Re: [log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-23 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
thread mistake for a couple emails, thought this was morning spam

Re: [log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-23 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
[traffick boss br[iefly murdering traffickers with success >D

Naming Names: Professor Exposes the Banking Cartel that Has Hijacked U.S. Democracy

2024-01-23 Thread pro2rat
The stated term " US Democracy" assumes facts not in evidence in a rigged 

Move to strike.

This shitty little police-state also invokes the expression " No Taxation 
without Representation! " wherever and whenever it taxes users of stateless 

By carrying on like mad king George in todays multipolar world and 
cryptoanarchist century it has signed its own death warrant.

The global financial crises claimed Bear Stearns and Wachovia. Cryptoanarchy 
claims all nation-states, all large religions and all local warlords.


Welcome to the first ever world revolution.

Viva la revolution

New Era Of Turkish Internet Law - Gaming - Turkey

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson

What Do Apple's Recent Legal Battles Signal About Technology Litigation In 2024? - Patent - United States

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
Still no word from Senator Schumer on the Apple Card records.

Apple's high-profile legal battles in 2023 mark a turning point in
technology litigation. And with a DOJ investigation into the tech giant's
practices set to come to a close in the first part of the year, we wonder:
how will these actions against Apple impact the legal landscape of the
broader tech industry?

One of the biggest names in technology dominated headlines in 2023 but not
because of an innovative product offering or popular service. Apple, which
was just dethroned as the most valuable company in the world by Microsoft
with a market cap of $2.875 trillion, has been receiving pushback from
federal regulators and market players alike as they attempt to reign in the
tech giant amid claims of monopolistic practices.

Last year seemed to be one of the most tumultuous for Apple in terms of
legal action, and 2024 is projected to be even more stringent for the
iPhone maker with a regulatory investigation by the Justice Department
projected to have major implications for both the company and industry as a
whole. Let's take a quick look at Apple's recent disputes and explore how
this investigation might fundamentally alter the technology litigation
landscape as we know it.

Apple's 2023 Legal Conflicts to Reshape the Tech Landscape
In 2023, Apple was embroiled in several notable legal cases that spanned
across multiple sectors including gaming, wearable devices, payments, and
battery technology. These included the continuation of the Epic Games
versus Apple antitrust appeal, a legal battle with the pulse oximetry
company Masimo, and ongoing developments in cases related to the App Store
and user privacy. The Epic Games versus Apple case, centered on the
monopolistic practices in the App Store, challenged the traditional revenue
models and gatekeeping roles of large tech companies. This case, along with
the dispute with Masimo over intellectual property used in their Apple
Watch products, brings into focus issues of market dominance, competitive
fairness, and the protection of proprietary technology.

Each of these cases represented significant legal and regulatory challenges
for Apple, highlighting the complex and evolving nature of legal issues
faced by major tech companies. The outcomes and ongoing nature of these
disputes have prompted broader industry discussions on fair competition,
app store policies, and the balance between innovation and regulation. The
intense scrutiny over Apple's App Store, for instance, has the potential to
redefine how digital platforms operate, possibly leading to more open
ecosystems and alternative app distribution channels. Additionally, the
intellectual property disputes highlight the delicate balance between
protecting innovation and fostering competitive markets.

Technology Litigation: Impending Antitrust Action Against Apple
While tech players took to the courts to battle Apple over intellectual
property and antitrust claims last year, the United States Justice
Department ramped up its ongoing investigation into the company's
monopolistic practices. This probe, which began in 2019, focuses on whether
Apple's App Store and iOS rules are anti-competitive and stifle
competitors. The investigation has widened to consider not only Apple's App
Store policies but also how its operating system, iOS, might be operating
in a way that favors its products over those of external developers.

The Justice Department has been actively working on drafting a potential
antitrust complaint against Apple and the increased involvement of
higher-ups in the DOJ, more litigators assigned to the case, and heightened
requests for documents and consultations with companies connected to the
investigation highlight the seriousness of this probe. This scrutiny is
part of a larger examination of Apple's practices regarding mobile
third-party software on its devices and the potential anticompetitive
nature of its systems.

