Dr Evil discovers a billion dollar crypto-currency

2023-03-22 Thread professor rat
He was a hard-charging forensic accountant and good at his job until, one day, 
he gave evidence against other hard-charging forensic accountants; 
hard-charging forensic accountants gone bad who tried to kill him but got his 
main deduction instead.
Now he roams the literary badlands. Cod sciFi, tacky cyberpunk and recycled 
Neal Stephenson. An outlaw. A fugitive. A renegade.


Reposts not brown-nosed conformist cyberpunk bores as bad, or worse, than Bruce 

Argentine provincials to enjoy blessings of USA-linked crypto-currency

2022-12-17 Thread professor rat
Argentina’s province to issue US dollar-pegged stablecoin


Must be thousands of Argentinian's creatively obsessed with the US

That crypto-currency-mixers are such a dangerous national-security threat we regard as a merit.

2022-12-15 Thread professor rat
That crypto-currency-mixers are such a dangerous national-security threat we 
regard as a merit. Just goes to show the worlds last superpower fucks with 
cypherpunks at their own peril.

Death to America means life for everyone else - welcome to the global anarchist 

The USA's regulatory arbitrage bid looks like matching the EU's  - that's when 
they get their crypto regulations act together - it presently recedes before 
them like a mirage in the desert.

And even if it comes - and betters the Chinese - that still only means massive 
money laundering is guaranteed just below the threshold. 

Page 459, " Too big to fail" by Andy Sorkin
"...Goldman had been on Wachovia's payroll as its adviser, and as such, knew 
every aspect of its internal numbers..."


The crypto-currency sector where being handcuffed to a corpse is a feature; not a bug

2022-12-06 Thread professor rat
>>>    the Federal Reserve, which has jacked up interest rates and plans to 
>>>keep doing so. For Circle and other stablecoin issuers, this has amounted to 
>>>a windfall since they’re sitting on billions of dollars in reserve funds 
>>>that can be invested in T-bills to earn interest


Reposts not necrophiliac ghouls called CIRCLE and TETHER

Crypto-currency as surveillance is a clear and present danger in Africa

2022-12-05 Thread professor rat
As it is anywhere that's ignorant of crypto-anarchism. 

Example - Cardano founder, Charles Hoskinson, has shared an update on the 
Ethiopian initiative it undertook last year. In 2021, Cardano builder IOG inked 
a partnership with the Ethiopian Ministry of Education to create a national 
attainment recording system.


Present-day Africa is being colonized all over by surveillance-mad, red-fascist 
Chinese who have already airdropped a native crypto-currency - the e-CNY.

" We escaped!  We're free! "

We're on a Soviet Airforce base in occupied Afghanistan, Kara.

Cypherpunks, crypto-currency & world-changing cryptoanarchy

2022-09-04 Thread professor rat
Its like ' Invasion of the Body-Snatchers "


Beware the walking dead

Fake crypto-currency billboards in Turkey

2022-05-09 Thread professor rat
I'm shocked - SHOCKED!  Round up the usual suspects. 


Turkey is home to a large number of crypto investors that account for over 7% 
of the total traffic to Binance’s primary platform through a desktop browser, 
as evidenced by data from Similarweb. Trying to cash in on Binance’s popularity 
in the country, scammers in Turkey have been found to rent numerous billboards 
to advertise fake Binance-themed opportunities.

CULT-like behavior in crypto-currency curation

2021-09-14 Thread professor rat
Any credible journalist ( there must be SOME! ) wanting to locate extreme 
Gold-Bug and cult-like behavior in crypto need look no further than these 
Randite, Paultard, Austro-Libertarian, Neo-Nazi-Fag-Morons.

Many thanks to @TuurDemeester
for inspiring me to start writing.

Cryptocurrency: Use A Crypto Currency, End A War - A crypto-anarchy specter is haunting the modern world

2021-08-05 Thread grarpamp

Use A Crypto Currency, End A War
June 4, 2014

Morality follows function and Bitcoin has made selective divestment a
lot more functional.

When it comes to the qualities of crypto-currencies the majority of
attention is given to its technical foundations when the most
disruptive quality may be the most simple and obvious of all.

The most subversive effect to come from crypto-currencies will not be
through deflationary qualities that fly in the face of central banking
or preventing too-big-to-fail policies. It wont come from low fees
that make micro-payments possible or its protocol that makes the
financial services industry redundant. It wont be from providing a
more democratic storage of value. It will not come through making you
rich. No.

Crypto-currencies greatest impact is going to be the ability of
individuals to partially choose the economy they function within.

