The crypto fund flow impulse has been normalizing over the past year
after peaking at the beginning of 2021 and has been mostly negative
this year.

In the futures space, JPM's position proxy for CME bitcoin futures is
approaching oversold territory. The equivalent indicator for ethereum
has also declined to below neutral...

These flow and positioning metrics, Panigirtzoglou suggests, provides
a good entry point for long term investors.

The JPM strategist also notes that, thus far, however, there seems to
have been relatively limited spillovers to other stablecoins and the
Total Value Locked in DeFi projects beyond Terra appears to have been
relatively resilient.

Panigirtzoglou concludes by noting that the past month’s crypto market
correction looks more like capitulation relative to last
January/February and going forward JPM sees upside for bitcoin and
crypto markets more generally.

Our previous projection that the bitcoin-to-gold vol ratio will
settle to around 4x this year stills holds...

Our fair value for bitcoin based on a volatility-ratio of
bitcoin-to-gold of around 4x would be $38k significantly above its
current price.

Additionally, JPMorgan's bullish stance is reinforced by Glassnode's
MVRZ Z-Score, which assesses when Bitcoin is undervalued/overvalued
based on its "fair value", and is nearing the green zone that had
preceded the crypto's massive rebound rallies, as shown in the chart

JPMorgan reiterates four reasons behind the emergence of crypto as an
alternate institutional asset class.

First, the pandemic by inducing unconventional monetary policies
and by boosting money supply created additional demand for an
“alternative” currency. After the Lehman crisis, the role of an
“alternative” currency was played by gold. After the virus crisis,
this role was played by both bitcoin and gold.

Second, the fact that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies survived the
long winter of 2018/2019 and their market value did not go down to
zero as many crypto critics were predicting at the time, increased
confidence among institutional investors that there is enough residual
demand ascribing value to cryptocurrencies.

Third, the corporate sponsorship of bitcoin that started emerging
in the summer of 2020 with Microstrategy, Square, PayPal, Tesla
further boosted institutional investors’ confidence into bitcoin and
other cryptocurrencies.

Fourth, the pandemic accelerated the shift towards digitization
and cryptocurrencies are expanding in tandem with the adoption of
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) as they represent the fuel for
powering DLT networks.

Going forward Panigirtzoglou believes that the trajectory for VC
funding would be crucial in helping the crypto market to avoid the
long winter of 2018/2019. If VC funding dries up from here as a result
of the loss of confidence from the collapse of Terra’s ecosystem, then
a return to the long winter of 2018/2019 would look more likely for
crypto markets.

Thus far there is little evidence of VC funding drying up post Terra’s collapse.

Of the $25bn VC funding YTD, almost $4bn came after Terra.
Panigirtzoglou ends on a positive note, saying that "our best guess is
the VC funding will continue and a long winter similar to 2018/2019
would be averted."

On the same day, major venture capitalist Andreessen Horowitz
announced the closing of its fourth cryptocurrency fund at $4.5
billion. Also on Wednesday, crypto-focused venture firm NGC Ventures
launched its third blockchain fund with $100 million raised from
investors that included Babel Finance, Huobi Ventures and Nexo

God-Emperor of the Dune Library

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Plans within plans

· 9h
MIT asked me to write a chapter on covering national security/cybersecurity for 
new book published by Oxford Univ Press. I focused mostly on importance of 
having good sources and knowing who to listen to, who to ignore - especially on 
a beat noted for its deception and trickery…
Show this thread

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
> The NHS Just Edited Their Monkeypox Page... To Make It Scarier

They made about four attempts at starting a new scare via
announcing random different bugs since covid, seems they
finally found one they could run with...


"Biden says "everybody" should be concerned about monkeypox."
"WHO "confirms" monkeypox cases."

Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and
prophylactic face-shields! Switch off what’s left of your critical
faculties and prepare yourselves to “follow the Science!”

Yes, that’s right, just as the survivors of The Simulated Apocalyptic
Plague of 2020-2021 were crawling up out of their Covid bunkers and
starting to “build the world back better,” another biblical pestilence
has apparently been unleashed on humanity!

This time it’s the dreaded monkeypox, a viral zoonotic disease endemic
to central and western Africa that circulates among giant pouched
rats, squirrels, dormice, and other rodents and has been infecting
humans for centuries, or millennia. Monkeypox causes fever, headaches,
muscle aches, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters, tends to resolve in
two to four weeks, and thus poses absolutely zero threat to human
civilization generally.

The corporate media do not want to alarm us, but it is their duty as
professional journalists to report that THE MONKEYPOX IS SPREADING
LIKE WILDFIRE! OVER 100 CASES OF MONKEYPOX have been confirmed in
countries throughout the world! MONKEYPOX TASKFORCES are being
convened! Close-up photos of NASTY-LOOKING MONKEYPOX LESIONS are being
disseminated! The President of the United States says “EVERYBODY

The WHO is calling it “a multi-country monkeypox outbreak!” Belgium
has introduced a mandatory quarantine. The CDC has gone to “Alert
Level 2!” “Enhanced precautions” are recommended! In New York City,
the nexus of probably the most paranoid, mask-wearing,
quadruple-“vaccinated” New Normal fanatics on the face of the planet,
the Department of Health is instructing everyone to wear the masks
they are already wearing to protect them from both Covid and
monkeypox, and smallpox, and largepox, and airborne cancer, and God
knows what other horrors might be out there!

Here in the capital of New Normal Germany, Karl Lauterbach, who,
despite wasting hundreds of millions of Euros on superfluous
“vaccines,” attempting to compulsorily “vaccinate” every man, woman,
and child in the country, and otherwise behaving like a fascist
lunatic, remains the official Minister of Health, is excitedly hopping
up and down and hooting like a Siamang gibbon about “recommendations
for isolation and quarantine,” and other “monkeypox containment

As Yogi Berra famously put it, “it’s like déjà vu all over again.”

Except that it isn’t … or it probably isn’t. Before I could even
finish this column, the United GloboCap Ministries of Truth started
dialing down the monkeypox panic. It appears they’re going with “it’s
a gay pandemic,” or an “LGBTQ pandemic,” or an “LGBTQIA+ pandemic,” or
whatever the official acronym is by the time I click the “publish”
button, and making other noises to the effect that it might not be
absolutely necessary this time to order a full-scale global lockdown,
release the drones and robotic dogs, inject everybody with
experimental drugs, and start viciously persecuting “monkeypox

You didn’t really believe they were launching a shot-by-shot remake of
Covid, did you? The showrunners at GloboCap may be preternaturally
evil, but they aren’t stupid. Only the most hopelessly brainwashed New
Normals would go along with another “apocalyptic pandemic” before the
current one has even been officially cancelled. No, unfortunately,
odds are, we’re just getting a preview of what “life” is going to be
like in the New Normal Reich, where the masses will be perpetually
menaced by an inexhaustible assortment of exotic pathogens and
interchangeable pseudo-pathological threats.

The New Normal was never about Covid specifically. It was always about
implementing a new “reality” — a pathologized-totalitarian “reality,”
not so much ruled as discreetly “guided” by unaccountable,
supranational, non-governmental governing entities, global
corporations, and assorted billionaires — in which Covid, or
monkeypox, or kangaroopox, or any other viral zoonotic disease, or any
climate-related or economic development, or 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Socialist subsidy fail and Dems Panic to election ass-cover it...

Obamacare 'Time Bomb' To Hit Right Before Midterms

Congressional Democrats have yet another thing to worry about going
into this year's midterm elections.
A temporary pandemic relief program aimed at lowering healthcare
premiums under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare,
is set to expire unless Democrats can revive a reconciliation bill
that extends the financial assistance past the end of the year.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp

A report released in April by real estate data aggregator ATTOM has
bestowed Chicago with a dubious honor. Amid a national surge in
residential foreclosure rates, Chicagoans are currently losing their
homes in greater numbers than in any other metro area in the country.
“A total of 50,759 U.S. properties started the foreclosure process in
Q1 2022, up 67% from the previous quarter and up 188% from a year
ago,” the report stated, with Chicago alone seeing over 3,000
foreclosures in the first three months of the year.

Govt print $Trillions fake money, banksters issue subprime in
part to appease rather Democrat social policies and maintain
Democrat-Bank cozy election donor relationship thanks HUD back,
Democrat city dwellers buy the subsidized and ARM houses advert,
Dem-Biden's agent Powell gets called into White House to kill
rampant inflation so Dems can fraud win 2022/2024, money dries up,
rates pop, dwellers get robbed of equity in foreclosure plunder,
politicians and cronies stock portfolios win.

"I've got the biggest dick in Chicago!  -- Chicago's Lesbian Democrat Mayor"

In the name of Marxist-Communism

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
In the name of Marxist-Communism, mass murders were carried out, a man-made 
famine was created, and swathes of culture and history, including the Ukrainian 
language, were repressed. Then - in the name of Marxist-Communism - mass 
murders were carried out, a man-made famine was created, and swathes of culture 
and history, including Chinese languages, were repressed. Then - in the name of 
Marxist-Communism - mass murders were carried out, a man-made famine was 
created, and swathes of culture and history, including the Ethiopian language, 
were repressed.
Then - In the name of Marxist-Communism - mass murders were carried out, a 
man-made famine was created, and swathes of culture and history, including the 
Cambodian language, were repressed. Then - in the name of Marxist-Communism - 
mass murders were carried out, a man-made famine was created, and swathes of 
culture and history, including the Korean language, were repressed.

I’m sensing a pattern here.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Foolish mismanaged rush of early hydrocarbon disinvestment mandates
by Liberals and Globalists to "Green New Deal", which Biden also lied
about "No Green New Deal" then in office cut energy, among other causes,
leads both regulators and commercial operators to warn of pending summer
of electricity blackouts...

