Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-03-05 Thread grarpamp
Nextgen commie blob indoctrination strategies,
descent to downfall and evil debauchery...

Dancing Faggot Nuts in the White House,
Gay Anal Doggystyle in the Halls of Congress,
Mutilated Trannies on the front lawn with Pedo flags fying center,
Lipstick Pigdogs stealing luggage,
random Queer Tranny varieties demoralizing the Military,
Gay anal sex indoctrination books in grade schools,
Queer Twerkers bouncing their obese asses in kids faces,
Gay float and bicycle brigades flashing dicks at kids,
Kids stuffing strippers with money,
Ignorant paid "Palestine" supporting Faggots, Feminists, Blacks,
Antifa, Jews, Atheists all bleating for Islam to behead them,
Baphomet in the Statehouses...

All the while erasing history and all that is right and good...

Your country is fucked up.

VA Denies Removal Of Iconic WWII Kissing Photo After Rogue Woke Memo Circulates

The top official at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has denied
rumors that an iconic WWII of a US Navy Sailor kissing a woman in
Times Square will be removed.

"Let me be clear: This image is not banned from VA facilities – and we
will keep it in VA facilities," wrote VA Secretary Denis McDonough in
a post to X.

Let me be clear: This image is not banned from VA facilities - and
we will keep it in VA facilities.
— Secretary Denis McDonough (@SecVetAffairs) March 5, 2024

McDonough was responding to a memo written by RimaAnn Nelson, who
serves as the assistant undersecretary for health for operations at
the VA's Health Network sub-agency, who - according to the maybe real
memo, directed regional officials to remove teh photo from all health
facilities "to foster a more trauma-informed environment."

A screenshot obtained by the DCNF appears to show an email sent
out by the Office of the Assistant Under Secretary of Health for
Operations’ communications team to an listserv of Veterans Integrated
Services Networks directors announcing the policy change.

The email’s subject line is “Operational memorandum: Removal and
Replacement of ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ Photographs” and the email is
dated Feb. 29, 2024.

“The Office of the Assistant Under Secretary of Health for
Operations is sending the attached memorandum … on behalf of the VHA,
Assault and Harassment Prevention Office,” the email states, directing
recipients to share the memo with leaders of their respective VA
medical centers. -Daily Caller

Nelson suggested that the kiss was 'non-consensual,' and violates the
VA's policies toward sexual harrassment and assault, she said in the
memo. "However, perspectives on historical events and their
representations evolve."


The Department Of Veterans Affairs just BANNED the V-J Day kiss
photo from all department facilities.

"To promote a culture of inclusivity and awareness… your
cooperation is vital."
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 5, 2024

"The placement of this photograph in VA facilities was intended to
celebrate and commemorate the end of World War II and the triumphant
return of American soldiers," wrote Nelson.

The photo was taken by Life magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt,
who captured the iconic photograph of sailer George Mendonsa kissing a
nurse named Greta Zimmer Friedman on Aug. 14, 1945.

Here's where it gets interesting - "A memo was sent out that should
not have been, and it has been rescinded," a VA official told the
Daily Caller.

In short - a rogue woke sub-agency employee decreed that the photo be
removed, never ran it up the flagpole, and was just shut down by

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
Another screecher dies in shame...
This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being
transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim and challenges
it by asking questions. He teaches not what to think, but how to think
critically. Watch until the end. You see the epiphany in real-time.

"Human beings cannot change sex. That’s it. Conversation over.
Stop every practice that deludes people that this is possible. Stop it all."

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-02-04 Thread grarpamp
These modern "movements", t-shirt brigades, "protestors", "issues",
etc are fake, contrived, manufactured, funded, 1984, traps, not organic...

James Lindsay, anti-Fascist @ConceptualJames
Trans isn't just happening. Gender ideology (Queer Theory) was
mainstreamed on purpose.
The Transgender Money Pipeline A quick look at the ultra rich
activists behind the transgender movement.
"The rise of transgenderism is not simply a spontaneous social tsunami
that happened organically. A handful of very wealthy activist
contributors has funded and nurtured the movement and tried to make it
mainstream. I have tracked the flow of the money through public
records, charity and foundation filings, and news reports. This is a
snapshot of some of my reporting during the past year. Many of the
richest contributors were significant donors to LGB organizations long
before T was added. Unless a grant is earmarked for trans issues, it
is sometimes difficult to determine how much of a gift to an
organization such as The Human Rights Campaign, might be put to
transgender matters. Hundreds of new transgender specific charities
and advocacy organizations have opened in the last decade. In 2013,
less than $2 million went to groups such as the Trans Justice Funding
Project or the Palm Center for Transgender Military Service.  Annual
contributions to transgender associations surpassed a hundred million
dollars by 2020, about eight times faster than the increase for
overall LGBT funding. The single biggest contributor to the movement
is Jennifer Pritzker (formerly James, born male at birth), a cousin of
Illinois governor, J. B. Pritzker, and a member of a $37 billon family
fortune built from nursing homes and Hyatt hotels. Other key
financiers include the Soros family; Warren and Peter Buffett; United
Therapeutics CEO, Martine Rothblatt (born male but identifies as a
transhuman/transgender woman); software programmer, Tim Gill, the
first openly gay man listed on the Forbes 400; Canadian venture
capitalist, Mark Bonham; the Tides Foundation creator, Drummond Pike;
Jon Stryker, the billionaire heir to the Stryker medical technology
company fortune; and the estate of Ric Weiland, who was the second
employee at Microsoft. Many of these billionaires fund the transgender
lobby through their own charitable organizations. They also pass
significant money through Pike’s Tides Foundation and other anonymous
funding groups. Large corporations, other charities, and individual
philanthropists, send money to the Tides Foundation, specify where the
funds go, and their gift is then delivered anonymously. The Tides
Foundation acts as a legal firewall and tax shelter for foundations
and the wealthy. A snapshot of the charitable contributions to LGBT
foundations in 2020 reveals the largest donor was “anonymous;” $31
million in 112 grants that were disbursed through groups like Tides
(the second biggest contributor, at $30 million, was the
pharmaceutical firm, Gilead, a pioneer in HIV/AIDs medications)."
These financiers do not simply write checks. Their money almost always
comes with conditions." Read the rest of this article at Just the

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Claudine Gay Is Only Digging Deeper: Victor Davis Hanson

It is understandable that Claudine Gay is furious over her forced
resignation, her calamitous fall from grace, and the public consensus
about the great damage done to Harvard by her presidency.

But still, playing the wounded fawn is no excuse or defense.

Thus Claudine Gay’s recent New York Times disingenuous op-ed alleging
racism as the prime cause of her career demise was, to quote
Talleyrand, “worse than a crime, it was a blunder.” And her
blame-gaming will only hurt her cause and reinforce the public’s
weariness with such boilerplate and careerist resorts to racism where
it does not exist.

Gay knows that her meteoric career trajectory through prestigious
Phillips Academy, Princeton, Stanford, and Harvard was not symptomatic
of systemic racism, but rather just the opposite – in large part
through institutional efforts to show special concern, allowances, and
deference due to her race and gender.

And she knows well that her forced resignation was not caused by a
conspiracy of conservative activists. It came at the request also of
liberal op-ed writers in now embarrassed left-wing megaphones like the
New York Times and the Washington Post, black intellectuals, and
academics – and donors who usually identify, like the vast majority of
Harvard philanthropists, as liberal Democrats.

Gay knows, too, that in her now notorious congressional testimony, had
she just offered an independent assessment of the epidemic of
antisemitism on her campus and a Harvard plan to stop it (rather than
joining in the finger-in-the-wind groupthink of the other two
presidents), and had she not been guilty of long-standing, serial, and
flagrant plagiarism, she would still have her job.

Gay knows that other white university presidents have recently been
forced to resign for far less culpable behavior than her own.
Pennsylvania president Liz Magill was forced to quit after her Dec. 5
seeming inability or unwillingness to act against blatant antisemitic
speech and conduct on her own campus, or Stanford’s president Marc
Tessier-Lavigne for co-authoring, some decades earlier, scientific
papers whose results were not always based on authenticated data.

Again, as for Gay’s insinuations of a cabal that took her down, she
also knows that such a charge is no more true or false than the public
outrage, both liberal and conservative, over Magill’s obtuseness, or
the largely left-wing effort to remove the white male Tessier-Lavigne.

Gay knows that she herself has disciplined and censored lots of
Harvard professors, among them preeminent black scholars, such as
Roland Fryer and Ronald Sullivan, on speculative allegations far less
egregious than her own serial plagiarism and inconsistent policies of
addressing “hate speech.” Did anyone suggest she was then a “racist”?

Gay knows that as president she oversaw a code of behavior that
routinely severely disciplined students, staff, and professors for
plagiarism of a nature far less serial and systematic than her own.

Gay indeed knows that her plagiarism was far more serious than
suggested by her half-hearted defense of her scholarship (“I have
never misrepresented my research findings, nor have I ever claimed
credit for the research of others”).

In fact, when anyone – again and again – copies word-for-word whole
paragraphs without attribution or quotation marks, or lifts entire
sentences and appropriates the thoughts of another without sufficient
footnotes, that is precisely “misrepresentation” and claiming “credit”
where credit is not due. If a Harvard president and full professor
makes such a defense of intellectual theft, what will it say in the
future about Harvard?

Gay knows that her claim of being proactive in correcting some lifted
passages was not proactive at all. It was entirely reactive and came
only in response to criticism of her scholarly methods.

Gay knows that she has done irrevocable damage to Harvard; given the
Harvard Corporation, its legal team, its 700 supportive faculty
letter-signers, and its satellite freelancers leave to embarrass
themselves further; and gravely eroded the institution’s reputation
and credibility by going out of their way to defend the indefensible
solely on her behalf:

By threatening legal action against the New York Post for airing
the legitimate charges of plagiarism
By creating a new, ad hoc vocabulary to legitimize her plagiarism
(“duplicative language”/“missteps”)
By also echoing her charges of racism (and in surreal fashion
without any self-awareness that if such charges were true, then
Harvard would not have forced her to resign or at least would have
refused her resignation)
By claiming that anonymous complaints of her intellectual theft
were somehow illegitimate by virtue of their whistleblower status
By absurdly insinuating that plagiarism is not plagiarism if the

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
"Doing gay activist crimes presumably could include donating
HIV infected blood to kill their opponents who are the majority
of blood recipients since donation sites have been barred from
asking known fact of gay disease spreading risk factors..."

WHO and globalists have made secret international agreements
to centrally lockdown the entire planet for the next Plandemic.
Killing, neutering, and toxifying populations becoming notable news.

Trans Professor With 'Be Gay, Do Crimes' Tattoo Appointed To WHO Taskforce

Authored by Micaiah Bilger via The College Fix,

Law professor will help create health guidelines for ‘trans, gender
diverse people’

A Canadian transgender professor who sports a “be gay, do crimes”
tattoo recently was appointed to a World Health Organization group
tasked with developing healthcare guidelines for “trans and gender
diverse people.”

Florence Ashley, an assistant law professor at the University of
Alberta, is one of 21 individuals on the new taskforce, and about half
of them identify as transgender, The Post Millennial reports.

Ashley uses “they, them, that, bitch” pronouns, according to the report.

Scheduled to meet in February, their goal is to develop international
guidelines that will increase “access and utilization of quality and
respectful health services by trans and gender diverse people,”
according to a Dec. 18 announcement from the WHO.

The Post Millennial reports more:

The group includes two former presidents of WPATH, the World
Professional Association for Transgender Health, which in their latest
guidelines stated there should be no age-limit on sex changes for

Ashley, a criminal law assistant professor at the University of
Alberta, is on board with that, believing that “puberty blockers ought
to be treated as the default option” for all minors, regardless of
gender identity, so that kids can “choose” their gender instead of
growing up naturally and without intervention because natural
development “strongly favours cis embodiement by raising the
psychological and medical toll of transitioning.”

Ashley also has told children on TikTok to “be gay and do crime,”
according to the X account Libs of TikTok.

After the comments sparked backlash on social media, the law professor
got a “be gay, do crimes” tattoo to “be gay and do crime even harder,”
The Post Millennial‘s Libby Emmons wrote Sunday.

In which a criminal law professor from Alberta who was just
appointed by the World Health Organization retaliated against mean
tweets from Jordan Peterson and Libs of TikTok by getting a tattoo
saying "be gay, do crimes."
— Libby Emmons (@libbyemmons) January 7, 2024

The new WHO taskforce that Ashley serves on is a project of the WHO
Departments of Gender, Rights and Equity – Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion, Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Programmes, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research.

When the group meets, the WHO states that they will work to develop
guidelines in five areas, including the “provision of gender-affirming
care,” “health workers education and training for the provision of
gender-inclusive care,” and “legal recognition of self-determined
gender identity.”

According to The Post Millennial, this means “sex change surgeries for
all people, including minors,” “medical staff using pronouns,
encouraging sex change drugs and surgeries,” “eliminating
sex-segregated domestic violence and rape crisis centers,” and more.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Democrats ruin their own cities via their own failed policies...

"Another driver of rising office vacancy, but not mentioned in the WSJ
report nor other legacy corporate media outlets covering the new
Moody's Analytics data, is that failed social justice reforms in
Democrat cities have forced companies to shift operations to safer
areas. This is a topic widely ignored by woke journos."

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Democrat wa$te, youth indoctrination, Islamic State...

UMich Now Has Over 500 Jobs Dedicated To DEI, Payroll Exceeds $30 Million

Authored by Jennifer Karbany via The College Fix,

The University of Michigan continues to exponentially grow the number
of staffers dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion,
with at least 241 paid employees now focused on DEI and payroll costs
exceeding $30 million annually, according to an analysis conducted for
The College Fix.

The payroll costs are $23.24 million for salaries and $7.44 million
for benefits, or $30.68 million, an amount that would cover in-state
tuition and fees for 1,781 undergraduate students.

Thirteen DEI staff members earn more than $200,000 and 66 earn more
than $100,000 when factoring in benefits.

In addition, 76 faculty or staff members work part-time as “DEI Unit
Leads” advancing diversity efforts in one of UM’s 51 schools,
colleges, and units, bringing UM’s core DEI headcount to 317, said
economist Mark Perry, who conducted the analysis.

The number of positions at Michigan’s flagship university advancing
DEI exceeds more than 500 when including those who work full-time or
part-time on DEI and factoring in open and unfilled positions, as well
as employees who serve as “DEI Unit Leads” and others who serve on
dozens of DEI committees, Perry said.

“That brings the total number of UM employees who advance DEI on
either a paid or unpaid basis to well more than 500 and possibly as
high as 600,” said Perry, a paid consultant for The Fix who used
public salary and website data for the analysis.

University of Michigan disputes the findings, arguing in a statement
to The College Fix they are “flawed and misleading” since they include
employees whose primary duties are not solely DEI-related.

“Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at the University
of Michigan. As such, there is not a specific budget set aside for
diversity outreach and recruitment,” said Colleen Mastony, university
spokesperson, in an email Monday to The College Fix.

“Most employees working on DEI are not solely dedicated to DEI
efforts but do so in addition to their other roles and

“…The university’s DEI efforts are appropriate to the size, scope,
and complexity of our university – spanning the university, including
51 units over our three campuses, our academic medical center, and our
over 100,000 students and employees. Although some work is done
centrally, much of it is done at the unit and department level,”
Mastony said.

Today, the public university employs at least 241 paid staff members
whose main duties are to provide DEI programming and services as a
primary job responsibility, according to Perry.

This list of DEI employees at the University of Michigan compiled
by @Mark_J_Perry for @CollegeFix is longer than a @BillAckman tweet:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) January 9, 2024

As part of UM’s ambitious five-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(DEI) 2.0 Plan, the university’s 19 academic schools and colleges and
its 32 non-academic units must now also implement DEI plans.
Non-academic units include the school’s three libraries, art museum,
botanical gardens, IT department, athletics, development, audit
services and more.

“UM’s five-year diversity central plans are reminiscent of the
Soviet Union’s and Communist China’s five-year central plans to
achieve ‘Ideal Communist Societies’ which are examples of top-down
oppressive bureaucratic blueprints to socially engineer outcomes
decided by the top leadership of the dictatorial regimes,” Perry said.

“UM has become a DEI ideological complex with a university
attached,” he said, referring to Warren Buffett’s comment calling GM
is a health and benefits company with an auto company attached.

The $30.68 million cost to fund the 241 DEI employees does not include
indirect costs, such as computers, phones, printers, travel expenses,
conference expenses and overtime.

Perry said the full number of DEI positions likely exceeds 500 when
taking into account: full-time or part-time DEI staffers at 241;
employees who serve as DEI Unit Leads at 76; DEI positions currently
open or unassigned, roughly 130; and employees serving on dozens of
DEI committees in various departments, schools, colleges, and units at
150 or more.

DEI staff is well compensated with salaries as high as $402,800 for
the university’s chief diversity administrator, Tabbye Chavous
Sellers. She is paid almost two times more than the average full
professor, about 2.5 times more than the governor, and about three
times more than the average assistant or associate professor.

Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s salary is $159,300, and the average
salaries for assistant, associate, and full professors at UM are
$129,500, $148,300, and $206,500, respectively.

The average DEI salary at UM is $96,400; factoring in fringe benefits,
144 DEI employees at 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
"I’m lost on the lingo. Is a trans kid an adult who identifies as a kid?"
7 Dec 2023
Unlike Republicans, we stand with trans kids across the country.

"The task of making annual donations to charity has gotten difficult
in recent years. Many arts non-profits have swallowed DEI whole,
implementing policies which are racist, illegal, and risk their
tax-exempt status. LGB(T++) non-profits now push harmful
gender-affirming "care"."

"The mainstream is awakening to what DEI is really about.
Unfortunately, it’s only one symptom of a much larger issue. It’s an
Instrumental Convergence / Paperclip maxxing problem of sorts. The
cult of short-sighted smug maxxing feel-gooders is destroying Western
Jan 4
Mark @mcuban, That’s exactly what I thought until I did the work. I
encourage you to do the same and revert. DEI is not about diversity,
equity or inclusion. Trust me. I fell for the same trap you did. Bill

"No surprise. Expectation is the boards of these schools were fully
bought in, if not explicitly directing the testimony. Did they do the
math on their donor base and determine that it was net positive to
take this approach? Or, was cost not a concern in furthering an
10 Dec 2023
I wouldn’t call this memo from then-Dean Claudine Gay to the faculty
prior to becoming president a smoking gun. I would call it a business
plan. This is the plan the @Harvard board bought into when they hired
President Gay.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-08 Thread grarpamp
On 12/30/23, hector llanquin  wrote:
> [...]

Yet another popup troll with nothing to say and no standing, all
just to expose their own Leftism by screeching at some random
months old messages that he deemed s important to reply to
more than to any anarcho-cpunk-tech aspect or msg. Typical.

This troll is also a #LaptopFromHell "AnalFuck69" denier, well there
will be more Corrupt Democrat Biden links for him to rage about later.

He may also deny that Islam just slaughtered 1000+ innocent Jews.

imagine being an IT professional transferring data from a damaged
computer without ever thinking about connecting it to the power
outlet, lmao. This really reads more as a Satire than real life
events. Extracting all that income information just by looking at
filenames? lmaao who does that? Oh yes, a crackhead you might
think, but if u are having that income, u really dont even need to
worry about a broken laptop late at night, even ur daddy can send
people to fix it for u no?. This whole narrative just feels like some
MADtv sketch. Conservatives have always been very bad at including
technology in their narratives, they give themselves easily everytime
they attempt it.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-08 Thread grarpamp

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
I urge you to read both long posts by @BillAckman. Were it not for
Elon Musk taking over Twitter all this rot in education would have
gone on turning the USA to a Third World country. It is also true that
the DEI folks will stop at nothing to cling to the institutions they
have captured. What they are doing to @elonmusk and @BillAckman now is
what they do behind closed doors in class rooms, board rooms, on
campuses, in medical rooms to vulnerable students and professionals
who speak up. They threaten to ruin people by amplifying their
mistakes, pile up on them and cancel them. This is changing now. Let’s
have a full audit Bravo @BillAckman and @elonmusk. But remember we
are only at the beginning of this fight.

Lex Fridman
I had the honor of talking to @NeriOxman a few months ago. She is one
of the most brilliant, innovative, and kind-hearted people I've ever
gotten to know. What Business Insider is doing is a disgrace to
journalism, and harms humanity... we should celebrate amazing
scientists, engineers, and innovators like Neri. I'm posting our
conversation here on X so you can hear for yourself. See other
platforms for when it was originally posted. Timestamps: 0:00 -
Introduction 1:49 - Biomass vs anthropomass 16:10 - Computational
templates 36:25 - Biological hero organisms 47:25 - Engineering with
bacteria 55:42 - Plant communication 1:09:05 - Albert Einstein letter
1:12:27 - Beauty 1:17:23 - Faith 1:27:09 - Flaws 1:46:58 - Extinction
1:58:05 - Alien life 2:01:55 - Music 2:03:22 - Movies 2:07:54 - Advice
for young people

I stand with @NeriOxman as well. I’ve followed her work for nearly a
decade. I founded 10 years ago and she was one of the most
creative and intelligent people I have ever Covered within the space,
PERIOD! Attacking her as “payback” for @BillAckman ’s comments on
President Gay is quite low in my opinion .

Jan 3
In light of today’s news, I thought I would try to take a step back
and provide perspective on what this is really all about. I first
became concerned about @Harvard when 34 Harvard student organizations,
early on the morning of October 8th before Israel had taken any
military actions in Gaza, came out publicly in support of Hamas, a
globally recognized terrorist organization, holding Israel ‘solely
responsible’ for Hamas’ barbaric and heinous acts. How could this be?
I wondered. When I saw President Gay’s initial statement about the
massacre, it provided more context (!) for the student groups’
statement of support for terrorism. The protests began as
pro-Palestine and then became anti-Israel. Shortly, thereafter,
antisemitism exploded on campus as protesters who violated Harvard’s
own codes of conduct were emboldened by the lack of enforcement of
Harvard’s rules, and kept testing the limits on how aggressive,
intimidating, and disruptive they could be to Jewish and Israeli
students, and the student body at large. Sadly, antisemitism remains a
simmering source of hate even at our best universities among a subset
of students. A few weeks later, I went up to campus to see things with
my own eyes, and listen and learn from students and faculty. I met
with 15 or so members of the faculty and a few hundred students in
small and large settings, and a clearer picture began to emerge. I
ultimately concluded that antisemitism was not the core of the
problem, it was simply a troubling warning sign – it was the “canary
in the coal mine” – despite how destructive it was in impacting
student life and learning on campus. I came to learn that the root
cause of antisemitism at Harvard was an ideology that had been
promulgated on campus, an oppressor/oppressed framework, that provided
the intellectual bulwark behind the protests, helping to generate
anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate speech and harassment. Then I did
more research. The more I learned, the more concerned I became, and
the more ignorant I realized I had been about DEI, a powerful movement
that has not only pervaded Harvard, but the educational system at
large. I came to understand that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was
not what I had naively thought these words meant. I have always
believed that diversity is an important feature of a successful
organization, but by diversity I mean diversity in its broadest form:
diversity of viewpoints, politics, ethnicity, race, age, religion,
experience, socioeconomic background, sexual identity, gender, one’s
upbringing, and more. What I learned, however, was that DEI was not
about diversity in its purest form, but rather DEI was a political
advocacy movement on behalf of certain groups that are deemed
oppressed under DEI’s own methodology. Under DEI, one’s degree of
oppression is determined based upon where one resides on a so-called
intersectional pyramid of oppression where whites, Jews, and Asians
are deemed oppressors, and a subset of people of color, LGBTQ people,

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2024-01-07 Thread grarpamp

One of the biggest benefits of @BillAckman's successful campaign to
dismantle discriminatory practices and outright ideological corruption
at elite colleges is it proves something that many of us have been
saying for a long time: all it takes is for a few people with power,
money and influence to start standing up to this crap and it'll all be
over. @elonmusk buying Twitter is the same. More people in positions
to make an impact need to realise there are easy wins to be had. Let's
make 2024 the year when we break the back of wokeness so we can focus
our efforts and thoughts on improving society instead of just fighting
off people who are intent on destroying it.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-30 Thread hector llanquin
Y’all such bunch of babies  complaining about shit only your gram pa would 
bother. This whole mailing list is a deception. Your quarrels are just as old 
as your biology and is just a shame for your tendons to keep typing these 
boomerandums. It’s been years of scrolling through these lines and all I can 
find is propaganda induced paranoia. Iguess y’all fed by the same spoon, right?