There Are No More Riots, Only Opinions
Market value of private capital

Market value of private capital (% of national income) — “Capital in
the 21st Century” Thomas Piketty

Gone are the days when collectives demonstrate the “right of might”
that Einstein and Freud eluded to in their era. The #1 book selling on
Amazon right now, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, shows
(in chart above) that the centralisation of wealth partially
responsible for the rise of foregone socialist and communist movements
has mostly recovered with wealth as centralised today as it was then.
Yet the collectives that organise today (i.e. the Occupy movement) do
so without the the might of then. Why?

Without getting too deep into the wealth-disparity debate I argue that
the time for “right of might” in the street has passed because
capitalism is actually effective in appeasing the majority. This can
be seen in the handling of the recent economic crisis where in some
places the defacto store of value for the middle class, housing, was
considered too-big-too-fail and action was taken to protect it.

Despite the well-being of the majority the wealth debate continues
because of conscious concern for the minorities left out. It just
happens now without the pageantry of fire and picket. Today the will
for might is placated by a once-in-every-4-years vote, the comfort of
opinion collectives that provide physical or digital “i support xyz”
wristbands or gets filtered into emotional but meaningless arguments
carried out through polar opposite news corporations. News consumption
is the processes of choosing an ideological team to cheer for but as a
result ideology becomes a spectator sport and we cannot do much other
than cheering. Or can we?

News consumption is the processes of choosing an ideological team
to cheer for with the result being that ideology becomes a spectator
sport and we cannot do much other than cheering.

The placation of the majority is a natural and positive effect of
stability. With that the execution of might is more subtle and action
will be more granular (able to choose when to act or not) and more
accessible. In modern design it is said that form should follow
function. This applies to morality and idealism as well. In design
this statement implies that when creating a door any modification or
addition should have function — itself closely tied to intuition. For
morality I apply this to mean that any desired action of an ideal must
be within intuitive reach.

Humour me: More people act on concern for the environment due to wider
accessibility of recycling bins. Greater accessibility enables more
widespread action. But the ability to selectively act provides an even
broader compound effect as wider adoption leads to more exposure. You
may recycle when at home but are less likely to do so when walking
down the street. An “activist” may criticise such inconsistency but
this criticism is our religious gene getting the better of us. In-fact
this impurity leads to broader adoption of the ideal itself. When you
do recycle your child will become exposed to the question. If forced
to consistency function dominates with people likely abandoning the
ideal all together.

It is both accessibility and choice of when to and not to participate
that is powerful. This is what crypto-currencies provide in a new way.
Using A Dollar Funds One Electron Of A Drone

We understand that the tax we pay directly supports the actions of the
government we pay them to. This has been a constant for so long that
anything but moral indifference to the act makes one appear departed
from reality. Questioning this constant requires such effort that it
is not possible for anyone but the most rich. This is unlikely to
change. But the use of a governments currency also provides support
for their actions. By how much I could not say but for the first time
in history we can choose to sometimes not provide that support. With
crypto-currencies this option has become more accessible than ever

Calls for a common and convenient crypto-currency

2021-01-15 Thread professor rat

Funny seeing dickwads, like Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk, learn more about Btc in 
three months than some of the no-coiner nitwits on this list have in the last 
three years.

Cointelegraph: US Congressman Introduces Crypto-Currency Act of 2020

2020-03-09 Thread jim bell
Cointelegraph: US Congressman Introduces Crypto-Currency Act of 2020.

Re: The Perfect Crypto Currency

2019-08-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 12:08:17AM -, cypherp...@danwin1210.me wrote:
> What would happen if a group of anonymous hackers released free software
> for the perfect cryptocurrency that resolves all the known problems with
> current cryptos? What if it contained *provably* secure PKI
> infrastructure, as opposed to the current mere assumptions about factoring
> and discrete logarithms?
> Would anyone recognize its value?

Insightful, and foundational, question.  An important first step to
any action.

> Would anyone use it?

Infrastructure is a many-years deployment effort, in all cases.

Comfortability requires those with sufficient capacity to grok - a
pre-requisite to recommending for those with (hopefully) sufficient
capacity to comprehend the technical layers, math.

> Would entrenched interests spread FUD all over it?


And more significantly TPTB would likely fast track their statutes,
man made "laws" demonically deeming mandatory back doors and the
like, penalties enhanced for those promoting etc.

These are difficult questions; challenging times.

Remember Gideon's army.

You, I, each must create/establish/have a meat space reality of at
least one or a few fellow humans who share an intention, for it is
that the journey, the long thought, the persistence required, wrench
the Soul, tear the heart.

A dark night which may last many years.

Technology has never been, and shall never be, the solution, of

We are on the Age of Aquarius' version of the search for the holy
grail - that perfect combination of material tools to liberate that
which we hold as true, ideal, holy.

We hold certain freedoms as fundamental, inalienable. Amongst them:

  Freedom to communicate.

  Freedom to associate.

  Freedom to travel.

  Freedom to interact in this world, with others of our choosing,
  in ways of our choosing.

