Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-03-03 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 06:50:45PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 07:16:30AM -0500, John Newman wrote:

> > Donald loves to play the victim card. Poor white male, my god it
> > must suck being the most privileged class in one of the most privileged
> > countries in the world..
> > 
> > Actually it just sucks being James Jim Donald because he's a 
> > hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black heart who has no 
> > comprehension of the need for diversity
> The classic Liberal irony is their assertion (the trap you fall into
> here John) that geographic / spatial homogenization of all countries
> into one global "people" supposedly increases "diversity".
> There's a misnomer here - diversity of peoples and their cultures 'given
> the world as a whole', vs some idealised "diversity" which is same
> similar in all nations since everyone freely moves everywhere and
> intermixes, thereby decreasing cultural diversity, at least in those
> lands that the emmigrants predominantly immigrate into (i.e. we don't
> see millions of Whites immigrating into Somalia for example, only the
> reverse).

> > and would literally stomp 
> > it under his jackboot.
> John, what might be a more interesting discussion than "who's jackboot
> is a bigger bitch" might be a response to the following quote (i.e.,
> if you can respond in a reasonable way, with a reasonable counter
> argument to the concept embedded in this quote):
> "A world of independent cultures is true diversity and freedom."
> (Quote from our favourite ethnic nationalist, you know who.)

Since Jon's so absolutist and absolutely unable to, anyone else
able to refute the irony of the push to "uniformly diversify all
(Western) peoples, as in geographically reducing diversity in the
name of diversity" ?

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-03-01 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Razer  wrote:
> #Snowflake #Stormtroopers Must... have... #TacticalBacon, and clean
> socks.

And books, lots of weird books, woohoo!!  \o/ \o/ \o/

Because all you need to be happy is learning how to talk to your cat
about gun safety and abstinence, drugs, satanism, and other dangers
that threaten their nine lives!  :D

PS:  - Unicorns are *not* jerks!  :P

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-03-01 Thread Razer

On 02/28/2017 04:16 AM, John Newman wrote:
>> On Feb 28, 2017, at 1:44 AM, Shawn K. Quinn <> wrote:
>>> On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
>>>> On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>>> "Documenting Hate" Project:
>>> That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
>>> hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
>>> reveals your hatred, not ours.
>> I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
>> crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.
>> I personally would be overjoyed if there were no more hate crimes
>> tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life thereafter.
>> -- 
>> Shawn K. Quinn <>
> Donald loves to play the victim card. Poor white male, my god it
> must suck being the most privileged class in one of the most privileged
> countries in the world..
> Actually it just sucks being James Jim Donald because he's a 
> hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black heart who has no 
> comprehension of the need for diversity and would literally stomp 
> it under his jackboot. His only consolation is a bunch of parroting 
> sycophants (like that assclown Z*n) on his blog, all equally whiny 
> fascist assholes.
> Fuck JD and his "poor me" whining. What the is this, a new 
> "pussy fascist" movement?  

#Snowflake #Stormtroopers Must... have... #TacticalBacon, and clean


Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-03-01 Thread jim . sovereign
On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 06:50:45PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> There's a misnomer here - diversity of peoples and their cultures 'given
> but a piss poor effort on your part!  Can we do better here?

Not sure you'll get a response, I believe he's filtered your emails...

FWIW I think its worth thinking about.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-03-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 11:59:56AM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
> On 02/28/2017 09:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> >>>> On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, [hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black 
> >>>> heart] wrote:
> > 
> > This observation made me smile, my love.  Thanks, Mirimir.  Some day,
> > hope Donald notices I am not searching for hate, but for hope.  I
> > still dream of a better world.  :)
> :)
> > Nobody knows how many hate crimes and bias incidents take place each
> > year in the USA.  They asked help to track them.
> The SSS concept involves decoys to identify assholes, followed by
> assassins to eliminate them.
> > The 'Documenting Hate' Project wants transparency about relevant data
> > that is *not* known because most of the times are ignored or receive
> > more make-up than all Hollywood actresses in Oscar's night.  If you
> > really think that happened a hate crime against a "straight white
> > man", OK, report it and justify the reasons of your convincement.  The
> > same to attacks to all the colors, races, ethnicities, genders,
> > religions, trans status, disabilities, and sexual orientations.  It
> > isn't about Trump and politics, it's about peace, about life, about
> > Justice and a fairer, more transparent world, where this kind of
> > hateful action is *not* tolerated or ignored.
> There'll be peace after they're all dead :)

And ... then they came for me ..