Specifically, the DOJ's investigation could impact the technology sector in
the following ways:

Changing App Store Dynamics: If the investigation leads to regulatory
changes in how Apple operates its App Store, it could open up the market to
more competition. This might lead to Apple reducing its commission rates or
allowing alternative app stores or payment systems on its devices, which
would significantly impact app developers and other tech companies.
Impact on iOS Ecosystem: If the investigation finds that iOS operates in an
anti-competitive manner, Apple may have to alter how it integrates its own
services and apps within iOS. This could provide a more level playing field
for third-party developers and competitors.
Global Regulatory Impact: The U.S. investigation might influence other
countries to take similar regulatory actions. This could lead to a more
fragmented global tech 

PLTR Stock: Palantir Stock Pops, Reclaims 50-Day Moving Average | Investor's Business Daily

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson

Shares in Palantir Technologies (PLTR) popped Monday, reclaiming the 50-day
moving average for PLTR stock. Fourth quarter earnings for Palantir stock
are due Feb. 5.

A Fed Whistleblower Reveals Efforts to Silence Him 30 Years Ago

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 22, 2024 ~

Walker F. Todd, Former New York Fed and Cleveland Fed Insider
Walker F. Todd, Former New York Fed and Cleveland Fed Insider

The U.S. Department of Justice needs to immediately appoint an independent
Special Counsel to investigate how long and in how many ways the U.S.
Central Bank (the Federal Reserve or simply “the Fed”) has been functioning
as a protection racket for Wall Street mega banks.

We’ll get to the latest revelation about the Fed bullying and intimidating
a Fed official in a moment, but first some necessary background.

In 2013 the American people learned that Carmen Segarra had been a bank
examiner with a law degree at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, one of
Wall Street’s key regulators. Segarra charged in a Federal lawsuit that she
was bullied by colleagues to change her negative examination of the
powerful Wall Street mega bank, Goldman Sachs. Segarra detailed how her
colleagues also obstructed and interfered with her investigation. When she
refused to alter her findings, she was terminated in retaliation and
escorted from the Fed premises, according to her lawsuit. Segarra’s lawsuit
was dismissed by a federal judge, Ronnie Abrams, whose husband was engaged
in legal matters for Goldman Sachs. (See The Carmen Segarra Case: Welcome
to New York, Wall Street and McJustice. See also, These Are the Banks that
Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button.)

Unfortunately for the New York Fed, however, the secret tape recordings
that Segarra had made to document the matter, ended up going viral.

Then there was the 2015 case of the Wall Street Journal reporter, Pedro da
Costa, asking Fed Chair Janet Yellen an uncomfortable question about Fed
leaks of confidential information and finding himself without a job.
According to a deep dive by Max Moran, writing for The American Prospect,
the individual who cracks the whip at the Fed to keep reporters in line is
Michelle Smith, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s Chief of Staff and the woman “who
has served every Fed Chair of the last 30 years in some capacity—Powell,
Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, and Alan Greenspan.”

Intimidating the press to toe the line on asking acceptable questions and
writing acceptable articles is not compatible with a free society. See our
report: There’s a News Blackout on the Fed’s Naming of the Banks that Got
Its Emergency Repo Loans; Some Journalists Appear to Be Under Gag Orders;
and Mainstream Media Has Morphed from Battling the Fed in Court in 2008 to
Groveling at its Feet Today.

Then there was the stench around former Fed Chair Janet Yellen stepping
down as Fed Chair and embarking on a multi-million dollar money grab
dressed up as speaking fees at the banks regulated by the Fed. (See Janet
Yellen’s Cash Haul of $7 Million Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg; She Failed
to Report Her Wall Street Speaking Fees from JPMorgan and Others in 2018.)
Yellen was then reconstituted as the U.S. Treasury Secretary, where her
rubber stamp is required under Dodd-Frank financial “reform” legislation in
order for the Fed to throw more trillions of dollars at Wall Street.