Yet who can live such freedoms in the face of The Force Of The State
and The Almighty Statute Laws and Possible Or Sometimes Actual Years
of Jail?

Each freedom carries inherent within, it's inverse - the freedom to
not, the freedom from suppression of said freedom.

But again, ones truth arrives where the rubber meets the road - in
the living of a right, a freedom, a liberty, in the face of the

Tools can assist, yet each tool carries within it, the power of
itself - the gun, the knife, the word, the action, the inaction.

BTC had a lot of conversation around it about -freedom from- the
tyranny of government, many eloquent words, inspiring words, from
John McAfee to many others.

Most hope for the tool to do the work of living a freedom, but such
is ultimately a folly - can any tool not be taken, or deemed
unlawful, just as growing certain plants or catching rainwater in
your own water tank, have at various times been illegal...

Already various "states" (governments) deign to exercise their all
powerful (self proclaimed) all encompassing and unfettered authority
to regulate all, and to regulate each human - the insanity of the
fear of the incumbent powers unchecked.

Without trust (faith) in the inherent good of some of humanity, we
have lost before we begin.

Freedom has a cost, a price not in dollars, but in the likes of will,
faith and action.

Action requires expenditure of attention, over time.

Will and the thoughts preceeding, that is intention, comes first.

Questions to give rise to thoughts.

The quality of your thought ordains the quality of your words.

The quality of your words leads to real degree, the quality of the
thinking of those who read your words.

Too many words and most humans are lost, failing to hear in their
hearts that cause which motivated those words.

Too few words → same outcome.

  Is there sufficient will within any 2 or more humans,
  to intend, to will, to act, and to live a freedom, a right?
  What about in the face of oppression against such living?

When you find such a one (or group) -then- a tool may help to
catalyze a group ethic, intention, will and action.

Without the strength of those with persistence to hold the long
thought in the face of oppressive opposition, can any tool ever
be sufficient to liberate?

Liberating stone; casting pearls; sowing seeds in rocks vs in soil.

More than any tool, or tool set, appears to be required.

Words may unite a group, bring cohesion, provide guidance for judging
the loud vs the effective.

  “The things that matter, matter to those who matter;
   let the others take care of their own.”

A vision manifested in words may inspire.

Man of good character, the canvas of the ages, the threads from which
any worthy garment can be weaved.

Originating thoughts.

Words expressing.

The word catalyzing the thoughts in others, those who share the
spirit ensconsed in those words.

We must speak to one another.

For example?
  The Gnu General Public License. If you have not read it (version 2
  perhaps...) then perhaps today's your day ;)

  Some the manifestations we today 

The Perfect Crypto Currency

2019-08-23 Thread cypherpunk
What would happen if a group of anonymous hackers released free software
for the perfect cryptocurrency that resolves all the known problems with
current cryptos? What if it contained *provably* secure PKI
infrastructure, as opposed to the current mere assumptions about factoring
and discrete logarithms?

Would anyone recognize its value?

Would anyone use it?

Would entrenched interests spread FUD all over it?


India Crypto Currency Ban: Facts and Viewpoints

2018-04-27 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 10:59 AM, John Levine  wrote:
>>No such jurisdiction beyond themselves.
> The RBI regulates all the banks in India

Only their banks, not biz or people.
Maybe their govt too, lol.

> this will shut down any
> cryptocurrency exchanges in India

Both exchanges and citizens can still open foreign account.
And local exchanges can still reasonably operate using cash
or all that Indian gold, or cows, contracts, etc.

> the banks, who do not want to
> annoy their regulator

The banks, who are in business to make money, should
throw out their regulators so they can try to do that, subject
to the free market.

Then again, one of cryptocurrency's messages...


> if Indians want to buy or sell cryptocurrencies, they're back to the
> pre-Mt.Gox situation of trying to find someone local who'll trade them
> for cash.

Indian markets are diverse and interconnected as any other, this is
not a problem. And cryptocurrency is used in both directions.

> Keep in mind that there are only about 10 million Bitcoin wallets in
> the world

There are 55 Million UTXO's, down from the 67M that were
uneconomical to consolidate no thanks to BTC's issues.
That's just for BTC, not all the other coins and tokens.
Wallet estimates are harder to pinpoint.
Feel free to link to some good papers on that.

> and I doubt as many as a million of them are in India.
> There are over a billion people in India so we're talking about under
> 0.1% of the Indian population... a poor country, where rural phone ladies
> rent mobile phones

Even if that, not a bad adoption rate so far, and the
guerrilla networking, love the ingenuity from necessity, ftw.

> 15c for a few minutes of data.

Transactions are relayed in under that time. Probably quite
the deal for larger / distant transactions compared to
other forms, including shipping gold and Rupees around.

> Even if cryptocurrencies were a good idea, which they aren't

Unsubstantiated FUD.

