Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-02-26 Thread grarpamp
Corrupt Biden Crime Family Democrats Laptop From Hell...

Chairmen, Ranking Members, and Members of Congress, Thank you for this
opportunity to speak with you. I am happy that the American people
will finally hear the facts and evidence that I have been trying to
outline for over four years, all backed up and supported by emails,
texts, documents, records, pictures, and other evidence. The facts we
are going to discuss today are important for America's national
security, and I can only hope that everyone in this room and all
representatives and officers of the U.S. Government take them
seriously. My name is Tony Bobulinski. I am a proud American citizen
who has honorably served the United States in several capacities. For
over six years, I was an officer in the United States Navy’s elite
Naval Nuclear Power Training Command as a decorated Master Training
Specialist Instructor. I later served as the Command's Chief
Technology Officer, where I held a Q security clearance from the
Department of Energy and from the National Security Agency. When I
left NNPTC, I was the number-one-ranked Direct Input Officer (DIO) in
the entire command in my final Navy Fitness Report or FITREP. I am
here today out of duty to God and country in a nonpartisan manner with
only one party in mind, the party I served with honor and gratitude:
the United States of America. While I have made a few campaign
contributions over the years to Democrats, such as Congressman Ro
Khanna, a member of the Oversight Committee, I am not a political
person. I come from a family with a long history of distinguished
service in our nation’s military. I grew up the son of a career Naval
Officer, CDR Robert Bobulinski, whom I loved dearly. I could not be
prouder of my father’s long and distinguished service to our great
nation. His father, Alex Bobulinski, served our country in the Air
Force for four years. I am also the grandson of Army Intelligence
Officer Col. Fred B. Keller Jr., who, for more than thirty-seven
years, fearlessly defended the United States all over the world and
served in three different wars. My only brother, retired CDR Mike
Bobulinski, is a twenty-eight-year combat-serving Naval Flight
Officer, and my only sister, Stacia Bobulinski, has spent the last
eighteen years serving U.S. military veterans across the country
through the Veterans AdministraCon to demonstrate her and our family’s
gratitude to everyone who has risked their lives defending America. I
share my extensive U.S. military roots and background with you because
they are the lens through which I view this exceptional country and my
responsibility to it. My deep commitment to America is also the reason
I have elected to place myself and my family in the public eye, to
tell the truth before you today. That comes at a great cost to my
privacy, my personal security, and that of my family, among other
things. However, I am happy to pay that cost. I am blessed to have
been born and to grow up in the greatest country on earth. I take that
seriously. Having been to over fifty countries around the world, I say
that with the highest confidence. For nearly four years, I have tried
to tell the American people the truth about serious corruption at the
very top of their government. In return, I have been falsely accused
of being a purveyor of “Russian disinformation” and a political
surrogate. My continuous efforts to inform the American people of the
facts have been actively suppressed by both the United States
Government and the so-called “mainstream” media. I want to be crystal
clear: from my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently
come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was “the Brand” being
sold by the Biden family. His family’s foreign influence peddling
operation – from China to Ukraine and elsewhere – sold out to foreign
actors who were seeking to gain influence and access to Joe Biden and
the United States government. Joe Biden was more than a participant in
and beneficiary of his family’s business; he was an enabler despite
being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability.
The only reason any of these international business transactions took
place – with tens of millions of dollars flowing directly to the Biden
family – was because Joe Biden was in high office. The Biden family
business was Joe Biden, period. Other key players have made this point
clear as well: Hunter Biden himself has adamantly stated it in a
variety of communications, as did another Biden family business
associate, Devon Archer, in his testimony last year. Foreign nationals
on the other side of these transactions – including from China,
Ukraine, and Romania – have also explained how and why these
transactions took place. Once again, I would call that extensive
evidence. The Chinese Communist Party, through its surrogate, China
Energy Company Limited, or “CEFC” – a CCP-linked Chinese energy
conglomerate – successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise Joe

Re: 1984: Thread

2024-02-26 Thread grarpamp
Dr. Robert Malone on How the U.S. Government Turned Their
'Psychological Manipulation' Tools Inward Against the American Public
"There was a key paper, peer-reviewed and published, that demonstrated
that Google by just manipulating the information that a viewer
sees...could swing an election by twenty points...And the way they do
it is by controlling what you hear, what you think, what you feel,
what you are allowed to discuss...It was decided that that
capability...was now going to be necessary to be deployed
domestically, and in particular there arose a specific example that
was going to be necessary to use this technology...the uneasiness of
individuals and parents to accept vaccines for their children." *From
the 2/23/2024 International Crisis Summit-5 (ICS-5) in Washington DC

Re: Assange's Case #FREEASSANGE

2024-02-26 Thread grarpamp
> Julian has been imprisoned for 12 years.
> He has a wife and children and has harmed no one.
> Release Julian Assange !!!

Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW

Via @UniOfOxford @SOAS Insta: StellaAssange
Joined April 2020

Tweets 14,319
Following 4,224
Followers 200,090
Likes 11,880

Tweets & Replies

Pinned Tweet
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
Feb 12
Please support our fight to free Julian Assange: UK Campaigning costs:… Legal costs:… USA: EU-wide:… (select Julian Assange) Australia:… Toolkit:
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW retweeted
Stefania Maurizi @SMaurizi
Thank you, @carnecrudaradio, for your truly excellent conversation
with #BaltasarGarzon, @y_quintana and me on Julian #Assange,
#WikiLeaks and the #Spanish version of my book, #ElPoderSecreto, which
will come out in #Spanish March 4, for @AkalEditor
Javier Gallego Crudo
Replying to @carnecrudaradio
"Si Estados Unidos puede llevar a prisión a personas que revelan
crímenes de guerra, esto nos perjudica a todos. Los periódicos más
importantes publicaron estas informaciones y se aprovecharon de esas
primicias y ahora están en silencio" @SMaurizi es la única periodista
que ha iniciado un litigio multijurisdiccional para defender el
derecho de la prensa a acceder a la documentación completa sobre
Julian Assange.
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
After scrambling to claim jurisdiction, Denmark has shut down its
investigation into the Nordstream Pipeline bombing. Sweden closed its
investigation three weeks ago. Both now claim they lack jurisdiction
after all. Germany’s investigation remains open.…
Nord Stream: Denmark closes investigation into pipeline blast

Danish police concluded the gas pipelines had been "sabotaged," but
said there was no basis for pursuing a criminal case.
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW retweeted
Matt Kennard @kennardmatt
The British mainstream media is complicit in the savage persecution of
Julian Assange. And there’s a reason they did the CIA’s work for them.
Assange exposed establishment journalists as pliant servants of power.
History will not be kind.
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
Rest in peace, Aaron Bushnell.
This tweet is unavailable
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
So, what now? We will be kicking off a new monthly webinar, "It starts
with the Truth", this Saturday March 2nd Our panelists: 
@marjoriecohn, law professor and former criminal defense attorney 
@kgosztola, journalist and author of ‘Guilty of Journalism’ 
Stephen Rohde, constitutional scholar and former civil rights lawyer
Put your questions about the public hearing and next steps in the
comments below and we will have our panel address them ⤵️  Look out
for it on the first Saturday of every month at: 8pm GMT | 3pm EST |
Noon PST #freeAssangenow #JulianAssange #itstartswiththetruth
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW retweeted
Australian Assange Campaign
️Join the fight for truth and freedom at "Night Falls in the Evening
Lands - The Assange Epic"! When: 9 March 2024 Where: RMIT Melbourne
Featuring: Yanis Varoufakis, Mary Kostakidis, Craig Mokhiber, John
Shipton, Greg Barns, Alastair Crooke, Prof Anne Orford, Joseph
Camilleri, Binoy Kampmark, Dr Emma Shortis, Michael West, Dr Ruth
Mitchell, Alastair Crooke and Con Pakavaki Be part of a powerful
movement standing up for justice and defending the rights of
whistleblowers.✊ This conference is not just about Assange, it's about
us. It's about defending the values that underpin a free and
democratic society. Find out more and secure your ticket:  Spread the word and share this event with your
network! Together, we can make a difference. #FreeAssange #NightFalls
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
26 February: International Day for Palestinian Journalists On October
21st, IFJ President @DomPradalie visited Julian Assange in Belmarsh
prison. Julian “expressed his deep fears for the plight of journalists
in #Gaza and said that he was concerned about the enormous challenges
they were faced to continue reporting."…
Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW
Statement from the President of East Timor, Jose Ramos-Horta: Let
Assange Be Free to Return to Australia  I do not comment on the
substance and merit of the case against JULIAN ASSANGE. As an informed
and concerned person who deeply values media freedom, I 