Summer Heat Could Wreak Havoc On Texas' Grid

Texans need to be prepared for the grid to fail. Again. A new
bombshell report from the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) shows that while Texas has made some progress in
increasing surplus energy flow to the grid for times of heightened
demand, power is going to be extremely tight this summer, and Texans
should prepare to expect rolling blackouts during the hottest months
of the year.

The recently released 2022 Summer Reliability Assessment found that
Texas, along with parts of California and the Southwest, are in an
“elevated risk category of energy emergencies.” The extra pressure on
the grid comes from a combination of abnormally high temperatures and
doubt conditions, poor upkeep and maintenance of generators across
Texas, persistent supply chain issues, and increasing demand. NERC
also sighted cyber threats, wildfires, and a shortage of coal
generation inputs as major issues that they will be monitoring as the
days grow hotter and sufficient energy supply to the grid becomes more

While Texas still lacks the energy capacity necessary to meet demand
at its highest points during extreme weather conditions, NERC
acknowledges that Texas has made concerted efforts to mitigate the
issue. The Lone Star State has increased its anticipated reserve
margins, largely thanks to the increased installation of solar and
wind power capacity. Overall, Texas’ renewable energy capacity is
4,100 megawatts higher than last year. This increase in solar and wind
capacity does not come without its own challenges, however. The
industry is still working out what to do about “solar trips,” when
solar resources shut off due to circuit problems or grid disturbances
such as lightning or fires.

Texas's much-maligned grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council
of Texas (ERCOT), was touting the recent increases in reserve energy
capacity just the day before NERC dropped its sobering report.

"Two years ago we had 12%,” said ERCOT interim President and CEO Brad Jones.

“Last year we had 15 to 16 and this year we have 23% reserves. So,
you can see our reserves have grown over each of those years. We feel
very confident about our position this summer."

That confidence now rings as ironic in the face of Texas’ elevated
risk category for summertime energy emergencies.

Despite ERCOT’s gains, University of Houston Energy Fellow Ed Hirs
says Texas has not done enough. "We have less dispatchable power on
the grid than we did last summer,” Hirs said. “We have about 63,000
plus megawatts available. That's about a thousand megawatts less than
we had last summer. Demand is growing." And at the same time that
ERCOT is boasting that it’s ready for summer, they had to call for
energy conservation over the weekend as several generators failed.

Texas needs to invest in generators in a big hurry. Typically spring
provides a respite from extreme temperatures and an opportunity to
work on the grid and generational capacity, but early heat waves have
already put a near-maximum strain on the grid in 2022. What’s more,
generators are loath to invest in expansion at a time when inflation
is high, cash is tight, and they’re not sure who is going to pick up
the bill. The Houston Chronicle reports that so far, Texan consumers
are bearing the brunt of it.

The long and short of it is that the grid just can’t keep up with
increasing pressures of demand and market volatility. The old rulebook
for planning and operating energy reserves for the summer months is
out the window. “Now we’re really looking at extreme weather,” NERC
Director of Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis John Moura
said Wednesday. “And what we’ve all learned in recent history, is that
extreme doesn’t mean rare.”

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
> 1984 !!!
> Covid digital vaxx passes, never forget these motherfuckers.

1984 strikes again...

The WHO's Pandemic Treaty "Is Tied To A Global Digital Passport And ID System"

"Hey @elonmusk, can you also buy the WHO? It is currently owned by Bill Gates."
"I love Pinball Wizard! -- ElonMusk"

We must oppose this to maintain national sovereignty and democratic norms...

A clever play on words from the man that many are hoping will preserve
free speech on Twitter.

The WHO recently announced plans for an international pandemic treaty
tied to a digital passport and digital ID system.

Meeting in December 2021 in a special session for only the second time
since the WHO’s founding in 1948, the Health Assembly of the WHO
adopted a single decision titled, “The World Together.”

The WHO plans to finalize the treaty by 2024. It will aim to shift
governing authority now reserved to sovereign states to the WHO during
a pandemic by legally binding member states to the WHO’s revised
International Health Regulations.

In January of 2022 the United States submitted proposed amendments to
the 2005 International Health Regulations, which bind all 194 U.N.
member states, which the WHO director general accepted and forwarded
to other member states. In contrast to amendments to our own
constitution, these amendments will not require a two-thirds vote of
our Senate, but a simple majority of the member states.

Most of the public is wholly unaware of these changes, which will
impact the national sovereignty of member states.

The proposed amendments include, among others, the following. Among
the changes the WHO will no longer need to consult with the state or
attempt to obtain verification from the state where a reported event
of concern (e.g., a new outbreak) is allegedly occurring before taking
action on the basis of such reports (Article 9.1).

In addition to the authority to make the determination of a public
health emergency of international concern under Article 12, the WHO
will be granted additional powers to determine a public health
emergency of regional concern, as well as a category referred to as an
intermediate health alert.

The relevant state no longer needs to agree with the WHO Director
General’s determination that an event constitutes a public health
emergency of international concern. A new Emergency Committee will be
constituted at the WHO, which the Director-General will consult in
lieu of the state within whose territory the public health emergency
of international concern has occurred, to declare the emergency over.

The amendments will also give “regional directors” within the WHO,
rather than elected representatives of the relevant states, the legal
authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern.

Also, when an event does not meet criteria for a public health
emergency of international concern but the WHO Director-General
determines it requires heightened awareness and a potential
international public health response, he may determine at any time to
issue an “intermediate public health alert” to states and consult the
WHO’s Emergency Committee. The criteria for this category are simple
fiat: “the Director-General has determined it requires heightened
international awareness and a potential international public health

Through these amendments, the WHO, with the support of the United
States, appears to be responding to roadblocks that China erected in
the early days of covid. This is a legitimate concern. But the net
effect of the proposed amendments is a shift of power away from
sovereign states, ours included, to unelected bureaucrats at the WHO.
The thrust of every one of the changes is toward increased powers and
centralized powers delegated to the WHO and away from member states.

Leslyn Lewis, a member of the Canadian parliament and lawyer with
international experience, has warned that the treaty would also allow
the WHO unilaterally to determine what constitutes a pandemic and
declare when a pandemic is occurring. “We would end up with a
one-size-fits-all approach for the entire world,” she cautioned. Under
the proposed WHO plan, pandemics need not be limited to infectious
diseases and could include, for example, a declared obesity crisis.

As part of this plan, the WHO has contracted 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
COVID dissenters in China's Govt... to coup, or be disappeared...

China Paralyzed As Feud Erupts Between Xi And Li Over Covid Response

For the past several months there had been rumors that a quiet feud
had erupted within Beijing's top echelons, the result of disagreement
within the communist party whether Xi Jinping's "zero covid" policy
was the proper solution for the country of 1.4 billion and which two
and a half years ago unleashed the coronavirus plague on the world.
Well, now it's official because as Bloomberg reported this morning,
China finds itself gripped by "discord" at the very top level, with
president Xi and premier Li on opposite sides of the the "zero covid"

As Bloomberg notes, shortly after Premier Li Keqiang held the
previously discussed "rare" video call with thousands of Chinese
officials across the nation to warn of an even worse economic crisis
than two years ago, and calling on them to better balance Covid
controls and economic growth, those same government officials charged
with implementing policy at the ground level found themselves stumped
and unsure whether they should still listen to: supreme leader Xi -
who continues to emphasize the need for officials to push for zero
Covid-19 cases - or Li, who continuously urges them to bolster the
economy and hit preordained growth targets.

This apparent dilemma has led to paralysis within a nation normally
hailed for speedy implementation of orders from above, Bloomberg
reports, citing eight unnamed senior local government officials.

While analysts saw Li’s impromptu meeting as an attempt to strengthen
consensus on the urgency to revive the economy, four senior officials
said it did little to change their view that controlling the Covid
outbreak still took priority: "One said that from a personal career
perspective, a cadre’s hard work means nothing if they fail to contain
an outbreak, while the upside for kicking off economic projects was

For a glaring example of just how deep the schism within China's core
runs, one should look at who did not attend Li’s mammoth meeting -
which brought together cadres right down to the county level,
featuring officials from nearly all government departments including
propaganda, environment, and utilities, according to notices on
county-level government websites - the top-ranking Communist Party
official for many cities was absent because they had to focus on
ensuring Covid control, said a BBG source, adding that it signaled
that pandemic work still trumped the economy. Attendance for party
heads wasn’t mandatory.

Which is bad news for Li who is tasked with restoring the economy...
without actually being allowed to do anything:

“He is being put in the impossible position of trying to rescue
the economy without being able to adjust the one policy -- zero-Covid
-- that is causing the most economic damage,” McArver said, referring
to Li.

For Li, who will depart the post of China's second in command next
March, the stakes couldn't be higher: the Chinese Communist Party
prepares to hold a twice-a-decade leadership conclave later this year,
where Xi is expected to win a landmark third term, yet where rumor
also has it some of his challengers are sharpening their knives if
covid is still uncontained and if the economy remains a complete mess.
The top party ranks will also be reshuffled, clearing the way for
other cadres to move up the ladder if they can avoid any missteps,
particularly in handling Covid outbreaks.

Li warned on Wednesday, when he delivered his starkest warnings about
the economy’s weak performance, Beijing is facing another economic
crisis with “difficulties in some aspects, to a certain extent, are
greater than when the epidemic hit us severely in 2020.”

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Residents of Democrats Big Failed City-States "Fuck This, I'm Out..."