Sad to see on one of the lists where cryptocurrencies were born.
At least cryptography is still agnostic, at least until cryptographers
start taking the knee and advertising the fake backdoored crypto
they can concoct as "strong crypto" to serve their masters.

> India doesn't have the infrastructure to use them other than
> by rich people in cities.

FUD. Cities have the infrastructure, anyone in a city is
at least enough to be alive there, internet cafes and p2p
relations work fine and more efficiently there as well,
for rich and poor.

> Since the badly handled withdrawal of high value banknotes in November
> 2016 (I was there, same week as the US election) Indian banks have
> pushed hard to provide conventional electronic payments with credit
> and debit cards.  I was impresssed how many of the stalls at markets
> had handheld card terminals.

Paying the mandatory extra card tax and high interest to middlemen
pockets regardless of network operation costs for nothing in return
that cryptocurrency can't provide for less, and freely.
Unless you count the chargeback and tx censorship babysitting
that keeps people and systems down from independance, and
the "free money" advertising that keeps from choosing ownership.

Yes they have to 'push hard' because the people smartly
resist back against it

>>RBI stock price drops on news as competitors move in.
> The RBI is run by the Indian government, does not issue stock, and
> since it is the central bank, has no competitors.

...ahh yes, yet another monopoly artificially propped up
upon force of death at gunpoint, how delightful.

They offer you no choice. Cryptocurrency does.

> Were we saying something about fake news?

"Stock in faith" has a price too, the worldwide adoption of
cryptocurrency to date says fiat [itself / systems / entities] been
dropping quite a bit, both in faith and into cryptocurrency forex.
Nothing fake there.

Re: [Cryptography] India Crypto Currency Ban

2018-04-20 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 10:59 AM, John Levine  wrote:
>>No such jurisdiction beyond themselves.
> The RBI regulates all the banks in India

Only their banks, not biz or people.
Maybe their govt too, lol.

> this will shut down any
> cryptocurrency exchanges in India

Both exchanges and citizens can still open foreign account.
And local exchanges can still reasonably operate using cash
or all that Indian gold, or cows, contracts, etc.

> the banks, who do not want to
> annoy their regulator

The banks, who are in business to make money, should
throw out their regulators so they can try to do that, subject
to the free market.

Then again, one of cryptocurrency's messages...


> if Indians want to buy or sell cryptocurrencies, they're back to the
> pre-Mt.Gox situation of trying to find someone local who'll trade them
> for cash.

Indian markets are diverse and interconnected as any other, this is
not a problem. And cryptocurrency is used in both directions.

> Keep in mind that there are only about 10 million Bitcoin wallets in
> the world

There are 55 Million UTXO's, down from the 67M that were
uneconomical to consolidate no thanks to BTC's issues.
That's just for BTC, not all the other coins and tokens.
Wallet estimates are harder to pinpoint.
Feel free to link to some good papers on that.

> and I doubt as many as a million of them are in India.
> There are over a billion people in India so we're talking about under
> 0.1% of the Indian population... a poor country, where rural phone ladies
> rent mobile phones

Even if that, not a bad adoption rate so far, and the
guerrilla networking, love the ingenuity from necessity, ftw.

> 15c for a few minutes of data.

Transactions are relayed in under that time. Probably quite
the deal for larger / distant transactions compared to
other forms, including shipping gold and Rupees around.

> Even if cryptocurrencies were a good idea, which they aren't

Unsubstantiated FUD.

Sad to see on one of the lists where cryptocurrencies were born.
At least cryptography is still agnostic, at least until cryptographers
start taking the knee and advertising the fake backdoored crypto
they can concoct as "strong crypto" to serve their masters.

> India doesn't have the infrastructure to use them other than
> by rich people in cities.

FUD. Cities have the infrastructure, anyone in a city is
at least enough to be alive there, internet cafes and p2p
relations work fine and more efficiently there as well,
for rich and poor.

> Since the badly handled withdrawal of high value banknotes in November
> 2016 (I was there, same week as the US election) Indian banks have
> pushed hard to provide conventional electronic payments with credit
> and debit cards.  I was impresssed how many of the stalls at markets
> had handheld card terminals.

Paying the mandatory extra card tax and high interest to middlemen
pockets regardless of network operation costs for nothing in return
that cryptocurrency can't provide for less, and freely.
Unless you count the chargeback and tx censorship babysitting
that keeps people and systems down from independance, and
the "free money" advertising that keeps from choosing ownership.

Yes they have to 'push hard' because the people smartly
resist back against it

>>RBI stock price drops on news as competitors move in.
> The RBI is run by the Indian government, does not issue stock, and
> since it is the central bank, has no competitors.

...ahh yes, yet another monopoly artificially propped up
upon force of death at gunpoint, how delightful.

They offer you no choice. Cryptocurrency does.

