Take notice:

OK, so with broad compliance (acceptance of the lock down) within our community 
obviating the "need" for a heavier "sanction against the unruly" such as 
electricity grid "lights out", and a steady ratcheting of the "don't panic" 
narrative so that folks are finally dawning with the awareness that 
"something's happening, may be I should buy some spare toilet paper and pasta", 
and finally the "Western" money reset on our doorstep, the Aussie parliament 
has done a sensible thing (from the point of view of TPTB) increasing welfare 
cheques by ~$250 per week.

Then, they packed up parliament for the next 5 months.  Literally.

Yes, you read that right.

What does it mean?

It means that welfare recipients in Australia (those who tend to live week to 
week at subsistence level) are about to get some relevant cash to stock up on 
toilet paper, pasta and potatoes, starting nowish, and first arriving (per the 
normal dole cycle) over the coming two weeks - also, these additional payments 
might continue for a couple of months it seems.

Why is this is a "good thing"?

Those otherwise unable, are now able to do a little stockpiling.  If this is 
relevant to you, let's be grateful for how merciful this actually is.

Seriously, if you have not done so already, take the steps you need to, to be 
ready for a month long "full" lock down!

It may not be a full month, or it may end up being a little more. Some guess it 
should only need to be about two weeks.

What does this predict?

This tells us that folks should have two or three payment cycles (4 to six 
weeks) to get their house in order, set aside a few supplies for the Level 5 
"hard" lockdown which is evidently coming.

It also means we're perhaps about 3 months out from the global financial reset.

Russia at least has positioned herself extraordinarily well for a beautiful 
sovereign seat!  Thank you Putin!  We shall soon see the beginnings of the 
shape of the new, this time multi polar, world order.

Our gutless cowards in Canberra Australia have sold our nation out to the 
highest NWO bidder to the tune of about a trillion dollars, despite the fact we 
mine so much gold we could have fully backed our entire currency with about 10 
years of our sovereign gold output!

Alas, we are likely to repeat another "century of humiliation" as Rothschild's 

As some might say, "you get what you f#@4ing deserve"; howso? well, the fine 
conspiracy theorists at cypherpunks, anti-empire, duran, russia-insider and 
even Donald Trump himself prior to being elected, have been diligently 
highlighting certain conspiracies^Bfacts, for many years now, but humans, the 
sheeple or plebes or plebles, in general "just wanna watch the footy, stop 
bugging me moron!"

Notwithstanding, again, let's be grateful for the reprieve right now, that 
almost everyone is being granted the means to stash some staples for the coming 

----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> -----

From: Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 09:47:50 +1100
Subject: Aussie parliament: Hand out $84 billion in cash, then piss off for 5

Hand out $84 billion in cash, then piss off for 5 months :)

  Coronavirus stimulus package worth $84 billion passed without objection by 

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