UPS Ship Notification, Tracking Number : UKP879985839016HZZT

2005-01-03 Thread Lola A. Battelle

Check here if your message above does not load.

 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.	Mark Twain [Samuel Langhornne Clemens] (1835-1910)	 anisotonic
 They aren't enjoying running. balaenid
 About life  acroanesthesia
 I am enjoying eating in the river. amorphinism
 Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.	-Sir James Dewar, Scientist (1877-1925)	 aegirine
 Did Anthony miss running? causational
 It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best.	W. Edwards Deming	 ascaron
 We've tried to include features in the program for students with many disabilities. I needed Spanish in my classroom, so Spanish was added. I wanted something to engage students who are not interested in language, thus musical interludes and movement were incorporated. I wanted to be able to change the prompts (music,movements, etc.) on-the-fly. We wanted to provide for those requiring augmentative communication device and so the Mayer-Johnson symbols are included and can morph from the photographs. I wanted a cause-and-effect program for my students who didn't understand the automatic scan. The Switch-On-Picts activity was developed. We realized more types of scans would be advantageous. Three types of scanning routines have been added. I wanted 2 and 3 piece puzzles. Here they are. One of my parents wanted Dr. Seuss types of stories with real pictures. We wrote some 'ditties' and here's StoryTime. attention

/Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?/

2005-01-03 Thread jim

Hello! send this letter to 1000 newspapers, radios   use

/Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?/
By: Andrew Limburg
Independent Media TV
Now I don't claim to be an expert on seismic activity, but there has 
been a series of events which led up to the 9.0 earthquake of the 
coast of Indonesia which can not be ignored. This all could be an 
enormous coincidence, but one must look at the information and choose 
for themselves whether there is anything to it.
On November 28th, one month ago, Reuters reported that during a 3 day 
span 169 whales and dolphins beached themselves in Tasmania, an 
island of the southern coast of mainland Australia and in New 
Zealand. The cause for these beachings is not known, but Bob Brown, a 
senator in the Australian parliament, said sound bombing or seismic 
tests of ocean floors to test for oil and gas had been carried out 
near the sites of the Tasmanian beachings recently.

According to Jim Cummings of the Acoustic Ecology Institute, Seismic 
surveys utilizing airguns have been taking place in mineral-rich 
areas of the world's oceans since 1968. Among the areas that have 
experienced the most intense survey activity are the North Sea, the 
Beaufort Sea (off Alaska's North Slope), and the Gulf of Mexico; 
areas around Australia and South America are also current hot-spots 
of activity.

The impulses created by the release of air from arrays of up to 24 
airguns create low frequency sound waves powerful enough to penetrate 
up to 40km below the seafloor. The source level of these sound 
waves is generally over 200dB (and often 230dB or more), roughly 
comparable to a sound of at least 140-170dB in air.

According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, these 200dB - 
230dB shots from the airguns are fired every few seconds, from 10 
meters below the surface, 24 hours a day, weather permitting.

These types of tests are known to affect whales and dolphins, whose 
acute hearing and use of sonar is very sensitive.

On December 24th there was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake more than 500 
miles southeast of Tasmania near New Zealand, with a subsequent 
aftershock 6.1 a little later in the morning that same day.

On December 26th, the magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck at the 
intersection of the Australian tectonic plate and the India tectonic 
plate. This is the devastating tragedy that we have all heard about. 
The death toll of this horrific event has reached 52,000 souls and 
continues to rise.

On December 27th, 20 whales beached themselves 110 miles west of 
Hobart on the southern island state of Tasmania.

What is interesting about this is that the same place where the whale 
beachings have been taking place over the last 30 days is the same 
general area where the 8.1 Australian earthquake took place, and this 
is the same area where they are doing these seismic tests. Then 2 
days after the Australian tectonic plate shifted, the 9.0 earthquake 
shook the coast of Indonesia.

A great deal of interest and seismic testing has been taking place in 
this area, as the government of Australia has given great tax breaks 
to encourage the oil exploration.

