Perhaps this is of interest to some cypherpunks subscribers:

----- Forwarded message from Hackers On Planet Earth <> -----

 Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 14:12:44 -0500
 From: Hackers On Planet Earth <>
 Subject: [hope-announce] HOPE 2020 Call For Speakers Now Open!

The HOPE 2020 Call for Speakers is now open!

You can now submit your ideas for talk/panel submissions for our 13th HOPE
conference, to be held at St. John's University, Queens, New York City from
July 31st to August 2nd, 2020.

You can email your talk proposal to Include a proposed 
title and abstract. Provide enough information so it is clear why HOPE 
attendees would find your topic interesting, new, and relevant. Also include
a brief biography. Most speaker/panel sessions are allotted 50 minutes, 
including time for Q&A. All types of presentations are encouraged, from solo 
talks to panels, debates, demonstrations, and interactive discussions. 
Submissions should highlight their relevance to hacking. They should be 
original, and not previously presented. We encourage speakers from all age 
groups and backgrounds.

The conference venue promises more space than ever before, including a
theater, a huge indoor pavilion, seminar rooms, and acres of outdoor
space. Other features include affordable on-site housing and food, easy
accessibility from New York airports and public transportation, free
onsite parking, and 30Gb of network bandwidth.

HOPE is an inclusive event, seeking civil discourse and education on all 
topics related to the hacker world. HOPE encourages all approaches and 
interpretations to hacking, presented by hackers, makers, developers, 
teachers, learners, and experimenters. If you have a passion for discovering 
how things work and sharing that knowledge, you have the hacker spirit.

Some topics from past HOPE events have included:

*     Technologies, along with their benefits and risks
*     Social engineering
*     Education
*     Hacker culture and lifestyles
*     Effecting social change
*     Industry, government, commerce, and multinationals
*     Science, engineering and math
*     Body modification, hacking and enhancement
*     Phones, networks, and telecommunication
*     Hardware and software
*     Secrets and disclosures
*     Data, privacy, encryption, and policy
*     Outer space and beyond
*     and much, much more

All submissions will receive an automated response. (You won't get multiple 
responses if you email us more than once in a short period of time, but we 
will still get your email.) Notices of acceptance will begin to be mailed 
out in the weeks ahead.

You can also find some handy tips for your talk/panel submission on our
website at .

HOPE 2020, July 31-August 2, 2020, St. John's University, Queens, New York City

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