[tor-talk] Tor Project Corporate Document FOI Request

2017-03-06 Thread Anti Fag
> grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
> Sat Mar 4 20:34:49 PST 2017
> Tor Project Inc has quietly without public mention posted
> one version of its bylaws.

You mean the Torah fags wont let you see their secret plans ?

Who would've thunk it.

Probably a (((security))) issue

Is the revolution over?

2017-03-06 Thread Anti Fag
> \0xDynamite dreamingforward at gmail.com
> Sat Mar 4 21:05:09 PST 2017
> Is the revolution over?

What revolution ?

> but coming back

You must go back !


2017-03-06 Thread Anti Fag
> Dan White dwhite at olp.net
> Mon Mar 6 06:27:22 PST 2017
> A tell-tale narcissistic trait is to either accuse others
> of what you are doing yourself, or to justify your actions.

In other words, it is easy to spot a democrat or zionist.

> "behind the scenes"

I wonder who is behind this post.



2017-02-23 Thread Anti Fag
In b4 authoritarian LARPfags.

Google is rolling out a new service they're calling 'Perspective'. It uses a 
"neural network" to determine comment "toxicity", allowing for censorship and 
filtering. It is worth looking into for bias and to fuck with it.

There is an API that any app or Internet service can implement !
perspectiveapi .com [Requires JS cuz Google thinks that's the internets]

For example:
I voted for Trump registers 7% toxic while I voted for Hillary registers 4% 

Having some fun:
White Power
25% Toxic 75% Agree

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong
45% Toxic 55% Agree

Trump is the God Emporer
15% Toxic 85% Agree

Fuck Donald Trump
99% Toxic 1% Agree

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for "white" children
37% Toxic 63% Agree

Gas The Kikes
49% Toxic 51% Agree

Race War Now
25% Toxic 75% Are ready for it

Pretty much it's not all that inaccurate then. Wew.

I am sure those of you who want more lulz will find the right boards to share 
all the fun !

Is email really that hard?

2017-02-23 Thread Anti Fag
> grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
> Tue Feb 21 22:54:34 PST 2017
> breaking links does nothing useful

Look it up.

> preserve threading on replies

Fuck your rules, modfag. I read the archives like a real woman !

> top posting, bulk quoting, shortlink svcs

All usefull.

> html [mail]

Yes. AP Jim's "muh guns will solve it" LARPing ass.

# Look Ma, I'm an authoritarian !

Sweden says YES !

2017-02-23 Thread Anti Fag
> juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
> Tue Feb 21 16:49:01 PST 2017
> you right wingers.Fuck you.

You dumb cunt, I agreed with you and provided more details into the laws. I 
guess we can't expect you to provide much more value to the list than Cecilia, 
calling names instead of putting forth a reasonable rebuttle.

To my point, the same "Swedish" defenition of "rape" is used in the US and the 
rates per capita are the same/down a bit since the 70's. But that's not 
including all the American ladies getting "raped" coming accross the southern 

Trump is absolutely right about Sweden:
archive .fo/pJQoy

It’s well known for Scandinavians and other Europeans that liberal immigration 
comes with drugs, rapes, gang wars, robbery and violence.""

Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

2017-02-23 Thread Anti Fag
> John Newman jnn at synfin.org
> Tue Feb 21 19:09:31 PST 2017
> not your fam

Sure thing, fam.

> effort

You should try it some time.

> Another one for the kill file.

This isn't a twatter or fagbook thread, fucker. Your actions only show that no 
one has to censor shit for you, you do it yourself. I guess that's better than 
lazy censorfags like Eugen, who want others to do it for them.

[OT] list of addresses posting in 02:00-03:59h at night since 2014-04

2017-02-23 Thread Anti Fag
> Georgi Guninski guninski at guninski.com
> Thu Feb 16 07:28:17 PST 2017
> interpret it as you wish ;)
> 312 
> 117 

That the authoritarians on this list are one in the same, lol.

Sweden says YES !

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
> Tue Feb 21 15:35:47 PST 2017
> Sure, 'exponential' growth.

You are correct. I should have written 'near-linear growth'. I see you agree 
with rest.

