NY rooftop dancing -- Re: Soleimani, another perspective -- was Re: Oddly silent

2020-05-05 Thread Zig the N.g
> [So it may well be that TPTB behind the scenes, and for a totally
>   random example, this one little known M.E., virulently tribal
>   tribe, successfully pushed for the murder of Soleimani in order
>   to keep the conflict alive;
>   Bibi:
>   "We stand fully by the United States in its just battle
> for security, peace and self-defense. ...
> Soleimani is responsible for the deaths of innocent US
> citizens and many others."
> https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-lauds-trump-for-killing-of-irans-soleimani-says-israel-stands-by-us/
> ]
> [Of course, once Iran cut right to the chase and promised to
>   level Israel's 3rd largest city, Haifa, should this war
>   escalate, Bibi backtracked with more stylish moves than Israelis
>   dancing on a New York roof in September;
>   Bibi:
>   “The assassination of Soleimani isn't an Israeli event
> but an American event. We were not involved and should
> not be dragged into it,”
>   https://www.rt.com/news/477604-netanyahu-distances-israel-soleimani-killing/
> ]

Israeli MoD's project to "bury the rooftop dancing Israeli 9/11 search results" 
has come unstuck:

   I Can't Dance: Israeli Military Shuts Down Its 'Dancer Initiative' as Viral 
Video Reportedly Upsets Top Brass
  .. "Senior officers did not like the sight of men dancing like that in 
military fatigues. Apparently, to them, it disgraced the military," the Army 
Radio reportedly said.

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-09 Thread jamesd

On 2020-01-04 13:27, Razer wrote:

I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
new war with Iran.

This comment has not aged well.

I have confidence in Trump, and waited to see.  Lots of people have 
underestimated Trump, and it has seldom worked out well for them.

He responded to Iran's response as I expected and hoped.

And Iran's response (symbolic escalation covering actual de-escalation, 
revealing that the killing of Solemieni was successful in deterring them 
from the war effort that they have been escalating ever since Obama's 
nuke deal) was what I had hoped it would be and doubtless what Trump 
expected it to be.

It takes two to make peace, only one to make war.  Iranians are not 
chanting "America should get off the bloodstained sands so that we can 
make them even bloodier".  They are chanting "Death to America". 
Similarly, read the comment section of internet articles that appeared 
about Khamenei's response to Trump's threat, shortly before Trump nailed 

Lots of Iranians in the comment sections promising to kill us, 
confidently telling us we are weak and will be destroyed.

The comment sections have fallen silent about our weakness and their 
prospects for destroying us.

The timeline of events was Twitter diplomacy:

Trump on New Year's day:
> Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage 
incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This 
is not a Warning, it is a Threat.

To which Khamenei responded on Twitter:
> You can’t do anything.

Comment sections fill with Shiites gloating "Death to America", telling 
us America is weak, that they will destroy us.

Whereupon Trump kills Khamenei's buddy and top general.

Comment sections fill with rage, but optimism that we are weak and that 
they will destroy us evaporates.

That is a mighty good outcome.  We have no alternative but to make those 
that hate us, fear us.  Where the comment sections were full of gloating 
at our weakness, now fear at our strength.

Obama's nuke deal was seen as weakness, and escalated their messianic 
expectation that they would conquer us, however absurd that expectation 
seems to some of us.

Shiite Messianism has suddenly gone out of fashion.

Re: Soleimani, another perspective -- was Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-08 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Deep goes the rabbit hole.

Strategic Culture Foundation just redeemed themselves of recent

  The Deeper Story Behind The Assassination Of Soleimani



[US financial bullying/demands against Iraq - demanding 50% of
 all oil revenue for rebuilding of (elec) infrastructure]

[Indignant Iraq goes and signs a deal with China instead]

[US demands recinding this deal]

[Iraqi PM says "nyet"]

[US threats of protests against and assassination of Iraqi PM]

[Iraqi PM resigns in hope to save skin]

[(Now ex- ?) Iraqi PM and defense minister threatened by US with
 assassination if they don't recind deal with Chinese to rebuild
 Iraqi infrastructure - or rather, even if they "keep talking
 about this third part" (China)]

[Saudi appears to have had enough war:]
Saudi Arabia is sending a delegation to Washington to urge
restraint with Iran on behalf of [Persian] Gulf states. The
message will be: ‘Please spare us the pain of going through
another war’.

  What clearly emerges is that the success of the operation
  against Soleimani had nothing to do with the intelligence
  gathering of the US or Israel. It was known to all and sundry
  that Soleimani was heading to Baghdad in a diplomatic capacity
  that acknowledged Iraq’s efforts to mediate a solution to the
  regional crisis with Saudi Arabia.

[and Qatar, Turkey and Egypt all on the page with Saudi Arabia,
 in either support or moderation of some sort for Iran -
 effectively unanimous calls for de-escalation]

[US evidently flailing its uni-polar dragon's tail, in the face
 of an emergent multi polar world;
 petro dollar, and consequent unlimited US war war budgets,
 naturally under fire]

  Washington would like to prevent any Eurasian integration by
  unleashing chaos and destruction in the region, and killing
  Soleimani served this purpose.  The US cannot contemplate the
  idea of the dollar losing its status as the global reserve
  currency. Trump is engaging in a desperate gamble that could have
  disastrous consequences.

  Soleimani’s death is the result of a convergence of US and
  Israeli interests. With no other way of halting Eurasian
  integration, Washington can only throw the region into chaos by
  targeting countries like Iran, Iraq and Syria that are central
  to the Eurasian project. While Israel has never had the ability
  or audacity to carry out such an assassination itself, the
  importance of the Israel Lobby to Trump’s electoral success
  would have influenced his decision, all the more so in an
  election year.

  The assassination of Soleimani is the US lashing out at its
  steady loss of influence in the region. The Iraqi attempt to
  mediate a lasting peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia has been
  scuppered by the US and Israel’s determination to prevent peace
  in the region and instead increase chaos and instability.