And, finally, more than two years after the former President of the Dallas
Fed, Robert Kaplan, was exposed as trading like a hedge fund kingpin while
sitting on confidential Fed information, there has still been no
investigative findings in this matter shared with the American people by
the U.S. Department of Justice; the Securities and Exchange Commission; or
the Fed’s Inspector General.

Against that backdrop, consider the latest news about intimidation and
efforts to silence a Fed official – going back 30 years.

Last month, financial writer Lynn Parramore conducted an interview for the
Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) with two former Federal Reserve
Bank employees: Walker Todd, a former attorney and legal officer at the New
York Fed and a former legal and research officer at the Cleveland Fed; and
Bill Bergman, a Clinical Instructor in Finance for Loyola University who
worked previously at the Chicago Fed.

During the interview, Todd stuns with this revelation:

“I had the misfortune of drafting an article for publication by the
Cleveland Fed, which came out in ’93, about the emergency lending
provisions of FDICIA [Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement
Act]. I explained how this came about. The sense of the provision was a
section that said that the Fed was able to make emergency loans based on
any collateral satisfactory to it – which could be just about anything.
Changing that provision allowed securities firms to borrow directly from
the Fed for the first time in history because the Fed discount window was
originally set up to make loans only on types of collateral eligible for
discount — and investment securities most definitely were not eligible for

“The Board staff turned out to be 

Bitcoin or Gold? Oaktree’s Howard Marks Sees Little Difference

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
Bitcoin or Gold? Oaktree’s Howard Marks Sees Little Difference

Faced with a choice between Bitcoin and gold, Oaktree Capital
Management co-founder Howard Marks doesn’t see much of a difference.
According to Marks, both lack intrinsic value. “Gold is a little more tried
and true, but it also lacks any kind of analytical raison d'etre,” Marks
said in an interview on this week’s Merryn Talks Money podcast with host
Merryn Somerset Webb.

Naming Names: Professor Exposes the Banking Cartel that Has Hijacked U.S. Democracy

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 23, 2024 ~

Gerald Epstein is Professor of Economics and a Founding Co-Director of the
Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst. A book he has spent the past decade researching and
writing comes out today from the University of California Press: Busting
the Bankers’ Club: Finance for the Rest of Us.

Anticipation of this book’s release has caused some sweaty brows in the
halls of Congress, on Wall Street, at Big Law, and in the economics
community. That’s because Epstein is naming names – the names of the people
who have sold out American democracy and the public interest by becoming
sycophants for, or actual members of, the Bankers’ Club.

The Chairman of the Bankers’ Club is the Federal Reserve, writes Epstein.
That’s because the Fed has strongarmed its way to becoming both the
supervisor of the Wall Street mega banks while also being able to create
money at the flip of an electronic switch, which it uses to funnel
trillions of dollars in cheap loans to bail out the mega banks behind a
dark curtain. Alan Greenspan’s unprecedented 19-year reign as Fed Chair
laid the foundation for this power grab while his successor, Ben Bernanke,
enshrined the concept of regulator-turned-bailout-kingpin during the 2007
to 2009 financial crisis, (funneling $29 trillion in largesse to prop up a
financial structure that had collapsed under the weight of its own

Gerald Epstein, Author, Busting the Bankers’ Club: Finance for the Rest of
Us. Photo Credit, Stan Sherer

The unprecedented power of the Bankers’ Club is underscored by the reality
that after the worst financial collapse in 2008 among Wall Street firms
since the Great Depression, the legislation passed to remedy the
corruption, excesses, and abuses (the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010) was little
more than a draft, left to compromised regulators to fashion into final
rules. Epstein describes how Citigroup, with help from pals in the Bankers’
Club, gutted a key part of the legislation meant to rein in derivative
abuses. (For more on this sleazy episode, read our report: Meet the Two
Congressmen Who Facilitated Today’s Derivatives Nightmare at Wall Street’s
Mega Banks.)

