Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2020-11-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 10:14:58AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> On November 18, 2018 2:09:47 PM PST, Zenaan Harkness  
> wrote:

> >On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 10:08:49AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> >>  "This is dedicated to the people in the building above me who
> >>  called the cops on me when I was just trying to get some money to
> >>  feed my daughter." ~Karl Marx, Dedication, Communist Manifesto.

That purported dedication by Marx struck a bell when I first read it.

Still does.

I've hunted around again, still can't find if it's apocryphal or factual.  If 
anyone finds a more concrete reference, any link would be appreciated.

Best I found was this:

  Manuscript of Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

.. The only remaining manuscript page of The Communist Manifesto,
written by Karl Marx in 1847. The handwriting is almost illegible.
This text ends with the famous phrases 'The proletarians have
nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working
men of all countries, unite!'
Inv. Nr.: 
archive Karl Marx

> >Ha! Is that actually true?
> Not sure... I read that somewhere but it must have been in the manuscript. 
> doesn't show a dedication.
> I know it appears in this little piece of Knee-Grow music.
> "Yeah, this album is dedicated
> To all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothin'
> To all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin' in front 
> of
> Called the police on me when I was just tryin' to make some money to feed my 
> daughter (it's all good)
> And all the niggas in the struggle
> You know what I'm sayin'? It's all good, baby baby..."
> Rr
> Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2020-11-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 02:00:09PM +1000, wrote:
> > NOW it's a total fucking waste of time to even respond to garbage like
> > this but I feel the need to point out the Khmer Rouge were empowered by
> > the US government and Pentagram, and certainly weren't "left" of anything.
> > But they ARE the goto diversionary narrative whenever schmucks like this
> > mention the alleged genocide in Vietnam that never occurred in the wake of
> > the US rout-departure
> The left passionately denied the bloodbath in Cambodia as they passionately
> denied the bloodbath in Vietnam:
> They only admitted to the bloodbath when Vietnam successfully invaded Cambodia
> - and only then did they blame it somehow on the Americans.
> Back then when Chomsky and Herman wrote, the left, myself among them, all knew
> that something terrible was happening in Vietnam, though most now claim to
> remember otherwise. Today even Chomsky himself now remembers that no one in
> the press even suggested such a thing [12], though back then two months before
> he and Herman so indignantly complained of the failure to report the bloodbath
> as “missing”. the National Review told us [13]:
> "THE BLOODBATH is motivated not so much by hatred or revenge as by the
> necessity for the Communist system to purge itself of undesirable elements
> From a Marxist viewpoint political purge is a necessity in order to achieve
> political purity, a precondition to the building of socialism. Political
> purity ensures single mindedness, which in turn achieves high efficiency. The
> Vietnamese Communists, as they showed in their conduct of the war, are
> doctrinaire single minded, efficient. But not until all Vietnamese men, women,
> and children think the Communist way will political purity be achieved for the
> new nation as a whole. This is why indoctrination (“re-education” as they call
> it) is of prime importance. For those who are too old or too stubborn to
> change elimination is the only alternative."
> The crimes committed by the North Vietnamese regime against the Vietnamese
> people were smaller than the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge against the
> Cambodians, but for us on the left they were emotionally far more significant.
> When these Vietnamese crimes became known, the reaction of the left was ignore
> the facts, the details and evidence of the accusations, and attack the
> messenger, a reaction that was strikingly inconsistent with our self image as
> the conscience of the world, our image of ourselves as people who cared deeply
> about the welfare of faraway strangers. Today, most of the radical left
> comfortably remember these accusations that they so venomously and savagely
> condemned as never having been made.

Let's hope that that "something terrible" does not come to North America.

Time will tell...

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-22 Thread juan
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 18:46:18 + (UTC)
jim bell  wrote:

>  >   uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed 
> out, the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What 
> needs to be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the assembly 
> were the conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 
> 'ancien regime'.

> That explains how it applied in France, in 1795 or so.  

I candidly admit I don't know the whole history of the use of those 
words but I never saw them used in political literature from the 19th century. 
If I had to guess, the terms became common in the 20th century.

Regardless, the fact that monarchists sat on the right was abstracted 
and "the right" became a label for conservatives/monarchists. So it doesn't 
apply only to revolutionary france but to all 

Now, if "the right' is the state-church-oligarchy, ancien regime, or 
powers that be, then people who oppose them must be on "the left", at least 
according to one simple interpretation. In the french case, the people who 
opposed the monarchy were a mix of socialists and fake libertarians, who wanted 
varying degrees of statism.

Quite related fact : a few years before the french revolution there was 
a coup d'etat against the english monarchy in north america. This coup d'etat 
is known as the "american revolution" and was funded and supported by the 
french monarchy. Furthermore, more than a few particular fake 
libertarians(jefferson and co.) were involved in both the french and american 

So in the english colonies a bunch of criminals overthrew the english 
monarchy (so they were left wingers) with help from the french monarchy and 
founded a slave empire. So they were far right wingers...

Coincidentally I wonder if children in the USA learn about the fact 
that the american coup d'etat was funded by the french. I further wonder if 
children in public schools are informed of the fact that public 'education' is 
socialism and political brainwashing.

>  >   Now, key features of fascism are close cooperation between the 'private' 
> sector and government and nationalism-militarism, also known as imperialism. 
> Fascists usualy believe that they are god's chosen master race and that they 
> have a Manifest Destiny. In other words the old mercantilists from the 
> british empire and modern day fascists like the americunts are both 'right 
> wingers'. And actually modern day corporatists-imperialists  are simply the 
> continuantion of 18th century imperialists. 

> I won't argue with this, now, except to point out that the so-understood 
> "leftist" dictatorships of the 20th century (usually based on Communism) 
> tended to have analogous beliefs.  Not identical, of course, but analogous.  
> For example, Juan says:
> "Fascists usualy believe that they are god's chosen master race and that they 
> have a Manifest Destiny."
> My response is that "race" is fairly irrelevant:  We can't choose our race.  
> It's not a "variable", and certainly not in the short-term.  One could argue, 
> "What does it matter if one person believes, and even declares, that his race 
> is superior?  Unless he tries to act on this belief in a hostile or otherwise 
> violent way, it is functionally irrelevant".

Agreed, if a some people are racists and they just talk about it, then 
it's mostly irrelevant. 

But when lots of people are racists, like say, the germans, the jews, 
the americans, and similar imperialist assholes are, then racism becomes an 
important anti-libertarian factor.

In the case of americans, so called 'liberals' actually don't give a 
fuck about racism OR are racists themselves. They pose as being against racism 
only for war propaganda purposes. Notice that the 'liberals' where the assholes 
promoting eugenics at the beginning of the 20th century. OOPS -they did that 
before hitler and co go figure...

>   Yet, you will notice today that most of the American Left obsesses about 
>"Nazis"  (seemingly their chosen label for anyone who they have come to 
>dislike) who, they claim, believe themselves to be superior.  My response is:  
>"Does it really matter what THEY believe about themselves?  Is it relevant?  
>Is it significant?  

Of course racism is significant in the US.

> As for "Manifest Destiny":   Communists had the idea that their system would 
> inexorably spread around the world, destroying all other forms of government. 
>  (So, that is indeed akin to a "Manifest Destiny".)   

Yes, that's my point. Commies and american fascists are close cousins. 
And I'd put the commies on the left, and the americans who think they have a 
'manifest destiny' on the right. 

> Does anyone remember the stories about the Soviet Union, with its "5-year 
> plans"?   Shoe factories, for instance, were ordered by 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-22 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-23 04:46, jim bell wrote:
This led me to the conclusion that in the limited area of dictatorships, 
there really isn't much difference between "left" and "right".  These 
labels become fairly irrelevant.  

Pinochet kills three thousand commies, who previously wrecked the 
economy and terrorized the middle class, and are now trying to overthrow 
him.  Restore order and prosperity.  Demonized by the Western Media.

King of Saudi Arabia kills one journalist, maintains order.  Demonized 
by the western media.

Burmese Government kills a few thousand Muslims, some of whom are 
terrorists, and the rest of whom are the cover that the terrorists hide 
among.  Demonized by the western media.

Vienam murders several hundred thousand capitalists.  Western media love 

Looks to me that there is a difference between right wing dictators and 
left wing dictators.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-22 Thread jim bell
 My comments inline:
On Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 11:45:27 PM PST, juan  wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 17:04:56 +1000 wrote:

> On 2018-11-21 12:39, juan wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:31:11 + (UTC)
> > jim bell  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> In any case, I think that the 'convention' that we refer to "fascism" as 
> >> being "right-wing" was, and is, completely phony.�
> > 
> >     so assuming that commies and nazis and other fascists are on the left, 
> > who is on the right then?
> Whosoever wants to restore civilization against the darkness is on the 
> right.

