Gmail users dropped due to bounces

2023-11-03 Thread pro2rat
Note two dead-men-walking; govt loving gramps and agent Semich. Golly gee!

These two cunts both used Gmail to deliver their last toxic dose of USA govt 

Reposts not threats to torture to death serial pests and US G-men on this list.

( But do I repeat myself? )

Could Samsung launch the world's first Petabyte SSD within weeks? Korean press hints at seismic event that could get hard drive vendors worried

2023-11-03 Thread jdb10987
Could Samsung launch the world's first Petabyte SSD within weeks? Korean press hints at seismic event that could get hard drive vendors worried

The era of cheap SSDs is about to end

2023-11-03 Thread jdb10987
The era of cheap SSDs is about to end 

Gmail users dropped due to bounces

2023-11-03 Thread Greg Newby
Admin notes from your current list maintainer:

This is an FYI that perhaps Gmail-based subscribers will find in the list 

Around 50 cypherpunks subscribers were automatically removed from the list 
today, due to excessive bounces. These bounces were because Google throttled 
messages so badly that some messages were held for over 5 days and eventually 

We use a standard Linux-based setup: Postfix for mail delivery and Mailman for 
list management. We implement the standard anti-abuse mechanisms: DMARC, SPF 
and DKIM.

Back in September, I reported that there were issues with list congestion 
When I looked further into what the cpunks list was experiencing, I found that 
it wasn't just us: Google had begun to throttle incoming messages, even when 
the systems sending those messages were completely compliant with all of 
Google's guidance on how to avoid being throttled or bounced.

Despite some changes to list settings to somewhat decrease daily list traffic, 
the throttling has continued for over 6 weeks.

I am manually re-subscribing the addresses that were removed, but there is no 
reason to think this is a long-term solution. A better solution will be to 
subscribe from a different service, OR to pay for a custom Google-hosted 
domain. I've confirmed that while is throttled, other Google-hosted 
domains are not.

Write back to the list or privately if I can help with any of this. It's 
unfortunate that list traffic is not getting through to some subscribers, and 
so I'm writing to inform everyone of what's going on and possible mitigations.
  ~ Greg Newby

TRUE NAMES war to the knife

2023-11-03 Thread pro2rat
Ubiquitous anonymity / covert mixmasters - we mean it ma..aaan!

Reposts not timewasting gasbagging bullshit from morons like agent Semich and 