[So it may well be that TPTB behind the scenes, and for a totally
  random example, this one little known M.E., virulently tribal
  tribe, successfully pushed for the murder of Soleimani in order
  to keep the conflict alive;
  "We stand fully by the United States in its just battle
for security, peace and self-defense. ...
Soleimani is responsible for the deaths of innocent US
citizens and many others."

[Of course, once Iran cut right to the chase and promised to
  level Israel's 3rd largest city, Haifa, should this war
  escalate, Bibi backtracked with more stylish moves than Israelis
  dancing on a New York roof in September;
  “The assassination of Soleimani isn't an Israeli event
but an American event. We were not involved and should
not be dragged into it,”

Conclusion: Iraq under a few decades of bombing, has been made
America's bitch; they don't want to completely surrender and want to
maintain a little financial dignity.

That might sound odd, but it's understandable.

The question is whether the Fed will continue to hold out for the
fullness of their demands upon the Iraqi parliament, whilst risking a
new M.E. war/ uprising against the USA.  Events such as the recent US
assassination of Soleimani, have a real chance to re-galvanize the
previously divided Shiah Muslim 'community' or 'crescent' from Syria
to Iraq to Iran, in a way which could possibly prove to be untenable
for the US to fight and thereby force the US to withdraw.

Re: Soleimani, another perspective -- was Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-08 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Even more insight, this time from Ramin Mazaheri via the Saker:

  Anti-terror hero Soleimani a ‘terrorist’? US ‘false-life syndrome’
  normal since 2003

However, if Vietnam resulted in the average American’s open and
persistent refusal to believe their government – which was an
important historical first for the US – the Iraq War will prove
to have been when the average American retained this same correct
skepticism but became unable to publicly admit their disbelief.

The Iraq War ushered in a new culture of lying for America, where
Americans knew they were peddling total falsehoods, and knew that
their listeners knew their claims were falsehoods, but there was
a collective agreement to keep spreading these falsehoods anyway.

This is how we get to the point where somebody like Soleimani –
who had bravely and unequivocally been an anti-terrorist hero –
is publicly accused of being a “terrorist” by American

Because Washington’s goals are so imperialist, so rabidly
capitalist and so fueled by feudal realpolitik, instead of
acknowledging how Soleimani’s leading of the fight against ISIL
saved many innocent European and American lives (and even the
lives of the mercenary “contractors” from these nations), US
Vice-President Mike Pence now absurdly says Soleimani was a part
of 9/11. Trump says he is justified to plan bombings of “cultural
sites”, even though everyone knows he means mosques. Secretary of
State Pompeo says the mob hit was “protecting American
interests”, even though the only Americans truly pleased are also
Israeli Zionists.

In the Vietnam era Americans said en masse that they don’t
believe nonsense like this, but the Iraq War has changed American
democracy – now many Americans feel compelled to say they believe
it… but they actually don’t.

To believe that Americans truly believe the endless lies of their
post-2003 governments is to assume that Americans are either
deluded or mentally disabled, and neither are true: Americans
know they are poorly governed but now feel powerless to resist
the injustice of their own leaders.

Therefore, just as they were marched to war in 2003 even though
it was clearly based on the lie of WMDs, the Pentagon and US Deep
State are hoping they can start a war with Iran based on more
preposterous lies, such as the murder of anti-terror hero
Soleimani being justified because he was a “terrorist”.

Trump himself is certainly not crazy but he is undoubtedly a
liar. Pompeo himself openly revealed the sad degeneration of
American dishonesty: “… when I was a cadet – what’s the cadet
motto at West Point? (West Point is the number one military prep
school in the US) ‘You will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate
those who do.’ I was the CIA director – we lied, we cheated, we
stole. That’s – it was like – we had entire training courses.”

Bush I was a former CIA director, so it’s not as if Pompeo really
represents a new development in US neo-fascism (it is “neo”
because open US Apartheid is over), but my point here is that
prior to Vietnam such things were never openly admitted anywhere
in the US; during Vietnam the truth of the anti-democratic nature
of the US was hotly debated; during the Iraq War the US
government’s foundation of criminality is openly admitted at the
very top… and no one cares.

In an era when every American is tracked – from credit scores, to
the location of their cell phone, to what they wrote on the
internet 15 years ago – and people can be droned at will, the
average American has no choice to but to pretend that they are
going along with it all. It is not all Trump and Pompeo – the
executive powers, which reduce the American system to investing a
dictator’s powers in the presidency, were installed by Bush II
and increased by Barack “Dronebama” Obama.

The system has spread to their neo-imperial allies, as proven by
France’s 2-year state of emergency, the “French Patriot Act”, and
current President Emmanuel “Rubber Bullet President” Macron, who
forces through sweeping American-style economic changes via
executive order. “False life syndrome” is thus a Western
phenomenon, and not only that of their American leader.

The epidemic expansion of “false life syndrome” which began in
2003 is also behind the pathetic, woefully unfair reason
Soleimani is now dead:

The Democratic Party elite refused to admit the real reasons for
their democratic unpopularity, so they concocted a diversionary
Russophobia campaign as well as a campaign to impeach Trump
(i.e., to undemocratically reverse the election). In 2020, to
distract from this 

Soleimani, another perspective -- was Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-06 Thread Zigger da Bigga Trigga N.gga
Soleimani - another perspective:

  Arch Terrorist or Ally? Three Times Soleimani Saved American Lives

Soleimani is 2015 fighting along American soldiers in Iraq to
kill ISIS fighters.. now killed by Trump on all sorts of
fabrications. Our foreign policy is psychotic

In late 2001, after a group of 19 Saudi, Emirati, Lebanese and
Egyptian hijackers slammed commercial airliners into the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing nearly 3,000 Americans, US
officials quietly met with Iranian diplomats coordinated by
Soleimani in Geneva. Iran, a long-time enemy of al-Qaeda and its
leader, Osama bin Laden, agreed to provide the United States with
valuable intelligence on the terrorist group, including the
locations of suspected al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan.
Iran was also eager to assist the US in its campaign against the
Taliban, since the radical fundamentalist movement was known for
its harsh treatment of Afghanistan’s Shia minority, and had
attacked and killed 11 Iranian diplomats at the consulate in
Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998.