 >   uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed out, 
the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What needs to 
be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the assembly were the 
conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 'ancien regime'.
That explains how it applied in France, in 1795 or so.  

 >   Now, key features of fascism are close cooperation between the 'private' 
sector and government and nationalism-militarism, also known as imperialism. 
Fascists usualy believe that they are god's chosen master race and that they 
have a Manifest Destiny. In other words the old mercantilists from the british 
empire and modern day fascists like the americunts are both 'right wingers'. 
And actually modern day corporatists-imperialists  are simply the continuantion 
of 18th century imperialists. 
I won't argue with this, now, except to point out that the so-understood 
"leftist" dictatorships of the 20th century (usually based on Communism) tended 
to have analogous beliefs.  Not identical, of course, but analogous.  For 
example, Juan says:
"Fascists usualy believe that they are god's chosen master race and that they 
have a Manifest Destiny."
My response is that "race" is fairly irrelevant:  We can't choose our race.  
It's not a "variable", and certainly not in the short-term.  One could argue, 
"What does it matter if one person believes, and even declares, that his race 
is superior?  Unless he tries to act on this belief in a hostile or otherwise 
violent way, it is functionally irrelevant".   Yet, you will notice today that 
most of the American Left obsesses about "Nazis"  (seemingly their chosen label 
for anyone who they have come to dislike) who, they claim, believe themselves 
to be superior.  My response is:  "Does it really matter what THEY believe 
about themselves?  Is it relevant?  Is it significant?  
As for "Manifest Destiny":   Communists had the idea that their system would 
inexorably spread around the world, destroying all other forms of government.  
(So, that is indeed akin to a "Manifest Destiny".)   
Nevertheless that never happened, and it presumably didn't happen because 
Communism was eventually revealed to be horribly flawed.  Even by the late 
1920's and mid-1930's, Russian Communists had begun murdering over a million 
Kulaks (people who didn't want to give up their on personally-owned farms to 
the collective.)     From that article: 
("The word kulak originally referred to independent farmers in the Russian 
Empire who emerged from the peasantry and became wealthy following the Stolypin 
reform, which began in 1906. The label of kulak was broadened in 1918 to 
include any peasant who resisted handing over their grain to detachments from 
Moscow.[1] During 1929–1933, Joseph Stalin's leadership of the total campaign 
to collectivize the peasantry meant that "peasants with a couple of cows or 
five or six acres more than their neighbors" were labeled "kulaks".[2]")
Another enormous flaw with Communism (and really, with all systems that purport 
to be 'centrally-planned') is that it is virtually impossible to run an economy 
by central control.   I saw an essay once that discussed, as an example, the 
food-distribution function in Manhattan.  It explained that it was enormously 
complex, and only 'worked' because all the components made their own decisions. 
 (Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand").    It was certainly not possible to do so in 
the era before computers and Internet networking, and remains impossible today. 
Does anyone remember the stories about the Soviet Union, with its "5-year 
plans"?   Shoe factories, for instance, were ordered by "the plan" to produce a 
certain number (at least) of millions of pairs of shoes.  Well, they did so, 
but they tended to be of a small number of styles that many people didn't want! 
  Sure, they met 'the plan', but they didn't meet the wants and needs of the 
public.   Walk into any shoe store today, in America, and there are many 
hundreds of styles, multiplied by dozens of sizes.  A centrally-planned system 
never could accomplish this.  

    China killed perhaps 20 million people in the "Great Leap Forward", a plan 
which no doubt was intended to bring the prosperity that Mao saw in Western 
nations.  Ironically, now China is achieving 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-22 Thread juan
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 19:16:50 +1000 wrote:

> > > Corvee was typically one day a week working on the fields or some such.
> > > Which is a lot less than I spend working for the government.
> On 2018-11-22 18:11, juan wrote:
> > One day a week of slavery? cool.
> Way better than today's slavery.

Well today's slavery is what fucktards like you have created. I don't 
understand why you keep whining about it. It's your own creation. And thanks to 
'techy' fucktards like you and your 'science' we now enjoy a global 
surveillance police state which will soon put a radio transmitter in your 
brain. Or whatever passes for brain in your case. 

So, please go back to sucking trumpo's cock. That's all you can do.

> >> The
> >> ancient regime did not and could not send a generation off to Russia to 
> >> die.
> > oh, I'm sure there were no wars in the roman empire, in feudal europe 
> > and in monarchist europe 
> No wars fought by conscript troops,

stop lying, retard.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-22 Thread jamesd

> Corvee was typically one day a week working on the fields or some such.
> Which is a lot less than I spend working for the government.

On 2018-11-22 18:11, juan wrote:

One day a week of slavery? cool.

Way better than today's slavery.

ancient regime did not and could not send a generation off to Russia to die.

	oh, I'm sure there were no wars in the roman empire, in feudal europe and in monarchist europe 

No wars fought by conscript troops, nor any wars with the horrifying 
casualty rates typical of modern wars fought with expendable conscript 

except hyperinflation in france existed in the 18th century (that is 
almost 100 years before the revolution)

There was the important difference that though John Law could inflate
away the paper money in your pocket, he did not and could not try to
force bakers to supply bread for worthless money, unlike Venezuela today
and unlike Revolutionary France.

what the fuck are you talking about.

In Venezuela, and in Revolutionary France, the government enforces 
official maximum prices.

When goods are not available at these prices, which they never are, the 
government proceeds to punish whosoever formerly produced goods.

As a result, people went hungry in revolutionary France, and are going 
hungry in Venezuela.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-22 Thread juan
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 17:50:54 +1000 wrote:

> >> On 2018-11-21 17:45, juan wrote:
> >>>   uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed 
> >>> out, the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What 
> >>> needs to be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the 
> >>> assembly were the conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives 
> >>> of the 'ancien regime'.
>  > On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 16:04:56 +1000
>  > wrote:
> >> The ancient regime was theoretically absolute, and in an important sense
> >> was absolute, but could not conscript,
> On 2018-11-22 16:56, juan wrote:
> > excetp, of course it could
> > 
> >
> Corvee was typically one day a week working on the fields or some such. 
> Which is a lot less than I spend working for the government. 

One day a week of slavery? cool. 

> The 
> ancient regime did not and could not send a generation off to Russia to die.

oh, I'm sure there were no wars in the roman empire, in feudal europe 
and in monarchist europe - hi hi hi. Seriously, what's the point of you 
vomiting one piece of nonsense after the other? 

what's the point of you constantly lying to yourself? How can you 
pretend to be so blind as to not see that your 'modern' government is the 
logical extension of the divine right of kings? 

> > except hyperinflation in france existed in the 18th century (that is 
> > almost 100 years before the revolution)
> > 
> > 
> >
> There was the important difference that though John Law could inflate 
> away the paper money in your pocket, he did not and could not try to 
> force bakers to supply bread for worthless money, unlike Venezuela today 
> and unlike Revolutionary France.

what the fuck are you talking about. 

> >> Which gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire.
> > 
> > notice that's exactly what a 'progressive' socialist would say.
> But that is because they, and you, lie.

what? - again you are a 'techno' fascist. You are the exact same sort 
of retard who thinks that the world should be ruled by a socialist  'artificial 
super intelligence'. 

here's a mirror for you

> Progressives have destroyed science, and socialists' attempts at 
> industrialization were second rate (reflect on soviet cars), relied on 
> buying or stealing technology developed by capitalists

lol - you are a left-wing techno-fascist bot James. I challenge you to 
think for yourself and say anything at least half original.

But the problem is, as either a lefty or a righ-winger, you are totally 
and completely unable to THINK.  All you can do is repeat whatever program your 
masters put into you. 

> (soviet cars and 
> car factories were copied from the US under American engineers) and came 
> at horrifying human cost.

sure sure

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-21 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-21 17:45, juan wrote:

uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed out, the 
left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What needs to be added is that the 
people who sat on "the right" of the assembly were the 
conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 'ancien regime'.