Other key members of the Bankers’ Club according to Epstein are the
politicians (particularly on key committees in Congress) who have sold out
to the Bankers’ Club in exchange for funding of their political campaigns;
bank regulators who have one foot on government soil and the other foot
heading toward the revolving door and a much bigger paycheck; Wall Street’s
outside lawyers from Big Law who sneak language favoring the Bankers’ Club
into legislation; a swarm of dozens of lobbying groups working on behalf of
Wall Street banks in the corridors and offices of Congress; and even
members of his own profession – economists – who promote unsound ideas
purporting to show that Wall Street mega banks serve the interests of the
public and that more regulation is inefficient and negatively impacts
economic growth.

In each of the categories above, Epstein names names. A member of Big Law,
the Senior Chair of Sullivan & Cromwell, H. Rodgin (Rodge) Cohen, makes the
following appearance in Busting the Bankers’ Club:

“…The dean of Wall Street lawyers, H. Rodgin Cohen, chair of the Wall
Street firm Sullivan & Cromwell, had his hand in virtually all the key
legal and enforcement actions promoting financial deregulation during this
period. The work of these lawyers dovetailed with the lawyers and
economists who developed the field of ‘law and economics,’ which, in a
powerful alliance with the economists I mentioned earlier, provided a
theoretical legal-economic basis for deregulation and a less
interventionist state….”

Opposing this conspiratorial Bankers’ Club is a talented, creative army of
good guys, whom Epstein calls the “Club Busters.” High on Epstein’s list
for accolades are the nonprofit watchdogs, Better Markets, Americans for
Financial Reform, and the public banking advocacy groups across the country.

While these groups deserve the accolades, along with the other groups and
individuals mentioned by Epstein, there are two critical impediments
preventing the Club Busters (including Wall Street On Parade) from
achieving a serious victory in rolling back the power of the Bankers’ Club
and genuinely reforming Wall Street.

Those critical impediments are the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999
and the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010.

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933) allowed Wall
Street’s trading houses to control the trillions of dollars of life savings
of mom and pop depositors. The repeal meant that global trading behemoths
like JPMorgan were allowed to merge with federally-insured banks,
back-stopped and thus subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer.

New York Life Strikes Deal To End Workers' 401(k) Suit

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
New York Life Strikes Deal To End Workers' 401(k) Suit

By Kellie Mejdrich

New York Life Insurance Co. and thousands of current and former insurance
company workers told a New York federal court Monday that they had struck a
deal to settle a case alleging mismanagement of the employees' 401(k)
retirement plan.

 Letter attached | Read full article »

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NY-DFS Proposed Guidance on Character and Fitness (Extension Appeal)

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Wed, Jun 28, 2023, 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: NY-DFS Proposed Guidance on Character and Fitness (Extension
Cc: , 

Ms. Scott:

Additionally, - respectfully submits Coinbase's Brian
Armstrong on
a matter for public  comment for NY-DFS' "Proposed Guidance on Character
and Fitness."

The Bloomberg interview with Coinbase showed top journalistic integrity,
yet, Coinbase failed to mention any NY-DFS investigation or pending action.
The interview aired last December, before the 100M Coinbase settlement was
announced by NY-DFS concerning Coinbase's BitLicense compliance.

NY-DFS' approach to Coinbase and Goldman Sachs (who took Coinbase public)
share independent insider trading scenarios that could disrespect the
United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud Section and
Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section compliance programs.

We have collated 34 highlights that describe a corporate opportunity policy
framework to gauge character and fitness of the "first Bitcoin loan" backed
by a New York banking institution here:

Per point one of NY-DFS' "Suggested Questions to Facilitate Initial and
Ongoing Assessment of Designated Persons’ Character and Fitness," can you
kindly acknowledge that you have reviewed and understand our appeal seeking
extension for public comment to August 5, 2023?

We feel extra time for public comment is warranted to ensure that - did not play a significant role or otherwise contribute in a
meaningful way to the conduct that led to regulatory action or proceeding
without ample notice.