In November 2001, Quds Force special forces and US Army Rangers
and Delta Force units entered the city of Herat, northwestern
Afghanistan, igniting an anti-terrorist insurrection led by
Northern Alliance. The unprecedented operation led to the
collapse of Taliban control of Herat, and soon the group was
toppled from power across the rest of Afghanistan. The Quds Force
was known to have provided material support to Ahmad Shah
Massoud, leader of the US-allied Northern Alliance, going back to
at least the mid-1990s. Iranian intelligence services continued
to provide the US with intelligence until January 2002, when US
President George W Bush added Iran to his ‘Axis of Evil’ list of
possible regime change targets during his State of the Union

How did Soleimani’s efforts in the Syrian conflict save American
lives? For one thing, they helped to tie down tens of thousands
of radicals from Daesh (ISIS),* al-Qaeda, and a host of other
terrorist groups which could have otherwise scattered to Western
countries to conduct Paris or Brussels-style terror attacks.
Furthermore, they allowed the US to limit its anti-Daesh
operations in Syria to aerial support and limited on-the-ground
assistance to Kurdish militias, meaning fewer US service members’
lives put at risk.

Whether against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, or
against Daesh and other terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, Gen.
Soleimani and the Quds Force have consistently fought the same
Sunni Islamist Wahhabi fundamentalist forces which have targeted
US forces across the Middle East and around the world, and which
have vowed to destroy the West and America through acts of

By approving Soleimani’s assassination, President Trump has
not only dealt a blow to the forces fighting Daesh and
al-Qaeda, but put an irreversible end to the informal, often
begrudging, highly unlikely but hugely successful partnership
between Iran and the US in the fight against terrorism, and
that may put American lives at risk.

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-06 Thread Ziga da Biga Triga N.ga
Oh shit!  Iranians not quite as blind as we assumed!:

  Iran Will Destroy ‘Key Israeli Targets’ if US Attacks,
  Former Revolutionary Guards Chief Warns

  These Media Posts will serve as notification to the United
  States Congress that should Iran strike any U.S. person or
  target, the United States will quickly & fully strike back, &
  perhaps in a disproportionate manner. Such legal notice is
  not required, but is given nevertheless!
  — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 5, 2020

  “In response to Trump, who had said that Washington will
  attack Iran if it takes revenge, Rezaei said "be sure that in
  such a case we will completely level [Israel's port city of]
  Haifa and key Israeli targets”, on Sunday.

  He made his remarks during a ceremony in Tehran on Sunday which
  saw mourners commemorate the assassination of Qasem Soleimani,
  head of the IRGC’s elite Quds Force, who died in a US airstrike
  in Baghdad on 3 January.


Shirt's gettin' real, muh dudes!

Really, given that the Israeli's are apparently so lame they need
direct endorsements from God, perhaps they should work on improving
their marketing department or something?

I dunno, may be work out how to cohabitate across the Middle East
rather than ongoing tit for tat assassinations?

Just a thought...

On Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 02:29:12PM +1100, Zigger da Bigga Trigga N.gga wrote:
> Here's another of those "Look how close they put their country to our
> military bases - how DARE they!" maps.
> AKA, the real reason Israel, sorry I mean the USA, is eternally
> trying to bring on major war against Iran and Syria:
>   Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs
>   Chant "Death To America"
> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/iranian-mps-chant-death-america-iraq-votes-have-us-troops-removed-country
> ...
> Meanwhile, as the Iraqi government voted, the Iranian parliament
> took to the Parliament podium to chant "death to America."
>   [Article is short - worth reading.]
> Zerohedge again shows their true neocon colours:
>   Lindsey Graham Blasts "Loser" Kaepernick's "Racist, Un-American"
>   Comments
> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/colin-kaepernick-slams-trumps-racist-terrorist-attack-brown-people-iran-twitter-users
> Just as well Iran does not realise the Israeli tail wagging the
> American dog - that would really be a bad thing for Israel if Iran
> acted in response to the true puppet string puller behind the scenes.
> Interesting times...
> On Sat, Jan 04, 2020 at 10:11:19AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> > 
> > On 1/4/20 10:06 AM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 19:27:45 -0800
> > > Razer  wrote:
> > >
> > >> I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
> > >> US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
> > >> new war with Iran.
> > >   I personally don't want to hear more bad news. On the other hand, 
> > > shouldn't govt agents be praising kaptain amerika and his glorious 
> > > slaughter of infidels?
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > Not really. They're really REALLY busy figuring out when the next
> > "lockerbie" is going to happen.
> > 
> > 
> > "There is a historic example of how Iran reacts to such U.S. provocations.
> > 
> > The U.S. attack:
> > 
> >     Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to
> > Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR
> > surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile
> > cruiser of the United States Navy. The aircraft, an Airbus A300, was
> > destroyed and all 290 people on board, including 66 children, were killed.
> > 
> > The Iranian retribution:
> > 
> >     Pan Am Flight 103 was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic
> > flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York. On 21 December
> > 1988, N739PA, the aircraft operating the transatlantic leg of the route
> > was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew in what
> > became known as the Lockerbie bombing.
> > 
> > The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) claimed to be
> > responsible for the bombing of the plane. It had used a Palestinian
> > cutout in Lebanon to plant the bomb. But for political reasons the
> > official investigation was manipulated and the blame for the Lockerbie
> > bombing was put on Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi who had absolutely
> > nothing to do with it.
> > 
> > The murder of the passengers and crew of Iran Air Flight 655 and the
> > retribution for it were five and a half month apart. This gives us a
> > hint of how long it might take for Iran to prepare the retribution for
> > the U.S. assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani. There is also
> > the political calender that 

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-05 Thread Zigger da Bigga Trigga N.gga
The following is really very sophisticated propaganda spin, but is
loaded with facts - so as long as you read between the lines of
empire propaganda, it's actually very interesting, e.g.:

  The once shining state of Lebanon is practically decimated through
  the rise of his [Soleimani's] Hezbollah, a fate he was replicating
  in Iraq. And then there’s Yemen and his Houthi and their
  simultaneous war against Saudi Arabia and their own people. And of
  course Israel where he kept the Jewish state in a crossfire between
  his clients Hamas, Islamic Jihad and, again Hezbollah (when
  Hezbollah was not busy exporting drugs into the United States).