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread juan

"ProPublica was the brainchild of billionaires and major
Democratic donors Herbert and Marion Sandler"

capo mafioso :  Paul Steiger, former managing editor of the
Wall Street Journal

propublica mafia : "received funding from the Knight Foundation,
MacArthur Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Ford Foundation,
the Carnegie Corporation and the Atlantic Philanthropie"

"Paul Steiger, the editor of ProPublica, received a salary of

et cetera...

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread juan
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 14:31:28 -0500
Steve Kinney <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 02/28/2017 12:09 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> > "Documenting Hate" Project:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > "Have you been the victim of a hate crime?  Have you seen others 
> > attacked for their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, trans
> > status, disability, or sexual orientation?  Tell us about it so we
> > can investigate."  -  Peter Aldhous
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> A crime is a physical act that violates the property or person of
> another by force or fraud.  "Hate crime" is an abstract social
> construct, where the /motives/ for crimes are framed as legally
> actionable violence in and of themselves.  Criminalization of motives,
> enhanced sentencing guidelines based on the "hate crime" concept, etc.
> does constitute criminalization of opinion and prosecution of
> thoughtcrime. 

Exactly so. It would be great if Cecilia noticed this point =P

> Criminalization of /speech/ our knee-jerk Liberals find
> intolerable has not yet been attained - but not for lack of effort by
> advocacy organizations funded by them for that purpose.
> As comments from racist trash in this thread indicate, the "hate
> crime" concept fuels the racist trash narrative 

'course, the left wing fascists from propublica and the right
wing fascists like james donald are close cousins.

> by giving them a
> /genuine/ case of systemic persecution against "their kind" to raise
> hell about.  At least in the United States, Liberals care far more
> about proving their own moral superiority 

I think that one of the main purposes of 'political
correcteness' is to camouflage the crimes of the 'progressive'

Liberals are child murdering racists like any other good
anglo-american.  If they want to ban things like racist speech
that's only because racist speech is bad advertising AND shows
their true nature.

The US government and its supporters can murder people
all over the world for fun and profit BUT it's important that
their true motives (like racism) be not known.

> than in getting the results
> they /claim/ to be working for, so they are more than happy to keep
> pouring fuel on this fire.
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
> GLsqeHtZrusqYEftuwfb3Dg4SjdtbGWv0th3OYuY1AD/4h6b1MIRmNaWJS3SAVVI
> oaUlVRm5WIsgtaMOWno8418Q8KIzlfdAXCp6T707hNcHkrmnR8gwzCKw0aAWqgwg
> ccxDAr+4iQhWOENUHoKWV2oevHydkihvjpJjFYr0mH2YXci6rUEGmds9UvGFkL4K
> WiCm14kXno39VreZ606uAqX7XteZZhDalljLMZ3ZELFJNvbInhM/cStqMwTsuAw=
> =iV/x

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/1/2017 5:27 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

No, my love, sorry, I think it is not the way.  I don't want any blood
in my hands.


You already have the blood of many, many people on your hands, and lust 
and thirst for the blood of many more.

Fake and contrived hate incidents, for example the shooting of Michael 
Brown, have already led to the rape and murder of a great many white 
people, which you gleefully celebrated.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 02/28/2017 09:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

it's about peace, about life, about
Justice and a fairer, more transparent world, where this kind of
hateful action is *not* tolerated or ignored.