NYC Exodus To Florida Accelerates As People Fed Up With Violence And
High Taxes

New York City struggles with a sharp rise in violent crime as the new
mayor fails to make the metro areas safer. Public safety is worsening
and has likely resulted in a continued exodus of residents.

NYPost reports that 21,546 New Yorkers left the state for Florida
during the first four months of this year, a 12% rise over the same
period last year.

The exodus of New Yorkers first began before COVID-19 because of high
taxes, then accelerated during the pandemic as the city went into
lockdown. Now people are leaving in droves as the metro area descends
into chaos.

For some more context about the exodus, 2022 totals are 55% higher
than the same period in 2019 (pre-COVID). A stunning trend that is
only gaining momentum.

New Yorkers are frightened to walk the streets, nevertheless travel in
the subway, which is plagued with criminals. In April, a mass shooting
in a subway car left more than a dozen people injured. Last Sunday, a
Goldman Sachs research analyst was shot in the chest, in an unprovoked
attack, on the subway. The analyst died on the spot.

The toxic environment of crime and high taxes have forced some Wall
Street firms to move operations to the Sunshine State as an attractive
place for long-term expansion. City dwellers have fallen in love with
the state because there's no personal income tax.

If migration trends persist, the number of New Yorkers leaving the
state for Florida could shatter last year's figure of 61,728.

Meanwhile, Mayor Eric Adams has been absolutely wrong about migration
trends reversing. It's only accelerating as NYC descends into darkness
as another failed liberal city implodes under the weight of violent
crime and high taxes. An environment businesses and or households will
no longer tolerate because technology has allowed them to become more

Re: Anti War: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Meanwhile Back In Washington, & Somalia, & Syria, & Kenya, And...

So we hear that former President George W. Bush finally came around to
denouncing “the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and
brutal invasion of Iraq.” This unexpected and belated outburst of
truth-telling and self-criticism was, of course, unintentional—just
one of those verbal gaffes that the man once entertained the nation
with on a regular basis. Realizing his error, the former
commander-in-chief quickly explained that the unjustified and brutal
invasion he was condemning was, naturally, not that of Iraq, but
Ukraine. He brushed his faux pas off as a result of his advanced age,
and the audience had a good laugh about it all.

Unfortunately, that crowd at the George W. Bush Presidential Library
in Dallas was not the only group with reason to smile at the current
state of affairs, for these are happy days throughout the entire
war-making community. With the nation understandably and justifiably
outraged at the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s been widely noted
that NATO is back in favor, arms manufacturers are back in clover, and
increased military spending is way back in vogue in Washington—not
that it ever suffered much of a downswing, mind you.
Image: Special Operations Command Africa

What’s also happening these days is that the public are paying much
closer attention than usual to matters of war. With the Ukraine
invasion streaming on every screen, most Americans appear to know far
more of the activities of the Russian and Ukrainian militaries than
they know about their own—a situation that our domestic military
policy makers are probably quite comfortable with. Unfortunately, the
rest of us ought to be quite uncomfortable with this situation—as a
glance at the back pages of the past week’s news will show.

First, there was the announcement that President Biden would be
sending troops back to Somalia. Why? In the words of National Security
Council spokeswoman, Adrienne Watson, the purpose is to wage “a more
effective fight against Al Shabab.” Al Shabab, (“the youth”), a
fundamentalist Islamic group thought to have 5,000-10,000 members, has
been fighting for control of Somalia since the 2000s.

The U.S. started bombing Somalia in 2011. The following year Al Shabab
declared allegiance to al-Qaeda. The U.S. has bombed Somalia in every
subsequent year. The reason we can be waging war in Somalia? Well,
it’s not something much discussed, since the fact that we bomb Somalia
is not much discussed in the first place. Used to be that the
justification and authorization cited for almost all of the bombs we
have dropped in this century was the 2002 Authorization of the Use of
Military Force resolution (the one that only Democratic Rep. Barbara
Lee of California opposed.) Since that authorization was actually
repealed last September, the White House/Pentagon’s operative
rationale here now seems to be a sort-of “We’ve always done it this
way” thing.

This move on the part of Biden—who declared it “time to end the
forever war” when he announced the withdrawal of all American troops
from Afghanistan—will reverse President Trump’s decision to remove
almost all of the 700 Americans previously stationed in Somalia, which
Watson called “a precipitous decision to withdraw.” The unofficial
word is that about 450 will return. Biden has also approved the
Pentagon’s request to attempt assassinations of about a dozen
suspected Al Shabab leaders, part of an overall effort—in the words of
an unnamed senior administration official—to reduce “the threat to a
level that is tolerable.” A prime example of the type of “threat” that
Americans might face in that part of the world was the attack that
killed three soldiers at the American air base at Manda Bay, Kenya on
January 2, 2020. (American soldiers killed in Kenya? We’ll return to

And elsewhere on the assassination-attempts-on-enemy-leaders front,
the very next day the Pentagon spoke for the first time about civilian
casualties resulting from its March 18, 2019 drone strike near Baghuz,
Syria. The U.S. military had not originally intended to discuss this
matter at all, until the New York Times uncovered the incident in a
November, 2021 series on civilian deaths resulting from U.S. air
strikes. This recent Pentagon acknowledgment came a week after the
Times was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for that series. Although the bulk
of its investigation remains classified, the Pentagon does acknowledge
73 casualties including 56 dead, 52 of whom it claims “were enemy
fighters, including one child.” The enemy in this case refers to the
Islamic State (ISIS). Anonymous officials familiar with the findings
acknowledged that all males at the site, armed or not, were assumed to
fall into the “enemy fighters” category, despite the Times report that
the camp’s occupants included “captives and scores of 

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
> Govt created monopolies

Anti-freemarket criminal case ends up proving US medical industry's
huge markup racket to local markets, discounts to remotes,
all while refusing to spend a dime to keep their factories tanks
free from botulism, killing babies, and FDA shutting down the works,
then getting free government defense production act subsidies and
free paid military and commercial transports and special
import duty tariff cost exemptions to fix the mess...

Baby Formula Export Scheme Worth $200 Million Lands Florida Trio In Prison

A Florida trio was recently sentenced to federal prison for their
roles in a $200 million baby formula fraud scheme that began some nine
years before the current critical shortages.

U.S. District Court Judge Roy K. Altman sentenced South Florida
residents Johnny Grobman, 48, Raoul Doekhie, 53, and Sherida Nabi, 57,
each to 18 years in prison on Friday. He also ordered the three to
forfeit over $200 million in fraudulently obtained profits. The three
used the profits from the baby formula sales to buy a $9 million
mansion in Florida, a 48-foot yacht, and several properties outside
the U.S.

Federal prosecutors in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Florida said the trio convinced U.S. infant formula
manufacturers to sell them the products at deeply reduced prices, in
some cases receiving up to 60% discounts, by claiming they had a
government tender to purchase the formula on behalf of the
impoverished country of Suriname in South America.

Instead of shipping the formula to Suriname, the three sold the
products for full price in the U.S., raking in record profits.

Following a 13-day trial in February 2020, a federal jury found
Grobman, Doekhie and Nabi guilty of conspiring to commit wire fraud;
wire fraud; money laundering; conspiring to obtain pre-retail medical
products worth $5,000 or more by fraud or deception, theft of
pre-retail medical products; and smuggling goods from the United

Two weeks after the trial ended, Grobman requested a new trial, which
Judge Altman later denied.

As of publication, attorneys for the three did not respond to
FreightWaves’ request seeking comment. Court records confirm the three
are now in custody. However, a reason was not given for why the
sentencing took place more than two years after the convictions.

The sentencing comes at a time when the U.S. is dealing with a
nationwide infant formula shortage after a massive recall at
manufacturing giant Abbott Laboratories’ Michigan plant.
How the scheme worked

According to court documents, the trio negotiated steep discounts from
the victim companies by pledging to redistribute the products in
Suriname when in fact, they intended to sell those goods in the U.S.
at a substantial markup, a business practice known as diversion.

Doekhie and Nabi, who are married, set up a company called Tropical
Marketing & Distribution N.V., based out of Suriname. The pair created
a website for a fictional entity called the Suriname Tender Office to
“support their false misrepresentation that they had a government
tender for the victim companies’ products,” according to court

Grobman was listed as the manager of Nutrisource I LLC, as well as J
Trading LLC and as a registered agent of Vejota Holdings LLC. All
three companies show the same principal address in Aventura, Florida.

Court filings claim the three concealed their scheme by fabricating
purchase orders, covertly shipping the products abroad and then
immediately bringing them back, a practice known as  U-turning,
filling dummy cargo containers with sheetrock and falsifying export

Once the products returned to the U.S., court records state Grobman
would submit false shipping documents to U.S. Customs agents.

A fourth man, Edgar Torres, who received a reduced sentence of 25
months in exchange for cooperating with the government against
Doekhie, Nabi and Grobman, served as president and registered agent of
Le Mare Transport, a freight forwarding company in Medley, Florida.

During the trial, Torres testified they would swap out the cargo
containers’ baby formula with sheetrock that was the same weight as
the product they were supposed to be exporting to Suriname. They would
replace the etched cargo seals, which the infant formula manufacturers
installed to prevent tampering, using a special machine that could
carve identical markings, in a concerted effort to avoid detection by
customs officials and victim companies, court records said.