Ahah! So the CIA and USA MIC drug rat lines were bringing in their
dark money drug wholesale ... from Soleimani (at least in part)!

Abso-firetruckingly amazing!

The admissions that come from the deep state when they want to make
someone they just murdered look bad, is stunning indeed.

The first thought was "it's propaganda, so don't send this to
snowflakes", but there are so many facts in this article, it's
entirely likely to trigger them to high water and back, which is good
for the giggles if nothing else - and what's bad about getting facts
out there?  Dunno on this one ... use discretion I guess.

  Trump Derangement Syndrome Skyrockets Over Soleimani

For a comedic take on the evils of Soleimani:

  The True Crimes of Qasem Soleimani (Abridged List)

  Iran: Just Like Ari Fleischer and Paul Joseph Watson Said,
  Iranians are Celebrating in the Streets Because of Democracy
   [ this one's quite amazing to see all the photos - tens of
 thousands mourning in the streets for Soleimani - imagine
 the possibility of anything like that in the West ]

  Donald Trump’s Reelection May Hinge on His Ability to
  Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Start a War with Iran

  GREAT NEWS: Israel Stands with the United States
  in Their Terrorist Campaign!
We’ve got great news.
The entire world is certainly opposed to Trump’s plan to launch a
proxy war with Iran in Iraq, but the only country that matters in
the whole world supports us.
Always, our greatest ally.

[ remember, Netanyahu cosied up to the USA's Secretary of State, Mike
  Pompeo, just a few days ago (just prior to Soleimani murder):

  Pompeo Thanks Netanyahu for ‘Unwavering’ Commitment
  to Counter Iran Amid Baghdad Embassy Attack
  10:40 02.01.2020

  Pompeo meets Netanyahu in Israel after Turkey visit
   18.10.2019 - 17:04 

   AFP•April 29, 2018

  Trump asked Bibi Netanyahu if he REALLY wants peace
  in the Middle East
   24 April 2018

  TV: Netanyahu wanted to join Pompeo on Morocco visit,
  but king refused
   6 December 2019, 10:15 pm

  Pompeo: If Bibi Wants a Fascist Government, Fine by Us
   February 25, 2019

  ‘Iran, Iran, Iran’: In twitter rant, Bibi cheers Pompeo's
  ultimatum to Tehran
   22 May, 2018 21:03

  “What Bibi wants, Bibi gets,” writes Pat Buchanan. But war with
  Iran is not what either U.S. national interests or Trump’s
  political interests want or need.
   April 16, 2019

Just remember folks ... all the talk of how many "brown and black
people and Americans and Israelis" that Soleimani supposedly "killed"
... well at least when it comes to America we must ask: exactly what
the f^@k are we doing in the middle east in the first place, making
ourselves targets and swinging our military d!@k in most of the
world's face?

Oh, that's right, bringing democracy and (((values))).

On Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 02:29:12PM 

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-05 Thread Zigger da Bigga Trigga N.gga
Here's another of those "Look how close they put their country to our
military bases - how DARE they!" maps.

AKA, the real reason Israel, sorry I mean the USA, is eternally
trying to bring on major war against Iran and Syria:

  Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs
  Chant "Death To America"

Meanwhile, as the Iraqi government voted, the Iranian parliament
took to the Parliament podium to chant "death to America."

  [Article is short - worth reading.]

Zerohedge again shows their true neocon colours:

  Lindsey Graham Blasts "Loser" Kaepernick's "Racist, Un-American"

Just as well Iran does not realise the Israeli tail wagging the
American dog - that would really be a bad thing for Israel if Iran
acted in response to the true puppet string puller behind the scenes.

Interesting times...

On Sat, Jan 04, 2020 at 10:11:19AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> On 1/4/20 10:06 AM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 19:27:45 -0800
> > Razer  wrote:
> >
> >> I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
> >> US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
> >> new war with Iran.
> > I personally don't want to hear more bad news. On the other hand, 
> > shouldn't govt agents be praising kaptain amerika and his glorious 
> > slaughter of infidels?
> >
> >
> Not really. They're really REALLY busy figuring out when the next
> "lockerbie" is going to happen.
> "There is a historic example of how Iran reacts to such U.S. provocations.
> The U.S. attack:
>     Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to
> Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR
> surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile
> cruiser of the United States Navy. The aircraft, an Airbus A300, was
> destroyed and all 290 people on board, including 66 children, were killed.
> The Iranian retribution:
>     Pan Am Flight 103 was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic
> flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York. On 21 December
> 1988, N739PA, the aircraft operating the transatlantic leg of the route
> was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew in what
> became known as the Lockerbie bombing.
> The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) claimed to be
> responsible for the bombing of the plane. It had used a Palestinian
> cutout in Lebanon to plant the bomb. But for political reasons the
> official investigation was manipulated and the blame for the Lockerbie
> bombing was put on Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi who had absolutely
> nothing to do with it.
> The murder of the passengers and crew of Iran Air Flight 655 and the
> retribution for it were five and a half month apart. This gives us a
> hint of how long it might take for Iran to prepare the retribution for
> the U.S. assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani. There is also
> the political calender that has to be considered. If an Iranian revenge
> act is of a kind that could help Trump to get reelected it must wait
> until after the U.S. election. If the revenge act is of a kind that
> could hurt Trump's poll numbers it must come during the last few months
> of the campaign.
> We will know that it has happened when this flag comes down:
> (Image: Red Flag Unfurled Over The Holy Dome Of Jamkarān Mosque, Qom
> Iran. Red Flag: A Symbol Of Severe Battle To Come.)"
> My advice is "Ignore 'bad news' at your own risk", and cancel any air
> travel plans, punk. Ignorance kills... You.
> Rr

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-05 Thread Mirimir
On 01/04/2020 10:20 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 21:51:45 -0700
> Mirimir  wrote:
>> On 01/04/2020 09:07 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>>> On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 20:29:58 -0700
>>> Mirimir  wrote:
 On 01/04/2020 08:02 PM, Razer wrote:


> I'd say Trump and the Pentagon officials who ok-ed the operation
> committed treason by illegally endangering Americans.