> On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 16:04:56 +1000
> wrote:

The ancient regime was theoretically absolute, and in an important sense
was absolute, but could not conscript,

On 2018-11-22 16:56, juan wrote:

excetp, of course it could

Corvee was typically one day a week working on the fields or some such. 
Which is a lot less than I spend working for the government.  The 
ancient regime did not and could not send a generation off to Russia to die.

except hyperinflation in france existed in the 18th century (that is 
almost 100 years before the revolution)

There was the important difference that though John Law could inflate 
away the paper money in your pocket, he did not and could not try to 
force bakers to supply bread for worthless money, unlike Venezuela today 
and unlike Revolutionary France.

Which gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire.

notice that's exactly what a 'progressive' socialist would say.

But that is because they, and you, lie.

Progressives have destroyed science, and socialists' attempts at 
industrialization were second rate (reflect on soviet cars), relied on 
buying or stealing technology developed by capitalists (soviet cars and 
car factories were copied from the US under American engineers) and came 
at horrifying human cost.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-21 Thread juan
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 16:04:56 +1000 wrote:

> On 2018-11-21 17:45, juan wrote:
> > uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed 
> > out, the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What 
> > needs to be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the assembly 
> > were the conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 
> > 'ancien regime'.
> The ancient regime was theoretically absolute, and in an important sense 
> was absolute, but could not conscript,

excetp, of course it could

> nor alter taxes from traditional 
> sense, so in a very important sense far less absolute than the regime 
> that replaced it, that wound up flaying bakers for charging more than 
> the maximum and committing hyperinflation, 

except hyperinflation in france existed in the 18th century (that is 
almost 100 years before the revolution)

In other words you are either fuckingly ignorant, or playing retarded 
(something that really suits you)

Last but not least, whatever crimes the 'new regime' commited they were 
simply the continuation of the crimes of the old regime. 

> after the fashion of 
> Venezuela and wiped out entire generation of Frenchmen invading Russia.
> The divine right regime of Charles the Second gave us corporate 
> capitalism, 

lol - so the only valuable thing you've ever said is that you 'were' a 
leftist. The fact that you were a leftist and now are a fuckingly retarded, 
far-right fascist is pretty much a mathematical identity. 

You could be a bit more entertaining if you managed to actually come up 
with half a thought on your own instead of robotically parroting nonsense... 
parroting nonsense like a good 'ex' leftist.   

But then again you *are* a leftist, that is an unthinking idiot. 

>Which gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire.

notice that's exactly what a 'progressive' socialist would say. 

So the almost complete identity between left and right, or between 
western left-wing fascism and right-wing fascism is divinely embodied in 
fucktard James. 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-21 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-21 17:45, juan wrote:

uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed out, the 
left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What needs to be added is that the 
people who sat on "the right" of the assembly were the 
conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 'ancien regime'.

The ancient regime was theoretically absolute, and in an important sense 
was absolute, but could not conscript, nor alter taxes from traditional 
sense, so in a very important sense far less absolute than the regime 
that replaced it, that wound up flaying bakers for charging more than 
the maximum and committing hyperinflation, after the fashion of 
Venezuela and wiped out entire generation of Frenchmen invading Russia.

The divine right regime of Charles the Second gave us corporate 
capitalism, made the scientific method as called for by Robert Boyle in 
the "Skeptical Chymist" high status and socially enforced, and 
instituted corporate capitalism.

Which gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire.

So whoever wants to restore civilization against the darkness is going 
to look very like those who sat on the right hand side of the assembly

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-21 Thread juan
On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 02:49:31 -0500
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> On 11/20/18 10:41 PM, juan wrote:
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > I don't think the 2d graph adds much. The assumption that 'economic' 
> > freedom and 'personal' freedom are different things is obviously flawed. 
> > Also, the assumption that 'conservatives' favor 'eonomic' freedom whereas 
> > 'modern' 'liberals' favor 'personal' freedom is flawed as well. In practice 
> > both 'conservatives' and 'liberal' are...fascists =) 
> Not economic vs. personal freedom, but rather, economic (commerce) vs.
> coercive (political) agency:  Concentration of capital and firepower in
> more or less hands.

That would be your X axis? 

> > Nolan came up with his chart because libertarianism doesn't fit the 
> > mainstream left/right classification, BUT the notion that mainstream left 
> > and right are half libertarian is complete bullshit, wishful thinking and 
> > dishonest pandering. In practice, both liberals and conservatives pay some 
> > *lip service* to 'personal' or 'eonomic' freedom while fully supporting 
> > fascism. 
> I was under the impression that Nolan came up with that chart in an
> effort to persuade people dissatisfied with the Left/Right spectrum that
> they "belong in" the Libertarian Party.

I guess that's a related reason. 

> I can't fault his motives:  

It's not that I fault his motives. Rather I think the chart 
misrepresents the nature of left and right. In the nolan chart left and right 
are halfway between libertarian and authoritairan, but in reality they have 
varying degrees of authoritarianism. 

> Before the hostile takeover that converted
> the Libertarian Party to a Radical Conservative a.k.a. Coprporatist org
> back in the late 1990s, the Party had a lot to offer - I was a fan and
> booster.  Today, I can not distinguish Libertarian Party advocates and
> its (rare) candidates for political office from "socially tolerant"
> Republicans.  The Libtards do talk a slightly different game, but I
> could not care less about that:  Performance is my bottom line.

What's your take on this?

Anyway, my understanding is that the LP was supposed to be a means to 
'educate' people rather than to seize power. It seems to have failed in both 
accounts at any rate. And at times the LP candiates were outright neocons, so, 

> > Anyway, we can simply have a line (or segment I guess) with anarchists 
> > on one end and authoritarians on the other end. And then we can classify 
> > the whole library accordingly. 
> That's the X axis on the graph...
> > As to the placement of left and right in your graph, seems to me that 
> > both left and right should be at the top since both are authoritarian. And 
> > none of them favor free enterprise either...
> I put the Right near the Anarchist end of the scale, because "Private
> power" vs. "State power" indicates one central State authority vs.
> numerous competitive State-chartered Corporate entities:  Think Soviet
> Union vs. United States, toward the end of the Cold War era.

But state chartered and privileged businesses are hardly anarchist? 
Another interpretation could be that your bottom left quadrant is literally 
"anarcho capitalism", but that's confusing because at least in theory "anarcho 
capitalism' is a synonym for full free enterprise. Though granted more than a 
few self styled 'anarcho capitalists' are 'anarcho' fascists. 

Overall I think the problem in your graph is that your capitalism/free 
enterprise axis should be parallel to the authoritarian/anarchist axis since 
authoritarian systems control all aspects of the lives of the subjects 
including of course economic activity.

However in a cartesian plane the data in te X axis isn't necessarily 
related to the data in the Y axis. The x,y components are independent so you 
can have any combination of x,y and you can have things like "authoritarian 
free enterprise" which is a clearly contradiction. 

here's one possible take.

notice that the area marked in grey repesents "authoritarian 
individualism" which is something that doesn't make sense so even in this case 
teh 2d format isn't optimal.

> Thanks to several generations of full saturation Big Lie propaganda,
> many people believe that Corporate Capitalism "is" Free Enterprise.  


> But
> in real life the two present as natural enemies:  When an independent
> sole prop or partnership starts cutting into a major corporation's
> market by bringing a superior product to market at a competitive price,
> our Corporate Capitalists use their massive financial reserves to
> destroy the independent enterprise:  

Yes. So perhaps in your 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-21 Thread grarpamp
> My initial reaction was "fuck y'all." Subsequent
> experience has proved my instinctive anarchist response correct.

> America's real silent majority, our classic Liberals, have no voice

> Meanwhile, thanks to many contributing factors that all come back to
> "make money fast, at any human cost," we remain on track for human
> extinction.  My own informal model, based on 40 years of obsessive
> attention to relevant geophysical data and models, indicates that at
> most single digit millions of humans will survive into the 2200s, with
> full extinction likely to follow within another century.  Setting an
> extinction date presents challenges:  The last humans will live under
> conditions similar to long-stay missions to Mars, but with abundant
> water and relatively convenient air pressure and temperature as major
> advantages.  As on Mars, a few minutes of unprotected exposure "outside"
> will be fatal.  One might wish our future Earth Colonists all the best...
> But that's another story: Search on NOVA Mass Extinction, then look for
> a mirror because WGBS no longer hosts that file.  When I'm really in the
> zone, I imagine that plans for Mars missions exist to provide cover for
> technology incubators developing methods for human survival under
> upcoming atmospheric and etc. conditions right here on Sol III Prime.
> "Gentlemen, we can not allow a Mine Shaft Gap!"
> vs. we can not afford to put off the business of shutting the
> Petrochemicals industry right the fuck down, and fast.  No aboveground
> political faction on the Left or Right, so called, will stand for that;
> they would literally kill you first, in an effort to discourage others.
>  So the final answer is left as a lab exercise... for all the marbles.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread Steve Kinney

On 11/20/18 10:41 PM, juan wrote:

>   I don't think the 2d graph adds much. The assumption that 'economic' 
> freedom and 'personal' freedom are different things is obviously flawed. 
> Also, the assumption that 'conservatives' favor 'eonomic' freedom whereas 
> 'modern' 'liberals' favor 'personal' freedom is flawed as well. In practice 
> both 'conservatives' and 'liberal' are...fascists =) 

Not economic vs. personal freedom, but rather, economic (commerce) vs.
coercive (political) agency:  Concentration of capital and firepower in
more or less hands.

>   Nolan came up with his chart because libertarianism doesn't fit the 
> mainstream left/right classification, BUT the notion that mainstream left and 
> right are half libertarian is complete bullshit, wishful thinking and 
> dishonest pandering. In practice, both liberals and conservatives pay some 
> *lip service* to 'personal' or 'eonomic' freedom while fully supporting 
> fascism. 

I was under the impression that Nolan came up with that chart in an
effort to persuade people dissatisfied with the Left/Right spectrum that
they "belong in" the Libertarian Party.

I can't fault his motives:  Before the hostile takeover that converted
the Libertarian Party to a Radical Conservative a.k.a. Coprporatist org
back in the late 1990s, the Party had a lot to offer - I was a fan and
booster.  Today, I can not distinguish Libertarian Party advocates and
its (rare) candidates for political office from "socially tolerant"
Republicans.  The Libtards do talk a slightly different game, but I
could not care less about that:  Performance is my bottom line.

>   Anyway, we can simply have a line (or segment I guess) with anarchists 
> on one end and authoritarians on the other end. And then we can classify the 
> whole library accordingly. 

That's the X axis on the graph...

>   As to the placement of left and right in your graph, seems to me that 
> both left and right should be at the top since both are authoritarian. And 
> none of them favor free enterprise either...

I put the Right near the Anarchist end of the scale, because "Private
power" vs. "State power" indicates one central State authority vs.
numerous competitive State-chartered Corporate entities:  Think Soviet
Union vs. United States, toward the end of the Cold War era.

Thanks to several generations of full saturation Big Lie propaganda,
many people believe that Corporate Capitalism "is" Free Enterprise.  But
in real life the two present as natural enemies:  When an independent
sole prop or partnership starts cutting into a major corporation's
market by bringing a superior product to market at a competitive price,
our Corporate Capitalists use their massive financial reserves to
destroy the independent enterprise:  Dump lookalike products on the
market at a loss, regulate their competitors out of business with the
help of friendly, well bribed State agencies, or etc.  This perspective
comes from first hand observation, as a participant in high functioning
small businesses stomped flat as soon as they became competitive by
bringing superior products at completive prices to market.


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Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread juan
On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 17:04:56 +1000 wrote:

> On 2018-11-21 12:39, juan wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:31:11 + (UTC)
> > jim bell  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> In any case, I think that the 'convention' that we refer to "fascism" as 
> >> being "right-wing" was, and is, completely phony.�
> > 
> > so assuming that commies and nazis and other fascists are on the left, 
> > who is on the right then?
> Whosoever wants to restore civilization against the darkness is on the 
> right.

uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed 
out, the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What needs 
to be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the assembly were the 
conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 'ancien regime'.

Now, key features of fascism are close cooperation between the 
'private' sector and government and nationalism-militarism, also known as 
imperialism. Fascists usualy believe that they are god's chosen master race and 
that they have a Manifest Destiny. In other words the old mercantilists from 
the british empire and modern day fascists like the americunts are both 'right 
wingers'. And actually modern day corporatists-imperialists  are simply the 
continuantion of 18th century imperialists. 

So the question for Jim Bell remains. What political doctrines are 
'right wing'? 


Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-21 12:39, juan wrote:

On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:31:11 + (UTC)
jim bell  wrote:

In any case, I think that the 'convention' that we refer to "fascism" as being 
"right-wing" was, and is, completely phony.�

so assuming that commies and nazis and other fascists are on the left, 
who is on the right then?

Whosoever wants to restore civilization against the darkness is on the 

Whosoever speaks truthfully about natures of men and women is on the right.

Whosoever wants to return to the system that gave us industrialization, 
technology, science, and empire is on the right.

Whosoever wants to allow men and women to durably contract to form 
families is on the right.

Whosoever wants to restore Pauline marriage, marriage as it existed up 
to the fifties and early 1960s, is on the right.

Whosoever wants science to return to the scientific method as prescribed 
by Robert Boyle and practiced from 1603 and 1944 is on the right.

And proof of this is that anyone who deviates from leftism on any one of 
these issues, will be accused by leftists of deviating on all of them.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread juan
On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:51:38 -0500
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> The X axis represents distribution of Private power into fewer hands
> (Capitalism) or more hands (Free Enterprise).  The Y axis represents
> distribution of State power into fewer hands (Authoritarian) or more
> hands (Anarchist).  I do not label the quadrants, leaving that as an
> exercise.  Examining various "ideologies" in the context of this graph
> provides a bit of potentially educational fun.  Which quadrant would you
> rather live in, and why?
> In this example I place the Right and Left on the graph:

I don't think the 2d graph adds much. The assumption that 'economic' 
freedom and 'personal' freedom are different things is obviously flawed. Also, 
the assumption that 'conservatives' favor 'eonomic' freedom whereas 'modern' 
'liberals' favor 'personal' freedom is flawed as well. In practice both 
'conservatives' and 'liberal' are...fascists =) 

Nolan came up with his chart because libertarianism doesn't fit the 
mainstream left/right classification, BUT the notion that mainstream left and 
right are half libertarian is complete bullshit, wishful thinking and dishonest 
pandering. In practice, both liberals and conservatives pay some *lip service* 
to 'personal' or 'eonomic' freedom while fully supporting fascism. 

Anyway, we can simply have a line (or segment I guess) with anarchists 
on one end and authoritarians on the other end. And then we can classify the 
whole library accordingly. 

As to the placement of left and right in your graph, seems to me that 
both left and right should be at the top since both are authoritarian. And none 
of them favor free enterprise either...

of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread Steve Kinney

On 11/20/18 4:31 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 12:08:58 PM PST, Razer 
> wrote:
>>There IS a "Left" and there IS a "Right"...
> Yes, and the origin of that meme was the outcome of the French
> revolution in 1789 onwards.  "The right", of that location and era, sat
> in the legislature on the "right", and "The Left", of that location and
> era, sat in the legislature on the "left".
> Simple for post-revolutionary France.  But applying that to other
> nations and at different times can be difficult.  And, being only
> one-dimensional, it's quite inadequate and highly misleading.  

In modern usage, the one dimensional Left/Right scale only measures how
stupid, immoral, evil, etc. others are relative to oneself, as a
function of the distance between them and oneself on the scale.  At
least, I have not seen it applied for any other purposes than
demonization or self congratulation.  The complexity of the rhetoric
varies in proportion to the speaker's intelligence and vocabulary.

Oddly enough, in this context the Left/Right scale works the same no
matter which end of that scale gets which label.  That feature enables
people to have endless fun "proving" that whichever end the the scale
they ain't on represents "the REAL Nazis."  The larger the distance
between a given Self and Other, the worse and therefore more "Nazi" the
Other.  One works backward from there to prove the conclusion.

A couple of years ago I made graph similar to the Nolan chart but much
simpler and more concrete, as its axes represent the distribution of
political power in State and Private sectors among larger vs. smaller
numbers of individuals.

The X axis represents distribution of Private power into fewer hands
(Capitalism) or more hands (Free Enterprise).  The Y axis represents
distribution of State power into fewer hands (Authoritarian) or more
hands (Anarchist).  I do not label the quadrants, leaving that as an
exercise.  Examining various "ideologies" in the context of this graph
provides a bit of potentially educational fun.  Which quadrant would you
rather live in, and why?

In this example I place the Right and Left on the graph:

My assignment of "Left" and "Right" to specific coordinates does not
refer to abstract ideological constructs, but rather represents my
observation of the aggregate behavior and practical objectives of people
who strongly self-identify with Right and Left brand labels in the
United States at present.

