[no subject]

2005-08-04 Thread Bounced mail
WARNING: This e-mail has been altered by MIMEDefang.  Following this
paragraph are indications of the actual changes made.  For more
information about your site's MIMEDefang policy, contact
190.sy Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED].  For more information about 
MIMEDefang, see:


An attachment named message.zip was removed from this document as it
constituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact
the sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.

The original message was received at Thu, 4 Aug 2005 15:11:08 +0300 from 

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -


2005-08-04 Thread Bounced mail

This e-mail, in its original form, contained one or more attached files that 
were infected with a virus, worm, or other type of security threat. This e-mail 
was sent from a Road Runner IP address. As part of our continuing initiative to 
stop the spread of malicious viruses, Road Runner scans all outbound e-mail 
attachments. If a virus, worm, or other security threat is found, Road Runner 
cleans or deletes the infected attachments as necessary, but continues to send 
the original message content to the recipient. Further information on this 
initiative can be found at http://help.rr.com/faqs/e_mgsp.html.
Please be advised that Road Runner does not contact the original sender of the 
e-mail as part of the scanning process. Road Runner recommends that if the 
sender is known to you, you contact them directly and advise them of their 
issue. If you do not know the sender, we advise you to forward this message in 
its entirety (including full headers) to the Road Runner Abuse Department, at 

Dear user cypherpunks@minder.net,

Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of spam during this week.
Probably, your computer was compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server.

We recommend that you follow our instructions in order to keep your computer 

Sincerely yours,
The minder.net team.

file attachment: letter.zip

This e-mail in its original form contained one or more attached files that were 
infected with the [EMAIL PROTECTED] virus or worm. They have been removed.
For more information on Road Runner's virus filtering initiative, visit our 
Help  Member Services pages at http://help.rr.com, or the virus filtering 
information page directly at http://help.rr.com/faqs/e_mgsp.html. 


2005-07-02 Thread Bounced mail
Dear user of minder.net,

We have detected that your email account was used to send a huge amount of 
unsolicited e-mail during the last week.
Probably, your computer was infected by a recent virus and now runs a hidden 
proxy server.

We recommend that you follow the instruction in order to keep your computer 

Have a nice day,
minder.net technical support team.

  Virus Warning Message 
The virus (W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]) was detected in the attachment 
attachment.zip. The
attached File attachment.zip has been removed.

Nachfolgender Virus (W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]) wurde im Attachment attachment.zip 
deshalb wurde das Attachment attachment.zip gelöscht.
Für Fragen dazu steht Ihnen der chello Helpdesk sehr gerne zur Verfügung.
Weitere Informationen zum Virenschutz: http://portal.chello.at/av-info.html

Le serveur de mail chello a détecté le virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] dans le 
attachment.zip inclus dans ce mail. Ce fichier attachment.zip a donc été 
pour en éviter la diffusion. Pour plus d'information, merci de cliquer sur
le lien suivant  http://www.chello.fr

Az Önnek kézbesített levél mellékletében a vírusszűrő rendszer a(z)
W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] nevű vírust találta, ezért a(z) attachment.zip nevű
mellékletet biztonsági okokból eltávolította.
További információért, kérjük kattintson az alábbi hivatkozásra:

V příloze attachment.zip byl detekován virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Příloha 
attachment.zip byla proto odstraněna.
Pro dotazy kontaktujte prosím technickou podporu.

W załączniku attachment.zip wykryto wirus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Plik 
attachment.zip został
usunięty. Więcej informacji znajdziesz na stronie internetowej:

V priloženom súbore attachment.zip bol zistený vírus (W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Súbor attachment.zip bol odstránený. V prípade otázok prosím kontaktujte linku 
technickej podpory.