Re: Corona: US Pres Biden Mandates Forced Vax, Employment Firings, Vax Passports, Masking, Testing

2021-08-03 Thread grarpamp
This is your future if you don't fight back...
You, your family and friends, *will* comply with
*every* wish of the regime or you *will* be
arrested, smashed, or killed...

UN Special Rapporteur On Torture Requests Info On German Police
Brutalizing Anti-Lockdown Protesters

The UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer has requested more
information on an incident in which a female anti-lockdown protester
in Berlin was grabbed by the throat and brutally thrown to the ground
by riot police.

As we highlighted earlier, the demonstrations ended up with a whopping
600 people being arrested amidst innumerable brazen examples of police
brutality, including against children, that were caught on camera.

Germans were protesting against plans to ban unvaccinated people from
a plethora of different venues, including restaurants, cinemas and

One video clip shows an elderly protester merely attempting to walk
past a police officer dressed in riot gear before he grabs her neck
with both hands and throws her to the floor.

The EU would be condemning this as regime brutality if it was
Russia but since it's Germany they will support it
— Stan (@StanM3) August 1, 2021

Cops were obviously given orders to enforce a draconian crackdown on
the protesters given their behavior throughout the day, which looked
like something out of the 1930’s.

The clip caught the attention of Nils Melzer, a professor of
international law, whose official title is United Nations Special
Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment.

“This has just been brought to my attention,” tweeted Melzer.

“Can anyone provide my office with the specifics / witness
statements of this incident and whether an official investigation has
been launched?” he asked.

This has just been brought to my attention.

Can anyone provide my office with the specifics / witness
statements of this incident and whether an official investigation has
been launched?

Send to:
(please not via Twitter-reply/DM)

Thank you!
— Nils Melzer (@NilsMelzer) August 1, 2021

It’s highly unlikely that any investigation will take place given that
riot police were clearly ordered to conduct themselves with wanton
disregard for basic dignity and human rights.

Another video clip showed a police officer reacting to a young boy’s
concern over the treatment of his mother by forcefully pushing him to
the floor by his head.

Berlin, this cop is hitting a little boy in the head for worrying
about his mom. 郎勞
— Willow (@Willow__Bella) August 1, 2021

Another clip shows two old women also being pushed to the floor by police.

Police shove elderly people to your ground to protect their
health. Welcome to Berlin.
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) August 1, 2021

Another protester also collapsed and died while being harassed by
police to show his ID.

Anti-lockdown protesters have been vilified and dehumanized by the
media and by vaccine cultists who lobby for them to be treated like

That’s why such scenes, which would cause outrage if they occurred at
a Black Lives Matter or LGBT march, are either totally ignored or
callously celebrated.

Corona: US Pres Biden Mandates Forced Vax, Employment Firings, Vax Passports, Masking, Testing

2021-08-03 Thread grarpamp
You did not fight censorship, thus you got censored and fucked.

Now you must fight the installation of this new major regime
of force. It's not about science/medicine, that's your choice
to use it or not. It's not about people dying, else politicians
wouldn't start wars and starve people to death in the freezing
cold. It's about a massive new launch of the false idea that
global regimes somehow have total authority over your person
and can force you to do their bidding.

Go watch the global protest videos.
Wake the fuck up.
Join them.
Fight back.

The weasel words below are crystal clear as to what's next,
and such regimes of force have never and will never contain
themselves to just one thing, they will expand well past Corona
into all areas of life... and you will not like it at all.

Stop the force, before you lose the chance forever.

White House COVID Response Coordinator Says It's "Time To Impose
Vaccine Requirements"  Biden: Time To Impose Vaccine

In addition to Biden having already started to force
the entire US Federal Military and Civilian workforce...

White House COVID Response Coordinator Says It's "Time To Impose
Vaccine Requirements"

In a briefing Monday, the Biden Coronavirus Response Coordinator
Jeffrey Zients announced that “it’s time to impose some requirements”
where COVID vaccines are concerned.

Zients referenced Biden’s comments from last week where the latter
talked about giving people cash in exchange for being vaccinated, but
added that this doesn’t go far enough.

“Last week the president called on states and local governments to use
funding they have received, including from the American Rescue Plan,
to give $100 to anyone who gets fully vaccinated,” Zientz said, adding
“If financial incentives like these help us get more shots in arms, we
should use them.”

“But in addition to incentives, it’s time to impose some requirements
based on the realities of different risks unvaccinated individuals
pose versus those who have been vaccinated,” Zients proclaimed.

He then went on to confirm that any federal worker or contractor who
remains unvaccinated will be forced to wear a mask and get COVID tests
twice a week.

“It’s simple, if you want to work with the federal government, get
your workers vaccinated,” Zients decreed.


As we reported last week, Biden himself indicated that he is seeking
confirmation on whether the entire country can be mandated to get the

While talking about the likes of Google and Facebook announcing
vaccine mandates for their employees, Biden said “I would like to see
them continue to move in that direction,” and added that “it’s still a
question whether the Federal government can mandate the whole

“I don’t know that yet,” Biden added, indicating it is something he is
actively seeking to clarify.


Biden on states, private companies, and schools mandating COVID-19 vaccines:

"I would like to see them continue to move in that direction...
it's still a question whether the Federal government can mandate the
whole country."
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 29, 2021

When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules could be
implemented going forward, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said
Monday that nothing is off the table.

While suggesting that total lockdown will not be brought back, Psaki
responded that Biden “has said from the beginning that we are going to
be guided by the science, guided by our public health experts, and
we’re not going to take options off the table of what they may

Psaki: “We’ve been clear we’re not going back to the shutdowns of
March of 2020 ... but again, [Biden] has said from the beginning that
we are going to be guided by the science.”
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 2, 2021

Again, basically Americans will be ordered to do whatever the “experts” say.

Tucker Carlson: Science is a seeking of the truth, not a political directive
'The Anglosphere committing suicide collectively'
By Tucker Carlson | Fox News
Tucker: The mainstream media's job is to defend the ruling class

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host asks what do civil rights mean when
they're not enforced across the board?

We’re continuing to try to follow the bizarre and fast-changing
guidance on COVID from the White House. Remember when they told you
the last administration was incompetent? We’ve never seen anything
like this. It’s