Re: 1984: Thread

2024-02-26 Thread grarpamp
Name Redacted
Feb 25
1. 淋Google & Meta function as extensions of the US Intelligence
Community. With Jacqueline Lopour, Google's Head of Trust & Safety,
and Aaron Berman, Meta's Head of Elections Content/Misinformation
Policy, both being career CIA officers, it underscores the CIA's
substantial control over online censorship. Why is this CIA-Big Tech
revolving door, where career CIA officers wield power to censor &
decide what misinformation is, purposefully suppressed in the broader
conversation about censorship? Why are career CIA officers like
Jacqueline Lopour & Nick Rossmann, who both have a history of
spreading misinformation & promoting the RussiaGate conspiracy theory,
now in senior roles in Trust & Safety at Google, deciding what is
misinformation & overseeing content moderation? The cumulative number
of former Intelligence Community personnel hired by Meta & Google
since 2018 is staggering. Before 2018, there were only a handful. Here
are the combined hires by both companies: CIA-36 FBI-68 NSA-44
DHS/CISA-68 State Dept-86 DOD-121
Elon Musk
Feb 22
I just typed in a Google query on my phone and the top two choices are
pro censorship!
Michael Shellenberger
Feb 25
“If they get into our space first, we own them for life.” — William Evanina, CIA

Jack Mallers needs killing ( my 2k sats )

2024-02-26 Thread pro2rat
At todays strike!
Jack Mallers, the CEO of Bitcoin wallet firm Strike, reportedly worked with the 
El Salvadorian government as an advisor on Bitcoin infrastructure.

This entailed living in the fascist police state for three months to decide 
policy on solving “spillover” of monetary expansion and inflation of the dollar.

This coprophage cop fellator is not disarming. He is deceiving Clearly he has 
much to hide. Now marked for death he can run all he wants. But he can't hide 
from APster.
Not even in Val Verde.

Hasta luego jackass. Its been real.

Unforseen blowback in operations

2024-02-26 Thread pro2rat
The mole is buried deep. Alleging DAVE MOLNAR is satoshi is incredibly 
Don’t do it without just cause. 
“One of the biggest challenges was developing the software for more than just 
cypherpunks and people very well versed in Bitcoin,” said CTO David Molnar.
“It was difficult to get the developers and contributors to see the bigger 
picture, that we can only win the privacy war if we expand our vision to 
include all future Bitcoin users and not just the privacy advocates and 
cypherpunks ".

Hal said he wasn't a libertarian. So if he used " Economic Liberty " it was 
against character - yes? Like texting while running. He never did that: did he?

Now fuggedabout c-punks working towards privacy for the poor and transparency 
for the powerful. That is so 2021!

Try, " Give us your poor, your huddled billionaires yearning to rim Pete Thiel "

Pro-corporate Kochsuckers go fuck yourselves.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-02-26 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
((so many thoughts))
(there’s trouble multitasking. it is so hard to do something, that projects
are really valued likely validly! and then it can be a little random wh—
(i’m th—((
business planning w—
2024-02-26 -0500

q: why is karl’s ipad in a different timezone from his laptop?
a: the laptop doesn’t autoadjust and he’s traveling ((across 4 tzs monthly.
q: oh cool. why is k-  one moment))

((considering sentences st(arting with the two words (“traffick boss”

w: the doctored fcc pics are cool. the pad should be labeled in them
already imo. if you were into it, you could make the label look like it was
factory printed (maybe bad idea unsure

q: what is karl’s favorite food? does he like spaghetti?
neuron community: he does like spaghetti and doesn’t have a favorite. he
rewards events with vegan food at times.

we ar—

q: why isn’t traffick boss’s family disc—
one of many answers: because “family” has multiple meanings alongside

w: the pic is cool. well done.
neurons: we agree thnku!!

traffick boss jumps out of a small hole in a wall between rooms. he is
holding a light-only lightsaber.

the light-only lightsaber is a variant of the star wars lightsaber that has
been heavily researched across the globe for decades. in the light-only
variant it looks lightsabery but passes intangibly and harmlessly through

((karl w—

we thought of an electromagnetic-interference idea but are imagining a
basic light emission idea might work better
the second idea was to dispense steam and project imagery onto the steam
but now we are thinking of lasers that overlap each other and disperse at
the end, possible very near or the same idea as the interference, much
bigger scale than wavelength
i guess you can probably make a special laser that is less focused so it
isn’t visible at the end
but then when you aim it at someone they’d be blinded :S


you could have a light-emitting helmet that took some of the

(the normal solution is to have a physical structure at the end that moves
in and out. it would move in when an object is near. this is normal
((i am unsure of that approach. i worry about edge areas where it strikes
something. i think also it is a different variant maybe not :S
oh! so maybe you could have a way of shielding the person its aimed at,
even, with a thing that jumps out hrm :S

if we make it wider it gets easier to hide the emissions
or if there is part that sticks out even a part of the way

could we yank on the photons and bend them with gravity fields??