> Were we saying something about fake news?

"Stock in faith" has a price too, the worldwide adoption of
cryptocurrency to date says fiat [itself / systems / entities] been
dropping quite a bit, both in faith and into cryptocurrency forex.
Nothing fake there.

Re: [Cryptography] India Crypto Currency Ban

2018-04-07 Thread grarpamp

Re: [Cryptography] India Crypto Currency Ban

2018-04-07 Thread grarpamp
On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 4:23 AM, Sandeep Kamboj <sandeep2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "India Crypto Currency Ban"

Fake News!

> India's central bank has announced a ban on the sale or purchase of
> crypto-currency.

No such jurisdiction beyond themselves.


Indians are still free to buy / sell / hold / use cryptocurrency amongst
themselves and business however they want, including via exchanges.

And even if they weren't, hardly anything short of pulling the plug on
the internet will stop cryptocurrency.

> "In view of the associated risks

Fake Risks!

> entities regulated by RBI shall not deal with or provide services to

RBI stock price drops on news as competitors move in.

More govt shenanigans

Re: [Cryptography] Perth Mint to back crypto-currency with gold

2018-01-25 Thread Razer

That means the Australian government pwns ur btc now don't it?

Don't think so? They're under no obligation to continue backing it and 
can simply shaft yo ass at any moment.


Re: [Cryptography] Perth Mint to back crypto-currency with gold

2018-01-24 Thread grarpamp
> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-24/cryptocurrency-backed-by-gold-being-developed-perth-mint/9352036

Typical investors happy with their old school
will simply buy into allocated storage options or
other reasonably efficient and accessible
pricing and pooling mechanisms such as...


Unlike most cryptos with mathmatically known
thus predictable emission curves, anything
mined and stockpiled from the Earth has additional
factors that apply, on top of all the digital ones.

> to entice investors back to precious metals.

While they may have cobbled together a way of making
medieval carriage of virtual metals in digital sacks
handy again, they're imparting a whole new layer
of trust, regulatory, verification, redemption, etc
questions upon the metals.

Then comes relative simplicity...


Which really begs the question of "why they bother", now
that pure cryptocurencies are out and have equally
suitable / comparable pricing, utilization and access models.

The answer is likely that the fake "precious" metals and sparkly
rocks industries are as scared of losing power and control,
and becoming extinct as the banks and governments are.
Thus they're proffering up such meetoo coins in an
effort to stay relavant up against the global awakening.


Which will further fail because it's just not what the kids
in school are believing in and using anymore...


Wait till the 10 year anniversary of cryptocurrency...
massive worldwide inputs and adoption will happen after that.

Everyone loves to quote market cap, which takes no
notice of historical inputs.

Another way to calculate "intrinsic value" of say, BTC, is to...
(sum (each block quantity created times the market price
at creation time)) divided by the quantity of coins extant.
[Further adjusted for xflation of the fiat reference over
the period to the present day.]

Even assuming fiat was flat, no one appears to have
published this simple integration... you should try it
and see what number you get :)

Re: crypto currency

2017-08-30 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 03:40:04PM +0800, James A. Donald wrote:
> Money, says Moldbug, is a bubble that never bursts, until it does.
> A very long time ago, all sorts of strange things, such as dog canine teeth, 
> were money.
> It came to pass that only silver and gold were money.
> And then only gold.  The demonetization of silver gave us the long 
> depression, which by modern standards was not bad
> at all - because it was long, gold rose, which is to say prices fell, very 
> slowly, because silver was demonetized very
> slowly.  People did not like it, hence the "cross of gold speech" demanding 
> that state power be applied to remonetize
> silver,

I agree with all this.

> but all the supposed horrid evils of deflation turned out to be not
> very evil at all.

This is a lie or propaganda (I assume unintentional on your part).

The reason this last statement is pure propaganda is that whatever
the "supposed horrid evils of deflation" being "not very evil at
all", can only be true by specific metrics:

There are two primary metrics, which those in the free/libre software
world fortunately know rather well these days:

  1. Freedom.

  2. Utility.

The latter (utility) principle in the context of money and "the
economy" is often colloquially and cynically referred to "shiny
stuff" or "muh free shit", and on this metric, "modern" "Western"
economies (what many people mistakenly refer to as "society" or even
"community") are doing fabulously - we have lots of cheap cheap two
dollar cheap shit, brand new plant food spreaders (aka vehicles) for
incredibly low prices in comparison to inflation-adjusted comparables
from half a century ago.

Even this utility/ shiny-thangz metric is a lie, but I'll get to that

The former metric, which ought be our primary consideration, is our
Freedoms - our freedom to communicate, to travel, to (attemp to)
create a raise family, to work/ build wealth, to grow any plant, to
collect water to drink, clean with and water your plants with.

And also, the extent to which society proclaims, values, upholds and
most importantly, protects, these freedoms, is a fundamental
corollary - it's all very well to "get away with" growing a few dope
plants, or skirting draconian monitoring and revenue raising rules
(e.g. vehicular and licensing taxes etc), but that's not the same as
the fundamental corresponding freedom actually being upheld,
proclaimed in public, and protected by the authorities.

Now back to the lie about how great fiat-based pyramid schemes and
the "inflationary" (i.e. reducing cost of shiny things) "economic
miracles" we supposedly live within:

 - 100 years ago in Australia, we build railways and roads all over
   the place, into the hills, across every state etc.

 - we did this with horse and bullock, and steam engines

 - we now have 1000's (or 10's of thousands) of TIMES more
   productivity with modern machinery - one man can do the work of
   100,000 labourers with a big earth moving machine, single
   road-laying machines can lay 6 or even 8 frigging lanes of
   highway, simultaneously, continuously (fed by other trucks/
   machines), at meters per hour!

 - Yet the average household is a dual-income household now, earning
   roughly the same as a single-earner did back in the 1950s! (in
   today's money, about $60K annually).

So the lie is, that the most incredible, phenomenal, and in fact
astounding growth in mechanistic productivity has been witnessed in
the last century - the industrial revolution, and yet we people are
on average still struggling to get by, and focused on survival rather
than living a creative life, family life, anything other than "work
for the man" life!

And the truth is that this is by mathematical design - money is
brought into existence by the creation of debt, encumbering future
generations perpetually (the "debt based credit expansion system" or
aka "debt based money expansion" system).

And the most recent institution of this system began in Germany in
the the 19th Century, by Lord Rothschild the first (he adopted this
name, forgot his original name), and entrenching this banking system
was the fundamental cause behind both World War I and WWII.

Every time we go get a house or car loan etc, we are consenting to
future enslavement, and the steady transfer of wealth to those who
are the primary shareholders/ owners of the banks.

For those with mental competence and/or connections, this system is
an almost irresistible system to involve oneself within - any tiny
vestige of egotistical self interest (or the much more obvious human
failings of greed and lust) readily cause the typical human to fall
straight into this simple yet highly effective and entirely
mathematically based, enslavement system.

Would you knock back the benefits of a hedge fund?

In the 12th Century in England (I think - may have been somewhere
else in Europe), the people spent 3 months of the years planting and
harvesting, and roughly 9 

crypto currency

2017-08-30 Thread James A. Donald

Money, says Moldbug, is a bubble that never bursts, until it does.

A very long time ago, all sorts of strange things, such as dog canine 
teeth, were money.

It came to pass that only silver and gold were money.

And then only gold.  The demonetization of silver gave us the long 
depression, which by modern standards was not bad at all - because it 
was long, gold rose, which is to say prices fell, very slowly, because 
silver was demonetized very slowly.  People did not like it, hence the 
"cross of gold speech" demanding that state power be applied to 
remonetize silver, but all the supposed horrid evils of deflation turned 
out to be not very evil at all.

From time to time governments discover that they can make some 
arbitrary thing money by the mere exercise of power.   This usually ends 
horribly badly.

Right now we have the disturbing and strange situation that it is hard 
for savers to receive positive real interest on their money, and at the 
same time hard for worthy borrowers to borrow money.  The system is 
malfunctioning rather badly, but monetary systems have frequently 
malfunctioned one hell of a lot worse, so I will not bother explaining 
why we are in this hole. (tl; dr; Governments did wicked, but extremely 
popular, things with money.  To the surprise of many people, myself 
among them, this did not destroy the currency, but it had other 
extremely bad effects.)

Because of governments doing bad things with money, the thought occurred 
to some people: maybe private individuals, not armed with state power, 
could make some arbitrary thing power.

Turns out, we could.

Ulterior States: Crypto Currency Film

2017-05-09 Thread grarpamp
Ulterior States [IamSatoshi Documentary]

Published on Jun 27, 2015
A Film By Tomer Kantor - An IamSatoshi Production
Ulterior States, an IamSatoshi production, is an argumentative
documentary project. The participatory development, production and
post ‘guerilla-film-making-methods’, bounced between (non-academic)
literature research, video interviews and studio sessions. This
investigative process allowed having real-life conversations with some
thought leaders within the Bitcoin ecosystem. In an attempt to portray
the community behind the message to adopt a network, being a one-man
team allowed for easier access to the subjects. The enthusiasm and
commitment that saturate through the lens in many parts of the film,
expose how the adopters of Bitcoin want to explore, to probe and, to
show the world, something important, otherwise overlooked.
The film took three years and 125 videos to complete. Through this
journey, I got immersed in the decentralised crypto-currency culture
and met a bunch of wonderful futuristic-pirates, I would have never
met otherwise. It is becoming easier to admit that Ulterior States is
an expression of my perceptions, an extract of the years 2012-2015.
The collaged story explores code as activism and discovers a melting
pot through the neutrality of a decentralised consensus. It looks to
the future from different humanist perspectives and argues that
crypto-currencies could lead towards; community governed micro-state
Ulterior States was completely self-funded and produced as a final
project for London South Bank University [MA - Arts & Humanity -
Digital Film].