 That's what I said about 9/11. Not that it made me very popular.
>>> likewise, how did the US military bombing of the so called 'world trade 
>>> center' affect the interests of goldman-sachs, isreal and the rest of US 
>>> govcorp? Those interests were of course very greatly advanced by the 9/11 
>>> false flag attack. Again, there isn't any act of treason in sight. 
>>> you're welcome =)
>> The false flag explanation is way too contrived and implausible.
>> For one thing, there's just too much evidence that implicates al-Qaeda.
>   if by evidence you mean more pentagon propaganda then yes, I agree =) 

That's possible, I agree. I just don't think that it's as likely.

>> And yes, I know that al-Qaeda started out as a CIA operation. But it
>> seems more likely that they went rogue. Although it is possible that the
>> CIA did 9/11, as part of some bizarre power struggle -- or yes, a false
>> flag. But more likely the Sauds or close friends were behind it, and
>> just not funding it as part of their fundamentalist education network.
>   but aren't the saudis allegedly close to the US government? (meaning, 
> it's even less plausible that the US govt didn't know what their accomplices 
> were planning)

Saudi Arabia and Israel are the major US assets in the Middle East. But
I think that it's misleading to call them "close". They've both had the
US by the balls since WWII at least. The Saudis because oil, and the
Israelis because so many politically active and wealthy Jews in the US.

So it's a cluster fuck, with everyone playing everyone else. And it's
suspicious that Israel is "closer" to Saudi Arabia than to any other
country in the area. But I have no clue what that's about.

Also, none of these countries are monolithic. And it's possible that
some factions from all three allied to do 9/11 as a pretext for more
fuckery in the Middle East. Given that the Soviet Union had collapsed,
and Russia was in chaos, and they needed major enemies to justify their
funding and influence.

>> I saw it as well deserved payback for at least a century of fucking with
>> other countries. While playing a world cop in a white hat. And I was
>> like "Hey, suck it up! You just lost a few damn  buildings that hardly
>> anyone ever really liked.
>   A century of fucking with other countries. Plus the previous century of 
> slavery and fuckign with other countries and invading what today passes as 
> the 'US', etc. As far as payback goes it was well deserved but the amount was 
> ridiculously small. So the amount of damage doesn't really count as payback 
> but on the other hand it was the perfect excuse for the current US global 
> surveillance state...

Yeah, centuries of fucking. "US out of North America now!" and all that.

And yeah, it was a perfect excuse for the US to reassert world
dominance. However, doing an outright false flag is simplistic and
crude, and risky if it comes out. It's much better to manipulate your
enemies to do stuff that provides the excuse. An "indirect false flag".

I mean, it's arguable that the US manipulated Japan into attacking Pearl
Harbor. Or earlier, manipulated Germany into sinking US shipping in WWI,
which provided the pretext to join the war. It's all about building
public support for a war. Selling it as defense, not aggression.

>> I mean, the US is the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons on
>> heavily populated areas. And with the USSR, threatened the world with
>> nuclear holocaust for several decades. Not to mention displacing Great
>> Britain in the Middle East after WWII, and totally fucking shit up.
>> And yes, I agree with Razer that the Bush administration screwed the
>> pooch. By ignoring evidence that the attacks were immanent.
>   half by chance I found this
> https://www.inquirer.com/business/money-laundering-cocaine-marijuana-paraguay-newark-cynthia-tarrago-diaz-raimundo-va-fbu-20191122.html
>   'Tarragó and Va agreed to accept at least $2 million from undercover 
> agents who purported to be narcotics traffickers." 
>   "Tarragó and Va traveled to New Jersey and Florida on several occasions 
> and accepted about $800,000 in cash from the purported drug traffickers." 
>   I actually found the news here 
> https://www.abc.com.py/especiales/anuario-2019/2019/12/18/la-justicia-que-viene-desde-mas-alla-de-la-frontera/
>   the spanish version is more detailed and it makes it clear that the 
> retarded politician from 

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Jan 05, 2020 at 01:07:32AM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 20:29:58 -0700
> Mirimir  wrote:
> > On 01/04/2020 08:02 PM, Razer wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > I'd say Trump and the Pentagon officials who ok-ed the operation
> > > committed treason by illegally endangering Americans.
> > 
> > That's what I said about 9/11. Not that it made me very popular.
>   has the leader of the free world, mr trumpo, betrayed goldman-sachs, 
> the rothschilds, isreal, facebook, google, or even the second-tier non-chosen 
> factions of US govcorp? No, he has not. So what kind of 'treason' had mr 
> trumpo possibly commited? None.
>   likewise, how did the US military bombing of the so called 'world trade 
> center' affect the interests of goldman-sachs, isreal and the rest of US 
> govcorp? Those interests were of course very greatly advanced by the 9/11 
> false flag attack. Again, there isn't any act of treason in sight. 
>   you're welcome =)

Indeed, quite apropos.

And it sure is fortunate for Israel that the Iranians appear to
continually fail to witness that the USA is a dog, Israel's bitch,
being repeatedly wagged by the tail, into war.