> On Oct 18, 2023, at 11:37 PM, grarpamp  wrote:
> In the future, Crypto at the Speed of Light, will pull out
> of and bankrupt these stupid companies in less than 24hrs.
> Some wannabe UN WEF'r Pol maggot says stupid shit,
> same thing... click, poof, gone... no more paycheck for you.
> Turns out, nobody but the Leftist Screechers (hired tools)
> wants gay parades, trannies in schools, Antifa, BLM, etc.
> What fun all this U-Turn, Hypocrisy, Blowback, and
> Failed ideologies. Keynesians and Pols are next!
> Victoria's Secret Ditches 'Wokeness'; Wants To Make Sexy Great Again
> Victoria's Secret's shift towards "woke" trends in fashion in recent
> years, which included showcasing trans and plus-size models instead of
> their traditional sexy models, sparked a wave of discontent among
> customers, resulting in a significant revenue drop, crashing stock
> price, and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show ratings hitting rock bottom.
> The American lingerie chain spent the last several years
> 'Bud-Light-ing' itself with transgender models like Valentina Sampaio
> and super woke soccer player Megan Rapinoe while abandoning its iconic
> sexy models.
> Trans model Valentina Sampaio
> Soccer player Megan Rapinoe
> What changed in the last two decades?
> One can only guess who might have pushed 'wokeness' on the brand...
> As consumers ditched Victoria's Secret, investors panic-dumped shares
> to record low prices.
> ... because sales plunged a stunning $1.8 billion since 2018 (revenue
> for its last full fiscal year fell 6.5%, with net income down nearly
> half). Consumers went elsewhere - maybe there was a conservative brand
> that took market share.
> Earlier this year, CEO Amy Hauk was booted out of the company amid
> 'woke' controversies. Now CNN reports the brand has given up on
> out-woking others and wants to 'Make "Sexiness" Great Again.'
>Victoria's Secret: The Tour '23, an attempt to revive the runway
> show format that launched last month fell somewhere in between the
> personification of male lust of the brand's aughts-era heyday and the
> inclusive utopia promoted by its many disruptors.
>But in a presentation to investors in New York last week, it was
> clear which version of the brand Victoria's Secret executives see as
> its future.
>"Sexiness can be inclusive," said Greg Unis, brand president of
> Victoria's Secret and Pink, the company's sub-brand targeting younger
> consumers. "Sexiness can celebrate the diverse experiences of our
> customers and that's what we're focused on."
> Chief executive Martin Waters also disclosed that woke initiatives
> were not profitable for the company, stating, "Despite everyone's best
> endeavours, it's not been enough to carry the day."
> This comes as the ESG bubble is imploding. And Larry Fink's BlackRock
> has ditched the term ESG.
> BlackRock has faced intense criticism from Republican lawmakers who
> accuse the firm of violating its fiduciary duty by putting wokeness
> ahead of investment returns.
> BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street hold about 15 and 20% of the
> outstanding shares of S 500 companies and can have enormous direct
> power in corporate decision-making.
> Some in corporate America are beginning to realize the challenges ESG
> poses for business sustainability.
> However, if these companies want to go woke, and then go broke - so be
> it. There is a parallel economy that is exploding.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp
End Wokeness

Fighting, exposing, and mocking wokeness. DM for submissions

Joined July 2022
Tweets 9,808 Following 1,005 Followers 2,069,627 Likes 7,001
4,087 Photos and videos

End Wokeness retweeted
End Wokeness
Dec 28
18 days ago, President Javier Milei was inaugurated in Argentina.
Since then: -Eliminated 12 out of 21 cabinet posts -Firing 5,000
government employees -Ending 380k government regulations -Banned woke
language in the military -Bill to affirm the right to self-defense
-Bill to legalize homeschooling of kids -Proposal to punish all riot
organizers -Future welfare cuts for road-blocking -Legalized paying
contracts in bitcoin -Privatization of state-run companies -Opened up
the Argentina oil industry
End Wokeness retweeted
Monica Crowley
They’re always right out of communist central casting
End Wokeness
Dec 29
This is the woman who just removed Trump from the ballot in Maine.
End Wokeness
Imagine growing up with a mom like that
End Wokeness
They arrested Donald J. Trump, Bannon, Flynn, Giuliani, Navarro, &
Roger Stone. They removed Trump from the ballot in 2 states and are
working to expand it to as many states as possible. They changed the
voting laws and are importing an entirely new electorate. They
colluded with Big Tech & the intel agencies to censor damaging
stories. Then they call us a threat to democracy.
End Wokeness
Dec 29
Great coverage by @ViralNewsNYC
End Wokeness
Dec 29
2 days ago, NY Mayor Eric Adams signed an executive order to curb the
flow of migrant buses from Texas. For the second night in a row, buses
from Texas are defying his order.
End Wokeness
Dec 29
The people destroying our democracy are not the guys with MAGA hats
who walked through the Capitol. It's these people:
End Wokeness
Dec 29
This is the woman who just removed Trump from the ballot in Maine.
End Wokeness retweeted
Oilfield Rando
Dec 28
How much more evidence do the normies need that this invasion is
intentional and also treason?
Bill Melugin
Dec 28
BREAKING: DOJ is threatening to sue Texas if it moves forward with its
strict new border security law, which is set to take effect in March
and would allow TX authorities to arrest & deport anyone who crosses
into TX illegally. @benwermund w/ the scoop:…
End Wokeness
Dec 28
Tomorrow Ohio Governor Mike DeWine will decide whether to veto or sign
HB68. HB68 bans gender mutilation for minors and men competing in
women’s sports. Call the office of Governor DeWine (R) and voice your
support: (614)-466-3555
End Wokeness
Dec 28
This was the only fentanyl death that Democrats ever cared about:
End Wokeness retweeted
Tucker Carlson
Dec 28
Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't
commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him,
they'd do it to you.
End Wokeness retweeted
End Wokeness
Dec 28
This is Ezola Foster. She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a
public school teacher for 33 years. In the 1980s & '90s she began
sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools: -Anti-White
racism -LGBTQ+ indoctrination -Anti-American revisionism -The risks of
multiculturalism -Affirmative action and diversity This video is a
must watch. I recommend watching the entire thing.
End Wokeness
Dec 28
Fast food worker on a $20 minimum wage:
End Wokeness retweeted
Expose Them
Dec 28
Replying to @EndWokeness
Contact info for the Reps who failed to impeach Mayorkas: 1. Rep. Dan
Crenshaw (TX) Address: 1504 Longworth House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-6565 Website:
2. Rep. Nancy Mace (SC) Address: 234 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3176 Website: 3.
Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) Address: 224 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2576 Website:
4. Rep. Tom McClintock (CA) Address: 228 Cannon House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2511 Website: 5. Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) Address: 235 Cannon
House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2071
Website: 6. Rep. Darrell Issa (CA) Address: 2347
Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202)
225-3906 Website: 7. Rep. Cliff Bentz (OR) Address:
1220 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone:
(202) 225-6730 Website: 8. Rep. Ken Buck (CO) Address:
2008 Rayburn 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-30 Thread grarpamp
The old ways of effectively dealing with nonsense will return...
If they're entitled to loot, you're entitled to shoot.
If they invade borders, you close and severely disincent,
jail, and throw them out, back to fix their own problems
in their own countries, instead of replicating them
in yours. Then jail all the NGOs and Globalist Elite who
are the ones really behind it all. AfD is just the start of the
proper response to their intentional ruination of your society.
That is what the internet is now saying.

Leftist Politician In Germany Says Migrants Are "Entitled" To
Mass-Loot Grocery Stores

A shop owner in Germany was denounced as a racist for complaining
about migrants mass looting his store, while a left-wing politician
sided with the criminals, saying they were “entitled” to steal.

Grocery store manager Gatzke told Bild that the thieves who steal huge
bags full of items are usually migrants, with around a third of them
being Tunisian.

During one incident at the Edeka supermarket in Regensburg, a man
stole €140 euros worth of goods, while the manager has also tried to
stop thieves stealing groceries worth €300 euros.

“In the bag were spirits: vodka and liqueurs again. They are Muslims —
did they want to resell the alcohol?” asked Gatzke.

“What do you need 10 sea bream and so many shrimp for? Nobody steals
that because they’re hungry,” he added.

Gatzke noted that the culprits even steal shopping bags worth up to €2.50 euros.

However, he was denounced as a “racist” for complaining about the mass
looting and subsequently criticized by Ferat Koçak, a member of the
Berlin House of Representatives for The Left party.

Siding with the criminals, Koçak suggested that the migrants were
“entitled” to steal because the government wasn’t giving them enough
free money in welfare payments.

EDEKA ist die Abkürzung für "Einkaufsgenossenschaft der
Kolonialwarenhändler": Ich würde sagen, die Menschen holen sich das
zurück, was ihnen zusteht. Doch so einfach ist das nicht zu erklären.

Eines der zentralen Probleme ist, dass die Behörden überlastet
sind und viele…
— Ferat Koçak (@der_neukoellner) December 23, 2023

“I would say that people get back what they are entitled to,” Koçak posted on X.

“One of the central problems is that the authorities are overloaded
and many refugees are not even paid what they need to live,” he added.

The leftist demanded that more migrants immediately be given work
permits “so that they can lead their lives independently.”

Koçak’s sentiment is increasingly being rejected by ordinary Germans
however, with the country becoming the latest major European nation to
begin openly talking about re-migration.

Anti-mass migration party AfD has also rapidly increased its support
base, despite attempts by the establishment to ban the party
altogether in the name of “democracy”.

Meanwhile, in the UK, supermarkets are now having to employ people to
stand at the exit and check receipts against shopping carts due to try
to stem mass looting.

Another win for diversity!

TikToker discovers the consequences of a low-trust society
— Will gbeng (@anglofuturist) December 27, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-12-10 Thread grarpamp

Attention Wokeism and all related actors... GO FUCK YOURSELVES!

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Derek Chauvin, Convicted In George Floyd's Death, Stabbed In Federal Prison
The commissary of the inmate that stabbed Derek Chauvin

Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis cop convicted of murdering George Floyd
in 2020 by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes while
bystanders objected and said "you're killing him," has been stabbed in
a federal prison.

Chauvin was assaulted on Friday afternoon at Federal Correctional
Institution, Tucson, Associated Press reported, citing an anonymous
"person familiar with the matter." While not naming names, the Federal
Bureau of Prisons did confirm that a prisoner was attacked at the
380-prisoner facility at approximately 12:30 pm local time. Prison
workers performed "life-saving measures" on that prisoner, who was
then transported to a hospital. No details on his condition have been
Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd's neck on May 25, 2020. Floyd's
death precipitated global protests that gave participants veritable
"Get Out of Covid Lockdown Free" cards as they set cities ablaze

Chauvin is simultaneously serving two sentences: a 22-and-a-half year
Minnesota sentence for second degree murder and a 21-year federal
sentence for violating Floyd's civil rights. His lawyer had previously
asked that he be kept from the general prison population for his own
protection. Former cops are often targeted, and, by virtue of the
details of his case and the worldwide uprisings that ensued, Chauvin
presents a target of extraordinary notoriety. He spent most of his
Minnesota jail time in solitary confinement.

The commissary of the inmate that stabbed Derek Chauvin
— vids that go hard (@vidsthatgohard) November 25, 2023

The Bureau of Prisons isn't exactly doing a great job of safeguarding
high-profile prisoners. To name just a couple more lapses, there's the
2019 alleged suicide of wealthy financier, serial pedophile and likely
honey-pot mastermind Jeffrey Epstein, and the July 2023 stabbing of
sex-abusing sports doctor Larry Nasser.

"It is also the second major incident at the Tucson federal prison
in a little over a year. In November 2022, an inmate at the facility’s
low-security prison camp pulled out a gun and attempted to shoot a
visitor in the head." - AP

It had already been a terrible week for the 47-year-old Chauvin: On
Monday, the US Supreme Court rejected his appeal of the state
conviction. His lawyers argued that Chauvin failed to receive a free
trial -- owing to pretrial publicity, and widespread anticipation that
a not guilty verdict would cause a new wave of deadly, destructive
protests. An appeal of the federal conviction is still working its way
through the courts.
This image from Floyd's funeral service puts him in the company of
Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X (via

In the wacky world of social justice warriors, Floyd has curiously
been elevated to hero status. Floyd didn't die taking a seat at the
front of a bus or marching for the right to vote, but rather as he was
being arrested for allegedly trying to buy cigarettes with a
counterfeit $20 bill. A postmortem toxicology report found fentanyl,
norfentanyl and methamphetamine in his blood.

Whatever your take on how exactly Floyd died and the extent of
Chauvin's culpability, one truth is universal: Perpetrators of a
wrongful death may be villains, but that doesn't make their victims

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Wokesters cheering for Islam will be the first to die at the
hands of Islam by bullets to the skull and swords to the neck.

NYPD Called After Mob Of 'Radicalized' Students Storm High School To
Protest Pro-Israel Teacher

Hundreds of students protesting the Israeli government formed into a
threatening mob last week, rampaging through the halls of a Queens
high school for nearly two hours after they discovered one of the
teachers had attended a pro-Israel rally.

Around 11 a.m. Monday at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica, Queens,
students gathered for a protest which was planned on Facebook, which
showed a photo of the teacher at a pro-Israel rally on Oct. 9, where
she held a poster saying "I stand with Israel."

"The teacher was seen holding a sign of Israel, like supporting it,"
one senior student told the NY Post. "A bunch of kids decided to make
a group chat, expose her, talk about it, and then talk about starting
a riot."

The scene at Hillcrest High School in Queens as a Jewish teacher
hid in her locked office for hours while students demanded she be
fired for attending a pro-Israel rally.
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) November 25, 2023

Several of the protesters attempted to breach the teacher's classroom,
which the pro-Israel educator had barricaded herself inside of.

"Everyone was yelling ‘Free Palestine!" said one senior.

About 25 NYPD cops raced to the school to quell the disturbance,
principal Scott Milczewski told parents. Administrators placed the
school in a “soft lockdown,” activating a team of staffers and safety
agents trained to handle emergencies.

The NYPD was called to the school again the next day, and said
cops arrested an 18-year-old student for making threats over a group
chat. The student was charged with aggravated harassment. -NY Post

"Everyone was screaming ‘(The teacher) needs to go!’" a ninth-grader
told the outlet, adding "They want her fired."

Democrat councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens) told the Post, "I don’t
know why these students are so misinformed, so intolerant and so
radicalized. They don’t even know the history of the Middle East. They
haven’t been taught that."

One senior agreed, saying "I doubt half of them know how to spell
Palestine," while a sophomore suggested "They just wanted to make
drama about it."

"Just, like, chaos. They thought of it as fun."

Students said rumors spread that the teacher “was abusing Muslims”
and had taught “it was okay that children were being killed in
Palestine.” Another teacher called the accusations “100% false.”

At least three students who organized the riot face
superintendent’s suspensions, the most severe punishment, said a
source familiar with the incident.

Milczewski said the law forbids him to discuss any consequences
for students, but that the DOE “has a discipline code and I promise
you that has been followed.” -NY Post

According to Hillcrest Chancellor David Banks, "We have our whole team
working very closely with the students and the teachers at the school.
But what’s happening in the Middle East has gotten a lot of emotions
from a lot of people. We’re still figuring out what’s going on."

The incident follows a Nov. 9 citywide walkout by some 700 NYC high
school students calling for a ceasefire.

Some more footage.
— Mr. Jewish Bookery (@Jewish_Bookery) November 9, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
1984: Propaganda

Disney's 'Wish' Is A Theatrical Bomb And The Latest In A String Of Woke Failures

Is it time to declare the Disney brand dead?  Only a couple weeks ago
the entertainment giant suffered one of its worst box office showings
ever with the failure of The Marvels, a feminist driven girl-boss
movie which was widely applauded by social justice advocates but
ignored by the vast majority of the public.  The film is expected to
lose $200 million to $300 million once receipts are totaled and
marketing costs are accounted for.

In a bizarre attempt at maximum cope, the media is hailing The Marvels
as the largest ever theatrical opening by a black female director.
When, in fact, the movie is actually the largest box office bomb made
by a black female director.

Now, Disney's animated 'The Wish' is set to top that failure, falling
well below box office predictions and bringing in only $32 million
over a five day period including the once lucrative Thanksgiving

Numerous reports suggest that Wish is opening to empty theaters across
the country.  Media spin doctors have attempted to jump ahead of “get
woke, go broke” accusations with articles claiming that the movie is
not woke, but more “Libertarian” in its messaging.  This is, for the
most part, a dishonest deflection.  The film's producers openly
admitted their woke methodology in a number of interviews including
their desire to inject Diversity and Inclusion messaging.

While the woke intent is more obscure than previous films, Wish
features yet another precocious ethnic teen female (named Asha)
banding together with her diverse cast of friends to fight a
revolution against the white male patriarchy.  The main villain is, of
course, a white guy named “King Magnifico” who rules over the kingdom
of Rosas using the magical power to grant wishes.  However, the King
doesn't grant everyone's wish, only some, and those who don't get
their wish granted forget their wishes forever.

Asha believes this is unfair and that all people should have have
their wishes returned or fulfilled (perhaps a vague nod to the concept
of equity in which every person is taught to expect equality of
outcome, not just equality of opportunity).  When Asha finds a magical
power that threatens the King's monopoly, he loses his mind with envy
and goes full-bore dark side to keep control.

While this story arc could be interpreted as a criticism of
centralized governance, the greater plot is far more socialist in its
agenda.  The evil King is overthrown by the power of “collective
love”, the Queen sides with the revolutionaries and rules in his place
and everyone gets access to equal wish fulfillment.  It's a woke
carnival side show.

Critics also argue that the film is mostly unoriginal, with an endless
list of nostalgia references and character ideas stolen from better
movies made decades ago.  The most common reaction to Wish from
theater goers?  It's boring.  This has been the M.O. of  modern Disney
for some time now – They dig up the bones of their previous successes
and try to reanimate them instead of making something new and
imaginative.  This is what happens when a company hires creators based
on diversity stats rather than talent.

Massive losses have been plaguing Disney month after month.  Lightyear
and Strange World featured LGBT messaging for children, which did not
go over well with audiences.  Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny was
another feminist replacement fantasy that bombed horribly.  Almost
every major Marvel and Star Wars release in theaters and on Disney+
has hit a brick wall in the past couple years, largely due to woke
messaging.  It's a failstorm of epic proportions.

The spin machine is working overtime to defend Disney's brand.  Woke
films like Elemental were flops at American theaters but made more
money overseas (the movie still failed to break even once marketing
costs and the theater cut is added).  Wish will probably be handled
the same way – A disaster in the US but a “moneymaker” in South Korea
or Brazil.  And at this stage in the game this is the best that Disney
can hope for:  Breaking even.

In the meantime, Disney's name is mud in America and for good reason.
Rumors are swirling that the company is seeking to “de-wokify” future
content, but it may be too little too late for an organization that
only two years ago was so aggressive and prideful in their efforts to
indoctrinate American youth.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
White Savior Hysteria And The Real Reasons Why Leftists Hate YouTuber MrBeast

There is a fundamental disconnect between the political left and the
rest of the world that requires extensive investigation and
dissection.  For most people the idea of someone spending a solid
portion of their time and finances helping those in dire need could
only be considered a good thing.  This is not true for the average
leftist, though.  For such activists we tend to find that good is evil
and evil is good, and the upside down nature of their thinking
bewilders those with normal brains.

For the woke, the more you help people, the more you are hurting them
(unless you hold a high place on the victimhood totem pole).  But this
juxtaposition is only part of the reason why they seem to loath
YouTuber MrBeast so much.

MrBeast (real name Jimmy Donaldson) has made a successful career out
of engaging in philanthropy and he gets results; helping people to
gain back their eyesight, saving orphanages overseas or giving poverty
stricken children shoes.  All of these efforts have for years garnered
accusations from the political left and their organizations of “white
savior” activities.

They argue that the white savior trope seen in Hollywood movies (where
a white man travels to desperate countries and helps non-white people
get back on their feet) is an unacceptable image in our modern era of
“equity and inclusion.”  They claim that MrBeast is exploiting the
white savior symbol as a way to elevate himself instead of simply
helping others.

In his latest video, MrBeast showcased his program to dig 100 wells in
Africa for villages with no access to clean drinking water.  The video
triggered yet another social media firestorm in which leftist
activists raged about a white man “pretending to help” brown people
while taking attention away from what they consider to be more
acceptable and progressive non-profits.  They say that brown people
must be helped by brown people.  If white people do it, there must be
a darker ulterior motive.

In the western world access to clean water is usually a given and
often taken for granted.  Sadly, in many countries clean water is a
mere dream, and lack of access holds these communities back from
developing and improving their economic situation.  Almost everything
relies on water.

The video has garnered over 115 million views so far and earns
millions of dollars in ad revenue, all of which goes directly back
into his charity fund to continue paying for more wells and other
charity projects.

So what's the problem?  Is it only that MrBeast is a white guy?  Who
among these hundreds of villages in Africa cares that a white man
helped them get access to clean water for generations to come?  So
far, none of them have complained.  Only hyper-privileged first-world
woke activists seem to care.

Hatred of skin color is only a small part of the greater woke mind
virus.  It's important to remember that leftists are predominantly
collectivists, and it is likely that their deeper disdain for people
like MrBeast is rooted in their desire to undermine individualism and

As conservatives commonly point out, good charities and individual
efforts to help others are far more effective than taxation and
financial appropriation by governments.  Leftists love big government,
but  governments waste money, steal money, and misallocate money into
non-helpful areas.  Individual crusaders, however, inject money
exactly where it needs to go and make governments look bad.

In the case of MrBeast, he accomplished in a few years what African
governments claimed they would do for decades.  Their corruption made
viable change impossible, and leftist run programs are limited by
their own ideological hangups, making them useless.  All it took was
one “white guy” with a YouTube channel and some cash to circumvent all
of that and get things done.

They hate MrBeast because he represents the power of individual
effort.  His whiteness is just an excuse they use to avoid admitting
that what they really dislike is individualism.  Many defenders have
pointed out the hypocrisy of the leftist reaction to MrBeast – They
drone on and on about how the mega rich should contribute reparations
to help those less fortunate.  Yet, when someone like MrBeast does
this on his own, they are outraged.

The point for these activists is that the hive gets the credit.  They
want the mob to be seen as the hero, not the individual.  They didn't
force MrBeast to do good things, he just did them.  Therefore, they
don't get the glory they think they deserve.  The political left is
often portrayed as the side of empathy and compassion, but their
behavior proves they are not interested in legitimately helping
others.  They only care about optics; constantly scheming to steal
acclaim while obstructing good men in their charitable endeavors.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Wokeism implodes when their 100% Democrat controlled and Minority
dominated city centers of excellence continue to fail, decade after
decade after decade...

Segregated Classrooms Spark Controversy As Proponents Criticize 'White Standard'

School districts across the country, primarily in major, Democrat-run
cities such as Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco and Oakland, have been
offering segregated classes in the hopes of battling a decades-long,
race-based achievement gap.
Illustration: Taylor Callory for Education Week

As the Wall Street Journal reports, Evanston Township, a suburb of
Chicago, is the latest to introduce the controversial strategy
designed to enhance the education experience of students of color -
particularly in advanced placement courses. The local school's
3,600-student high school is 44% white, 24% black, 20% hispanic and 5%
asian in a mix of wealthy families and lower income families.

Some have suggested that the voluntary segregation of black, latino,
and white students raises crucial questions about the progress made
since the Civil Rights Movement. "Our black students are, for lack of
a better word…at the bottom, consistently still. And they are being
outperformed consistently,” said Monique Parsons, Evanston school
board vice president, adding "It's not good."

A white standard?

According to Dena Luna, who leads black student-achievement
initiatives in Minneapolis Public Schools, "A lot of times within our
education system, black students are expected to conform to a white
standard," underscoring what proponents have argued is a need for
spaces where students of color can thrive - which, for some reason,
Indian and Asian students of color don't typically require.

The district offers middle- and high-school students electives
focused on African-American history and social-emotional support,
taught by teachers of color. Created in 2015 for Black boys, the
format has expanded to Black girls and will soon expand to Latino
students. An internal study showed improved attendance for Black boys
in the program in 2017 and average GPAs of 2.27, compared with 2.14
for Black males districtwide.

"In our spaces, you don’t have to shed one ounce of yourself because
everything about our space is rooted in blackness," said Luna.

Evanston's so-called 'affinity classes,' labeled AXLE for black
students and GANAS for latino students, have been met with a blend of
praise and skepticism. Students in these classes have reported feeling
more accepted and represented. "I feel like I represent me and not the
whole black race in this AP class," said one AXLE student, expressing
a newfound sense of individuality in the learning environment. "It’s a
safe space. In AP classes that are mostly white, I feel like if I
answer wrong, I am representing all black kids. I stay quiet in those

This year there are at least 105 students enrolled in GNAS math
courses, while another 72 are enrolled in AXLE math courses, and 14 in
AXLE sophomore English class.

A 2019 study on the original program for Black boys offered by the
Oakland Unified School District found that students who took the
affinity class were slightly less likely to drop out of school. The
district also offers elective and advisory classes designated for
Latino, Asian Pacific Islander and Arab students, said Jerome
Gourdine, director of targeted strategies for the district’s office of

Evanston is taking the strategy one step further, offering courses
for Black and Latino students in core math classes: algebra 2,
precalculus and AP calculus, as well as an English seminar. Evanston’s
classes for Black students are known as AXLE, an acronym for Advancing
Excellence, Lifting Everyone, and those for Latino students are called
GANAS, from a Spanish expression that means “giving it all you’ve
got.”  -WSJ

Meanwhile, both the legality and the social impact of re-segregating
classrooms is a topic of fierce debate.

"Integration is a positive social good," said Max Eden, an education
researcher at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute,
who believes these 'affinity classes' undermine the goal of the Civil
Rights Act. "We want students to be colorblind and to treat each other
only on the basis of who they are as human beings."

But will it help test scores?

In Evanston, around 75% of white students in 11th and 12th grade
enroll in AP classes according to district data, vs. around 25% of
black students and around a third of latino students. Of those, in the
2021-22 school year, 80% of white AP test takers earned a score of 3
or higher - the benchmark typically required for college credit, vs
61% of latinos and 48% of black AP students.

As these initiatives continue, their impact on educational equity,
racial integration, and societal implications will be closely

Of course, unless students - regardless of race, are willing to devote
hours of their lives to studying, preparing, and grinding out

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
USA prioritizes citizenship to thousands of Penis Flashing Rainbow
Haired Pedo Twerkers who were carried across the river by Jihadis and
Compatible Freeloaders to "Improve America"...

Preferred Pronouns: US Border Agents Told To Use 'Woke' Language

The Biden administration has instructed U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) agents not to use "he, him, she, her" pronouns when
dealing with the public, according to an internal memo.

"We just obtained [CBP] documents directing personnel to only use
woke language when encountering individuals invading the United
States," the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project said on X, the
platform formerly known as Twitter.

The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) guidance asks CBP staff to
use "gender-neutral language" and the "self-identified pronouns and
name" of any members of the public they interact with.

"DO NOT use 'he, him, she, her' pronouns until you have more
information about, or provided by, the individual," the memo states.

It also cautions against using salutations such as "Mr., Mrs. Ms., Sir, Ma'am."

The memo notes that it is generally talking about "individuals who
identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning,
intersex, non-binary, and gender nonconforming."

"This guidance should be used by all CBP employees who encounter
members of the public in the course of their job duties, including but
not limited to law enforcement, trade, human resources, public
liaisons, and others," the memo states.

The memo goes on to make the point that some LGBT individuals may
"define these terms differently."

“Keep in mind that gender identity (sense of self) and sexual
orientation (attraction) are separate and distinct; hence, transgender
people, for example, may identify as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or
bisexual,” the memo also states under a section telling CBP staff what
they should "do."

Amid a historic illegal immigration crisis at the southern U.S.
border, the memo has been called an "unnecessary distraction" by a
union leader.

"We can't be worrying about whether we're going to hurt somebody's
feelings," National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told
Just the News on Tuesday.

Mr. Judd rejected the idea that CBP agents, swamped by thousands of
illegal border crossers, now "have to be cognizant of their civil
rights." He charged that the issue is not one of civil rights, but
"simply a matter of preference."

"Taking the time to deal with that rather than deal with the actual
laws that [we're] supposed to be enforcing. This is the woke mob," he

The guidance is "forced speech," according to Mike Howell, the
director of the Oversight Project, which obtained the memo.

"I guess it wasn’t enough for the Biden administration to betray
the Border Patrol by purposefully unleashing chaos on the southern
border," Mr. Howell told Fox News.

"Now, the radical political leadership is enrolling agents in a
forced-speech program to call illegal aliens by their preferred

Furthermore, the members of the public that CBP staff most often
interact with are migrants and illegal border crossers, he said.

"Border Patrol deals with more illegal aliens than any entity in
the federal government," Mr. Howell said.

"This forced language guidance is designed to coddle illegal aliens."

Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) speaks during a House Select Subcommittee on
the Coronavirus Crisis hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building on
Capitol Hill in Washington on May 19, 2021. (Susan Walsh/Pool/Getty

The memo has been blasted by the chairman of the House Committee on
Homeland Security, Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) as an insult grappling
with the border crisis.

"Border Patrol agents are crying out for tools and policies that
will help them do their jobs, but are being handed manuals on
misgendering instead,” Mr. Green told The Daily Wire.

"This makes a mockery of those who are doing their best to keep
our borders secure."

Mr. Green contrasted the memo's requests with the reality of the
border crisis, noting that "criminal illegal aliens" have been
"released into our country on [DHS] Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas's

At the same time, he said the committee has watched with apprehension
as "a record number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist" were
likewise allowed to enter the United States after being processed by
border agents.

He attributed this, "in large part," to CBP agents being "so
overwhelmed by this unprecedented crisis.”

“I’m sure, however, Americans will be comforted to know that those
agents are now being trained on which pronouns these bad actors
prefer," he added.

The Epoch Times has contacted DHS for comment.

Last year, when announcing new measures for transgender people
traveling, Mr. Mayorkas touted the Biden administration's 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-11-06 Thread grarpamp
Nashville Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leaked

Total narrative collapse.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-28 Thread grarpamp
> Cheering for Islam is cheering for your own death.

