how about this...

2005-05-24 Thread Odis Maddox
try the new c1al-is s0ft-tabs - works in under 10 minutes!

no side effe-cts like the oth-ers, you can even mix alco-hol...
no dizzy sensations so you can opera-te machinery safely! 
lasti-ng 35 hours, take once and enjoy the weekend ;)

take 10 minutes before having se-x and have the hardest bon-er you've ever had!

fast world-wide shippi-ng, over 1 milli-on satisfied custom-ers!


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2005-05-24 Thread Lyris ListManager
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where great careers in design  construction are built

Practical AP

2005-05-24 Thread Major Variola (ret)
Declan, tonight I dined with a major spam fighter and he said he
had direct confirmation of the fact that the vast bulk of spam
is sent by a small number of parties, perhaps 200 at most, and
the bulk of that by a core group of about 20.

This from Politech.  The author goes on to suggest legal action
against the 200.

Of course, this is fascist, counter to the US's first amendment.

A far more moral solution is to fund AP against the spammers,
including some due diligence to assure that the future corpses
are in fact the ones desired.

Consider a penny per spam per person.  Consider only a thousandth
cooperation-rate by spammees.  Bush (et al)'s  bounty on Osama et al.
would pale in comparison --and actually be acted on, instead of
it being a badge of honor for the targeted.

That was a *live* one, George.

Lions and tigers and iraqi minutemen

2005-05-24 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:25 AM 5/23/05 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
While it doubtless would have been better to behead the
Saudi monarchy rather than the Iraqi dictatorship,
nonetheless American troops seem to be finding an ample
supply of Saudis in Iraq.

In what imaginary universe?

Perhaps you need to be chipped and your blood pressure/
penile turgidity monitored when watching FOX, like
the brits will soon have.  (Proposed for sex offenders,
actually.)  Of course getting a stiffie
while watching US videogame death qualifies you for
a cabinet post...


A recent pop-Merkin 'News' rag described US psyops which
fund 'moderate' moslems.  Refurb a mosque here, beam
Sesame Street in arabic there, you get props, or so the
future-trinitite in DC seem to think.  All the more reason
for the Colonized to harvest the Collaborators ---they really
are Western puppets, knowingly or not.

Maybe every Iraqi collaborator needs a US SpecOp team
to wipe their ass, like Karzai has.

Remember, George in Georgia just missed a *live* grenade.
Next time, no hanky to foul the lever, eh?

Render unto Caesar..

Orwell was an optimist

[Dissidents Seeking Anonymous Web Solutions?]

2005-05-24 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:03 PM 5/17/05 -0700, cypherpunk wrote:
[1]DocMurphy asks: I'm working with some dissidents who are
for ways to use the Internet from within repressive regimes. Many
in-home Internet access, but think it too risky to participate in
pro-freedom activities on home PCs.

(Could be a lot of groups in the US.)  The best way to interactively
surf anonymously
is to find an unsecured WiFi net and kick back.   Use a forged MAC, and
watch your
driving habits.  The walls have eyes.

Stego is ok if the site is word of mouth (no DNS, no port 80) anyway,
kind of a
secret knock to get in the speakeasy.  But humans get compromised and
the B34ST
logs the site's traffic.

Stego is fine for placing an order with a dissident vendor for a few
drams, but a dissident wanting
mass meme infection needs to anonymously broadcast, and to everyone.
That SMS/ Sprint hack recently
posted strikes me as appealing...

(And we don't need no ex-navy dolphin to jack the bandwidth...)

Three minutes. This is it - ground zero.
Would you like to say a few words to mark
the occasion?
Narrator: ...i... ann... iinn... ff...
Narrator: [Voice over] With a gun barrel
between your
teeth, you speak only in vowels.
[Tyler removes the gun from the Narrator's
Narrator: I can't think of anything.
Narrator: [Voice over] For a second I
totally forgot about
Tyler's whole controlled demolition thing
and I wonder
how clean that gun is.