Many animals saved by the abilitys to  pick up other signals  than us.
We will be following up on this story as more information is gathered.

Hello! send this letter to 100 newspapers, rockgroups ,radios
a o please:
(Because I am only 1 worker on projects)
Make safety sone-distance to dangerobjects/dangeous guns
(dont touch them) agression
both to get max safety
Avoid war: never be angy,(its always ingredient in
warfare  crime)and sure not friendly those viruses
In the irrational hate,mr revenge plays a key role


This feeling-mess people take serious + it makes eternal
global detours

!. Deep primitive hate have no end ,just like love
hate contains intence refuse + condemnation.darkness no end

Those who hate therebye dont know of the good things of a

Its the most stupid feeling of all.results eternal revenge in
war .aviod\fear weapon

Hate creates a limited world and lets fantasi and random def
of old incidents
of old incidents
again  again used to rule. (heartless)
again  again used to rule. (heartless)
So that hate therebye also creates insanety is no
next time the law system  karma  always keep safety
distance to guns
distance to guns
Get red of the hate on your human PC www.silva
Get red of the hate on your human PC www.silva
important ufo job 2000- 

100100110101110101100110010001same system for animal brothers, 
be nice to them

Help people to get less looser creating judging

Think global !progression!given of our 2xsun planet friends!

Hate is a childish virus. aggression\treat is illegal


How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

2005-01-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga

PBS: I, Cringely -- The Pulpit

How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

By Robert X. Cringely

A friend of mine is missing in southern Asia.

She isn't missing in the sense that anyone saw her swept away by this
week's horrible tsunami, but she and her entire family haven't been heard
from, either so of course, I am worried. That worry makes real for me a
disaster of such horrific proportions that without a personal connection,
it simply can't be real to most of us. By the time all the bodies have been
counted and estimated, probably 100,000 people will have died. If cholera
follows, as it tends to in that part of the world, another 40,000 or more
could follow. That's a lot of people, 140,000 -- enough people that we
ought to do something to make sure it doesn't happen again. So of course,
there is lots of talk about tsunami warning systems and global cooperation,
but I think that's just going about solving the problem the wrong way. We
don't need governments and huge sensor arrays to warn people on the beach
about the next huge wave approaching at 400 miles-per-hour. Thanks to the
Internet, we can probably do it by ourselves.

Here's the problem with big multi-government warning systems. First, we
have a disaster. Then, we have a conference on the disaster, then plans are
proposed, money is appropriated, and three to five years later, a test
system is ready. It isn't the final system, of course, but it still
involves vast sensor arrays both above and below the surface of the ocean,
satellite communication, and a big honking computer down in the bowels of
the Department of Commerce or maybe at NASA. That's just the detection
part. The warning part involves multilateral discussions with a dozen
nations, a treaty, more satellite communication, several computer networks,
several television and radio networks, and possibly a system of emergency
transmitters. Ten years, a few million dollars and we're ready.

We can't rely on governments to do this kind of work anymore. They just
take too darned long and spend too much money for what you get. Besides,
since governments are almost totally reactive, what they'll build is a
warning system for precisely the tsunami we just had -- a tsunami bigger
than any in that region since the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. One could
argue (and some experts probably will) that it might even be a waste of
money to build a warning system for a disaster that might not happen for
another 121 years.

What we need is a tsunami warning system not just for parts of Asia, but
for anywhere in the world that might be subject to such conditions. And
that decision about what beaches to protect ought to come not from
Washington, D.C., or Jakarta, or any other capital city, but from the beach
people, themselves. If you are concerned about a giant tidal wave taking
out your village, it might be a good idea to build your own warning system,
you retired engineer, you Radio Shack manager, you harbor master, you radio
amateur, you nerd with a suntan.

It can be done.