what if it turned itself off when it was aimed at someone’s eyes? then it
would be safer!
and it could use long-wavelength light (uhhh red? i don’t remember) to be a
smidge less intense? maybe doesn’t matter

i get the impression sending physical matter out of it really helps. how
about magnetic or electrically charged particles it can control with strong
fields from the hilt
then they kind of scatter when struck but it could pick them back up with
its strong fields
they could block the tip so it doesn’t blind people or start fires from a
distance, but more likely they’d be used to scatter light

still, kind of a compromise

can you create a standing radiation wave? i’m thinking back to em
interference. couldn’t we use interference to make light only as long as
the blade? then it would turn into other wavelengths at the end when the
interference was different. but it would send huge radiation out of the end
still, but it still opens many more avenues
like maybe there is a wavelength readily absorbed by air or something hmm
but then it would heat the air

basically lightsabers aren’t how light works. one would guess them to not
be pure light :S but i think we could make a pure light one with lots of
considering. then you realize it was silly to do, after you figure it out.

i’m imagining projecting bright images onto the air in such a way that
their focal points are all within the blade.

say the blade is 1 wide and uhh 50 long
uhh it’s easier the shorter it is maybe 40 long

measuring by thumb i think 10 long is a little short but not that
unreasonable, maybe 20 long makes sense.

so 1 wide and 20 long.
then the biggest angle we can get on the content ((eek! eek! ee—

we’re trying to eat food for supper. let’s try go now.

2042 (we did it ((:D :D :D)))

traffick boss stands in a great crater by a semi-active volcano
his arms are folded, and his heroic cape waves darkly before the magma and
lava, blown by hot winds
traffick boss: “those mortals without worldwide AI slavery business empires
will tremble before me!”
the wind picks up and lightning strikes nearby
steam from vaporized hail —
oops oops ops oopsie !

what’s more interesting is that we had a supper on our own :D :D !!
(wants to-
anyway it is time to sleep now
good night sleep well be rested and cozy tonight !
do not fear to unlock your bootroms! Active FOIL Requests

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message --
From: Gunnar Larson 
To: "Mazza, Stephanie (DFS)" 
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 10:58:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Active FOIL Requests
Dear Ms. Mazza:

Thank you for your email.

Have a nice day.


Gunnar Larson -

On Mon, Feb 26, 2024, 10:38 AM Mazza, Stephanie (DFS) <> wrote:

> *Dear Gunnar Larson: Below please find all your active open FOIL requests,
> including the subject and due date.*
> 2024-097305: 3/11/24: Dear Madam or Sir: On March 30, 2022 New York
> Magazine published a profile of NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris
> titled "Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator Is Here Adrienne Harris, New
> York’s financial watchdog, has enormous sway over the industry’s future" (
> The profile of Superintendent Harris quotes "... that she would recuse
> herself from any dealings with companies she has conflicts with." -
> seeks access to any and all records specific to Superintendent
> Harris' recusal(s) as of February 1, 2024. Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar
> Larson | MSc - Digital Currency MBA - Entrepreneurship and
> Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053 New York, New York 10001
> 2024-097182: 3/29/24: Dear Madam or Sir: - seeks access to
> any and all records concerning the New York State Department of Financial
> Services (DFS) investigation of Genesis Global Trading, Inc. (“Genesis
> Global Trading”) leading to seizure of the firm's BitLicense. Additionally,
> - seeks access to records that explain DFS' calculated $8
> million penalty to New York State for compliance failures that violated
> DFS’s virtual currency and cybersecurity regulations and left the company
> vulnerable to illicit activity and cybersecurity threats. -
> notes DFS has recently published other BitLicense penalties of $100M and
> $30M. As such, we aim to review accessible records in congruence with
> Genesis' $8M penalty. - seeks records that indicate any
> human rights violations part of the compliance failures that violated DFS’s
> virtual currency and cybersecurity regulations and left the company
> vulnerable to illicit activity and cybersecurity threats. Finally, -
> seeks any and all STX records associated with the Genesis
> investigation. The very best, Gunnar Larson
> 2024-097130: 3/8/24: We would like to revisit this FOIL request. Can you
> please update update us if DFS has any records concerning BREX and the The
> Alliance for Regulatory Innovation and Brex, Inc.
> 2024-096848: 3/13/24: While surveying 2022 New York City
> Pension/Investment Management Asset Performance, - noticed
> an overall negative return for the five systems referenced here:
> - seeks access to any and all records explaing 2022 New
> York City Pension/Investment Management Asset Performance as a loss for all
> five funds. Comprehensively, the mechanisms for garnering public equity are
> easily understood and easy to execute. An advantage for public equity is
> its liquidity as most publicly traded stocks are available and easily
> traded daily through public market exchanges. Related to New York City
> Pension/Investment Management Asset Performance, public equity investments
> do not include individual stocks under "asset type" and "asset name."
> - would like to receive record if the five systems owned
> PayPal (PYPL) as an individual investment as part of fund investment across
> the systems between FY 2020 and 2022. Additionally, - seeks
> trading history ststements of PYPL across the five systems between FY 2020
> and 2022.
> 2024-096828: 3/13/24: Please submit any and all records related to the
> September 11 Board of Directors resignation below. The date
> of the resignation is in question. You may understand the sensitive nature
> of the date of the resignation Gunnar Larson Sun, Oct 24, 2021, 5:06 PM to
> Anuj, Investor, Press Hello there: Thank you very much for the reply.
> Gunnar On Sun, Oct 24, 2021, 11:36 AM Anuj Nayar wrote: Hi Gunnar On
> September 11, 2021, in connection with her nomination to serve as
> superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services,
> Adrienne Harris notified us of her resignation, effective September 12,
> 2021, from the Company’s Board. Details can be found in the 8k filed on
> 9/15/21 (below)
> 0001409970/bbc437e4-2920-4d5d-8e0d-86bca622f0ca.pdf From: Gunnar Larson
> Date: Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 9:37 AM To: Investor Relations , Press
> Cc: Gunnar Larson Subject: [EXT] LendingClub: Current Board of 