Would have been nice if everyone just stayed the fuck home
and mind their own business after WWII. Doesn't look like
that's going to happen anytime soon... be prepared.

Memri.Tv bringing the Truth About Islam's Sharia Law
to the suicidal Wokesters...
A Palestinian scholar from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem sends a
message to the “Queers for Palestine-crowd” in the West: “The people
of Palestine will not allow a single homosexual in our land," such
perversion brings the wrath of Allah”
Anti-Israel protesters brought a combined Palestine/LGBTQ+ flag to the
demonstration in Brooklyn, New York City today to show the solidarity
between the queer community and Palestine

"NATO member" Erdogan Incites Islam into Global Jihad.
That’s all one needs to know about him. People who grow up in Western
societies and still became communists are people who never bothered to
open a history book.
 F*CK ISRAEL  American Communists are back…
2 young Israeli children tried to hide in this closet in their home.
They were found by Hamas and shot on the spot. For those people
questioning why Israel is launching a ground invasion of Gaza.

Jose Stratton @JoseStratton3
We can look at the largest Muslim population in the US in Dearborn,
MI. They routinely show up to protest the school board's LGBTQ
initiatives in schools. They're the majority and they're vocal. They
don't want gays near their children. What do you say about that

Maggie @MaggieNorthman
OMG EXACTLY! Not to mention Dearborn Michigan had a protest with
30,000 pro Hamas demonstrators.

Thousands of students walked out of Dearborn high schools Friday to
stage a pro-Hamas protest, reportedly chanting "Allahu Akbar."

Danny Dean @MccaigeDean
Jewish synagogue President murdered in Detroit, yet police say no
known motives. Are you kidding? Look at the Anti-Israel protests,
especially in Dearborn, where there Imams and representatives and US
Congresswoman Rep. Rashida Terrorist spew their hate and blame Israel.

A large crowd of anti-Israel protesters are marching through the
George Washington University in D.C. At times, participants walked up
to the house of a Jewish fraternity to start a conflict. Jewish
students say they are being regularly intimidated on campus.

This woman destroyed dozens of posters of kidnapped Israeli civilians
in Primrose Hill, London today. When asked why she was doing it, she
said she doesn't believe Hamas actually kidnapped all those people.

Iranian security forces have confiscated the body of 16-year-old
Armita Geravand, who was beaten to death by the morality police for
showing her hair in public. The family was banned from burying her in
her hometown. The regime will bury her in an unmarked grave in Tehran.
16-year-old Armita Garavand died in Iran today after being taken off
life-support. She had earlier been declared brain dead. The young girl
was beaten into a coma in the subway by the morality police in for not
wearing the mandatory headscarf in public

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Says it's impossible to crush Hamas
without destroying the Gaza Strip. He added that destroying Gaza and
forcing its 2 million residents to leave would create a catastrophe
for decades, if not centuries. But invading 40 mln in Ukraine is fine?

Even Hamas people know that Hamas did an evil thing. It's only
psychotic Western leftists who seem not to know it.
Hamas spokesman says Hamas only attacked military targets on October
7th. When the interviewer points out that they massacred hundreds of
civilians in their own homes, he gets angry and walks out of the

College students in the U.S. claim that “Israel is worse than Nazi
Germany” What are they teaching at American universities?

Dozens of Ukrainian families used to live in this apartment building
in Mariupol. Only the elevator shaft remains. Russia is a terrorist

Marcusbury @marcusbury2
Americans need to realize not only do Muslims believe Americans are
stupid for allowing them to take over Dearborn Michigan in the 80’s ,
Muslims: try this in their country ur shit instantly Video: Rep. Tlaib
'cries' at pro-Palestine protest, blames Israel

It's very different when it hits home, doesn't it?
Tariq Nasheed just deleted a post about his nephew getting shot by a
black man 2 days ago he was mocking people on X for worrying about
black-on-black crime

Oct 14
JUST IN: Violent Palestinian Rioters have another pro-HAMAS and
pro-Islamic terrorist “emergency protest” today, October 14, in
DEARBORN, MICHIGAN and DETROIT, MICHIGAN at 2 pm. Dearborn is one of
the top ISIS recruitment locations in the 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-26 Thread grarpamp
> Cheering for Islam is cheering for your own death.

"These Kids Have Sh*t For Brains": Billionaire Leon Cooperman Slams
Columbia Protesters, Halts Donations

Hedge fund Billionaire and Columbia alum Leon Cooperman says he's
pulling donations from his alma matter over its support of
pro-Palestinian activists.

In an interview with Fox Business, host Liz Claman said to Copperman:

"You are a proud graduate of Columbia Business School, class of
67, son of Polish Jewish immigrants, first in your family to graduate
from college," asking "what do you make of what’s happening at
Columbia and Harvard, Stanford, NYU as well?

There was a student walkout at Columbia just a couple hours ago,
driven by Columbia professor Joseph Massad, who called the Hamas
attack ‘awesome.’ Where are we in the world when 1,300 Israeli

Cooperman interrupted her, exclaiming:

"I think these kids at the colleges have shit for brains."

"We have one reliable ally in the Middle East," Cooperman continued.
"That’s Israel."

"We only have one democracy in the Middle East. That’s Israel, ok?"

"And we have one economy tolerant of different people – gays,
lesbians, etc. And that’s Israel. So, I have no idea what these young
kids are doing."

Cooperman then said he'd pull donations.

"Now, the real shame is I’ve given to Columbia, probably about $50
million over many years," he continued.

"And I’m going to suspend my giving. I’ll give my giving to other

Watch the full discussion below:

Get woke...

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-26 Thread grarpamp
Socialists = Ruin, Every single time.

Can A Demoralized And Lazy People Fight For Liberty?

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

American culture and enterprise are broken. A wreck. The people who
broke everything hope to outlast those who still have the energy to

Meanwhile, vast numbers of people in this country no longer know which
way is up, have no purpose, and only have a vague memory of how life
is supposed to work, even as we sink further into economic stagnation.

That’s a big thesis but let’s begin with something small.

A few days ago, I was speaking to the founder and owner of a very
successful accountancy firm that has been around for decades and has a
reputation for doing great work.

We were talking briefly about the state of the country. And I got an
earful, the same story I’ve heard from countless business owners and
managers over the last several years.

She cannot find competent workers. They might have credentials but
they cannot finish tasks. They lack professional scrupulosity, much
less real pride in what they do. They slog to the office when
convenient and look for every excuse not to be there. They take every
last hour of paid time off and use every sick day. She has the feeling
that even her employees are trying to pull the wool over her eyes.

This kind of low quality product is very dangerous in this business.
There are deadlines. There are consequences for being wrong.
Accounting has to be accurate for an enterprise to function and be
compliant. She delays as long as possible in terminating employment
but after years of experience, she sees the writing on the wall. But
there is a problem: these days there are no obvious replacements.

At this point, she is looking forward to retirement. There are no
successors to her position.

Every aspect of this small story is repeated millions of times
throughout the country. I’ve heard it over and over in every industry.

We can’t find workers. The ones we do have don’t know anything. If
they do know something, they don’t know how to actualize that
knowledge in productivity.

If they produce, it is according to their terms, not the needs of the firm.

Another thing is just how entitled people under 35 years of age are.
Everything in the office has to be just right, not just the
temperature in the room but the coffee, the chair, the positioning of
the window, all colleagues, and so on. They are just looking for
excuses to complain, and the complaints are nonstop, about everything.
There is a vague sense in the office that everyone is potentially

What an environment! Is it any wonder that companies are having a hard
time getting people back to the office? Only half or so have been so
persuaded. In many cities across the country, this has led to empty
downstairs, with very low foot traffic compared with the past. That
means that ancillary enterprises—restaurants, shops, bars—are not
doing well either. There is a very real possibility in the future that
many once-bustling tall buildings will fall into disuse and eventually
be torn down.

Much of this mess was kicked into high gear during lockdowns. Workers
discovered clever ways of pretending to do work while receiving vast
sums in stimulus payments. Do that for two years and you never go back
to the old ways. When you do go back, you do so only with anger,
resentment, cynicism, and an underlying bitterness at the world.

This pretty well describes vast portions of the American workforce today.

The problem is the huge decline and fall in the work ethic.

It’s so ubiquitous that we hardly see it anymore but it is everywhere.

This is why bars and restaurants can’t stay open too late. They cannot
find the workers who are willing.

This is why your car sits for weeks at the mechanic shop. This is why
your favorite stores no longer carry what you used to buy, or, if they
do, it is only intermittently and in a much smaller package.

It is why your sheets are no longer changed in a hotel, and why no one
can fix your air conditioning and why, this winter, your street may or
may not be plowed. It’s why you wait on hold for hours for tech
support. It’s why flying is such a risk because it is as likely as not
that the flight will be canceled.

It’s why when you are waiting for your flight, you go to a bar and
have to order using your phone instead of talking to an actual human
being. When your beer arrives, it could be what you ordered or it
could be something else but there is nothing you can do either way.

It’s why everything you order is late, subpar, or overcharged and

It’s why those who do work seem overwrought and overwhelmed, and those
who don’t are invisible, dependent, and demoralized.

Fixer upper houses are enormously risky and selling at discounts
because it is near impossible to find skilled, affordable workers to
repair them.

Quite often these days, it feels like everything is broken.

The longer this goes on, the more it will be 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-26 Thread grarpamp
Cheering for Islam is cheering for your own death.
Islam is violent settler-colonialism, and anti-semitic
death to all Jews and all others who resist, commanded
in Islam's texts and history, you dumbshits

Berkeley Instructor Offers Extra Credit For Attending Pro-Palestine Protest

In the aftermath of Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel, dozens of US
college campuses were flooded with leftist student organizations who
expressed support for the terrorist group. The Post Millennial has
caught at least one "social justice educator" with pronouns for giving
out extra credit to students to attend a campus walkout protest for
Gaza that was co-organized by a group that expresses support for

On Tuesday, Victoria Huynh, an ethnic studies Ph.D. student who
teaches Asian American studies at the University of California,
Berkeley, emailed her students about attending a national student
walkout against the settler-colonial occupation of Gaza, or watch a
film about Palestine, as well as bombarding California lawmakers with
phonecalls to pressure them over Israel.

"Doing so will either count as a field trip or an extra 5 points on
the field trip category of your grade," Huynh wrote, adding, "We'll
spend some time today talking about Palestinian history in relation to
class concepts like colonialism, imperialism, and Third World
solidarity." She asked students to send photographic proof of their

The Post Millennial pointed out the protest was co-organized by Bears
for Palestine, also known as Students for Justice in Palestine, an
extremist group that supports Hamas. SJP also gave students a "Day of
Resistance" toolkit:

"We display our unwavering support of the resistance in Gaza and the
broader occupied Palestinian lands," Bears for Palestine wrote on Oct.

We've all heard the radicalized kids singing this jingle "From the
river to the sea, Palestine will be free," which, according to
Anti-Defamation League's own words, means:

It is fundamentally a call for a Palestinian state extending from
the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the
State of Israel, which would mean the dismantling of the Jewish state.
It is an antisemitic charge denying the Jewish right to
self-determination, including through the removal of Jews from their
ancestral homeland.

All across America, pro-Palestinian college students made it
perfectly clear what they stand for.

"Hamas are Palestinians. All of us, Hamas."

"This is war."

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."

Where is Joe Biden warning Americans about hate speech against…
— Becker Clips (@NewsBecker) October 21, 2023

Meanwhile, top school heads at Harvard University and the University
of Pennsylvania have been criticized by donors for allowing 'dangerous
antisemitism' to brew on campuses in recent weeks.

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered two state universities to
deactivate chapters of SJP for violating state laws banning

And South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has introduced new legislation to
defund colleges and universities that promote antisemitism.

"Any university or college that peddles blatant antisemitism,
especially after Hamas' brutal attack on Israeli civilians, women and
children, has no place molding the minds of future generations, never
mind receiving millions of taxpayer funds to do so," Scott said.

He continued, "We must not only call out this hate, but crush it
wherever it rears its ugly head. If these schools don't change their
ways, my legislation hits them where it hurts – their pocketbooks. No
college or university should receive a single cent from the federal
government to fund violent antisemitism."

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-24 Thread grarpamp
Fuck these woke satanic bastards...
Kids need fun holidays,
that doesn't include twerking tranny dicks in their faces and teaching
them to self-hate
Going to have a fucked up generation of kids due to all this global nonsense.

News12NJ @News12NJ
ICYMI: The South Orange-Maplewood School District believes ending
#Halloween celebrations will help them move forward in building
equity, fostering inclusion and building a sense of belonging
throughout the schools.…

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-18 Thread grarpamp
In the future, Crypto at the Speed of Light, will pull out
of and bankrupt these stupid companies in less than 24hrs.
Some wannabe UN WEF'r Pol maggot says stupid shit,
same thing... click, poof, gone... no more paycheck for you.

Turns out, nobody but the Leftist Screechers (hired tools)
wants gay parades, trannies in schools, Antifa, BLM, etc.

What fun all this U-Turn, Hypocrisy, Blowback, and
Failed ideologies. Keynesians and Pols are next!

Victoria's Secret Ditches 'Wokeness'; Wants To Make Sexy Great Again

Victoria's Secret's shift towards "woke" trends in fashion in recent
years, which included showcasing trans and plus-size models instead of
their traditional sexy models, sparked a wave of discontent among
customers, resulting in a significant revenue drop, crashing stock
price, and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show ratings hitting rock bottom.

The American lingerie chain spent the last several years
'Bud-Light-ing' itself with transgender models like Valentina Sampaio
and super woke soccer player Megan Rapinoe while abandoning its iconic
sexy models.

Trans model Valentina Sampaio

Soccer player Megan Rapinoe

What changed in the last two decades?

One can only guess who might have pushed 'wokeness' on the brand...

As consumers ditched Victoria's Secret, investors panic-dumped shares
to record low prices.

... because sales plunged a stunning $1.8 billion since 2018 (revenue
for its last full fiscal year fell 6.5%, with net income down nearly
half). Consumers went elsewhere - maybe there was a conservative brand
that took market share.

Earlier this year, CEO Amy Hauk was booted out of the company amid
'woke' controversies. Now CNN reports the brand has given up on
out-woking others and wants to 'Make "Sexiness" Great Again.'

Victoria's Secret: The Tour '23, an attempt to revive the runway
show format that launched last month fell somewhere in between the
personification of male lust of the brand's aughts-era heyday and the
inclusive utopia promoted by its many disruptors.

But in a presentation to investors in New York last week, it was
clear which version of the brand Victoria's Secret executives see as
its future.

"Sexiness can be inclusive," said Greg Unis, brand president of
Victoria's Secret and Pink, the company's sub-brand targeting younger
consumers. "Sexiness can celebrate the diverse experiences of our
customers and that's what we're focused on."

Chief executive Martin Waters also disclosed that woke initiatives
were not profitable for the company, stating, "Despite everyone's best
endeavours, it's not been enough to carry the day."

This comes as the ESG bubble is imploding. And Larry Fink's BlackRock
has ditched the term ESG.

BlackRock has faced intense criticism from Republican lawmakers who
accuse the firm of violating its fiduciary duty by putting wokeness
ahead of investment returns.

BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street hold about 15 and 20% of the
outstanding shares of S 500 companies and can have enormous direct
power in corporate decision-making.

Some in corporate America are beginning to realize the challenges ESG
poses for business sustainability.

However, if these companies want to go woke, and then go broke - so be
it. There is a parallel economy that is exploding.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-12 Thread grarpamp
There is dark evil out there that's been operating for ages.
PizzaGate, Epstein, and the few cases that make it to
the news uncensored, don't even come close to what's
really going on... pray for all those who have disappeared,
and all those who were never known to exist.

Murdered Gay Journalist Who Mocked Conservatives Accused Of Grooming
His Killer At 15

A left-wing Philadelphia journalist who was murdered earlier this
month allegedly began grooming his killer in a gay relationship that
started when the accused man was 15-years-old, and had threatened to
post sexually explicit videos of him online," police say.

Josh Kruger was murdered Oct. 2 after someone entered his home, shot
him seven times at the base of his stairs, and then fled. Kruger ran
outside seeking help from his neighbors and collapsed, where police
found them after responding to call just before 1:30 a.m.

The 39-year-old was rushed to rushed to the Penn Presbyterian Medical
Center, where he died.

Now, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the family of Kruger's
alleged killer, 19-year-old Robert Davis, says Kruger began a
years-long relationship involving drugs that began when Davis was just
15-years-old. Davis remains at large.
Robert Davis, 19, is suspected of murdering Kruger

As the Inquirer reports:

The family’s contentions come as detectives separately discovered
and are investigating what multiple law enforcement sources have
called explicit photos and messages in Kruger’s phone. The sources,
who requested anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, did not
say whether the images or messages were connected to Davis, but said
they were “disturbing” and have been turned over to the department’s
Special Victims Unit for further analysis.


When he was about 15, she said, his troubles intensified after he
started sneaking out in the middle of the night and coming home high
on drugs.

They said Davis told them he was seeing an “older white woman” he
met online who “worked for the government.”

They frequently saw the name “Josh” pop up in messages on his
phone, they said, and when they asked who Josh was, Davis told them it
was the woman’s brother, who was gay.

It was only later, in their call with him Friday, they said, that
Davis told them he had been seeing Kruger all along.

Following Kruger's murder, many highlighted his frequent mocking of
conservatives over rising crime in Democrat-run cities.

In January, he tweeted: "It's a tiresome and incredibly outdated
bigoted trope to claim all gay men are pedophiles," adding "if I've
seen any consistent thing with the modern American right, it's that
anything they accuse you of, they're actually guilty of themselves."

It's a tiresome and incredibly outdated bigoted trope to claim all
gay men are pedophiles. Also, if I've seen any consistent thing with
the modern American right, it's that anything they accuse you of,
they're actually guilty of themselves.
— Josh Kruger (@JoshKrugerPHL) January 18, 2023


In addition to big Ed Buck vibes, Kruger also said that 'Pizzagate,' a
theory of an elite pedophilia ring in Washington DC which came to
light during the 2016 election after a "pizza-themed map" belonging to
John Podesta was discovered, "is the reality of the fringes in
America," which he said justified "a slow system of checks and

Pizzagate is the reality of the fringes in America and why, for
all its terribleness, a slow system of checks and balances is probably
— Josh Kruger (@JoshKrugerPHL) March 25, 2017

The Inquirer also reported that Kruger had HIV, meaning he was
knowingly exposing Davis (and others?) to the disease.

UPDATE: Josh Kruger was a pedophile knowingly giving HIV to underage boys

It wasn't far-right websites, it was Josh Kruger
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) October 11, 2023

Journalist Jack Posobiec of Human Events has noted several prominent
Democrat politicians who came out in support of Kruger following the

Hi John Fetterman! Josh Kruger was a pedophile knowingly giving
HIV to underage boys
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) October 11, 2023

Hello Ben! Josh Kruger was a pedophile knowingly giving HIV to
underage boys. Did he ever talk to you about this?
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) October 11, 2023

Hi Mayor Kenney! Did you know Josh Kruger (your staffer) was a
pedophile knowingly giving HIV to underage boys on drugs?
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) October 11, 2023

Hi @malcolmkenyatta! Why did you delete this?
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) October 12, 2023

There’s always a tweet
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) October 11, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-11 Thread grarpamp
More utter nonsense and debilitating pandering from the left...

California Introduces "Ebony Alert" To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

A new California law which goes into effect Jan. 1 is the first of its
kind in the nation to prioritize the search for missing black kids and
young black women.

On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed Senate Bill 673 to create the
"Ebony Alert" monitoring system, which will allow the Highway Patrol
to activate the alert upon request from local law enforcement when
black youth, or women, go missing in an area. The Ebony Alert system
will utilize electronic highway signs, and encourages authorities to
use social media, TV, radio and other systems to spread word when a
black child (or woman!) goes missing, NBC News reports.

The Ebony Alert will be used for missing black people between the ages
of 12 and 25.

What about Asian, Hispanic and white kids?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 11, 2023

"Data shows that Black and brown, our indigenous brothers and sisters,
when they go missing there’s very rarely the type of media attention,
let alone AMBER alerts and police resources that we see with our white
counterparts," state Sen. Steven Bradford (D), who created the
legislation, told NBC News earlier this year, adding "We feel it’s
well beyond time that we dedicate something specifically to help bring
these young women and girls back home because they’re missed and loved
just as much as their counterparts are."
California state Sen. Steven Bradford last year.Carolyn Cole / Los
Angeles Times via Getty Images file

About 141,000 Black children under the age of 18 went missing in
2022, and Black women over 21 accounted for nearly 16,500 missing
persons cases that year, according to the most recent data from the
National Crime Information Center. More than 30,000 Black people in
the U.S. remained missing at the end of 2022, according to the center.
Although about 38% of the people who went missing i in 2022 were
Black, according to the Black and Missing Foundation, missing Black
people are less likely than white people to have their stories
highlighted in the media. Also, missing persons cases for Black people
remain open longer than those for white people. Derrica Wilson,
co-founder of the foundation, told CNN that a majority of the 6,000
cases of missing Black people in her database remain unsolved. -NBC

The state's Amber Alert system, meanwhile, requires that a victim be
under the age of 17 or have a proven disability, and authorities must
have a reason to believe they're in danger. Alerts can't be used for
custody battles or runaways.

The problem, according to the report, is that missing black kids are
usually classified as runaways - and therefore don't qualify for Amber

"Something’s better than nothing," said Bradford. "Whether the Amber
alert or an Ebony Alert is going to be 100% effective, we don’t go
with that false illusion or belief. But it’s better than not doing
anything at all."

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-09-20 Thread grarpamp
Every single Narrative Psyop Lie and Fraud of the
Criminally Corrupt Woke and Left is failing, hard...

Ukraine's Transgender Military Spox Fired For 'Unapproved' Statements

The controversial American transgender spokesperson for Ukraine's
Territorial Defense Forces Sarah Ashton-Cirillo (born Michael Cirillo)
has been suspended indefinitely by the Ukrainian military, also
pending an investigation. According to an official Ukrainian military
statement, Ashton-Cirillo's recent statements regarding "hunting down"
dissidents and "propagandists" were not approved...

2/3 The statements of JSgt Ashton-Cirillo in recent days were not
approved by the command of the TDF or the command of the AFU. When
conducting military operations against the aggressor, the defense
forces of Ukraine strictly observe the norms of international
humanitarian law.
— Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces (@TDF_UA) September 20, 2023

3/3 The command of the TDF will conduct an official investigation
into the circumstances of these statements. Appropriate decisions
would be taken.
Sergeant Sarah Ashton-Cirillo will be suspended immediately
pending the investigation.
— Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces (@TDF_UA) September 20, 2023

And it's additionally been confirmed by the country's Defense Ministry:

Junior Sergeant Sarah Ashton-Cirillo has been suspended from the
duties of the spokesperson of the @TDF_UA while an investigation is
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) September 20, 2023

As we detailed below, Ashton-Cirillo had within the last days been in
a verbal fight with influential Republican Senator J.D. Vance.

Given the "hunting down" video had been online for well over a week,
and Kiev did nothing, the timing of the suspension by Ukraine's
military seems more out of concern for Zelensky's lobbying efforts in
D.C. than anything else.

Zelensky is about to visit the White House, and will also seek to
lobby GOP holdouts and fence-sitters in Congress to approve billions
more in defense aid for Ukraine. This is likely the real reason for
Ashton-Cirillo being dismissed: Zelensky didn't want the controversy
hanging over his head in Washington, especially after Sen. Vance wrote
a letter demanding answers to top White House defense and intelligence

Ukraine's military has long been employing a disturbed American,
@SarahAshtonLV, as its English spokesperson.

We covered last week their insane, deranged threats to hunt down
and punish all "Russian propagandists," meaning anyone (including
Americans) critical of Ukraine:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 20, 2023

Also, was only this week that the following bizarre and embarrassing
scene played out in Las Vegas City Hall...

You can't make this up!

Transgender military spokesman for Ukraine who now goes by Sarah
Ashton-Cirillo, was just honored by Las Vegas city hall. He was also
given certificates of recognition by US Senator Catherine Cortez
Masto, Rep. Dina Titus, and former Nevada Gov Steve…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 19, 2023

The American man masquerading as a "female" spokesperson for the
Ukrainian military has decided to pick a fight with a sitting American

Senator JD Vance of Ohio has made formal inquiry as to whether Sarah
Ashton-Cirillo (born Michael John Cirillo) is being funded by the US
government or has ties to the US intelligence community.

To everyone asking: Yes, this is real.

This is the English language spokesman for the Ukrainian armed forces.

This same person posted a video last week threatening violence
against anyone who engaged in speech the Ukrainians deemed bad
propaganda. Disgusting.
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) September 18, 2023

Sen. Vance has sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken,
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Director of National
Intelligence Avril Haines, toward that end of seeking information.

Last week a viral video by Ashton-Cirillo saw him declare on behalf of
the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine that Russia's
"propagandists" will be "hunted down" around the world.

Revealingly, this was said just as an American journalist, Gonzalo
Lira, was due in Ukrainian court on vague charges of "justifying
Russia's aggression." That video sparked frenzy and anger online,
given it seemed an open threat to journalists or anyone that doesn't
toe a pro-Ukrainian line on any given issue related to the war.

Fireworks ensued as Sen. Vance and Ashton-Cirillo went back and forth...

Since I’ve got your attention, are you/Ukraine still planning to
kill people who engage in speech you don’t like? And are there any
American citizens on the kill list?
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) September 18, 2023

Vance's letter to top US defense and intelligence officials stated in part:

"In recent days, a 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-07-28 Thread grarpamp
People know the real solution is to kickban all the trannies out
of trad Women's and Men's sports, and start leagues where
everyone, from trads to misfits, are free to join and do whatever
their thing is.

Teammates Of Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Voiced Complaints - University
Offered To "Re-Educate" Them

It was perhaps unfair that the teammates of trans swimmer Lia Thomas
(originally William Thomas) were accused of being complicit in the
destruction of women's sports because they "refused" to speak out.
Their initial silence in the public eye was treated by some as an
endorsement of biological men posing as women participating in women's
sports.  At the time, Lia Thomas was being held up by the corporate
media as a hero (or heroine), the very model of the new
trans-ification of sports; a rush by trans competitors into the
women's arena soon followed.

However, the team members were trying to fight back.  And according to
their recent testimony, Lia Thomas was made a priority by the
University of Pennsylvania and they were given an ultimatum - Fall
into line or risk being ostracized as "bigots."  Furthermore, the
women were told that they would have to share a locker room, changing
facilities and bathrooms with the man, regularly forced to undress in
front of him and be forced to watch him undress.  When they expressed
concerns over this privacy issue, UPenn offered psychological services
to "re-educate" Lia's teammates so that they would feel more
comfortable with the changing arrangements.

The trans movement has proven time and time again to be a vehicle for
censorship and thought control in the name of "protecting the feelings
of marginalized people." In reality, trans activists use a classic
Marxist methodology: The exploitation of false victim status as a
means to gain power over others.  And while intersectional feminism
was the gateway drug to the trans movement we see today, it is now
ironically women who face erasure as their entire biological reality
is denied.  Hopefully the tide is turning as women speak out against
dangers of trans ideology, no longer content to be used by the
political left as pawns while their spaces are slowly diminished.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-07-02 Thread grarpamp
>> US Supreme Court correctly strikes down "Affirmative Action"
>> for the institutionalized legalized oppressive racism that it is.