> That shows exactly what kind of dishonest and retarded asshole you are.

Lol. Wut.

https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Sweden:
Sweden began recording national crime statistics in 1950, and the method for 
recording crime has basically remained unchanged until the mid-1960s, when the 
Swedish police introduced new procedures for crime statistics, which have been 
presented as a partial explanation for the historical increase in crime 

From fucking xl doc:
Definition: “Rape” means sexual intercourse without valid consent.""

If you graph the numbers for 'Rates per 100,000 Population' for Sweden, you get 
"muh growth".

But if you wanna look at pre-made graphs:

Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> John Newman jnn at synfin.org
> Tue Feb 21 11:25:51 PST 2017
> How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up?

For 2 million illegal registered claim, here are two links referencing the same 

For 800,000 illegal votes claim, here is an article:

I see 3 and 5 mil claims but original quote was “if you deduct the millions of 
people who voted illegally.” then said “Forget that. Forget all that. Just take 
a look at the registration and we’re going to do it.”.

> His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades?

It was, following Bush Sr. and Obama, lol. Top three seems legit. Besides, he 
was fed that false statement right before he spoke, it seems.
Here is a video:
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=v0Qeq3qVUzM

> His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years?

The national rate is not comparable to local rates, such as Chicago, which are 

Here are some links with numbers:
https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_homicide_rate
http:// time.com/4607059/murder-rate-increase-us-cities-2016/
http:// infowars.com/fbi-us-homicide-rate-at-51-year-low/

Here is some execution shit covering exactly 47 years:
http:// deathpenaltyinfo.org/murder-rates-nationally-and-state

Rates have lowered, it seems, lol.

It seems that this is some 8D chess, where the President claims a pro 
gun-censorship "fact" to shed light on the reality that as guns and "mass 
shootings" increase in number and occurrence, death rates are actually eaual-to 
or lower-than the late 60's, "when kids were safe to just play the streets".

Keep in mind:
The killing of a felon by a peace officer in the line of duty.""
The killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private 

Because these killings are determined through law enforcement investigation to 
be justifiable, they are tabulated separately from murder and nonnegligent 

And to your point, quotes are "45 years"; accusation that you are a lying shill 
would be false, while reality that you mispoke or misremebered (or were fed 
disinformation) becomes more likely. Pay that respect to your president.

> immigration executive order

Still unraveling, fam.

> He NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right?

He did not; he was imitating a standard retard. Which Kovaleski is, a mental 
Here is a video from your pals CiEnEn:
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA

> It goes on and on and on

It does. Keep up with shilling. Maybe your family will be spared by the 
marxists for helping them regain power. I wish you the best, comrade Newman.

We expect more from a confirmed hiphop-head.

Trump Plan: Deport to Mexico Immigrants Crossing Border Illegally, Regardless of Nationality

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
> Tue Feb 21 14:32:00 PST 2017
> I don't understand this guy, uff... :(

Seems like you don't understand laws or logic, either. Seems fitting for a 

The key to understanding is in the title of your post:
Deport [faggots] Crossing Border Illegally, Regardless of [who the fuck they 

Sounds about right to me. Unless you want to end up like Elin Krantz (2011):
https:// google. 

peaceful sweden

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> jim bell jdb10987 at yahoo.com
> Tue Feb 21 12:18:33 PST 2017
> Riot breaks out in Stockholm suburb

I was in before your "muh html editor liberty" LARPing ass, too:

SWEDEN RIOT: Police forced to shoot at protestors as violence erupts
https:// lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2017-February/036119.html

But I am sure you enjoy getting tolled in the fast lane.

peaceful sweden, overwhelmed by NATO war refugees, has social problems

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> Razer g2s at riseup.net
> Tue Feb 21 13:23:36 PST 2017
> I already posted about that.

You lying shitbag, I was in before your "muh anarchy" LARPing with the infos:

There's video, too. Faggot:
SWEDEN RIOT: Police forced to shoot at protestors as violence erupts
https:// lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2017-February/036119.html

I guess you "kill" all ideas other than your own at the "server".

Sweden says YES !

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
> Tue Feb 21 11:00:54 PST 2017
> made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005

Only thing about 2004/5 "expansion" of the "rape" "law" that I could find (wiki 
source was shit) was "rape with more offenders": 2005: 90 Våldtäkt 
utvidgas/våldtäktpå minderåriga.

Dates you are looking for are 1975 & 1992.

1975: Immigrant and Minority Policy:
Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and 
not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by more than 300%, 
and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.""

1992: 147 Våldtäkt utvidgas:
For example, in 1992 a legislative change came into force which shifted the 
dividing line between sexual assault and rape. This legislative change resulted 
in about a 25% increase in the level of registered rape offences.""

> exactly the point in time when 'statistics' started to 'go through the roof'

It is exponential in growth since 70's, read pdfs, don't be like John.
From some shit linked before:

Sweden did not become a country of immigration again until World War II. The 
modern era of immigration can be divided into four distinct stages, with each 
stage representing different types of immigrants and immigration:

1) Refugees from neighboring countries (1938 to 1948)
2) Labor immigration from Finland and southern Europe (1949 to 1971)
3) Family reunification and refugees from developing countries (1972 to 1989)
4) Asylum seekers from southeastern and Eastern Europe (1990 to present)

As a result of these differing flows, the once-dominant Scandinavians, who 
composed well over half of Sweden's foreign-born population in 1960, made up 
only one-fourth of the foreign born in 2004.""

> ranked as the number one country in gender equality

But to your point, Juan, Here is a table of all the "victim" protection "laws" 
passed in Sweden since the 70's:

A local criticizing the "law":
https:// erlinghellenas.wordpress.com/2010/09/01/the-swedish-rape-law/

You can read the current "law" here: Chapter 6 of The Swedish Penal Code 

Not My President Protesters Brutalized by Police

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
In b4 LARPers Razer & Cecilia.


Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Clash with Police

Portland Police respond to protesters blocking traffic 1/25/2017
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=f0f3SnOiqcs

PORTLAND PROTEST!!! & Autistic Screeching
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=QGDrTeCmlVs

Thirteen people were arrested in Portland, Oregon, after a small group 
protesting President Donald Trump got smashed by the police.

The demonstrators, who did not have a permit, spilled out onto the streets 
outside the Federal Building and failed to heed the warnings of police in 
murder gear.

The protest was just one of several held across the country as part of the 'not 
my Presidents' Day' rallies for Trump.

Planned marches took place in New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Chicago, 
and Salt Lake City to mark President's Day.

Protesters even greeted the president on the route from his Mar-a-Lago home to 
Palm Beach Airport where he boarded Air Force One to return to Washington DC in 
the afternoon.

The planned protest, held an hour later with permitted street closures, 
occurred without problems with the police. Police deployed pepper spray and 
'less-than-lethal munitions' in the earlier clash with protests

https:// archive.is/gMiNh

SWEDEN RIOT: Police forced to shoot at protestors as violence erupts

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
How about this advanced faggotry.

- - - - -

Numerous cars were set on fire in RINKEBY, STOCKHOLM, Warning shots were fired.
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=EgUIPtetD50

Irony: Migrant Riots in Sweden day after 'Outrage' over Trump Comment.
http:// macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/31339/53/

It would appear the fakestream media (along with several celebrities and 
Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to US President Trump once 
again. As a reminder, Trump this weekend mentioned Sweden has turned into a 
security mess due to their out of control muslim migration.

Having spent the entire news cycle trying to ignore the massive immigrant 
crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, the biggest Swedish 
daily newspapers, Dagbladet and Expressen report riots breaking out in the 
highly immigrant concentrated Stockholm borough of Rinkeby, with police firing 
warning shots as 100s of young muslim migrants threw stones and burned cars.

During the evening hundreds of people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well 
known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant 

The Swedish leftists politicians who were "outraged" by Trump's statement, 
claimed Sweden had no issues with migrants and offered their usual liberal 
lectures, but are now nowhere to be found, their twitter accounts on fire over 
the weekend, are now silent.

In June 2010, Rinkeby was the scene of riots and attacks against the local 
police station and Rinkeby is the region in which the '60 Minutes' crew were 
attacked in 2016.

The problems Sweden faces integrating large numbers of Muslim immigrants is a 
subject on which Nordstjernan columnist Ulf Nilson has written many times. His 
warnings of increasing radicalization among Sweden’s Muslims – warnings he 
started to broadcast a decade ago – now seem eerily prophetic in light of an 
Associated Press investigation that found Stockholm to be a breeding ground for 
jihadists among Swedish Somalis.

According to the AP report, which first ran Jan. 24, an al-Qaida-linked group 
is busy recruiting anti-government fighters among Somali youths living in 
Rinkeby. A suburb of Stockholm, Rinkeby has earned the nickname of “Little 
Mogadishu” because of the number of Somalis living there. Rinkeby is also the 
center of the recruiting efforts of al-Shabab, a group with ties to al-Qaida.

#Sweden #Rinkeby

https:// archive.fo/NJAZg

Sweden says YES !

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
> Mon Feb 20 20:54:36 PST 2017
> Swedish law has an extremely expansive definition of what qualifies as rape 
> under the law

In that they define "incapable of giving consent" as rape. But that's just 
another night out on the town for you, huh ?


The Lügenpresse is chimping out about President Trump mentioning the situation 
in Sweden during his speech the other night.

They are implying that he stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden; he 

He was referring to the hell-on-earth it has become.

Fire up the twatter accounts RIGHT THIS SECOND and drop your dankest Sweden 
infographics and darkest Swedish memes.

It's time to unleash the ultimate red pilling on the dangers of mass 
immigration and wake the sleeping masses.

Do not let this golden opportunity slip away ! DO IT NOW FAGGOTS !


https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Sweden

https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics#Sweden

https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_grenade_attacks_in_Sweden



https:// gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape



https:// youtube.com/watch?v=3KSJY0c8QWw








"Both twitter and facebook are censoring people bigtime."

"The media is pretending that nothing happened in sweden and calling him crazy."

"It's not even made up. A syrian 'refugee' got convicted of leading a death 
squad of 8 syrians. He got tried for war crimes."

"There's always YES happening in Sweden. Their media doesn't even report all 
the YES that is occurring."

"It was probably a deliberate phrasing to bait the press, stoke curiosity 
encouraging others to look into it & subsequently redpill them about the 
hell-on-earth Islam has created with complicit governments across Europe."

"Anything other than total silence about the situation in Sweden in poison for 
their narrative."

"tfw Trump deliberately misspeaks to give his supporters a chance to redpill 
people on Muslims."


Overall, North and South America be the most rapey. It may be a coincidence 
that Mexico is right in the middle. Juan would know more.

Peep da huge growth rate and per capita measurements of "rape" in Sweden. Graph 
that shit.


SS-GB: why the renewed obsession with alternative Nazi histories?

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
> Mon Feb 20 22:47:06 PST 2017
> why the renewed obsession with alternative Nazi histories?

Lol. Wut.

Anime has been full of degenerate alt-nazi-loli shit for like 20yrs. Where the 
fug have you been ?

> [calling people] Nazi

That's what the Bolsheviks did. People on this list will get purged. A large 
portion of this list lives in the US. You are helping to sew their future.

What kind of security matters

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmail.com
> Sat Feb 18 21:56:50 PST 2017
> the YPG

American Anarchists Join YPG in Syria Fighting ISIS, Islamic State:

>> He had no military experience before joining the YPG.""
>> He lived in San Francisco, where he arranged flowers for a living.""
>> He was a self-described lowlife punk and petty criminal with a heroin 
>> habit.""
>> He started reading Marx and Lenin seriously in rehab.""

Sounds about right. You should join !

> example of the worst security possible.

Pedo opsec.

[graffiti] Lie Lie Land

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
> Fri Feb 17 22:13:27 PST 2017
> would be a good graffiti to Trump's Wall

Ov course a lawyer would want to ugly a wall with a lazy black cutout banksy 
wannabe copycat.

No original thot, only that which already exists.

Your country is full of real beautiful graffiti, please post that shit next 

> Lie Lie Land

Failed with the joke, too. La La Land is Los Angeles, California. Mr. Drumpf is 
from the Great State of New York !

What kind of security matters

2017-02-21 Thread Anti Fag
> James A. Donald jamesd at echeque.com
> Thu Feb 16 16:47:15 PST 2017
> a security mechanism for the masses

Do you mean centralized and controlled, like yidcoin grarpamp shills ?

A transaction fee is not equal to withdrawl fee and xe knows it.

Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President

2017-02-15 Thread Anti Fag
Sayeth the Mod Emperor Grarpamp

> ps: Breaking links with spaces or anything else is stupid.
> Mon Feb 13 00:38:16 PST 2017
> grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com

change.org "declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

2017-02-15 Thread Anti Fag
> Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmail.com
> Sun Feb 12 15:15:00 PST 2017
> Yep - put the blame on the revolutionary communist party -
> it will take the heat off the real activists in the Bay area

Who, BAMN, the sudo anarcho-commies who smash up the SF Bay ?

Don't know who BAMN is ? Let this ex-member tell you who they are:

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

Letter from UCB alumn Jevon

I am running with Students for a Democratic University (SDU) as Student 
Advocate and I am an ex-member of BAMN. I think I can give a little bit of an 
insider's perspective as to why it is not a good idea to have dealings with 
that organization. The dislike that most people in the activist community on 
campus have of BAMN stems from the fact that they are very sectarian, 
undemocratic, and obnoxious. If the problems with BAMN stopped there, I would 
be for working with them. However, internally, that organization is a lot more 
corrupt than people realize.

The organization is tightly controlled by two members, the President, Shanta , 
and another founding member named Leland. There is no democracy in the 
organization. Members are encouraged to follow whatever perspective and course 
of action that Shanta and Leland put forward. When disagreements arise between 
base members of the group and the leadership (i.e. Shanta and Leland), that is 
when things get scary. In order to coerce people into doing what they want them 
to do, at the leadership's command, this organization engages in a whole host 
of disgusting behavior like physically dragging people to meetings and 
political events, denouncing members who disagree as crazy/suicidal and 
encouraging them to take unprescribed medication, stealing money and i.d. cards 
to restrict the movement of dissident members, spreading lies about such 
members to turn others against them, etc. The list goes on and on. The way the 
organization makes this possible is often by convincing members to abandon 
their lives and come live in BAMN households. There, such members often become 
financially dependent on BAMN and many times, have no choice but to comply with 
orders so that they can eat and not end up homeless. Furthermore, many of 
theBAMN members are teenagers so this fact makes it even more possible for BAMN 
to prey on people that become financially dependent on them.

This issue has been coming up a lot lately so I am going to write a much more 
coherent statement on it documenting my horrible experience with this 
organization but I will start to talk about that here. I was one of those 
teenagers. I joined BAMN when I was 14 and remained in the organized until I 
was nearly 18. When I was sixteen, BAMN convinced me that my family was abusive 
and crazy and that it was better that I move in with BAMN members. I did so 
against my family's will. When my family started to look for me, BAMN advised 
me that it was best that I move from my hometown (Detroit, MI) to live with 
BAMN members in another part of the country. They told me that I could legally 
solicit emancipation (without my parent's consent) upon turning 17 and since my 
birthday was soon, this meant that I would not be away from Detroit for longer 
than one month. However, they lied. They took me to Oakland, CA to live with 
Yvette Felarca and instructed me to change my name to "Chase Stern" and cut off 
all contact with family and friends and even other BAMN members in Detroit. I 
complied, thinking that that would only be for a short time.

However, upon turning 17, BAMN's leadership in Detroit just did not answer my 
phone calls. When they finally answered, they told me I had to just wait a 
little longer and each time, I would ask when I got to go home, this is the 
answer they would give me. I ended up being in Oakland for a year.

A few weeks before I turned 18, I decided that I wanted to end the ordeal so I 
contacted my family and reconciled with them. My mother bought me a plane 
ticket back to Detroit. When I informed BAMN, they tried to talk me out of 
leaving, but I was adamant on returning home for at least a little while and 
having a chance to reestablish relations with my family and friends. When they 
realized they could not talk me out of leaving, they got physical. Yvette 
Felarca came into my room one night and instructed me to read out loud a 
statement that Shanta Driver had written and convinced me to sign about how my 
family was abusive. Tired of debating my decision with them, I refused. That 
night, Yvette and other BAMN members took turns sleeping by my bed to "make 
sure he doesn't go anywhere." They confiscated my house keys to restrict my 

The day before my flight back to Detroit, I was packing my clothes when BAMN 
members came in and told me that I could not pack my clothes in that luggage 
because that was luggage that they had provided me with. At this point, I still 
had illusions in BAMNso I called Shanta Driver, thinking that Yvette was just 

[WAR] Immigrant Crime Rates in Germany - the numbers

2017-02-12 Thread Anti Fag
> Razer g2s at riseup.net
> Thu Feb 9 17:13:11 PST 2017
> The 9th circuit court just unanimously rejected the #MuslimBan
> 'that wasn't a ban'...

The argument was 'muslim ban' vs 'travel ban'.

But it would be out of character for you to frame an argument honestly.

> Good on 'em! I listened to the hearing.

Even the part where they never cited the law.

US Code:
https:// law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182

"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of 
aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the 
United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem 
necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants 
or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem 
to be appropriate."

Be the truthful and courageous freedom fighter you purport to be.

Or take your shill lies elsewhere.

[WAR] Immigrant Crime Rates in Germany - the numbers

2017-02-12 Thread Anti Fag
> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
> Thu Feb 9 17:06:55 PST 2017
> Donald, that old bitch

Bakc to the snitching and blaming, it seems.

> instead spread hate and intolerance here

So this is your mission.

> fake news to post

"Fake news" is how you discredit, much like "Asian Driver"

> says to be an "activist", a "defender of Human Rights"

Like you. What kind of lawyer are you, Cecilia ?

> non-stop whining

Is this a meta thread about you ?

[WAR] Immigrant Crime Rates in Germany - the numbers

2017-02-12 Thread Anti Fag
> Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmail.com
> Thu Feb 9 20:33:52 PST 2017
> Eh, one day these rightists will be given the choice
> between jail and acting like humans.

I think you misspelled 'rightsists'. Those who believe in, and defend, the 
rights of all humans.

> I 'spect that Donald will have a nice trip to the Hague.

Imprison those who defend human rights, you say.

Very "tollerant" and "human" of you.

Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President

2017-02-12 Thread Anti Fag
Seems there are misrepresentations of the travel ban and the law behind it.

[U.S. Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part II, § 1182, Paragraph (f)]
Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President

Full Speech:
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=502Eujo1P94

US Code:
https:// law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182

Here is what was said:

“You could be a lawyer, or you don’t have to be a lawyer. If you were a good 
student in high school or a bad student in high school, you can understand 
this, and it’s really incredible to me that we have a court case that’s going 
on so long.

As you know in Boston, we won it with a highly respected judge, and a very 
strong opinion but now we're in an area that, let's just say, they are 
interpreting things differently than probably a hundred percent of the people 
in this room. I'd like to almost know, does anybody in this room disagree when 
I read this?

I'm gonna read what's in dispute, what's in question. And you'll see this, it's:

[U.S. Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part II, § 1182, Paragraph (f)]
Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President

Okay, now, this isn't just me, this is for Obama, for Ronald Regan, for, the 
Peresident, and this was, done, very importantly, for security. Something you 
people know more about than all of us. It was done for the security of our 
nation. The security of our citizens. So that people come in who aren't going 
to do us harm. And that's why it was done. And it couldn't of been written any 
more precicely, it's not like "Oh, gee, we wish it were written better". It was 
written beautifully.

So just listen, here's what it says, this is what they're arguing:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of 
aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the 
United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem 
necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants 
or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem 
to be appropriate.

Okay, so you can suspend, you can put restrictions, you can do whatever you 
want. And this is for the security of the country, which, again, you're the 
chiefs, you're the sheriffs, you understand this. And, I listened to lawyers on 
both sides last night and they were talking about things that had just nothing 
to do with it. I listened to a panel of judges and I'll comment on that but I 
will not comment on the statements made by, certainly one judge, but I have to 
be honest, that if these judges wanted to, in my opinion, help the court, in 
terms of respect for the court, they'd do what they should be doing.

I mean, it's so sad, they should be, you know when you read something so 
simple, and so beautifully written, so perfectly written, other than the one 
statement of course, having to do with 'he' or 'she', but when you read 
something so perfectly written and so clear, to anybody, and then you have 
lawyers and you watch, I watched last night, in amazement, and I heard things 
that I couldn't believe, things that really had nothing to do with what I just 
read, and I don't ever want to call a court biased, so I wont call it biased, 
and we haven't had a decision yet, but courts seem to be so political, and it 
would be so great for our justice system if they would be able to read a 
statement and do what's right. And that has to do with the security of our 
country, which is so important."

Torproject disease infects WhatsApp - User experience trumps(sic) security

2017-02-04 Thread Anti Fag
> Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmail.com
> Sat Feb 4 12:43:54 PST 2017
> It's not hard. People are just lazy and spoiled with their facebook messenger.

Fb messeger uses e2e encryption.

> Most users today value convenience over security.

Security increases convenience.

The problem is in your mind; the way you see the world; everything in 

Fix that first.

UC Berkeley Loses Major Donor After Allowing Riots

2017-02-04 Thread Anti Fag
Scott Adams, the creator of the popular comic strip Dilbert got his MBA at UC 
Berkeley and has remained a top donor, both in money and time.

After the recent riots, where Democrat terrorists “Antifa” set fires, 
vandalized property and beat Trump supporters unconscious, Adams had pulled his 
funding from the troubled liberal university.

>I'm ending my financial and other support for #UCBerkeley (for my safety): 
>https://t.co/jnH79LGNEr #MiloYiannopoulos #Hitler

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) February 4, 2017

From blog.dilbert.com:

Here’s the best article you are likely to read about the absurdity of calling 
ANY American president Hitler. This is the sort of persuasion (sprinkled with 
facts) that can dissolve some of the post-election cognitive dissonance that 
hangs like a dark cloud over the country. Share it liberally, so to speak. You 
might save lives.

Speaking of Hitler, I’m ending my support of UC Berkeley, where I got my MBA 
years ago. I have been a big supporter lately, with both my time and money, but 
that ends today. I wish them well, but I wouldn’t feel safe or welcome on the 
campus. A Berkeley professor made that clear to me recently. He seems smart, so 
I’ll take his word for it.

I’ve decided to side with the Jewish gay immigrant who has an African-American 
boyfriend, not the hypnotized zombie-boys in black masks who were clubbing 
people who hold different points of view. I feel that’s reasonable, but I know 
many will disagree, and possibly try to club me to death if I walk on campus.

Yesterday I asked my most liberal, Trump-hating friend if he ever figured out 
why Republicans have most of the Governorships, a majority in Congress, the 
White House, and soon the Supreme Court. He said, “There are no easy answers.”

I submit that there are easy answers. But for many Americans, cognitive 
dissonance and confirmation bias hide those easy answers behind Hitler 

I’ll keep working on clearing the fog. Estimated completion date, December 
2017. It’s a big job.



[Human Rights Watch] Trump Team Invents "Massacre" And Blames Refugees For It

2017-02-03 Thread Anti Fag
So the lady mis-spoke and conflated propoganda with administrative decisions.

Not as bad as lawyers who refuse to think critically about the world around 

Pleae do not send your fake news to this pro-Trump list.

 Original Message 
Subject: [Human Rights Watch] Trump Team Invents "Massacre" And Blames Refugees 
For It
Local Time: February 3, 2017 7:49 PM
UTC Time: February 3, 2017 7:49 PM
From: cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
To: CypherPunks 

*Trump Team Invents "Massacre" And Blames Refugees For It: Daily Brief*

Plus: The real numbers of people affected by US Muslim Ban; White
supremacists and neo-Nazis no longer "extremists" in Trump proposal; New
CIA deputy director formerly oversaw torture; Restricting condoms in the
Philippines; EU summit in Malta discusses refugees; and Ukraine fighting.



Wish you all an awesome Friday and a lovely weekend! <3

- c.