One wonders what non-logic drives a neo-con these days?

"Winning" by self-crucifixion? Death by moral outrage? Religious
opposition to reasoned debate and factual answers?

It is hard to conceive of the depth of insanity that the USA's deep
state swamp is and was (except oh, I dunno, looking at the continuous
wars and "surgical murders", wedding dronings and moral "high ground"
paraded around the world since forever), but here it is, week after
week, sometimes night after night, as prime time - prime time
entertainment that is :smiley:

The Council on Foreign Rrelations' Max Boot does an astounding job of
delivering some delicious prime time entertainment on this attempt by
Mr Boot to deliver his metaphorical boot to Tucker Carlson, which of
course did not happen.

Guess that's because neo-cons are so logical, truly moral, balanced
and caring individuals. Or something...

The level of winning here is so intense, it's not only hard to
believe but begins to be hard to watch - such self immolation:


YT direct:


Just amazing entertainment.

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