Through their companies, Grobman and Torres would sell the infant
formula to distributors in the U.S., then split the profits with
Doekhie and Nabi, court 

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Get Woke, Go Broke

Texas Law Forces Companies To Be Neutral On Guns Or Face Consequences

Woke companies who want to continue operating in Texas will have to
effectively take a vow of neutrality on guns following the latest
school shooting.
Gun rights advocates gathered outside the state Capitol in Austin in
2019 (Eric Gay / The Associated Press)

Thanks to a June 2021 law endorsed by the National Rifle Association
(NRA) signed by Governor Greg Abbott, firearm makers, retailers and
industry groups have special protections using language typically
reserved to shield people from racism, sexism, ageism or other 'isms,
Bloomberg reports.

The bill requires companies signing contracts with state government
agencies to verify that they don't discriminate against the gun
industry - which forces them to ignore calls from Democrats to sever
business ties in the state over the latest shooting in Uvalde, TX in
which a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers.

"Texas has pro-gun legislation which clearly makes a statement at
ensuring that the firearms industry is well protected," said Janice
Iwama, a professor at American University, who studies the impact of
gun legislation.

Meanwhile, the National Shooting Sports Foundation wants states to
follow in Texas' footsteps, as companies in the industry are regularly
denied services by banks. Similar bills have been advanced in Oklahoma
and Louisiana, while additional measures have been introduced

The Texas law has already cast ripples across Wall Street, where
Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Goldman Sachs Group
Inc. had been curtailing some ties to gun companies, including by not
lending to those that make military-style weapons for civilian use.
Citigroup Inc. had also put in place restrictions for retailers that
it works with.

The Texas bill requires any public contract valued at or more than
$100,000 to include a provision that states the company does not and
will not discriminate against a firearm entity or trade association.

Texas' law caused virtue signaling banks such as BofA, JPMorgan and
Goldman to stop underwriting Texas muni bonds, however Citigroup
returned to the market last year, and earlier this month JPMorgan took
a first step to re-enter the market with an attempt to appeal to state

This isn't the first time woke corps have bent the knee. Earlier this
week, State Farm withdrew support of a program providing LGBTQ-themed
children's books to teachers and libraries, after conservative groups
slammed the insurance company as "a creepy neighbor," a play on its
slogan "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there."

"State Farm tells us they’re a good neighbor, but would a good
neighbor target 5-year-olds for conversations about sexual identity?"
a narrator says in a Monday video by the conservative group,
Consumers' Research. "That's what State Farm is doing."

This gross and blatant attempt to indoctrinate our children by
@StateFarm is shameless and consumers should be aware a company
founded on family values is now encouraging five-year-old children to
question their gender.

And we have the receipts.
— Will Hild (@WillHild) May 23, 2022

"Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with
parents," said State Farm spokesman Roszell Gadson in a statement to
the Washington Post on Tuesday. "We don’t support required curriculum
in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources
for parents to have these conversations. We no longer support the
program allowing for distribution of books in schools."

Get woke, go broke.


2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Activists from Kyiv and around world join state forces in fight against 

I trust they turned in their anarchist ID cards for the duration and will go to 
self-criticism on their return

How things are done are as important as what gets done

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Gun grabbing liars keep on suppressing rights in the USA...

Suppressing the Truth About Suppressors

Big government leftists aren't only trying to silence your voice on
social media and through the Department of Homeland Security's new
Ministry of Truth, they're also trying to silence your ability to
simply possess a firearm suppressor.

Hollywood, the "besties" of the left, likes to make it seem as if a
suppressor completely silences a firearm, as seen by clever TV
assassins and action-movie stars. Last year, New Jersey Rep. Bonnie
Watson-Coleman backed this up, calling silencers "tools of murder."

Sen. Bob Menendez (also from New Jersey) said, "Gun silencers are
dangerous devices with one purpose and one purpose only—to muffle the
sound of gunfire from unsuspecting victims."

I'll give you one guess as to which two Washington politicians have
been watching a few too many Hollywood movies. Hint: they're the same
two who introduced legislation in 2021 to ban all Americans from
simply possessing a gun suppressor. Not using one. Possessing one.

Gun suppressors (called "sound moderators" in the UK) only decrease
the noise of a gunshot by 20 to 35 decibels. That leaves them still
"louder than your average ambulance siren," according to an article by
the Associated Press posted by Police1. That organization is a part of
the nation's leading content, policy, and training platform for public
safety. Their job isn't to kiss babies and raise money; their job is
to tell the truth when it comes to how guns work in the real world.

As much as the left would have you believe these devices are only used
for Hollywood hitman-style murders, the truth is that the greatest use
of silencers is for sporting professionals (pdf). Many shooting pros
build private ranges in their basements and use silencers out of
respect for their neighbors—literally the opposite of committing a

Second to sporting, suppressors are used with small-caliber subsonic
ammunition to rid local areas of disease-carrying vermin, like rats
(pdf). Stopping disease from a distance is a good thing.

Fortunately, not all politicians believe big-action Hollywood movies
are documentaries. Rep. Bob Good, from Virginia, looked to protect
Americans from the suppressor-grab introduced by Menendez and
Watson-Coleman. Good's 2021 legislation sought a complete deregulation
of gun suppressors at the federal level and it preempts state laws
that would regulate, tax, or prohibit the possession of these devices.

"The Second Amendment is the guarantor or protector of all other
rights," Good told Breitbart News. "If our Second Amendment right is
not safe, no rights are safe. Democrats continue to fear-monger and
spread misinformation as a justification to undermine our
constitutional rights. I'm pleased to introduce legislation that will
remove regulatory burdens from purchasing accessories that protect
hearing and promote safety."

There are more than 60,000 legal federal gun-suppressor permits
throughout the United States. If suppressors are so dangerous and used
only as "tools of murder" then one would expect there to be a plethora
of federal prosecutions for crimes committed with a firearm fitted
with a suppressor. In reality, such federal prosecutions are rare
occurrences (pdf), and the vast majority of those are not because a
crime was committed but rather because someone hadn't properly
registered the suppressor. In other words, Menendez was flat-out lying
about how they're used.

It's ridiculous to use Hollywood and fear to limit a person's firearm
use for competition, sport shooting, hunting, self-defense, teaching
children about being responsible gun owners, or for any other
constitutionally protected purpose. Don't be fooled—bills like this do
nothing to stop a criminal. They only serve to hurt your ability to
use your firearm in a responsible manner.

A suppressor is not a firearm and is incapable of discharging any
projectile, yet it's regulated in the same manner as a machine gun. A
firearms suppressor is a simple accessory, like a scope, holster, or
any of the hundreds of other firearms accessories available, and ought
to be available for purchase over the counter like any other lawful

Maybe President Joe Biden's new Ministry of Truth should look at the
Menendez and Watson-Coleman bill as their first order of business when
rooting out misinformation. Somehow, I doubt they will.

Re: The Verge: Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be ‘fully mobile’ in 2021

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
China's Military Must Be Able To Destroy SpaceX's Starlink Satellites:

The Chinese military must be able to destroy SpaceX's Starlink
satellites if they pose a threat to national security, according to an
April publication by Chinese military researchers.

The researchers speculated that US military drones and stealth fighter
jets could boost their data transmission speed by more than 100x using
the Starlink network. Notably, SpaceX has signed a contract with the
US Department of Defense to develop technology based on the Starlink
platform - which includes instruments sensitive enough to track
hypersonic weapons traveling at 5x the speed of sound or faster.

The paper also recommends developing a satellite surveillance system
with 'unprecedented scale and sensitivity' in order to track every
Starlink satellite, according to the South China Morning Post.

The study was led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing
Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications under the PLA’s Strategic
Support Force. Co-authors included several senior scientists in
China’s defence industry. -SCMP

"A combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make
some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the
constellation’s operating system," reads the paper, published in
China's peer-reviewed journal Modern Defence Technology.

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk is generally considered popular in
China, however he received harsh criticism after two Starlink
satellites came 'dangerously close' to the Chinese space station last
Starlink satellites could threaten China’s national security in space
and on the ground, according to the researchers. Photo: Beijing
Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications

Musk notably provided over 12,000 Starlink dishes to Ukraine to help
facilitate broadband internet amid the war with Russia - which SpaceX
is providing free of charge.

"All critical infrastructure uses Starlink, all structures that are
needed for the state’s functioning use them," said Mykhailo Fedorov,
Ukraine's minister for digital transformation. "We need to receive
them constantly because they are one of the elements of the foundation
of our fight and resilience.

Another concern from the Chinese researchers is that Starlink
satellites all contain ion thrusters, which could allow them to
rapidly change orbits for a rapid move against high-value targets in

On the public-facing side of things, Starlink's popularity has
continued to grow - experiencing a 275% increase since January.

The research paper also suggests that the unprecedented scale and
flexibility of the Starlink system would allow the West to insert
military payloads into SpaceX commercial launches - necessitating the
development of new anti-satellite capabilities and a surveillance
system that can obtain super-sharp images of small satellites in order
to identify unusual features.

China claims it has already developed numerous ground-based laser
imaging devices that can photograph orbiting satellites at a
millimetre-resolution, but in addition to optical and radar imaging,
the country also needs to be able to intercept signals from each
Starlink satellite to detect any potential threat, according to Ren.

He said China had also showed its ability to destroy a satellite
with a missile, but this method could produce a large amount of space
debris, and the cost would be too high against a system consisting of
many small, relatively low-cost satellites. -SCMP

"The Starlink constellation constitutes a decentralised system. The
confrontation is not about individual satellites, but the whole
system. This requires some low-cost, high-efficiency measures," wrote
the researchers.

SCMP notes that Chinese scientists have already developed lasers for
blinding or damaging satellites, as well as cyber weapons that can
attempt to hack into the satellite communication network.

Re: Russia-based Anarcho-Communist Organization, have carried out a sabotage operation

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
On 5/26/22, professor rat  wrote:
> ... military installations ... that are not visible on 
> conventional maps.

Lots of rails being disabled by various parties
in Ukraine and Russia lately... Army Wrecking Trains
Derail Sabotage 1944 Army Train Sabotage Mole 1942 SOE Sabotage Tests Army Tank Car Safety
Improvement Research Navy Railgun

> Huge - if true

Not really, humans often come to mutual aid to prevent
further aggression by aggressors.

Re: Assassination Politics

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
"I'm only accepting that machine the pentagon rejected - PAM
FutureMaps - to state the obvious, they don't need any 'prediction
market'. US govcorp can murder anyone they want at any time. - Rat"

"...the US Government had been planning a website that would enable
people to place bets on the likelihood of terrorist events. -
R.Sukumaran. 2004"

"A sufficiently large market predicting an individual's death is also,
necessarily, an assassination market - N.Szabo. 2015"

>  PAM Futures


Assassination is not new.
Kings Princes and Governments are the biggest assassins in all of
history literally through to present day, and have and will surely always
be first to procure, order, patent, and deploy assassination technologies...
be it weapons and intel, to compensation expenses bounties rewards gold
brides and positions of power paid, to Letters Marque and Reprisal, from
Permits to Pirate and Plunder, to paying coders to develop RFP bid
submission sites for Blackwater contractors, and markets for same,
if Govt's can figure out a winning angle over each other, they will do it.
Behold thus!, it was not any cypherpunks who first invented and
used assassination... though some do claim to have figured out a
way to end Govt's use, and or monopoly use, of it. Govt's also like
to scream "copycat killer", people online are debating for years will
Govt's tech lead in such matters be copied by free markets as
defense and or peaceful influence?

Here are two recent stone cold assassinations done by Govt's,
surely bound to spark many future killings in the endless stream of
thousands years and thousands killings undertaken between Govt's,
often at expense of civilian lifes and resulting into the millions via
wars thus sparked...

Israel Informs US It Killed Iranian IRGC Colonel, Officials Infuriated
Over Media Leak

Israeli defense and intelligence officials have owned up to the brazen
assassination of a senior Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC) officer, which took place in Tehran on Sunday. A pair of
unidentified gunmen drove up to IRGC Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei as he
sat in his car outside his home. The Quds Force colonel was shot five
times, and his death was quickly blamed on Israeli intelligence given
prior similar killings.

The NY Times days later reported that "The Israelis told the Americans
the killing was meant as a warning to Iran to halt the operations of a
covert group within the Quds Force known as Unit 840, according to the
intelligence official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to
discuss classified information."
Banner of the slain IRGC colonel in Tehran after his killing, via AP.

It described, "Unit 840 is tasked with abductions and assassinations
of foreigners around the world, including Israeli civilians and
officials, according to Israeli government, military and intelligence
officials." Col. Khadaei was reportedly the deputy head of the covert

The Israelis didn't comment for the story, however the Times stressed
"But according to an intelligence official briefed on the
communications, Israel has informed American officials that it was
behind the killing."

The Israeli government is now said to be infuriated by the leak and
are calling for an internal US intelligence investigation. Knesset
member Ram Ben Barak, who heads the Foreign Affairs and Defense
Committee, said "It mainly harms trust."

"We have very many close relationships and a lot of cooperation
between us, which all depend on trust, and when it is violated in some
way then it damages future cooperation," he said in an Israeli radio
interview Thursday. "I hope the Americans investigate the leak and
figure out where it came from and why it occurred."

There's currently speculation that the assassination was intended to
highlight Iranian covert efforts to kill Israeli officials and
civilians, something which Tehran has rejected. The timing, some
pundits have said, was meant to further disrupt the stalled nuclear
talks between Tehran and world powers in Vienna. A separate follow-up
Thursday report in The Wall Street Journal suggests the slain Quds
Force colonel was part of Iranian efforts to take out an Israeli
diplomat, however this cannot be confirmed.

Iranian IRGC colonel assassinated in downtown Tehran
— The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) May 22, 2022

"An Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officer shot and killed
outside his Tehran home led the group’s efforts 

Fwd: -, PBC | Memo #1 - The Alliance for Regulatory Innovation and Brex, Inc.

2022-05-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Wondering if Apple Card intent is part of this

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Thu, May 19, 2022, 3:52 AM
Subject: -, PBC | Memo #1 - The Alliance for Regulatory
Innovation and Brex, Inc.

Dear Mr. Ritchey:

Please find the attached FOIL request

for your esteemed receipt.

Sending you the very best regards.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson
*Gunnar Larson *
*  - , PBC*


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Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
> as always problem not guns but social issues, and gun free zones...

“For far too long [we’ve] failed to look back at the root causes of
rampage violence,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said.
“Questions involving things like ‘Why is our culture suddenly
producing so many young men who wanna murder innocent people?’ It
raises questions like, could things like fatherlessness, isolation
from families, the breakdown of civil society or the glorification of
violence be contributing factors?
“But instead the left once again is calling for more gun control."
Lee also blasted gun control groups like the Brady Campaign for
“[wasting] no time in trying to profit off of this tragedy,” noting
that immediately following news of the shooting several gun control
groups sent out emails asking for donations to “play off of [peoples’]
emotions” about the shooting.

Sen. Cotton during his questioning of Dettelbach asked for a
definition of the word “assault weapon,” a catch-all term often used
by gun control advocates
Cotton noted “you called for a ban on ‘assault weapons.’ What is an
‘assault weapon,’ could you define it for me?”
“Senator, when I was a candidate for office I did talk about
restrictions on assault weapons, I did not define the term and I
haven’t gone through the process of defining that term,” Dettelbach
“So you’re running for public office and you called for a ban on
assault weapons but you don’t have a definition for assault weapons?”
Cotton asked.

Photo Bomb, Chicago Style - Man Points Gun At Live TV Crew
"Thugsters need arrested, corporal spanked in public, sent to
community service programs for years... break that attitude!"
During a live shot from the corner of Clark and Hubbard Streets in
downtown, a man crossed behind reporter Joanie Lum and pointed it over
her shoulder at the crew.
Video then shows him pointing the gun across the street before merrily
skipping away down the sidewalk.
So far, there’s no media framing of the incident as an example of
black-on-Asian violence.
Chicago police are gently referring to the man in Wednesday’s TV
incident as a “person of interest.”

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Armed interested responsible civilians onsite to be better
than faraway cops response, cops prevented civilian response,
as always problem not guns but social issues, and gun free zones...

"It took between 40 minutes and 1 hour from when Ramos began opening
fire to when the CBP agent, backed by his tactical team, shot him."

One parent, Javier Cazares... raced to the school... only to find that
police weren't moving in... "Let’s just rush in because the cops
aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to"

"Go in there! Go in there!" women shouted at the police soon after the
attack began, according to neighbor Juan Carranza, who told the
Associated Press about the parents' efforts to get the police to
confront the shooter. Carranza said the officers did not go in.

Uvalde Shooter Fired Gun For 12 Minutes Outside School Before Entering

The gunman who massacred 19 children and two teachers at Robb
Elementary in Uvalde, Texas lingered outside for 12 minutes firing
shots at people in a funeral home across the street, before scaling a
fence onto school grounds where he fired more shots. He then entered
the school and barricading himself in a classroom before opening fire,
according to the Wall Street Journal.

Victor Escalon, a regional director for the Texas Department of
Public Safety, said he couldn’t say why no one stopped the deceased
gunman, 18 year-old Salvador Ramos, from entering the school during
that time Tuesday. Most of the shots Ramos fired came during the first
several minutes when he entered the school, Mr. Escalon said.

DPS officials previously said an armed school officer confronted
Ramos as he arrived at the school. Mr. Escalon said Thursday that
information was incorrect and no one encountered Ramos as he arrived
at the school. “There was not an officer readily available and armed,”
Mr. Escalon said. -WSJ

Ramos began Tuesday morning shooting his grandmother in the face, then
using her truck to drive to the school - crashing it into a ditch at
around 11:28 am according to a timeline laid out by Escalon.

Texas law enforcement officials ignored pleas from distraught parents
as a gunman was left alone for up to an hour at a Texas elementary
school - killing 19 children and two teachers, before a Border Patrol
agent charged into the school and killed the suspect.
A woman cries as she leaves the Uvalde Civic Center, where authorities
were reuniting children from Robb Elementary School with their parents
after the shooting. William Luther, Staff, San Antonio Express-News

"Go in there! Go in there!" women shouted at the police soon after the
attack began, according to neighbor Juan Carranza, who told the
Associated Press about the parents' efforts to get the police to
confront the shooter. Carranza said the officers did not go in.

Minutes earlier, Carranza had watched as Salvador Ramos crashed
his truck into a ditch outside the school, grabbed his AR-15-style
semi-automatic rifle and shot at two people outside a nearby funeral
home who ran away uninjured.

Officials say he “encountered” a school district security officer
outside the school, though there were conflicting reports from
authorities on whether the men exchanged gunfire. After running
inside, he fired on two arriving Uvalde police officers who were
outside the building, said Texas Department of Public Safety
spokesperson Travis Considine. The police officers were injured.
-RealClear Politics

One parent, Javier Cazares, whose fourth-grade daughter Jacklyn was
killed in the attack, said he raced to the school when he heard about
the shooting, only to find that police weren't moving in.
A family grieves outside of the SSGT Willie de Leon Civic Center
following the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 24, 2022
in Uvalde, Texas. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

"Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they
are supposed to," he said, adding "More could have been done."

"There were five or six of [us] fathers, hearing the gunshots, and
[police officers] were telling us to move back," he told the
Washington Post. "We didn’t care about us. We wanted to storm the
building. We were saying, ‘Let’s go’ because that is how worried we
were, and we wanted to get our babies out."

One clip shows officers tackling parents outside the school to prevent
them from rushing in. However, the precise timeline of the below
videos compared to what was happening inside the school remains

This video make so much more sense now. The cops literally stopped
parents from helping their kids.
— Matt Novak (@paleofuture) May 26, 2022

That said, it now appears as if several cops may have entered the
school to save their own children while the shooting was unfolding and
the parents were being held back.

It's not super 

Government doesn't protect me from the terrorists

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Government ARE the terrorists

Cypherpunks, some high-tech libertarians, and various others think 
crypto-anarchist technology will eliminate the need for government ( then 
outright eliminate government.) Convicted tax evader Jim Bell proposes a system 
of anonymous ecash awards for the murder of “aggressors”, such as IRS agents. 
See also ‘Crypto-Convict Won’t Recant’.
This system, going viral, would quickly force all governments to operate 
secretly rather than openly.
I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least"; and 
I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried 
out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe- "That government is best 
which governs not at all"

Fwd: -, PBC

2022-05-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
New news is our PBC is proud to be one of the more valuable.

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From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Thu, May 26, 2022, 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: -, PBC
To: Connect With SVB 

Just checking in.


On Fri, May 20, 2022, 12:12 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Dear SVB:
> -, PBC is under various regulatory applications for our
> legal investment portfolio and hopeful successful Shelf Charter application
> (for neo/crypto banking).
> We are in the process of raising capital.
> Specific to our core products and IP please reference our whitepapers:
> Please let us know if you have any questions.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> --
> *Gunnar Larson *
> *  - , PBC*
> MSc
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> Digital Currency
>  - Entrepreneurship
> and Innovation (ip)
> +1-646-454-9107
> New York, New York 10001
> On Fri, May 20, 2022, 11:21 AM Connect With SVB 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for applying to SVB.  After reading your application we are
>> still having trouble understanding what exactly your core product is.  Can
>> you please elaborate on your core product and any proprietary IP?
>> Additionally, have you raised any funding? If so, may we ask how much and
>> from whom?
>> We are highly segmented by stage and sector, so any additional
>> information you provide on your offering would be appreciated.
>> Best,
>> Team SVB

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden Dems are Liars and Frauds...
Gets repeatedly spanked and checked on basic facts...

Biden Repeats False Claim About The Second Amendment

Joe Biden declared Wednesday during remarks on the Texas school
shooting that the right to bear arms in the U.S. is “not absolute”.

After signing an executive order to reform policing, and wheeling out
George Floyd’s family for the press, Biden addressed the shooting,
saying he “just sick and tired.”

“When in God’s name will we do what needs to be done to, if not
completely stop, fundamentally change the amount of the carnage that
goes on in this country?” Biden continued.

Then came the kicker.

“The Second Amendment is not absolute. When it was passed, you
couldn’t own a cannon…there’s always been limitations,” Biden


Biden: "Second Amendment Is Not Absolute"; There’s Always Been
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 25, 2022

Biden continually makes this argument. Just last month, he repeatedly
lied during a gun control speech, claiming that from its very
inception the Second Amendment never allowed for Americans to own any
firearms they desire.

BIDEN: "You couldn't buy a cannon when the Second Amendment passed."

That's not true.
— (@townhallcom) April 11, 2022

Really? “Certain people from the very beginning weren’t allowed to
purchase guns.”

That’s just plainly false.

Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley 'fact-checked' Biden:

Once again, there were no federal laws barring cannon ownership
when the Second Amendment was enacted. Gun laws remained local matters
and I do not know of any bans on cannons or other gun types until much
later in our history.  Early local laws did control concealed weapons,
though concealed cannons were not part of those ordinances.

Indeed, the Constitution itself supports private cannon ownership
in the case of privateers.  Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 allows
Congress to “grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal.”  That allowed
private parties to privateer on the high seas with . . . cannons.
(Recently some members of Congress wanted to issues such letters of
Marque again to enlist privateers in the fight against Russia).

As with the failure to acknowledge the limitations on the range of
legislative options due to Second Amendment protections, President
Biden is undermining efforts to reach common ground with this repeated
false claim. If we are going to reach what the President calls
“commonsense” responses to this massacres, we must start from a common
understanding of the constitutional and historical foundations for
such reforms.

It isn’t the first time Biden has made this claim. When he was running
against Trump, Biden outlined his gun control manifesto, and further
claimed “From the very beginning you weren’t allowed to have certain
weapons,” adding “You weren’t allowed to own a cannon during the
Revolutionary War as an individual.”

Biden’s claim has been fact checked and found to be completely false.

The Washington Post wrote that “Some readers might think this is a
relatively inconsequential flub. But we disagree,” adding “Every U.S.
president has a responsibility to get American history correct,
especially when he’s using a supposed history lesson in service of a
political objective.”

“The president’s push for more gun restrictions is an important part
of his political platform, so he undercuts his cause when he cites
faux facts,” the Post added.

As we noted yesterday, a whole host of anti-Second Amendment actors
again jumped to action within minutes of the horrific event in Texas
to play politics.

Michael Moore literally called for immediately scrapping the Second Amendment.

In response, Florida Congressman Randy Fine tweeted that Biden should
“try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was
written in the first place.”

I have news for the embarrassment that claims to be our President
— try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was
written in the first place.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Biden admin knew all about Govt baby formula shutdown,
tries to claim Govt created monopolies are not to blame...

"Too Slow": FDA Admits Delayed Response To Complaints About US Baby
Formula Plant

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) initial response to
complaints about Abbott’s infant formula plant was “too slow” and some
decisions could have been “more optimal,” the FDA’s top official said
while facing a grilling from lawmakers on Wednesday.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf appeared before a congressional
panel to answer questions about the FDA’s handling of events that led
to the biggest infant formula shortage in recent U.S. history after
Abbott in February recalled some products and closed its Sturgis
manufacturing plant.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), chair of the panel, raised the question
of the “timeline of FDA’s investigation and response,” citing a
“four-month lapse before returning to inspect the Sturgis facility,”
and a delay in contacting a former Abbott employee whistleblower.

Lawmakers heard that senior FDA officials only saw the complaint in
February because of pandemic-related mail routing issues.

Califf acknowledged that the “FDA’s timeliness of interviewing the
whistleblower and getting into the facility for a for-cause inspection
were too slow. And some decisions in retrospect could have been more

“While there are many steps along the way where different actions
could have sped up the sequence of events, to this day, I can find no
evidence of intentional delay or malfeasance,” he said.

The FDA inspected the plant following reports of bacterial infections
in babies allegedly linked to Abbott’s formula, and the whistleblower
complaint in late October.

But an investigation by the FDA and the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention “could not conclude” that the “egregiously
unsanitary conditions” at the Abbott plant caused the illnesses in the

“However, we cannot rule it out either. There’s a confluence of
events that’s highly unusual. There is no dispute that the facility
was unacceptably unsanitary, as evidenced by the consent decree.
Frankly, the inspection results were shocking,” he said.

Califf noted that inspectors found cracks in vital equipment, a lack
of adequate handwashing, evidence of previous bacterial contamination,
and water leaks in areas where formula is produced, a risk factor for

It is critical to return the Sturgis plant to safe production of
infant formula as soon as possible, Califf said, because Abbott holds
the largest market share in America, “leaving it with a
responsibility” to produce safe formula “that was not met.”

Abbott did not have a contingency plan to produce its lines of
specialty formulas that serve as the only source of nutrition for
thousands of babies with metabolic disorders, lawmakers heard.

“We will do everything in our power to work with Abbott to make
this happen as quickly and safely as possible. But this timing is in
Abbott’s control,” Califf said.

Reflecting on the FDA’s role in exacerbating the formula shortage,
Califf cited chronic underfunding of the FDA as one issue that needs
to be addressed, hinting that “you will see changes in the future.”

“Our requests for funding and authority are essential in concert
with improved operations and leadership,” he said.

For the sake of expediency, the FDA entered a consent decree with
Abbott, which allows the company to avoid litigation by pledging to
voluntary act to improve and address deficiencies. An outside official
will have full oversight of “every single step.”

Abbott said on Tuesday that it planned to reopen the plant on June 4.

Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Tuesday launched an
inquiry into the ongoing shortage of formula.

In a statement, the FTC said the inquiry seeks information on the
“nature and prevalence of any deceptive, fraudulent, or otherwise
unfair business practices aimed at taking advantage of families during
this shortage.”

The inquiry also seeks to find out what factors “have led to
concentration in the infant formula market and the fragility of the
supply chains for these crucial products,” the FTC said.

Russia-based Anarcho-Communist Organization, have carried out a sabotage operation

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
We, the Militant Anarcho-Communist Organization, have carried out a sabotage 
operation on the railroad track at coordinates 56 16’44″N 38 12’40.5″E on a 
sidetrack leading to a military facility of the 12th Main Directorate of the 
Russian Ministry of Defense.

Huge - if true

Starlink reviews and news item

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Product appears a tad rushed

Twist a pigs ear . . .

Me - I miss dial-up

Terra Common Litigation Fund Prompts ‘Red Flags’ Warning

2022-05-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Check out my new article:

Terra Common Litigation Fund Prompts ‘Red Flags’ Warning

Crypto markets are suffering in the wake of the Terra UST stablecoin’s
collapse, which came after losing its $1.00 peg. In the process, over  $60B
in value was wiped out, leaving token holders confused over what might have
happened to the algorithms meant to safeguard the Terra community from such
a devastating loss. A common litigation fund has been organized, but many
are worried about certain red flags associated with the fund’s launch.

