Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
So the new border bill doesn’t actually close our border but still
sends billions to Ukraine?? Any Republican voting for this trash needs
to be primaried ASAP
This is Sen. James Lankford He helped negotiate the border bill that
doesn’t close our borders, forces a Trump 2nd term to take in
illegals, and sends $60 bil to Ukraine James Lankford is a RINO
Globalist He hates his own voters Well guess what James, the feelings
are mutual
We don’t need a new border bill We need to enforce the laws already on
our books Biden isn’t doing his job and more laws won’t change that
So the new border bill doesn’t actually close our border but still
sends billions to Ukraine?? Any Republican voting for this trash needs
to be primaried ASAP
Feb 2
Everyone needs to be their brother’s keeper if they’re protesting
Biden’s open borders this weekend These demonstrations should
obviously be peaceful But we need to go above and beyond that by
calling out extremists in those crowds and reporting any suspicious
activity that may jeopardize people’s safety The Biden regime and the
media would love nothing more than for violence to break out in these
demonstrations Our movement to close America’s borders is peaceful and
constitutional, unlike Joe Biden who has opened our borders and
weaponized federal law enforcement to inflict unconstitutional
violence against American citizens
Alex Jones
Feb 2
Terror alert: Secret FBI memo warns border patrol to brace for
imminent white supremacist attack.
Feb 2
This is everything you need to know about Ronna McRomney When asked by
Steve Bannon if she believes Trump and Kari Lake's elections were
stolen, Ronna dodges the question Disqualifying They dumped hundreds
of thousands of overnight ballots in swing states against Trump They
shut down voting machines in half of Maricopa voting centers on
election day for Kari We all watched it happen with our own eyes and
now she pretends it’s made up Ronna isn't only dumb, she's almost
certainly working against us from within RESIGN! VC: @MaxEvansUMP
Feb 2
No way it’s a coincidence that FL Rep @realannapaulina sends this
document request to Jack Smith and just hours later he removes the
entire Trump case from the DC docket Something else is happening
beneath the surface here…
Anna Paulina Luna
Feb 2
Within hours of my office sending a letter asking Jack Smith to
produce information regarding his investigation, his case against
Trump is removed from the docket. Jack Smith owes the American people
and Congress answers.
Feb 1
Gov. DeSantis has announced he’s deploying 1,000+ Florida National
Guard and State Guard troops to the southern border in Texas They’ll
be helping Texas troops put up razor wire to protect the American
Feb 1
I am once again requesting people not share images or videos of the
disgusting Senate porn on X We can be enraged at the injustice of them
not getting prosecuted without filling our feed with degeneracy
Feb 1
Are you KIDDING me?! Filming degenerate porn in Senate chambers? No
crime Walking with Capitol Police as they escort you on a guided tour
with photo opps? Felonies, FBI raids, and federal prison Illegitimate
evil has taken over our gov’t
Feb 1
Are you KIDDING me?! Filming degenerate porn in Senate chambers? No
crime Walking with Capitol Police as they escort you on a guided tour
with photo opps? Felonies, FBI raids, and federal prison Illegitimate
evil has taken over our gov’t
Jake Sherman
Feb 1
USCP says they will not charge anyone in the sex video incident in a
Senate hearing room.
Feb 1
Kevin McCarthy used NRCC funds to stop MAGA candidates in the 2022
primaries and now he’s using funds raised as Speaker to fight some of
our most America First candidates in the 2024 primaries Good riddance
to this uniparty snake
Olivia Beavers @Olivia_Beavers
Feb 1
NEWS: Kevin McCarthy isnt done trying to exact revenge on the
Republicans who ousted him. A top McCarthy ally, Brian O. Walsh, is
overseeing an attempt to recruit primary challengers to take on
members of the infamous “Gaetz Eight” W/ @allymutnick…
Jan 31
The invasion is intentional They know the America First is enraged and
revolting so they’re trying to flood as many illegal aliens into
America before we take our country back from criminals who stole it
And guess what? They’re all going back
Jan 31
So not only are illegal aliens being transported on commercial

Re: Elections: Bukele El Salvador, Milei Argentina, and more soon

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
I don't know much about El Salvadorian politics, but I do know a lot
about our liberal ruling elite, and why they despise @nayibbukele

We are HONORED to receive your attacks, just days before OUR election.
I would be very worried if we had your support. Thank you 
Rep. Ilhan Omar
I led Members of Congress in sending a letter to @SecBlinken urging
action on threats to democracy in El Salvador. The State Dept must
review its relationship with El Salvador and defend democratic values.
The Salvadoran people deserve free and fair elections without fear of

"Epic troll. Well done Nayib Bukele. No one likes Ilhan Omar."
"She’s a Somalian terrorist."
"Meanwhile U.S. cities are crime ridden hellholes. Unbelievable."
"We need more Presidents like @nayibbukele in the world.
@Ilhan doesn’t represent America. She has no love or respect for our country."
"@RobSchneider: How truly cool is THIS President?! Unlike OUR President,
@nayibbukele improved the lives of his citizens!"

El Salvador's election this weekend is a referendum on Nayib Bukele's
authoritarian crime crackdown – and he's set to win by a landslide
Leer en español:
A Brutal Crime Crackdown Is Emboldening Leaders Across Latin America
Nayib Bukele has brought violent criminal gangs to heel in El
Salvador. While that's made the country safer and him extremely
popular, his strongman tactics have come at the cost of civil

One reason many elites react so viscerally to @nayibbukele: As they
allow crime to escalate, they know that a leader who stops it can gain
an incontestable level of legitimacy—potentially giving him the power
to replace their entire regime.

After some research & with help from comments on my post yesterday, it
seems the widest margin of victory EVER in a free, contested
presidential election was 56.2% in 1991 in Portugal (70.4% of votes v
14.2%) Will @nayibbukele beat that margin in El Salvador tomorrow?

The “authoritarian dictator” @nayibbukele celebrating international
efforts to support the vote in democratic elections at home. Landslide
win incoming, Liberty has Her country once more.

Felt safer in El Salvador than in USA cities like New York, San
Francisco & Philadelphia. Spoke to so many locals who are thankful for
Bukele’s leadership and are finally free from gang violence

Elections: Bukele El Salvador, Milei Argentina, and more soon

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
Massive election wins.

Bukele smashes it again with 85% re-election after putting
all the thugs in jail, adopting Bitcoin, etc.

Milei hauls in the world's first Libertarian Presidency,
utterly destroys the WEF in fiery anti-Socialist speech,
declares crypto valid for contracts, shuts down entire
govt departments.

Free-Market Country-First and Libertarian policies begin
taking over the world from the Marxists and other broken forms.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
Another screecher dies in shame...
This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being
transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim and challenges
it by asking questions. He teaches not what to think, but how to think
critically. Watch until the end. You see the epiphany in real-time.

"Human beings cannot change sex. That’s it. Conversation over.
Stop every practice that deludes people that this is possible. Stop it all."

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
> "Border isn't about "amnesty" "migration" or any other term... it's
> about one thing and one thing only CORRUPT COMMIE GLOBALIST
> @elonmusk
> Bidens strategy is very simple:
> 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
> 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority a one-party state.
> That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration.
> Simple, yet effective.

It was always the plan
“…a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented
immigrants is the only way to maintain [Democrats] electoral strength
in the future…” Centre for American Progress (2013)
Ep. 71 Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to
understand who's behind the invasion of our country.
His conclusion: “it's not a friendly migration.”