The Tsunami Warning System (TWS) in the Pacific Ocean shows us how such a
warning system can be run with the cooperation of 26 countries. Maybe we
can do the same thing, just without all that cooperation. TWS is based on
crunching two kinds of data -- seismic activity and changes in sea level
measured by tide gauges. Most tsunamis begin with an earthquake, the
severity and epicenter of which can tell a lot about whether a tsunami is
likely, how strong it will be, and in what direction it is likely to go.
From the TWS, the first warning is based purely on such seismic data. But
once the big wave starts rolling it will have an effect on the level of the
sea, itself, which is routinely monitored by weather stations of many
types. This additional data gives a better idea of how bad the wave is
really going to be, so in the TWS system, it is used to justify expanding
the warning to other communities beyond those warned purely on the basis of
seismic data.

Depending on where the originating earthquake is, the tsunami can be
minutes or hours from crashing into a beach. This week's wave took about 90
minutes to reach Sri Lanka, just over 600 miles from the epicenter. That
not only means the wave was traveling at over 400 miles-per-hour, it also
means that had a warning system been in place, there would easily have been
time to get the people who were affected in Sri Lanka to higher ground.

So to start, we need raw seismic data. If you take a look at the fourth of
this week's links, you'll see that plenty of such data are available.
Thanks to the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network, here is one place
where you can find real time data from 199 seismographs around the world.
There are also links to a dozen regional operations that consolidate such
data. The data is available. Tide gauge data is available, too, though
there is less of it, and aggregation will 

Link Exchange

2005-01-03 Thread Joshua Williams
Dear Webmaster,
We run several websites offering accommodation services in Europe and I thought 
might be interested in Exchanging Links with us. Exchanging Links can bring 
both of us 
mutual benefits i.e. Increased Traffic to our websites.

We provide several travel-related sites. All of them are Page Rank 5 or 6. Our 
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If you are interested please contact me.

If you got this message in error please forward this mail to your webmaster.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Joshua Williams

If you'd like to be removed from our mail-list, please send an email to [EMAIL 

KMSI January Newsletter

2005-01-03 Thread KMSI
Title: KMSI January Newsletter



KMSI January NewsletterDear list member, All of us at KMSI would like to thank everyone for an extremely successful 2004!  What a year it has been!  We have ended the year with an impressive list of new customers and many other equally impressive prospective customers doing extensive testing of KMx.  Customers now include; a Multinational Automobile Manufacturer, an Multinational Electronics Manufacturer, a very large Medical Professional Association, a Large Moving and Storage Company, a Large Federal Government Contractor, an International Online Medical School, a Portuguese Professional Society and many more. It is obvious that the KMx Value Proposition has struck a chord within the eLearning Community and draws eLearning Organizations to us.  Additionally we have expanded our offerings to include a full spectrum of professional support services.  Our support services (see below) help our customers to realize even greater advantages from KMx, by working with them to get the absolute most out of the KMx Value Proposition.KMx Value PropositionKMx was conceived out of frustration of the eLearning Industry.  Our management team have all worked as practitioners within eLearning for a number of years and set out to change the way eLearning was done and the way it was priced.  We formed KMSI and then attempted to build a fully functional platform, including a comprehensive LMS and LCMS, a Synchronous eLearning delivery tool, and a set of eLearning development tools.  We wanted this platform to be easy to use, reasonably priced and to work seamlessly with other platforms. Our KMx platform has wonderfully hit that mark, with attributes as follows:

-  KMx is very easy to use, by training practitioners.  Knowledge of Programming is not required!

-  KMx allows the easy conversion of Training materials to eLearning, measured in hours of effort not weeks of effort!

-  KMx implementation is measured in numbers of days versus numbers of months!

-  KMx does NOT require a Team of IT Professionals to maintain.  It is fully maintained by the Training Personnel.

-  KMx is inexpensive. In todays marketplace of hundreds of thousands of dollars, KMx stands out as a reasonably priced option.

-  KMx is NOT priced based on User Fees.  We feel that practice causes a Training Professional to stop and think Do I really want to deliver this training knowing that my costs are going to increase? So we eliminated that practice all together.

-  KMx seamlessly works with other SCORM Compatible Platforms.  You are NOT addicted to using just KMx, but if you have materials built with other systems or programs, or a different SCORM LMS, KMx will seamlessly and almost effortlessly interface.

-  KMx seamlessly works with Third Party vendors who provide Generic eLearning Content.

-  KMx provides an impressive ROI.  Due to the low costs to license, the fast implementation time, no need for a team of IT professionals to maintain, the reuse of existing eLearning content, the fast development of new eLearning content, and the total lack of User Fees, Maintenance Fees, Upgrade Fees, KMx customers are enjoying a Large ROI and the ability to focus their budget on creating content that is specific to their our operational needs.
Click here for more informationKMSI Service OfferingsBased on feedback from our customers this year, KMSI has expanded and formalized its professional services offering.  In addition to the consulting and support services already provided to customers from its Maryland headquarters, KMSI has established additional operations based in Texas and California. The consulting support provided by KMSIs professional services staff along with a growing partner network, is designed to assist customers with the deployment of KMSIs flagship Advanced Distributed Learning Platform, KMx.  Our professional services now include:

*Front end analysis, strategy development, program design and project planning 

*Establishment of business processes to manage the flow of activities, information, and data within the Learning Solution or Learning Organization 

*Establishment of the as is and to be configuration of the applications to support the migration from existing and/or legacy LMS/KCMS applications to KMx 

*Change management and communication 

*Installation support, including the installation of multiple instances (org IDs) 

*Configuration of the LMS application, including the establishment of the standard processes described above (go through the application to turn on or off all of the options available to a company) 

*Integration with other enterprise applications, including Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) or financial management systems 

*User training, including the training of administrators, managers/supervisors, and end users  including development of customer-specific step-by-step procedures, ILT 

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2005-01-03 Thread Cathleen Stark
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PayPal Account Updates ! AIKZEF

2005-01-03 Thread
Ovo je e-mail koji je poslan sa web stranica  Poslao ga je
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Ponedjeljak, Sijecanj 3, 2005 u 20:53:31

: Dear Member

We Here at PayPal, are sorry to inform you that we are having problem's 
with the billing information on your account.  
We would appreciate it if you would go to our website and fill out the 
proper information that we  need to keep you as an 
PayPal  member.

Please Update your account information by visiting our updates web site 

Steve Johnson.
Billing Updates Center
Account Updates Team.


Ebay ID Number.YNSFQJ

We do hope to continue doing business with you. 



buy vicdoin at home

2005-01-03 Thread Lacy Berg

Re: How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

2005-01-03 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:01 AM 1/3/05 -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

PBS: I, Cringely -- The Pulpit

How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

1. 150 K asians is nothing.
2. You will see  10,000 K dead worldwide from the next H5N1 flu coming
your friendly local chinese duck/pig farmer.  In under 6 months, which
is the time it takes to make a vaccine.
3. Homebrew warning systems will face the same problems as eg pro
volcano warning systems: too many false alarms and no one cares.

You might do better educating the beachfolk that when the water recedes
and they can see the coral, they ought to stop gawking and run.

But, hey, its a cool project, have fun.

Paypal member updates!

2005-01-03 Thread
Ovo je e-mail koji je poslan sa web stranica  Poslao ga je
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Ponedjeljak, Sijecanj 3, 2005 u 20:53:31

: Dear Member

We Here at PayPal, are sorry to inform you that we are having problem's 
with the billing information on your account.  
We would appreciate it if you would go to our website and fill out the 
proper information that we  need to keep you as an 
PayPal  member.

Please Update your account information by visiting our updates web site 

Steve Johnson.
Billing Updates Center
Account Updates Team.


Ebay ID Number.UV9J5N

We do hope to continue doing business with you. 



Prhama Delas

2005-01-03 Thread Katrina Novak


Fuond a betetr suotloin

2005-01-03 Thread Frederick Conklin


Re: fly there, since it

2005-01-03 Thread Kay Hackett

Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:56:09 -0600

I sent you confirmation about 3 days ago but I did not get any
answer. Our companya p proved you for 3.8 % but some
information was missed.

Please correct it here

Thank you.

Kay Hackett
Customer Support

Re: [IP] Cell phones for eavesdropping

2005-01-03 Thread Major Variola (ret)
From: Gadi Evron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cell phones for eavesdropping - finally some public chatter

Of course, the low-budget govt snoops go for the basestations
and landline links.

The pending cell phone virus which calls 911 should be a real hoot.

I wonder if cell virii can carry a voice payload which they can
inject as well.  Or do we have to wait a few (viral) generations
for that?

Dept Homeland Security Research Conference in Boston, April 27-28

2005-01-03 Thread Bill Stewart
Not sure what mailing list this came from, but the DHS is running
a shindig in Boston in April, if anybody wants to drop by.
I've de-MIME-ified it, so it may be a bit harder to read.
From: DHS Homeland Security Conference [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:45 PM
Subject: Conference for Public/Private RD Partnerships in Homeland 
Security, CFP

Dear Colleague,
You are invited to participate in this inaugural, must-attend, national 
event, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and 
Technology Directorate, scheduled for April 27  28, 2005 in Boston, to 
encourage public-private partnering among scientists and engineers from 
government, national laboratories, universities, research institutes, and 
private sector firms investing in RD.  Private sector and university-based 
scientists can benefit from the technologies and technical approaches 
developed and deployed by the national and DHS labs.  The laboratories in 
turn can explore leveraging opportunities with leading private sector and 
university-based research programs.
Please take a moment to consider submitting a paper presenting your 
research at this conference. If you cannot submit a paper, attend and learn 
what others are doing and how you can work with them. We are also seeking 
conference cosponsors and exhibitors from both public and private sector 
organizations. Visit the conference web site, , for more 
details often. It is constantly being updated.

Working Together: Conference on Public/Private RD Partnerships in Homeland 
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science  Technology 
April 27  28, 2005
The Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Call for Technical Papers
The First Annual Working Together: Conference on Public/Private Research  
Development (RD) Partnerships in Homeland Security

This two-day Conference will focus on state-of-the-art science and 
technology to anticipate, prevent, respond to, and recover from 
high-consequence chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosives 
and cyber terrorist threats. The conference will also address protection of 
the nation's critical infrastructure, and the harnessing of science and 
intelligence to reduce threat and risk.
The objectives of this inaugural event are to encourage public-private 
partnering among scientists and engineers from government, national 
laboratories, universities and research institutes, and private sector 
firms investing in RD, to address the collective science and technology 
research goals of the U.S. homeland security community. Private sector and 
university-based scientists can benefit from the technologies and technical 
approaches developed and deployed by the national and DHS labs.  The 
laboratories in turn can explore leveraging opportunities with leading 
private sector and university-based research programs.

Through plenary and breakout sessions, posters and a companion Exhibition 
Conference Participants will:
·  learn about DHS awareness, countermeasures and response and recovery goals;
·  address the most pressing technical challenges;
·  identify the most critical knowledge gaps;
·  be introduced to the core capabilities of national and DHS laboratories, 
and the Departments university-based homeland security centers; and

DHS is committed to science and technology leadership, and the creation of 
an enduring national capability for homeland security.  Toward this end, 
the DHS ST Directorate supports and recognizes technical excellence in 
research, development, testing and evaluation (RDTE) of homeland security 
technologies; encourages collaborations and partnerships among RDTE 
performers across the homeland security science and technology complex; 
actively disseminates knowledge generated through the execution of RDTE 
programs and university-based homeland security centers; and to the 
greatest extent practical, enhances visibility and recognition of 
scientists and engineers dedicated to homeland security missions.

Technical Topics
We are seeking papers on the following topics:
·  Threat Characterization for:  Chemical, Biological, Radiological / 
Nuclear, Conventional Explosives (CBRNE)
·  Threat and Vulnerability Assessment including:  Knowledge Discovery 
(Semantic Graphs), Technology-based Emerging Threats (e.g., terrorist 
exploitation of advances in nanotechnology and biotechnology), Advanced 
Risk Modeling, Simulation and Analysis for Decision Support, Modeling and 
Simulation (Cognition and Behavior), Discrete Sciences, Visual Analytics
·  Sensors including: Performance Improvement, Next-Generation Designs, and 
Architecture for Devices and Systems
·  Forensics and Attribution for Chemical and Biological Events
·  Chemical Countermeasures Including:  Detection (TICs and 

SIGINT and COMSEC Discussion Group

2005-01-03 Thread John Young
A. writes:

I have just launched a new discussion group related to hardware
discussion for signal analysis and communications security systems:

Re: SIGINT and COMSEC Discussion Group

2005-01-03 Thread Nomen Nescio
On 2 Jan 2005 at 15:43, John Young wrote:

 A. writes:
 I have just launched a new discussion group related to hardware
 discussion for signal analysis and communications security systems:

Why would we use a groups beta at google's when there's a big and
proven yahoogroups that's been around for ages (under various names)?

Re: Talking Back to Power: China's 'Haves' Stir the 'Have Nots' to Violence

2005-01-03 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 9:37 AM -0600 1/1/05, Neil Johnson wrote:
I'm not really RAH, but I play him on cypherpunks ;-)

Except that he doesn't post cryptosocialist luddite leveller blather,
except in jest, and at least he puts angle brackets around his links so
they don't break, viz,



R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Talking Back to Power: China's 'Haves' Stir the 'Have Nots' to Violence

2005-01-03 Thread James A. Donald
The title of this post is misleading:  The protest is anti 
government, and pro property rights.

For example:
 [...] People can see how corrupt the government is while they 
 barely have enough to eat, said Mr. Yu, reflecting on the 
 uprising that made him an instant proletarian hero 

If he was a proletarian hero, he would say the capitalists.  
Instead he said the government.


 Last month, as many as 100,000 farmers in Sichuan Province, 
 frustrated by months of fruitless appeals against a dam 
 project that claimed their land, took matters into their own 
 hands. [...]

Gee.  They took the defense of their own property rights into their 
own hands. 

 I work like this so that my daughter and son can dress 
 better than I do, so don't look down on me,

They are rioting for economic mobility, not for a classless society, 
but for a society where classes are not hereditary.

 I heard him say those exact words, said Wen Jiabao, 
 another porter who says he witnessed the confrontation. It 
 proves that it's better to be rich than poor, but that being 
 an official is even better than being rich.

The bad guys are not the rich, but those who obtain wealth through 
poliical power.

 Cai Shizhong, a taxi driver, was angered when the 
 authorities created a company to control taxi licenses, 
 which he says cost him thousands of dollars but brought no 

The bad deeds of the bad guys are economic regulation

 Peng Daosheng's home was flooded by the rising reservoir of 
 the Three Gorges Dam. He was supposed to receive $4,000 in 
 compensation as well as a new home. But his new apartment is 
 smaller and less well located, and the cash never arrived.

The bad deeds of the bad guys are violation of property rights 
without fair compensation.

 Li Jian, 22, took part in the plunder. A young peasant, he 
 had found a city job as a short-order cook. But he longed to 
 study computers, said his father, Li Wanfa. The family 
 bought an old computer keyboard so the young man could learn 
 He wanted to go to high school but the school said his 
 cultural level was not high enough, Mr. Li said. They said 
 a country boy like him should be a cook.

Again, the call for social mobility, equality of opportunity, not 

 They did not attack any of the restaurants or department 
 stores along the government square, focusing their wrath on 
 symbols of official power.

A riot against the state, not against the rich.

Re: How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

2005-01-03 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:01 AM 1/3/05 -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

PBS: I, Cringely -- The Pulpit

How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

1. 150 K asians is nothing.
2. You will see  10,000 K dead worldwide from the next H5N1 flu coming
your friendly local chinese duck/pig farmer.  In under 6 months, which
is the time it takes to make a vaccine.
3. Homebrew warning systems will face the same problems as eg pro
volcano warning systems: too many false alarms and no one cares.

You might do better educating the beachfolk that when the water recedes
and they can see the coral, they ought to stop gawking and run.

But, hey, its a cool project, have fun.