It's fortunate for Israel, because if Iran REALLY knew what they were
doing with asymmetric warfare, it would not be USA folks of any
colour that they would target in response to the murder of Soleimani
- but it appears that Iran prefers to tackle the dying empire USA
head on, rather than this one little indigenous Middle Eastern

Let it be said, Iran should NOT target Israel or any Israeli people
or assets, in any sort of response to "America"'s murder of
Soleimani.  Iran MUST remember that it is America, and NOT Israel,
that is desperate for a war against Iran, so Iran MUST target America
and NOT Israel, as Israel has absolutely NOTHING to do with the mess
in the Middle East!

Fortunately (for Israel), it seems the Iranians just aren't smart
enough to keep their eye on their own ball.

[One wonders whether Trump's "bomb Iran" trigger (the killed
 "American contractor" in Iraq) was in fact a dual citizen Israeli,
 or merely a sacrificial pawn given by Israeli intelligence...]

Dang Fed desperate for moar war... only thing that'll keep the dollar
a rigid, upstanding fiat for a little longer...

Member the Fed, muffas!

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Mirimir
On 01/04/2020 09:07 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 20:29:58 -0700
> Mirimir  wrote:
>> On 01/04/2020 08:02 PM, Razer wrote:
>>> I'd say Trump and the Pentagon officials who ok-ed the operation
>>> committed treason by illegally endangering Americans.
>> That's what I said about 9/11. Not that it made me very popular.

>   likewise, how did the US military bombing of the so called 'world trade 
> center' affect the interests of goldman-sachs, isreal and the rest of US 
> govcorp? Those interests were of course very greatly advanced by the 9/11 
> false flag attack. Again, there isn't any act of treason in sight. 
>   you're welcome =)

The false flag explanation is way too contrived and implausible.

For one thing, there's just too much evidence that implicates al-Qaeda.

And yes, I know that al-Qaeda started out as a CIA operation. But it
seems more likely that they went rogue. Although it is possible that the
CIA did 9/11, as part of some bizarre power struggle -- or yes, a false
flag. But more likely the Sauds or close friends were behind it, and
just not funding it as part of their fundamentalist education network.

I saw it as well deserved payback for at least a century of fucking with
other countries. While playing a world cop in a white hat. And I was
like "Hey, suck it up! You just lost a few damn  buildings that hardly
anyone ever really liked.

I mean, the US is the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons on
heavily populated areas. And with the USSR, threatened the world with
nuclear holocaust for several decades. Not to mention displacing Great
Britain in the Middle East after WWII, and totally fucking shit up.

And yes, I agree with Razer that the Bush administration screwed the
pooch. By ignoring evidence that the attacks were immanent.

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Mirimir
On 01/04/2020 08:02 PM, Razer wrote:

> I'd say Trump and the Pentagon officials who ok-ed the operation
> committed treason by illegally endangering Americans.

That's what I said about 9/11. Not that it made me very popular.

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Razer

On 1/4/20 12:26 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 01/04/2020 12:05 PM, John Young wrote:
>> Trump brags about never listening to experts, got a bit of swag from Al
>> Baghdadi whack. Appears to be on ego enhancing pharmas and panderers. So
>> was JFK.
> Interesting parallel there. JFK was on some mix of opiates, barbituates
> and amphetamines. Dog knows what Trump is on.
> Also, both JFK and Trump came from wealth. Indeed, JFK came from
> ~criminal wealth. And he was quite the sex freak, maybe more than Trump.
> I'm guessing that neither were above fucking the occasional tween.
> However, JFK didn't run his moth off like Trump does. And he at least
> pretended to be respectable.

Methedrine and B-12 injections were all the rage in DC at the time.
WH! Anything is possible, including a 'limited' nuclear war with
Russia over Cuba! JFK had been a legal speedfreak for a long time due to
his WWII back injury. Methamphetamine decreases tissue swelling. That's
it's legit medical use, and that's what it does to your brain too. That
smile on his face was a 'glued on smile' of someone made an idiot by
ther meds.

About 'listening to experts'. Speigel's article on the Soleimani hit
mentioned this is what happens when you run a government without
experts. Not that experts would have accomplished anything besides
slowing down an inevitability until such a time as they considered an
action against Iran 'winnable'.

Just Security (Brookings) claims there is no such US law or ANY AUMF
that would have allowed for this hit. They made that VERY clear. They
also claim that 'preemption' of an alleged attack isn't legit.

In excruciating detail...

Trump gave the Pentagon a long illegal leash and they just made
themselves war criminals without protection of even US law.

Pepe Escobar on FB a few hours ago sums up the gravity of the situation;


Reconfirmed with Iraqi intel sources: the US military command at Baghdad
airport was OFFICIALLY informed that Soleimani would arrive in Baghdad
AS A DIPLOMAT, to advise the command of the Iraqi armed forces.

So the Americans killed a diplomat on an official mission.

This not only reiterates what we all knew about Exceptionalist
Cowardice. It points to the fact that now it's really the law of the
jungle. ANYONE is free to snuff out a diplo-Yankee anywhere.

Blowback WILL be a bitch."

As far as outcomes. The shooting down of an Iranian airliner resulted in
a Pan Am flight blown out of the sky over lockerbie (which was falsely
blamed on Gadaffi), so by extension the killing of Soleimani will result
in the endangerment of any US soldier or diplomat on Earth no matter
their stationing or appointment.

Pepe Escobar also says there's a Red battle flag flying over the main
mosque in Tehran, and you'll know revenge happened when the flag comes down

I'd say Trump and the Pentagon officials who ok-ed the operation
committed treason by illegally endangering Americans.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread rooty
Hey Stephen wa upA

 Original Message 
On Jan 4, 2020, 12:57 PM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:

> +1
> sdw
> On 1/4/20 9:09 AM, Cari Machet wrote:
>> The amount of libertarians on the list and not to generalize but racist 
>> libertarians also ... the history of the list reflects
>> If a white guy is murdered by the state > problem - if a brown guy is 
>> murdered by the state they sing hallelujah
>> Libertarians are a strange breed - hey libertarians anti-federal government 
>> includes anti-mass murder by the federal government even if the people have 
>> brown skin and don’t talk like you
>> On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 10:42 AM John Young  wrote:
>>> Quietly waiting for AP by Muslim Oswald.
>>> At 10:27 PM 1/3/2020, you wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Language: en-US

I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
new war with Iran.