CryptoSlate reports

the social aspects behind Terra’s demise are ‘catastrophic.’ A compensation
fund has been organized as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).
Donors can donate to the fund, and in doing so, gain voting and other
administrative rights to decision making functions.

Those concerned with the lack of regulation of cryptocurrencies claim they
see red flags associated with the fund, however not much in the way of
specifics have been delivered, and thus far no guidance from regulators or
attorneys has been issued.

Click here

read more about Terra’s common litigation fund.
*Gunnar Larson *
*  - , PBC*


Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship
and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

Calls for three illegal drone assassinations

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Anwar al-Awlaki was an American who pushed his first amendment rights in a 
similar way to Tucker Carlson, Elise Stefanik and Marjorie-Taylor-Greene.

" If you help or harbor the terrorist we will treat you as a terrorist "

Al-Awlaki became the first U.S. citizen to be targeted and killed by a U.S. 
drone strike without the rights of due process being afforded. 
Civil liberties advocates have described the incident as "an extrajudicial 
execution" that breached al-Awlaki's constitutional right to due process, 
including a trial.

Some Facebook users are receiving $397 checks over data privacy violations—and these tech companies could be next

2022-05-26 Thread jim bell
 Some Facebook users are receiving $397 checks over data privacy violations—and 
these tech companies could be next

Illegal drone incursions are rising and NovoQuad is here for your security

2022-05-26 Thread jim bell
" Illegal drone incursions are rising and NovoQuad is here for your security

"With the advancement of technology, drones have become more accessible to the 
public and there is a growing market for this industry. Drones are now used in 
many industries such as agriculture, construction, filmmaking, photography, and 
the real estate industry.

"However, easy access to such technology also aggravates the possible threat of 
drones being used for malicious purposes. And, there have been instances in the 
past when rogue drones wreaked havoc in certain places after authorities failed 
to detect and neutralize them.

"Back in 2018, the Gatwick airport in Britain, the second-busiest airport in 
the country, was shut down for 33 hours due to the illegal intrusion of two 
drones that the authorities were never able to find and neutralize.

"The result, you ask? Simple, flying drones disrupted 1000 flights and affected 
the travel plans of about 140,000 people.

The Present-Day Dilemma

"The Gatwick incident is a stunning eye-opener as to why we need to have a 
durable and sturdy anti-drone technology in place to combat illegal drone 
incursions at public places.

"Jammers are a fine way to combat such drones; they are available in both 
portable and stationary formats. When it comes to portability, jammers are 
designed into gun-like devices that can be used to detect and combat illegal 

Twilight of the GovCorp Conspiracy Theorists

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
" . . . businesses are now subject to extensive geopolitical demands: 95 
percent of respondents said that they expect companies to act in response to 
Russia’s unprovoked invasion by publicly speaking out, applying political and 
economic pressure or exiting the aggressor country’s market.

“When businesses shut down in Russia they were not making that decision about 
Russia alone,” said Microsoft’s president, Brad Smith, who argues that 
withdrawal from Russia was a message to all authoritarian regimes, and an 
implicit acknowledgment that they may be forced to withdraw from other markets. 
. . "

no hablo inglés

Fast SSD

2022-05-26 Thread jim bell

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
Gun Rights Are More Important Than False Security And Appeasing Leftists

If there is one Holy Grail target that the political left obsesses
over more that anything else, it is getting their hands on the 2nd
Amendment and molding it to their will or erasing it forever.

The pursuit of American gun rights is paramount to them, beyond
critical race theory, beyond gender politics, even beyond the abortion
debate. The problem for them is that ever since the Obama era they
have consistently hit a brick wall in terms of convincing the general
public to give another inch of ground when it comes to gun control.

To be sure, there are many reasons for this that coincide.

First, the credit crash of 2008 opened many people’s eyes to the
possibility that the economic systems we take for granted today could
disappear tomorrow. Gun rights were no longer a matter of “tradition,”
but a matter of necessity.

If the system breaks down and emergency services are overwhelmed
or disappear then the only person you can rely on to protect your
family is you. Mortal realities always win over emotional and
reactionary demands. In other words, the benefits of individual self
protection greatly outweigh any potential risks of criminality or

Second, the advent of the covid mandates, lockdowns and the
blatant attempts to implement vaccine passport tyranny upon half the
population of this country yet again reinforced the idea that gun
rights are more important than ever. Without the unified refusal to
comply by conservatives and some moderate Americans, it is highly
likely that our nation would be in the same situation as China is
right now – A pointless cycle of lockdowns, authoritarian denial of
basic services for people that refuse to submit to a highly
experimental mRNA vaccine, and even worse supply chain disruptions and
financial instability than we already have.

Make no mistake, the reason the US is mostly free from these
draconian conditions today is because of the continued existence of
the 2nd Amendment and an armed citizenry. Without these things, there
is no longer any obstacle to enforcing whatever unconstitutional
provisions the establishment wants.

Third, with the advent of the BLM riots, inflationary pressures
and rising crime rates, there has been a renewed interest in gun
ownership in the US among normies. It’s not just a conservative trend,
many democrats have suddenly taken an interest also.

There is very little chance that increased gun restrictions are
going to happen with the approval of the public. The only way it could
even be attempted is through executive order, and many millions of
Americans will simply say ‘no’, just as they did with the vaccine

And, let’s be clear about what is really going on: The intention of
political elites and the left is not “reasonable gun control.” Their
purpose is indeed confiscation.

Incrementalism is the name of the game. Lets not forget what we saw
with the covid passports – At first they claimed that there were no
plans to institute anything like a vaccine passport system. They said
this was “conspiracy theory.” Then, not more than a year later Biden
tried to enforce proof of vaccination through executive order.
Suddenly, it wasn’t conspiracy theory anymore.

The same strategy has been attempted with gun rights in the past, and
they will try to do it again. As with every other Western nation that
has restricted gun ownership down to almost nothing, they start with
the “scary” semi-auto weapons and work their way down until you have
nothing left. Or, until only people with considerable money have the
ability to purchase a firearm (which is the case through most of

I suspect that leftists are not fully opposed to the idea of gun
ownership as they often pretend to be. I think they would actually
like to retain their own guns if possible, they just don’t want people
like you and I to have them. Selective gun confiscation would be their
ideal, which is the same exact strategy used by the Nazis, who
selectively outlawed gun ownership for Jewish citizens and anyone
politically opposed to the Third Reich but let all other Germans keep
their weapons.

I would note that whenever gun crimes and mass murders are committed
by people that are ideologically opposed to conservatives, the media
and leftists often conveniently stop caring about taking action. They
only seem to care when the crime can be associated with their
political enemies.

We all know that leftists constantly argue that conservatives are
inherently dangerous. It only takes one more step for them to claim
that conservative thought is in itself a “mental illness” and that our
guns should be taken by default. But let’s talk about REAL mental
illness for a 

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
On 1/23/22, Steven Schear  wrote:
> Screw firearms, think antitank and Stingers.

Funnily enough, a bit over one month later that became
the right of pretty much any Ukrainian who wanted one,
including scary looking black "assault" rifles, tanks, grenades,
drones, etc. Now of course if Ukrainians had both that individual
and collective defensive right beforehand, maybe at least a lot
more would have had them on hand and been culturally trained
to use them in such situations. The spoolup delay proving costly,
you can't defend yourselves, in realtime dire need, with tools you
don't have, and don't know how to use.

Spaceflight fools

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Sorry, Spaceflight fuels.  I just heard Fusion is being pushed back a few 
Not even accounting for the singularity.  But that's no matter - todays tried 
and tested systems
will do for all the scientific exploring that's required.
Anyone posturing about rocket fuels as some sort of ecological disaster 
probably needs psychiatric attention. They're like those rolled-gold frauds 
raving and ranting about Btc 
burning up oceans.
In the spirit of accepting 'reinforcements from the future ' I suggest 
quantum-computing combined with strong AI will help us upload ourselves and 
that will, in turn, greatly assist
the effort to spread out in this galaxy and colonize back-up and respawn-points 
in a sustainable and defensible manner.
Gassing wilderness planets just so meatspace humanity can pollute new worlds is 
the losers play. An enders game.
But youse knew that.

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
> Biden ships his imports into tossup voting cities

Putin already giving passports to the Ukraine he invaded.
Biden announcing citizenship for his imported 2M+ border voters soon.
Thus both presidents are deceitful frauds.

Putin Authorizes 'Fast-Tracked' Russian Citizenship For Occupied
Ukrainian Territories

In the biggest indicator thus far in the over three-month long war in
Ukraine that Russia intends to likely fully annex territory in the
East and South, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday signed a
decree which allows residents of Russian-occupied Kherson and
Zaporizhzhia to gain fast-tracked Russian citizenship.

Already the same policy is currently in effect for the breakaway
eastern republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, the latter which is now
reported to be almost completely in Russian forces' control, as final
battles with Ukrainian fighters are centered in the Luhansk cities of
Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk.
Woman with dual passports in Simferopol, Crimea. Via Reuters

Since 2019 an estimated 200,000 people in the two far eastern regions
have gained Russian passports through the policy, which is now being
extended to the Russian-controlled southern cities.

"Citizens of Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), or the
Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), permanently residing in the territory
of the DNR, LNR, the Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine or the Kherson
region of Ukraine, have the right to apply for citizenship of the
Russian Federation in a simplified manner,” the decree reads.

Ukraine was swift to condemn the move as a violation of its
sovereignty and of international law and norms. Its foreign ministry
said, "The illegal issuing of passports... is a flagrant violation of
Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as norms and
principles of international humanitarian law."

