Free Julian Assange

2023-12-30 Thread zeynep

 Julian Assange hasn’t been free for 1725 days 

Universal BitLicense Declaration on Virtual Currency & Human Rights

2023-12-30 Thread Gunnar Larson

   - to pioneer noble advancement of BitLicence theory and regulation,
   whereas it is essential to safeguard virtual currency and its potential to
   galvanize international, economic and social advancement of all peoples, and
   - to ensure clarity, principally New York’s BitLicence being the
   preeminent institution with mandate of ensuring that virtual currency
   manipulation (of any sort) shall not burden the common global interest of
   humanity, and that human rights are protected in the jurisdiction of New
   York for all peoples


   - to save succeeding generations from financial fraud and corruption,
   which in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to humanity, and
   - to reaffirm New York’s faith in fundamental human rights, in the
   dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women
   and of nations large and small, and
   - to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the
   obligations arising from BitLicence regulation and other sources of
   financial services law can be maintained, and
   - to promote larger social progress by leading global standards, given
   that New York remains the center of technological innovation and
   forward-looking virtual currency regulation


HUMAN RIGHTS as the common crypto standard of achievement for all peoples
and all nations, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive
to promote respect for human rights and personal freedoms by progressive
measures, national and international, to secure their universal and
effective recognition and observance of New York-based companies
accountable to a **universal **BitLicense **standard of virtual currency
regulation across all global territories of business, protecting all
peoples and all nations.*
*Article One*


   Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in failed
   financial frameworks that have outraged the conscience of mankind, and

   Whereas the foundational vision of BitLicense theory imagines a world in
   which human beings shall enjoy safe, reliable and regulated virtual
   currency tools and financial products, now proclaimed as the highest
   aspiration of the common people,

*Article Two*


   Whereas ethical stewardship of virtual currency is inherent to the
   BitLicence mandate, the invention of blockchain, and virtual currency aimed
   to secure the equal and inalienable rights of all as foundation to
   financial freedom and economic prosperity, especially in the developing
   economies, and

   BitLicense members pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with
   the state of New York, the promotion of universal respect for and
   observance of international human rights fundamental to the integrity of
   the BitLicense’s virtual currency regulation.

   Whereas New York reaffirms faith in the BitLicense’s foundational themes
   and the general concept of human right protection. The dignity and worth of
   the human person and the equal rights of men and women are part of New York
   BitLicense protections and standards which correlates to noble
   “public-spiritedness” virtual currency regulation with exponential social
   progress of humanity.

*Article Three*

*The Purposes of this Declaration are:*

   - To maintain the protection of BitLicense virtual currency standards,
   implying any New York- based group or person has no right to engage in
   “loophole” business activities in global markets out of New York, or to
   perform any act aimed at bypassing BitLicense virtual currency regulation,
   - To take effective collective measures to remove inconsistencies and
   prevent the suppression of human rights or other breaches of BitLicense
   regulations of virtual currency, and to bring about conformity with the
   principles of justice and international human rights laws, adjusting or
   settling international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach
   of New York BitLicense law;
   - To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the
   principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, while
   executing appropriate measures to close KYC/AML loopholes by strengthen
   universal virtual currency regulation of New York firms operating in global
   emerging markets;
   - To achieve international co-operation in solving international virtual
   currency problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian nature,
   and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental
   freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or
   religion; and
   - To offer New York as centre jurisdiction and the BitLicense as
   universal to harmonizing smart virtual currency actions of nations in the

Key 2024 Dates to Get Your Personal Finances in Order

2023-12-30 Thread Gunnar Larson
Key 2024 Dates to Get Your Personal Finances in Order

The new year means a new chance to get your finances in order.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss goes to therapist (on camera) about [how hard it is to be on
camera [after years of believing crime beliefs?]] reveals all these things
about traffick boss corp

is hatd for therapist, densely triggered, rapid-fire-amnesia, but everybody
has been asking traffick boss to say these things for years (it is not why
he is saying them though) 0626
[traffick boss surprised, karl unaware of other thing] 0628

this is something where the {“villains”/villains} were _used_ to
stimulating traumatic amnesia all the time [in each other] [and not being
able to handle this was one of the explanations for people being slaves?]