Today's Lesson: Racism
Q: Judging someone NOT by the content of their character
but by the Color of their Skin is called...
A: Affirmative Action (aka: Racism)

Nevermind that thousands of illearnables admitted without
qualification that won't graduate par anyways, at least not without
falsely pumped up and curve passing grade scores, foolishly
feed the coffers $$$ of the State's School brainwashing
indoctrination camp system against them for the duration
of their limited time there, left with lifetime school loan debts.
Follow the money.

Ditch school, read and practice books for free.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-30 Thread grarpamp
> US Supreme Court correctly strikes down "Affirmative Action"
> for the institutionalized legalized oppressive racism that it is.

Biden Says Supreme Court is "Not a Normal Court" After
Race-Based College Admissions are Ruled Unconstitutional

Democrats tried to lie smear and falsely accuse two justices of impropriety.
Democrats launched attempts to trigger violent "mostly peaceful" assaults,
what they call "protests", upon justices and their homes over correct
abortion decision.
Tyrant Biden and Dems continually disrespects the court, the US flag,
holidays, military,
and many other institutions like no other president ever before.

Crypto will defund all this corruption soon.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-30 Thread grarpamp
US Supreme Court correctly strikes down "Affirmative Action"
for the institutionalized legalized oppressive racism that it is.

Get Woke, Go Broke...

David Barrett the Woke CEO of Expensify.Com (NASDAQ: EXFY)
who engages in illegal racially and sexually biased workplace hiring
practices and has said that White Males are worth $0.75 to the $1.00
that he thinks everyone else is worth, panics as denied job applicants
promotion passovers and pay suppressed consider class action suit.

Crypto is destroying EXFY's government line of business.

Short EXFY and Boycott Expensify.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-26 Thread grarpamp
"Literally: We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children."
"Another conspiracy theory just came true."

Stacie Laughton, the Nation’s first transgender elected state
representative was arrested on child porn charges

Watch: Mother says “My baby is GAY!”

End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Few videos sum up the Big Pharma cult better than this one of Governor
Kathy Hochul:

End Wokeness @EndWokeness
The guy who sang “imagine no possessions” owned all of this:
“Do you ever play with your dick?”

Liberacrat™️ @Liberacrat
Watch as @SenSchumer & @RepJerryNadler both pander to the #LGBTQ
community. #Pride2023
Defund NPR--Defund Democrats
Last thing cricketburger sees before being eaten.

Elementary school @RenniesRiver had students participate in a pride
parade at school. Young kids marched waving the progress pride flag as
teachers cheered them on. The kids were never told the flag represents

Toronto descends into depravity...
Naked sexpots parading the streets trying to groom adults
so they can groom and fuck more children...
grooming: [verb] act of overpowering non-consent.
- Pedo advertising "Everyone deserves pizza"
- Pedo flags with child colors
Getting naked in public isn't pride. It's repugnant. And to think children
are watching this. Awful look for the LGBTQ community.

"As always. It’s about getting to the kids. Gross group."

"Someone better investigate the people behind printing and
holding those flags, kids are probably getting raped."

"Call me silly, but sticking your penis in another man's butthole
does not merit a special flag or a month long celebration."
If we reduce sex to “a good time” that is super normal & has no
consequences like disease/pregnancy, why shouldn’t your Governor (or
your kid for that matter) be posing with exhibitionists for a public
funded Sexual Identity festival?

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-22 Thread grarpamp
An 18-year-old California woman sued Kaiser Permanente and four
doctors for rushing her into a mastectomy at age 13 -- along with
puberty blockers and testosterone treatment -- in an effort to turn
her into a man. Kayla Loydahl said doctors' high-pressure tactics
included the use of a line that's widely employed by practitioners in
the field -- telling her parents "it's better to have a live son than
a dead daughter."

“The hardest part was being sold something that I believed was going
to help me and make me feel better, only to do it and come out on the
other side not feeling any better,” said Loydahl. “I could always have
waited, but I can’t undo it.”

"Moody... fully bought the argument that children are well-served by
having their breasts removed, receiving puberty-blocking drugs and
otherwise having their bodies irreversibly altered before reaching the
age of majority,"

Current Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, "This is not 'care' –
it’s activists pushing a political agenda at the expense of our kids
and subjecting them to permanent and harmful procedure. Only in the
far-Left’s woke vision of America is it not appropriate to protect

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-22 Thread grarpamp
Conservatives Wonder Who Navy Is Trying to Recruit With Petty Officer
Drag Queen ’Stunt’

It was a rough summer for drag queens, with uproars over public
library story hours and bruising boycotts against Jack Daniel’s for
promoting drag shows in its advertisements routinely making news.

Meanwhile, conservative across the country, as they prepared to vote
in 2022 midterms, were expressing discomfort—and for some alarm—over
what many saw as a seemingly-pugilistic promotion of transgender and
LGBTQ+ rights, vowing to restore “normalcy,” if possible, with their

It was also a rough year for military recruiting. Of three of the U.S.
military’s largest branches, only the Air Force met its 2022
recruiting goal. The Army missed by 15,000 and the Navy fell shy even
after lowering its quota, increasing its enlistment age to 41, and
relaxing other standards.

So when the Navy in October chose to promote a sailor who weekends as
a drag queen as one of its social media “digital ambassadors” as part
of its recruitment strategy, many questioned how the sea service—so
reliant on signal intelligence—didn’t see all the blinking red lights,
or hear all the bells, all the whistles, all warning this just might
not be a good marketing idea.

As things turned out, the Navy did, in fact succeed in making Yeoman
2nd Class Joshua Kelley the face of a well-publicized campaign.

But instead of promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as a
recruiting tool, as the Navy apparently intended, YN2 Kelley became
Congressional Republicans’ favorite poster prop in arguing that his
celebration is why many young Americans—especially those among
conservative constituencies—are turning away.
Called Onto Congressional Carpet

During a March hearing before the House Armed Services Committee
Military Personnel Subcommittee, Chair Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), a Navy
veteran, said when asked why a sailor who sidelines as a drag queen
was used in a recruitment marketing program, the Navy’s response was
that the “digital ambassador” program didn’t exist.

“We are facing a historic recruitment crisis and instead of focusing
efforts on strengthening our force, the Biden administration is
forcing ‘wokeness’ on our service members,” the congressman said.
“Navy leadership knew this was a ridiculous and embarrassing stunt,
and that is why they initially denied involvement with the program.”

In a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Banks and Rep. Mark
Alford (R-Mo.) demanded to know why the Navy “incomprehensibly
believed that this ‘woke’ campaign should become the defining face of
the service” and warned that “perception is driving reality, and both
current and former service members are alarmed at a culture putting
‘wokeness’ before training and combat effectiveness.”

Banks and Alford requested that DOD provide “instructions that govern
performing in or authorizing drag shows” and “any rules and
regulations for service members engaging in such activity while
actively serving in the armed forces.”

In a May 3 letter to Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, Sens. Marco Rubio
(R-Fla.) and Ted Budd (R-N.C.) requested “more information regarding
the Navy’s use of … a TikTok drag queen to help reach potential
recruits on social media.”

Rubio and Budd also chastised the Navy for “the promotion of a banned
app” in its digital ambassador TikTok videos than ran until April. The
“No TikTok on Government Devices Act” was signed into law Dec. 29,

The senators expressed concern regarding “behavior that many deem
inappropriate in a professional workplace” and could also potentially
“push misinformation or narratives favoring the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP).”

“Where does the Navy draw the line on promotion of the personal
activities of its influencers?” Rubio and Budd ask. “Would the Navy
enlist burlesque dancers or exotic dancers to reach possible

The Navy’s only response has been a blanket statement: “Much like the
country we serve, our Navy is stronger when we draw upon our diverse
resources, skills, capabilities and talents. We remain committed to an
inclusive environment.”

But the pressure could be forcing changes in the Department of Defense
(DOD) and within the individual branches, the conservative Heritage
Foundation Center for National Defense Director Thomas Spoehr told The
Epoch Times.

“Just the other day, Lloyd Austin decreed there would be no more drag
queen shows on military installations. That came as a surprise to me,
I thought they were heading down the path that we’re going to have
drag queen story hour at the installation library.”
‘In-Service Transitions’

During an October Heritage Foundation forum, a National Independent
Panel on military service and readiness, chaired by Rep. Mike Waltz
(R-Fla.) and featuring former Trump administration National Security

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-20 Thread grarpamp
Democrats absolutely HATE facts...

Periodic reminder that the person who invented gender identity was a
pro-pedophile psychopath whose experiments with “gender identity”
resulted in total failure.
Champagne Joshi @JoshWalkos
Thread 淋 The Shocking Origin Of Gender Identity A cautionary tale the
world has ignored. What you are about to watch is deeply disturbing
and unbelievably sad. In 2000 David Reimer went on Oprah to detail the
horrors inflicted on him by Psychologist John Money, the man who…

Drag queen who performs for kids says his goal is to push drag deep
into the education system and teach drag in schools.

New episode of @cartoonnetwork’s kid’s show “We Baby Bears” introduces
non-binary characters who go by they/them pronouns. They’re after your
Chart: Interracial Violent Crime Incidents 2018
Black on White is greater than, Hispanic on White is greater than, All else.
Perspective is everything.

1/ BREAKING: We've obtained internal docs from @FoxNews employees. Fox
Corp is celebrating Pride by encouraging employees to read about
“glory holes,” supporting a group that gives sterilizing hormones to
homeless youth, & deployed woke AI to monitor everyone. EXPLICIT

Disney Pixar's "Elemental" movie is gayest queerest on record
yet, horrible ticket sales results in MASSIVE beyond negative
loss of money.

Boycott Disney Pixar.

Confused girl now 18 files lawsuit after doctors sawed her breasts off.

A school in @LongbeachUSD held a drag show for students at school. A
parent told me she was not notified that her child would be subjected
to this adult themed sexualized performance at school. The drag queen
who the school tagged- gives away sex toys on his IG
Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly'
transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting
Republican gender laws. The workshop was funded by the federal
Teachers trade tips on transitioning kids without telling parents accessed a private meet of Midwest teachers, who
discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics'
trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name.

Premier League copyright streamers get 30 years.
Man RAPES 12 year old in park, gets 3 years.

20 people were shot last night at a single Juneteenth party near
Chicago But it can’t be blamed on white people, so don’t expect
any outrage from the left.

Elementary school in Vancouver held a pride parade today where staff
and students marched waving progress pride flags (pedo groomer
colors). Homeschool your kids!

This is what gender ideology does to young confused people

Trans non-binary kid’s content creator and LGBTQ activist gives
teachers a guide for bringing gender ideology into the classroom and
dealing with “disgruntled parents”

"Another murder on the NY Subway today What are New York’s DAs doing?
Charging the people who prevented it from happening on their trains I
stand with Jordan Williams & Daniel Penny"
Insider at Kaiser Permanente in California shared internal employee
training documents with us showing the hospital allows phalloplasties
and vaginoplasties on minors.…
Whistleblower exposes hospital for performing genital sex change
surgeries on minors
Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare company with hospitals across the
United States, issued a mandatory training course for all Kaiser
employees in Southern California. The course covered topics on...

3,659 stories on CNN about George Floyd
0 stories on CNN about Eina Kwon being murdered
with her baby in Seattle

Eina Kwon (Asian) was murdered in Seattle last week with her
unborn baby (by a Black man). Where’s the outrage from the left?

End Wokeness @EndWokeness 1984
The Oscars has “inclusivity rules” in order to qualify for Best
Picture 2024 Films must make “underrepresented” groups 30% of the
cast, the main actors, or the plot of the entire storyline

Children from fatherless homes in the United States (18.4 million):
90% of runaway and homeless kids 75% of all teenage murderers 71% of
high school dropouts 70% of kids incarcerated 63% of youth suicides
60% of all rapists

70% of TV ads are paid for by Big Pharma Pfizer spent $2.8 billion on
media advertising last year alone Your favorite channel has been
bought Your favorite show has been bought Your favorite host has been
bought That’s why we will never have a real dialogue about the... Vax.

Biden visited Philly a week after a highway collapsed there -Still no
visit to East Palestine Biden visited 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-20 Thread grarpamp
It's OK to be White !!!

White Pride Month Worldwide.

Whites DEMAND reparation for being degraded and
not hired by the majority of the planet that is non-White.

End Wokeness @EndWokeness
“Support white-owned businesses”
“Congressional White Caucus”
“Sports is not white enough”
“White lives matter”
“White pride”
= Racism, white supremacy, fascism
Yet if you replace “white” with any other group, it’s “anti-racism”

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-20 Thread grarpamp
ACLU is a fucking fail joke, just like their statement on Duane is.
ACLU (a Leftist entity for decades) don't even support the
US Constitution anymore, they pick and choose Leftist causes
and claim they're doing good for all. Nope. Boycott the ACLU.

Duane Owen killed a 14 year old babysitter and then had sex with her
corpse. The children she was babysitting found her body the next day.
Two months later Owen raped and murdered a woman with a hammer. Her
children found her body the next day as well. But poor Duane Owen was…

The ACLU caping for a man who didn’t get a chance to get “gender
affirming care” before he was executed for repeatedly raping and
murdering a mother and a 14-year-old girl, wasn’t on my 2023 bingo
card. You people are absolutely depraved. Rot in hell.

The state of Florida never provided medically necessary
gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering
and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment
for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.
Show this thread

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-14 Thread grarpamp
Expensify.Com is Woke, make sure they get added to the anti-woke
app lists and boycott them till their stock goes to zero.

IN-DEPTH: A Quiet Revolution Is Unfolding Against ‘Woke’ Corporate
America–Here’s the Strategy Behind It
Conservatives find their kryptonite against corporate wokeness: 'I
think it's now clear people are paying attention'
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink attends a session at the World Economic Forum
annual meeting in Davos on Jan. 23, 2020. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via
Getty Images)
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink attends a session at the World Economic Forum
annual meeting in Davos on Jan. 23, 2020. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via
Getty Images)
Darlene McCormick Sanchez   
By Darlene McCormick Sanchez
June 14, 2023Updated: June 14, 2023

Consumer boycotts against “woke” corporations such as Target and
Anheuser-Busch are the key to reversing race, gender, and
environmental activism in corporate America, according to conservative

That’s because customers ditching companies pushing left-wing policies
have given conservative groups the traction they needed to fight them

Scott Shepard is a Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy
Research (NCPPR) and director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise
Project, a conservative shareholder activist group.

Shepard told The Epoch Times the tide is turning against
environmental, social, and governance, or ESG.

“We’re seeing something very different this time. Because it’s not
just the conservatives, who are always interested in this sort of
thing, it’s the whole country,” Shepard said.

ESG, which started as guidelines, has now turned into heavy-handed
mandates on controversial “social justice” ideologies, he said.

And a potential breach of fiduciary responsibility to shareholders
will expose businesses to legal action like Shepard’s organization has

Even with companies losing billions of dollars, they continue to
embrace the concept to the detriment of their shareholders, Shepard

Target came under fire for “Pride Month” merchandise, including
rainbow-colored onesies for babies and “tuck-friendly” women’s
swimsuits for men identifying as women in front-of-the-store displays.
Epoch Times Photo People walk past a Target store in New York City on
June 6, 2023. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

Likewise, consumers boycotted Anheiser-Busch after the company
provided transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney with a personalized can
of Bud Light which subsequently went viral on social media.

Target and Anheuser-Busch both came out with statements as the
boycotts intensified. But they fell short of apologizing or continued
to support transgenderism and LGBT causes as consumers stayed away.

Target’s strategy was to blame threats from customers for removing
some of the more “controversial” items from their “Pride Month”
displays and relocating LGBT items to the back of the store.
Epoch Times Photo Pride Month onesies displayed at a Target store in
Nashville, Tenn., on May 24, 2023. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

Employees at a Target location in Tennessee, where some wore
rainbow-flag gear, gave a mixed review on June 13 about how the
boycott was impacting sales.

“Sundays and Mondays have been less busy. It’s noticeable if you work
here long enough. The past few weeks have been slower,” one employee

“It’s kind of hard to say. Day-to-day things are different,” added another.

Anheuser-Busch came out with pro-America ads featuring Clydesdale
horses traversing the country shortly after their campaign with

“We never intended to be a part of a discussion that divides people.
We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer,”
Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth said.

Besides Target and Anheuser-Busch’s continued support of Pride Month,
business titans such as Citi, Bank of America, Cisco, HP, and Pfizer
have all changed their social media icons to Pride-themed logos.

Billionaire Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks owner, and Shark Tank star,
went so far as to call going woke “good for business” over the
Boycotts Kryptonite For Woke Firms

Shareholder lawsuits could be the key to stopping ESG—and prolonged
consumer boycotts are making it possible by inflicting huge losses on
“woke” companies, Shepard said.

On June 6, America First Legal (AFL) demanded Target’s corporate books
and records amid the backlash against the retailer for selling Pride
Month items aimed at children.

The law firm represents NCPPR, a free market public policy research
group, where Shepard is a fellow.

AFL, headed by 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-14 Thread grarpamp
These kids are 1x braver than the Flaggy political tools
that Biden invited to strip naked indoctrinate and groom the nation
further into descent on the White House lawn.

Middle School Students Stage Rebellion Against LGBTQ Indoctrination

Massachusetts, where the first shots of the American Revolution were
fired, has now witnessed a revolt against LGBTQ indoctrination, staged
by students at a public middle school.

The action took place on June 2 at Marshall Simonds Middle School in
the suburban Boston town of Burlington, in response to a Pride-themed
"spirit day" organized by the school's Spectrum Club, which is a group
of LGBTQ students and their supporters.

The student body was encouraged to dress in rainbow colors and wear
rainbow stickers. The school was decorated with Pride flags and
posters, rainbow streamers, and "educational" posters.

School officials are in panic mode over kids revolting against “Pride Day”

Kids refused to wear colors and some even chanted that their
pronouns are USA
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 13, 2023

However, according to a letter sent to parents from the school's
principal, many students were not in the mood and created -- wait for
it -- an "unsafe environment." Her list of "specific acts of
intolerance" included:

"ripping of stickers and pulling down of banners"
"handmade signs were torn off the walls and crumbled into water fountains"
"groups of students were heard chanting 'U.S.A. are my pronouns'"
"students glaring intimidatingly at faculty members showing pride"
"students were shamed into removing their stickers or covering
their clothing"

Reports indicate that some of the dissent sprang from the school's
failure to acknowledge Memorial Day. In her letter to parents,
Perchase acknowledged that it her staff had made an "error." Many
students wore red, white and blue on the Pride day, with some taking
their patriotic display to the next level with face paint.

Parent Christine Steiner told WCVB that her daughter was offended by
an "educational" poster that crossed the line from promoting tolerance
of LGBTQ people to taking a shot at straight ones. The poster featured
a quote from Tennessee Williams: "What is straight? A line can be
straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a
road through mountains." It also depicted two people waving rainbow
flags; adhering to the woke rulebook, both were non-white.
This poster at Marshall Simonds Middle School implied that
straightness is a bad thing (via WCVB)

In response to the discord, Perchase said her administration had
created a form so students could anonymously report alleged "hateful"
incidents that took place that day.

At a Monday night meeting of Burlington's Select Board where the
audience was dominated by parents of purported LGBTQ middle schoolers,
Nancy Bonassera, co-chair of the Burlington Equity Coalition, demanded
"consequences" for students who participated in the pushback against

Her group is also demanding that the school district fill a
"diversity, equity, inclusion" (DEI) director position that's been
left vacant since last year. The also want the Burlington Select Board
-- comparable to a town council -- to "reinstate the recently
disbanded Diversity, Equity and Inclusion subcommittee."

Instead of all that, it's time for more parents to ask why schools
should be fostering celebrations of any flavor of sexuality.

Massachusetts isn't the only blue state to recently see students
pushing back against LGBTQ indoctrination. Watch the reaction of
students at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California, when
their teacher showed a Pride-flavored video -- in a math class.

...and be sure to listen for the girl asking what parents everywhere
should be asking: "Why are you showing this to kids?"

Parents of kids at Edison High School in Huntington Beach,
California say this video was played to their kids in math class. The
kids clearly didn’t want to watch this pride video so the teacher
threatened them with Saturday school to get them to watch it.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 11, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Jason Jones @jonesville
Fathers: If a predator perceives you to be a threat to him, he doesn’t
mess with your child. Same goes for the teachers, schools,
corporations, and even government trying to sexualize and indoctrinate
your kids. You are a threat just by being present.
This will NOT be allowed anywhere near my children.
Get Woke, GO BROKE! Americans throw down against the bullshit!
They don’t want you to see this
Rachel Levine in 2019: “If I transitioned when I was young then I
wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”
Levine is behind the push to expand gender surgeries for minors.
Trudeau the Tyrant Fraud... for the lols.
For the Science, and History, lol.

End Wokeness @EndWokeness
A parent who was going to send her daughter to camp sent this.
Not even the Girls Scouts are safe.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Biden blankets US White House with Pedophile Flags,
calls for "trangender children", etc... defiles and disgraces
USA into final depraven descent. US voters and rest of
world remark in shock and sadness at bizarre US priorities.

The disease is spreading...
Replying to @bennyjohnson @catturd2
Our government is in direct violation of our 14th Amendment,
"Establishment clause," by actively promoting a new religion.

The media wants you to believe that a right wing terrorist sent bomb
threats to target. The bomb threats actually came from an LGBTQ
activist who was upset that target REMOVED some pride items. You would
never know that from the headlines though!
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro
The media are hot fucking garbage. Headline vs. story.

Meanwhile, social media networks in the news for allowing
dozens of pedophile child trafficking networks to operate.
As a mother, I was absolutely shocked to see the kind of literature on
display in the children’s section of Barnes & Noble today. The
sexualization of our children will be not be tolerated. I will be
boycotting Barnes & Noble. #BoycottBN

"This isn’t even liberal or tolerant. It’s a freak show."
"Biden has always been sleazy. This is just more proof."
"Like Father like Son, Joe and Hunter, two sex depraved pedos."
A 13-year-old drag queen was featured at an "all ages" pride show in
Round Rock, Texas last week. Kween Kee Kee, who has been performing
since he was 3, previously did a "drag kid" fundraiser for a law
project known for assisting transgender pedophiles. How exactly does
one perform since 3 without the parents being jailed for twisted pedo
child abuse.

California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm
Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’

This has now infected Japan. 
Genevieve Gluck @WomenReadWomen
Replying to @WomenReadWomen @MORI_Natsuko
Japan’s longest-running rape crisis center has been declared
ineligible to receive public funding following statements made by the
facility’s director which were deemed by government officials to be
discriminatory against males who identify as transgender. Tokyo’s Rape
This 28-year-old woman was told that doctors wouldn’t tie her tubes
cuz she might change her mind. Yet minors are able to get
hysterectomies and irreversible sex change operations in the name of
“gender affirmation.”

Transgender "Influencers" Posed Topless Outside White House During Pride Event

A video clip shows transgender “influencers” posing topless outside
the White House during this past weekend’s Pride event, including one
displaying fake breasts and another showing breast removal scars.

Transgender model Rose Montoya posted the video to TikTok which shows
activists posing with their chests exposed at an event that was
attended by children.

Montoya, a biological man living as a woman, chose to cover his fake
nipples for the video while stood next to two biological females
identifying as men showing their double mastectomy surgery scars.

GRAPHIC: Trans TikTok "influencer" Rose Montoya, posed topless at
Biden's White House Pride celebration. Next to him is a biological
female, also topless, who had her breasts surgically removed.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 13, 2023

we are not a serious nation.
— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) June 13, 2023

Trans TikToker strips in front of the U.S. flag  on the White
House Lawn and shakes his silicone breasts after being invited to
attend Biden’s pride party.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 13, 2023
— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) June 13, 2023

“Are we topless at the White House?” said Montoya, who was also seen
shaking hands with Biden and thanking him for his support.

During the event, President Biden heralded those attending as
courageous and brave.

“As I said — I mean this; I swear to God — you’re some of the most —
you’re some of the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known.
And I’ve known a lot of good folks,” said Biden.

Biden tells the audience at his Pride Month event: "I see more
courage on this lawn than any time I've seen in the recent past"

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-11 Thread grarpamp
US Govt CIA Outs Itself With Its New And Totally Gay PRIDE Makeover,
vows to commit even more illegal and dispicable atrocities and
influence ops upon the world and domestically...

Corrupting the innocence of children... "We'll convert your children"

"Children, that is what is happening. The indoctrination of
children, putting a hand on a neutral scale."

The blowback will be journalled by some as severe.
Yet by crossing humanity's builtin intrinsic limits
they called it upon themselves.
They will wail, but few will have sympathy.

Uprising against the indoctrination camps known as
public (aka: literally Govt, now Leftist) schools is now
rightly and correctly rising to critical levels as well.

"WEF got powerful and corporate interests wanted to be stakeholders in
the WEF's stakeholder capitalism economy they capitulated to have a
seat at the table." (ESG)

It's all one big manufactured PsyOp, there is no actual gay tranny
movement on this scale, they reached equal rights more or less
decades ago in the original gay protests that culminated later
with gay marriage, employment, worship, etc...

J.D. Haltigan, PhD ‍ @JDHaltigan
Book Review: Political Ponerology, by @JDHaltigan This work is
essential reading to grasp what is happening all around us in this
current moment.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-11 Thread grarpamp
"Children, that is what is happening. The indoctrination of
children, putting a hand on a neutral scale."

The blowback will be journalled by some as severe.
Yet by crossing humanity's builtin intrinsic limits
they called it upon themselves.
They will wail, but few will have sympathy.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-11 Thread grarpamp
> US military will be filled and co-opted by Leftists to attack all opposing 
> political parties

Prophecy fulfilled...

Timcast News @TimcastNews

USA Disgraces, Soils, and Corrupts Itself
Formal Active US Military, the US Military Industrial Complex, and
Govt itself...
violates long held proper and sacrosanct barriers between State and Civilian
spheres... to wave gay pedophile flags and groom disfigure and abort children...
no higher calling than State sponsored and associated full spectrum descent
into depravity.

Boycott Lockheed Martin... all price extorted shitty hardware anyway...
Defense giant Lockheed Martin at DC Pride march

1984 Official DHS "Homeland Security" Psyop in full effect
brandishing the pedophile flags and regal...

Defund US Health Dept... partners with WHO in removing your health freedom...
DC Pride Parade begins led by Asst Sec of Health Rachel Levine
(@HHS_ASH) who is the nations first openly trans four-star officer

US Govt Administrative State and Govt Unions fully infiltrated and taken over...
The Queer (staffers) of Capitol Hill at the DC pride march

Official Muriel Bowser out propagating with grooming balls...

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
It's not just that they've re-purposed the rainbow flag into the
symbol for the US war machine: they've also managed to make the
Ukraine Flag the central symbol of the Western liberal-left, so you
have 21-year-old trans people making CIA arming of Azov their core

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Sometimes you have to step back and tip your hat to the extraordinary
propaganda success of your adversaries. Turning the CIA, FBI and the
US/NATO war machine into the central cause of the Western liberal-left
- not just politically but culturally - is genius even if evil.

General_Butler @GeneralButler_
Replying to @ggreenwald
Gay bombs and gay drone pilots? It’s so over y’all ☠️

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-09 Thread grarpamp
When Queer Child Groomers issue death threats you know
they have serious mental and idealogical problems,
not about the 100% equal civil rights they already have.
No wonder the Americans are now rightly fighting back
against their manufactured Leftist bullshit and creepy
evil grooming and disfigurement campaigns.