A call for Jihad right inside the USA, from Minnesota’s Islamic
Center, in chilling calls echoing Ilhan Omar’s recent speech in which
she incited dangerous ethno-fascist greater Somalia ideology, calling
for violent attacks against Somaliland & Ethiopia.

NEW - 13-year-old girl gang raped in Catania, Italy. Seven
perpetrators of Egyptian origin arrested — RAI

National from Mali with an Italian residence permit stabbed 3 people
at a railway station in Paris, police say — Le Parisien

Calls for an Islamic "intifada revolution" in London.
Watch what happens when you bring the illegal aliens to the homes of
top Democrat politicians. Video below.  #CloseTheBorder
MUST WATCH: “Nancy Pelosi’s Wall” This is a short film I made in 2019
about our current immigration crisis and the need for a border wall on
the Southern border and tougher immigration laws to stop the INVASION
of our nation. I drove from Arizona to the Mexican border, filmed
myself crossing in through the Mexican side, and then I brought
illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala to Nancy Pelosi’s mansion and
claimed sanctuary on her lawn. Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy
Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi said everyone is welcome here in the United
States, and went as far as saying building a wall on the border "is an
immorality, and not who we are as a country". I decided to put Speaker
Pelosi's own words to test by bringing three amigos, who happen to be
illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala, to her estate in Sanctuary
State California, where we hopped her fence and pitched a sanctuary
city on her lawn. Along with seeking sanctuary on Pelosi's lawn, we
discovered Nancy Pelosi LOCKS HER DOORS! As you can see, we weren’t
able to get inside Nancy's kitchen to make sandwiches. After getting
word that 3 illegal aliens and I had pitched a sanctuary tent on her
lawn, Pelosi called the police and had us deported from her
multi-million dollar Napa Valley Mansion. Perhaps if Democrats and
@JoeBiden want to continue the invasion of our country, we should send
the illegals to their home.

In 1981, the New York Times reported that Mar-a-Lago was for sale for
$20 million. Now, 43 years later New York Judge Engoron expects you to
believe that Mar-a-Lago has not appreciated a cent, and is actually
worth $18 million. Lol.

Washington state diverted $340 million in federal "COVID funds" to
illegal immigrants, including via $1,000 checks

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
These modern "movements", t-shirt brigades, "protestors", "issues",
etc are fake, contrived, manufactured, funded, 1984, traps, not organic...

James Lindsay, anti-Fascist @ConceptualJames
Trans isn't just happening. Gender ideology (Queer Theory) was
mainstreamed on purpose.
The Transgender Money Pipeline A quick look at the ultra rich
activists behind the transgender movement.
"The rise of transgenderism is not simply a spontaneous social tsunami
that happened organically. A handful of very wealthy activist
contributors has funded and nurtured the movement and tried to make it
mainstream. I have tracked the flow of the money through public
records, charity and foundation filings, and news reports. This is a
snapshot of some of my reporting during the past year. Many of the
richest contributors were significant donors to LGB organizations long
before T was added. Unless a grant is earmarked for trans issues, it
is sometimes difficult to determine how much of a gift to an
organization such as The Human Rights Campaign, might be put to
transgender matters. Hundreds of new transgender specific charities
and advocacy organizations have opened in the last decade. In 2013,
less than $2 million went to groups such as the Trans Justice Funding
Project or the Palm Center for Transgender Military Service.  Annual
contributions to transgender associations surpassed a hundred million
dollars by 2020, about eight times faster than the increase for
overall LGBT funding. The single biggest contributor to the movement
is Jennifer Pritzker (formerly James, born male at birth), a cousin of
Illinois governor, J. B. Pritzker, and a member of a $37 billon family
fortune built from nursing homes and Hyatt hotels. Other key
financiers include the Soros family; Warren and Peter Buffett; United
Therapeutics CEO, Martine Rothblatt (born male but identifies as a
transhuman/transgender woman); software programmer, Tim Gill, the
first openly gay man listed on the Forbes 400; Canadian venture
capitalist, Mark Bonham; the Tides Foundation creator, Drummond Pike;
Jon Stryker, the billionaire heir to the Stryker medical technology
company fortune; and the estate of Ric Weiland, who was the second
employee at Microsoft. Many of these billionaires fund the transgender
lobby through their own charitable organizations. They also pass
significant money through Pike’s Tides Foundation and other anonymous
funding groups. Large corporations, other charities, and individual
philanthropists, send money to the Tides Foundation, specify where the
funds go, and their gift is then delivered anonymously. The Tides
Foundation acts as a legal firewall and tax shelter for foundations
and the wealthy. A snapshot of the charitable contributions to LGBT
foundations in 2020 reveals the largest donor was “anonymous;” $31
million in 112 grants that were disbursed through groups like Tides
(the second biggest contributor, at $30 million, was the
pharmaceutical firm, Gilead, a pioneer in HIV/AIDs medications)."
These financiers do not simply write checks. Their money almost always
comes with conditions." Read the rest of this article at Just the

Cryptocurrency: Ford, Fuller, Hayek, Mi Primer Economia El Salvador

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
Henry Ford - a unique "energy currency" that could "stop wars."
December 4, 1921, The New York Tribune published a story detailing a
plan by inventor Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, to
replace the existing gold-backed currency system into one based on an
"energy currency."

Buckminster Fuller in 1967 - By the year 2000 there will be a
realistic scientific accounting system of wealth. Wealth is energy.
Energy can neither be created nor lost. Wealth is not going to
deteriorate or get lost which is a great way of thinking about all the

Friedrich Hayek 1984 - "I don't believe we shall ever have a good
money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government,
we can't take it violently out of the hands of government, all we can
do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't
stop" Salvador Bitcoin

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
Abdullah Hammoud is a taqiyya practicing liar
and apologist for Islam, which is incompatible with,
non-integrating, and against, all non-Muslim people
and governments worldwide, per the Islamic texts.
Only a fool welcomes Islam into their lands.

EXPOSE Dearborn,MI the secret Islamic capitol of the USA !

Michigan Police On High Alert After "Racist" WSJ Op-Ed Piece Calls
Dearborn "America's Jihad Capital"

Dearborn, Michigan, Mayor Abdullah Hammoud took to social media
platform X on Saturday afternoon to warn "Effective immediately" that
"Dearborn police will ramp up its presence across all places of
worship and major infrastructure points."

Hammoud said the reason behind police officers increasing their
presence across places of worship and major infrastructure points
followed a Wall Street Journal opinion piece calling Dearborn
"America's Jihad Capital."

Effective immediately - Dearborn police will ramp up its presence
across all places of worship and major infrastructure points.

This is a direct result of the inflammatory @WSJ opinion piece
that has led to an alarming increase in bigoted and Islamophobic
rhetoric online…
— Abdullah H. Hammoud (@AHammoudMI) February 3, 2024

Here's an excerpt from the op-ed that alleged thousands in the city
support the Hamas militant group:

What's happening in Dearborn isn't simply a political problem for
Democrats. It's potentially a national-security issue affecting all
Americans. Counterterrorism agencies at all levels should pay close

Mayor Hammoud released a statement:

"In response to an Islamaphobic, Anti-Arab, and blatantly racist
opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal today, we have
increased the presence of law enforcement throughout Dearborn.

 "Dearborn Police continue to monitor social media for threats.
This is more than irresponsible journalism. Publishing such
inflammatory writing puts our residents at increased risk for harm."

X user Andy Ngô responded to the mayor's tweet, pointing out, "You do
have an Islamic extremism problem in your city, and that's part of the
reason you were elected. You deny the problem exists so that the
Islamists can continue to organize."

You do have an Islamic extremism problem in your city, and that’s
part of the reason you were elected. You deny the problem exists so
that the Islamists can continue to organize.
— Andy Ngô ️‍ (@MrAndyNgo) February 4, 2024

Is the FBI still targeting Roman Catholics because they're considered
"at risk of committing acts of extremist violence"?

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
On 2/3/24, hector llanquin  wrote:
> [yet more trolala]

You can talk shit when you go back to your own country
and make it great, instead of abandoning your own people,
abdicating your responsibility, and quitting to go leech off
what others built. Like the rest of the ilk, you're a coward, a
commie, and a popup troll with no standing. Go fuck yourself.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
> "Border isn't about "amnesty" "migration" or any other term... it's
> about one thing and one thing only CORRUPT COMMIE GLOBALIST

Bidens strategy is very simple:
1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority a one-party state.
That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration.
Simple, yet effective.

In the bet-you-didnt-know category, Homeland Security Secretary
Mayorkas issued written guidance making it clear that:
1. Illegal presence alone is not grounds for deportation.
2. Criminal charges, convictions or gang membership alone are not
enough for deportation.
You basically have to be a convicted axe murderer to be deported!
Thats because every deportation is a lost vote.

Critical thinking should be the first thing taught to kids
This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being
transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim and challenges
it by asking questions. He teaches not what to think, but how to
think critically. Watch until the end. You see the epiphany in

Bill Maher is absolutely right
Bill Maher calls out Joe Biden for lying about requiring additional
paperwork from Congress to deal with the border issues "The president
can fix this, he already has the existing lawsThis is all so silly...
I need a piece of paper from Congress to deal with the borderNo,
you already have that."

Far-left comic Michael Rapaport says voting for Trump is on the
table after seeing migrants beat down cops in Times Square

It was always the plan
a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented
immigrants is the only way to maintain [Democrats] electoral strength
in the future Centre for American Progress (2013)

If youre wondering why housing is so expensive, this is a major
A few other things you probably dont know: illegals in America can
get bank loans, mortgages, insurance, drivers licenses, free
healthcare (California & New York) and in-state college tuition.
Whats the point of being a citizen if an illegal gets all the
benefits, but doesnt pay taxes or do jury duty?

Impeach @SecMayorkas for deliberately breaking the law and massively
increasing illegal immigration beyond all historical precedent
90% Yes
10% No
358,500 votes  6 hours

As a reminder, I am very much PRO increasing legal immigration
significantly. Im not anti-immigration, Im just against a massive
number of unvetted people flooding into America, which any rational
person should be.

As a general rule, if you believe *everything* your political party
says, you are an idiot

Most people in America dont know that the census is based on a
simple headcount of people (including illegals) *not* just citizens.
This shifts political power and money to states and Congressional
districts with the highest number of illegals.

This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation
is a lost vote. As happened this week, you can literally assault
police officers in broad daylight in New York, be released with no
bail, give everyone the finger and *still* not be deported!!

Here is the full text of the bill. It sounds so reasonable at first,
just like The Committee of Public Safety actually meant The Cutting
Off Heads Committee in revolutionary France.

This bill is garbage.

Good progress!
BREAKING: Biggest news websites in the world sees traffic slumps
for second month in a row. While, traffic for  is at an all time
high. Traditional media is a direct competitor to . One of the
reasons why they are publishing fake articles targeting @elonmusk.

Re: Arab Israeli War 2023

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
> uncensored

Telegram tg: @GazaSupport

tg: gazaalannet

tg: yigal_levin
tg: news_kodkodgroup
tg: kodkodgroup

Paul Golding


Triple earthquakes today, all above 6+ magnitude.
"They marched around the city walls for 3 days, and blared
their trumpets, and the walls fell allowing them in."

More various sources...

the knock was 15:08, and it got pummeled at 15:23 GMT... 15 minutes

Why is every post showing IDF blowing up civilian buildings locked,
yet every post with Hamas attacking not? What kind of agenda are you
trying to push when you can’t call out the IDF for obvious war crimes?

because in war you choose sides and reddit/western online websites
have sided with israel

There’s no way the US ally Israel did not have the intel that this was
going to happen. Given string of failures including Ukraine, it just
so happens that a new and even religious war is incredibly convenient
for the current administration. This is how the current admins take
total control.

Are we all convinced that Israel intelligence just didn’t notice Hamas
troops movement?

An all-red heifer was born at the Temple of Israel on Sept. 4,
fulfilling a biblical prophecy to “reinstate purity to the world and
the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.” We are in the end times.

RIP Tommaso Aversa

2024-02-04 Thread professor rat

Reposts etc. Death to America


2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
There are two RICOs going on in New York right now.

If anything, I think Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would humbly tell the
young people of New York State to be calm and learn from their experience
and examples.

Brody Larson makes 190 highlights to UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT

Plaintiff initiated this lawsuit on March 24, 2022, alleging that “the
Defendants, blinded by political ambition, orchestrated a malicious
conspiracy to disseminate patently false and injurious
information about Donald J. Trump and his campaign, all in the hopes of
destroying his life, his political career and rigging the 2016 Presidential
Election in favor of Hillary Clinton.” (DE 177,
Am. Compl. ¶ 9).

On this general premise, Plaintiff brings a claim for violations of the
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), predicated on the theft
of trade secrets, obstruction of justice, and wire fraud (Count I). He
additionally brings claims for: injurious
falsehood (Count III); malicious prosecution (Count V); violations of the
Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act (“CFAA”) (Count VII); theft of trade secrets under the Defend
Trade Secrets Act of
2016 (“DTSA”) (Count VIII); and violations of the Stored Communications Act
(“SCA”) (Count
IX). The Amended Complaint also contains counts for various conspiracy
charges and theories of
agency and vicarious liability.

CMA Can Require Overseas Companies To Produce Documents In Its Competition Law Investigations - Cartels, Monopolies - UK

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
There are two RICOs happening in New York right now... and they can be
solved abroad if necessary.

"The absence of such power would create a perverse incentive for
conspirators to move offshore in order to organise cartels directed at
harming the UK market, who would be more or less immune from investigation.
This would particularly be easy to achieve in the digital era."

UK: CMA Can Require Overseas Companies To Produce Documents In Its
Competition Law Investigations

30 January 2024

by Natalia Rodriguez , Kristien Geeurickx and Phoebe Hirst
Herbert Smith Freehills

View Natalia Rodriguez Biography on their website

In its ruling1 of 17 January 2024 the Court of Appeal allowed the CMA's
appeal against a joint judgment by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT)
and the Administrative Court in the BMW and Volkswagen cases, relating to
the scope of the CMA's information gathering powers under Section 26 of the
Competition Act 1998 (CA98). The joint judgment held that the CMA's
decision to issue an information request to foreign-domiciled companies,
with no presence in the UK, for documents and information held outside the
UK was outside the scope of its powers under Section 26 CA98.

The Court of Appeal decided that the CMA's ability to conduct competition
investigations would be compromised if it is not able to obtain information
from overseas, which would create "a perverse incentive for conspirators to
organise cartels directed at harming the UK market". It also found that
nothing in the "logic, policy, case law or legislative history" supported
the restrictive interpretation adopted by the CAT.

The CMA has welcomed the ruling which, in light of the increasingly
cross-border nature of its work involving multi-national businesses,
strengthens its investigatory and enforcement powers.

The case arose in relation to information requests issued by the CMA to BMW
AG and VW AG in the context of its end-of life vehicle recycling cartel
investigation. Under section 26 CA98 the CMA may require any person to
produce a specified document or information which the CMA considers relates
to any matter relevant to an investigation.

BMW AG and VW AG challenged the CMA's power to apply section 26 notices
extraterritorially and argued that, as foreign domiciled companies with no
presence in the UK, the CMA had no power to require them to produce
specific documents or information held outside the UK.

The CAT found that the CMA had acted beyond its powers in issuing section
26 notices to the German-domiciled parent companies of BMW and VW. In
reaching its decision it focused on the true meaning of "person" to whom
section 26 could apply. The CAT considered that it made no legal sense to
serve an undertaking with a notice, and that while the term of a "person"
can extend to an "undertaking", this does not absolve the CMA from
directing a section 26 notice to a specific natural or legal person within
that undertaking. It concluded that a section 26 notice could be directed
to an undertaking, but only via a natural person or legal person with a
sufficient connection to the UK.

The CAT drew on the fact that both BMW AG and VW AG were incorporated and
domiciled in Germany and had no branch or office in the UK. It recognised
that their respective UK subsidiaries were legal persons sufficiently
connected to the UK and were subject to UK laws. The CAT also considered
that, should the UK subsidiaries have control of documents or information
responsive to the CMA's section 26 notices that were beyond the UK
territory, there would be an obligation to produce them.

The Court of Appeal's ruling
The CMA appealed the joint judgment by the CAT and Administrative Court on
two grounds:

The extraterritorial application of the substantive prohibitions of the
CA98 in section 2 and section 18 and the CMA's powers to carry out an
investigation under section 25 would be frustrated if section 26 did also
not have extraterritorial effect.
The reference to "any person" in section 26(1) captures all documents held
by all members of an undertaking where any member of that undertaking is
present in the UK.
Ground I: Extraterritoriality
The Court of Appeal noted that in determining whether legislation has
extraterritorial effect a court must, so long as its language allows, apply
an interpretative presumption against extraterritoriality. This was
confirmed by the Supreme Court in KBR, which held the principle to be a
starting point for consideration of the scope of a legislative measure.

But an extraterritorial intent can also be implied, taking into account a
range of considerations such as the purpose, scheme and context of the
legislation, the practicality of enforcement, the legislative history and
the impact on comity. Based on a careful analysis of the following factors

Alito, Kagan Top Justices in Supreme Court Recusal ‘Black Box’

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson

Justices decide themselves whether to step away from case
Recusals over stocks, previous work; pressure to explain
US Supreme Court justices recused themselves in roughly 3% of appeals since
2018, with Samuel Alito and Elena Kagan doing so most often, a Bloomberg
Law analysis shows.

Virtually all of the more than 750 recusals identified in a review of court
orders lacked an explanation of why the justices avoided participating.
Neither they nor the court are required to give reasons. But financial
disclosures, orders, and case records provide insight into their

The period covers a changing court with advocacy groups, ethics scholars,
and lawmakers from both parties pressing for more transparency about how
the justices do their work behind closed doors. Legislative proposals and
other calls for a code of conduct applicable to the justices have sought
more openness about recusal.

“Recusal explanations would help the public understand the justices’
entanglements so we’d have a standard by which to hold them to and a way to
see if the nine are following the recusal law in a consistent manner,” said
Gabe Roth, executive director of Fix the Court. The non-profit watchdog
also compiles recusal data, and some of its analysis was included in this

Nearly all recusals involved petitions that were denied review. A small
number occurred at the merits stage and off the so-called shadow docket,
leaving the nine-member bench shorthanded when deciding those matters. The
court hears about 70 cases each term.

Alito’s stock holdings appear to account for dozens of recusals, while
Kagan’s stint as US solicitor general in the Obama administration are
likely related to most of hers.

Justice Clarence Thomas almost never recuses, despite outside pressure to
do so. Most recently, Thomas faced calls to sit out a Jan. 6-related case
because his wife, Ginni, lobbied the White House to overturn the 2020

‘Black Box’
Federal law requires that justices and other federal judges disqualify
themselves when impartiality could be questioned. That includes any
personal bias against or ties to a party, as well as conflicts arising from
financial holdings. The code of conduct for lower court judges is
considered guidance and Chief Justice John Roberts says the high court
abides by it.

Lower federal courts have for years used software to help flag conflicts.
But Indiana law professor and legal ethics expert Charles Geyh called the
Supreme Court’s handling of recusals a “black box.”

The high court declined to discuss recusals but has said they are largely
left to the individual justices and their staffs. The process includes an
initial conflict check in chambers. A rule adopted by the court in 2019 to
make it easier to identify financial or personal conflicts requires
attorneys to disclose certain information about their clients.

Roberts has said the justices may seek advice from the court’s legal office
or consult their colleagues when weighing recusal decisions. Justices have
called recusal a personal decision and have rebuffed suggestions to explain
their decisions, which are unreviewable.

New Justices, Stocks
The recusal review included the October 2018 term through the first half of
the current one. The justices recused in roughly 3% of the estimated 24,000
appeals logged during the period.

Kagan and Alito recused more than 130 times each. Others varied, with
roughly 100 recusals for Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil
Gorsuch to about 60 or under for Roberts, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia
Sotomayor. Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg recorded a few each for the
period. Ginsburg died in 2020 and Breyer retired last year.

With two dozen individual stocks listed on his latest financial disclosure
form last May, more than a third of Alito’s recusals over the period likely
were due to share conflicts. Petitioners had links to businesses like
Johnson & Johnson, AbbVie Inc., 3M Co., PNC Bank, a unit of PNC Financial
Services Group Inc., and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a unit of J Apparent
stock ties to energy and aerospace firms, like ConnocoPhillips Co. and
Boeing Co., appeared to also factor in Alito’s recusals.

Roberts and Breyer also recused due to likely stock conflicts although they
reported fewer holdings over the period than Alito. Breyer appeared to have
conflicts with aerospace firm Raytheon Technologies Corp. and
home-improvement retailer Lowe’s Cos Inc., while Roberts recused in cases
involving AT Inc., which was no longer listed on his disclosure form as
of 2021, and Sirius XM Holdings Inc. Roberts, Kagan, and Gorsuch also have
recused likely due to their fund accounts with financial services firm
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.

The judiciary should list investments, bank accounts, and other reportable
assets of a certain value they, their spouses, and dependent children hold.


Hong Kong Pins Revival Hopes on Messi After Coldplay, Taylor Swift Misses

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
Hong Kong Pins Revival Hopes on Messi After Coldplay, Taylor Swift Misses

Hong Kong’s image of a freewheeling finance hub has taken a severe hit in
recent years in the wake of a crackdown on dissent and strict pandemic
curbs, which triggered an exodus of residents. The city’s reopening has
been marred by China’s economic slowdown and high borrowing costs, with the
local property and stock markets plunging.

