re: State's medical marijuana proposition doesn't trump federal regulations (was Re: !!! Nov-L: Calif. City Plans Marijuana Giveaway (fwd))

2002-09-12 Thread Steve Schear

>Though the council passed a resolution denouncing the raid, there is no
>official city sponsorship of the event - council members and medical
>marijuana advocates are simply acting on their own in a public space,
>City Attorney John Barisone.
>DEA spokesman Richard Meyer was surprised at the plan.
>``Are you serious? That's illegal. It's like they're flouting federal
>he said. ``I'm shocked that city leaders would promote the use of
>that way. What is that saying to our youth?''

[The following is my response to a related article (unfortunately not 
on-line) from the Opinion section of the San Jose Mercury News by Larry N. 
Gerston, a professor of political science at SJSU and political analyst at 
NBC3, wherein the question is asked whether we should have obey laws we 
don't like.


Your September 11 SJMN op-ed piece, "State's medical marijuana proposition 
doesn't trump federal regulations," made some good points regarding the 
current balance of power between the states and federal government and the 
importance of obeying laws. And in a perfect world I'd agree, but this is 
not that world. Sometimes civil disobedience or even criminal action is 
needed to pressure legislators or the courts to doing what's right. 
Governmental systems have an inherent mandate to increase power and rarely 
give it up. When those in authority encounter impediments they will often 
seek a means, occasionally illegal, to achieve their ends. Our system of 
checks and balances (including the states) was created to thwart the most 
dangerous form of anarchy, anarchy from within. Whenever this system fails 
all our liberties are at stake. Such is the case with the apparently 
illegal enactment of the 14th Amendment upon which is based much of current 
federal authority.

At the close of the Civil War the Republican controlled Congress sought to 
legally "lock in" the expansion of federal authority it had gained as a 
result of battlefield victories with Joint Resolution No. 127 proposing a 
14th Amendment. But once again the Southern States stood in their way. 
Although President Jackson (who succeeded Lincoln) and Congress had 
acknowledged the legitimacy of the these duly elected governments, in their 
frustration the 39th Congress voted, on December 5, 1865, to deny seats in 
both Houses to anyone elected from the 11 southern States. They also 
ejected New Jersey Senator Stockton who opposed the bill and would have 
cast the deciding ballot, and refused to count the denied southern 
representative's numbers when computing the two-thirds majority 
Constitutionally required for passage. Whether it requires two thirds of 
the full membership of both Houses to propose an Amendment to the 
Constitution or only two thirds of those seated or two thirds of those 
voting is a question which it would seem could only be determined by the 
Supreme Court.

Congress cared little about these "minor irregularities" in the proposal 
and voting process, they proceeded to submit the amendment to the States 
for ratification. But, surprise, things did not go well. After some 
legislatures first ratified and then recanted, in the end 16 of the 37 
states rejected the measure. When the State of Louisiana rejected the 14th 
Amendment on February 6, 1867 [making the 10th State to have rejected the 
same or more than one-fourth of the total number of 36 States of the Union 
(as of that date) leaving less than three-fourths of the States to possibly 
ratify the same] the Amendment failed. It could not have been revived 
except by a new Joint Resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives 
in accordance with Constitutional requirement.

Congress decided that states legislatures were not free to change their 
minds on ratification and ignored all those who did so. On the 20th of July 
1868 Secretary of State Seward issued his proclamation of ratification of 
the fourteenth amendment, in which, after reciting the law of 1818 
requiring him to publish the ratification of an amendment to the 
Constitution in the newspapers. However his language in the proclamation 
shows very clearly that Mr Seward had his doubts about the 
Constitutionality of the ratification process, and he takes pains to 
relieve himself of any responsibility by declaring that - "Neither the act 
just quoted from, nor any other law, expressly or by conclusive 
implication, authorizes the Secretary of State to determine and decide 
doubtful questions as to the authenticity of the organization of State 
legislatures or as to the power of any State legislature to recall a 
previous act or resolution of ratification of any amendment proposed to the 

The Senate brushed aside Secretary Steward's concerns and on the next day 
Senator Sherman offered a Joint Resolution declaring that three fourths and 
more of the States had ratified the proposed Amendment, and therefore that 
it was a part of the Constitution. Secretary Steward was

!!! Nov-L: Calif. City Plans Marijuana Giveaway (fwd)

2002-09-12 Thread Alif The Terrible

Hrmmm. Are Governor Bush's daughters going to move?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:35:30 -0700
From: Nora Callahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nov-L: Calif. City Plans Marijuana Giveaway

City Plans Protest With Pot Giveaway

.c The Associated Press 

Calif. City Plans Marijuana Giveaway

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) - City leaders plan to join medical marijuana
at a pot giveaway at City Hall next week, hoping to send a message to
authorities that, in this town, medical marijuana is welcome.

The invitation comes one week after agents from the Drug Enforcement
arrested the high-profile owners of a pot farm and confiscated 130
that had been grown to be used as medicine.

``It's just absolutely loathsome to me that federal money, energy and
time would be used to harass people like this,'' said vice mayor Emily 
Reilly, who with several City Council colleagues plans to pass out
marijuana to sick people from the garden-like courtyard at City Hall on 

Though the council passed a resolution denouncing the raid, there is no 
official city sponsorship of the event - council members and medical 
marijuana advocates are simply acting on their own in a public space,
City Attorney John Barisone.

DEA spokesman Richard Meyer was surprised at the plan.

``Are you serious? That's illegal. It's like they're flouting federal
he said. ``I'm shocked that city leaders would promote the use of
that way. What is that saying to our youth?''

State law in California, as well as Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine,
Oregon and Washington, allows marijuana to be grown and distributed to
with a doctor's prescription. Federal law prohibits marijuana use under

In recent months, federal agents - working without local support - have
busting pot clubs and farms in Northern California, including a small
farm last week about 55 miles south of San Francisco, arresting owners 
Valerie and Michael Corral.

No indictment was filed against the couple, leading activists for
marijuana; their attorney said federal authorities do not plan to
A spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney's office said she could not comment.

California medical marijuana growers and distributors work closely with
law enforcement, and are quite open about their programs. In fact, the
raided by DEA agents had been featured in national media, and the
program is 
listed in the local telephone book.

``The courage of the Santa Cruz City Council and the growing anger in 
Congress are signs of a genuine grassroots rebellion all across this
that will put an end to these attacks on the sick and vulnerable,'' said 
Robert Kampia, executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based
Policy Project.

In 1992, 77 percent of Santa Cruz voters approved a measure ending the 
prohibition of medical marijuana. Four years later, state voters
Proposition 215, allowing marijuana for medicinal purposes. And in 2000,
city council approved an ordinance allowing medical marijuana to be
grown and 
used without a prescription.

09/11/02 22:21 EDT

Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP
report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.  All active 
hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

Nora Callahan
The November Coalition, founded in 1997 is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit
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