All these tedious apolitical emails don't belong here

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Karl Semich is just like Satoshi Nakamoto . . .

. . .  only without the wit, charm, clarity, eloquence and intelligence

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
The NHS Just Edited Their Monkeypox Page... To Make It Scarier

A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their
Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways.

Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?” section.

Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox
page said this, regarding person-to-person tranmission [emphasis

It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the
infection because it does not spread easily between people.

…this has now been totally removed.

Secondly, they’ve removed this paragraph, which was present up until
at least November of 2021 (and maybe much more recently, there are no
archives between November and May) [emphasis added]:

[Monkeypox] is usually a mild illness that will get better on its
own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms,
so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist

The new “treatment” paragraph reads [again, emphasis added]…

Treatment for monkeypox aims to relieve symptoms. The illness is
usually mild and most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks […] You may need
to stay in a specialist hospital, so your symptoms can be treated and
to prevent the infection spreading to other people.

So, they remove that it will “get better on its own”, and again
reinforce the idea of spreading the disease despite this being
described as “very uncommon” as recently as last week.

They even add a line about self-isolating, which was never mentioned before:

as monkeypox can spread if there is close contact, you will need
to be isolated if you’re diagnosed with it.

Finally, they now include a warning you can get Monkeypox by eating
undercooked meat, which will doubtless feed into the anti-meat
narrative too (oh, wait, it already is).

To sum up, history is being re-written a little here.

Before, monkeypox “did not spread easily between people”. Now it does.

Before, monkeypox would “get better on its own without treatment”. Now it won’t.

It’s early days to say that Monkeypox is going to be the “new Covid”,
and maybe this rollout will stall and be forgotten in a couple of
weeks, but there’s no doubt they are taking some tips from the Covid
playbook so far.

Re: Why starlink has still not yet allowed anonymous crypto prepaid accounts

2022-05-26 Thread Karl Semich
> ruthless efforts to rape and despoil, virgin wilderness planets.

as an ex-eco-guy, it can be hard to think of this, but the ecological
isssue with spaceflight is that it burns incredible fuel, which is
generally taken in ways that destroy wide swaths of wilderness and even the
people living in it.

like cryptocurrency, this can be changed by changing how fast people
ascend, and in what way the resources are extracted. it can seem hard to
change a good cash cow.

The Cryptography Mailing List and Reddit's " Cryptography "

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
" Coderpunks ' may have deceased about 20 years ago.  Be aware the walking dead.

The Bitcoin Whitepaper was first released on the cryptography mailing list run 
by computer security expert, Perry Metzger.

Metzger took up where Coderpunks left off and sites like his are where all the 
Pinhead Nerds belong.

Even useful idiot-savant Geeks - like Satoshi

Re: Why starlink has still not yet allowed anonymous crypto prepaid accounts

2022-05-26 Thread professor rat
Happy to stipulate Starlink is no worse than existing ISP's and even praise 
with faint damns some of the Mollusk's efforts in the realms of renewables, 
Ukraine, humping Heard, etc

But none of that takes anything away from the clear and present danger 
represented by his  proposed unmaskings on Twitter and his ruthless efforts to 
rape and despoil, virgin wilderness planets.
The first will drag some of us back to the dark-ages of 2002 and the second - 
as I said - could get us all killed. 

Re: Why starlink has still not yet allowed anonymous crypto prepaid accounts

2022-05-26 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
I agree that there is value to not requiring customers to share their
identity with a seller. Any corporation that does that is offering a
rare service to oppressed classes.

I don't see why starlink would be as interesting or relevant as posts have
implied it is at all. What makes a satellite internet provider more
relevant than any other?

I can see there's some interest in breaking the political bandwidth
barriers, but this seems like a late matter of course rather than a major
new thing.

Re: Assassination Politics

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
On various dates, jim bell  wrote:

> Yes, Sukumaran's essay is by far the most competent
> treatment of my Assassination Politics idea and essay.

> All in all, the public's handling of my AP essay has been
> atrociously incompetent. For people who claim they love
> freedom and hate tyranny, I've described the solution.
> People have had 26 years to disprove or just cast doubt
> on AP, and nobody has accomplished that.

> AP will work, when tried.


> I'm glad, almost exactly 27 years after the Part 1 of my Assassination
> Politics essay publication
> that people are
> finally awakening to the extreme advantages of killing a few hundred to a
> few thousand politicians around the world, rather than millions of ordinary
> people in a nuclear war.  I hope this realization is not too late, for the
> latter group.

Given recent global rumblings of nuclear use, new wars killing millions and
more of innocent civilians, calls for assassination of "war criminal" leaders
of various countries, inherent brutal authoritarian force of legacy
GovPol models,
etc, many areas might have some relevance...

Perhaps Jim and others should begin making appearances on podcasts,
having conversations on Youtube, Odysee, and other video channels.
27 years later, the internet now does support realtime video medium,
and it has become a widespread de-facto way for millions of people
to discuss and share topics.

Jim and others could explain their systems, answer those who have
questions, cover how General Prediction Markets could be used in peaceful
voluntary societies to do things such as building roads, space travel,
medicine, defence, crowdfunding, and many other things in
freedom preserving non authoritarian and efficient ways.

Jim and the other early debaters advocates and detractors won't
be around forever, and AP and Prediction Markets in general
certainly will end up being debated, and perhaps even implemented,
by others in the future. Thus it might seem important for the world
to have their current thoughts on such things, even if only noted as history
for the future's reference, by way of making and joining podcasts today.

To the extent Jim and the others are up for it, people could begin
by listing and suggesting potential podcasts to join, and or by making
mutual introductions and inviting them to do podcast conversations.

If cypherpunks claim that their Prediction Markets and other ideas could
solve some of the world's hard problems, perhaps they should start actually
getting out in the larger real and podcast world and talking about them
so that more people can see, study, debate, improve, etc.

Because as it is now, half the world has still never heard of
cypherpunk's cryptocurrency, and roughly 0% have ever heard
of Prediction Markets or Libertarian or anything else.

But 100% are now hearing many global politicians threatening
total destruction of the world as we know it.

The only way to acheive a more free and peaceful world is for
cypherpunks and others to get out there and discuss it.

Re: Why starlink has still not yet allowed anonymous crypto prepaid accounts

2022-05-26 Thread grarpamp
> I'd say that this makes attempts to use Starlink anonymously rather
> ineffective, since Starlink, at least, knows your location.

All they would know is where, to within accuracy limits, the antenna
was and is currently. They would not know who the paying subscriber[s]
are, who the user[s] are behind it, nor to wherever else the subscriber[s]
and user[s] further distributed that internet access out beyond the dish...
such as feeding into local fiber copper, remote RF, back into anonymous
overlay networks, resale, etc, or where the dish will be next.

Knowing "where" an IP is, is not same as knowing "who" is behind it,
user fuckups excepted. This was all discussed back in Media MAFIAA
torrent days. And there were precedent setting court acknowledging the
distinction, and in some cases affirming that the "who" was indeed not
legally discoverable, or even legally pursuable if so, much to
disappointment of MAFIAA.

Consider also that subsidizing mentality of databasing
"who", just weakens and victimizes everyone in the end,
example massive censorship of free speech lately,
tyrannical scoring systems in countries, etc.

And filesharing, the free flow of information, now occurring over
distributed anonymous overlay networks connected to tyrannical
GovCorp ISP's, won a bit, such that now, even "where" is somewhat less
knowable, at least for usage that would require disclosure of top-secret
programs, for which torrenting pop stars does not qualify, yet, but will soon.

> Starlink or anyone they choose to share their data with.

Starlink is part of the MilGov funded contractor SpaceX,
it is highly possible that Starlink's real purpose is to give
MilGov a distributed redundant global access to the net,
plus whatever it can SpyVeillance with that many RF enabled
birds eyes, plus the Room 641A and FISA 702 agreements of
its network points, all under the plausible dual guise of providing
civilian sales.

And there is much historical exposed precedent for such models.

Thus it is estimated that FOIA's for any MilGov relationship with
Starlink, including that of obvious SpaceForce, NSA, NGA, etc
will return a bunch of redacted pages and lots of Glomars.

> they know where you are, even if your subscription isn't in your name.

Apologists making that argument, that therefore anonymity
and privacy is invalid to seek, should be strongly refuted.

>> Hazarding a guess I would say Mollusk is set on Brinworld solutions

Well SpaceX is not yet offering the opensouce or cypherpunk
communities free or at-cost[-plus] launches for their respective cubesats,
so SpaceX cannot yet be considered free from some anti freedom
biases, or even meeting some of their own grand rhetoric.

>> States like fascist Russia, China and Iran must regard the Mollusk as a
>> Godsend.

No. News reports now clearly show that entire fascist G-20 govt's all love
and clamor for all the digital tracking of cellphones, and now electric cars,
they are even advertising remote GovCorp shutdown and 24x365 tracking
permanent databases of all civilians cars, even putting micro cameras
and microphones inside the cabin non-optional recording to user
inaccessible flash. Truly disgusting 1984 level shit.
Which is more embarassing mentality when considering little
than 50 years ago most people in world were not yet under any
silly "requirement" of "law" to have even driver "license" or "ID",
and nothing was digital. Nothing changed with drivers, nothing
really got better, only GovCorp got much worse.

Re: Cypherpunks are not Coderpunks

2022-05-26 Thread Karl Semich
Some months ago, somebody posted a link regarding a "coderpunks" list. I
clicked the link, but it seemed like it was just online bantering where
somebody mentioned the name "coderpunks" as a joke. I could have been
confused, who knows.

We could make a fake "coderpunks" list, I suppose, or maybe there is one