Thank you,


On Wed, Jun 28, 2023, 12:04 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Ms. Scott:
> NY-DFS recently asked for public comment concerning "Proposed Guidance on
> Assessment of the Character and Fitness of Directors, Senior Officers, and
> Managers" mentioned here:
> .
> - asks if the NY-DFS will extend deadline for public
> comment to August 5, 2023 from June 30, 2023.
> As requested by NY-DFS, today we provide (in a separate attachment)
> evidence of any documented exceptions to compliance with the "Suggested
> Questions to Facilitate Initial and Ongoing Assessment of Designated
> Persons’ Character and Fitness."
> We have collated 19 references comprising 205 highlights that touch on the
> five key areas below:
> -Harassment and Discrimination Policies
> -Conflict of Interest Policy
> -Insider Trading Policy
> -Records Management Policy
> -Corporate Opportunity Policy
> - is seeking NY-DFS' extension for public comment to
> August 5, 2023 so that the New York Banking community has time to complete
> Q2-23 earnings call disclosures.
> As documented in the above 19 references, we feel extra time for public
> comment is warranted to ensure that - did not play a
> significant role or otherwise contribute in a meaningful way to the conduct
> that led to regulatory action or proceeding without ample notice.
> Per point one of NY-DFS' "Suggested Questions to Facilitate Initial and
> Ongoing Assessment of Designated Persons’ Character and Fitness," can you
> kindly acknowledge that you have reviewed and understand our appeal seeking
> extension for public comment to August 5, 2023?
> We hope to hear from you before June 30, 2023 given obvious factors.
> Sending you the very best regards.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> --
> Gunnar Larson
> |
> MSc - Digital Currency
> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> +1-917-580-8053
> New York, New York 10001

NY Banks Must Vet Execs For 'Character,' Regulator Says

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
NY Banks Must Vet Execs For 'Character,' Regulator Says

By Sarah Jarvis

New York's financial regulator on Monday issued guidance advising banks to
vet the "character and fitness" of their top brass, with the state agency
stressing that compromised directors or officers can put financial
institutions at risk.

Read full article »

 | Save to favorites »

PayPal Says Merchant Rules Level Playing Field In Exit Bid

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
I think uses PayPal as a processing method.

PayPal Says Merchant Rules Level Playing Field In Exit Bid

By Henrik Nilsson

PayPal urged a California federal judge on Friday to toss a proposed class
action alleging the financial tech giant illegally boosts online retail
prices by enforcing restrictive merchant agreements, saying PayPal's
practices enable it to compete on an equal footing with other payment

 Memorandum attached | Read full article »

 | Save to favorites »

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-23 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
gmail app’s cache does not have videogame thread
wanted to add psychological horror. where e.g. facebook logo is demonic
ooze that takes over people/‘s bodies/minds and is psychically influential
it could be fun if done like unearthly thriller, tendrils [insert current
metafaction][oops?] reach out of the child’s body and curl toward you and
you begin hearing whispers of

Long running APster contract on Bill Gates ( my 2k sats )

2024-01-23 Thread pro2rat
Whiney little bitches and antivax fruitloops prefer nagging him to death. So?

Timewasting, gasbag Grarpamps go fuck yourself. Take your epoch times garbage 
with you.


A New Bio of Zelenskiy Shows a Performer at His Best—and Worst

2024-01-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
Gunnar is a grower

A New Bio of Zelenskiy Shows a Performer at His Best—and Worst

As The Showman opens, Volodymyr Zelenskiy is still a celebrity comedian and
upstart presidential candidate. “On the night we first met, backstage at
his show in spring 2019, Zelenskiy looked more scared than I would see him
for a while,” writes author and Time correspondent Simon Shuster.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-23 Thread grarpamp


Additionally, further exposing how @AlexanderSoros just sent out a
cryptic assassination hit on President Trump, John F Kennedy was
assassinated on November 22, 1963. The $10 bill in the photograph next
to the bullet says “WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND”. That writing on
the bill was replaced with “IN GOD WE TRUST” in 1963. Alex Soros and
@TheAtlantic specifically used this old $10 bill to highlight the JFK
assassination. In fact, all of the paper currency in this photo is
associated with political assassination. *Abraham Lincoln was
Assassinated *Alexander Hamilton pistol duel with Aaron Burr *Andrew
Jackson was the first President to have an assassination attempt
against him in 1835. *The 2 one dollar bills are silver certificates.
The silver is referring to Kennedy being on a silver coin as well as
the silver bullet. The Bills Show As Followed: 10 02 5 01 1 1 The 4th
bill is a TEN upside down that spells “NET”. So the offer is
$100,250,111 NET. @AlexanderSoros should be arrested immediately and
@TheAtlantic needs to be investigated for publishing this.
@SecretService @FBI @JasonMillerinDC @LaCivitaC @TeamTrump @EricTrump
It gets even more obvious that the image published by @TheAtlantic and
@AlexanderSoros is a call for the assassination of President Trump.
The $10 and $20 bills on the bottom have a 4 and a 5 on them. As in
45! 45th President of the United States. $47 = 47th President Donald J

"Democrats are getting desperate to be trying this plot."

If Donald Trump is convicted by a jury for RICO in trying to influence
the 2020 election results in Georgia, who would you vote for
president? Trump 51% (+2) Biden 49% .@Harvard/@Harris_X_/@HarrisPoll,
2,346 RV, 1/17-18
Political Polls
2024 National GE: Trump 53% (+6) Biden 47% . Trump 44% (+8) Biden 36%
Kennedy 21% .@Harvard/@Harris_X_/@HarrisPoll, 2,346 RV, 1/17-18…

Laura Loomer
So passengers need to inspect the planes they fly on now? DEI is going
to get us all killed. Should I pack a tool kit in my carry on the next
time I fly, too?
New York Post
NYC-bound flight canceled when passenger notices missing bolts on
plane wing

Laura Loomer
.@elonmusk I thought this was Twitter 2.0? What’s going on?
Liberacrat Media™️
Replying to @LauraLoomer @elonmusk @X
@LauraLoomer— you’re not only search bannned, you’re also being
shadow/ghost banned at the moment. To ensure accuracy, I cross checked
it against my handle and surprise, surprise, I’m also in the same boat
as you! See attachments.

Laura Loomer
President Trump released a new statement on Truth Social today about E
Jean Carroll! He was supposed to be in court today for the E Jean
Carroll trial, but the Leftist judge in the case moved the date till
tomorrow, the day of the New Hampshire primary in an effort to
interfere in our elections. "E. Jean Carroll was forced to change her
story on the “Monica Lewinsky-type” dress. She originally claimed that
the “event” happened in 1994, and that she wore the Donna Karan dress
on that day. The problem is that New York Times Fact Checkers found
the dress wasn’t even made by Donna Karan until long after 1994. The
truth is that she doesn’t know the day, month, season, year, or decade
- because it did not happen. End this Witch Hunt now!"

Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To
Nikki Haley's 2024 Campaign This is the same donor that is funding the
E Jean Carroll fake rape trial against President Trump in NYC this
week, in an act of election interference.…
Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To
Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential...
Billionaire Reid Hoffman took Jamie Dimon’s advice to donate to Nikki
Haley to stop Donald Trump to heart as Hoffman’s political advisors
announced to the media that Mr. Hoffman had donated $250,000...

"Nikki Haley aka Pocahontas 2.0"

"South Carolina Congresswoman @NancyMace from Nikki Haley’s home state
just officially endorsed Donald Trump for President. Her endorsement
comes after the Republican delegation of elected officials from SC
flew to New Hampshire to tell New Hampshire voters to vote for Trump
instead of Nikki Haley. It also comes just days after South Carolina
@SenatorTimScott flew to NH with President Trump on Trump’s plane, and
endorsed Trump on stage during a rally. @NikkiHaley’s own state
rejects her, and so should all of you."

Laura Loomer
Wow unreal. President Trump was supposed to be in New York City today
after his rally in New