Panicked LGBTQ Group Declares 'National Emergency' As Fed-Up Americans
Pose Threat To Its Institutional Power

Here are just some of the nonsense that David Barrett voted for...

The institutional Left senses that its dominance over our societal
mores faces a sudden and unexpected challenge. It is responding with
predictable derangement.
A woman protests outside of a Target store in Miami on June 1, 2023.
The protesters were objecting to “Pride Month” merchandise at Target.
(Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The Human Rights Campaign, a powerful and well-funded left-wing
advocacy group, declared a “national emergency” for “LGBTQ+” people on

“LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. The multiplying
threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived—they
are real, tangible, and dangerous,” HRC’s president, Kelley Robinson,
said in a press release.

“In many cases, they are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people,
forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search
of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia
and transphobia that puts the safety of each and every one of us at

Just over two months ago, a person who was “identified” as transgender
engaged in a mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville,
Tennessee. The Human Rights Campaign had nothing to say about the
targeting and killing of Christians in that case, despite a clear
increase in attacks on churches in the past few years. Most of the
media pivoted to explaining how a terrorist attack on Christians is
really a threat to the LGBTQ+ community.

The Biden administration followed suit.

If the Human Rights Campaign is worried about violence, maybe it
should say something about incidents like this:

"One day, somebody is going to shoot you in the head."

At the @dallasprideorg event on June 3, a group of pride
participants confronted conservative group @protecttxkids_ and one
person made a death threat on camera.
— Andy Ngô ️‍ (@MrAndyNgo) June 6, 2023

The evidence that the group has produced to prove its case of an
LGBTQ+ “national emergency” was that many states passed bans on
so-called gender-affirming care for children, prohibited
gender-neutral restrooms, and prevented biological males from
competing in female sports.

Most of these laws are broadly popular.

That, of course, is the real crisis for the Human Rights Campaign.

The “crisis” is that the American people will pass laws limiting 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-05 Thread grarpamp
David Barrett CEO of Expensify.Com thinks White people
are worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that all other people are worth, and
promulgates both that and performs illegal racially biased hiring
practices beyond the pool... that's definition of a systemic racist.

The Myth Of Systemic Racism
Authored by Ed Brodow via,

An isolated incidence of police brutality in Minneapolis gave the left
an excuse to scream about systemic racism.  The death of George Floyd
at the hands of Minneapolis police was a tragedy, but it cannot prove
the existence of institutionalized racist activity.

The Floyd incident raises two critical questions: (1) Is America
plagued with systemic racism that justifies the dismantling of our
social and political institutions?  (2) Do racist police and justice
systems deliberately discriminate against black Americans?

Systemic racism no longer exists in the United States.  Individual
instances of racism are occurring and always will occur — against both
blacks and whites — but to argue that racism is institutionalized
ignores the changes that have occurred in the last 60 years.  "America
is now the least racist white-majority society in the world," said
black Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson.

"The false charge of systemic racism," said author David Horowitz,
"is a convenient cover for the Left's inability to identify actual
racists directly responsible for inequalities in American life.  It is
unable to do so because America's culture is so egalitarian and
anti-racist that the numbers of actual racists are so few, and their
impact so inconsequential, that they don't amount to a national

Systemic racism is a myth invented by the left to create division and
political chaos.

When people say America is plagued by systemic racism, says black
author Shelby Steele, they are simply expanding the territory of
entitlement.  Black Americans are accorded special privileges in every
nook and cranny of our society.  We elected a black president — twice.

"Blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today," says Steele.

 "If you are black and want to be a poet, or a doctor, or a
corporate executive, or a movie star, there will surely be barriers to
overcome, but white racism will be among the least of them.  You will
be far more likely to receive racial preferences than to suffer racial

The term "systemic racism" has "no meaning," said black economist
Thomas Sowell.  "It's one of many words that I don't think even the
people who use it have any clear idea what they are saying.  Their
purpose served is to have other people cave in."

"I don't know what systemic racism is," said black civil rights
activist Bob Woodson.

 "After 50 years of liberal Democrats running the inner cities,
where we have all these inequities, race is being used as a ruse, as a
means of deflecting attention away from critical questions such as,
why are poor blacks failing in systems run by their own people?"

To be truthful about the causes of social disruption in the U.S., we
must point a finger not at white America, but rather at the black
community.  What we are experiencing is not systemic racism from
whites. It is systemic violence, mostly from black people, who "commit
murder eight times more per capita than any other group," in the words
of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.  The leftist canard that
racist police and the justice system deliberately discriminate against
black Americans is a lie.

In spite of a continuing history of violence, blacks are not being
held responsible for their behavior.  Black men make up six percent of
the U.S. population but account for a majority of all violent crime,
said Heather Mac Donald in The War on Cops.  Ignoring the obvious
connection between black criminality and black incarceration, the left
continues to blame the police.

 "Numerical disparities result from differences of offending,"
said black talk show host Larry Elder, "not because of racism."

Blacks lag behind other groups in economic success, safe
neighborhoods, and family cohesiveness.  Addressing the question of
who or what is responsible, Heather Mac Donald contends that blacks
must be held responsible for their own negative behaviors.  The notion
that blacks are victims of a racist society may have been true prior
to the 1960s, she says, but this is a half-century after the civil
rights movement.

"When Americans are viewed as individuals responsible for their
decisions," says David Horowitz, "it is apparent that disparities in
income, education, and even susceptibility to diseases flow
principally from poor choices made by individuals who fail to take
advantage of the opportunities available to them in a country where
discrimination by race or gender is illegal."

America has come a long way from my childhood on the issue of race.  I
remember the separate 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-04 Thread grarpamp
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok

All videos belong to their respective owners.  DM submissions. Bookings:
Depths of Hell
Joined November 2020

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Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
19 Apr 2022
Lots of people have been asking how they can support me. I started a
substack & will be posting some exclusive content for subscribers
there. It’s the best way to lend support and stay connected if I get
banned from social media. I will never be silenced!
Subscribe to Libs of TikTok

News and videos you won’t see anywhere else. Click to read Libs of
TikTok, a Substack publication with hundreds of thousands of readers.
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
But I was told this isn’t happening…
Colin Wright @SwipeWright
1/ In 2020, California changed insurance language on double
mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to
"reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery. Normal breasts
were reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by
congenital defects."
Show this thread
Libs of TikTok retweeted
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Your daily reminder that when they accuse us of “banning books”
they’re referring to pornographic books which are offered to kids in
schools across the country. Why does the US Secretary of Education
want kids reading porn like this in school?
Secretary Miguel Cardona @SecCardona
Banning books based on personal preference is ridiculous.
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
If only there had been some warning signs…
Mark Hemingway @Heminator
Non-binary ex-Biden official Sam Brinton arrested for yet another
baggage theft… #FoxNews
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Received this from a follower. @GLCPS_ - A school in Massachusetts
promoting books containing pornographic content such as “Flamer” and
the progress pride flag
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
A middle school in Georgia advertising for homeschooling
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Teacher in @LockhartISD recorded giving lesson on gender ideology and
explaining how when a baby is born, doctors can look and see their
gender and make a mistake…
WATCH: Texas school teacher gives lesson on transgenderism, says
Doctor made a mistake when...

Watch now (32 sec) | Parents of Lockhart High School students were
outraged to find out that gender ideology was snuck into the health
curriculum without their consent. In a video circulating amongst...
Libs of TikTok retweeted
Daily Wire @realDailyWire
Jun 2
It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman? Watch
the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for
24 hrs.
Show this thread
Libs of TikTok retweeted
Gays Against Groomers @againstgrmrs
Jun 1
It may be the first day of pride month, but there is NO PRIDE in the
sexualization, indoctrination, and mutilation of children. The rainbow
has been hijacked by activists who are using it as a shield to push a
dangerous agenda onto your kids. This June, we have some issues we……
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
They’re after your kids
Jack Poso  @JackPosobiec
Jun 1
VIRAL VIDEO: California high school teacher instructs students on how
to get pleasure from anal sex, to buy sex toys from Target…
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
Mom raises money so her daughter, who thinks she’s a boy, can get a
double mastectomy
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
Elder abuse
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson
Jun 1
 BREAKING: Joe Biden falls at the Air Force Graduation
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
Teacher says he celebrates pride month at school by selling trans and
progress pride flags which hopefully leads to “conversations”
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
Cover of @GlamourMagUK. “He gave birth”
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
Elementary school in @OlympiaSchools gave students a lesson promoting
puberty blockers and pronouns including “tree” and “ze” pronouns…
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
Jun 1
People change their pronouns every month and we’re supposed to
remember and use them or we’re called transphobic
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
May 31
.@jcrew has gone woke. They are now selling pride tshirts with the
progress pride flag and trans flag for TODDLERS
Libs of TikTok 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-04 Thread grarpamp
It's OK to be White.
White Pride is OK.
Straight Is Great.
A Woman is a Natural Born Adult Female.

But I was told this isn’t happening…
Colin Wright @SwipeWright
1/ In 2020, California changed insurance language on double
mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to
"reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery. Normal breasts
were reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by
congenital defects."

End Wokeness @EndWokeness

Fighting, exposing, and mocking wokeness DM for submissions
Joined July 2022

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End Wokeness @EndWokeness
May 5
Perspective is everything
End Wokeness retweeted
TexasLindsay™ @TexasLindsay_
BlackRock CEO: “At BlackRock we are forcing behaviors… you have to
force behaviors.”
End Wokeness
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
This is only the beginning. Woke fatigue is more widespread than
anyone imagined.
End Wokeness retweeted
Woke Archive @WokeArchive
5th grade teacher calmly shuts down loony trans activists: “You’re
just making it up.”
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
54 shot in Chicago last weekend. 34 shot in Chicago this weekend.
Still no NAACP travel advisory.
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Lego working hard to boost that ESG score
End Wokeness retweeted
Wall Street Silver @WallStreetSilv
A cautionary tale for what happens when your "woke" VP for marketing
gets a mandate from her "woke" corporate bosses to insult your
product's customer base & take your ad campaign in "another direction"
(quote from Alissa Heinerscheid, VP of marketing)
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Sculptures are indicative of what a society values and respects
End Wokeness retweeted
Travis @Travis_in_Flint
Just In: Christina Lusk, a transgender inmate who was convicted of
felony drug charges in 2018, won a settlement in Minnesota and will be
transferred to a woman’s prison, receive a $500,000 payment, and the
DOC will provide gender affirming surgery. Lusk changed his name……
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
145 calendar days for LGBTQ. Is this what oppression looks like?
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Are you kidding me?…
BREAKING: College Is Now Free For Illegals In Minnesota

In an unprecedented move, Minnesota has unveiled its "North Star
Promise" program, offering free college tuition to all residents whose
families earn less
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Reject modernity. Embrace tradition.
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
What would happen if a media outlet wrote this about any other race?
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Keep pushing back. It’s working.
End Wokeness retweeted
The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHole84
Pride is a sin, but only if you are White.
End Wokeness retweeted
Elon Musk @elonmusk
Replying to @EndWokeness
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Per person?
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
A big chunk of your life is dictated by people who you never voted for
and probably never even heard of
End Wokeness retweeted
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
May 19
THREAD: What is wokeness? The short answer: identity-based Marxism The
oppressors in this brand of Marxism are whites, straight people, men,
and Christians Woke ideology sees oppression from these groups in
every aspect of Western life: free markets, law and order, home……
Show this thread
End Wokeness retweeted
Joey Mannarino @JoeyMannarinoUS
What WOKE means PT 1: WOKE is Lizzo proclaiming she’s “the sexiest
thing ever,” when to all of us she’s just unhealthy, annoying, and
gross. WOKE is letting the black shoplifter go free, but arresting the
white clerk who called the cops. WOKE is teachers who honestly
Show this thread
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Why has everything gone woke these days? ESG scores. Here is BlackRock
CEO Larry Fink along with the CEO of AmEx explaining his desire to
“force behaviors” (2017):
Load more

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-04 Thread grarpamp
Movie: What Is A Woman?

Wikipedia: A woman is an adult female human.  What Is A Woman
If you want proof that #WhatIsAWoman is a devastating critique of
gender ideology, look no further than the cyber attack to shut down
our premiere. That won’t be the only trick the Left pulls to punish
us. So be it. The film isn’t going anywhere.

Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog

Theocratic fascist, bestselling children’s author
Joined June 2013

Tweets 61,095
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Pinned Tweet
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
Jun 2
Ep. 1175 - ‘What Is A Woman’ Wins The Free Speech Battle…
Ep. 1175 - 'What Is A Woman’ Wins The Free Speech Battle

Listen to this episode from The Matt Walsh Show on Spotify. Today on
the Matt Walsh Show, it was an epic battle for free speech at Twitter,
as we posted our film What Is a Woman and got immediately...
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
Remember to follow @MattWalshShow to get every episode of my podcast
right here on Twitter
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
That covers most of it, but we also appreciate a nice pair of socks
Elwë Singollo 利‍♀️ @Strangeland_Elf
Fathers Day promotional emails and ads alway seem to assume all dads
like is grilling, alcohol, leather stuff(?), sports, and fishing.
Show this thread
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
Most dads also have one specific historical era that they're obsessed
with, so you can always buy books or other paraphernalia related to
that period. For 72 percent of dads, it will be the Civil War or WW2.
My historical obsession is a little bit niche as I am particularly…
Matt Walsh retweeted
Colin Wright @SwipeWright
1/ In 2020, California changed insurance language on double
mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to
"reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery. Normal breasts
were reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by
congenital defects."
Show this thread
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
I tried my best to teach @imbrettcooper how to fish. She caught three
absolute monsters so I'd say I succeeded.…
Matt Walsh Goes Fishing with Brett Cooper

@MattWalsh, who you may know from his hit documentary, "What Is A
Woman?", and The Matt Walsh Show, joined me for this week's Off The
Clock. After getting th...
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
A year after its release, What Is A Woman is the number one streaming
movie on Rotten Tomatoes
Matt Walsh retweeted
Spencer Lindquist  @SpencerLndqst
This weekend, I went to a controversial #Pride event in deep red
Franklin TN, asked “What is a Woman?” – and promptly got booted out by
security. (Thread, 1 of 11)
Show this thread
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
This pathetic coward @SC_Griffith has been threatening me and trying
to endanger my family while having me blocked so I never saw any of
it. I’ll find all of the relevant contact information for Brown
University Administration and ensure that they are flooded with calls
Chris Brunet @realChrisBrunet
NEW: @SC_Griffith, a PhD student at @BrownUniversity , has
repeatedly threatened @MattWalshBlog' life. In today's substack I ask
the obvious question: should @SC_Griffith be allowed to own a gun?…
Show this thread
Matt Walsh retweeted
Chris Brunet @realChrisBrunet
NEW: @SC_Griffith, a PhD student at @BrownUniversity , has
repeatedly threatened @MattWalshBlog' life. In today's substack I ask
the obvious question: should @SC_Griffith be allowed to own a gun?…
This PhD student at Brown University keeps threatening to murder Matt Walsh

Karlstack celebrates Pride month
Show this thread
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
We knew the film was explosive just based on how the focus group reacted to it
Matt Walsh retweeted
Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson
Congrats @MattWalshBlog for your well -deserved receipt of this year's
Streisand Effect Grand Prize.
Daily Wire @realDailyWire
According to Rotten Tomatoes, @MattWalshBlog’s #WhatIsAWoman is
currently the #1 streaming documentary - an entire year after its
Show this thread
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog
Nina, how is it disrespectful to insist that words have meaning? And
why are you wasting all of this time tweeting around the issue instead
of simply answering the question? What is a woman?
Nina Turner @ninaturner
Matt, normal people tend to stay respectful and keep it moving.
Constantly being 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-31 Thread grarpamp

Planned Thought = Planned Society = Planned Economics = Economic Ruin.

Bankrupt AnBu InBev SA/NV, it's piss anyway.

Bud Light's Sales Implosion, Explained (By Mises)

Authored by John Miltimore via The American Institute for Economic Research,

I stopped drinking Bud Light decades ago, so when the Dylan Mulvaney
controversy exploded last month, I didn’t need to consider if I’d stop
drinking Anheuser-Busch’s most popular product.

What’s clear is that many others have decided to quit the beer over
the brand’s decision to wade into transgender politics. According to
figures reported in The St. Louis Dispatch, based on data from a
Connecticut-based consulting group that focuses on the alcoholic
beverage industry, Bud Light’s in-store sales fell 11 percent in the
week that ended April 8 from the same period the previous year.
Year-over-year sales fell even faster over the next two weeks,
dropping 26 percent in mid April. The decline continued into May
despite ad blitzes and marketing gimmicks that included $20 rebates—on
a $19.98 case of beer. Oof.

Endless ink has been spilled over the controversy, which was fueled by
celebrities like Travis Tritt and Kid Rock, who shot up several cases
of Bud Light after the Mulvaney ads began to go viral.

Many public figures seemed genuinely stunned by what they saw as a
massive overreaction to a single March Madness ad featuring Mulvaney,
who drank from a Bud Light while talking cluelessly about the NCAA

“I thought there must be a piece of the story that I’m missing,” shock
jock Howard Stern said on his show.

Writing at Vox, Emily Stewart poo-pooed the Bud Light controversy and
predicted it would blow over, pointing out that similar campaigns
directed at other major brands quickly fizzled out.

“In terms of hurting sales, boycotts tend not to be super effective as
most people don’t respond, let alone stick to them,” wrote Stewart.
“Remember the Great Keurig Boycott of 2017? Or Frito-Lay in 2021? Or,
more recently, when people were mad because M were girls?”

Stewart might be correct that Bud Light’s problems will blow over,
though I have doubts. Still, critics scratching their heads over the
controversy have a point that there’s something fickle and
disproportionate about it. After all, Jack Daniels, a brand with a
consumer base similar to Bud Light, recently ran its own LGBTQ+ ad
campaign featuring American drag queen Ru Paul, and it generated a
fraction of the scrutiny. Miller Lite, meanwhile, ran its own “woke”
ad that was ignored for months.

In a way, I feel sorry for Bud Light. The company is being singled out
for doing the same thing other publicly traded companies are doing:
catering to the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) puppeteers
who are scoring them on “social responsibility.”

ESG scoring is notoriously opaque, but the costs of not playing the
game are quite real. ESG funds managed some $40 trillion in assets as
of 2022, according to Bloomberg, and a poor score can get a publicly
traded company booted from a fund just that fast, as Tesla found out
that same year when it was kicked off the S 500 ESG index despite
its sparkling sustainability score.

“While Tesla may be playing its part in eliminating fuel-powered cars,
it has fallen behind its peers when examined through a broader ESG
lens,” said Margaret Dorn, the executive in charge of ESG scoring for
North America. Dorn didn’t feel it necessary to elaborate further.

Unsurprisingly, companies are not thrilled about having to do this ESG
dance. While they pay lip service to ESG publicly, a 2022 CNBC survey
showed most CFOs supported efforts to prohibit pension funds from
using ESG scoring to determine how they invest.

One can see why corporate executives chafe under the ESG framework.
Instead of focusing on creating value and serving consumers, companies
are forced to dance to the ESG piper’s tune and perform whatever
social initiatives a tiny cabal of people regard as important.

This was always the danger in “stakeholder capitalism,” the
decades-old attempt to nudge corporations into serving interests other
than their own shareholders and consumers. It subordinates consumers,
the very people who should be in charge.

“The real bosses, in the capitalist system of market economy, are the
consumers,” the economist Ludwig von Mises famously wrote in his book
Bureaucracy. “They, by their buying and by their abstention from
buying, decide who should own the capital and run the plants. They
determine what should be produced and in what quantity and 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-31 Thread grarpamp

Chick-Fil-A goes woke, gets boycotted


Forced Homogenization = Lack of Human Diversity and Independent
Development via both Chosen Rightful and Natural Isolation =
Sterilization = Collapse

Chick-fil-A Faces Growing Backlash Over 'Diversity, Equity, And
Inclusion' Efforts

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times

Some conservatives have suggested a boycott of Chick-fil-A after the
fast-food chain was discovered to have a vice president of “diversity,
equity, [and] inclusion,” or DEI.
A view of Chick-fil-A on Austell Road as customers pull around for
their drive-thru orders on March 18, 2020 in Austell, Georgia. (Photo
by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

In a previously issued Chick-fil-A news release, the company said that
Erick McReynolds serves as its vice president of DEI, saying:
“Chick-fil-A restaurants have long been recognized as a place where
people know they will be treated well. Modeling care for others starts
in the restaurant, and we are committed to ensuring mutual respect,
understanding, and dignity everywhere we do business.”

DEI is a set of principles that large corporations, government
agencies, and schools have increasingly incorporated into their work
environments, often mandating employees receive such training.
However, these principles are rooted in Marxism, according to
prominent critics including Christopher Rufo and James Lindsay, that
are essentially vehicles for “left-wing racialist ideology and
partisan political activism.”

“They are designed to replace the system of academic merit with a
system of race-based preferences and discrimination—which, in many
cases, explicitly violates federal civil rights law,” wrote Rufo for
his Substack page earlier this year.

The Chick-fil-A announcement was highlighted this week by several
prominent conservative accounts. According to McReynolds’s LinkedIn
page, he was hired as Chick-fil-A’s vice president for “Diversity,
Equity [and] Inclusion” in late 2021.

“We have a problem,” wrote Joey Mannarino, a conservative host in
highlighting Chick-fil-A’s prior announcement, on Twitter Tuesday
morning. “Chick-Fil-A just hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion. This is bad. Very bad. I don’t want to have to boycott. Are
we going to have to boycott?”

He also wrote: “The Left is going crazy again over the Chick-fil-A
boycott that conservatives are considering. They’re mad because we’ve
FINALLY gotten effective at boycotts. Any company that is pushing the
trans stuff on our kids or the DEI stuff, we are going to pick the
worst offenders.”

“So Chick-fil-A has a diversity, equity and inclusion division,” added
columnist Todd Starnes on Tuesday. “Well, that explains the fried
cauliflower sandwiches and kale salad.”

By Tuesday afternoon, Lindsay wrote on Twitter that he agreed with the
boycott calls and made demands. “We must demand that Chick-fil-A fire
their entire ESG and Sustainability staff and partners (including
DEI), referring to the left-wing environmental, social, and governance

“Ideally we get them to confess how they got caught up in the racket,
and then we return support,” he added. “Conservatives might actually
be able to pull this one off.”

The chicken-based fast-food chain has been generally well respected
among conservatives due to the company’s religious values and its
prior support for religious groups. In the McReynolds DEI
announcement, Chick-fil-A makes reference to its corporate purpose,
which is “to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is
entrusted to us” and “to have a positive influence on all who come
into contact with Chick-fil-A.”

The Epoch Times has contacted Chick-fil-A for comment.
Backlash Growing

In recent weeks, a number of companies have faced backlash for
embracing what critics say are left-wing values or a pro-LGBT agenda.
Since early April, Bud Light has seen a significant backlash after it
produced a beer can with transgender activist and influencer Dylan
Mulvaney’s face and as Mulvaney suggested a partnership with the

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
Speech: Vladimir Putin Destroys Wokeism Etc Rightly and Correctly

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
@amuse @amuse

헣헼헹헶혁헶헾혂헲 헥헲헽혂헯헹헶헰 on Substack • Exposing Equity •
Making Conservative Takes on Liberal Talking Points • Retweeting
Videos • Threads
United States of America…
Joined April 2007

Tweets 21,673
Following 490
Followers 223,580
Likes 119,141

6,711 Photos and videos

Tweets & Replies

@amuse @amuse
WHOOPS: The Biden administration admits that they might not run out of
money on June 1st. Evidently, agencies have been paying bills LONG
before they are due - too bad we don't have more people in government
who have run businesses...…
WSJ News Exclusive | Biden Administration Dusts Off Contingency Plan
if Debt-Ceiling Deadline Passes

Treasury officials prepare to change how the U.S. processes agencies’
payments if Congress doesn’t raise the limit in time.
@amuse @amuse
Federal agencies, on average, pay their bills 90 days in advance. Most
corporations pay their bills 30-60-90s in arrears. If we can avoid
default by paying bills on time imagine what we could do if we paid
our bills just 30 days after they were due...
@amuse @amuse
PARDON? Whichever GOP nominee wins the presidency in 2024 must pardon
every Republican who protested the 2020 election - J6 protesters and
politicians. We've got to end political prosecutions.…
@amuse @amuse
SHOCK: 66% of Blacks aren't willing to say whether they think Biden's
policies have helped their community. Why aren't Black Americans fans
of the president?…
@amuse @amuse
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
WOW - look what these MAGA Boycotters did to Target!! Oh wait this is
from a BLM riot in a Democrat-controlled city
@amuse @amuse
Why are the @Dodgers aligning themselves with an anti-Catholic hate
group? What is the strategy?
Bishop Robert Barron @BishopBarron
Friends, it’s hard to imagine anything more offensive than some of the
behavior of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” which I think can
only be described as an anti-Catholic hate group.
Show this thread
@amuse @amuse
The deranged anti-Christian hate group being honored as “heroes” by
the @Dodgers & @MLB h/t @marcorubio
Marco Rubio
@amuse @amuse
GASLIGHTING: The Battle of Bakhmut is one example of Ukraine's
excellent defensive strategy — Mark Milley h/t @WarMonitors
War Monitor
@amuse @amuse
This is insane... to get promoted as a firefighter you've got to
review over 800 pages of DEI propaganda.
Aaron Sibarium @aaronsibarium
NEW: Seattle’s promotional exams for firefighters now test candidates
on Ibram Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and “Memoirs of a Transgender
Firefighter,” among other woke texts. The Lieutenant exam tests ~800
pages of material unrelated to firefighting tactics.淋…
Show this thread
@amuse @amuse
SHOCK: We now know that the FBI knows who owns the car that was used
to plant the J6 DNC pipe bomb but is unwilling to identify the
suspect. Are they an HSI or FBI agent, contractor, or informant?…
Show this thread
@amuse @amuse
FREE BEER: The one thing we can say about the trans community is that
they've given Americans free beer:
@amuse @amuse
INJUSTICE: Richard Harvey shot an 84-year-old woman in the back for
distributing pro-life pamphlets in his neighborhood. Havey was
sentenced to 100 hours of community service and $347.19 in restitution
upon recommendation by the Democrat prosecutor.…
@amuse @amuse
INJUSTICE: 42yo Shannon Brandt ran over and killed a teenager who he
thought was a MAGA Republican. Brandt was drunk and fled the scene.
Initially charged with felony murder, the Democrat prosecutor reduced
the charges to manslaughter.…
@amuse @amuse
INJUSTICE: The DOJ's IG determined US Attorney Rachael Rollins lied to
federal investigators about using classified DOJ documents to steal an
election and enrich herself. Biden's DOJ refuses to prosecute the MA's
first female of color US attorney.…
@amuse @amuse
No serious person believes Mike Pence is actually running for
president... At best, he's running to raise money and to sell books.
Trump would never hire him. DeSantis would never hire him.
@amuse @amuse
Biden has weaponized the DHS by diverting 9/11 terrorism prevention
funds in an attempt to link his political opponents to the white
supremacy and neo-Nazi movements. Millions are flowing into
Democrat-controlled NGOs to link the GOP white supremacy.…

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
Normalizing Child Raping Pedophile Agenda is popping up everywhere...
yet they can't support their claims.
Find any history of former children standing up as adults decades
later defending pedo and saying "I liked it, etc", no books, no interviews,
no first person accounts to any relevance in all of recorded history.