FBI, I Do Not Give A Hoot - One of the World's Best Videos

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
FBI, I Do Not Give A Hoot - One of the World's Best Videos


The FBI Establishes New Virtual Assets Unit

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Tue, Mar 15, 2022, 3:51 PM
Subject: Fwd: The FBI Establishes New Virtual Assets Unit
To: cypherpunks 

Wonder if the new FBI virtual assets unit "has what it takes..." to get
down to the issue with NYCCoin and MIA Coin? wonders what the new virtual asset unit thinks of Proof of Transfer
(POX) as computer software that harms integrity of the Bitcoin Blockchain?

Bloomberg allues that NYCCoin and MIA Coin are a ponzi scheme (powered by

*Gunnar Larson -  | *

Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship
and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

-- Forwarded message -
From: FBI 
Date: Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 3:38 PM
Subject: The FBI Establishes New Virtual Assets Unit

* National Press Releases *
The FBI Establishes New Virtual Assets Unit The FBI is announcing the
creation of the Virtual Assets Unit (VAU), a nerve center for the FBI’s
virtual currency programs. March 15, 2022
Full Press Release



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Fwd: CityCoins Tweeted: CityCoins are another tool in a city's toolbox. ...

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Feb 2, 2024, 6:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: CityCoins Tweeted: CityCoins are another tool in a city's
toolbox. ...

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2022, 2:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: CityCoins Tweeted: CityCoins are another tool in a city's
toolbox. ...
To: cypherpunks 

Wow, MIA and NYCCoin are claiming to be 100x better than municipal bonds...

With some sort of tax scheme of opportunity?

-- Forwarded message -
From: Twitter 
Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 12:22 AM
Subject: CityCoins Tweeted: CityCoins are another tool in a city's toolbox.
To: Gunnar Larson 

 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Your Highlights
[image: CityCoins's avatar]

CityCoins are another tool in a city's toolbox.

CityCoins are a 100x improvement on municipal bonds.

These bonds aren't held by citizens. They're issuing debt that falls on
taxpayers to repay. That's tax from compulsion, not tax from opportunity.
[image: reply]






*Gunnar Larson -  | *
MSc - | DOJ Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson

February 1, 2022


Mr. John Marzulli
United States Department of Justice
Eastern District of New York
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn New York, 11201

Re: Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

Dear Mr. Marzulli:

The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1 with our recent

to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred
Prosecution Agreement

with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
enforcement being concerned.

Memo #2 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with the Middle

The Bank of London vs. The Bank of London and the Middle East


   November 30, 2021 two New York based firms lead investment in The Bank
   of London based in the United Kingdom.

   July 1, 2007 The Bank of London and the Middle East opened in the United

   The Bank of London and the Middle East confirms they have no association
   with The Bank of London (correspondence referenced here


The Bank of London seemingly has been funded from New York to irritate the
Middle East.  Recently, we made 91 highlights of research

associated with The Bank of London and the Middle East's recent sale to a
firm in Kuwait.

Harvey Schwartz is the Chairperson at The Bank of London, after spending
over 20 years at Goldman Sachs Group, where he oversaw sales and trading,
finance, technology, and operations. He completed his tenure as the firm’s
President and Co-Chief Operating Officer. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1997
and subsequently held numerous senior leadership positions including Chief
Financial Officer, Global Co-Head of the Securities Division, amongst other
positions. He additionally served as a member of the firm’s Management
Committee and co-headed its Risk Committee, Steering Committee on
Regulatory Reform and Finance Committee. Mr. Schwartz established the
firm’s Investment Policy Committee on which he also served as a member.

It would appear that Mr. Schwartz has no friendly diplomatic agenda in
London banking, potentially looking to profit off of The Bank of London and
the Middle East.

Furthermore, Goldman Sachs seemingly has a part in the scheme from New York.

Bank of London and the Middle East is listed on the NASDAQ, Dubai.


   Mr. Marzulli, during a recent telephone discussion together it was your
   general assessment that the Deferred Agreement in question was self
   policing.  Can you kindly advise at your earliest convenience what (if any)
   DOJ systems, processes and control mechanisms are in place to monitor the
   purity of the Deferred Agreement?

   Furthermore, if the Deferred Agreement is self-policing, can the DOJ
   kindly share any and all supporting material information that would prevent
   the agreement from being violated without the DOJ's general oversight?

   Finally, we have made 28 highlights to Deferred Agreement

   as a reference resource tool.

Memo #1 and Memo #2 both outline instances that correspond with the
associated highlight references. We are concerned that potential breaches
to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise.

We are looking forward to learning more about the DOJ’s approach to
assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates.

Respectfully yours with anticipation,

Gunnar Larson -  |


- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-646-454-9107

[OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2023-056-15960 Acknowledged NYPD body cam footage, for NYCCoin Touting.)

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Sat, Feb 3, 2024, 12:45 PM
Subject: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2023-056-15960 Acknowledged NYPD body
cam footage, for NYCCoin Touting.)

Dear Honorable Senator Gillibrand:

My name is Gunnar Larson and I am a co-founder at -

Today I contact your esteemed office seeking assistance with retrieving the
NYPD body camera footage mentioned below.

The FOIL request was filed with the NYPD on July 14, 2023. The NYPD
responded on July 16, 2023, noting a potential delivery date of the body
camera footage by end of November 2023.

As of today, January 12, 2024 - has not heard from the NYPD
on receiving the body camera footage.

Senator Gillibrand, I am concerned delay in receiving this body camera
footage may disrespect your #MeToo zero tolerance policy. Humbly, the FBI
should be able to confirm with your office if this is a "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" matter.

Ultimately, I am concerned this matter should not impact the pure interests
of your Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act.

The FBI should be able to be honest with your office concerning your
Bloomberg Crypto Summit interview with Senator Lummis on the Responsible
Financial Innovation Act. It is my understanding that the NYPD body camera
footage could have been staged politically, given xNY's approach to

Senator Gillibrand, your office could offer anyone the opportunity to
engage the new SDNY program here to protect honest integrity of the NYPD:

Thank you Senator Gillibrand.

Sending you the very best regards,


Gunnar Larson |
MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Wed, Jan 10, 2024, 5:36 AM
Subject: Re: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2023-056-15960 Acknowledged NYPD
body cam footage, for NYCCoin Touting.)
Cc: , , <>, , Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>, , Reader, Shaun <>, 

Good morning NYPD:

Thank you for your Jul 16, 2023 response. - did not hear from you on
November 29, 2023 as promised.

Given the emerging situation in USA cryptocurrency markets, we are going to
need to follow up with the NYPD every 10 days until we receive the NYCCoin
touting body camera footage.

Can you please update - on the status of the footage? We
have received various replies from the City of New York on Mayor Adams'
'first checks in Bitcoin' mentioned here:

Have a good day.

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson |
MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

On Mon, Jan 1, 2024, 6:41 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Good morning:
> Happy New Year 2024 to you.
> Can we please have an update on this matter?
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> --
> Gunnar Larson
> |
> MSc - Digital Currency
> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> +1-917-580-8053
> New York, New York 10001
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2023, 3:51 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Hello:
>> Thank you for your Jul 16, 2023 response.
>> - did not hear from you on
>> November 29, 2023 as promised.
>> Can - please receive the
>> NYPD body cam footage for NYCCoin Touting by December 31, 2023?
>> Warm regards,
>> Gunnar
>> Gunnar Larson
>> --
>> Gunnar Larson - -
>> MSc - Digital Currency
>> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
>> +1-917-580-8053
>> New York, New York 10001
>> On Wed, Dec 6, 2023, 11:11 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> Any updates on the body camera footage mentioned below?
>>> Gunnar
>>> Gunnar Larson
>>> -
>>> 917-580-8093
>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2023, 7:10 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
 Dear Madam or Sir:

 I am just confirming that the NYCCoin body camera footage is still on
 track for November 29, 2023 delivery. Can you confirm as such please?

 The matter was recorded late March 2023. And - must
 close our EOY-23 books.

 Any further delay of the body camera footage could be a challenge to
 N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15
 Human Rights Law, § 296. Unlawful discriminatory practices:

 14. ... whether or not accompanied by the
 person for whom the dog is being trained.

 16. It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice, unless
 specifically required or permitted by statute, for any person, agency,
 bureau, corporation or association, 

SpaceX Interlocking Directors? Intent to Manipulate Markets

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Sat, Nov 11, 2023, 12:12 PM
Subject: SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets
Cc: , Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) ,
Reader, Shaun , Dean, Peter C (DFS) <>

Attorney General James:

On November 2, 2023 - contacted your esteemed office with
intent to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297. Procedure 1.
Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts committed
outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).

Given several factors, we are reasonably confident in your office and the
FBI knowing why - would seek to engage New York Human
Rights Law. As an alumni of United Nations Headquarters in New York, I left
the UN as a producer of the Audio Visual Library of International Law.

Attorney General James, Nicosia, Cyprus is the only military divided
capital city in the world (invaded by Turkey), with active UN Peacekeeping
Mission, and is where I have earned my graduate education. When starting my
second graduate degree in Cyprus, it is my understanding that the FBI in
New York became aware of - - is under investigation by New York for all the logical
reasons. However, we are not virtual currency market manipulators and it
seems NY-DFS is blaming - for leading a virtual currency
RICO defense.

Today we again contact your office seeking New York State Executive Law
(Article 15), Human Rights Law as jurisdictional prudence. § 298-a.
Application of article to certain acts committed outside the state of New
York covers - various abuses against our enterprise.

Furthermore, recent events show that New York State's Attorney General has
greater powers than the United Nations in protecting New Yorkers from
potential financial crimes. The June 18, 2022 memo  below is one such
example. - hopes your esteemed office understands that the
dealmakers mentioned in the memo below also bank the United Nations. The
flow of money has certainly affected - with unlawful
surveillance, market manipulation and threats. - will never be deterred and is now motivated more than

That said, Attorney General James your office is key to providing New York
State greater innovation potential than the United Nations (and New York
banks associated). For example, Craig Mokhiber was director of the New York
office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, but last
week quit his post over the Israel-Hamas war:
. - hopes any virtual currency RICO in New York State will
not impact  potental obstruction, given commuated conflicts. Furthermore,
New York City Mayor Adams' situation could be a postive pathway in creative
thinking if we are to be proactive problem solvers.

Given several factors, we must engage funding to protect -'s interests.

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson -

On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Dear Madam Attorney General James:
> - kindly seeks a response from your office concerning the
> message below.
> Today in Manhattan, the FTX case will soon be sent for jury deliberation.
> According to NPR, "... FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is accused of
> orchestrating one of the largest financial frauds in history."
> Additionally, today Donald Trump's civil fraud trial continues in New York
> City.
> Attorney General James, as you are aware - has an ongoing
> dialog with your office concerning a 'RICO.' The New York State Department
> of Financial Services records office has responded with a memo concerning
> the "Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement" here:
> .
> This memo aims to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297. Procedure
> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts committed
> outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
> Kind regards,
> Gunnar
> --
> Gunnar Larson
> -
> MSc - Digital Currency
> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> +1-917-580-8053
> New York, New York 10001
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson  wrote:
>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the
>> New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>> Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled
>> "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
>> decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
>> Act against one another.
>>- Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical

SpaceX Corporation Board of Directors One Rocket Road Hawthorne, California 90250 Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors? Intent to Manipulate Markets

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson

May 21, 2022


SpaceX Corporation
Board of Directors
One Rocket Road
Hawthorne, California

Re:  Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate

Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:

>From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies the notion
that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and innovation is
like a slide.

Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of potential
market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
economy and Moon exploration. We do not see this as a stereotypical
democrat versus republican battle (as Mr. Musk alludes). We see this as a
risk arbitrage matter for -’s profit (subject to regulatory

Some may argue a scheme to leverage the protection of “free speech” has led
to Twitter deal advisors attempting a $44B LBO market manipulation exercise.
Further cause for reasonable concern is warranted if similar intent is at
play in the form of Tesla’s ESG scam claim. -  indicators
signal risk of possible intent to manipulate public and private markets
prompting clarification of the SpaceX Corporation’s intent concerning Moon
exploration and exploitation as a ESG digital asset vault.

To be very clear, SpaceX directors should understand -’s
work to protect cross-border digital asset innovation was born before
Twitter's prospective LBO. Our concern specific to the intent of Twitter’s
LBO deal makers is party to our work in New York to usurp Goldman Sachs and
JP Morgan Chase board directors who may be  potentially engaged in similar
market manipulation referenced here:

   1. - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution
   2. - | Memo #2 - JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors ESG
   Marketplace Manipulation.
   3. -’s work also includes research into oil and nickel
   marketplace manipulation as an ESG concern.

The Twitter LBO includes Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase operating as
deal advisors. As referenced above, claims of Twitter robot scams and
claims of Tesla ESG scams display a pattern of questionable intent.
- asks SpaceX to clarify your board's intent concerning the Moon
and any connection to USDD (now in Moon phase). SpaceX directors may agree
that the Moon can also be defined as one of the most valuable ESG digital
asset vaults known to modern humanity.

Protecting the Moon from explo8itation is fundamental to Space exploration.
SpaceX is party to any potential Twitter deal maker advisors that may
exercise questionable intent risking the Moon’s ESG vault potential. - is concerned with interlocking directorate syndicates
that include SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Goldman Sachs and BitGo. This setup
breeds a galaxy of third and fourth party risk(s) at the demise of pure
cross-border digital asset innovation. Twitter robots are not the focus of
the Orlando Police Department Pension Fund, who  suggests that Twitter’s
LBO is suspected of questionable intent as potentially illegal.


   Mr. Musk’s ingenuity as an entrepreneur is historic and greatly
   respected as a model inside our organization. As a Gates Scholar and
   Blockchain Scholar holding international law distinction(s) The concept
   of the Moon being an ESG digital asset vault is logic USDD seemingly

   For obvious reasons, we seek SpaceX’s board to confirm if the intent
   behind your CEO’s Twitter LBO and Tesla ESG claims and if SpaceX is party
   to a USDD type matter given your syndicate’s close association with USDP. - kindly asks the SpaceX Corporation board of directors to
respond within 15 days of receipt of this correspondence. Default in the
form of no response within 15 days is not an extortion technique on our
part. Rather, it is a design benefit in disclosing our intent post 15 days
to ask for approval to engage New York’s False Claims Act in response to
SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal and Meta interlocking directors potentially engaging
in digital asset marketplace manipulation (exemplified by USDP and USDD)
that may exploit Space and Moon exploration at -, PBC’s
overall expense.

Respectfully yours,

Gunnar Larson |  - , PBC

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) 


2024-02-04 Thread pro2rat
>From Federación Anarquista de México
February 1, 2024

Full program of the 13th edition of the Anarchist Book and Publications Fair 
convened by the FAM.

We start with many activities for this next book fair. You can't afford to miss 

Viva la revolution!

Re: Nodes: GNURadio RF MultiSpectrum P2P Fiber Distributed Sensor Arrays Encrypted FreeSpace Comms DropGangs Coins Astronomy UFOs Tor Decentralized Science CrowdFunding

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
The Sprawling Radio Network That China's Firewall Can't Stop

With 120 stations surrounding China, Sound of Hope boasts one of the
largest shortwave broadcasting networks.

Locked inside the crowded Chinese prison, blind lawyer Chen Guancheng
hid his most treasured possession from the guards - inside a single
serve milk box.

A pocket-size shortwave radio.
(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Chien-Min Chung/AP Photo, Courtesy
of Allen Zeng, Minghui, Getty Images)

For three years, Mr. Chen looked forward to the hours after curfew.
With a blanket wrapped over his head and the radio’s metal antenna
parallel to his body, he lay still as the vibrating device under his
ear brought to life a world outside the prison’s walls. Petitioners,
protesters, human rights abuses, a grassroots movement to cut ties
with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—in that tiny murmuring voice,
he saw them all. He was free.

Over the decade since Mr. Chen escaped to the United States, the pool
of Western broadcasters for information-hungry Chinese like him has
shrunk considerably.

Radio powerhouses—BBC, Deutsche Welle, Voice of America—have either
cut back on their China service or moved programs online. Meanwhile,
the “Great Firewall,” the regime’s censorship apparatus aimed at
isolating China digitally, seems only to grow taller by the day.

Bucking the trend is a largely volunteer-run radio network called
Sound of Hope, whose 10 p.m. and midnight segments kept Mr. Chen
informed about current affairs in China during his years in prison.

The company now boasts one of the largest shortwave broadcasting
networks around China, with about 120 stations beaming signals to
China 24/7.

Allen Zeng, Sound of Hope’s co-founder and CEO, sees shortwave as the
answer to the regime’s information blackout.
Allen Zeng, co-founder and CEO of Sound of Hope. (Jennifer Zeng/The Epoch Times)

“They can turn off the internet, carry out the killing, wash clean the
blood, and turn it back on,” he told The Epoch Times, pointing to
Iran’s pattern of blocking the internet during nationwide protests.

With shortwave radio, though, “they have nowhere to turn it off,” Mr. Zeng said.

“It’s like the rain falling down from the sky—they have no way to
block the sky.”
A Voice to Trust

An unlikely journey began in 2004 for Mr. Zeng, then a Silicon Valley engineer.

Inside China, a massive nationwide campaign had been underway,
targeting virtually one in 13 Chinese who live by truthfulness,
compassion, and tolerance, the three tenets of the faith group Falun

Arbitrary jailing, slave labor, the abuse of psychiatric drugs, and
sexual abuse—the stories trickling out of China were sickening enough
that Mr. Zeng and a team of like-minded Chinese expats felt they could
no longer stand by.
Police detain a Falun Gong practitioner as a crowd gathers around in
Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Oct. 1, 2000.

“We had to do something about it. We needed to stop the killing,” he said.

The first thing that came to mind was the shortwave radio that had
been a household item in China since the Cold War era, one that in
1989, Mr. Zeng and other college students had turned to for
information when authorities rolled their tanks over democracy-loving
demonstrators in Tiananmen Square.

“Because nothing else could be trusted,” he said.

With little budget and know-how, the team started small: leasing one
hour of airtime from Taiwanese national broadcaster Radio Taiwan

Around that time, “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” an Epoch
Times editorial series that unpacked the nature of the Chinese regime,
had just been published, and Sound of Hope took it to audio.

It was such a hit in Beijing that shortwave radios were out of stock for months.

The response, and occasional words of encouragement from listeners who
managed to bypass China’s internet censorship, kept Mr. Zeng’s team
going. Dissidents chipped in and programs diversified. Soon, they were
Radio Taiwan International’s biggest contractor.

Gauging the size of the network’s audience is difficult given the
opacity of data from China.

But Sound of Hope became so influential that it caught Beijing’s
attention. The Chinese regime began to pressure the radio network’s
Taiwanese partner.

Eventually, the Taiwanese broadcaster backed out. Sound of Hope was
back to square one.
‘Walking in the Dark’

Giving up wasn’t in Mr. Zeng’s vocabulary.

As the partnership with Taiwan unraveled, the engineers raced to
develop their own solutions. They drew inspiration from fishing
vessels’ radio waves to build their own transmitter.

The result was a mini-tower based in Taiwan with upward-facing
antennas that spread out like wings. They nicknamed it “Seagull.”

The team set its sights low. The first “seagull” had a power level of
100 watts—a 

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
This recent Azov PR photo from Ukraine should remind us that during
the greatest armoured clash in history, both sides utilised vast
cavalry forces until 1945, in the context of a landscape of thick
forests and marshes often impenetrable to armour
Ukrainian women from Cherkasy region help the Ukrainian Army. They
have learned how to make metallic brackets to reinforce dugouts.
This saves a lot of lives. So proud of our women! : tanyachepur/TikTok
Putin ("Putin?") "spontaneously" visited the Shvetsov family in a
cottage settlement for medical workers in Russian Tula. The mother
said that she learned about his visit only 15 minutes before he
arrived. There have been numerous reports of people spending days
in quarantine before being allowed near Putin.
Diana Savita Wagner, call sign "Snake", a 36-year-old German citizen
and International Legion volunteer, died for Ukraine. She was a
combat medic in the Carpathian Sich 49th Infantry Battalion. Diana
moved to Ukraine before the full-scale war began, she learnt to
speak Ukrainian and applied for Ukrainian citizenship. "Diana Wagner
gained eternal life on the battlefield, saving wounded Colombian
soldiers of the Ukrainian army. We are grateful to you, our dear,
for your care, heroism, and saving the lives of the soldiers. The
Ukrainian nation will always remember you. We will not surrender!"
her comrade-in-arms Ruslan Andriiko wrote. Eternal glory and eternal
memory to the Heroine. Ukraine is eternally grateful for your
Russian Telegram channels published another video of the drone
strike on Lukoil oil refinery in Russian Volgograd.
A drone attacked Lukoil oil refinery in Russian Volgograd, Russian
media report. A fire of about 300 square meters broke out. This oil
refinery is the largest producer of petroleum products in the Russian
Southern Federal District. Local authorities and Russian defense
ministry have reported that two drones were "intercepted".
An archive video from May 4, 2022 appeared online. Ukrainian multiple
rocket launcher BM-27 Uragan is firing at the occupiers on Zmiinyi
(Snake) Island right from a barge. "We opened the season, so to
say," the battery commander Major Ivan Izhytskyi recalls, "Even
though we were attached to the spit, but it was still not easy to
aim; not much, but it swung. The idea was to check if it made sense
to fire this way at all. Because the island is small, and it is as
hard to aim at it as at a penny. As a result, 11 out of 16 shells
hit the island. So we saw that it makes sense." AfD

Adrienne Harris Is Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson


Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator Is Here Adrienne Harris, New York’s
financial watchdog, has enormous sway over the industry’s future.

Portrait of Kevin T. Dugan
By Kevin T. Dugan, staff writer at Intelligencer, who covers money and

Photo: Victor Llorente

Thirteen years after the birth of cryptocurrency, it was supposed to be
time for Washington to rein it in. Instead, the White House punted, and the
Securities and Exchange Commission is still hashing out how it’s going to
oversee the $2 trillion industry. State watchdogs have filled that vacuum,
making Adrienne Harris, the head of the New York State Department of
Financial Services, by default the most powerful crypto regulator in the

While states such as Florida and Wyoming have adopted a laissez-faire
approach to regulation, attracting a sizable chunk of the booming industry,
more money and jobs are still flowing into New York than any other city,
making it the de facto crypto capital of the U.S. “There’s a misconception
that having rigorous regulation turns off innovative companies,” Harris
tells me during an hour-long interview at her office looking out onto the
Statue of Liberty last month. “That hasn’t been our experience here.”

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Harris was tapped as the first Black woman to lead DFS last year. She came
into her position after a turn working in Silicon Valley and representing
Wall Street banks, a résumé that critics have used to paint her as too
close to the industries she is regulating. She’s eager to dispel any
criticism that she’s soft as a regulator, especially when it comes to
crypto. Harris says she’s looking to expand the agency’s remit, hire new
regulators, and possibly watch over lending and asset management in
decentralized finance, a.k.a. DeFi, one of the fastest-growing crypto
industries, which has been prone to very large hacks.

The agency’s power over the industry lies mostly with the BitLicense, a
required if unloved permit for crypto exchanges to operate within state
lines. When it was first introduced in 2014, it was meant to be a model for
the country, but the crypto industry has attacked the license for being too
strict, limiting what people can trade, and requiring expensive
anti-money-laundering operations, which, it should be noted, most
traditional financial institutions are required to maintain. For Harris,
the problem isn’t that it’s too restrictive — it’s that the process of
getting one, which has stretched years for some companies, is too slow. “If
you think about the companies that are BitLicensees, and even the companies
in the queue, having the imprimatur of ‘Have you passed regulatory muster
with a stringent regulatory regime?’ — I think the good actors see that as
a good thing,” she says.

Created in 2011, DFS has been a regulator feared more than any of its
counterparts in other states for the power it has over banks, insurance
companies, and a host of other financial institutions. It brought ambitious
money-laundering cases against banks like BNP Paribas (a settlement that
resulted in several bankers losing their jobs), fined Deutsche Bank for its
relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and levied a $2.5 million fine on the
National Rifle Association for selling its so-called murder insurance in
the state. “DFS has a lot of teeth, and the sky’s the limit if the agency
is exercised properly,” says state Sen. John Liu of Queens, a member of the
state finance committee. “DFS compelled multinational banks to cough up $15
billion. We were able to build a couple bridges with that money. We still
have much infrastructure in the state of New York that might benefit from
DFS’s vigorous functions.”

But part of DFS’s mandate is to keep the state’s economy healthy, a
balancing act when it means protecting consumers from predatory, but also
lucrative, companies. “For me, it’s an opportunity to bring my lived
experience as a woman of color,” Harris says. So far, she has established
the agency’s first climate division, frozen fees for check-cashing
businesses that target the poor, and looked into non-bank lenders for
evidence of redlining. “It’s important to me that those voices are at the
table and being heard,” she says. “I bring a sort of pragmatism. It’s one
thing to sit in our offices with nice views and make policy, but it’s
another thing, in my mind, to really run the water through the pipes.”

In 2008, Harris joined Sullivan & Cromwell, a law firm so close with
Goldman Sachs that it has long sent its lawyers to work in-house at the
investment bank. It was there that she worked for H. Rodgin “Rodge” Cohen,
then the law firm’s chairman and the so-called trauma surgeon of Wall
Street. Cohen remembers Harris working late into the night writing
near-flawless memorandums so 


2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Sun, Jan 21, 2024, 6:40 AM

Gunnar Larson (in memory of Brody Larson, on his 14th Birthday...)
collates  --


Boomer, wherever you are your daddy loves you ❤️

NY-DFS Proposed Guidance on Character and Fitness (Extension Appeal)

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Wed, Jun 28, 2023, 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: NY-DFS Proposed Guidance on Character and Fitness (Extension
Cc: , 

Ms. Scott:

Additionally, - respectfully submits Coinbase's Brian
Armstrong on
a matter for public  comment for NY-DFS' "Proposed Guidance on Character
and Fitness."

The Bloomberg interview with Coinbase showed top journalistic integrity,
yet, Coinbase failed to mention any NY-DFS investigation or pending action.
The interview aired last December, before the 100M Coinbase settlement was
announced by NY-DFS concerning Coinbase's BitLicense compliance.

NY-DFS' approach to Coinbase and Goldman Sachs (who took Coinbase public)
share independent insider trading scenarios that could disrespect the
United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud Section and
Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section compliance programs.

We have collated 34 highlights that describe a corporate opportunity policy
framework to gauge character and fitness of the "first Bitcoin loan" backed
by a New York banking institution here:

Per point one of NY-DFS' "Suggested Questions to Facilitate Initial and
Ongoing Assessment of Designated Persons’ Character and Fitness," can you
kindly acknowledge that you have reviewed and understand our appeal seeking
extension for public comment to August 5, 2023?

We feel extra time for public comment is warranted to ensure that - did not play a significant role or otherwise contribute in a
meaningful way to the conduct that led to regulatory action or proceeding
without ample notice.

Thank you,


On Wed, Jun 28, 2023, 12:04 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

> Ms. Scott:
> NY-DFS recently asked for public comment concerning "Proposed Guidance on
> Assessment of the Character and Fitness of Directors, Senior Officers, and
> Managers" mentioned here:
> .
> - asks if the NY-DFS will extend deadline for public
> comment to August 5, 2023 from June 30, 2023.
> As requested by NY-DFS, today we provide (in a separate attachment)
> evidence of any documented exceptions to compliance with the "Suggested
> Questions to Facilitate Initial and Ongoing Assessment of Designated
> Persons’ Character and Fitness."
> We have collated 19 references comprising 205 highlights that touch on the
> five key areas below:
> -Harassment and Discrimination Policies
> -Conflict of Interest Policy
> -Insider Trading Policy
> -Records Management Policy
> -Corporate Opportunity Policy
> - is seeking NY-DFS' extension for public comment to
> August 5, 2023 so that the New York Banking community has time to complete
> Q2-23 earnings call disclosures.
> As documented in the above 19 references, we feel extra time for public
> comment is warranted to ensure that - did not play a
> significant role or otherwise contribute in a meaningful way to the conduct
> that led to regulatory action or proceeding without ample notice.
> Per point one of NY-DFS' "Suggested Questions to Facilitate Initial and
> Ongoing Assessment of Designated Persons’ Character and Fitness," can you
> kindly acknowledge that you have reviewed and understand our appeal seeking
> extension for public comment to August 5, 2023?
> We hope to hear from you before June 30, 2023 given obvious factors.
> Sending you the very best regards.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> --
> Gunnar Larson
> |
> MSc - Digital Currency
> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> +1-917-580-8053
> New York, New York 10001

NY Banks Must Vet Execs For 'Character,' Regulator Says

2024-02-04 Thread Gunnar Larson
NY Banks Must Vet Execs For 'Character,' Regulator Says

By Sarah Jarvis

New York's financial regulator on Monday issued guidance advising banks to
vet the "character and fitness" of their top brass, with the state agency
stressing that compromised directors or officers can put financial
institutions at risk.

Read full article »

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