I like this kind of model because I prefer an ecological approach to
political studies:  I view popular political ideologies as emotionally
loaded verbal formulas used to manipulate people's cognitive processes
and responses to commands, for the speaker's benefit at the audience's
expense.  Conversely, I think of "political reality" as the dynamic
evolution of human power relationships in a changing material
environment over time.  (Lately I have been very gratified to see a
discipline called Biophysical Economics on the rise in academia; I would
describe it as "economics in a world where the laws of physics exist.")

In political rhetoric, Fascism can mean whatever anyone with Fascist
leanings needs it to mean, to pin the label on someone else.  But
academic historians do provide some useful guidelines for the rest of
us.  Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler
(Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and
several Latin American regimes.

Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make
constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other
paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on
clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of
enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are
persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of
"need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of
torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of
prisoners, etc.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people
are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate
a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious
minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic
problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government
funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military
service are glamorized.

5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost
exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender
roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are
suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the
family institution.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread juan
On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:31:11 + (UTC)
jim bell  wrote:

> In any case, I think that the 'convention' that we refer to "fascism" as 
> being "right-wing" was, and is, completely phony.  

so assuming that commies and nazis and other fascists are on the left, 
who is on the right then? 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-21 06:08, Razer wrote:

There IS a "Left" and there IS a "Right"...

Left=Anarcho-Communism(communalism et al)

...and an infinite number of points in between.


There is one left and a thousand non lefts.

Every leftist believes one thousand and one points of official doctrine, 
and tolerates no deviation, and whosever deviates on any one point is 
supposedly an extreme rightist racist nazi nazi Hitler HITLER, even if 
the points of doctrine, like the confederate flag being OK, and gay 
marriage not OK, were part of Obama's 2008 platform.

And you, Razer, formulaically chant the official leftist script on every 

One leftist says "Hail fellow anarchist", but nontheless gives us the 
official leftist script on every issue, one says "Hail fellow black 
male", but nontheless gives us the official leftist script on every 
issue, another says "hail fellow white male", but nontheless gives us 
the official leftist script on every issue, "Hail fellow Democrat", 
"hail fellow Nazi", "hail fellow greenie", but the formulaic and 
repetitious script never changes, except that if they are saying "Hail 
fellow Nazi", they call Trump a Jew, and if they are saying "Hail fellow 
progressive", they call him a Nazi.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread jim bell
 On Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 12:08:58 PM PST, Razer  wrote:
 >There IS a "Left" and there IS a "Right"...

Yes, and the origin of that meme was the outcome of the French revolution in 
1789 onwards.  "The right", of that location and era, sat in the legislature on 
the "right", and "The Left", of that location and era, sat in the legislature 
on the "left".
Simple for post-revolutionary France.  But applying that to other nations and 
at different times can be difficult.  And, being only one-dimensional, it's 
quite inadequate and highly misleading.  

Actually, while I realize that this has become a 'convention', an agreed-upon 
idea, I challenge that concept.  The Italian "Fascist" Party was formed by a 
schism (an ideological split, a feud) within the Italian Socialist Party, in 
1915, over the relatively simple idea of whether Italy should enter WWI, which 
it eventually did on the side of France and Britain. 
 Benito Mussolini famously 
headed the "Fascists", as they were called.  Nevertheless, "Fascists" were 
still "socialists".   "Fascists" did not suddenly decide, 'we are tired of 
being left-wingers, we want to be right-wingers instead!!!'   
No, they were still socialists.  And, like socialists, they wanted big, 
controlling governments.  It's just that THEY wanted to be in control of those 
big, controlling governments.  And eventually, they wanted to use 
government-directed violence against citizens, as would eventually be done in 
Russia, China, and every other communist nation.
Similarly, Germany eventually formed the Nazi party.  Why should we call that 
"right-wing"?  Strong, authoritarian government, that uses violence against its 
citizens.  Why didn't 'we' call that "left-wing", rather than "right wing"?
Given that the terms "left-wing" and "right-wing" originally came from 
Post-Revolutionary France, I wonder how anybody could be strongly confident 
that one label or another applies in any given situation.  
In any case, I think that the 'convention' that we refer to "fascism" as being 
"right-wing" was, and is, completely phony.  I think it was primarily based on 
the fact that there eventually became a war between "national socialists" and 
"communist-socialists" between 1939 and 1945.  Some Socialists couldn't stand 
the idea that other Socialists had just started a war, one that had killed 60+ 
million people.  Don't forget the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, of 1939   , in which 
Stalin gave Hitler the 'cover' he wanted to become confident to start WWII, and 
he did so.  
The "solution", I suggest, was that they decided to label "fascism" (one kind 
of socialism) as being "right wing", safely kept away from another kind of 
socialism (Communism).  So, each could safely blame each other for all the ills 
of the world, without seeming to be attacking themselves.  

>Left=Anarcho-Communism(communalism et al)

Sorry, I have to disagree again.  One big problem is that the term "anarchist" 
gets thrown around a lot.  I have considered myself an "anarchist libertarian" 
since 1995, because I figured out how to solve the problem of eliminating that 
last bit of government, becoming my Assassination Politics essay.  So, I think 
I should have some credibility here.  (Many and probably most people who called 
themselves "anarchists", even today, were not aware of David Friedman's "Hard 
Problem", to which I described the solution when I invented AP.
(Sadly, for 20+ years, David Friedman has seemed to have trouble acknowledging 
that I at least sketched out the solution to his "Hard Problem", in my AP 
essay.  I wasn't even aware that he had called that problem "The Hard Problem" 
in January 1995, when I found the solution.) 
I think that many people who call themselves "anarchists", and people who are 
called "anarchists", don't really BELIEVE in the concept of "zero government".  
Many of them, today, I believe, are actually pro-big-government socialists who 
have become discouraged by the failure of virtually every attempt at Communism 
that has been tried.  Even Red China's 'main claim to fame', in the last 20 
years, has been the adoption of what should probably be labellable as an 
(imperfect)  market economy.  Put simply, if China hadn't done that, it would 
have been about as backward a nation as it was in, say, 1970.   And Walmart 
would have had to find another supplier for a large portion of its items for 

>"...and an infinite number of points in between"

I think a one-dimensional political spectrum is hopelessly crude and 
misleading.  Far better is the Nolan Chart,     and the World's Smallest 
Political Quiz, ×

>From the moment that I first became aware of it, probably 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-20 Thread Razer

On November 19, 2018 10:54:19 PM PST, Steve Kinney  wrote:
>On 11/19/18 6:02 PM, juan wrote:
>>> On the brighter side, now Xenan will have lots of company over there
>>> my CPunks Spam folder.  I'm sure they will get along just fine, out
>>> sight and out of mind.
>>  I open Zen's messages to see if they include a dailystormer link. I
>can't believe he puts one or more links to the ds in every message, but
>he does.
>>  And maybe I should expand my "uh oh" comment a bit. James used to be
>a leftist and now he's a rightist. He was a partisan and he is a
>partisan. He was a 'progressive' social engineer and now he's a
>conservative social engineer, left and right being two sides of the
>same coin.
>Ah, the Progressives!  I first got to know them back when they were
>called the New Left:  Think "Hanoi" Jane Fonda & co.  Over the years my
>on-contact categorical rejection of the New Left's message evolved into
>a personal theory that they were, wittingly or otherwise, fielded by a
>Federal domestic political warfare activity.  Their mission:  Displace
>and discredit Pacifists and Liberals who were getting way too much
>influence during the Vietnam War.  As always in mass media, nothing
>attracts attention like violence, even if it's only violent and
>deliberately offensive rhetoric; the plan, if plan it was, worked very
>In this same time frame, COINTELPRO was A Thing and the FBI went so far
>as to provide training, money, arms and explosives to Militant
>creating "shocking headlines" in an effort to equate anti-war and other
>Liberal / ComSymp sentiments with violent extremism in the public mind.
> In light of the FBI arranging for people to actually bomb banks and
>such, it would be absurd to imagine that they did not also field double
>agents, witting or witless, to present a stereotyped "made to be hated"
>pro-Commie, anti-American "Leftist" message to the Folks At Home.
>A funny thing happened after the Vietnam War:  The New Left still had
>its press contacts and professional networks, and kept right on going.
>After a few years of dormancy, Hanoi Jane married a conventional
>politician and got a faux Liberal makeover.  At about that time I
>started running into people in real life who presented as political
>activists and talked about "political correctness" as if they had some
>moral right to dictate what Liberals and Radicals could and could not
>think, say and do.  My initial reaction was "fuck y'all." Subsequent
>experience has proved my instinctive anarchist response correct.
>The Progressives worked industriously through the Reagan years, and
>managed to take over key roles in the Democratic Party.  They elected
>one of their own - The Clintons - to the Presidency.  Did the old New
>Left do that on their own, or with assistance from our Security
>Services?  I have no hard data on that, but need I mention the
>relationship established when the CIA obtained full support from
>Governor Clinton for the Iran/Contra cocaine trafficking business, and
>the infamous Clinton Body Count from that era?  Since before that day
>the present, Progressive political actors have worked hand in glove
>radical fringe Right Wing extremist elements of our "Deep State."
>The Clintons' zero-tolerance policy toward folks like the Patriot
>Movement (who remembers Ruby Ridge?), and the mass murder they carried
>out in Wayco, Texas do not impress me as evidence of an anti-Right
>agenda.  I see a commitment to Corporate interests who dictate a zero
>tolerance policy toward any kind of wildcat political organizing, not
>under the firm control of well entrenched, uber-wealthy factions in the
>U.S. political/economic ecology.
>Today our peasants outnumber our dominant aristocrats by about 3/4
>million to one, and that can't be a comfortable position for a de facto
>criminal elite to find itself in.  Populism presents an existential
>threat to the world as they know it - a world where less than
>1/100,000th of the population literally makes all the decisions
>affecting our species as a whole.  So it can't be allowed, is all.
>Anyone who doubts the identity vs. "close relationship" of the
>Progressive establishment with the Far Right needs only look into the
>relationship between Henry Kissinger and Hillary Clinton:  They present
>themselves in public as best buddies, and Hillary calls him her mentor.
> Her own track record for mass murder has yet to rise to Kissinger
>status - Honduras, Libya and Syria notwithstanding - but put her in the
>Oval Office and watch the fun!
>In light of the above model, the whole Left vs. Right paradigm in
>U.S. politics presents as a Big Lie.  The only differences I see
>the Parties of our duoploy are rhetorical, and a bias toward
>prioritizing service to financial services and communications
>shareholder value (Democrats) vs. Petrochemicals and Military
>Contracting industries' shareholder value 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-19 Thread Steve Kinney

On 11/19/18 6:02 PM, juan wrote:

>> On the brighter side, now Xenan will have lots of company over there in
>> my CPunks Spam folder.  I'm sure they will get along just fine, out of
>> sight and out of mind.
>   I open Zen's messages to see if they include a dailystormer link. I 
> can't believe he puts one or more links to the ds in every message, but he 
> does.
>   And maybe I should expand my "uh oh" comment a bit. James used to be a 
> leftist and now he's a rightist. He was a partisan and he is a partisan. He 
> was a 'progressive' social engineer and now he's a conservative social 
> engineer, left and right being two sides of the same coin.

Ah, the Progressives!  I first got to know them back when they were
called the New Left:  Think "Hanoi" Jane Fonda & co.  Over the years my
on-contact categorical rejection of the New Left's message evolved into
a personal theory that they were, wittingly or otherwise, fielded by a
Federal domestic political warfare activity.  Their mission:  Displace
and discredit Pacifists and Liberals who were getting way too much
influence during the Vietnam War.  As always in mass media, nothing
attracts attention like violence, even if it's only violent and
deliberately offensive rhetoric; the plan, if plan it was, worked very

In this same time frame, COINTELPRO was A Thing and the FBI went so far
as to provide training, money, arms and explosives to Militant Leftists,
creating "shocking headlines" in an effort to equate anti-war and other
Liberal / ComSymp sentiments with violent extremism in the public mind.
 In light of the FBI arranging for people to actually bomb banks and
such, it would be absurd to imagine that they did not also field double
agents, witting or witless, to present a stereotyped "made to be hated"
pro-Commie, anti-American "Leftist" message to the Folks At Home.

A funny thing happened after the Vietnam War:  The New Left still had
its press contacts and professional networks, and kept right on going.
After a few years of dormancy, Hanoi Jane married a conventional
politician and got a faux Liberal makeover.  At about that time I
started running into people in real life who presented as political
activists and talked about "political correctness" as if they had some
moral right to dictate what Liberals and Radicals could and could not
think, say and do.  My initial reaction was "fuck y'all." Subsequent
experience has proved my instinctive anarchist response correct.

The Progressives worked industriously through the Reagan years, and
managed to take over key roles in the Democratic Party.  They elected
one of their own - The Clintons - to the Presidency.  Did the old New
Left do that on their own, or with assistance from our Security
Services?  I have no hard data on that, but need I mention the
relationship established when the CIA obtained full support from
Governor Clinton for the Iran/Contra cocaine trafficking business, and
the infamous Clinton Body Count from that era?  Since before that day to
the present, Progressive political actors have worked hand in glove with
radical fringe Right Wing extremist elements of our "Deep State."

The Clintons' zero-tolerance policy toward folks like the Patriot
Movement (who remembers Ruby Ridge?), and the mass murder they carried
out in Wayco, Texas do not impress me as evidence of an anti-Right
agenda.  I see a commitment to Corporate interests who dictate a zero
tolerance policy toward any kind of wildcat political organizing, not
under the firm control of well entrenched, uber-wealthy factions in the
U.S. political/economic ecology.

Today our peasants outnumber our dominant aristocrats by about 3/4
million to one, and that can't be a comfortable position for a de facto
criminal elite to find itself in.  Populism presents an existential
threat to the world as they know it - a world where less than
1/100,000th of the population literally makes all the decisions
affecting our species as a whole.  So it can't be allowed, is all.

Anyone who doubts the identity vs. "close relationship" of the
Progressive establishment with the Far Right needs only look into the
relationship between Henry Kissinger and Hillary Clinton:  They present
themselves in public as best buddies, and Hillary calls him her mentor.
 Her own track record for mass murder has yet to rise to Kissinger
status - Honduras, Libya and Syria notwithstanding - but put her in the
Oval Office and watch the fun!

In light of the above model, the whole Left vs. Right paradigm in modern
U.S. politics presents as a Big Lie.  The only differences I see between
the Parties of our duoploy are rhetorical, and a bias toward
prioritizing service to financial services and communications
shareholder value (Democrats) vs. Petrochemicals and Military
Contracting industries' shareholder value (Republican).

America's real silent majority, our classic Liberals, have no voice in
national policy under a system that locks out candidates for 

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-19 Thread jamesd

On November 18, 2018 1:56:31 PM PST, wrote:

You lie about Vietnam as the American left formerly lied about


On 2018-11-19 08:17, Razer wrote:

You must mean US LaRouchieLabor Party 'left'.

Leftists are all NPCs, all speaking from one script, like an unhelpful
call center workers manning an unhelpful help line, and when the script

is suddenly changed, all leftists everywhere suddenly change and no
longer remember that yesterday they were saying something completely

Leftists spoke with one voice before 1978 December 25th, and they spoke

with one voice after 1979 February 16th, but now they say the opposite
of what they said before before 1978 December 25th.

Show us a link to a leftist admitting the Cambodian Autogenocide before

1978 December 25th, or to a leftist denying the Cambodian Autogenocide
after 1979 February 16th.

So, link us to a someone you consider a leftist who acknowledged the 
Khmer Rouge autogenocide before 1978 December 25th or denied if after 
1979 February 16th.

1. I don't go to links named "", or whatever, for authoritative info.

So give us your own link that shows a leftist saying something different 
from the authoritative and official script.

If you say that leftists existed who gave us a different story, link

Right here buddy.

But right now you are robotically and mechanically giving us today's 
official leftist script the Vietnamese bloodbath (no such thing, and no 
one even suggested there was such a thing, and if anyone suggested there 
was such a thing they don't count) and on the Khmer Rouge autogenocide 
(that it happened but the CIA did it) and if you were writing before 
1978 December 25th you would have been giving us the previous official 
script - no such thing happened, and no one even suggested it was 
happening, and if anyone did suggest such a thing happened they don't 
count because such an absurd and outrageous suggestion proves that they 
are a lunatic ultra extreme right winger.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-19 Thread juan
On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 15:20:38 -0500
Steve Kinney  wrote:

> On 11/18/18 12:17 AM, juan wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 14:34:11 +1000
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> I ceased to be a leftist when
> > 
> > uh oh...
> On the brighter side, now Xenan will have lots of company over there in
> my CPunks Spam folder.  I'm sure they will get along just fine, out of
> sight and out of mind.

I open Zen's messages to see if they include a dailystormer link. I 
can't believe he puts one or more links to the ds in every message, but he does.

And maybe I should expand my "uh oh" comment a bit. James used to be a 
leftist and now he's a rightist. He was a partisan and he is a partisan. He was 
a 'progressive' social engineer and now he's a conservative social engineer, 
left and right being two sides of the same coin.

> :o)

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-19 Thread Steve Kinney

On 11/18/18 12:17 AM, juan wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 14:34:11 +1000
> wrote:
>> I ceased to be a leftist when
>   uh oh...

On the brighter side, now Xenan will have lots of company over there in
my CPunks Spam folder.  I'm sure they will get along just fine, out of
sight and out of mind.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-19 Thread Razer

On November 18, 2018 2:09:47 PM PST, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
>On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 10:08:49AM -0800, Razer wrote:
>>  "This is dedicated to the people in the building above me who
>>  called the cops on me when I was just trying to get some money to
>>  feed my daughter." ~Karl Marx, Dedication, Communist Manifesto.
>Ha! Is that actually true?

Not sure... I read that somewhere but it must have been in the manuscript. doesn't show a dedication.

I know it appears in this little piece of Knee-Grow music.

"Yeah, this album is dedicated
To all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothin'
To all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin' in front of
Called the police on me when I was just tryin' to make some money to feed my 
daughter (it's all good)
And all the niggas in the struggle
You know what I'm sayin'? It's all good, baby baby..."


Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-19 Thread Razer

On November 18, 2018 4:05:38 PM PST, wrote:
 Because nothing of the sort happened in Vietnam that's ever been
 documented anywhere.
>On November 18, 2018 1:56:31 PM PST, wrote:
>>> You lie about Vietnam as the American left formerly lied about
>On 2018-11-19 08:17, Razer wrote:
>> You must mean US LaRouchieLabor Party 'left'. 
>Leftists are all NPCs, all speaking from one script, like an unhelpful 
>call center workers manning an unhelpful help line, and when the script
>is suddenly changed, all leftists everywhere suddenly change and no 
>longer remember that yesterday they were saying something completely 
>Leftists spoke with one voice before 1978 December 25th, and they spoke
>with one voice after 1979 February 16th, but now they say the opposite 
>of what they said before before 1978 December 25th.
>Show us a link to a leftist admitting the Cambodian Autogenocide before
>1978 December 25th, or to a leftist denying the Cambodian Autogenocide 
>after 1979 February 16th.

Your definition of "Leftist" apparently includes fascist organizations (US 
Labor Party, LaRouchies), which is ideologically impossible. You can't tell 
left from right or conflate them at whim to make a point.

>Every single leftist every where, in the sense that any leftist
>who deviated from the party line was promptly denounced and purged, 
>every tenured Academic everywhere, in the sense that there was not one 
>dissenting voice in all of tenured Academia in the entire world, lied 
>about the Cambodian Autogenocide until 1979 January the eighth, when 
>Phnom Penh fell to the Vietnamese, whereupon every leftist every where 
>turned on a dime, admitted the Cambodian Autogenocide and started 
>blaming it on the CIA,
>I just gave you a link to Chomsky denying, excusing, and justifying the
>Cambodian autogenocide.

1. I don't go to links named "", or whatever, for authoritative info. 

2. Noam Chomsky is not representative of my POV (for one, he believes in 
so-called "humanitarian interventions") 

3. Your NZ scumbag Nazi buttfuck friend approves of it, so it MUST be a 
diseased link.

>If you say that leftists existed who gave us a different story, link

Right here buddy. Except I'm not a 'leftist'... the 'ist' prefix meaning 
"somethng like".

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread jamesd

And you lie again.

On 2018-11-19 08:17, Razer wrote:

I might make mistakes, but I NEVER lie.

You are stubbornly insisting that the left did not abruptly and 
uniformly change its line on Cambodia and on the liquidation of the kulaks

If you are making a mistake, you are making a mistake while determinedly 
ignoring facts and evidence that has been brought to your attention - 
which amounts to lying.

You are giving us the official leftist story on Cambodia (official after 
1979 February 16, but completely different from the official left wing 
story before 1978 December 25) indifferent to whether it is true or 
false.  That is lying, in that you are faithful to script, and 
unfaithful to the evidence.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread jamesd

Because nothing of the sort happened in Vietnam that's ever been
documented anywhere.

On November 18, 2018 1:56:31 PM PST, wrote:

You lie about Vietnam as the American left formerly lied about Cambodia

On 2018-11-19 08:17, Razer wrote:
You must mean US LaRouchieLabor Party 'left'. 

Leftists are all NPCs, all speaking from one script, like an unhelpful 
call center workers manning an unhelpful help line, and when the script 
is suddenly changed, all leftists everywhere suddenly change and no 
longer remember that yesterday they were saying something completely 

Leftists spoke with one voice before 1978 December 25th, and they spoke 
with one voice after 1979 February 16th, but now they say the opposite 
of what they said before before 1978 December 25th.

Show us a link to a leftist admitting the Cambodian Autogenocide before 
1978 December 25th, or to a leftist denying the Cambodian Autogenocide 
after 1979 February 16th.

Every single leftist every where, in the sense that any leftist anywhere 
who deviated from the party line was promptly denounced and purged, 
every tenured Academic everywhere, in the sense that there was not one 
dissenting voice in all of tenured Academia in the entire world, lied 
about the Cambodian Autogenocide until 1979 January the eighth, when 
Phnom Penh fell to the Vietnamese, whereupon every leftist every where 
turned on a dime, admitted the Cambodian Autogenocide and started 
blaming it on the CIA,

I just gave you a link to Chomsky denying, excusing, and justifying the 
Cambodian autogenocide.

If you say that leftists existed who gave us a different story, link them.

Re: of elephants and men

2018-11-18 Thread Tomasz Rola
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 03:03:44PM +1100, Alfie John wrote:
> Hey Zenaan,
> Are your posts always off topic to Cypherpunks? Maybe other people
> disagree with me, but I somehow feel your purpose here is to make
> users unsubscribe 樂
> Alfie

Myself, as a general rule, I do not killfile or filter my mbox. I only
skip over. But I admit I have read some messages from Zenaan, because
why not and subjects were intriguing...

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.  **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home**
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...  **
** **
** Tomasz Rola **

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread Razer

On November 18, 2018 1:56:31 PM PST, wrote:
>> Because nothing of the sort happened in Vietnam that's ever been
>documented anywhere.
>You lie about Vietnam as the American left formerly lied about Cambodia

You must mean US LaRouchieLabor Party 'left'. Anything to the left of Alt-right 
is 'left' to disinformation trolls like you, after all.
>and Russia, because you intend to do to us what was done to them.

We'll retrain you to be a useful member of society, and if you don't want that, 
that's ok... you can keep collecting welfare checks like you do now. We won't 
mind... and we'll be able to up your benefits because the Pentagon will be... 

>You lied before.
>And you lie again.

I might make mistakes, but I NEVER lie.

Cite my mistakes or go troll, fish.

>Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

A Junior Bush quote... how apropos.


Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 10:08:49AM -0800, Razer wrote:
>  "This is dedicated to the people in the building above me who
>  called the cops on me when I was just trying to get some money to
>  feed my daughter." ~Karl Marx, Dedication, Communist Manifesto.

Ha! Is that actually true?

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread jamesd

Because nothing of the sort happened in Vietnam that's ever been documented 

You lie about Vietnam as the American left formerly lied about Cambodia 
and Russia, because you intend to do to us what was done to them.

You lied before.

And you lie again.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-19 04:08, Razer wrote:

On November 17, 2018 8:17:38 PM PST, wrote:

The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the
liquidation of the Kulaks until Khruschev's secret speech, long after
the liquidation

There you go... Thinking the USSR was actually a communist country.

Totalitarian collectivism isn't communism

And yet, while the kulaks were being liquidated, you guys sure thought 
it was communism.  You only ceased to think it was communism when they 
refrained from murdering as many people as you think should be murdered.

And here is Chomsky supporting and denying the Cambodian autogenocide 
while millions of refugees fled the terror:

Shortly before he denounced it with equal vigor - denounced it not 
because any new facts had become available, but because the Vietnamese 
invasion of Cambodia now needed to justified.

The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the
Vietnamese bloodbath, and continue to deny it to this day.

nothing of the sort happened in Vietnam that's ever been documented anywhere.

That is exactly what you guys, for example Chomsky, were saying about Khmer Rouge Cambodia, 
until suddenly you started saying the opposite about Cambodia, because 
it suddenly became convenient to do so.

You lie, you lie in support of mass murderers, because you intend to 
commit mass murder.

Millions of refugees fled Vietnam.  They said there was a bloodbath, and 
they were fleeing it, just as millions fled Cambodia, and said there was 
a genocide and they were fleeing it.

You are telling us the same lie about Vietnam as Chomsky in the link 
above tells us about Cambodia, and the lie is equally blatant in both cases.

Here is a fisking of Chomsky's lies about Cambodia:

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 02:40:21PM +1000, wrote:
> [12]
> [13]

Nice collection of links/cites by the way!

Thanks :)

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-18 Thread Razer

On November 17, 2018 8:17:38 PM PST, wrote:
>The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the 
>liquidation of the Kulaks until Khruschev's secret speech, long after 
>the liquidation

There you go... Thinking the USSR was actually a communist country.

Totalitarian collectivism isn't communism

>The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the
>autogenocide, until the Vietnamese invaded and conquered, three years 
>after the autogenocide had been widely publicized.
>The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the 
>Vietnamese bloodbath, and continue to deny it to this day.

Vietnamese Bloodbath... You mean in Cambodia? Because nothing of the sort 
happened in Vietnam that's ever been documented anywhere.

As far as Cambodia goes, that "Bloodbath" committed  by the Vietnamese, IF if 
ever actually occured, would be their wiping out of left-behind and indigenous 
CIA proxies. Much like the Syrians, with Russian assistance, are doing to 
another group of CIA proxies.

If it was societal 'Familcide', it was the CIA's proxies killing off anyone who 
disagreed with them. The Khmer Rouge weren't "Left", and no one I ever met 
thought they were, so you and your Scumbag alt-right friends, and Westerners 
indoctrinated into the myth of Merica, believe that garbage... Sort of  like 
believing in Chemtrails distributed by commercial airliners, or Russians in the 
hotel room with Donald Trump, pissing on him.

Speaking of pissed... Proof that one pissed-off person can change EVERYTHING:

 "This is dedicated to the people in the building above me who called the cops 
on me when I was just trying to get some money to feed my daughter." ~Karl 
Marx, Dedication, Communist Manifesto.


Sent from my Androgyny dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread juan
On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 14:34:11 +1000 wrote:

> I ceased to be a leftist when

uh oh...

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread jamesd



Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread jamesd
Within my lifetime there have been two enormous mass murders committed 
by the left overseas, and each of them was simultaneously supported and 
denied by the American left.

I ceased to be a leftist when I saw the flood of refugees fleeing the 
bloodbath in Vietnam and fleeing the Khmer Rouge autogenocide, not so 
much because these enormous crimes horrified me, but because the 
reaction of my fellow leftists to these gigantic crimes horrified me.

And, since that is how they reacted to the liquidation of the kulaks, 
the great leap forward, the Vietnamese bloodbath, and the Cambodian 
autogenocide, that is likely what is coming for America.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread jamesd
The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the 
liquidation of the Kulaks until Khruschev's secret speech, long after 
the liquidation

The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the Cambodian 
autogenocide, until the Vietnamese invaded and conquered, three years 
after the autogenocide had been widely publicized.

The left enthusiastically supported and indignantly denied the 
Vietnamese bloodbath, and continue to deny it to this day.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread jamesd
The world knew of the mass murders in Vietnam and autogenocide of 
Cambodia through the enormous flood of refugees produced by these 
enormous crimes.

The left responded to both crimes in exactly the same way, 
simultaneously gleefully rejoicing and smarmily denying.

Only after the Vietnamese communists defeated the Cambodian communists, 
did they suddenly then declare, three years later, that the Cambodian 
autogenocide had happened and was a very bad thing - while continuing to 
deny the Vietnamese bloodbath.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread jamesd
The left rejoiced at the liquidation of the kulaks, and only got around 
to saying it was a bad thing when Stalin was condemned in the secret speech.

They rejoiced in the Vietnamese bloodbath at the same time as they 
denied it.

They rejoiced in the Cambodian bloodbath at the same time as they 
denied, and then suddenly changed their tune when the Vietnamese 
communists conquered the Cambodian communists.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread jamesd

On 2018-11-18 06:24, Razer wrote:

On November 16, 2018 4:42:08 PM PST,  wrote:

The violence of leftists is continually and rapidly escalating.  War

The only question is:  Do they wipe themselves out after killing a few
million or so, as in Khmer Rouge Cambodia and Szechuan province, or

-- I KNOW it's a total fucking waste of time to even respond to garbage 
like this but I feel the need to point out the Khmer Rouge were 
empowered by the US government and Pentagram, 

Commie lie.

The supposed mechanism by which the Pentagon empowered the Khmer Rouge 
was by bombing the hell out of them, which story does not make any sense 
at all, and in any case the bombing stopped two years before they took 
power, so looks like it was effective in stopping them for as long as it 

And the predicted bloodbath in Vietnam did in fact take place as 
expected and predicted, and all you guys loved it at the same time as 
you denied.  It supposedly was not happening, and the victims supposedly 
really deserved it.

Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2018-11-17 Thread Razer

On November 16, 2018 4:42:08 PM PST, wrote:
>The violence of leftists is continually and rapidly escalating.  War 
>The only question is:  Do they wipe themselves out after killing a few 
>million or so, as in Khmer Rouge Cambodia and Szechuan province, or


I KNOW it's a total fucking waste of time to even respond to garbage like this 
but I feel the need to point out the Khmer Rouge were empowered by the US 
government and Pentagram, and certainly weren't  "left" of anything. But they 
ARE the goto diversionary narrative whenever schmucks like this mention the 
alleged genocide in Vietnam that never occurred in the wake of the US 

Scumbags like James are the people who spit on US soldiers returning from 
Vietnam, so it could be blamed on antiwar protesters who weren't even allowed 
near returning soldier's points of departure and return.


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail.

Re: of elephants and men

2018-11-16 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 02:24 Steve Kinney 
> Postscript:  Holey Fukkenshit, I just read the last post "of the moment"
> from Himself.  Something about Donald Trump being an incarnate God, and
> pitiful revenge fantasies about killing Anarchists.  

A bit of fun music:

Yawn, ...  Zzzenaan is a complete waste of space, oxygen, water, food,
and time.  Always so boring, stupid and tedious...  ( -_- )zzz...leeping!

I do definitely love all my e-mail filters!  <3

Re: of elephants and men

2018-11-16 Thread John Newman
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 03:03:44PM +1100, Alfie John wrote:
> Hey Zenaan,
> Are your posts always off topic to Cypherpunks? Maybe other people disagree 
> with me, but I somehow feel your purpose here is to make users unsubscribe 樂

The answer is: yes, basically. Not only off-topic, but the most inane
racist propaganda bullshit pulled, generally, from a small handful of
toxic sites for the highly credulous. 

Znn is toxic.  Kill-file him, as I've done, and it spares you the
wasted time :)


[ .. snip .. ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: of elephants and men

2018-11-14 Thread Steve Kinney

On 11/14/18 11:03 PM, Alfie John wrote:
> Hey Zenaan,
> Are your posts always off topic to Cypherpunks? Maybe other people disagree 
> with me, but I somehow feel your purpose here is to make users unsubscribe 樂

Aw shucks.  Zenaan didn't make me unsubscribe.  He did make me create a
spam filter rule, and all his posts and replies land in their very own
folder - just in case the "stopped clock twice daily" effect produces
any real surprises.

Years later, still waiting


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: of elephants and men

2018-11-14 Thread Alfie John
Hey Zenaan,

Are your posts always off topic to Cypherpunks? Maybe other people disagree 
with me, but I somehow feel your purpose here is to make users unsubscribe 樂


Sent from my iPhone

> On 15 Nov 2018, at 10:29 am, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> The younger generations today need rescuing, frankly.
> In the Absence of Fathers: A Story of Elephants and Men
> The Delinquents - CBS News
> [PDF] The effect of mature elephant bull introductions on ranging
> patterns ...
> … this abnormal behaviour was corrected by introducing older bulls
> and culling certain problem elephants…
> Elephants Run To Greeting A New Rescued Baby Elephant
> Blind elephant dances to the music of Bach on the piano
> Cheers
> Zen

of elephants and men

2018-11-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The younger generations today need rescuing, frankly.

 In the Absence of Fathers: A Story of Elephants and Men

 The Delinquents - CBS News

 [PDF] The effect of mature elephant bull introductions on ranging
 patterns ...
 … this abnormal behaviour was corrected by introducing older bulls
 and culling certain problem elephants…

 Elephants Run To Greeting A New Rescued Baby Elephant

 Blind elephant dances to the music of Bach on the piano