"There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'. Indeed. -- Juan Garofalo aka
PunkBatSoupStasi aka punk aka JuanG aka [snip]"
Tim Pool @Timcast
wow, dont they have these in Target??
MajToure999 @MajToure999 "Black Guns Matter"
Here’s the “Minor Attracted Person” flag. Here’s what those extra
colors stand for. Is this okay to you? Quote tweet your response and
Tim Pool @Timcast
If you read his thread he points out that pedos use the same colors as
the trans flag That's the point. And pedos used the colors for a while
So the question is why use the same colors

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-23 Thread grarpamp
Target Paints Economic Target On Its Back
Michael Seifert @realmichaelseif
Mega corporations are partnering with literal satanists to promote
transgenderism to children. You can't make this up. Stop giving them
your money.

Greg Price @greg_price11
Incredible. North Carolina’s Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper is declaring a
“state of emergency” because the NC legislature is going to override
his veto on a universal school choice bill.

Greg Price @greg_price11
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte just signed HB359 from @MTFreedomCaucus
member Rep. Braxton Mitchell into law that bans minors from attending
sexualized shows on public property and bans drag queen story hours in
schools and libraries that receive taxpayer dollars. Montana Gov. Greg
Gianforte just signed a bill into law that defines "sex" as "male" or
"female" in all state codes.

Taking on corporate America was never going to be easier. Companies
like Starbucks, Target, and Walmart have immense power over America's
consumers. But the alternatives exist. They are out there. And we've
made them easier to find on the @officialpsq app. We have over 50,000

Greg Price @greg_price11
You'll also be shocked to learn that Gov. Cooper sent his kids to a
$28K per year private school in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Here's some evidence on the school's website:
Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist @DeAngelisCorey
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper declares a STATE OF EMERGENCY to
fight against school choice. This hypocrite sent his own kid to a
private school. We're freeing families from the clutches of the
teachers unions once and for all & there's nothing he can do about it.

It's also worth pointing out that nearly every EU country protects
life somewhere between 10-15 weeks. It will never get framed this way
in the media but our country, specifically the Democrat Party, is
uniquely radical when it comes to the western nations on killing the

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-23 Thread grarpamp
Ford Motor Company Goes Woke And Broke
Waving Pride In Gay Electric Truck Commercial

While Yeezy Gets Saved By Real Economics...

Adidas Foolishly Throws Its Shoes Into The Dustbin Of History

Michael Seifert @realmichaelseif
Adidas decided to make biological men the face of their women's
swimwear ads. But ladies, I have good news for you. We have many
swimwear brands on the @officialpsq app and they actually know what a
woman is. Download the app and shop for summer today:

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-16 Thread grarpamp
Prof Rat's "Anarchist" (nee LeftDemSocComMarx) Cafe
bankrupts itself...

Toronto 'Anti-Capitalist' Pay-When-You-Can Cafe Shuts Down After Just One Year

A Toronto cafe for anti-capitalists, "The Anarchist," is permanently
shuttering after just 12 months in business after following a
"pay-when-you-can" business model.

The Anarchist describes itself as an "anti-capitalist, anti-colonial
cafe, shop and radical community space on stolen land."

"Unfortunately, the lack of generational wealth/seed capital from
ethically bankrupt sources left me unable to weather the quiet winter
season, or to grow in the ways needed to be sustainable longer-term,"
the owner, Gabriel Sims-Fewer wrote last week.

The Anarchist, which opened for business in March of 2022, went
viral last year, with internet users mocking the leftist cafe for
charging high prices for its “speciality” coffee as well as selling
“radical” art, books, clothing, jewellery, tote bags, and stickers.

"Fuck the rich. Fuck the police. Fuck the state. Fuck the colonial
death camp we call "Canada"," Gabriel wrote.
Sticker for sale on The Anarchist's website

"It’s been an amazing experience, connecting with so many great
community members, sparking desperately needed debate, raising the
blood pressure of Conservatives (that includes you,
“anarcho-capitalists” and “Libertarians”), fulfilling the dream of
most service workers by not having to tolerate the presence of
professional class-traitors (pigs and military), and experimenting
with living and working in ways that don’t enthusiastically embrace
the pure misanthropy of Capitalism," he continued.

How could this have possibly happened?

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-16 Thread grarpamp
Guess Who Stood For The National Anthem?

Guess who stood for the national anthem? Starting in 2020, WNBA start
Brittney Griner said she and her teammates would protest the national
anthem. Previously, "During a game between the Phoenix Mercury and the
Los Angeles Sparks, the two teams walked off the court while the
National Anthem played. Interestingly enough, Griner mentioned that
this will not be the last time she would walk off the court."

But 10-months in a Russian prison later, and the Biden administration
swapped her for a notorious international arms trafficker, the
"Merchant of Death" Viktor Bout last December...
Griner (red jacket) and Bout pass each other on UAE airport tarmac.

Fast-forward to her return to freedom in the United States and her
first competitive game since her release, in a preseason Phoenix
Mercury against the Los Angeles Sparks game, which took place

What a difference facing down a 9-year prison sentence in Russia makes:

Prior to the tip, Griner and her teammates stood for the national
anthem, and the No. 1 pick of the 2013 WNBA Draft received a loud
ovation from the home crowd as she was introduced.

"Hearing the national anthem, it definitely hit different," Griner
said. "It’s like when you go for the Olympics, you’re sitting there,
about to get gold put on your neck, the flags are going up, and the
anthem is playing, it just hits different.

"Being here today ... it means a lot."

Standing for anthem on Friday. Getty Images

Mercury coach Vanessa Nygaard had this to say about Griner's return to
the court: "We looked at each other, and we just had chills."

And further: "We were here last year for all of it. I’m getting
emotional about it now. Just to see her back out there — it’s an
absolute miracle. It was amazing. It’s giving me chills again."

Apparently Griner "loves" the national anthem now... but no more fight
for social justice? We guess not.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and the WHO all got caught masturbating
to children...

WHO Pushes "Early Childhood Masturbation" For Toddlers, Encourages
Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4

Backlash has ensued following the renewed focus on the World Health
Organisation’s “sexuality education” guidance for schools to provide
to children as young as four years old.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the guidance states that children under
four should be encouraged to “ask questions about sexuality” and
“explore gender identities.”

The 68-page report titled Standards For Sexuality Education in Europe,
also calls for supplying information to toddlers about “enjoyment and
pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation.”

The policy paper also states that kids between four and six years
should “talk about sexual matters” and “consolidate their gender

The document also asserts that sexuality is present from birth,
claiming “From birth, babies learn the value and pleasure of bodily
contact, warmth and intimacy. Soon after that, they learn what is
‘clean’ and what is ‘dirty’,” adding “In other words, they are
engaging in sexuality education.”

The WHO told reporters that “Our guidelines reflect established
psychological facts based on decades of research.”

Covering the issue, GB News reporter Mark Dolan called the development
“sick” and urged that the WHO can “go to hell.”

'The WHO guidance says that “sexuality education starts from
birth”. If you don't think that’s sick, then I can't help you. The
World Health Organisation can go to hell.'

Mark Dolan slams WHO's stance on four-year-olds learning about
sex, masturbation and gender identity.
— GB News (@GBNEWS) May 14, 2023

Conservative shadow minister for education in Wales, Laura Anne Jones,
has called for the global health body to “rescind the advice
immediately,” further labelling it “disturbing.”

Jones urged “We must stop this pushing of harmful gender ideology into
sex education in Wales and the UK, with immediate effect.”

Advocacy Group Safe Schools Alliance also demanded an “urgent enquiry”
be conducted into potential links between the guidance and education
policies in the UK.

“We find it extremely concerning that the UN and WHO are promoting an
approach that is experimental, unscientific, and appears to be aligned
to the work of unethical individuals and organisations, including
those promoting the acceptance of paedophilia,” the organisation
recently asserted.

“We call upon them to revise their standards to align with a
safeguarding-first approach that protects children while allowing them
to develop a healthy and age-appropriate understanding of sex,” a
statement further noted.

The development comes on the heels of two UN bodies publishing a
report that outlines an agenda to decriminalise all ‘consensual’
sexual activity, even between adults and minors.

UN, Globalists Seek To Decriminalise Sex With Minors

The World Health Organisation ( W.H.O ) is mainly funded by Bill
Gates and his Foundation.
This organisation has put out guidance on teaching sexuality and
sex education to INFANTS…

Who was Bills best pal again?.. ️
— Adam Brooks  (@EssexPR) May 14, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
A clearly nonzero possibility exists that David Barrett, the
woke CEO of, has masturbated to Woke Cleopatra.

Netflix Race-Swapped Cleopatra Show Receives Lowest Rating In Rotten
Tomatoes History

Has the race-swapping fad within Hollywood finally hit a brick wall?
Are they going to try to depict historic figures as they really looked
once again, or will they double down?  What is the real purpose behind
this trend that many people are now referring to as "black washing?"

The political left often views history as inconvenient to their
narrative, which is that different societies and ethnic groups should
be homogenized into a single global entity, ostensibly with the same
progressive ideology as they have.  However, until the past century
this has not been the case.  Humanity remains discerning always, and
seeks to group into tribes whenever possible.

Leftists believe that they can rewrite several thousand years of
recorded history through Hollywood magic and con the next generation
into thinking "diversity and inclusion" have always been a thing.  In
fact, it is nearly impossible to get a streaming show or movie
produced these days without filmmakers being forced to follow a list
of ESG requirements and a perfect pie chart of on-screen
representation, even when the places depicted were historically of
only one race.  And, dare we say that it was Netflix that initially
pioneered this woke entertainment trend.

Now it appears that their failure has come full circle with a series
about Cleopatra VII executive produced by Jada Pinkett Smith (wife of
the slap-happy Will Smith).  The show, which is part of a project to
showcase black girl-bosses through history, is billed as a serious
docudrama but the depictions of Cleopatra as black are completely
inaccurate.  The public response has not been positive.

Netflix's Queen Cleopatra hit 1% on the Rotten Tomatoes rating
website, a historic low for streaming television.

Attempts to paint the Egyptians as Sub-Saharan African in recent years
tie into a conspiracy theory among leftist activists who believe that
Egypt was actually an ancient black empire that historians have sought
to maliciously "white wash."  In reality, genetic testing shows that
ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near
East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean
which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Syria, and Lebanon.

Cleopatra was Greek/Macedonian, not sub-Saharan African, and there is
no serious debate over this in the historic community.  Multiple
images of Cleopatra from the 1st Century AD have been found, including
frescos which depict Cleopatra as white.

Why not make a television series about actual black ruled kingdoms in
Africa, such as the kingdom of Kush (neighbors to the Egyptians in
today's Northern Sudan), or the Mali Empire?  Probably because these
groups have a limited impact on the annals of world history and that's
not enough for woke Hollywood.  They want Wakanda.  They want Egypt to
be their Wakanda, but it simply isn't so.

Why does it matter if a black actress plays Cleopatra?  Because facts
matter.  While Hollywood has many times taken liberties with history
in past films and shows, the goal should be to improve that pattern
and strive for accuracy instead of going backwards.  And, ultimately
it matters because these kinds of woke productions are propaganda
driven.  These are not changes to history made with the intention to
spice things up for audiences; no, these are changes specifically
designed to lie to the public and condition them to believe things
that are not true.

Black actors are not the problem.  Leftist propaganda is the problem.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-05-13 Thread grarpamp
Democrats thought tranny mind virus would be unimpeachable
leverage and injection point for their anti freedom plans, turns
out they violated sacred limit by corrupting and indoctrinating children,
and are now losing via blowback...

> Tranny political indoctrination camps aka public schools
> deemed unsafe, and uneducating, remove your kids to
> private or home school...

Non-Binary Character In New Transformer Cartoon Goes Viral As People
Call For "Another Brand Boycott"

Out of the 'woke' indoctrination ovens from studios in Hollywood is a
children's computer-animated television show called "Transformers:
EarthSpark" that first aired on Paramount+ in November 2022 and has
embraced the woke movement.

Paramount+ might be digging its grave after the show for young kids
appears to have recently promoted gender ideology.

"I know I'm safe when I'm with my friends or other non-binary people,"
a character named Sam said to Transformer Nightshade. Sam also said
her pronouns are "she/they."

The 1-minute clip tweeted by Libs of TikTok has been viewed 8 million
times within 24 hours. Commenting on the clip is Mostly Peaceful
Memes, who said, "Really putting the trans in transformers ammiright?"

Recent episode from the kid’s show Transformers: EarthSpark.
They’re after your kids.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 11, 2023

The cringe-woke cartoon isn't the first. Disney has been pumping woke
cartoons for a while, enraging parents. The proliferation of woke
cartoons should be a wake-up call for parents and the need to vet kids
shows as Hollywood and the left wages a culture war on the youngest
generation. Twitter users were appalled by the woke cartoon.

Woke ruins everything.
— Coco  (@CoClarified) May 12, 2023

Definition of grooming
— Joel Loua (@joelloua) May 12, 2023

We really went from Transformers: The Movie, where Megatron
murdered Ironhide by shooting him in the face with his arm cannon, to
Transformers with pronouns.

Woke culture ruins everything.
— Zeek Arkham  (@ZeekArkham) May 12, 2023

Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.
- Oliver Goldsmith

The left have truly become champions of the absurd. Trying to
normalize the absurdity has caused very real harm to out children.
This needs to be stopped.
— Belinda (@Cobeekat) May 11, 2023
— APOCTOZ (@Apoctoz) May 11, 2023

Paramount+ might be walking a fine line as some Americans have been on
a roll, boycotting products from corporate America, such as woke Bud

Good grief, another brand to boycott.
— Raymond P Mucha (@rpmucha23) May 12, 2023

My family will not be watching this series.
— Josh’s News, Memes, Photography, & Stuff (@joshbottweet) May 12, 2023

I’m going to throw the whole TV away.
— Emily Rarick (@_emilyrarick) May 11, 2023

Welp. Blocking that one. This is aimed at 5 year old kids.
— JayViper (@JayViperTV) May 11, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-04-24 Thread grarpamp
Tranny political indoctrination camps aka public schools
deemed unsafe, and uneducating, remove your kids to
private or home school...

Transgender Teacher Spoke About Wanting To Shoot Students, Parents
Accuse District Of 'Cover-Up'

It took three weeks for parents to discover that a transgender middle
school teacher in Florida confessed to a guidance counselor that the
teacher was having “bad thoughts” of self-harm and shooting students.
Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Fla., on April 20, 2023.
(Patricia Tolson/The Epoch Times)

Now parents are demanding answers, accusing the district of a
cover-up, and petitioning Florida’s governor to remove certain members
of the Hernando County School Board as well as the superintendent.

Ashlee Renczkowski, a biological male who presents as a female, is the
teacher who allegedly made the comments while at the school on March

Kerry Thornton is an assistant principal at Fox Chapel Middle School
in Spring Hill, Florida, which is part of the Hernando School

According to a report filed with the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office
by Fox Chapel School Resource Officer Brian Timothy, Thornton alerted
Timothy the afternoon of March 24 that Renczkowski “had just made
concerning statements about self-harm and then possibly making
statements about shooting students.”

Thornton had visited Renczkowski in the classroom and asked how the
teacher was doing, according to Timothy’s report. Renczkowski replied,
“Not good, I’m having bad thoughts.” Thornton radioed for guidance
counselor Kimberly Walby and brought Renczkowski to Walby’s office.
Social Media Triggers

In Walby’s office, Renczkowski spoke of “a social media post where
people were talking negatively” about Renczkowski’s “sexual
orientation,” according to Timothy. He also said that Renczkowski was
triggered by social media posts critical of the “sexual orientation
and lifestyle” of Renczkowski’s wife, Fawn Renczkowski, who also
teaches at the school.

Thornton and Walby advised the school resource officer about
Renczkowski’s comments.

Renczkowski told Walby about wanting “to shoot some students” because
they weren’t performing to their ability, according to the police
report. Walby then said Renczkowski recanted the statement. But Walby
also “began to reiterate that she has short-term memory issues” and
was “starting to second-guess the conversation” when it came to
“details and the order of events,” according to Timothy’s report.

Renczkowski also admitted to owning three handguns.

Sandra Hurst, the mental health coordinator for the Hernando School
District, traveled to the middle school and met with Renczkowski to
conduct a threat assessment. Both Hurst and Thornton agreed that
Renczkowski was not an immediate threat to students and therefore
could not be involuntarily committed under the Baker Act, but the
sheriff’s office did send an officer to Renczkowski’s home that
evening to collect the firearms, which Renczkowski surrendered without

In his report about the incident, Timothy said that after meeting with
Renczkowski, Hurst “advised that a plan will be devised to meet with
Ashlee prior to her returning to work with students. The school
principal and Safe Schools was made aware of this incident.”

Parents didn’t learn about the incident until a local reporter named
Tom Lemons broke the story on April 7.

An April 17 news release from the district indicated that Renczkowski
was not at school March 27–29 but returned to work on March 30.
Renczkowski was then teaching in the classroom until April 13, when
the Florida Department of Education intervened to have Renczkowski

The Epoch Times contacted Renczkowski for comment but did not receive
a response by press time.
‘Respondent May Be Seriously Mentally Ill’

To provide “clarification,” Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis issued
a press release on April 12, saying “the investigation revealed that
no criminal offense(s) occurred; therefore, no arrest(s) could be

Deputies also determined that “the individual did not, at that moment,
meet the required criteria for involuntary commitment under the Baker

But Nienhuis also said, “In an abundance of caution, the HCSO
petitioned the court for a temporary Risk Protection Order,” which the
court “granted immediately.”
Banners at Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Fla., on April 20,
2023. (Patricia Tolson/The Epoch Times)

In an April 13 statement, HCSD Superintendent John Stratton said the
district was going to “take a hard look at all the actions that were
taken on that day, and in the days following the incident, and
determine if any steps were missed.”

“As is our longstanding practice, while the matter is under
investigation, the teacher will be removed from all student contact,”
Stratton assured. No return date has been 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-04-14 Thread grarpamp

Get Woke, Go Broke... !

What The Bud Light Fiasco Reveals About The Ruling Class

by Jeffrey Tucker

What were they thinking? How did someone believe that making “trans
woman” Dylan Mulvaney the icon of a Bud Light ad campaign, complete
with a beer can with Mulvaney’s image on it, would be good for sales?
With an ad featuring this person vamping around in the most
preposterously possible way?

Dylan, who had previously been interviewed on trans issues by
President Biden himself, was celebrating “365 Days of Girlhood” with a
grotesquely misogynistic caricature that would disgust just about the
whole market for this beer. Indeed, this person’s cosplay might as
well be designed to discredit the entire political agenda of gender

Sure enough, because we don’t have mandates on what beers you must
buy, sales of the beer plummeted.

The parent company Anheuser-Busch’s stock lost $5 billion or 4 percent
in value since the ad campaign rollout. Sales have fallen 50-70
percent. Now there is worry within the company of a widening boycott
to all their brands. A local Missouri distributor of the product
canceled an appearance by Budweiser Clydesdale horses due to public

Ads are supposed to sell products, not prompt a massive public
backlash that results in billions in losses. This mistake could be for
the ages, marking a distinct departure from corporate deference to
wackadoodle ideas from the academy and a push for more connection to
on-the-ground realities.

The person who made the miscalculation is Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid,
Vice President in charge of marketing for Bud Light. She explained
that her intention was to make the beer King of ‘Woke’ Beers. She
wanted to shift away from the “out of touch” frat party image to one
of “inclusivity.” By all accounts, she actually believed this. More
likely, she was rationalizing actions that would earn her bragging
rights within her social circle.

Digging through her personal biography, we find all the predictable
signs of tremendous detachment from regular life: elite boarding
school (Groton, $65K a year), Harvard, Wharton School, coveted
internship at General Foods, and straight to top VP at the biggest
beverage company in the world.

Somehow through all that, nothing entered her brain apart from elite
opinion on how the world should work with theories never actually
tested by real-world marketing demands. Would that she had worked at
Chick-Fil-A at some point in her teen years, perhaps even preserving
some friend relationships ever since. It might have protected her from
this disastrous error.

She is a perfect symbol of a problem that afflicts high-end corporate
and government culture: a shocking blindness toward the mainstream of
American life, including working classes and other people less

They are invisible to this crowd. And her type is pervasive in
corporate America with its huge layers of management developed over 20
years of loose credit and push for token representation at the highest

We’ve seen this manifest over three years and ruling-class types
imposed lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates on the whole population
without regard to the consequences and with full expectation that the
food will continue to be delivered to their doorsteps no matter how
many days, months, or years they stay at home and stay safe.

The working classes, meanwhile, were shoved out in front of the
pathogen to make their assigned contribution to herd immunity so that
the rich and privileged could preserve their clean state of being,
making TikTok videos and issuing edicts from their safe spaces for two
or even three years.

In the late 19th century, the blindness of class detachment was a
problem that so consumed Karl Marx that he became possessed with the
desire to overthrow class distinctions between labor and capital. He
kicked off a new age of the classless society under the leadership of
the vanguard of the proletarian classes. In every country where his
dreams became a reality, however, a protected elite took over and
secured themselves from the consequences of their deluded dreams.

The people who in recent decades have drunk so deeply from the well of
the Marxian tradition seem to be repeating that experience with
complete disinterest in the lower classes, while pushing a deepening
chasm that only became worse in the lockdown years in which they have
controlled the levers of power.

It was startling to watch, and I could hardly believe what was
happening. Then one day the incredibly obvious dawned on me. All
official opinion in this country and even the whole world –
government, media, corporations, 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-04-05 Thread grarpamp
Watch this liberal ‘birth person’ bullying others in front of her daughter.
No wonder young girls growing up to be disgusting Karens.
More child abuse. Child is also more obese than her
obese parent, obese parents stuff their children with
shit food to compensate for their own psych problems.
Over 41% of wokesters diagnosed with psych problems,
far surpassing the average prevalent in all other classes.

Wokeism is Doomed

2023-04-03 Thread professor rat
WORKERISM is doomed G -  or ain't you been keepin' up with current events?

Anarchism calls for full-unemployment while the work-ethic remains a lovingly 
polished turd on both the fascist left and right ( and gray-wolf Nazbol who 
typically work themselves to death )


Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-04-03 Thread grarpamp

"Compensatory imposition of sexual depravity, nothing more. -- Internet"

"I always believed hard working and freedom loving people was what
shaped America’s soul. Turns out it was transgender people all along.
路‍♂️" @disclosetv
Mar 30
NEW - Biden says transgender Americans "shape our nation's soul" in an
official proclamation.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

WokeDems did Philadelphia,USA bad too...

Target Shutters Downtown Philly Location Citing "Declining Performance"

Not unlike many other corporations with retail locations in cities
nationwide, Target is calling it quits on Philadelphia. They follow in
the footsteps of Wawa, who we noted last year had enough of
Philadelphia's crime and also picked up and left shop at several
locations in Center City.

Target, located just blocks from one Wawa that recently closed, is
taking the same action, according to the Philadelphia Business
Journal. Its store at 12th and Chestnut streets in Center City will be
closing after 7 years of operation.

The 19,000 sq. foot store is going to be closing "due to several years
of declining performance", the report says. The company plans on
attempting to relocate its 45 part and full time employees at the

Kayla Castañeda, a spokesperson for Target, commented: "The decision
to close one of our stores isn’t something we take lightly. It’s an
action we take only after multiple years of working to improve

Target is also going to be closing three other stores, one in its
hometown of Minneapolis and two in the Washington, D.C., area, the
report continued. The company is also looking to open a massive 22,000
sq. foot store near 37th and Chestnut - basically in the middle of U
Penn's campus - which will help it replace its presence lost in Center

The Center City store had just opened in July 2016 as part of an
apartment building, and its across the street from a brand new $762
million Jefferson Health facility that is nearing the end of
construction. On the south side of the closing Target store,
additional commercial and residential buildings are being erected.

But the influx of new buildings onto the block wasn't enough for the
company to want to keep its store open. In addition to Wawa stores
that have closed, a Marshalls located at 10th and Market street - just
blocks away from Target - also closed earlier this year.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Racist Gay Democrat Wokesters with Big Dicks did Chicago bad...

CME CEO Terry Duffy Says Employees Too Scared To Return To Office Due
To Chicago's Crime Surge

The incredible crime fighting skills of Lori Lightfoot have already
driven Ken Griffin out of Chicago, as we noted last year. Now, it
looks like CME Group Inc.'s Terry Duffy could be next.

Duffy had already been outspoken to Chicago's mayor about fighting
crime - and, according to Bloomberg, that was before his wife was

Duffy told the ICE House Podcast this week: “Three o’clock in the
afternoon, my wife got carjacked right in the city of Chicago and it’s
absolutely insane what’s going on here. Ninety percent of the
carjackings in Chicago are done by juveniles. So the juveniles go in
and they come right back out literally an hour later.”

The CME head grew up on the Southwest side of Chicago, the report
notes, and currently works from a skyscraper downtown. But he says
that crime in the city is inciting fear amongst his employees, who no
longer want to return to the workplace.

He said after challenging Lori Lightfoot on crime, she responded by
saying the homicide rate was falling. “I said, ‘don’t go there. Please
don’t go there.’ One is too many," Duffy responded.

Lightfoot did not make it to a runoff after placing third in the
city's recent election for mayor. That's likely due to the fact that
crime was up 41% last year and has been up 33% since 2019, Bloomberg

“It was a tough time growing up in Chicago,” Duffy said, lamenting
some optimism that the city could eventually get better and that the
problem is wider spread than just Chicago. “So yes, we we’ve been on
our back foot a few times... But I think we try to move forward and
hopefully we can do it again.”

Others aren't as optimistic. Recall, last year we noted that Citadel's
Griffin said  "Chicago is like Afghanistan, on a good day, and that's
a problem." He also said that he saw "25 bullet shots in the glass
window of the retail space" in the building he lives in.

“It just tells you, like, how deep crime runs in this city. There is
nowhere, where you can feel safe today walking home at 9:30 at night
and you worry about your kids coming to and from school.”

“Chicago will continue to be important to the future of Citadel, as
many of our colleagues have deep ties to Illinois,” Griffin wrote,
before explaining that the ties will not be that deep. “Over the past
year, however, many of our Chicago teams have asked to relocate to
Miami, New York and our other offices around the world," he concluded.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Italy Won't Bow To Powerful Elites In Favor Of Open Borders, Insists Meloni

Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News,

A defiant Giorgia Meloni offered a staunch defense of her government’s
handling of the migrant crisis in the Chamber of Deputies this week...

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni told political opponents she
will not bow to the political pressure exerted by powerful elites in
favor of open borders.

Speaking during Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies, Meloni
responded to questions related to her government’s handling of the
ever-increasing migratory pressure in the Mediterranean following
government data published this week that revealed more than 20,000
people have now reached the country so far this year.

“As long as there are departures on boats in bad condition,
navigating in bad weather conditions, there will be loss of life,” she
told parliamentary colleagues.

“We need to invest in legal routes, and that is exactly the job
the government is doing. Our conscience is clear. I hope that whoever
attacks the government but does not say a word about smugglers can say
the same,” she added.

She offered a staunch defense of the country’s coastguard, which came
under considerable scrutiny from Italy’s left-wing press in the
aftermath of the migrant boat tragedy in the Ionian Sea, which cost
several dozen lives.

The Italian premier expressed her amazement that “for political ends,
we end up questioning the honor and the work of people who risk their
lives every day to save human lives and the honor of Italy.”

On the wider migratory issue gripping the nation, Meloni highlighted
that “for several months we have been witnessing a migratory pressure
that has few precedents toward Europe and Italy,” and despite calls
from humanitarian lobbyists and political opponents, she “has no
intention of bowing to the many powerful pressures of those who would
like a vision without national borders.”

She reiterated her desire to “firmly combat illegal traffickers and
manage immigration in a regular way” through government decree and
subsequent legislation. However, she warned that Italy cannot be
expected to handle the crisis alone and called for “a framework of
responsibility that must also involve the other European states.”

The conservative administration in Rome has been busy tackling the
issue facing Italy and wider Europe since its electoral success in
September, with Meloni recently introducing legislation to pass
tougher sentences on convicted people smugglers. Those found guilty of
the offense could soon face up to 30 years in prison should their
negligent actions or failure to act result in the death of vulnerable

Meloni also issued several government decrees that she aims to pass to
stifle the operations of humanitarian search-and-rescue vessels
operating in the Mediterranean. The decrees, which have caused outrage
among the Italian left and European NGOs, call on vessels operating in
the area to return to land immediately after a rescue, rather than
remaining at sea and effectively becoming a magnet for other
prospective migrants encouraged to attempt the perilous journey.

This perspective was supported by a recent report by Italy’s
intelligence services, which claimed the presence of NGO vessels in
the Mediterranean is fueling the migrant crisis.

The report accused NGOs of providing “a logistical advantage for the
criminal organizations that manage migrant trafficking, allowing them
to adapt their modus operandi according to the possibility of reducing
the quality of the vessels used, correspondingly increasing illicit
profits, and exposing the people on board to a more concrete risk of

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

UK Prepared To Consider Leaving ECHR If It Blocks Illegal Immigration Bill: Raab

Authored by Alexander Zhang via The Epoch Times,

Britain is prepared to consider leaving the European Convention on
Human Rights (ECHR) if it prevents the government from implementing
its plans to crack down on illegal immigration, Justice Secretary
Dominic Raab has warned.

The Illegal Migration Bill, unveiled on March 7, aims to ban anyone
who arrives in the UK illegally from claiming asylum. If it becomes
law, illegal entrants will be swiftly removed from the UK to their
home country or a safe third country like Rwanda, and will be banned
from reentry.

The bill would enable powers to be granted to detain immigrants for 28
days without recourse for bail or judicial review, and then
indefinitely for as long as there is a “reasonable prospect” of

Illegal immigrants react onboard UK Border Force vessel HMC Speedwell
after being picked up at sea, as they are brought into the Marina in
Dover, southeast England, on Dec. 21, 2021. (Ben Stansall/AFP via
Getty Images)

Opposition parties and pro-immigration campaigners have claimed that
the bill is incompatible with the UK’s obligations under the ECHR.

The Strasbourg-based ECHR has acted against the UK’s immigration
policy before. In 2022, the court granted an injunction that
effectively grounded a UK deportation flight sending illegal
immigrants to Rwanda.

But the government said it believes the bill is consistent with the
convention and said it is ready to fend off any legal challenges.

Talking to the House of Lords Justice Committee on Wednesday, Raab
said: “We are committed to staying within the ECHR but we’ve said if
asked that we could not rule out forever and a day that we would have
to revisit that position.

“But that would depend on the responsiveness of the Strasbourg court
to the vital issues that we are trying to pursue in this country
including stopping the small boats.”

Raab said he had already met with senior ECHR judges to discuss the UK
government’s concerns over the court’s injunctions against deportation

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman arrives in Downing Street, central
London, on March 7, 2023. (Leon Neal/Getty Images)
Compatibility in Question

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has previously admitted that the new
bill may come into conflict with the UK’s obligations under the ECHR.

In a letter to Conservative MPs and peers last week, she wrote, “This
does not mean that the provisions in the Bill are incompatible with
the convention rights, only that there is a more [than] 50 percent
chance that they may not be.”

“Both Houses will have an opportunity to thoroughly scrutinise the
bill and, once approved, the measures in the bill will have been
expressly endorsed by Parliament and we would expect the courts to
take that into account,” she added.

On the front page of the Illegal Migration Bill, Braverman
acknowledged that she cannot assure Parliament that the legislation is
compatible with the convention but adds that “the government
nevertheless wishes the House to proceed with the bill.”

Announcing the bill in the House of Commons on March 7, the home
secretary alluded to the bill’s “legal complexities.”

“Some of the nation’s finest legal minds have been, and continue to be
involved in, its development,” she said.

Braverman said last year’s ruling by the Strasbourg court which
grounded a flight to Rwanda was “deeply regrettable.”

She told MPs: “We are addressing that particular issue in this bill to
avoid that scenario playing out again. But in our view this bill
complies with our international obligations and we must take these
measures now promptly.”
‘Up For the Fight’

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he is “up for the fight” against
any legal challenges to his plan to crack down on illegal immigration
via small boats in the English Channel.

According to government figures, a record 45,755 illegal immigrants
arrived in the UK after crossing the Channel in 2022. More than 3,000
have already made the journey this year.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks during a press conference following
the launch of new legislation on illegal Channel crossings, at Downing
Street, central London, on March 7, 2023. (Leon Neal/Getty Images)

Sunak named “stop the boats” as one of the five priorities of his premiership.

At a Downing Street press conference on March 7, the prime minister
said the government is prepared to challenge any legal action.

“Of course we’re up for the fight, I wouldn’t be standing here if we
weren’t,” he said, adding, “But we’re confident that we’ll win.”

Sunak said there is “absolutely nothing improper” about his new
legislation and said he is “confident” the government would win any
court action.

“We believe we are acting in compliance with international law, in
compliance with the ECHR, and if challenged—as you may well be right,
we’ve seen in 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

The products of combustion are totally harmless
and naturally managed by nature... CO2 and H2O .

This nonsense coming from the same lunatics who
are giving "reparations" to $1M to every black person
in California, and taxes and debt slavery upon everyone else...

California Bay Area to Start Banning Gas Furnaces and Water Heaters

Authorities from the Bay Area in San Francisco have decided to ban the
use of natural gas-fired water heaters and furnaces, citing pollution
and health concerns.

The Bay Area’s Air District Board of Directors made amendments to
certain regulations to eliminate nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from
residential and commercial natural gas furnaces and water heaters by
mandating that new appliances comply with zero-emission standards.

“The rule amendments would apply only to new appliances and do not
mandate the immediate change out of existing appliances, nor will they
apply to appliances used for cooking, such as gas stoves,” according
to a March 15 press release.

According to new amendments, only “zero NOx” water heaters can be sold
or installed in the Bay Area beginning in 2027. Two years later in
2029, only zero NOx furnaces will be allowed to be sold or installed
in the region. And in 2031, new commercial water heaters in the Bay
Area will have to meet zero NOx standards.

NOx emissions are said to contribute to particulate matter and have
been linked to wheezing, breathing difficulties, coughing, asthma, and
susceptibility to respiratory infections, the Bay Area’s Air District
Board of Directors said. Exposure to particulate matter has been
linked with asthma, heart attack, neurological disease, lung cancer,
and premature death, the board said.

Air District claims that the new amendments will improve air quality,
prevent an estimated 85 premature deaths and dozens of asthma cases in
the Bay Area annually, and save up to $890 million per year in health
impacts resulting from air pollution exposure.

“The 1.8 million water heaters and furnaces in the Bay Area
significantly impact our air quality, resulting in dozens of early
deaths and a wide range of health impacts, particularly in communities
of color,” Philip Fine, executive officer of the Air District, said in
the news release. “This groundbreaking regulation will phase out the
most polluting appliances in homes and businesses to protect Bay Area
residents from the harmful air pollution they cause.”

Though gas stoves have been exempted from the Bay Area ban, federal
agencies have indicated that they are considering tougher restrictions
on these appliances.

In February, Richard Trumka Jr., commissioner for the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC), stated that the federal government could ban
natural gas stoves.

The Biden administration denied that such a move was under
consideration, but CPSC later announced it was soliciting information
regarding the safety of such stoves, which could be the initial step
toward restrictions. The Department of Energy has also proposed energy
efficiency standards for residential stoves, which some believe could
hit gas stoves harder than their electric counterparts.
Expensive Transition for Households

If adopted, the Bay Area’s amendment updates are expected to affect
roughly two-thirds of all households in the region estimated to use
natural gas appliances. The development could hit such households
financially as gas heating tends to be cheaper than alternatives like

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, average
household spending on natural gas heating in the United States for
winter 2022–23 was pegged at $931, far cheaper than the average
spending on heating via electricity at $1,359.

The Bay Area’s ban on gas-fired furnaces and heaters comes amid a
wider crackdown on NOx emissions.

In September 2022, the California Air Resources Board approved a
proposal to ban such gas-powered appliances from homes by 2030.

The board directed state agencies to come up with a rule to phase out
these appliances—an issue that will be voted on in 2025.

Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a new
rule aimed at cutting down nitrogen oxide pollution from power plants
and other industrial facilities in 23 states.

The new rule is projected to reduce “ozone season NOX pollution by
approximately 70,000 tons from power plants and industrial facilities
in 2026,” according to a March 15 press release. It is also expected
to prevent about 1,300 premature deaths, the agency claimed.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Elon Musk Hits Back At "Protect Trans Kids" Democrat Lieutenant Governor

Twitter owner Elon Musk called out the Democrat lieutenant governor of
Minnesota for making comments about transgender surgery on kids being
“life-saving health care.”

Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan donned a “Protect Trans Kids” t-shirt with a
dagger on it at an event following the signing of an executive order
that will force state agencies to push “gender-affirming” health care.

Flanagan stated “Let’s be clear: this is life-affirming and
life-saving health care,” adding “When our children tell us who they
are, it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. That’s
what it means to be a good parent.”

Musk responded, tweeting “Not when they’re fed propaganda by adults.”

“Moreover, every child goes through an identity crisis before their
personality/identity crystallizes. Therefore, we shouldn’t allow
severe, irreversible surgery or sterilizing drugs that they may regret
until at least age 18,” Musk, who has a child identifying as trans,

Not when they’re fed propaganda by adults.

Moreover, every child goes through an identity crisis before their
personality/identity crystallizes.

Therefore, we shouldn’t allow severe, irreversible surgery or
sterilizing drugs that they may regret until at least age 18.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 16, 2023

The Democrat Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz last week labeled efforts
to halt trans surgery on children as “persecution,” vowing to “make
sure that Minnesota’s place as a welcoming, loving, neighborly state
where you are welcome and will be free of persecution or anything else
that we’re trying to see in some other states.”

Walz pointed to neighbouring South Dakota, where Gov. Kristi Noem has
signed a bill banning the prescription of puberty blockers, hormone
therapy, and sex-change surgeries for children.

“I don’t know what a group of people in Pierre who decide to make life
miserable and more dangerous for people are thinking, but it’s not
going to happen in Minnesota,” Walz declared.

MN Governor Tim Walz signs a "gender-affirming" executive order to
safeguard transgender procedures.

By his side at the photo op, he placed a 12-year-old transgender
child, a young boy, and a little girl holding a stuffed animal.
— Clarity (@covid_clarity) March 9, 2023

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz says restricting sex changes for kids is
"using the state apparatus to bring cruelty down on the most innocent
amongst us."
— Alpha News (@AlphaNewsMN) March 16, 2023

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signs executive order providing legal
protections for those seeking gender-affirming healthcare in Minnesota
— John Croman (@JohnCroman) March 8, 2023

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signs executive order protecting access to
gender-affirming health care #news
— Global News Aggregate (@AggregateGlobal) March 9, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

The pleasant smell of cow farts wafting across
the morning air shall continue...

Dutch Farmers Storm To Victory In Regional Elections, Set To Become
Largest Party In The Senate

The success of the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) will further
undermine the Dutch government’s plans to impose radical agricultural
reforms campaigners say will destroy rural communities...

Lawmaker Caroline van der Plas, leader of the populist BBB
Farmer-Citizen Movement, reacts after casting her vote for the
provincial elections in Okkenbroek, eastern Netherlands, Wednesday,
March 15, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

Voters dealt a hammer blow to the Dutch establishment in Wednesday’s
regional elections, propelling the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) to
become the largest party in the Senate in just its first election.

Exit polls projected the movement will win 15 seats in the Dutch upper
chamber as voters sent a clear message to Mark Rutte’s government over
its planned nitrogen emissions laws campaigners say will devastate the
country’s agricultural sector.

“The Dutch have clearly shown that they are fed up with the policy,”
BBB leader Caroline van der Plas told De Telegraaf late on Wednesday.
“I’m going to party.”

“The turnaround has started. The voters have spoken and have denounced
support of this government,” she added in a tweet.

“She did very well,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte admitted, whose
People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) saw its projected seats
fall from the current 12 to 10.

Government coalition parties didn’t fare much better. The liberal
party, Democrats 66 (D66), is projected to drop a seat, as is the
Christian Union (CU), while the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) is
expected to drop four seats from its current nine.

With a collective seat share of just 24, the government coalition has
fallen well short of a majority. It will now have to rely on working
with opposition parties on specific legislative proposals to push
through government policy.

The Senate wields considerable influence in the Netherlands, unlike
many other European nations. While it cannot initiate legislation, it
has the power to block government policy, and Thursday’s election
suggests a period of sustained political stalemate for the country.

One victim of the election night was Thierry Baudet’s Freedom For
Democracy (FvD) party. It saw its core voter base capitulate and is
expected to lose 10 of its 12 seats. The collapse suggests the surge
in support for BBB is to a large degree off the back of deep
anti-government and right-wing sentiment.

Turnout was 61 percent, up significantly by 5 percentage points on
2019, suggesting the BBB managed to galvanize disenfranchised voters
as the movement stormed to victory in almost every province to have
already declared an outcome, including Drenthe, Overijssel, Friesland,
Flevoland and Zeeland. The party is also projected to win in
Gelderland, North Brabant, Limburg, and Groningen, and is
neck-and-neck with the governing VVD in both North and South Holland.

The election result follows a recent Rabobank survey that revealed
just 1 percent of Dutch citizens believe the country is clearly
heading in the right direction, while 86 percent of respondents are
pessimistic about the country’s trajectory.

The rise of the BBB over the past two years has been in response to
the government’s plans to appease EU nitrogen emissions targets by
imposing radical agricultural reforms. It introduced plans last year
to reduce livestock numbers by a third, while farmers have also been
told their land could be subject to compulsory buyouts.

The policy resulted in agricultural workers staging several
demonstrations against the government, blocking motorways and
supermarket distribution centers in mass protests last year.

At a recent demonstration in The Hague ahead of the elections, over
10,000 Dutch farmers came to hear campaigners speaking out against the
government plans.

“We are fighting against a corrupt and unjust government,” Eva
Vlaardingerbroek, a prominent campaigner in defense of the farmers,
told attendees. She spoke of a government that “drives our farmers
from their land” and that has “turned on its own population.”

The planned reductions affecting Dutch agriculture have been described
by industry leaders as “so severe that rural communities will be
totally devastated economically.” Those were the words of Sander van
Diepen, a spokesperson for the Dutch agricultural and horticultural
association, LTO Nederland, speaking in June last year.

Wednesday’s electoral victory does not guarantee success against the
government’s plans, but with support from JA21 and Geert Wilders’ PVV
party, the farmers’ movement will be able to establish a solid block
of opposition to government policy and seek to frustrate the process.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Sweden Bans Non-Woke Funds From $90 Billion Pension Pot

As Sweden looks to reorganize its embattled 1 trillion kronor ($90
billion) pension system following an embezzlement scandal, the office
overseeing the process says it won't accept applications from asset
managers that don't incorporate ESG (Environmental, Social and
Governance) into their strategies.

"Unlike in the current system, there will be a requirement that the
manager systematically integrates sustainability aspects into its
operations," said Erikl Fransson, executive director of the Swedish
Fund Selection Agency, Bloomberg reports.

The move underscores the wildly divergent approaches different
jurisdictions are taking as they figure out how big a role ESG should
play in mainstream investing. In Europe, ESG is currently being
hardwired into financial regulations. In the US, lawmakers just voted
to block the pension industry from taking ESG risks into account.

The decision only affects pensions under the state’s control.
Sweden’s private pensions market has made headlines after it emerged
that Alecta, which oversees more than $100 billion in retirement
savings, was the fourth-biggest shareholder of the now collapsed
Silicon Valley Bank. -Bloomberg

So now, ESG requirements will be enshrined into law for pension
managers, which must show an "exemplary approach to sustainability
through responsible investment and responsible ownership."

If an international investment firm is interested in applying for the
pool of pension savings - which represents around 10% of Sweden's
overall public retirement funds - they need to be able to document
their fealty to the ESG movement, including proving they have
processes in place to prevent funds from being linked to various
international agreements such as the OECD's guidelines for
multinational corporations, the UN Global Compact, and the UN's
guiding principles for human rights.

What's more, firms will need to have their investment products
registered as ESG funds under Articles 8 and 9 of Europe's Sustainable
Finance Disclosure Regulation, according to the above-linked draft.

Approximately 150 funds will be chosen sometime in the second quarter
of 2023 for the new framework, which was dogged with widespread fraud
that cost taxpayers at least 2.8 billion kronor.

New investment managers will also face reviews "on an ongoing basis"
to ensure that they remain dedicated to the "requirements that will
appear in the fund agreement," including a rule stipulating that they
can prove they're responsible custodians if they also track indexes.

"If the requirements are not met, it is a breach of contract which can
lead to the fund not being allowed to remain on the fund market,"
according to Fransson.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Democrats did this...

CNN Reporter Robbed While Covering "Rampant Street Crime" In San Francisco

A CNN reporter fell victim to a 'smash-and-grab' robbery while
reporting on San Francisco's "rampant street crime."

In a series of tweets on Friday, CNN correspondent Kyung Lah described
how her rental car's rear window was smashed within seconds by thieves
who then made off with her bags.

"Got robbed. Again," Lah wrote. "[CNN producer Jason Kravarik] & I
were at city hall in San Francisco to do an interview for @CNN. We had
security to watch our rental car + crew car. Thieves did this in under
4 seconds. Security stopped the jerks from stealing other bags. But
seriously- this is ridiculous."

Got robbed. Again. @jasonkCNN & I were at city hall in San
Francisco to do an interview for @CNN. We had security to watch our
rental car + crew car. Thieves did this in under 4 seconds. Security
stopped the jerks from stealing other bags. But seriously- this is
— Kyung Lah (@KyungLahCNN) March 17, 2023

Even though Lah hired 'private security,' the crooks were able to flee
the scene.

Our hired security guard tried to grab the crooks (I’m glad he
didn’t get hurt!) but he got this picture of the getaway car.
To the jerks who stole our stuff— I hope someone on this site sees
your plate and you get caught
— Kyung Lah (@KyungLahCNN) March 17, 2023

The irony is that the reporter at the left-leaning news outlet was
filming a segment on "rampant street crime" in San Francisco, now
considered the "shoplifting capital of America" because of progressive
prosecutors who refuse to enforce criminal laws.

Surging crime, open-air drug dealing, and robberies are a byproduct of
failed social justice reforms by progressive politicians, such as
George Soros-backed District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who was booted out
of office last June by angry voters.

Twitter users had fun with this:

defund the police is going great
— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) March 18, 2023

Looks smashy but mostly peaceful
— Sam Ikin (@sam_ikin) March 18, 2023

You sure this wasn't climate change?
— Chris Walkey (@ChrisWalkey) March 18, 2023

Too bad you work for an organization that spends 24/7 shilling for
the very people whose policies have made this possible.
— Jesus = Answer (@hollis4congress) March 18, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Stanford in the news for censorship and fuckery again...

Stanford Students Demand Journalist Remove Their Names From Stories...
After Targeting Other Students By Name

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

There is an interesting development in the controversy at Stanford Law
School where U.S. Circuit Court Judge Kyle Duncan was shouted down by
law students and condemned by a law school dean for discussing his
conservative judicial views.

Student protesters reportedly published the names of students in the
Federalist Society online as part of their cancel campaign.

However, Aaron Sibarium, a journalist for the Washington Free Beacon
has said that a board member of the Stanford National Lawyers Guild,
sent an email demanding the Free Beacon remove her name and those of
other students from their reporting because it is threatening and

Sibarium tweeted that “On Sunday, I identified board members of the
Stanford National Lawyers Guild–one of the groups responsible for the
posters–who in a public statement described the protest as ‘Stanford
Law School at its best.’ A few hours later, the board demanded I
redact their names.”

It was a highly ironic moment to be sure. However, I am more
interested in another aspect of the controversy. I wrote earlier about
the joint apology letter of Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne
and Law School Dean Jenny Martinez. Neither Tessier-Lavigne nor
Martinez promise to hold these students accountable or to sanction
Steinbach. They merely express regret that “staff members who should
have enforced university policies failed to do so, and instead
intervened in inappropriate ways that are not aligned with the
university’s commitment to free speech.”

This latest controversy highlights the fact that the identity of some
of these students (including those on videotape) who disrupted a
speaker at the law school are known to the school.

In this case, it was a federal appellate judge but we have seen this
type of “deplatforming” at other schools.

These students — and many faculty — voice a twisted view that
silencing the free speech of others is a form of free speech.

A chilling poll was released by 2021 College Free Speech Rankings
after questioning a huge body of 37,000 students at 159 top-ranked
U.S. colleges and universities. It found that sixty-six percent of
college students think shouting down a speaker to stop them from
speaking is a legitimate form of free speech.  Another 23 percent
believe violence can be used to cancel a speech. That is roughly one
out of four supporting violence.

They are getting these values from faculty members. Many schools have
largely purged their ranks of conservative and libertarian faculty.
This trend is supported by anti-free speech websites like Above the
Law where Editor Joe Patrice defended “predominantly liberal
faculties” and argued that hiring a conservative professor is akin to
allowing a believer in geocentrism to teach. He also mocked surveys
showing that conservative students are fearful of speaking freely in
class, dismissing these students as “just… conservatives being sad
that everyone else makes fun of them.”

What is notable is that Martinez did not even pledge to hold students
accountable for stopping the speech by Judge Duncan. Yet, that is
still more than other law deans. When Professor Josh Blackman was
stopped from speaking about “the importance of free speech” at CUNY
law school, CUNY Law Dean Mary Lu Bilek insisted that disrupting the
speech on free speech was free speech. (Bilek later cancelled herself
after using a controversial term in a meeting and resigned).

At the University of California, Santa Barbara, professors actually
rallied around a professor who physically assaulted pro-life advocates
and tore down their display.

These students have been raised from elementary schools to law school
in a speech phobic environment where free speech is treated as
harmful. That was evident in the disgraceful Stanford event.

Now, however, they want to be able to target others while objecting to
being named themselves. Much like the Yale law students who cancelled
an event and then objected to campus police being present, this
objection from Stanford law students illustrates the sense of
privilege and exceptionalism by many in the anti-free speech movement.

The focus, however, should not be on the hypocrisy of these students
but the passivity of the faculty. Unless students are held accountable
for preventing free speech on campus, the apologies from the President
and Dean are meaningless.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Wokesters whitewash language,
George Carlin tells them all to fuck rightly off...

Oxfam 'Inclusivity' Guide Tells Staff To Avoid Using 'Offensive' Words
Like 'Mother', 'People' and 'Headquarters'

Oxfam has released an “inclusive language” guide which apologizes for
using the English language before going on to deem a number of words
‘offensive’, such as “headquarters,” “local,” “people,” “mother” and
“feminine hygiene.”

Yes, really.

The poverty and hunger charity was slammed for caving to absurd levels
of political correctness after issuing the bizarre 92-page guidance to
staff members.

“We recognise that this guide has its origin in English, the language
of a colonising nation. We acknowledge the Anglo-supremacy of the
sector as part of its coloniality,” states the introduction.

“This guide aims to support people who have to work and communicate in
the English language as part of this colonial legacy. However, we
recognise that the dominance of English is one of the key issues that
must be addressed in order to decolonise our ways of working and shift

Apparently, merely using the English language is now racist and offensive.

The word “headquarters” is criticized because it “implies a colonial
power dynamic,” while “field trip” is also frowned upon because it can
“reinforce colonial attitudes.”

Staff are even told not to say they “stand with” people they support
because it “potentially alienates people unable to stand,” while even
the word “people” is to be avoided because “is often misunderstood as
only referring to men.”

“Mother or father” are also verboten because it is important to “avoid
assuming the adoption of gendered roles by transgender parents,”
according to the guide, while “feminine hygiene” is also a bad term
because it implies menstruation is dirty.

Even the terms “LGBT, LGBTQIX, homosexuality, gay and lesbian” are to
be avoided because people who consider themselves part of “the whole
LGBTQIA+ community” might be offended if the ‘plus’ isn’t used.

Critics slammed the ludicrous language guide and said that Oxfam
should concentrate on charity work rather than policing the words
people are allowed to use.

“In Africa, women have a one in 37 chance of dying in pregnancy,” said
Maya Forstater, who founded pressure group Sex Matters. “But Oxfam
seems to think what’s really important is erasing clear language about
the very people who are most at risk.”

“How is ignoring and denigrating the world’s mothers good for
development?’ she asked. “This guidance is trying to apply fashionable
ideas about gender identity to people around the world who don’t think
like this and are dealing with the ordinary problems men and women
face every day.”

“Most people will find this particular use of valuable time and
resources by Oxfam totally bizarre. It would do them well to remember
the old adage that actions speak louder than words,” asserted Tory
former minister Robert Buckland.

Free speech activist Toby Young highlighted Oxfam’s mishandling of the
scandal surrounding their staff sexually exploiting children after the
2010 Haiti earthquake, noting, “It’s rather like being lectured by a
finger-wagging vicar from behind his pulpit even though he’s been
publicly disgraced.”

“It would be altogether more sensible if Oxfam focused on its core
mission of alleviating poverty and starvation,” said Young.

However, the charity doubled down on its woke insanity, releasing a
statement clarifying, “This guide is not prescriptive but helps
authors communicate in a way that is respectful to the diverse range
of people with which we work. We are proud of using inclusive
language; we won’t succeed in tackling poverty by excluding
marginalised groups.”

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

One goal of wokeism is to stupify and occupy your children,
ignorance is less likely to put up a successful resistance and
freedom campaign against a massively sophisticated and
predictive Global 1984 AI State. Therefore,
all slaves shall get A's, and all independents with brains
will get drafted into the apparatus, or Flunked and canceled out.

"The New Normal": New York To Lower Math And English Proficiency
Standards Due To Poor Test Result

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

I recently wrote how public educators and unions were methodically
killing public education. The best example this week comes from New
York where a school board committee has solved the dismal math and
reading scores for children in the system . . .  they lowered the
standards. This is not the first system to gut its standards rather
than improve its quality of education.

As teachers and unions object to school choice, they continue to make
the case for private education.

Parents are increasingly voting with their feet.

The board is simply calling the lack of proficiency “the new normal”
and changing the standards. Done.