Re: Amir Taaki: Crypto Currency Anarchist, Fights ISIS with Rojava YPG

2017-04-05 Thread grarpamp
On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 6:23 PM, jim bell  wrote:
> "Collectivist anarchy"?Uh, isn't that very close to a contradiction in
> terms?

Relying on the media to correctly describe that which they
are entirely unfamiliar with... probably not a good idea.
They still probably don't understand simple prediction markets,
crypto, cryptocurrency, etc.
Do they call [voluntary] contributing to building of roads collectivist?
This entire thread quotes only others, so ask them, not me.

Re: Amir Taaki: Crypto Currency Anarchist, Fights ISIS with Rojava YPG

2017-04-05 Thread jim bell

 From: grarpamp 

> https://www.wired.com/2017/03/anarchist-bitcoin-coder-found-fighting-isis-syria/
The article said,  " Taaki read about how they’d created a functioning, 
progressive society of more than 4 million people, based on principles of local 
direct democracy, collectivist anarchy, and equality for women."
"Collectivist anarchy"?    Uh, isn't that very close to a contradiction in 
              Jim Bell


Re: Amir Taaki: Crypto Currency Anarchist, Fights ISIS with Rojava YPG

2017-04-05 Thread Razer
The YPG aren't anarchists. Anarchists don't 'do' "nations" or "borders".

They also don't collude with the military special forces of imperial

The Kurds are a 'special kind of stupid' you know? The US keeps screwing
them over and over an over again and they just never seem to learn.
You'd figure they'd have nted it after the US sold out it's Iran
harrassing pets, the PKK and turned them over to the Iraqis for, as the
Iraqis said "deprogramming or elimination". Maybe it's because just a
little over a hundred years ago, like the Sarts, a tribal group nearly
extinguished now, or the Yadzis more currently, they were animist who
believed in majick and couldn't escape from a circle drawn around them.
They're not quite ready to play with the Big Boys, and eventually they
will be either culturally assimilated into Western society as "refugees"
or wiped out.


On 04/04/2017 10:18 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> https://www.wired.com/2017/03/anarchist-bitcoin-coder-found-fighting-isis-syria/
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB4h6o4UTXM
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFkws4I4kQQ
> The New Radical
> https://vimeo.com/210515908
> "The evironment is very nice... something worth fighting for..."
> vs. "A crisis of civilization in the West." and
> "Cryptocurrency sellouts"
> An oldie...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7NIVGghtDQ
> Follow subsequent talks here...
> https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=CAI%253D=amir+taaki
> https://www.reddit.com/user/amir-taaki ?
> "
> At the end of 2014, I was working with a highly skilled team of top
> hackers on a world changing project which the EU central bank named as
> a top key money laundering threat, ISIS released a report recommending
> it to their members and the US military held a meeting over.
> Then I discovered the anarchist revolution of Rojava, which came under
> attack by ISIS. I dropped everything to go help defend this revolution
> as my duty. I served 3 and a half months in the frontline then worked
> in the civil society for the economics committee for more than a year.
> What I saw there in one year I could not have seen elsewhere in 10
> years.
> Rojava is the most important revolution of this century, and the first
> proper anarchist revolution. It is the solution for lasting peace in
> the middle east, and the way forward for our crisis of civilization in
> the west.
> "

Re: Amir Taaki: Crypto Currency Anarchist, Fights ISIS with Rojava YPG

2017-04-05 Thread juan

so grarpamp you're back to your job as US military mouthpiece? 

Amir Taaki: Crypto Currency Anarchist, Fights ISIS with Rojava YPG

2017-04-04 Thread grarpamp
The New Radical

"The evironment is very nice... something worth fighting for..."
vs. "A crisis of civilization in the West." and
"Cryptocurrency sellouts"

An oldie...

Follow subsequent talks here...
https://www.reddit.com/user/amir-taaki ?

At the end of 2014, I was working with a highly skilled team of top
hackers on a world changing project which the EU central bank named as
a top key money laundering threat, ISIS released a report recommending
it to their members and the US military held a meeting over.
Then I discovered the anarchist revolution of Rojava, which came under
attack by ISIS. I dropped everything to go help defend this revolution
as my duty. I served 3 and a half months in the frontline then worked
in the civil society for the economics committee for more than a year.
What I saw there in one year I could not have seen elsewhere in 10
Rojava is the most important revolution of this century, and the first
proper anarchist revolution. It is the solution for lasting peace in
the middle east, and the way forward for our crisis of civilization in
the west.

Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-26 Thread bbrewer

> On Nov 19, 2016, at 2:43 PM, juan  wrote:

>   The whole system depends on a single key?


Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-19 Thread grarpamp
On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 6:49 PM, Cecilia Tanaka
>> What are everyones thoughts on z-cash? Will it become major cryptocurrency
>> along side with bitcoin?
> https://z.cash

Z technology seems good candidate for such a currency.
However the specific instance of it is far from determined.
For example, though zcash (ZEC) has big marketing names
behind it, actual mining stats put zclassic (ZCL) on a path to
overtake zcash. The users behind those stats do not like being
taxed by those big names, and since ZEC is opensource,
ZCL chose to refuse to pay that tax, forked, and tracks ZEC
code thus letting ZEC do their development for them for free,
at least if and until such time as ZEC becomes irrelavant
or ZCL finds need to do more or differently.


> https://z.cash/
> https://keybase.io/blog/keybase-and-zcash
> http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/networks/a-blockchain-currency-that-beats-bitcoin-on-privacy

Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-19 Thread juan
On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 13:54:08 + (UTC)
b...@sdf.org wrote:

> zerocash relies on trusting that they destroyed the original genesis
> key signature. If you trust the Isrealis i guess its great.

The whole system depends on a single key?

Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-19 Thread b0z0

Dash is the best crypto currency that will ever be  :  )

On Sat, 19 Nov 2016, b...@sdf.org wrote:

Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 14:00:01 + (UTC)
From: b...@sdf.org
To: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com>
Cc: CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org>
Subject: Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

sry im typing in bed and pressed send to early. I meant the key that creates 
the ring signature must be destroyed.

The white paper is baffling but thats the jist of it.

On Sat, 19 Nov 2016, b...@sdf.org wrote:

Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 13:54:08 + (UTC)
From: b...@sdf.org
To: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com>
Cc: CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org>
Subject: Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

zerocash relies on trusting that they destroyed the original genesis key 
signature. If you trust the Isrealis i guess its great.

On Fri, 18 Nov 2016, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 21:49:42 -0200
From: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com>
To: CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org>
Subject: Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

On Nov 14, 2016 9:51 PM, "Cannon" <can...@cannon-ciota.info> wrote:

What are everyones thoughts on z-cash? Will it become major

cryptocurrency along side with bitcoin?


"Zcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that offers
privacy and selective transparency of transactions.  Zcash payments are
published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of
a transaction remain private."

*  "Keybase chooses Zcash"


*  "A Blockchain Currency That Beats Bitcoin On Privacy"

Zcash???s new cryptocurrency promises complete anonymity.


SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-19 Thread b0z0

zerocash relies on trusting that they destroyed the original genesis key 
signature. If you trust the Isrealis i guess its great.

On Fri, 18 Nov 2016, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 21:49:42 -0200
From: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com>
To: CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org>
Subject: Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

On Nov 14, 2016 9:51 PM, "Cannon" <can...@cannon-ciota.info> wrote:

What are everyones thoughts on z-cash? Will it become major

cryptocurrency along side with bitcoin?


"Zcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that offers
privacy and selective transparency of transactions.  Zcash payments are
published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of
a transaction remain private."

*  "Keybase chooses Zcash"


*  "A Blockchain Currency That Beats Bitcoin On Privacy"

Zcash???s new cryptocurrency promises complete anonymity.


SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-18 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Nov 14, 2016 9:51 PM, "Cannon"  wrote:
> What are everyones thoughts on z-cash? Will it become major
cryptocurrency along side with bitcoin?


"Zcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that offers
privacy and selective transparency of transactions.  Zcash payments are
published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of
a transaction remain private."

*  "Keybase chooses Zcash"


*  "A Blockchain Currency That Beats Bitcoin On Privacy"

Zcash’s new cryptocurrency promises complete anonymity.


Re: zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-14 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Cannon  wrote:
> What are everyones thoughts on z-cash? Will it become major cryptocurrency 
> along side with bitcoin?

If it's proven to be anonymous, yes, if not, no.
If it's adopted in commerce, yes, if not, no.
If it's adopted as valuestore, yes, if not, no.
The tech has already successfully forked
around some issues, so other than cred
of the original developers, it's kinda moot.

The number of genuinely novel coins is probably
under ten. The rest are just children off the block.
Which is confusing and sad.

zcash: zero proof knowledge crypto currency based on Bitcoin

2016-11-14 Thread Cannon
Hash: SHA512

What are everyones thoughts on z-cash? Will it become major cryptocurrency 
along side with bitcoin?



PGP Fingerprint: 2BB5 15CD 66E7 4E28 45DC 6494 A5A2 2879 3F06 E832 
Email: can...@cannon-ciota.info