Social Media Addiction Fight Akin To Big Tobacco, Judge Says

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Social Media Addiction Fight Akin To Big Tobacco, Judge Says

By Dorothy Atkins

A California federal judge appeared skeptical Friday of dismissing claims
by parents and children seeking to hold Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
liable in sprawling personal injury multidistrict litigation over social
media's allegedly addictive design, comparing the addiction allegations to
Big Tobacco cases that proceeded past the pleading stage.

Read full article »

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Pointers For Attys To Build Trust, Credibility On Social Media

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Pointers For Attys To Build Trust, Credibility On Social Media

In an era of information overload, attorneys can use social media
strategically — from making infographics to leveraging targeted advertising
— to cut through the noise and establish a reputation among current and
potential clients, says Marly Broudie at SocialEyes Communications.

Read full article »

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Yes, Justices Mainly Use Arguments To Talk To Each Other

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Yes, Justices Mainly Use Arguments To Talk To Each Other

By Katie Buehler

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor confirmed Friday a common
complaint from attorneys who've argued in front of her and her eight
colleagues: The justices are most definitely using their questions at oral
arguments to talk to each other, not the lawyers.

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FTX Settles $324M Ch. 11 Suit Over European Deal For $33M

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
FTX Settles $324M Ch. 11 Suit Over European Deal For $33M

By Alex Wittenberg

Bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX Trading Ltd. has asked a Delaware
court to approve a plan to resolve a $323.5 million clawback action aimed
at the co-founders of its European unit by selling the subsidiary back to
the executives for $32.7 million.

 Settlement attached | Read full article »

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Ga. Judge Suggests Dismissal Bid Puts Cart Before Horse

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Ga. Judge Suggests Dismissal Bid Puts Cart Before Horse

By Chart Riggall

A Georgia federal judge considering whether to dismiss a lawsuit from a man
who says he was wrongfully denied reimbursement for funds stolen from his
bank account drilled counsel for a payment processing company Friday on why
it had not used its most obvious argument in trying to have the case tossed.

Read full article »

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Giuliani's Creditors Try To Make $148M Judgment Stick

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Giuliani's Creditors Try To Make $148M Judgment Stick

By Hilary Russ

A pair of creditors of bankrupt former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
moved to ensure that their $148 million jury award against him will stick,
filing a complaint on Friday in his Chapter 11 case that seeks to block him
from discharging the debt.

 Complaint attached | Read full article »

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Citibank Looks To Dodge Ch. 7 Trustee's Fraud Claims

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Citibank Looks To Dodge Ch. 7 Trustee's Fraud Claims

By Emlyn Cameron

Citibank has urged a New York federal judge to ax claims that the financial
institution assisted with a Ponzi scheme involving a now-defunct sports and
concert ticket broker, saying the Chapter 7 Trustee for the troubled
business who brought the claims was assigned them to subvert a rule that
would otherwise bar his case.

 Memorandum attached | Read full article »

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GameStop Can't Ditch Suit Over Data Sharing With Facebook

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
GameStop Can't Ditch Suit Over Data Sharing With Facebook

By Allison Grande

A California federal judge has refused to shut down a putative class action
accusing GameStop Inc. of unlawfully sharing its customers' personal
information with Facebook, ruling that the video game retailer qualified as
a "video tape service provider" covered by federal privacy law.