>> --
>> https://about.me/carimachet?promo=email_sig_source=product_medium=email_sig_campaign=gmail_api_content=thumb
>> cari machet 
>> [about.me/carimachet](https://about.me/carimachet?promo=email_sig_source=product_medium=email_sig_campaign=gmail_api_content=thumb)

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Razer
Black folks, and latinos, are attracted to Pentecostalalism and
apocalyptic cults (seeking escape from cultural oppression, jumping out
of the frying pan and into the fire), lotteries (hoping to escape
economic oppression, out of the frying pan...) and total scam artists
like Reverend Ike (because except for prostitution... see last
parenthetical comment.

What's your point anyway dick-for-brains? Koresh wasn't an American
libertarian... He was a phantasm of Stephen Gaskin's nightmares, and you
can't make him one by honorarium.


On 1/4/20 2:56 PM, jim bell wrote:
> Is anyone aware that a rather large minority of the residents of the
> Branch Davidian site (Waco Texas 1993) were black?  Both the Federal
> Government and the MSM (although I don't know if the term "Mainstream
> Media" existed then) seemed to carefully conceal, or at least didn't
> publicize, that fact.   The Wikipedia article also fails to disclose
> this fact.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege
> Even this article doesn't mention it:   
>  https://www.salon.com/2000/06/19/waco_7/
> Sadly, even after 10 minutes of searching, I cannot find references
> supporting this claim.  
> (BTW, I use the term "black" intentionally.  Many of the residents
> were British, too.)
>                     Jim Bell
> On Saturday, January 4, 2020, 01:06:29 PM PST, Stephen D. Williams
>  wrote:
> +1
> sdw
> On 1/4/20 9:09 AM, Cari Machet wrote:
> The amount of libertarians on the list and not to generalize but
> racist libertarians also ... the history of the list reflects 
> If a white guy is murdered by the state > problem - if a brown guy is
> murdered by the state they sing hallelujah 
> Libertarians are a strange breed - hey libertarians anti-federal
> government includes anti-mass murder by the federal government even if
> the people have brown skin and don’t talk like you
> On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 10:42 AM John Young  > wrote:
> Quietly waiting for AP by Muslim Oswald.
> At 10:27 PM 1/3/2020, you wrote:
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >Content-Language: en-US
> >
> >I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters
> work for
> >US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting
> on your
> >new war with Iran.
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> cari machet
> about.me/carimachet

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread jim bell
 Is anyone aware that a rather large minority of the residents of the Branch 
Davidian site (Waco Texas 1993) were black?  Both the Federal Government and 
the MSM (although I don't know if the term "Mainstream Media" existed then) 
seemed to carefully conceal, or at least didn't publicize, that fact.   The 
Wikipedia article also fails to disclose this fact.   
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siegeEven this article doesn't mention it:   
Sadly, even after 10 minutes of searching, I cannot find references supporting 
this claim.  
(BTW, I use the term "black" intentionally.  Many of the residents were 
British, too.)
                    Jim Bell

On Saturday, January 4, 2020, 01:06:29 PM PST, Stephen D. Williams 
  On 1/4/20 9:09 AM, Cari Machet wrote:
 The amount of libertarians on the list and not to generalize but racist 
libertarians also ... the history of the list reflects   
  If a white guy is murdered by the state > problem - if a brown guy is 
murdered by the state they sing hallelujah  
  Libertarians are a strange breed - hey libertarians anti-federal government 
includes anti-mass murder by the federal government even if the people have 
brown skin and don’t talk like you 
  On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 10:42 AM John Young  wrote:
Quietly waiting for AP by Muslim Oswald.
 At 10:27 PM 1/3/2020, you wrote:
 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 >Content-Language: en-US
 >I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
 >US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
 >new war with Iran.
|  |   cari machet about.me/carimachet   |



Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Mirimir
On 01/04/2020 12:05 PM, John Young wrote:

> Trump brags about never listening to experts, got a bit of swag from Al
> Baghdadi whack. Appears to be on ego enhancing pharmas and panderers. So
> was JFK.

Interesting parallel there. JFK was on some mix of opiates, barbituates
and amphetamines. Dog knows what Trump is on.

Also, both JFK and Trump came from wealth. Indeed, JFK came from
~criminal wealth. And he was quite the sex freak, maybe more than Trump.
I'm guessing that neither were above fucking the occasional tween.

However, JFK didn't run his moth off like Trump does. And he at least
pretended to be respectable.

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread John Young
Based on DoD and CIA advice, JFK figured US had scared RU/Cuba into 
military submission, badly warned about sleeper snipers (FBI's punk 
not our giant). This lesson was taken to heart by Bush and Obama who 
rightly figured natsec pros expected to profit from collateral damage 
to skeptics. Bush ignorantly invited 9/11, fooled by bloodthirty 
Cheney. Obama laid low, snot hoops.

Trump brags about never listening to experts, got a bit of swag from 
Al Baghdadi whack. Appears to be on ego enhancing pharmas and 
panderers. So was JFK.

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Razer

On 1/4/20 10:06 AM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 19:27:45 -0800
> Razer  wrote:
>> I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
>> US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
>> new war with Iran.
>   I personally don't want to hear more bad news. On the other hand, 
> shouldn't govt agents be praising kaptain amerika and his glorious slaughter 
> of infidels?

Not really. They're really REALLY busy figuring out when the next
"lockerbie" is going to happen.

"There is a historic example of how Iran reacts to such U.S. provocations.

The U.S. attack:

    Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to
Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR
surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile
cruiser of the United States Navy. The aircraft, an Airbus A300, was
destroyed and all 290 people on board, including 66 children, were killed.