0639 boss doesn’t want talked about the intensity of it being years
believing mind control is for doing [from mind control to, and then big
change to escaping and recovering from it [client is torture worker [origin
experience is chat online, the other online people[/workers?]] in shock
[but torture worker is in us, not other people

0641 HARD

“have the parts of the values
- “wasnt

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-30 Thread hector llanquin
Y’all such bunch of babies  complaining about shit only your gram pa would 
bother. This whole mailing list is a deception. Your quarrels are just as old 
as your biology and is just a shame for your tendons to keep typing these 
boomerandums. It’s been years of scrolling through these lines and all I can 
find is propaganda induced paranoia. Iguess y’all fed by the same spoon, right?

> On Oct 18, 2023, at 11:37 PM, grarpamp  wrote:
> In the future, Crypto at the Speed of Light, will pull out
> of and bankrupt these stupid companies in less than 24hrs.
> Some wannabe UN WEF'r Pol maggot says stupid shit,
> same thing... click, poof, gone... no more paycheck for you.
> Turns out, nobody but the Leftist Screechers (hired tools)
> wants gay parades, trannies in schools, Antifa, BLM, etc.
> What fun all this U-Turn, Hypocrisy, Blowback, and
> Failed ideologies. Keynesians and Pols are next!
> Victoria's Secret Ditches 'Wokeness'; Wants To Make Sexy Great Again
> Victoria's Secret's shift towards "woke" trends in fashion in recent
> years, which included showcasing trans and plus-size models instead of
> their traditional sexy models, sparked a wave of discontent among
> customers, resulting in a significant revenue drop, crashing stock
> price, and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show ratings hitting rock bottom.
> The American lingerie chain spent the last several years
> 'Bud-Light-ing' itself with transgender models like Valentina Sampaio
> and super woke soccer player Megan Rapinoe while abandoning its iconic
> sexy models.
> Trans model Valentina Sampaio
> Soccer player Megan Rapinoe
> What changed in the last two decades?
> One can only guess who might have pushed 'wokeness' on the brand...
> As consumers ditched Victoria's Secret, investors panic-dumped shares
> to record low prices.
> ... because sales plunged a stunning $1.8 billion since 2018 (revenue
> for its last full fiscal year fell 6.5%, with net income down nearly
> half). Consumers went elsewhere - maybe there was a conservative brand
> that took market share.
> Earlier this year, CEO Amy Hauk was booted out of the company amid
> 'woke' controversies. Now CNN reports the brand has given up on
> out-woking others and wants to 'Make "Sexiness" Great Again.'
>Victoria's Secret: The Tour '23, an attempt to revive the runway
> show format that launched last month fell somewhere in between the
> personification of male lust of the brand's aughts-era heyday and the
> inclusive utopia promoted by its many disruptors.
>But in a presentation to investors in New York last week, it was
> clear which version of the brand Victoria's Secret executives see as
> its future.
>"Sexiness can be inclusive," said Greg Unis, brand president of
> Victoria's Secret and Pink, the company's sub-brand targeting younger
> consumers. "Sexiness can celebrate the diverse experiences of our
> customers and that's what we're focused on."
> Chief executive Martin Waters also disclosed that woke initiatives
> were not profitable for the company, stating, "Despite everyone's best
> endeavours, it's not been enough to carry the day."
> This comes as the ESG bubble is imploding. And Larry Fink's BlackRock
> has ditched the term ESG.
> BlackRock has faced intense criticism from Republican lawmakers who
> accuse the firm of violating its fiduciary duty by putting wokeness
> ahead of investment returns.
> BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street hold about 15 and 20% of the
> outstanding shares of S 500 companies and can have enormous direct
> power in corporate decision-making.
> Some in corporate America are beginning to realize the challenges ESG
> poses for business sustainability.
> However, if these companies want to go woke, and then go broke - so be
> it. There is a parallel economy that is exploding.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-12-30 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss is really really scared of karl’s dashcam T_T T_T [karl is
worried he will have seizures >D :(/:S(T_T]
working for years and years and it comes to this for traffick boss T_T