 Memorandum attached | Read full article »

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Jamie Dimon and Nine of His Top Executives at JPMorgan Chase Have Dumped Over $150 Million of their JPMorgan Stock in Last Two Months

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: February 26, 2024 ~

According to Form 4 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by
corporate insiders, ten of the key executives at the largest bank in the
United States, JPMorgan Chase, have dumped more than $150 million in common
stock in the bank this year. The sales come as the bank’s stock has been
hitting all time highs while the scandals at the bank are also hitting
unprecedented levels.

The largest seller by far was the Chairman and CEO of the bank, Jamie
Dimon. According to his Form 4, on February 22 of this year, Dimon sold
737,420 shares of the bank’s common stock for $135 million.

The newly promoted Troy Rohrbaugh, who is now Co-CEO of JPMorgan Chase’s
Commercial and Investment Bank (CIB), sold 75,000 shares on February 22 of
this year for $13.7 million.

Stacey Friedman, General Counsel at the bank, sold 6,030 shares on February
22 for $1.1 million.

Peter Scher, Vice Chairman, sold 1,810 shares on February 16 of this year
for approximately $324,000.

Jennifer Piepszak, Co-CEO, Commercial and Investment Bank (CIB), on
February 16, 2024, sold 1,648 shares for $295,000. Piepszak has been
selling large chunks of the bank’s stock since 2019.

Marianne Lake, CEO of the Consumer and Community Bank (CCB), on Feb 16 sold
4,459 shares for $798,000.

Ashley Bacon, Chief Risk Officer (at a bank that is ranked by its
regulators as the riskiest bank in the U.S.) sold 3,368 shares on February
16 of this year for approximately $602,856. Bacon has been selling large
chunks of JPMorgan Chase stock since 2013.

Mary Erdoes, who has been implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking
scandal at the bank, but remains CEO of the Asset & Wealth Management unit,
on January 16, 2024 sold 4,814 shares for $861,664. Erdoes has also been
selling large chunks of JPMorgan Chase’s stock since 2010. This is how the
New York Times reported Erdoes’ role with Epstein in August 2019:

“When compliance officers at JPMorgan Chase conducted a sweep of their
wealthy clients a decade ago, they recommended that the bank cut its ties
to the financier Jeffrey E. Epstein because his accounts posed unacceptable
legal and reputational risks.

“Yet Mr. Epstein, who had been charged with sex crimes and pleaded guilty
in 2008 to solicitation of prostitution, remained a JPMorgan client until

“The main reason, according to six former senior executives and other bank
employees familiar with the matter, was that Mary C. Erdoes, one of
JPMorgan’s highest-ranking executives, intervened to keep him as a client.”

Other key executives at JPMorgan Chase selling the bank’s stock this year

Lori Beer, Chief Information Officer, sold 3,920 shares for $716,000.

Doug Petno, previously the head of the commercial bank, but now reporting
to Piepszak and Rohrbaugh, sold 3,267 shares of common stock in January and
another 3,266 shares this month for a combined $1.1 million.

It does not appear that Daniel Pinto, JPMorgan’s president and chief
operating officer, has sold stock yet this year. However, Pinto has been
selling large blocks of JPMorgan Chase stock since 2013. For example, on
May 11, 2023, Pinto sold 113,640 shares of the bank’s common stock for
proceeds of $15.4 million.

In most cases, when an insider executes a transaction, he or she must file
a Form 4 with the SEC within two business days following the transaction
date. Transactions in a company’s common stock as well as derivative
securities, such as options, warrants, and convertible securities, are
reported on the Form 4. We will watch to see if other key executives report
sales and if Dimon increases his sale of common stock. Dimon initially
reported that he would be selling 1 million shares of his stock.

Meta Unlikely To Beat Most Of BIPA Suit Over Voiceprints

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Meta Unlikely To Beat Most Of BIPA Suit Over Voiceprints

By Bonnie Eslinger

A California federal judge on Friday said she's inclined to deny the bulk
of Meta Platforms Inc.'s request to dismiss a proposed biometric privacy
class action claiming the social media company collects and stores customer
voiceprints through its Facebook and Messenger platforms in violation of
Illinois' Biometric Information Privacy Act.

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Fwd: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2024-040-00099 Submitted to Department of Education (DOE) Request Title: Mayor Adams Announces Lawsuit Against Social Media Companies

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
-- Forwarded message -
Date: Sat, Feb 17, 2024, 9:03 AM
Subject: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2024-040-00099 Submitted to Department
of Education (DOE)

Your request FOIL-2024-040-00099 has been successfully submitted to the
Department of Education (DOE). The details of your request are shown below.