When people manufacture lists of hateful things done by Jews, most of 
the stuff is pretty trivial, and what is not trivial was done absurdly 
long ago, which shows the bad motivation of the people manufacturing 
these lists.

When people manufacture lists of hateful things done by white 
heterosexual males, most of the stuff is totally fake, which shows that 
the motivations of the people manufacturing these lists is far more evil 
than the motivations of those manufacturing lists of bad things done by 

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/1/2017 2:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

The 'Documenting Hate' Project wants transparency about relevant data
that is *not* known because most of the times are ignored or receive
more make-up than all Hollywood actresses in Oscar's night.

We know this is not true from the huge publicity that so many fake and 
trivial "hate crimes" have received, just as we know that no white man 
has raped a black women for decades from the huge publicity that so many 
fake white on black rapes have received.

If someone founded a "Documenting Hate" organization with a mandate to 
discover bad things done by Jews, you know what it would discover, and 
why it was discovering those supposed bad things - it would mostly the 
same kind of stuff as you have been discovering supposedly done by 
heterosexual white males, for the same reasons that you have supposedly 
been discovering those things.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017, at 3:59 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
> The SSS concept involves decoys to identify assholes, followed by
> assassins to eliminate them.
> There'll be peace after they're all dead :)

No, my love, sorry, I think it is not the way.  I don't want any blood
in my hands.  These people need education, psychological and
psychiatric support, no more hate and intolerance.  I don't like the
idea of an artificial, politically correct world, and I am not talking
about pretending to be a perfect person to be accepted in our
hypocrite society, but about sincerely trying to understand other
points of view and explain why you think they are correct or not,
about trying to change the world using words, facts and good actions,
using logic and truth instead of more violence, more deaths, more
cruel hate acts.  :((

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread Mirimir
On 02/28/2017 09:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>>> On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, [hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black 
>>>> heart] wrote:
> This observation made me smile, my love.  Thanks, Mirimir.  Some day,
> hope Donald notices I am not searching for hate, but for hope.  I
> still dream of a better world.  :)


> Nobody knows how many hate crimes and bias incidents take place each
> year in the USA.  They asked help to track them.

The SSS concept involves decoys to identify assholes, followed by
assassins to eliminate them.

> The 'Documenting Hate' Project wants transparency about relevant data
> that is *not* known because most of the times are ignored or receive
> more make-up than all Hollywood actresses in Oscar's night.  If you
> really think that happened a hate crime against a "straight white
> man", OK, report it and justify the reasons of your convincement.  The
> same to attacks to all the colors, races, ethnicities, genders,
> religions, trans status, disabilities, and sexual orientations.  It
> isn't about Trump and politics, it's about peace, about life, about
> Justice and a fairer, more transparent world, where this kind of
> hateful action is *not* tolerated or ignored.

There'll be peace after they're all dead :)

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread Mirimir
On 02/28/2017 07:46 AM, Razer wrote:
> On 02/27/2017 10:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
>> On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, [hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black 
>> heart] wrote:
>>> On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>>> "Documenting Hate" Project:
>>> That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
>>> hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
>>> reveals your hatred, not ours.
>> I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
>> crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.
>> I personally would be overjoyed if there were no more hate crimes
>> tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life thereafter.
> There's a BIG part of me that relates to 'starving hate of attention' as
> a tactic. The problem is without the attention there's a tendency not to
> DO anything about it either.

Well, old Bill Burroughs had a simple solution: just kill them all. He
was a radical gay-rights activist, after all.

But then, he talked about a "Shit Slaughter Squad", which is an obvious
Nazi riff. So maybe it was all sarcasm.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread Razer

On 02/27/2017 10:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
>> On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>> "Documenting Hate" Project:
>> That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
>> hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
>> reveals your hatred, not ours.
> I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
> crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.
> I personally would be overjoyed if there were no more hate crimes
> tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life thereafter.

There's a BIG part of me that relates to 'starving hate of attention' as
a tactic. The problem is without the attention there's a tendency not to
DO anything about it either.


Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread John Newman

> On Feb 28, 2017, at 1:44 AM, Shawn K. Quinn <> wrote:
>> On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
>>> On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>> "Documenting Hate" Project:
>> That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
>> hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
>> reveals your hatred, not ours.
> I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
> crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.
> I personally would be overjoyed if there were no more hate crimes
> tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life thereafter.
> -- 
> Shawn K. Quinn <>

Donald loves to play the victim card. Poor white male, my god it
must suck being the most privileged class in one of the most privileged
countries in the world..

Actually it just sucks being James Jim Donald because he's a 
hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black heart who has no 
comprehension of the need for diversity and would literally stomp 
it under his jackboot. His only consolation is a bunch of parroting 
sycophants (like that assclown Z*n) on his blog, all equally whiny 
fascist assholes.

Fuck JD and his "poor me" whining. What the is this, a new 
"pussy fascist" movement?  

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 2/28/2017 4:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

I certainly don't want there to be hate
crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.\

When you find so many imaginary and overhyped crimes, and so very few 
real crimes, your motivation is not ending those crimes, but imposing 
collective punishment on those supposedly guilty.

Reflect on what happened in Ferguson:

A policeman shoots a black thug in self defence:

Hate crime.

Large numbers of white people are driven out of Ferguson and forced to 
abandon their homes to black people, with the result that price of these 
homes in parts of Ferguson near the riots fall to far below the value of 
the mortgages and cost of replacement.

Not a hate crime.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
reveals your hatred, not ours.

On 2/28/2017 4:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.

As I said, none of the hate crimes that you hunger and thirst for have 
occurred in the United States since the election of Trump.

Why do you want to shine a spotlight on crimes that are almost 
nonexistent?  If not to vilify and demonize white males?

But quite a lot of hate crimes against heterosexual white males have 
happened, the hate crimes that you do not want a spotlight shone on, the 
crimes that whenever someone shines a spotlight on them, you call the 
man with the spotlight a Nazi and seek to destroy his career and 
physically attack him.

Such as, for example, this hate crime:
Now that is hatred, and it is hatred that you enthusiastically and 
gleefully fan.

And you are calling for more imaginary and fake hate crimes in order to 
fan it, in order to get more incidents like this.

Fake hate crimes blamed on white heterosexual males enormous outnumber 
real hate crimes by white heterosexual males, and very real hate crimes 
against white heterosexual males enormously outnumber the fake hate 
crimes that you use to justify the entirely real hate crimes against 
heterosexual white males..

Why are you not shining the spotlight on fake hate crimes and the real 
hate crimes that they are used to justify?

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-27 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>> "Documenting Hate" Project:
> That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
> hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
> reveals your hatred, not ours.

I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.

I personally would be overjoyed if there were no more hate crimes
tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life thereafter.

Shawn K. Quinn <>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

"Documenting Hate" Project:

That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for 
hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them, 
reveals your hatred, not ours.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

"Documenting Hate" Project:

"Have you been the victim of a hate crime?  Have you seen others
attacked for their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, trans status,
disability, or sexual orientation?  Tell us about it so we can
investigate."  -  Peter Aldhous

Notice that the number of fake hate crimes implicating white males seems 
to massively outnumber the number of actual hate crimes.  Indeed last I 
checked, not one genuine hate crime within the USA following the 
election of Trump.

Similarly regret rapes.

Also observe that when hate crimes are committed against white males, 
does not count as a hate crime, and that such hate crimes happen 
continually, because of hateful people like yourself enthusiastically 
egging on people to commit hate crimes against white heterosexual males.

"Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-27 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
"Documenting Hate" Project:

"Have you been the victim of a hate crime?  Have you seen others
attacked for their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, trans status,
disability, or sexual orientation?  Tell us about it so we can
investigate."  -  Peter Aldhous

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
 Mae Jemison