Re: DropGangs: Parcel Services Now CensorBanning Shipments, MICT, Hawala

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp
Dec 28
In the past 2 decades, 62k Christians were killed by Jihadist groups
in Nigeria and 5 million Christians were displaced. This week, 195
Christians were killed and another 300 were injured. The attackers
burned 221 homes with people inside. Where is the outrage?

Undeniable live video of the recent Islamic massacres of
those innocent Israelis and Nigerian Christians is online.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp
End Wokeness

Fighting, exposing, and mocking wokeness. DM for submissions

Joined July 2022
Tweets 9,808 Following 1,005 Followers 2,069,627 Likes 7,001
4,087 Photos and videos

End Wokeness retweeted
End Wokeness
Dec 28
18 days ago, President Javier Milei was inaugurated in Argentina.
Since then: -Eliminated 12 out of 21 cabinet posts -Firing 5,000
government employees -Ending 380k government regulations -Banned woke
language in the military -Bill to affirm the right to self-defense
-Bill to legalize homeschooling of kids -Proposal to punish all riot
organizers -Future welfare cuts for road-blocking -Legalized paying
contracts in bitcoin -Privatization of state-run companies -Opened up
the Argentina oil industry
End Wokeness retweeted
Monica Crowley
They’re always right out of communist central casting
End Wokeness
Dec 29
This is the woman who just removed Trump from the ballot in Maine.
End Wokeness
Imagine growing up with a mom like that
End Wokeness
They arrested Donald J. Trump, Bannon, Flynn, Giuliani, Navarro, &
Roger Stone. They removed Trump from the ballot in 2 states and are
working to expand it to as many states as possible. They changed the
voting laws and are importing an entirely new electorate. They
colluded with Big Tech & the intel agencies to censor damaging
stories. Then they call us a threat to democracy.
End Wokeness
Dec 29
Great coverage by @ViralNewsNYC
End Wokeness
Dec 29
2 days ago, NY Mayor Eric Adams signed an executive order to curb the
flow of migrant buses from Texas. For the second night in a row, buses
from Texas are defying his order.
End Wokeness
Dec 29
The people destroying our democracy are not the guys with MAGA hats
who walked through the Capitol. It's these people:
End Wokeness
Dec 29
This is the woman who just removed Trump from the ballot in Maine.
End Wokeness retweeted
Oilfield Rando
Dec 28
How much more evidence do the normies need that this invasion is
intentional and also treason?
Bill Melugin
Dec 28
BREAKING: DOJ is threatening to sue Texas if it moves forward with its
strict new border security law, which is set to take effect in March
and would allow TX authorities to arrest & deport anyone who crosses
into TX illegally. @benwermund w/ the scoop:…
End Wokeness
Dec 28
Tomorrow Ohio Governor Mike DeWine will decide whether to veto or sign
HB68. HB68 bans gender mutilation for minors and men competing in
women’s sports. Call the office of Governor DeWine (R) and voice your
support: (614)-466-3555
End Wokeness
Dec 28
This was the only fentanyl death that Democrats ever cared about:
End Wokeness retweeted
Tucker Carlson
Dec 28
Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't
commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him,
they'd do it to you.
End Wokeness retweeted
End Wokeness
Dec 28
This is Ezola Foster. She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a
public school teacher for 33 years. In the 1980s & '90s she began
sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools: -Anti-White
racism -LGBTQ+ indoctrination -Anti-American revisionism -The risks of
multiculturalism -Affirmative action and diversity This video is a
must watch. I recommend watching the entire thing.
End Wokeness
Dec 28
Fast food worker on a $20 minimum wage:
End Wokeness retweeted
Expose Them
Dec 28
Replying to @EndWokeness
Contact info for the Reps who failed to impeach Mayorkas: 1. Rep. Dan
Crenshaw (TX) Address: 1504 Longworth House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-6565 Website:
2. Rep. Nancy Mace (SC) Address: 234 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3176 Website: 3.
Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) Address: 224 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2576 Website:
4. Rep. Tom McClintock (CA) Address: 228 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2511 Website: 5. Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) Address: 235 Cannon
House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2071
Website: 6. Rep. Darrell Issa (CA) Address: 2347
Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202)
225-3906 Website: 7. Rep. Cliff Bentz (OR) Address:
1220 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone:
(202) 225-6730 Website: 8. Rep. Ken Buck (CO) Address:
2008 Rayburn 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp
The old ways of effectively dealing with nonsense will return...
If they're entitled to loot, you're entitled to shoot.
If they invade borders, you close and severely disincent,
jail, and throw them out, back to fix their own problems
in their own countries, instead of replicating them
in yours. Then jail all the NGOs and Globalist Elite who
are the ones really behind it all. AfD is just the start of the
proper response to their intentional ruination of your society.
That is what the internet is now saying.

Leftist Politician In Germany Says Migrants Are "Entitled" To
Mass-Loot Grocery Stores

A shop owner in Germany was denounced as a racist for complaining
about migrants mass looting his store, while a left-wing politician
sided with the criminals, saying they were “entitled” to steal.

Grocery store manager Gatzke told Bild that the thieves who steal huge
bags full of items are usually migrants, with around a third of them
being Tunisian.

During one incident at the Edeka supermarket in Regensburg, a man
stole €140 euros worth of goods, while the manager has also tried to
stop thieves stealing groceries worth €300 euros.

“In the bag were spirits: vodka and liqueurs again. They are Muslims —
did they want to resell the alcohol?” asked Gatzke.

“What do you need 10 sea bream and so many shrimp for? Nobody steals
that because they’re hungry,” he added.

Gatzke noted that the culprits even steal shopping bags worth up to €2.50 euros.

However, he was denounced as a “racist” for complaining about the mass
looting and subsequently criticized by Ferat Koçak, a member of the
Berlin House of Representatives for The Left party.

Siding with the criminals, Koçak suggested that the migrants were
“entitled” to steal because the government wasn’t giving them enough
free money in welfare payments.

EDEKA ist die Abkürzung für "Einkaufsgenossenschaft der
Kolonialwarenhändler": Ich würde sagen, die Menschen holen sich das
zurück, was ihnen zusteht. Doch so einfach ist das nicht zu erklären.

Eines der zentralen Probleme ist, dass die Behörden überlastet
sind und viele…
— Ferat Koçak (@der_neukoellner) December 23, 2023

“I would say that people get back what they are entitled to,” Koçak posted on X.

“One of the central problems is that the authorities are overloaded
and many refugees are not even paid what they need to live,” he added.

The leftist demanded that more migrants immediately be given work
permits “so that they can lead their lives independently.”

Koçak’s sentiment is increasingly being rejected by ordinary Germans
however, with the country becoming the latest major European nation to
begin openly talking about re-migration.

Anti-mass migration party AfD has also rapidly increased its support
base, despite attempts by the establishment to ban the party
altogether in the name of “democracy”.

Meanwhile, in the UK, supermarkets are now having to employ people to
stand at the exit and check receipts against shopping carts due to try
to stem mass looting.

Another win for diversity!

TikToker discovers the consequences of a low-trust society
— Will gbeng (@anglofuturist) December 27, 2023

Re: this list is a jewnazi cesspool...

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp
On 12/27/23, punk  wrote:
>   ...and I am unsubscribing again, this time for-ever.

As if you had anything to say other than attacking people.
When that fat NGO paycheck you just got for aggro-trolling some
other new site runs out, you'll be back here with your classic
nihilist-marxist-rageboi smoove on Soros dime in no time flat.
Now go be a good cloaca-mouthed SocCom and go join the
bankers protests that your Milei just fired.