Request Title: Mayor Adams Announces Lawsuit Against Social Media Companies

Request Description: Dear Madam or Sir: New York City Mayor Eric Adams
recently announced the filing of a lawsuit to hold five social media
platforms – TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube –
accountable for fueling the nationwide youth mental health crisis: - kindly seeks records pertaining to the lawsuit and
Section 1. Subchapter 1 of chapter 1 of title 3 of the administrative code
of the city of New York, section 3-119.5 ( in relation to reporting on
algorithmic tools used by city agencies . § 3-119.5 Annual reporting on
algorithmic tools. a. For purposes of this section, the term “algorithmic
tool” means any technology or computerized process that is derived from
machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, or other
similar methods of data analysis, that is used to make or assist in making
decisions about and implementing policies that materially impact the
rights, liberties, benefits, safety or interests of the public, including
their access to available city services and resources for which they may be
eligible. Such term includes, but is not limited to tools that analyze
datasets to generate risk scores, make predictions about behavior, or
develop classifications or categories that determine what resources are
allocated to particular groups or individuals, and does not materially
affect the rights, liberties, benefits, safety or interests of the public.
b. Each agency shall report to the mayor’s office of operations, or any
other office or agency designated by the mayor, no later than December 31
of every year, every algorithmic tool that the agency has used one or more
times during the prior calendar year. c. Each agency shall provide the
following information about each algorithmic tool reported pursuant to
subdivision b of this section: 1. The name or commercial name, and a brief
description of such algorithmic tool; 2. The purpose for which the agency
is using such an algorithmic tool; 3. The type of data collected or
analyzed by the algorithmic tool and the source of such data; 4. A
description of how the information received from such algorithmic tool is
used; 5. Whether a vendor or contractor was involved in the development or
ongoing use of the algorithmic tool, a description of such involvement, and
the name of such vendor or contractor when feasible; and 6. The month and
year in which such algorithmic tool began to be used, if known. d. The
mayor’s office of operations, or any other office or agency designated by
the mayor, shall compile the information received pursuant to subdivisions
b and c of this section and report it to the mayor and the speaker of the
council, disaggregated by agency. Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar Larson
- 917-580-8053

Requester's Contact Information
Gunnar Larson
*Organization:* -
*Phone Number:*
Not provided
*Fax Number:*
Not provided
*Street Address (line 1):*
406 West 25th Street
*Street Address (line 2):*
Not provided
New York
*Zip Code:*

You can view the request and take any necessary action at the following
webpage: CRYPTOBANK White Paper

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
“We’ve got to change the cost-benefit calculus of criminals and
nation-states who believe they can compromise U.S. networks, steal U.S.
financial and intellectual property, and hold our critical infrastructure
at risk, all without incurring any risk themselves...” (Wray 2020)

What organizational HR management techniques are required for an enterprise
to actively convince hundreds, if not thousands, of employees, clients and
customers to pursue their strategy while knowing it was fatally flawed?

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Sun, Dec 17, 2023, 8:56 AM
Subject: CRYPTOBANK White Paper

Table of Contents

Introduction 2
Focus, Goals and Objective(s) 3
Strategic Intent 4
Innovation Strategy 5
Pioneering Human Resources (HR) Management in Banking 6
The Bitcoin Blockchain, Human/Civil Rights and Computer Crimes 7
Goldman Sachs’ Organization HR Management Analysis (MoneyGram and Ripple) 8
www.JUMO.World and Banking Africa 9
Earth_ID: Because Owning Your Identity is a Human Right 10
CryptoBank Environmental Analysis 11
The Conundrum 12
The Fireblocks Conundrum 13
Computer Software and the Blockchain Platform 14
Virtual Currency: Computer Software Protocols and Processes 15 Revolutionary Approaches to Agile Innovation 16
Conclusion 17
Bibliography 19