The Iranian retribution:

    Pan Am Flight 103 was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic
flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York. On 21 December
1988, N739PA, the aircraft operating the transatlantic leg of the route
was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew in what
became known as the Lockerbie bombing.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) claimed to be
responsible for the bombing of the plane. It had used a Palestinian
cutout in Lebanon to plant the bomb. But for political reasons the
official investigation was manipulated and the blame for the Lockerbie
bombing was put on Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi who had absolutely
nothing to do with it.

The murder of the passengers and crew of Iran Air Flight 655 and the
retribution for it were five and a half month apart. This gives us a
hint of how long it might take for Iran to prepare the retribution for
the U.S. assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani. There is also
the political calender that has to be considered. If an Iranian revenge
act is of a kind that could help Trump to get reelected it must wait
until after the U.S. election. If the revenge act is of a kind that
could hurt Trump's poll numbers it must come during the last few months
of the campaign.

We will know that it has happened when this flag comes down:

(Image: Red Flag Unfurled Over The Holy Dome Of Jamkarān Mosque, Qom
Iran. Red Flag: A Symbol Of Severe Battle To Come.)"

My advice is "Ignore 'bad news' at your own risk", and cancel any air
travel plans, punk. Ignorance kills... You.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Razer

On 1/4/20 8:45 AM, John Young wrote:
> Quietly waiting for AP by Muslim Oswald.
> At 10:27 PM 1/3/2020, you wrote:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Content-Language: en-US
>> I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
>> US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
>> new war with Iran.

Along those lines.. from a fb post addressed to the local 'drainbow'
infestation, with location redacted, not that my location is supersecret
but why publish it?

In relation to "After killing of Iranian general, California authorities
boost security, eye Iranian assets" -LA Times

"As I was saying yesterday, addressing all those Apolitical retarded
#drainbows that pass for "hippies" in #X... Are you aware of how
many Iraqis and Iranians attend UC-X?

Your government just started a war with their home nations, Tard.

The state in general is home to a huge number of them... Expats mostly
who might not care for the 'regimes' (quotes intentional) that govern
their nations today, but now they might like YOU even less, Tard.

You can use people like Tsarnaev, the "Boston Marathon Bomber", an expat
college student whose family helped the US in it's dirty war on Russia
an as an example of what the feds expect.

I KNOW you're gonna say "Great! Less surveillance on ME!".

I say: "That's because you're a narcissistic scumbag."

You can take that quote to the bank, scumbag."

And you see? I'm not one bit nicer on Farcebook.


Ps. The US also attacked Iraqi troops yesterday. Pentagon-Gone-Wild
enabled by someone obviously unfit to carry out the duties of the office
of US president. I read multiple National Security postings from
Brookings and elsewhere and they all agree that there is no actual legal
protection for what occurred in US law OR the 2001/2002 AUMFs, which
Brookings made very clear...

Let me quote:

> "There is no existing congressional authorization for the use of force
against Iran. While some in the Trump administration, including
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have made arguments attempting to link
Iran and al-Qaeda — in what may be an effort to lay the groundwork for
invoking the 2001 AUMF, which was passed in the aftermath of the 9/11
attacks, as authorization to use force against Iran — that argument is
thoroughly unconvincing.

The 2001 AUMF authorizes the president to use:

>>    “necessary and appropriate force against those nations,
organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed,
or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or
harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future
acts of international terrorism against the United States by such
nations, organizations or persons.”

This has long been understood to refer to al-Qaeda and the Taliban, who
harbored al-Qaeda in Afghanistan at the time of the 9/11 attacks, and
also has been interpreted by all three branches of government to apply
to “associated forces” of those two armed groups based on the principle
of co-belligerency in armed conflict.

As we have previously written: “The 2001 AUMF does not authorize the use
of force against Iran. Iran was not implicated in the 9/11 attacks,
Iranian forces are not al Qaeda or the Taliban, or their associated
forces, nor are they a ‘successor’ to any of those forces.”

Many have suggested that Pompeo and other officials may be laying the
groundwork for an argument that the 2001 AUMF authorizes military
operations against Iran because Iran is “harboring” some members of
al-Qaeda. As a factual matter, we are not aware of any credible
information that Iran is “harboring” al-Qaeda as a group, or allowing
al-Qaeda to plot attacks from Iran. As a legal matter, the AUMF has
never been construed to authorize military attacks against a foreign
nation based on the fact that some al Qaeda members may be located in or
transit that country, even if that is the case with Iran. In addition,
the AUMF’s use of the past tense — “harbored” — suggests that it was
intended to refer to those who were responsible for providing safe haven
for, and otherwise assisting, those who attacked the United States on
Sept. 11, 2001. In the 20 years since the 9/11 attacks, there has not
been any suggestion that the 2001 AUMF could be interpreted to authorize
force against a present-day “harborer.” (Again, there is no known
evidence to suggest that is what Iran is doing with al-Qaeda.)

The 2001 AUMF authorizes force only if it is consistent with
international law, as the Supreme Court explained in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld.
Even if the 2001 AUMF were somehow thought to apply to Iran — which it
does not — the executive branch would be able to use force against Iran
only if necessary and proportionate to the specific threat from al-Qaeda.

In a House Foreign 

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Cari Machet
The amount of libertarians on the list and not to generalize but racist
libertarians also ... the history of the list reflects

If a white guy is murdered by the state > problem - if a brown guy is
murdered by the state they sing hallelujah

Libertarians are a strange breed - hey libertarians anti-federal government
includes anti-mass murder by the federal government even if the people have
brown skin and don’t talk like you

On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 10:42 AM John Young  wrote:

> Quietly waiting for AP by Muslim Oswald.
> At 10:27 PM 1/3/2020, you wrote:
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >Content-Language: en-US
> >
> >I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
> >US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
> >new war with Iran.
> >
> >
> >
> --

cari machet

Oddly silent

2020-01-03 Thread Razer
I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
new war with Iran.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature