Re: Assange Rips the Matrix -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-03-01 Thread John Young
Assange is a fine essayist, Articulate. Courageous. Humorous. 
WikiLeaks is a superb source. Not like this hyperbolic excreta.

At 08:23 AM 3/1/2020, you wrote:
This is a heartfelt message, but always remember your own authority 
and power/ability to act and speak in this world.

  Assange Rips the Matrix
  by Finian Cunningham

Assange Rips the Matrix -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-03-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
This is a heartfelt message, but always remember your own authority and 
power/ability to act and speak in this world.

  Assange Rips the Matrix
  by Finian Cunningham

  The persecution of Julian Assange is one of those breakthrough moments when 
suddenly people realise that almost everything they have been told to believe 
is not true.

  This week the Australian-born journalist and publisher has been subjected to 
a show trial in a British court with the threat of extradition to the United 
States looming.
  If he is extradited, the 48-year old is facing 175 years – a death sentence – 
in prison on wholly contrived espionage charges.

  Assange is being persecuted for the sole and simple reason that he exposed 
war crimes and systematic corruption by the US government and its Western 
  His years of arbitrary detention and the torture endured over the past year 
while in solitary confinement in a British dungeon are a grim warning to all 
  The warning is that their supposed democratic rights are non-existent as far 
as the powers in Washington and London are concerned.
  If you dare speak truth to power, then this fate will also be yours.

  Thus, when it gets down to it, the harsh reality is that there is no such 
thing as democracy in the US or Britain.
  Elections and media are but window-dressing to hide the brutal truth that 
fundamental, basic democratic rights of free speech and due legal process are 
not inalienable principles, but rather are dispensable privileges whenever the 
powers-that-be ordain so.

  Julian Assange’s incarceration and pillorying is like an inquisition from 
medieval times happening in the year 2020.
  He dared expose the rampant, systematic crimes of so-called authorities 
through his Wikileaks site.
  His blasphemy was to expose the charlatans and mass-killers who masquerade as 
pious leaders.

  Those revelations showed the public that the pretensions of democracy and 
rule of law by the American and British governments are nothing but 
hypocritical, empty posturing.
  Assange’s courageous publishing work demonstrated how those governments have 
waged criminal wars and committed genocidal crimes; how they have made a 
mockery of international law and democratic rights.
  And for that heroic service to public truth and empowerment with the truth, 
Assange is being pilloried like a rebellious serf by overlords posing as 
“governments” and “judges”.

  Assange’s show trial is also powerfully revealing of the real nature of 
Western so-called news media.
  Not one of the major US or British news outlets have given any coverage, let 
alone comment, regarding his week-long extradition trial.

  A journalist and publisher is being whipsawed in the court as if he is a 
dangerous terrorist.
  He is denied elementary due process by being confined to a glass-cage dock, 
not able to communicate with his defence lawyers, unable to even hear what his 
accusers are claiming.

  His extradition, to be determined at a future court hearing, seems like a 
foregone conclusion, such is the bias and hostility towards Assange from the 
presiding British judge, Vanessa Baraitser.

  Given the international outcry from hundreds of doctors and UN 
representatives over Assange’s torture endured while in British custody, and 
given the grotesque abuse of legal process by the American and British 
so-called authorities, the case should be thrown out immediately – if there 
were any modicum of justice.

  The vendetta against Assange tells us what kind of societies citizens (or 
rather subjects) are living under in the US and Britain.
  These states are oligarchies where “democratic rights” are strictly 
conditional on subjects not stepping out of line, such as criticising war 
crimes or illegal global spying.

  Julian Assange has torn through the largely invisible matrix of propaganda 
and power that people really live under.
  The saccharin myths of “democracy” and “free speech” are shown for the ugly, 
putrid reality that they are.
  And the Western corporate-controlled media in their silence about what is 
going on are also condemned for the lying servile machines that they are.

  We must not accept the fate being prepared for Assange as if it is inevitable 
or as if we are powerless to overthrow it.
  The first step towards freedom is truth, and thanks to Julian Assange, we 
have the power to be free [actually, thanks to our inherent nature as 
human/Soul, we have within each of us, the power to live our truth, within the 
boundaries of our limitations, some self imposed, some external].
  We know the tyrannical nature of the governments that presume to rule over us 
in our names.
  There must be a popular uprising in defence of Assange. Because no-one is 
free until he is.

  A final note by way of testimony: anyone who has been enlightened by 
Wikileaks’ revelations over the past decade