So true, you know you love it ... aahm, or something.
It's funny, but so true it's, FIRETRUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!

My Police State

And in the same bag of delights, censorship - Alex Jones and InfoWars
just got done triple time:

even YouPorn has banned him (yes YouPorn, censorship is exactly what
you need, right? - irony of firetrucking ironies here!):

yet this has had a real benefit - Alex Jones/ InfoWars is naming the
JewTube "War On White People" policy - and added bonus, he gets
exactly 6 Million new subscribers in 48 hours (well, 5.6 million, but
who's counting when your grampappy is a lampshade in the corner?):

Nice to see folks realising that the people are the platform.

Repeat after me folks:

  The people --are-- the platform.

and not some billion-dollar funded shitty tech platform - and
YouTube, Google, FaceBook and Twitter are indeed shitty by design as
they each centralise the power to censor, so “ipso shitty censor

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