New York will permanently lower the math and reading proficiency
standards after embarrassing results in state testing. It is akin to
shortening the 100 yards dash to 50 yards to stay competitive on

The media reported that

“A scoring committee that reports to the Board of Regents said
Monday that they must take into account the results of last year’s
tests for students in grades three through eight. Some schools posted
shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math
test scored as proficient. And the scores for the third through eighth
grade tests throughout the state were much lower in 2022 than in 2019,
a result no doubt of the absence of in-person learning during the
first year and beyond of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

This may seem insane to anyone with a proficiency in logic, but it is
being shrugged off by many in New York. There is now an acceptance
that the public schools cannot actually educate students to
proficiency levels needed to succeed in the modern world. In the
meantime, some districts are moving to a four-day work week for
teachers to reduce stress.

We previously discussed the elimination of gifted and talented
programs to achieve equity by artificially lowering everyone to the
same level.

Other schools have eliminated the “F” to guarantee 100 percent passage rates.

Still others have suspended proficiency standards to simply graduate
students who cannot reach required levels in writing, math, and

There is also a move to end standardized testing.

In a prior column, I was particularly moved by the frustration of a
mother in Baltimore recently who complained that her son was in the
top half of his class despite failing all but three of his classes.
Graduating students without proficiency in English or Math is the
worst possible path for these students, schools and society.

It is the dumbing down of America but administrators, boards, and
unions insist that it is better for these students, who face dismal
prospects for future employment. In the meantime, we are pouring
billions into schools that cannot produce a single proficient student
in basic subjects. If this were a business, there would be criminal
fraud charges across the nation.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Leftist Parents Flee Florida As Gender Treatments For Children Made Illegal

It really is a brilliant strategy on the part of conservative states.
As the political left goes further into ideological extremism they
become more and more intolerant of restrictions on their behavior,
which they view as righteous and sacrosanct.  Zealotry breeds
brittleness, meaning, any enforcement of practical and reasonable
standards, even those protecting children, will drive leftists insane
and make them want to leave.

The more socially normal a state becomes the less leftists want to
live there, and there are a lot of states that would be much happier
without them.  Until recently, many state legislators and governors
have been too afraid or too uninformed to take action against the
invasion of deconstruction philosophies, but this is changing.

Florida has joined seven other states so far in officially outlawing
"gender affirmation treatments" for minors, including hormone blockers
and surgeries that could disrupt the natural biological processes of
those children for the rest of their lives.  Trans activists have
admonished the laws as prejudiced and a violation of their rights,
claiming that the treatments are "safe and reversible."  However,
scientists in the field admit that data on the long term consequences
of hormone replacement and other therapies is far too limited to say
for certain.  In other words, the newest generation of children have
become guinea pigs for a baseless experiment in mass de-gendering.

Red states want nothing to do with it, and leftist parents who gain
considerable virtue signal points for having a trans child are so
incensed that they are ready to leave for more woke shores.  If they
can't exploit their children to climb the victim status ladder, then
they are taking their ball and going somewhere else.

The common argument among tans activist groups is that gender
affirmation treatments "save lives."  As noted, there is no long term
data to support this claim.  Beyond their appeals to emotion,
activists can't offer any scientific evidence supporting gender fluid
theories.  There are many people who would in fact oppose the notion
that "trans children" even exist, with far too many factors at play
including peer pressure, parental manipulation and school

Politically, the leftist ability to impose hormone therapies and
gender based surgeries on children would ostensibly lock those
children into the woke fold for the rest of their lives.  Take that
ability away and the social justice movement loses a primary tool for
perpetuating their ideology on the next generation.  The effort to
protect kids from gender cultism is indirectly driving further
separation of normal Americans from woke leftists, and maybe that's a
good thing.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

SF NAACP opposed San Francisco giving reparations to Black descendants
of slaves - $5M cash, $97,000 per year salary for 250 yrs, elimination
of debt, and a home for $1 per family. They want the city to invest in
education, healthcare, and build a community center.

Woke SF insanity gets called out by NAACP.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

I Meme Therefore I Am  @ImMeme0
Jill Biden and Antony Blinken awarded a man with International Women
Of Courage Award. These people are making mockery out of women. This
insanity must STOP!

Catturd ™ @catturd2
Ironically ... the exact same people who hid the real J6 footage - are
the exact same people telling you the elections were fair.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

According to Democrats, both driving your car
and *cooking your food with natural gas / propane*
is racist, lol...

"White" is actually a trivial portion of the world population,
and barely 60-70% in the US and other "white" regions.

These self-hating Democrat Socialist MarxCom's are intentionally
destroying everything, including their own "race". Absolutely
anything goes in order to roll out their tyrannical globalist one new
world order power structures, including destroying and homogenizing
away all the diversity in the world that they claim to support.
Go figure.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-16 Thread grarpamp

Democrat fail...

Even if you don't like DeSantis, you have to admit that it was a
brilliant move to show a video of the material taken out of schools
Now Dems are sharing his video and calling it porn, effectively
conceding that there was porn in school libraries and they want to
keep it there.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-15 Thread grarpamp

Get Woke, Go Broke...
Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 9h
WOW... Silicon Valley Bank gave $73,450,000 to "BLM Movement & Related Causes"

Ever wonder where, besides George Soros, all those violent
Democrat Leftist Antifa murderers arsonists assaulters thugs
$2B property destroyers got their funds to be out in the streets
all day for months instead of working...

"They should continue. -- Kamala Harris,
VP of Biden who just bailed out the those banks
to help keep funding violence in the streets so they can roll
ever bigger DemSocComMarx power regimes."

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-14 Thread grarpamp

Welsh Govt Says Statues Of "Old White Men" Should Be Removed, May
Cause "Offense" To Britain's Diverse Population

The Welsh government says that statues of “old white men” such as
Admiral Nelson should be removed or even destroyed because they may be
“offensive” to Britain’s increasingly multicultural population, with
de facto shrines to diversity set to replace them.

The guidance, which is set to be finalized by the end of the month,
argues that the memorials fuel the “perception that the achievements
that society considers noteworthy are those of powerful, older,
able-bodied white men.”

The government asserts that such statues “can be offensive to people
today who see them in a different light,” including as “aggressors who
conquered peoples to expand the British Empire.”

Any statue of any historical individual that far-left activists have
accused of being embroiled in slavery or colonialism is now at risk of
being toppled, including General Arthur Wellesley and admiral Horatio
Nelson, who are both celebrated by most for their victories against

The guidance states that authorities and cultural institutions must
adopt the new outlook in order to “take action” to set “the right
historical narrative.”

The potential destruction of such monuments literally fulfils George
Orwell’s 1984 dystopia, in which, “Every record has been destroyed or
falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted,
every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book
rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street
building has been renamed, every date has been altered"

Wales: Orwell called it
— Martin Daubney  (@MartinDaubney) March 12, 2023

Street names and buildings that cause offense will also be subject to
change, with officials recommending that those responsible for the
statues “discretely box monuments or enclose them creatively in new

The document complains that diversity is “hardly visible at all in
public commemorations,” suggesting shrines to mass migration and
multiculturalism could possibly be erected in place of historical
statues in order to combat “racist colonial myths about white

“Labour are intent on rewriting our history here in Wales,” said
Andrew RT Davies, leader of the Conservative Party in Wales, adding
they “have been captured by a hard-Left, anti-British mob who want
nothing more than to topple our statues, tear up the works of classic
authors and cancel our great orators, all in the name of virtue

“Statues may well offend some people, but that does not make them any
less a part of Wales’ rich history. What happened to remembering the
mistakes of the past and learning the lessons?” he added, a weak
response that some critics will only see as accepting the logical
premise of manic iconoclasts who wish to ethnically cleanse British

As we previously highlighted, even statues of white men who were
involved in abolishing slavery, such as former Prime Minister Charles,
2nd Earl Grey, have been identified for elimination.

A statue of Winston Churchill in London, who routinely tops polls as
the most revered and respected British historical figure, has also
repeatedly been targeted by vandals and has been previously covered up
by authorities.

A statue of Edward Colston was torn down by Black Lives Matter
supporters in Bristol during the George Floyd riots in chaotic scenes
that could now be replicated in Wales.

Demented far-left revolutionaries literally want to erase history as
they seek to build a new woke order based on vitriolic,
institutionalized racist hatred of white people.

Watch as the 'Black Lives Matter' protesters pull down the statue
of EDWARD COLSTON in #Bristol this afternoon

The statue was erected in 1895

— 퐒퐭퐞퐩퐡퐞퐧  (@LFC_blano) June 7, 2020

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-14 Thread grarpamp

When your Head Cuntresses Of All Fuckery go Woke,
you know your countries are bloody well fucked and done...

US Intel Agencies Need To Focus Intensely On 'Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion,' Intelligence Chief Says

During a hearing of the House Intelligence Committee last week,
Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines expressed the need for
intel agencies to focus more intensely on “diversity, equity, and
Avril Haines, head of the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence (ODNI), testifies during a Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence hearing about worldwide threats, on Capitol Hill in
Washington on April 14, 2021. (Graeme Jennings/Pool/AFP via Getty

The hearing was called by Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio)
to discuss global threats.

Haines took the opportunity to make comments about the need for the
intelligence community (IC) to hire more minorities on the basis of
their race.

Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.) addressed the issue of “workforce
development” in questioning to Haines.

Citing earlier comments from David Petraeus, former head of the
Central Intelligence Agency, Carson contended that minorities were
underrepresented in the IC.

“What are your organizations doing to improve diversity when it comes
to recruiting and retaining your workforces?” Carson asked Haines and
the other panelists. “Does the IC need to devote more resources to
professional development? How do you all plan on tackling those very
apparent issues?”

“I think there is no question that we have to do better on diversity,
equity, inclusion, and accessibility,” Haines replied promptly.

Haines pointed to recent budget requests in which her organization had
requested more funding to carry out “more intense efforts” to increase
the presence of minorities in the IC.

“I think you’ll see in our budget requests and our proposals in all of
the work that we’re doing that … we see this as an area that we need
to focus more intense resources and efforts,” Haines said.

She specifically noted the lack of Hispanic and Latinos among the
leadership of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Read more here...

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-13 Thread grarpamp

Beware the new forms of Woke Nonsense...

Has Wokeness Peaked?
Dangerously Dumb Cunt

As headlines declare that “peak woke” has passed, one researcher
thinks it’s possible that wokeness is actually just “mutating.”

“The jury is still out in terms of whether the Great Awokening is
winding down,” wrote Associate Professor David Rozado in a Feb. 24
Twitter post.

Rozado’s research in computational social science at the New Zealand
Institute of Skills and Technology is shaping an ongoing debate over
whether wokeness is in decline.

“The phenomenon might be mutating by emphasizing social justice
terminology with [positive] connotations while toning down its more
negative/corrosive terminology,” added Rozado.

Rozado’s Feb. 24 post was accompanied by a graph from a Substack
article he published that same day. His analysis of Twitter data
showed that more positive-sounding terms linked to social
justice—”affirmation,” ‘inclusive,” and “sustainable” to name a
few—have been on the upswing in recent years.

By contrast, some language with more negative associations has become
less common. Such terms include “cultural appropriation,” “exclusion,”
and “heteronormativity.”

Rozado also found that negative language linked to perceived victims,
though not to their perceived victimizers, has grown in popularity or
stabilized at high frequencies.

Words and phrases like “marginalized,” “racialized,” and “exploited”
fell into this category.

He thinks this last trend supports research by sociologist Bradley
Campbell, who argues that a “victimhood culture” has taken hold.

Together, Rozado and Macdonald-Laurier Institute researcher Aaron
Wudrick further investigated the trajectory of wokeness in a March 8

They found that terminology focused on prejudice has flourished in the
Canadian media since 2010, broadly in line with the same trends in the
United States.

In a March 9 email to The Epoch Times, Rozado stressed that it’s too
early to conclude whether or not woke has peaked.

“We need more data points over the coming months/years,” he said.

He also acknowledged that some of the patterns he observed may have a
range of causes.

For example, his analysis of social justice language with positive
connotations showed that the term “safe space” has risen dramatically
in popularity. Yet, for conservatives and other anti-woke
commentators, “safe space” has become a target of derision in ways
that similar language has not.

Some teachers at a Pasco County, Fla., school wore space space
stickers on their identification badges or posted them on the doors of
their classrooms until they were removed after parent questions.
(Courtesy of Jennifer Houston)

“Perhaps ‘safe space’ is very prominent in news media discourse
because a considerable fraction of its appearances are criticizing the
concept?” Rozado suggested.

‘Peak Woke’ Now a Tried and True Theme

The talk of “peak woke” entered the discourse gradually, then all at once.

As early as 2018, The Times wondered if “peak woke” had arrived. So
did The Telegraph in 2021. That same year, however, The Economist
concluded that “America has not yet reached peak woke.”

Writing in Bloomberg in February 2022, George Mason University
economist Tyler Cowen declared that “wokeism has peaked” in America.”

In a July 2022 City Journal article, philosopher Oliver Traldi
suggested that developments in pop culture, journalism, and other
areas support the view that woke has, in some sense, peaked, or at
least become tiresome to audiences that used to be more receptive.

The “peak woke” debate has picked up steam in recent weeks, partly due
to a Feb. 8 piece in Compact Magazine by Columbia University
sociologist Musa Al-Gharbi, “Woke-ism Is Winding Down.”

Rozado isn’t so sure.

Wokeness, he told The Epoch Times, “could stabilize at levels mildly
below the previous record highs but substantially above the pre-2010

In other words, some level of wokeness could end up being the new normal.

In response to the Compact article, tech investor Paul Graham in a
Feb. 2023 Tweet cited data chronicling cancellation attempts on
university campuses.

That information, gathered by the Foundation for Individual Rights and
Expression (FIRE), showed that such incidents have declined in recent

“Maybe we’ve turned the corner!” he wrote.

Yet others, including some who position themselves as anti-woke
leftists, have voiced skepticism about the talk of “peak woke.”

In a response to Al-Gharbi, 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Wokeism is DOOMED, Literally, Straight to HELL...

Pope Francis Bashes Gender Ideology, Calls It "Dangerous"

Pope Francis told journalist Elisabetta Pique of the Argentine
newspaper La Nacion, "Gender ideology, today, is one of the most
dangerous ideological colonization" and argued its 'woke' proponents
are "naive" if they "believe that it is the path of progress."

"Gender ideology, at this time, is one of the most dangerous
ideological colonizations. It goes beyond the sexual. Why is it
dangerous? Because it dilutes differences, and the richness of men and
women and of all humanity is the tension of differences," Francis said
in the March 10 interview.

Despite being celebrated as a progressive religious figure, Francis
has consistently adhered to orthodox teachings regarding celibacy and
sexuality. He has attributed the global push for transgenderism to
people who "do not distinguish what is respect for sexual diversity or
diverse sexual preferences from what is already an anthropology of
gender, which is extremely dangerous because it eliminates
differences, and that erases humanity, the richness of humanity, both
personal, cultural, and social, the diversities and the tensions
between differences."

Francis reiterated his opposition over the last ten years. In 2016, he said:

"Today children — children — are taught in school that everyone
can choose his or her sex. Why are they teaching this? Because the
books are provided by the people and institutions that give you money.
These forms of ideological colonization are also supported by
influential countries. And this is terrible!"

During a January interview, Francis emphasized that homosexual
relationships shouldn't be considered a crime and condemned laws that
unjustly penalize homosexuality. Still, he maintains his opposition to
toxic transgenderism.

Several years ago, the Congregation for Catholic Education released a
document on gender ideology, explaining it's "nothing more than a
confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants."
According to the paper, these theories aim to "annihilate the concept
of nature."

Notably, we find ourselves in agreement with the Pope. And to expand
on this woke agenda, it's nothing more than to destroy the family
unit, so the confused have no choice but to be supported by the state.
In reality, the family is a crucial support system for individuals and
communities and plays a vital role in protecting its members.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Natural Gas Cooking Appliances are so extremely hazardous
to your health that the entire USA must ban them and remove
them from all kitchens, for real, LOL...

LA Times Blames White Drivers For Polluting The Air Breathed By
'People Of Color'

A few days back writer Sammy Roth wrote a piece in the LA Times about
a new form of racism in LA.

Roth cited a study from the University of Southern California that
states the following:

“Decades of racially-motivated freeway infrastructure planning and
residential segregation shape today's disparities in who produces
vehicular air pollution and who is exposed to it, but opportunities
exist for urban planning and transport policy to mitigate this

"[LA residents] who drive more tend to be exposed to less air
pollution — and Angelenos who drive less tend to be exposed to more

“It’s a function of the racism that shaped this city and its
suburbs, and continues to influence our daily lives — and a stark
reminder of the need for climate solutions that benefit everyone."

The study is titled 'Local Inequities in the Relative Production of
and exposure to Vehicular Air Pollution in Los Angeles' – and was
authored by Professor Geoff Boeing.

Roth revealed that Boeing told him, “…it largely comes down to the
shameful history of Los Angeles County’s low-income communities of
color being torn apart to make way for freeways — a history that has
been extensively documented by The Times"

"Today, many residents of the county’s whiter, more affluent
neighborhoods — who were often able to keep highways out of their own
backyards — commute to work through lower-income Black and Latino
neighborhoods bisected by the 10, 110, and 105 freeways and more."

The solutions prescribed range from banning gasoline vehicles,
obviously, and allowing more apartment construction in wealthier

The study faced backlash on social media, particularly Twitter, which
is free from the tyranny of the left...

REMINDER: There aren’t separate communist groups. They’re all the
same group with the same goal: Destroying this nation.

That’s why seemingly separate groups work together. The climate
nutters work with the race hustlers who work with the LGBTQ demon mob
who work with…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 9, 2023

Congratulations to the author of this piece @Sammy_Roth. You have
managed to write not only the most idiotic but racist piece of 2023!
— Nick Short ‎‎ (@PoliticalShort) March 9, 2023

This has become like old timey, nonsensical racism at this point...
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) March 9, 2023

There are many questions that deserved to be asked.

Firstly, how on earth does a professor, who is supposed to be an
individual of accomplishment and considerable education think of
dedicating time to such futile pursuits?

Secondly, how does a study such as this get approval and funding from
higher authorities?

There are a few possibilities here.

The first is that the professor, the LA Times, and those who approved
and funded the study really believe that climate change will end the
planet and that eliminating gasoline vehicles is the only solution.
Perhaps they also believe in claims of racially-motivated freeway
infrastructure planning.

The second possibility is that proponents know that such claims are
music to the ears of the members of the echo chamber of the left. They
probably hope that the ludicrous claims would help their careers and
the University financially. They probably realize that their gravely
misleading assertion would trigger a backlash which enabled him to
claim victimhood, which again helps their cause.

The third possibility is that electric car manufacturers or anyone who
stands to gain from the green energy sector have either funded the
study or donated generously to the university. The professor was
informed about the conclusion he had to arrive at, he merely worked
his way backward to develop these preposterous claims of racist
freeways and infrastructure.

They may get lucky, perhaps Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg,
who is struggling with myriad catastrophes in Transportation, will use
the article to virtue signal or push initiatives to clean up his

Beyond this specific study, this is demonstrable proof of how far
academic institutions and their faculty have drifted from their
original purpose of enlightening young minds. Their sole purpose now
seems to be to divide people into groups where minorities are the
victims, and the majority are the perpetrators.

When young minds are influenced, the results are devastating.

Instead of triggering healthy debates and discussions, the young are
perpetually ‘triggered’ by everything from a red cap with a 

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Democrats expose their own Murderous Intentions...
>From Censorship to Murder to Corruption and more,
nothing is off the table for these tyrants...

How Should Pro-Abortion Activists Respond To State Restrictions? Jane
Fonda Says 'Murder'

Good old Hanoi Jane is at it again.  The pro-communist activist is
famous not simply for her anti-war stance (which could be argued as
justifiable), but also for actively propagandizing for the North
Vietnamese.  Not only that, but she has a rather vicious history of
calling for the deaths of people she disagrees with.  Part of her
activism in Vietnam included her arguments that American POWs held by
the VC be tried and executed for war crimes:

Fast forward decades later and Jane Fonda hasn't changed; her
provocateur methods continue, probably because she has never faced
consequences.  While the far-leftist position of The View is no
secret, even the regular members of the show had to pull Fonda back
from the brink after a discussion on state laws blocking abortion, in
which she was asked what could be done other than protest...

She responded: "Well, murder..."

Was it a joke?

Fonda later apologized for the remarks saying they were made 'in jest'
and that she was 'using hyperbole to make a point.'

But what was the point?

What is more likely is that Fonda said the quiet part out loud, the
part which leftist activists often discuss on social media but rarely
on mainstream television.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Even your Surgeon gets an "A" and a scalpel because if
they flunked him because he failed, it'd hurt his feels, etc...

Code Red: Downplaying Academic Excellence In Med School Admissions

America’s top medical schools, worried they have too few minority
students, are doing something about it.

They are lowering academic standards for admission and trying to hide
the evidence.

Columbia, Harvard, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Mount Sinai,
and the University of Pennsylvania have already done so. The list
already tops forty, and more are sure to follow.

Of course, the universities won’t admit what they are doing – and
certainly not why. All they will say is that their new standards add
“equity” and “lived experience.”

Unfortunately, adding those factors inevitably lessens the weight
given to others.

The harsh reality is medical schools are downplaying academic
achievement and MCAT scores, which give the best evidence of how well
students are prepared for medical school. The MCAT is specifically
tailored for that purpose. In addition to a section on critical
reasoning (similar to the SATs), it examines students on biology and
biochemistry, organic chemistry, the physics of living systems, and
the biological and psychological foundations of behavior. It’s easy to
see how those relate directly to higher education in medical science.
Yet med schools want to downplay them and add inherently subjective
criteria like “lived experience.”

Med schools are especially eager to get rid of the MCATs. After years
of evaluating admissions folders, they know they cannot meet their
goals for minority enrollment if they retain their near-total emphasis
on academic qualifications. They know, too, that standardized tests
and grades leave a statistical trail. They want to kick dust over that
trail before the Supreme Court’s expected ruling against affirmative
action. They fear the statistics will show marked differences in
admission rates for individuals from different groups who have similar
scores and GPAs. That’s not a wild guess. Admission teams know the
evidence from years of experience.

But dropping the tests, or making them optional, presents a thorny PR
problem. Schools fear they would sink below competitors in national
rankings, which include MCAT scores. So, they are doing what
undergraduate colleges have already done. They are colluding. By
withdrawing jointly from US News and World Report rankings, they hope
to soften the blow to each one’s prestige. (It’s an interesting
question whether this collusion violates anti-trust laws, as their
collusion about scholarship awards did.)

What medical schools call “equity” and “lived experience” are code
words for discrimination by racial category. They are using this word
fog to cloud over four crucial but uncomfortable facts.

First, today’s standardized tests are actually fair and unbiased.
Medical schools don’t deny that. They know test makers have spent
fortunes over the past half century to scrub their tests of any
racial, cultural, or ethnic bias.

Second, medical schools aren’t claiming the tests are poor
predictors of performance. They can’t.

Third, they know criteria like “equity” and “lived experience” are
inherently subjective and opaque to outsiders. That’s their magic
potion for admissions officers. These education bureaucrats are
following the advice Humpty Dumpty gave in “Alice in Wonderland.”
Alice asks him, “Must a name mean something?” And Humpty replies, “It
means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” Humpty
Dumpty would be enthralled with code words like “lived experience” and
“equity.” They mean exactly what Humpty and admissions officers choose
them to mean – neither more nor less.

Finally, by emphasizing non-academic “experience,” these schools
are downplaying the reality that their applicants have already
graduated college, most likely as science majors. That academic
background is the most important “lived experience” for graduate study
in any 

Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-04 Thread professor rat
Money-badger don't care about your reactionary sexism, racism, antivax 
insanity, pro-nationalism and garbage-hoarding Gramps.
You are crazy like a FOX reporter. So why don't you take your borderline Juan 
Garofalo gibberish and shove it where the sun don't shine?

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-03 Thread grarpamp

Wokeism is depravity, sickness, pedophilia, racism, crime, debt,
waste, evil, corruption, censorship, tyranny, and more, riddled
throughout your schools and governments. Brought to you and
approved by the sick US Democrat party, spreading worldwide.
A glorious and righteous purging is coming.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-02-12 Thread grarpamp

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-01-17 Thread grarpamp
Correct solution has always been new leagues where all
who want are free to join. Woke is SocComMarx, thus
is never correct re freedom.

At NCAA Convention, Athletes Oppose Trans Intrusion In Women's Sports

The NCAA convention in San Antonio had some unwelcome publicity on
Thursday, in the form of dozens of protesters speaking out against the
collegiate athletics organization's insertion of transgender athletes
into women's competition.

Among the demonstrators against NCAA's policies was former Kentucky
Wildcat swimmer Riley Gaines, who had to compete against transgender
athlete Lia Thomas, the University of Pennsylvania Quaker who was
crowned the NCAA women's champion in the 500-yard freestyle.
Former Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines (second from right) outside the
NCAA convention in San Antonio (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

“Today, we intend to personally tell the NCAA to stop discriminating
against female athletes by handing them a petition that we have
garnered nearly 10,000 signatures on in just a couple of days,” said

The NCAA has allowed transgender athletes to cross gender lines since
2010. Full implementation of a 2022 update of that policy was set to
happen by August 2023, but, amid growing pushback from women and those
with empathize with them, the NCAA Board of Governors his week opted
to delay it to the 2023-24 academic year "to address operational

“I want to show the NCAA their discrimination against female athletes
like me does not go unnoticed," protestor and former Lee University
volleyball player Macy Petty told Daily Caller. "I will not stand by
as they allow biological men to take over female athletics.” Petter
had to compete against a trans athlete in USA Volleyball qualifiers.
Screenshot from a page at Our Bodies Our Sports site organizing the
NCAA convention protest

While Thursday's action against the NCAA's transgender policies
consisted of speeches and signs, opponents of the status quo are
likely to take the NCAA to court with the aim of proving its policies
violate Title IX, the legislation that, among other things, requires
that female collegiate athletes be afforded the same athletic
opportunities as men at the same school.

This week, attorneys for the Independent Council on Women's Sports
(ICONS), a network of current and former collegiate and professional
women athletes and their families, published a letter to the NCAA,
declaring ICONS was putting the NCAA "on official notice that your
practice of allowing male athletes on women’s teams constitutes
illegal discrimination against women on the basis of is
impossible to provide equal opportunities for both sexes (as required
by Title IX) without female-only teams."

At the protest, alluding to potential legal avenues, Alliance
Defending Freedom attorney Christiana Kiefer said:

“I think that could look like a Title IX complaint. And I think it
could look like even universities starting to actually push back
against the NCAA and saying, ’Hey, we have a legal obligation to
protect fair athletic opportunities for female athletes and if we fail
to do that, you’re kind of binding our hands and not allowing us to
fulfill our legal obligations to the female athletes at our schools.’”

The resistance to NCAA's transgender-athlete campaign now includes
state governments that have barred transgender athletes from women's
sports. Earlier this month, a federal judge upheld West Virginia's
ban, saying that "one's sex...dictates physical characteristics that
are relevant to athletics."

Our NCAA protest made the @AP_Sports, @washingtonpost and @espn —
we came from across the political spectrum and from around the
country, united for #OurBodiesOurSports #TitleIX #SexDiscrimination
— Nancy Hogshead-Makar, JD, Oly (@Hogshead3Au) January 12, 2023

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-01-08 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
It's nice to have a word ("woke") apparently anf quickly coopted in a
way that shows excessive political influence on both sides of a fence
in some;

of course these words were originally meant in caring manners that
were not stimulating of conflict.

I'm thinking on how our behaviors end up functioning together to
support the most-financed messaging.

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