Crypto and Blockchain are each a Human Right.
For all, everywhere.
How does New York based bank fraud happen from the inside? People who
commit crimes comprise departments and divisions of corporate
organizations, and some current Human Resources (HR) management cultures
lend well to the committing of crimes.
What organizational HR management design structures are at play to
architectect such fraud for bespoke juristical instances?
Is there a unique opportunity for a fresh and clean New York-based
international bank such as argues that modern and innovative Executive Suites pioneer
organizational HR management with the CEO and CFO leading the pack as the
most ethical example for members in their organization. This key
distinction calls for leaders to always adhere to a very strict, yet
progressive, standard of ethics, even when it’s inconvenient.
World renowned executive Jack McCullough suggests strict adherence is
necessary, especially when it’s inconvenient. McCullough says that if
you’re seen as a CEO and CFO “who will compromise when convenient, this
approach will cause colleagues to consider all the talk about ethics to be
lip service” (McCullough 2019).
The leadership at is clear-eyed, recognizing the importance of an
extensive review program which seeks to explore all aspects of the
following criteria as part of Legal, Compliance, and Governance (Bloomberg
2021), which is our internal due diligence framework based on first class
industry standards and best practices ( | n.d.).
In summary, this HR management innovation essay outlines and explores three
key concerns for modern Bank and CryptoBank organizations. These concerns
are signaled by our regulators who rightly suggest that it is critically
important that the organizers identify, at the beginning of the process, an
available management team and board of directors (NY-DFS 2008):
The theory of modern virtual currency cross-border regulation logic (Larson
How to protect’s strategic partnership with and its mandate
to pioneer innovation(s) and noble advancement of modern international
Whereas, it is essential to safeguard virtual currency and its potential to
galvanize international, economic and social advancement of all peoples
(United Nations 1948).
Most importantly, what organizational HR management structures are
necessary to execute the proposed and hybrid model framework, while
engaging agile innovation to explore the potential of growing into
the World’s Best Bank and headquartered in New York (NY-DFS 2019)?

Focus, Goals and Objective(s)
Why would a New York bank build organizational HR strategies with the sole
purpose of taking advantage of the most vulnerable for exorbitant profit?’s focus is to fill a need in clarifying New York’s virtual currency
standards to achieve progressive innovation while constantly promoting
respect for human rights and personal freedoms by progressive measures,
national and international, to secure their universal and effective
recognition and observance across all global territories of business,
protecting all peoples and all nations (United Nations 1948).
Our simple strategy rests in the fact that virtual currency has
cross-border utilities (European Commission 2021). Our real world
experience has uncovered the strategy of a New York bank's misemployed
Manhattan Island as a walled garden for 

Sirius XM Subscription Suit Booted Back To NY State Court

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Sirius XM Subscription Suit Booted Back To NY State Court

By Pete Brush

A Manhattan federal judge on Thursday granted a request by the New York
attorney general's office to proceed in state court with claims accusing
Sirius XM of deceptive subscriber retention practices, rejecting the
company's bid to litigate in federal court.

 Order attached | Read full article »

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Trump-Tied SPAC Adds NY Fraud Judgment To Risk Factors

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Trump-Tied SPAC Adds NY Fraud Judgment To Risk Factors

By Elaine Briseño

Digital World Acquisition Corp., which is seeking to merge with Donald
Trump's social media company, has included a new warning for investors in a
regulatory filing following the former president's $453.5 million fraud
penalty in New York state court.

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Trump Flags Thousands Of Calls, Texts In Fani Willis DQ Bid

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Trump Flags Thousands Of Calls, Texts In Fani Willis DQ Bid

By Lynn LaRowe

As a bid to oust Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis over her
relationship with a prosecutor in Donald Trump's election interference case
garners support, the former president pointed Friday to thousands of text
messages and dozens of visits to back up the defense argument that the
relationship began before Willis hired the prosecutor.

 1 document attached | Read full article »

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Binance Judge Says Greed Overtook Ethics, OKs $4.3B Plea

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Binance Judge Says Greed Overtook Ethics, OKs $4.3B Plea

By Greg Lamm

A Washington federal judge signed off Friday on Binance's $4.3 billion plea
deal on money laundering and bank fraud charges, saying from the bench that
the cryptocurrency exchange's ethics violations could not be explained away
by mere ignorance.

 Motion attached | Read full article »

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Re: Assassinphone threat to US armed forces

2024-02-26 Thread Karl Semich
thanks PR. i don’t watch the news.

> trainwreck
> superseded by new problems

i thought you were relitigating ww1 too

full reply pending me learning way more about current reporting than i ever
have before i’m afraid

On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 00:01  wrote:

> Many thanks Baff for fixing my post. I've been online since late 2000 but
> am still learning.
> My understanding of democratic surveillance is this comes under "Brin ".
> A recent example being Comeys attempt to relaunch Clipper as multisig.
> Maybe strong AI can salvage something from this trainwreck.
> This problem could quickly be superseded by new problems created by the
> singularity.
> As for digging in and relitigating WW1. I thought thats why they invented
> the Grizzly Plough.
> There does seem to be an opening now for more quantum key exchanging in
> the arena.
> Full spectrum dominance favors the prepared mind!
> And of course there is the APster decapitation tactic. A quantum keyed
> assassinphone in every foxhole. Sear, " Putin Stiffs com "
> Tl/Dr
> Bring back Poindexter. Make assassination great again.

Peter Thiel on Leadership

2024-02-26 Thread Gunnar Larson
Peter Thiel on Leadership: